Show completion for newly created package. (#1191)

* Refactor getNonVendorPackages to getPackages and respect the 1.9 version behavior

* Inline the function test arguments building

* Test all packages for Go 1.9 use "./...", the lower still remain using the same way

* Fix autocomplete un-imported packages: show newly added package

* Use spawn to avoid maxBuffer exceeded

* Support large output by using spawn

* Completions shows result instantly, no longer need to pre-call to goListAll()

* Fix lint warning

* Expect proper gopkgs binary

* Change the gopkgs package

* Use spawn instead of execFile to support large output

* Use gopkgs from

* Update the go tools in .travis.yml

* Fix the gopkgs missing tools detection

* Cache the gopkgs tool invocation result

* Refresh gopkgs cache

* Drop the cache for gopkgs since it already fast enough

* Adapt with the changes of gopkgs by using -format

* trigger travis build: use array desctructuring assignment

* Install libsecret-1-0

* Fix the travis script

* Fix the travis script,  install libsecret-1-0

* Use sudo apt-get install

* apt-get should buy some time

* Add go 1.9.x to the .travis.yml

* Prompt for missing tools when "gopkgs" not found

* Update the comment of goListAll

* Revert back the function name "goPackages" to "goNonVendorPackages"

* Rename "goListAll" to "getAllPackages"

* Use existing getImportablePackages

* Missing tool prompt will be handled by function caller

* Remove unused import

* Handle missing tool when browsing package

* Use cache if still used for less than 5s

* Ignore the stderr to avoid stuck

* Fix lint warning

* Prompt to update gopkgs if using old pkgs

* Cleanup

* Fix tests

* Sort pkgs before testing
This commit is contained in:
Nuruddin Ashr 2017-09-12 14:01:48 +07:00 коммит произвёл Ramya Rao
Родитель d07eb35aa6
Коммит e5aa763567
9 изменённых файлов: 120 добавлений и 157 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ go:
- 1.6.x
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- 1.9.x
- tip
sudo: false
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ before_install:
- if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "linux" ]; then
export CXX="g++-4.9" CC="gcc-4.9" DISPLAY=:99.0;
sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start;
sleep 3;
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libsecret-1-0;
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ install:
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v
- go get -u -v

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import vscode = require('vscode');
import cp = require('child_process');
import { getGoRuntimePath } from './goPath';
import path = require('path');
import { goListAll, isGoListComplete } from './goPackages';
import { getAllPackages } from './goPackages';
export function browsePackages() {
let selectedText = '';
@ -70,19 +70,15 @@ function showPackageFiles(pkg: string, showAllPkgsIfPkgNotFound: boolean) {
function showPackageList() {
if (!isGoListComplete()) {
return showTryAgainLater();
goListAll().then(pkgMap => {
getAllPackages().then(pkgMap => {
const pkgs: string[] = Array.from(pkgMap.keys());
if (!pkgs || pkgs.length === 0) {
if (pkgs.length === 0) {
return vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Could not find packages. Ensure `go list all` runs successfully.');
.showQuickPick(pkgs, { placeHolder: 'Select a package to browse' })
.showQuickPick(pkgs.sort(), { placeHolder: 'Select a package to browse' })
.then(pkgFromDropdown => {
if (!pkgFromDropdown) return;
showPackageFiles(pkgFromDropdown, false);
@ -90,10 +86,6 @@ function showPackageList() {
function showTryAgainLater() {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Finding packages... Try after sometime.');
function getImportPath(text: string): string {
// Catch cases like `import alias "importpath"` and `import "importpath"`
let singleLineImportMatches = text.match(/^\s*import\s+([a-z,A-Z,_,\.]\w*\s+)?\"([^\"]+)\"/);

