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36 изменённых файлов: 2866 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
Order: 11
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: c_cpp_properties.json reference
ContentId: EC1BA944-09B5-41EA-AAED-779A02C90C98
PageTitle: c_cpp_properties.json reference
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: Schema reference for C++ project settings in Visual Studio Code.
# c_cpp_properties.json Reference Guide
See also: [Customizing Default Settings](
## Example
"env" : {
"myDefaultIncludePath": [
"myCompilerPath": "/usr/local/bin/gcc-7"
"configurations": [
"name": "Mac",
"intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64",
"includePath": [ "${myDefaultIncludePath}", "/another/path" ],
"macFrameworkPath": [ "/System/Library/Frameworks" ],
"defines": [ "FOO", "BAR=100" ],
"forcedInclude": [ "${workspaceFolder}/include/config.h" ],
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
"cStandard": "c11",
"cppStandard": "c++17",
"compileCommands": "/path/to/compile_commands.json",
"browse": {
"path": [ "${workspaceFolder}" ],
"limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders": true,
"databaseFilename": ""
"version": 4
## Top-level properties
### env
An array of user-defined variables that will be available for substitution in the configurations via the standard environment variable syntax: `${<var>}` or `${env:<var>}`. Strings and arrays of strings are accepted.
### configurations
An array of configuration objects that provide the IntelliSense engine with information about your project and your preferences. By default, the extension creates a configuration for you based on your operating system. You may also add additional configurations.
### version
We recommend you don't edit this field. It tracks the current version of the `c_cpp_properties.json` file so that the extension knows what properties and settings should be present and how to upgrade this file to the latest version.
## Configuration properties
### name
A friendly name for the configuration. "Linux", "Mac", and "Win32" are special names that instruct the extension to load that configuration by default on the associated operating system unless additional configurations have been created. The status bar in VS Code will show you which configuration is active. You can also click on the label in the status bar to change the active configuration.
### intelliSenseMode
If `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to "Default" in your settings file, this property determines which mode the IntelliSense engine will run in. `msvc-x64` maps to Visual Studio mode with 64-bit pointer sizes. `clang-x64` maps to CLang mode with 64-bit pointer sizes. `gcc-x64` maps to GCC mode with 64-bit pointer sizes. Windows uses `msvc-x64` by default, macOS uses `clang-x64` by default, and Linux uses `gcc-x64` by default.
### includePath
If `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to "Default" in your settings file, this list of paths will be used by IntelliSense to search for headers included by your source files. This is basically the same as the list of paths you pass to your compiler with the `-I` switch. If a path ends with `/**`, the IntelliSense engine will do a recursive search for includes starting from that directory. If on Windows with Visual Studio installed, or if a compiler is specified in the `compilerPath` setting, it is not necessary to list the system include paths in this list.
### macFrameworkPath
If `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to "Default" in your settings file, this list of paths will be used by IntelliSense to search for framework headers included by your source files. This is basically the same as the list of paths you pass to your compiler with the `-F` switch; the IntelliSense engine will not do a recursive search in these paths for includes.
### defines
If `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to "Default" in your settings file, this list of preprocessor symbols will be used by IntelliSense during the compilation of your source files. This list is basically the same as the list of symbols you pass to your compiler with the `-D` switch. If on Windows with Visual Studio installed, or if a compiler is specified in the `compilerPath` setting, it is not necessary to list the system include paths in this list.
### forcedInclude (optional)
A list of files that should be included before any other characters in the source file are processed. Files are included in the order listed.
### compilerPath (optional)
The absolute path to the compiler you use to build your project. The extension will query the compiler to determine the system include paths and default defines to use for IntelliSense.
Args can be added to modify the includes/defines used, for example `-nostdinc++`, `-m32`, `-fno-ms-extensions`, etc., but paths with spaces must be surrounded by double quotes (") if args are used.
To disable automatic querying of system include paths and defines, set this value to the empty string (""). This is generally not recommended, but there are some cases where automatic querying of system includes and defines is undesirable.
### cStandard
The C standard revision to use for IntelliSense in your project.
### cppStandard
The C++ standard revision to use for IntelliSense in your project.
### compileCommands (optional)
If `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to "Default" in your settings file, the includes and defines discovered in this file will be used instead of the values set for `includePath` and `defines`. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the `includePath` and `defines` settings instead.
For more information about the file format, see the [Clang documentation]( Some build systems, such as CMake, [simplify generating this file](
### browse
The set of properties used when `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to `Tag Parser" (also referred to as "fuzzy" IntelliSense, or the "browse" engine). These properties are also used by the Go To Definition/Declaration features, or when the "Default" IntelliSense engine is unable to resolve the #includes in your source files.
### Browse properties
### path
This list of paths will be used by the Tag Parser to search for headers included by your source files. If omitted, `includePath` will be used as the `path`. The Tag Parser will automatically search all subfolders in these paths unless the path ends with a `/*` or `\*`. For example, `/usr/include` directs the Tag Parser to search the `include` folder and its subfolders for headers while `/usr/include/*` directs the Tag Parser not to look in any subfolders of `/usr/include`.
### limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders
When true, the Tag Parser will only parse code files that have been directly or indirectly included by a source file in `${workspaceFolder}`. When false, the Tag Parser will parse all code files found in the paths specified in the **path** list.
### databaseFilename
When set, this instructs the extension to save the Tag Parser's symbol database somewhere other than the workspace's default storage location. If a relative path is specified, it will be made relative to the workspace's default storage location, not the workspace folder itself. The `${workspaceFolder}` variable can be used to specify a path relative to the workspace folder (for example, `${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/`).

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@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
Order: 10
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: Enhanced Colorization
ContentId: 2C406EA6-87DC-4A2D-AEC2-90BAA491697C
PageTitle: Enhanced Colorization in Visual Studio Code C++ projects
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: How to customize semantic colorization of C++ code in Visual Studio Code.
# Enhanced Colorization
The Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension now supports semantic colorization, when IntelliSense is enabled. Enhanced colorization can be enabled using the enhancedColorization setting:
"C_Cpp.enhancedColorization": "Enabled"
## Themes
Colors can be associated using the existing support for theming and color customization in VS Code. Documentation on Themes in VS Code can be found [here](
Colors are associated with [TextMate scopes](
## IntelliSense Tokens and Scopes
| Token | Scope |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| Class Template | |
| Enumerator | variable.other.enummember |
| Event (C++/CLI) | variable.other.event |
| Function | |
| Function Template | |
| Generic Type (C++/CLI) | |
| Global Variable | |
| Identifier | |
| Label | |
| Local Variable | variable.other.local |
| Macro | |
| Member Field | variable.other.member |
| Member Function | |
| Member Operator | keyword.operator.member |
| Namespace | |
| New / Delete | |
| Operator Function | |
| Parameter | variable.parameter |
| Property (C++/CLI) | |
| Reference Type (C++/CLI) | |
| Static Member Field | variable.other.member.static |
| Static Member Function | |
| Type | |
| User-Defined Literal - Number | |
| User-Defined Literal - Raw | |
| User-Defined Literal - String | |
| Value Type (C++/CLI) | |
Many of the tokens recognized by IntelliSense do not directly map to existing scopes in the VS Code's default C/C++ TextMate grammar, so are likely not colored by existing VS Code themes.
