/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. * REQUIREMENT: This definition is dependent on the @types/node definition. * Install with `npm install @types/node --save-dev` *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ declare module "@vscode/iconv-lite-umd" { // Basic API export function decode( buffer: Uint8Array, encoding: string, options?: Options ): string; export function encode( content: string, encoding: string, options?: Options ): Uint8Array; export function encodingExists(encoding: string): boolean; // Stream API // WARNING: Excluded because it is specific to node. // export function decodeStream(encoding: string, options?: Options): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; // export function encodeStream(encoding: string, options?: Options): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; // Low-level stream APIs export function getEncoder( encoding: string, options?: Options ): EncoderStream; export function getDecoder( encoding: string, options?: Options ): DecoderStream; } export interface Options { stripBOM?: boolean; addBOM?: boolean; defaultEncoding?: string; } export interface EncoderStream { write(str: string): Uint8Array; end(): Uint8Array | undefined; } export interface DecoderStream { write(buf: Uint8Array): string; end(): string | undefined; }