Просмотреть файл

@ -11,57 +11,19 @@ import { parseFilePrelude, isVendorSupported, getBinPath, getCurrentGoPath, getT
import { documentSymbols } from './goOutline';
import { promptForMissingTool } from './goInstallTools';
import path = require('path');
import { getRelativePackagePath } from './goPackages';
import { getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH } from './goPath';
import { getImportablePackages } from './goPackages';
const missingToolMsg = 'Missing tool: ';
export function listPackages(excludeImportedPkgs: boolean = false): Thenable<string[]> {
let importsPromise = excludeImportedPkgs && vscode.window.activeTextEditor ? getImports(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document) : Promise.resolve([]);
let vendorSupportPromise = isVendorSupported();
let goPkgsPromise = new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
cp.execFile(getBinPath('gopkgs'), [], {env: getToolsEnvVars()}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err && (<any>err).code === 'ENOENT') {
return reject(missingToolMsg + 'gopkgs');
let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n');
if (lines[lines.length - 1] === '') {
// Drop the empty entry from the final '\n'
return resolve(lines);
return vendorSupportPromise.then((vendorSupport: boolean) => {
return Promise.all<string[]>([goPkgsPromise, importsPromise]).then(values => {
let pkgs = values[0];
let importedPkgs = values[1];
if (!vendorSupport) {
if (importedPkgs.length > 0) {
pkgs = pkgs.filter(element => {
return importedPkgs.indexOf(element) === -1;
return pkgs.sort();
let currentFileDirPath = path.dirname(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName);
let currentWorkspace = getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH(getCurrentGoPath(), currentFileDirPath);
let pkgSet = new Set<string>();
pkgs.forEach(pkg => {
if (!pkg || importedPkgs.indexOf(pkg) > -1) {
let relativePkgPath = getRelativePackagePath(currentFileDirPath, currentWorkspace, pkg);
if (relativePkgPath) {
return Array.from(pkgSet).sort();
let pkgsPromise = getImportablePackages(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName);
return Promise.all([pkgsPromise, importsPromise]).then(([pkgMap, importedPkgs]) => {
importedPkgs.forEach(pkg => {
return Array.from(pkgMap.keys()).sort();
@ -133,4 +95,4 @@ export function addImport(arg: string) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function getTools(goVersion: SemVersion): { [key: string]: string } {
let goConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('go');
let tools: { [key: string]: string } = {
'gocode': '',
'gopkgs': '',
'gopkgs': '',
'go-outline': '',
'go-symbols': '',
'guru': '',

Просмотреть файл

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import { addTags, removeTags } from './goModifytags';
import { parseLiveFile } from './goLiveErrors';
import { GoCodeLensProvider } from './goCodelens';
import { implCursor } from './goImpl';
import { goListAll } from './goPackages';
import { browsePackages } from './goBrowsePackage';
export let errorDiagnosticCollection: vscode.DiagnosticCollection;
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ export function activate(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
let langServerAvailable = checkLanguageServer();
if (langServerAvailable) {
@ -421,4 +419,4 @@ function didLangServerConfigChange(useLangServer: boolean, langServerFlags: stri
return false;