## Customizing Colors in Settings
Colors can also be overridden globally, in settings:
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#FF0000",
"fontStyle": "italic bold underline"
Or, overridden on a per-theme basis:
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"[Visual Studio Dark]": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#FF0000",
"fontStyle": "italic bold underline"
Use the following to augment the Visual Studio Dark theme to match what Visual Studio would display for C++ files.
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"[Visual Studio Dark]": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#FFFFFF"
"scope": "comment",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#57A64A"
"scope": "keyword.control",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#569CD6"
"scope": "keyword.control.directive",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#9B9B9B"
"scope": "keyword.operator",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#B4B4B4"
"scope": "variable",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "constant.numeric",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#B5CEA8"
"scope": "string.quoted",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#D69D85"
"scope": "comment.xml.doc",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#57A64A"
"scope": "comment.xml.doc.tag",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#57A64A"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#BD63C5"
"scope": "variable.other.enummember",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#B8D7A3"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "variable.other.local",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "variable.parameter",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#7F7F7F"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#4EC9B0"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#4EC9B0"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#4EC9B0"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "variable.other.member",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#DADADA"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "variable.other.member.static",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "variable.other.event",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#4EC9B0"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#4EC9B0"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#C8C8C8"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#DADADA"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#D69D85"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#B5CEA8"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#B4B4B4"
"scope": "keyword.operator.member",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#B4B4B4"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#569CD6"
Use the following to augment the Visual Studio Light theme to match what Visual Studio would display for C++ files.
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"[Visual Studio Light]": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "comment",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#008000"
"scope": "keyword.control",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#0000FF"
"scope": "keyword.control.directive",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#808080"
"scope": "keyword.operator",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "variable",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "constant.numeric",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "string.quoted",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#A31515"
"scope": "comment.xml.doc",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#006400"
"scope": "comment.xml.doc.tag",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#A9A9A9"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#6F0026"
"scope": "variable.other.enummember",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2F4F4F"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "variable.other.local",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "variable.parameter",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#808080"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2B91AF"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2B91AF"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2B91AF"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "variable.other.member",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "variable.other.member.static",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "variable.other.event",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2B91AF"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#2B91AF"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#A31515"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#000000"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#008080"
"scope": "keyword.operator.member",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#008080"
"scope": "",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#0000FF"

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Order: 8
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: Configure includePath for better IntelliSense results
ContentId: 9CCD167C-0A19-4025-A06A-3A25D5601097
PageTitle: Configure includePath for better IntelliSense results
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: Configure includePath for better IntelliSense results in C/C++ Visual Studio Code projects
# Configuring includePath for better IntelliSense results
This page describes how to configure include paths for folders containing C or C++ files to get the full IntelliSense experience. If you're seeing the following message when opening a folder in VS Code, it means the C++ IntelliSense engine needs additional information about the paths in which your include files are located.
![Configure includePath for better IntelliSense](images/cpp/configure-includepath.png)
## Where are the include paths defined?
The include paths are defined in the `includePath` setting in a file called `c_cpp_properties.json` located in the **.vscode** directory in the opened folder.
You can create or open this file by either using the `C/Cpp: Edit Configurations` command in the command palette or by selecting `Edit "includePath" setting` in the light bulb menu (see the screenshot below). The quickest way to locate a light bulb is to scroll to the top of the source file and click on any green squiggle that shows up under a #include statement.
![light bulb menu "Edit "includePath" setting"](images/cpp/light bulb.png)
When a folder is opened, the extension attempts to locate your system headers based on your operating system, but it does not know about any other libraries that your project depends on. You can hover over the green squiggles or open the Problems window to understand which headers the IntelliSense engine is unable to open - sometimes it's the dependent headers that can't be located.
![include error message](images/cpp/include-errors.png)
## How to specify the include paths?
You can specify the remaining paths using one of the techniques described below.
### Use `compile_commands.json` file to supply includePaths and defines information
The extension can get the information for `includePath` and `defines` from a **compile_commands.json** file, which can be autogenerated by many build systems such as CMake and Ninja. Look for the section where your current configuration is defined (by default there's one configuration per OS, such as "Win32 or "Mac"), and set the `compileCommands` property in `c_cpp_properties.json` to the full path to your **compile_commands.json** file and the extension will use that instead of the `includes` and `defines` properties for IntelliSense.
![use compileCommands setting](images/cpp/compile-commands.png)
### Use the light bulb suggestions to autoresolve includePath
The first thing to try is to leverage the light bulb path suggestions to autoresolve the include paths. When you open a folder, the extension will recursively search for potential include paths that match the header files your code is using based on the paths set by the `browse.path` setting in `c_cpp_properties.json`. Click on the green squiggles under #include statements and you'll see a light bulb offering suggestions of paths that will allow IntelliSense to resolve the included file.
![light bulb suggestions](images/cpp/light bulb-suggestion.png)
If you don't see path suggestions in the light bulb, try adding the root folder where the headers are likely located in to the `browse.path` setting in `c_cpp_properties.json`. This allows the extension to **recursively** search in these folders and offer more suggestions in the light bulb as the search process goes on.
### Manually add include paths
If none of the above fully resolves the paths, you could manually specify the paths to the headers that your project depends on in the `c_cpp_properties.json` file. Look for the section where your current configuration is defined (by default there's one configuration per OS, such as "Win32 or "Mac"), and add your paths in the `includePath` setting and defines in the `defines` setting. For example, the following screenshot shows a snippet of the file specifying path for the Mac configuration.
![c_cpp_properties file snippet](images/cpp/c-cpp-properties-file.png)
## Verify the include paths are correctly resolved
There are two ways to verify that the include paths are correctly resolved:
1. The green squiggles in the source file are no longer showing
2. Error messages are cleared in the Problems window
This indicates that the IntelliSense engine has got the include paths resolved so you can start enjoying the full IntelliSense for your C or C++ code for the current translation unit. You may still see errors on other files if they belong to a different translation unit that requires additional include paths to be configured.
## See Also
[IntelliSense engines](
[c_cpp_properties.json reference guide](

docs/cpp/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Order: 5
Area: languages
TOCTitle: C++
ContentId: 9150091A-6F3A-46B9-881B-B8FD788FA705
PageTitle: Debug C++ code in Visual Studio Code
DateApproved: 06/20/2019
MetaDescription: How to debug C++ programs in Visual Studio Code.
