# Contributing ## How to Contribute Start by opening an issue using one of the issue templates, or propose a change by submitting a pull request (including a detailed pull request description). ## Running the Project 1. Install [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) 2. Install [Java version >= 8](https://adoptopenjdk.net/) 3. Change directory to the root of the project 4. Select Node version: `nvm use` 5. Build project files: `./gradlew build` Running the build for the first time can take a bit of time, but subsequent builds should be fast. ## Development Workflow Open the root of the project in VS Code. Open the Debug panel, and select one of the `debug` tasks, for example `Debug Extension`, or any of the test launch configurations. You can also run `./gradlew test testVsCode` to run all tests. ### Code Style Prettier is used to lint & format most files. - Lint: `./gradlew lint` - Fix linting issues: `./gradlew format`