Просмотреть файл

@ -2,54 +2,60 @@ import vscode = require('vscode');
import cp = require('child_process');
import path = require('path');
import { getGoRuntimePath, getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH } from './goPath';
import { isVendorSupported, getCurrentGoPath, getToolsEnvVars } from './util';
import { isVendorSupported, getCurrentGoPath, getToolsEnvVars, getGoVersion, getBinPath, SemVersion } from './util';
import { promptForMissingTool, promptForUpdatingTool } from './goInstallTools';
let allPkgs = new Map<string, string>();
let goListAllCompleted: boolean = false;
let goListAllPromise: Promise<Map<string, string>>;
let allPkgsCache: Map<string, string>;
let allPkgsLastHit: number;
export function isGoListComplete(): boolean {
return goListAllCompleted;
function getAllPackagesNoCache(): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
return new Promise<Map<string, string>>((resolve, reject) => {
const cmd = cp.spawn(getBinPath('gopkgs'), ['-format', '{{.Name}};{{.ImportPath}}'], { env: getToolsEnvVars() });
const chunks = [];
const errchunks = [];
let err: any;
cmd.stdout.on('data', d => chunks.push(d));
cmd.stderr.on('data', d => errchunks.push(d));
cmd.on('error', e => err = e);
cmd.on('close', () => {
let pkgs = new Map<string, string>();
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return promptForMissingTool('gopkgs');
if (err || errchunks.length > 0) return resolve(pkgs);
const output = chunks.join('');
if (output.indexOf(';') === -1) {
// User might be using the old gopkgs tool, prompt to update
return promptForUpdatingTool('gopkgs');
output.split('\n').forEach((pkgDetail) => {
if (!pkgDetail || !pkgDetail.trim() || pkgDetail.indexOf(';') === -1) return;
let [pkgName, pkgPath] = pkgDetail.trim().split(';');
pkgs.set(pkgPath, pkgName);
return resolve(pkgs);
* Runs go list all
* Runs gopkgs
* @returns Map<string, string> mapping between package import path and package name
export function goListAll(): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
let goRuntimePath = getGoRuntimePath();
if (!goRuntimePath) {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Cannot find "go" binary. Update PATH or GOROOT appropriately');
return Promise.resolve(null);
export function getAllPackages(): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
let useCache = allPkgsCache && allPkgsLastHit && (new Date().getTime() - allPkgsLastHit) < 5000;
if (useCache) {
allPkgsLastHit = new Date().getTime();
return Promise.resolve(allPkgsCache);
if (goListAllPromise) {
return goListAllPromise;
goListAllPromise = new Promise<Map<string, string>>((resolve, reject) => {
// Use `{env: {}}` to make the execution faster. Include GOPATH to account if custom work space exists.
const env: any = getToolsEnvVars();
const cmd = cp.spawn(goRuntimePath, ['list', '-f', '{{.Name}};{{.ImportPath}}', 'all'], { env: env, stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'ignore'] });
const chunks = [];
cmd.stdout.on('data', (d) => {
cmd.on('close', (status) => {
chunks.join('').split('\n').forEach(pkgDetail => {
if (!pkgDetail || !pkgDetail.trim() || pkgDetail.indexOf(';') === -1) return;
let [pkgName, pkgPath] = pkgDetail.trim().split(';');
allPkgs.set(pkgPath, pkgName);
goListAllCompleted = true;
return resolve(allPkgs);
return getAllPackagesNoCache().then((pkgs) => {
allPkgsLastHit = new Date().getTime();
return allPkgsCache = pkgs;
return goListAllPromise;
@ -59,13 +65,14 @@ export function goListAll(): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
export function getImportablePackages(filePath: string): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
return Promise.all([isVendorSupported(), goListAll()]).then(values => {
return Promise.all([isVendorSupported(), getAllPackages()]).then(values => {
let isVendorSupported = values[0];
let pkgs = values[1];
let currentFileDirPath = path.dirname(filePath);
let currentWorkspace = getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH(getCurrentGoPath(), currentFileDirPath);
let pkgMap = new Map<string, string>();
allPkgs.forEach((pkgName, pkgPath) => {
pkgs.forEach((pkgName, pkgPath) => {
if (pkgName === 'main') {
@ -87,7 +94,7 @@ export function getImportablePackages(filePath: string): Promise<Map<string, str
* If given pkgPath is not vendor pkg, then the same pkgPath is returned
* Else, the import path for the vendor pkg relative to given filePath is returned.
export function getRelativePackagePath(currentFileDirPath: string, currentWorkspace: string, pkgPath: string): string {
function getRelativePackagePath(currentFileDirPath: string, currentWorkspace: string, pkgPath: string): string {
let magicVendorString = '/vendor/';
let vendorIndex = pkgPath.indexOf(magicVendorString);
if (vendorIndex === -1) {
@ -113,7 +120,7 @@ export function getRelativePackagePath(currentFileDirPath: string, currentWorksp
* Returns import paths for all non vendor packages under given folder
* Returns import paths for all packages under given folder (vendor will be excluded)
export function getNonVendorPackages(folderPath: string): Promise<string[]> {
let goRuntimePath = getGoRuntimePath();
@ -123,15 +130,21 @@ export function getNonVendorPackages(folderPath: string): Promise<string[]> {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const childProcess = cp.spawn(goRuntimePath, ['list', './...'], { cwd: folderPath, env: getToolsEnvVars() });
const chunks = [];
let childProcess = cp.spawn(goRuntimePath, ['list', './...'], { cwd: folderPath, env: getToolsEnvVars() });
let chunks = [];
childProcess.stdout.on('data', (stdout) => {
childProcess.on('close', (status) => {
const pkgs = chunks.join('').toString().split('\n').filter(pkgPath => pkgPath && !pkgPath.includes('/vendor/'));
return resolve(pkgs);
let pkgs = chunks.join('').toString().split('\n');
getGoVersion().then((ver: SemVersion) => {
if (ver && (ver.major > 1 || (ver.major === 1 && ver.minor >= 9))) {
} else {
resolve(pkgs.filter(pkgPath => pkgPath && !pkgPath.includes('/vendor/')));