## Debug C++ code in Visual Studio Code
After you have set up the basics of your debugging environment as specified in the configuration tutorials for each target compiler/platform, you can learn more details about debugging C/C++ in this section.
VS Code supports the following debuggers for C/C++ depending on the operating system you are using:
* **Linux**: GDB
* **macOS**: LLDB or GDB
* **Windows**: the Visual Studio Windows Debugger or GDB (using Cygwin or MinGW)
### Windows Debugging with GDB
You can debug Windows applications created using Cygwin or MinGW by using VS Code. To use Cygwin or MinGW debugging features, the debugger path must be set manually in the launch configuration (`launch.json`). To debug your Cygwin or MinGW application, add the `miDebuggerPath` property and set its value to the location of the corresponding gdb.exe for your Cygwin or MinGW environment.
For example:
"miDebuggerPath": "c:\\mingw\\bin\\gdb.exe"
Cygwin/MinGW debugging on Windows supports both attach and launch debugging scenarios.
To learn more, see [Configuring launch.json for C/C++ debugging](
If you are debugging with GDB on Windows, see [Windows Debugging with MinGW64](/docs/cpp/
### Conditional Breakpoints
Conditional breakpoints enable you to break execution on a particular line of code only when the value of the condition is true. To set a conditional breakpoint, right-click on an existing breakpoint and select **Edit Breakpoint**. This opens a small peek window where you can enter the condition that must evaluate to true in order for the breakpoint to be hit during debugging.
![A conditional break](images/cpp/condbreak.png)
In the editor, conditional breakpoints are indicated by a breakpoint symbol that has a black equals sign inside of it. You can place the cursor over a conditional breakpoint to show its condition.
### Function Breakpoints
Function breakpoints enable you to break execution at the beginning of a function instead of on a particular line of code. To set a function breakpoint, on the **Debug** pane right-click inside the **Breakpoints** section, then choose **Add Function Breakpoint** and enter the name of the function on which you want to break execution.
### Expression Evaluation
VS Code supports expression evaluation in several contexts:
* You can type an expression into the **Watch** section of the **Debug** panel and it will be evaluated each time a breakpoint is hit.
* You can type an expression into the **Debug Console** and it will be evaluated only once.
* You can evaluate any expression that appears in your code while you're stopped at a breakpoint.
Expressions in the **Watch** section take effect in the application being debugged; an expression that modifies the value of a variable will modify that variable for the duration of the program.
### Multi-threaded Debugging
The C/C++ extension for VS Code has the ability to debug multi-threaded programs. All threads and their call stacks appear in the **Call Stack** section:
![Multi-threaded process](images/cpp/threads.png)
### Memory Dump Debugging
The C/C++ extension for VS Code also has the ability to debug memory dumps. To debug a memory dump, open your `launch.json` file and add the `coreDumpPath` (for GDB or LLDB) or `dumpPath` (for the Visual Studio Windows Debugger) property to the **C++ Launch** configuration, set its value to be a string containing the path to the memory dump. This will even work for x86 programs being debugged on an x64 machine.
### Additional Symbols
If there are additional directories where the debugger can find symbol files (for example, `.pdb` files for the Visual Studio Windows Debugger), they can be specified by adding the `additionalSOLibSearchPath` (for GDB or LLDB) or `symbolSearchPath` (for the Visual Studio Windows Debugger).
For example:
"additionalSOLibSearchPath": "/path/to/symbols;/another/path/to/symbols"
"symbolSearchPath": "C:\\path\\to\\symbols;C:\\another\\path\\to\\symbols"
### Locate source files
The source file location can be changed if the source files are not located in the compilation location. This is done by simple replacement pairs added in the `sourceFileMap` section. The first match in this list will be used.
For example:
"sourceFileMap": {
"/build/gcc-4.8-fNUjSI/gcc-4.8-4.8.4/build/i686-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/i686-linux-gnu": "/usr/include/i686-linux-gnu/c++/4.8",
"/build/gcc-4.8-fNUjSI/gcc-4.8-4.8.4/build/i686-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include": "/usr/include/c++/4.8"
### GDB, LLDB, and MI Commands (GDB/LLDB)
For the `C++ (GDB/LLDB)` debugging environment, you can execute GDB, LLDB and MI commands directly through the debug console with the `-exec` command, but be careful, executing commands directly in the debug console is untested and might crash VS Code in some cases.
### Other Debugging Features
* Unconditional breakpoints
* Watch window
* Call stack
* Stepping
For more information on debugging with VS Code, see this introduction to [debugging in VS Code](/docs/editor/
## Known Limitations
### Symbols and Code Navigation
All platforms:
* Because the extension doesn't parse function bodies, **Peek Definition** and **Go to Definition** don't work for symbols defined inside the body of a function.
### Debugging
* GDB on Cygwin and MinGW cannot break a running process. To set a breakpoint when the application is running (not stopped under the debugger), or to pause the application being debugged, press `kbstyle(Ctrl-C)` in the application's terminal.
* GDB on Cygwin cannot open core dumps.
* GDB needs elevated permissions to attach to a process. When using *attach to process*, you need to provide your password before the debugging session can begin.
* When debugging with LLDB, if the Terminal window is closed while in break mode, debugging does not stop. Debugging can be stopped by pressing the **Stop** button.
* When debugging is stopped the Terminal window is not closed.
* GDB:
* Additional manual install steps are required to use GDB on macOS. See _Manual Installation of GDB for OS X_ in the [README](
* When attaching to a process with GDB, the application being debugged cannot be interrupted. GDB will only bind breakpoints set while the application is not running (either before attaching to the application, or while the application is in a stopped state). This is due to [a bug in GDB](
* Core dumps cannot be loaded when debugging with GDB because GDB [does not support the core dump format used in macOS](
* When attached to a process with GDB, break-all will end the process.
## Next steps
Read on to find out about:
* [Configure VS Code for Windows Subsystem for Linux](/docs/cpp/
* [Configure VS Code for Mingw-w64 and GCC](/docs/cpp/
* [Configure VS Code for macOS](/docs/cpp/
* [Basic Editing](/docs/editor/ - Learn about the powerful Visual Studio Code editor.
* [Code Navigation](/docs/editor/ - Move quickly through your source code.
* [Tasks](/docs/editor/ - use tasks to build your project and more
* [Debugging](/docs/editor/ - find out about the Visual Studio Code debugger
If you have any other questions or run into any issues, please file an issue on [GitHub](

docs/cpp/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Order: 6
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: C++
ContentId: 61D63E54-67E2-4743-B5CB-C6E7F582982A
PageTitle: Edit and navigate C++ code in Visual Studio Code
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: How to edit and navigate C++ source files in Visual Studio Code.
# Edit and navigate C++ code in Visual Studio Code
This topic provides a quick overview of general C/C++ editor features, as well as some that are specific to C/C++. For more information about editing in VS Code, see [Basic Editing](/docs/editor/ and [Code Navigation](../editor/
The C/C++ extension supports [Remote Development](../remote/
## Editing features
The C/C++ extension for VS Code has many features that help you write code, understand it, and navigate around in your source files. To provide the best experience, the extension needs to know where it can find each header file referenced in your code. By default, the extension searches the current source directory, its sub-directories, and some platform-specific locations. If a referenced header file can't be found, VS Code displays a green squiggle underneath each #include directive that references it.
To specify additional include directories to be searched, place your cursor over any #include directive that displays a green squiggle, then click the lightbulb action when it appears. This opens the file `c_cpp_properties.json` for editing; here you can specify additional include directories for each platform configuration individually by adding more directories to the 'browse.path' property.
## List members
When you type a member access symbol (`.` or `->`) the editor will display a list of members. As you type additional letters, the list is filtered in real time:
![List members](images/cpp/list-members-cpp.png)
### Code Formatting
The C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code supports source code formatting using [clang-format]( which is included with the extension.
You can format an entire file with **Format Document** (`kb(editor.action.formatDocument)`) or just the current selection with **Format Selection** (`kb(editor.action.formatSelection)`) in right-click context menu. You can also configure auto-formatting with the following [settings](/docs/getstarted/
* `editor.formatOnSave` - to format when you save your file.
* `editor.formatOnType` - to format as you type (triggered on the `kbstyle(;)` character).
By default, the clang-format style is set to "file" which means it looks for a `.clang-format` file inside your workspace. If the `.clang-format` file is found, formatting is applied according to the settings specified in the file. If no `.clang-format` file is found in your workspace, formatting is applied based on a default style specified in the `C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle` [setting](/docs/getstarted/ instead. Currently, the default formatting style is "Visual Studio" which is an approximation of the default code formatter in Visual Studio.
The Visual Studio clang-format style is not yet an official clang-format style but it implies the following clang-format settings:
UseTab: (VS Code current setting)
IndentWidth: (VS Code current setting)
BreakBeforeBraces: AllMan
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
IndentCaseLabels: false
ColumnLimit: 0
To use a different version of clang-format than the one that ships with the extension, change the `C_Cpp.clang_format_path` [setting](/docs/getstarted/ to the path where the clang-format binary is installed.
For example, on the Windows platform:
"C_Cpp.clang_format_path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-format.exe"
### Quick Info
You can hover over a symbol to see an inline view of its definition:
![Quick info](images/mingw/quickinfo.png)
### Peek Definition
The **Peek Definition** feature displays a few lines of code near the definition inside a *peek window*, so that you don't have to navigate away from your current location.
To peek at a symbol's definition, place your cursor on the symbol anywhere it's used in your source code and then press `kb(editor.action.peekDefinition)`. Alternatively, you can choose **Peek Definition** from the context menu (right-click, then choose **Peek Definition**).
![Peek definition](images/cpp/peekdefn.png)
Currently, the C/C++ extension doesn't parse code in a way that helps it distinguish between competing definitions based on how the symbol is used. These competing definitions arise when the symbol defines different things in different contexts, such as occurs with overloaded functions, classes and their constructors, and other situations. When this happens, each of the competing definitions is listed in the right-hand side of the peek window with the source code of the current selection displayed on the left.
With the peek window open, you browse the list of competing definitions to find the one you're interested in. If you want to navigate to the location of one of the definitions just double-click the definition you're interested in, or by double-clicking anywhere in the source code displayed on the left-hand side of the peek window.
## Navigate Code
The source code navigation features provided by the C/C++ extension are powerful tools for understanding and getting around in your codebase. These features are powered by tags stored in a local database of symbol information. With the C/C++ extension installed, this database is generated whenever a folder containing C++ source code files is loaded into VS Code. The database icon appears next to the active configuration name ("Win32" in the image below) while the tag-parser is generating this information.
![The platform indicator during tag parsing](images/cpp/parsing.png)
The icon disappears when all the symbols have been tagged.
### Search for symbols
You can search for symbols in the current file or workspace to navigate your code more quickly.
To search for a symbol in the current file, press `kb(workbench.action.gotoSymbol)`, then enter the name of the symbol you're looking for. A list of potential matches will appear; it is filtered as you type. Choose from the list of matches to navigate to its location.
![Searching the current file](images/cpp/filesearch.png)
To search for a symbol in the current workspace, press `kb(workbench.action.showAllSymbols)`, then enter the name of the symbol. A list of potential matches will appear as before. If you choose a match that was found in a file that's not already open, the file will be opened before navigating to the match's location.
![Searching in your workspace](images/cpp/workspacesearch.png)
You can also search for symbols by accessing these commands through the **Command Palette**. Use **Quick Open** (`kb(workbench.action.quickOpen)`) then enter the '@' command to search the current file, or the '#' command to search the current workspace. `kb(workbench.action.gotoSymbol)` and `kb(workbench.action.showAllSymbols)` are just shortcuts for the '@' and '#' commands, so everything works the same.
### Go to Definition
You can also quickly navigate to where a symbol is defined by using the **Go to Definition** feature.
To go to a symbol's definition, place your cursor on the symbol anywhere it is used in your source code and then press `kb(editor.action.revealDefinition)`. Or, choose **Go to Definition** from the context menu (right-click, then choose **Go to Definition**). When there's only one definition of the symbol, you'll navigate directly to its location, otherwise the competing definitions are displayed in a peek window as described in the previous section and you have to choose the definition that you want to go to.
## Next steps
Read on to find out about:
* [Configure VS Code for Windows Subsystem for Linux](
* [Configure VS Code for MSVC](
* [Configure VS Code for Mingw-w64 and GCC](
* [Configure VS Code for macOS](
* [Basic Editing](/docs/editor/ - Learn about the powerful VS Code editor.
* [Code Navigation](../editor/ - Move quickly through your source code.
* [Tasks](../editor/ - use tasks to build your project and more
* [Debugging](../editor/ - find out how to use the debugger with your project
If you have any other questions or run into any issues, please file an issue on [GitHub](

docs/cpp/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Order: 8
Area: languages
TOCTitle: C++
ContentId: D06C8C5C-2D3A-4B2E-B31F-12F1907E6402
PageTitle: C++ programming with Visual Studio Code
DateApproved: 06/24/2019
MetaDescription: Find out how to get the best out of Visual Studio Code and C++.