Просмотреть файл

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ interface GoCodeSuggestion {
export class GoCompletionItemProvider implements vscode.CompletionItemProvider {
private gocodeConfigurationComplete = false;
private pkgsList = new Map<string, string>();
public provideCompletionItems(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Thenable<vscode.CompletionItem[]> {
@ -215,16 +214,12 @@ export class GoCompletionItemProvider implements vscode.CompletionItemProvider {
// TODO: Shouldn't lib-path also be set?
private ensureGoCodeConfigured(): Thenable<void> {
getImportablePackages(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName).then(pkgMap => {
let setPkgsList = getImportablePackages(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName).then(pkgMap => {
this.pkgsList = pkgMap;
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
// TODO: Since the gocode daemon is shared amongst clients, shouldn't settings be
// adjusted per-invocation to avoid conflicts from other gocode-using programs?
if (this.gocodeConfigurationComplete) {
return resolve();
let setGocodeProps = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
let gocode = getBinPath('gocode');
let autobuild = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('go')['gocodeAutoBuild'];
let env = getToolsEnvVars();
@ -235,6 +230,9 @@ export class GoCompletionItemProvider implements vscode.CompletionItemProvider {
return Promise.all([setPkgsList, setGocodeProps]).then(() => {
// Return importable packages that match given word as Completion Items

Просмотреть файл

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import path = require('path');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import util = require('util');
import { parseEnvFile, getGoRuntimePath, resolvePath } from './goPath';
import { getToolsEnvVars, LineBuffer } from './util';
import { getToolsEnvVars, getGoVersion, LineBuffer, SemVersion } from './util';
import { GoDocumentSymbolProvider } from './goOutline';
import { getNonVendorPackages } from './goPackages';
@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ function expandFilePathInOutput(output: string, cwd: string): string {
function targetArgs(testconfig: TestConfig): Thenable<Array<string>> {
if (testconfig.functions) {
return new Promise<Array<string>>((resolve, reject) => {
const args = [];
args.push(util.format('^%s$', testconfig.functions.join('|')));
return resolve(args);
return Promise.resolve(['-run', util.format('^%s$', testconfig.functions.join('|'))]);
} else if (testconfig.includeSubDirectories) {
return getNonVendorPackages(vscode.workspace.rootPath);
return getGoVersion().then((ver: SemVersion) => {
if (ver && (ver.major > 1 || (ver.major === 1 && ver.minor >= 9))) {
return ['./...'];
return getNonVendorPackages(vscode.workspace.rootPath);
return Promise.resolve([]);