MetaSocialImage: images/cpp/languages_cpp.png
# C/C++ for Visual Studio Code (Preview)
C/C++ support for Visual Studio Code is provided by a [Microsoft C/C++ extension]( to enable cross-platform C and C++ development on Windows, Linux, and macOS. The extension is still in preview and our focus is code editing, navigation, and debugging support for C and C++ code everywhere that VS Code runs. The extension also supports [Remote Development](../remote/ in the [Visual Studio Code Insiders build](
![cpp hero](images/cpp/cpp-hero.png)
If you just want a lightweight tool to edit your C++ files, Visual Studio Code is a great choice. But if you want the best possible experience for editing, testing and debugging your existing Visual C++ projects or debugging on Windows, we recommend Visual Studio. [Visual Studio Community]( is a free edition. It includes:
- support for CMake or any other build system
- support for Clang and GCC as well as the Microsoft C++ compiler
- support for CTest, Google Test and Boost.Test as well as the Microsoft Native Test Framework
- C++ code analysis tools including C++ Core Guidelines checkers
- the state-of-the-art Visual Studio debugger
- and much more.
If you run into any issues or have suggestions for the Microsoft C/C++ extension, please file [issues and suggestions on GitHub]( If you haven't already provided feedback, please take this [quick survey]( to help shape this extension for your needs.
## Getting Started
**To install the Microsoft C/C++ extension:**
1. Open VS Code.
1. Click the Extensions View icon on the Sidebar.
1. Search for `c++`.
1. Click **Install**, then click **Reload**.
![cpp extension](images/cpp/cpp-extension.png)
To install support for [Remote Development](../remote/
1. Install the [Visual Studio Code Insiders build]( You can install this side by side with the stable build.
1. Install the [Visual Studio Code Remote Development Extension Pack](
1. If the remote source files are hosted in WSL, download the **Remote - WSL** extension.
1. If you are connecting to a remote machine with SSH, download the **Remote - SSH** extension.
1. If the remote source files are hosted in a container (i.e. Docker), download the **Remote - Containers** extension.
**Note**: The C/C++ extension does not include a C++ compiler or debugger. You will need to install these tools or use those already installed on your computer. Popular C++ compilers are [GCC]( on Linux or in a [Mingw-w64]( environment on Windows, Clang for [XCode]( on macOS, and the [Microsoft C++ compiler]( on Windows. Make sure your compiler executable is in your platform path so the extension can find it. The extension also supports the [Windows Subsystem for Linux](
For instructions on configuring VS Code for specific environments, see:
- [Get Started with C++ and WSL](/docs/cpp/
- [Get Started with C++ and Mingw-w64](/docs/cpp/
- [Get Started with C++ and Clang/LLVM on macOS](/docs/cpp/
- [Get Started with C++ MSVC](/docs/cpp/

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Order: 7
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: Customize default settings
ContentId: 4E34F6AF-BFC6-4BBB-8464-2E50C85AE826
PageTitle: Customize default settings in Visual Studio Code C++ projects
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: How to customize semantic colorization of C++ code in Visual Studio Code.
# Customizing Default Settings
You can override the default values for properties set in `c_cpp_properties.json`.
## New VS Code settings
The following `C_Cpp.default.*` settings map to each of the properties in a configuration block of `c_cpp_properties.json`. Namely:
C_Cpp.default.includePath : string[]
C_Cpp.default.defines : string[]
C_Cpp.default.compileCommands : string
C_Cpp.default.macFrameworkPath : string[]
C_Cpp.default.forcedIncludes : string[]
C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode : string
C_Cpp.default.compilerPath : string
C_Cpp.default.cStandard : c89 | c99 | c11
C_Cpp.default.cppStandard : c++98 | c++03 | c++11 | c++14 | c++17
C_Cpp.default.browse.path : string[]
C_Cpp.default.browse.databaseFilename : string
C_Cpp.default.browse.limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders : boolean
These settings have all of the benefits of VS Code settings, meaning that they can have default, "User", "Workspace", and "Folder" values. So you can set a global value for `C_Cpp.default.cppStandard` in your "User" settings and have it apply to all of the folders you open. If any one folder needs a different value, you can override the value by adding a "Folder" or "Workspace" value.
This property of VS Code settings allows you to configure each of your workspaces independently - making the `c_cpp_properties.json` file optional.
## Updated `c_cpp_properties.json` syntax
A special variable has been added to the accepted syntax of `c_cpp_properties.json` that will instruct the extension to insert the value from the VS Code settings mentioned above. If you set the value of any setting in `c_cpp_properties.json` to "${default}" it will instruct the extension to read the VS Code default setting for that property and insert it. For example:
"configurations": [
"name": "Win32",
"includePath": [
"defines": [
"macFrameworkPath": [
"forceInclude": [
"compileCommands": "${default}",
"browse": {
"limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders": true,
"databaseFilename": "${default}",
"path": [
"intelliSenseMode": "${default}",
"cStandard": "${default}",
"cppStandard": "${default}",
"compilerPath": "${default}"
Take note that for the properties that accept string[], the syntax proposed above allows you to augment the VS Code setting with additional values, thus allowing you to have common paths listed in the VS Code settings and configuration-specific settings in `c_cpp_properties.json`.
If a property is missing from `c_cpp_properties.json`, the extension will use the value in the VS Code setting. If a developer assigns values to all of the settings that apply for a given folder, then `c_cpp_properties.json` could be removed from the .vscode folder as it will no longer be needed.
### System includes
A new setting will be added that allows you specify the system include path separate from the folder's include path. If this setting has a value, then the system include path the extension gets from the compiler specified in the `compilerPath` setting will not be added to the path array that the extension uses for IntelliSense. We may want to provide a VS Code command to populate this value from the compiler's default for users who are interested in using it in case they want to make some modifications to the defaults.
C_Cpp.default.systemIncludePath : string[]
### System Include Path/Defines Resolution Strategies
The extension determines the system includePath and defines to send to the IntelliSense engine in the following manner:
1. If `compileCommands` has a valid value and the file open in the editor is in the database, use the compile command in the database entry to determine the include path and defines.
- The system include path and defines are determined using the following logic (in order):
1. If `systemIncludePath` has a value, use it (continue to the next step to search for system defines).
2. If `compilerPath` is valid, query it.
3. Interpret the first argument in the command as the compiler and attempt to query it.
4. If `compilerPath` is "", use an empty array for system include path and defines.
5. If `compilerPath` is undefined, look for a compiler on the system and query it.
2. If `compileCommands` is invalid or the current file is not listed in the database, use the `includePath` and `defines` properties in the configuration for IntelliSense.
- The system include path and defines are determined using the following logic (in order):
1. If `systemIncludePath` has a value, use it (continue to the next step to search for system defines).
2. If `compilerPath` is valid, query it.
3. If `compilerPath` is ``, use an empty array for system include path and defines (they are assumed to be in the `includePath` and `defines` for the current config already).
4. If `compilerPath` is undefined, look for a compiler on the system and query it.
System includes should not be added to the `includePath` or `browse.path` variables. If the extension detects any system include paths in the `includePath` property it will silently remove them so that it can ensure system include paths are added last and in the correct order (this is especially important for GCC/Clang).

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Order: 15
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: Enable logging
ContentId: EC8DC085-A0E4-4401-B41F-6497EDD49352
PageTitle: How to enable logging in the Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: How to enable logging in the Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension
# How to enable logging in the extension
If you are experiencing a problem that we are unable to diagnose based on information in your issue report, we might ask you to enable logging and send us your logs.
Logging information is delivered directly to the Output window in VSCode. To turn on full logging for an issue report, follow these steps:
1. Open the **Command Palette** and choose **Preferences: Workspace settings**.
1. Search for "logging" in the search box.
1. Find **C_cpp Logging Level** and change the level to **Debug**.
![Logging level](images/cpp/logging-level.png)
1. From the main menu, open the Output Window by choosing **View** > **Output**.
1. Select the "C/C++" option in the log filter selector:
![Log filter selector](images/cpp/log-filter-selector.png)

docs/cpp/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Order: 15
Area: cpp
ContentId: EC8DC085-A0E4-4401-B41F-6497EDD49352
PageTitle: C/C++ extension FAQ
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: Frequently asked questions about the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code.
# Frequently asked questions
- [Why are my files corrupted on format?](#why-are-my-files-corrupted-on-format)
- [How do I get IntelliSense to work correctly?](#how-do-i-get-intellisense-to-work-correctly)
- [Why do I see red squiggles under Standard Library types?](#why-do-i-see-red-squiggles-under-standard-library-types)
- [How do I get the new IntelliSense to work with MinGW on Windows?](#how-do-i-get-the-new-intellisense-to-work-with-mingw-on-windows)
- [How do I get the new IntelliSense to work with the Windows Subsystem for Linux?](#how-do-i-get-the-new-intellisense-to-work-with-the-windows-subsystem-for-linux)
- [What is the difference between `includePath` and `browse.path` in **c_cpp_properties.json**?](#what-is-the-difference-between-includepath-and-browsepath-in-c_cpp_propertiesjson)
- [How do I re-create the IntelliSense database?](#how-do-i-re-create-the-intellisense-database)
## Why are my files corrupted on format?
Files can be corrupted due to the fact that you either have a multi-root workspace where one folder is a child of the other, or you are using symlinks to open your file. Reduce the folders in the workspace to one and remove the symlink. This should fix your problem.
## How do I get IntelliSense to work correctly?
There are two IntelliSense engines present in the extension: the "fuzzy" engine (or Tag Parser), and the new "Default" engine. If you are using version 0.11.0 or higher of the cpptools extension, then you can preview the new IntelliSense engine, which has more accurate autocomplete suggestions and tooltips. To use the new engine, you need to ensure that `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` is set to `Default` in your settings. Since the engine is still in preview, it is not on by default for everyone yet.
After selecting the IntelliSense engine that you prefer, take a look at the Problems window in VS Code to see if you need to do any further configuration for your folder. For example, the Default engine will not provide squiggles and auto-complete suggestions for a translation unit (read: a source file and its dependencies) if the include path is not configured properly. You can select any of the problems in the window to navigate to the line when the problem was detected and a light bulb will appear in the editor with some options (code actions) to help you resolve the problem:
1. Update your `includePath` (and preprocessor defines)
2. Force semantic IntelliSense
### Update your `includePath` (and preprocessor defines)
Selecting this option will open a file called **c_cpp_properties.json**. If you haven't created this file already, it will be created for you in the **.vscode** folder of your workspace.
Add the necessary paths to your include files to the `includePath` array. The `${workspaceRoot}` variable is available to use to get a relative path to the folder you have opened. Also add any required symbols that need to be defined to the `defines` array. Both "\<var\>" and "\<var\>=\<value\>" syntax is accepted. When you edit and save this file, the IntelliSense engine will reset and reparse source your source files and headers with the new settings.
### Force semantic IntelliSense
If you want IntelliSense to operate on your files even when all #include directives do not resolve, then you can choose the `Force semantic IntelliSense` code action to always use the new IntelliSense engine. You can also set the `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngineFallback` setting to `Disabled`.
## Why do I see red squiggles under Standard Library types?
The most common reason for this is missing include paths and defines. The easiest way to fix this on each platform is as follows:
**Linux/Mac**: Set `intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64` or `intelliSenseMode": "gcc-x64` and `compilerPath` in **c_cpp_properties.json** to the path to your compiler.
**Windows**: If you are using the Microsoft C++ compiler, set `intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64`, but don't add the `compilerPath` property to **c_cpp_properties.json**. If you are using Clang for Windows, set `intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64`, and `compilerPath` in **c_cpp_properties.json** to the path to your compiler.
## How do I get the new IntelliSense to work with MinGW on Windows?
The page discussing configuration with MinGW is [here](
## How do I get the new IntelliSense to work with the Windows Subsystem for Linux?
See [Get Started with C++ and Windows Subsystem for Linux in Visual Studio Code](
## What is the difference between `includePath` and `browse.path` in **c_cpp_properties.json**?
There are two settings in the **c_cpp_properties.json** file. They are used by the different IntelliSense engines that we support and have slightly different meanings for the components that use them.
The active IntelliSense engine is controlled by the `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine` setting in your **settings.json** file. The valid values for this setting are `Default` and `Tag Parser`.
### includePath
This array of path strings is used by the "Default" IntelliSense engine. This new engine provides semantic-aware IntelliSense features and will be the eventual replacement for the Tag Parser that has been powering the extension since it was first released. It currently provides tooltips and error squiggles in the editor. The remaining features (for example, code completion, signature help, go to definition, ...) are implemented using the Tag Parser's database, so it is still important to ensure that the browse.path setting is properly set.
The paths that you specify for this setting are the same paths that you would send to your compiler via the `-I` switch. When your source files are parsed, the IntelliSense engine will prepend these paths to the files specified by your #include directives while attempting to resolve them. These paths are **not** searched recursively.
### browse.path
This array of path strings is used by the "Tag Parser" (a.k.a. "browse engine"). This engine will _recursively_ enumerate all files under the paths specified and track them as potential includes while tag parsing your project folder. To disable recursive enumeration of a path, you can append a `/*` to the path string.
When you open a workspace for the first time, the extension adds `${workspaceRoot}` to both arrays. If this is undesirable, you can open your **c_cpp_properties.json** file and remove it.