Просмотреть файл

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { getBinPath, getGoVersion, isVendorSupported } from '../src/util';
import { documentSymbols } from '../src/goOutline';
import { listPackages } from '../src/goImport';
import { generateTestCurrentFile, generateTestCurrentPackage, generateTestCurrentFunction } from '../src/goGenerateTests';
import { goListAll } from '../src/goPackages';
import { getAllPackages } from '../src/goPackages';
suite('Go Extension Tests', () => {
let gopath = process.env['GOPATH'];
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ suite('Go Extension Tests', () => {
let generateTestsSourcePath = path.join(repoPath, 'generatetests');
let generateFunctionTestSourcePath = path.join(repoPath, 'generatefunctiontest');
let generatePackageTestSourcePath = path.join(repoPath, 'generatePackagetest');
let goListAllPromise = goListAll();
suiteSetup(() => {
assert.ok(gopath !== null, 'GOPATH is not defined');
@ -551,19 +550,18 @@ It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
vendorSupportPromise.then((vendorSupport: boolean) => {
let gopkgsPromise = new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
cp.execFile(getBinPath('gopkgs'), [], (err, stdout, stderr) => {
let pkgs = stdout.split('\n').sort().slice(1);
if (vendorSupport) {
vendorPkgsFullPath.forEach(pkg => {
assert.equal(pkgs.indexOf(pkg) > -1, true, `Package not found by goPkgs: ${pkg}`);
vendorPkgsRelativePath.forEach(pkg => {
assert.equal(pkgs.indexOf(pkg), -1, `Relative path to vendor package ${pkg} should not be returned by gopkgs command`);
return resolve(pkgs);
let gopkgsPromise = getAllPackages().then(pkgMap => {
let pkgs = Array.from(pkgMap.keys());
pkgs = pkgs.filter(p => pkgMap.get(p) !== 'main');
if (vendorSupport) {
vendorPkgsFullPath.forEach(pkg => {
assert.equal(pkgs.indexOf(pkg) > -1, true, `Package not found by goPkgs: ${pkg}`);
vendorPkgsRelativePath.forEach(pkg => {
assert.equal(pkgs.indexOf(pkg), -1, `Relative path to vendor package ${pkg} should not be returned by gopkgs command`);
return Promise.resolve(pkgs);
let listPkgPromise: Thenable<string[]> = vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(vscode.Uri.file(filePath)).then(document => {
@ -584,8 +582,8 @@ It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
return Promise.all<string[]>([gopkgsPromise, listPkgPromise]).then((values: string[][]) => {
if (!vendorSupport) {
let originalPkgs = values[0];
let updatedPkgs = values[1];
let originalPkgs = values[0].sort();
let updatedPkgs = values[1].sort();
assert.equal(originalPkgs.length, updatedPkgs.length);
for (let index = 0; index < originalPkgs.length; index++) {
assert.equal(updatedPkgs[index], originalPkgs[index]);
@ -612,8 +610,11 @@ It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
vendorSupportPromise.then((vendorSupport: boolean) => {
let gopkgsPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
cp.execFile(getBinPath('gopkgs'), [], (err, stdout, stderr) => {
let pkgs = stdout.split('\n').sort().slice(1);
let cmd = cp.spawn(getBinPath('gopkgs'), ['-format', '{{.ImportPath}}'], { env: process.env });
let chunks = [];
cmd.stdout.on('data', (d) => chunks.push(d));
cmd.on('close', () => {
let pkgs = chunks.join('').split('\n').filter((pkg) => pkg).sort();
if (vendorSupport) {
vendorPkgs.forEach(pkg => {
assert.equal(pkgs.indexOf(pkg) > -1, true, `Package not found by goPkgs: ${pkg}`);
@ -721,17 +722,15 @@ It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
editbuilder.insert(new vscode.Position(12, 1), 'by\n');
editbuilder.insert(new vscode.Position(13, 0), 'math.\n');
}).then(() => {
return goListAllPromise.then(() => {
let promises =[position, expected]) =>
provider.provideCompletionItemsInternal(editor.document, position, null, config).then(items => {
let labels = => x.label);
for (let entry of expected) {
assert.equal(labels.indexOf(entry) > -1, true, `missing expected item in completion list: ${entry} Actual: ${labels}`);
return Promise.all(promises);
let promises =[position, expected]) =>
provider.provideCompletionItemsInternal(editor.document, position, null, config).then(items => {
let labels = => x.label);
for (let entry of expected) {
assert.equal(labels.indexOf(entry) > -1, true, `missing expected item in completion list: ${entry} Actual: ${labels}`);
return Promise.all(promises);
}).then(() => {