## How do I re-create the IntelliSense database?
Starting in version 0.12.3 of the extension, we added a command that will reset your IntelliSense database. Open the command palette and choose the "C/Cpp: Reset IntelliSense Database" command.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Order: 9
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: IntelliSense engines
ContentId: ----------
PageTitle: C/C++ IntelliSense engines in Visual Studio Code
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: About the C/C++ IntelliSense engines in Visual Studio Code
# IntelliSense engines
There are two IntelliSense engines used to power the C/C++ IntelliSense experience in VS Code.
* `Default` - Visual Studio's IntelliSense engine, which is the default engine that provides semantic-aware IntelliSense features
* `Tag Parser` - the "fuzzy" IntelliSense engine that provides quick but "fuzzy" results, is used to provide the fallback experience if the default engine is unable to fully resolve include paths
Ultimately all the IntelliSense and code browsing features will be powered by the "Default" engine. The following features have been implemented so far:
* Autocomplete suggestions for class/struct/namespace members
* Parameter hints
* Quick info (hover over tooltip)
* Error squiggles
* Reference highlighting
The other IntelliSense features, such as global autocomplete, and code browsing features, such as Go to definition/declaration, are currently powered by the "Tag Parser" based engine.
## `includePath` and `browse.path`
The two IntelliSense engines use two different settings in the `c_cpp_properties.json` file for specifying include paths. This file is located in the **.vscode** directory in the opened folder. You can create or open this file by either using the **C/Cpp: Edit Configurations** command in the command palette or by selecting "Edit "includePath" setting" in the Light Bulb menu. Look for the following settings in the section where your current configuration is defined (by default there's one configuration per OS, such as "Win32 or "Mac").
### includePath
This array of path strings is used by the "Default" IntelliSense engine. The paths that you specify for this setting are the same paths that you would send to your compiler via the -I switch. When your source files are parsed, the IntelliSense engine will prepend these paths to the files specified by your #include directives while attempting to resolve them. These paths are searched **non-recursively**.
### browse.path
This array of path strings is used by the "Tag Parser" (also called the *browse engine*). This engine will **recursively** enumerate all files under the paths specified and track them as potential includes while tag parsing your project folder. To disable recursive enumeration of a path, you can append a `/*` to the path string.
### How fallback works and how to control the behavior
The extension first tries to fully parse any opened file using the "Default" IntelliSense engine. If it discovers that it cannot find a header file or a dependency, it will fall back to the tag parser and provide the fuzzy IntelliSense behavior. The fallback affects a full translation unit (TU), not just a single open file. The Problems panel provides details about unresolved headers and dependencies. Other opened TUs will continue to use the "Default" IntelliSense engine provided that all #include dependencies are resolved.
We recognize that resolving all #includes may not be necessary for all projects and you may still want to experience the productivity benefits of using the "Default" semantic engine without customizing the default include path. For that, the “Force semantic IntelliSense” action can be chosen. When invoked, all unresolved #include squiggles will turn red and semantic member list and linting will be enabled in all files regardless of whether or not #include statements can be resolved.
### IntelliSense engine setting
We recommend using the "Default" engine for the best IntelliSense experience. However, it is possible to explicitly choose the IntelliSense engine by editing your [user or workspace settings]( The setting you should modify is `C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine`. There are two values for this setting:
* `Default` - use Visual Studio's IntelliSense engine
* `Tag Parser` - use the "fuzzy" IntelliSense engine
### See Also
[Configuring includePath for better IntelliSense results](
[c_cpp_properties.json reference guide](

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@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
Order: 14
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: launch.json reference
ContentId: EC8DC085-A0E4-4401-B41F-6497EDD49352
PageTitle: Configure launch.json for C/C++ debugging in Visual Studio Code
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: Configure launch.json for C/C++ debugging in Visual Studio Code
# Configuring launch.json for C/C++ debugging
The `launch.json` file is used to configure the debugger in Visual Studio Code.
Visual Studio Code generates a `launch.json` with almost all of the required information. To get started
debugging you need to fill in the `program` field with the path to the executable you plan to debug. This must be specified for
both the launch and attach (if you plan to attach to a running instance at any point) configurations.
The generated file contains two sections, one that configures debugging for launch and a second that configures debugging for attach.
## Configure VS Code's debugging behavior
Set or change the following options to control VS Code's behavior during debugging:
### program (required)
Specifies the full path to executable the debugger will launch or attach to.
### symbolSearchPath
Tells the Visual Studio Windows Debugger what paths to search for symbol (.pdb) files. Separate multiple paths with a semicolon. For example: `"C:\\Symbols;C:\\SymbolDir2"`.
### additionalSOLibSearchPath
Tells GDB or LLDB what paths to search for .so files. Separate multiple paths with a semicolon. For example: `"/Users/user/dir1;/Users/user/dir2"`.
### externalConsole
- **Windows**: When set to true, it will spawn an external console. When set to false, it will use VS Code's integratedTerminal.
- **Linux**: When set to true, it will notify VS Code to spawn an external console. When set to false, it will use VS Code's integratedTerminal.
- **macOS**: When set to true, it will spawn an external console through `lldb-mi`. When set to false, the output can be seen in VS Code's debugConsole. Due to limitations within `lldb-mi`, integratedTerminal support is not available.
### avoidWindowsConsoleRedirection
In order to support VSCode's Integrated Terminal with gdb on Windows, the extension adds console redirection commands to the debuggee's arguments to have console input and output show up in the integrated terminal. Setting this option to `true` will disable it.
### logging
Optional flags to determine what types of messages should be logged to the Debug Console.
- **exceptions**: Optional flag to determine whether exception messages should be logged to the Debug Console. Defaults to true.
- **moduleLoad**: Optional flag to determine whether module load events should be logged to the Debug Console. Defaults to true.
- **programOutput**: Optional flag to determine whether program output should be logged to the Debug Console. Defaults to true.
- **engineLogging**: Optional flag to determine whether diagnostic engine logs should be logged to the Debug Console. Defaults to false.
- **trace**: Optional flag to determine whether diagnostic adapter command tracing should be logged to the Debug Console. Defaults to false.
- **traceResponse**: Optional flag to determine whether diagnostic adapter command and response tracing should be logged to the Debug Console. Defaults to false.
### visualizerFile
.natvis file to be used when debugging. See [Create Custom Views of Native Objects]( for information on how to create Natvis files.
### showDisplayString
When a `visualizerFile` is specified, `showDisplayString` will enable the display string. Turning on this option can cause slower performance during debugging.
"name": "C++ Launch (Windows)",
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "C:\\app1\\Debug\\app1.exe",
"symbolSearchPath": "C:\\Symbols;C:\\SymbolDir2",
"externalConsole": true,
"logging": {
"moduleLoad": false,
"trace": true
"visualizerFile": "${workspaceRoot}/my.natvis",
"showDisplayString": true
## Configure the target application
The following options enable you to modify the state of the target application when it is launched:
### args
JSON array of command-line arguments to pass to the program when it is launched. Example `["arg1", "arg2"]`. If you are escaping characters, you will need to double escape them. For example, `["{\\\"arg\\\": true}]` will send `{"arg1": true}` to your application.
### cwd
Sets the working directory of the application launched by the debugger.
### environment
Environment variables to add to the environment for the program. Example: `[ { "name": "squid", "value": "clam" } ]`.
"name": "C++ Launch",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/a.out",
"args": ["arg1", "arg2"],
"environment": [{"name": "squid", "value": "clam"}],
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}"
## Customizing GDB or LLDB
You can change the behavior of GDB or LLDB by setting the following options:
### MIMode
Indicates the debugger that VS Code will connect to. Must be set to `gdb` or `lldb`. This is pre-configured on a per-operating system basis and can be changed as needed.
### miDebuggerPath
The path to the debugger (such as gdb). When only the executable is specified, it will search the operating system's PATH variable for a debugger (GDB on Linux and Windows, LLDB on OS X).
### miDebuggerArgs
Additional arguments to pass to the debugger (such as gdb).
### stopAtEntry
If set to true, the debugger should stop at the entry-point of the target (ignored on attach). Default value is `false`.
### setupCommands
JSON array of commands to execute in order to set up the GDB or LLDB. Example: `"setupCommands": [ { "text": "target-run", "description": "run target", "ignoreFailures": false }]`.
### customLaunchSetupCommands
If provided, this replaces the default commands used to launch a target with some other commands. For example, this can be "-target-attach" in order to attach to a target process. An empty command list replaces the launch commands with nothing, which can be useful if the debugger is being provided launch options as command-line options. Example: `"customLaunchSetupCommands": [ { "text": "target-run", "description": "run target", "ignoreFailures": false }]`.
### launchCompleteCommand
The command to execute after the debugger is fully set up in order to cause the target process to run. Allowed values are "exec-run", "exec-continue", "None". The default value is "exec-run".
"name": "C++ Launch",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/a.out",
"stopAtEntry": false,
"customLaunchSetupCommands": [
{ "text": "target-run", "description": "run target", "ignoreFailures": false }
"launchCompleteCommand": "exec-run",
"linux": {
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "/usr/bin/gdb"
"osx": {
"MIMode": "lldb"
"windows": {
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\MinGw\\bin\\gdb.exe"
## Debugging dump files
The C/C++ extension enables debugging dump files on Windows and core dump files Linux and OS X.
### dumpPath
If you want to debug a Windows dump file, set this to the path to the dump file to start debugging in the `launch` configuration.
### coreDumpPath
Full path to a core dump file to debug for the specified program. Set this to the path to the core dump file to start debugging in the `launch` configuration.
_Note: core dump debugging is not supported with MinGw._
## Remote debugging or debugging with a local debugger server
### miDebuggerServerAddress
Network address of the debugger server (for example, gdbserver) to connect to for remote debugging (example: `localhost:1234`).
### debugServerPath
Full path to debug server to launch.
### debugServerArgs
Arguments for the debugger server.
### serverStarted
Server-started pattern to look for in the debug server output.
### serverLaunchTimeout
Time in milliseconds, for the debugger to wait for the debugServer to start up. Default is 10000.
## Additional properties
### processId
Defaults to `${command.pickProcess}` which will display a list of available processes the debugger can attach to. We recommend that you leave this default, but the property can be explicitly set to a specific process ID for the debugger to attach to.
### request
Indicates whether the configuration section is intended to `launch` the program or `attach` to an already running instance.
### targetArchitecture
`Deprecated` This option is no longer needed as the target architecture is automatically detected.
### type
Indicates the underlying debugger being used. Must be `cppvsdbg` when using the Visual Studio Windows debugger, and `cppdbg` when using GDB or LLDB. This is automatically set to the correct value when the
`launch.json` file is created.
### sourceFileMap
This allows mapping of the compile-time paths for source to local source locations. It is an object of key/value pairs and will resolve the first string-matched path. (example: `"sourceFileMap": { "/mnt/c": "c:\\" }` will map any path returned by the debugger that begins with `/mnt/c` and convert it to `c:\\`. You can have multiple mappings in the object but they will be handled in the order provided.)
## Environment variable definitions file
An environment variable definitions file is a simple text file containing key-value pairs in the form of `environment_variable=value`, with `#` used for comments. Multiline values are not supported.
The `cppvsdbg` debugger configuration also contains an `envFile` property that allows you to easily set variables for debugging purposes.
For example:
**project.env file**:
# project.env
# Example environment with key as 'MYENVRIONMENTPATH' and value as C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Project
# Variables with spaces
SPACED_OUT_PATH="C:\\This Has Spaces\\Project"

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Order: 13
Area: cpp
TOCTitle: C++
ContentId: 59BE5FF7-563F-4044-A562-294E75A75F96
PageTitle: Pipe transport for remote communication in C++ projects
DateApproved: 06/25/2019
MetaDescription: How to set up pipe transport for debugging C++ code in Visual Studio Code.
# Pipe Transport
Pipe Transport allows communication through a pipe program to a remote shell. An example on Linux would be `ssh`. With the introduction of [Visual Studio Code Remote Development](../remote/ pipe transport is relevant primarily for IoT scenarios.
## How-To
`pipeTransport` is an option within the **launch.json** file. The structure looks as follows:
"pipeTransport": {
"pipeCwd": "/usr/bin",
"pipeProgram": "/usr/bin/ssh",
"pipeArgs": [
"debuggerPath": "/usr/bin/gdb"
The `pipeArgs` can be any set of arguments necessary to set up and authenticate the pipe connection. In the example, a password is used but you can also use an ssh key.
You may also need to add a `sourceFileMap` to map the path of where the code exists on the remote shell to where it is locally:
"sourceFileMap": {
// "remote": "local"
"/home/user/src": "/src/projectA/src"
## Attach
You can also use the above `pipeTransport` block to attach to a remote process. In the attach case, you need to specify a `processId`. The extension can query processes from the remote machine. To do this, change `processId": "${command.pickProcess}` to `processId": "${command.pickRemoteProcess}`. The `pipeTransport` settings will be used to query the processes on the remote machine. Then select the process from the drop-down list. As with `launch`, you may need to configure `sourceFileMap`.
## Docker example
The `pipeTransport` can also be used to debug a process in a Docker container. For an attach, **launch.json** will include:
"pipeTransport": {
"pipeCwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"pipeProgram": "docker",
"pipeArgs": [
"debuggerPath": "/usr/bin/gdb"
Where `hello_gdb` is the name of your container.
Launch process by starting a container and then using the same `pipeTransport` to launch additional processes in the container. See this [**launch.json**]( for a [full example](