store resolved ids in parentHandle.anchors
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,21 +123,23 @@ class FilePatternAssociation {
type SchemaDependencies = { [uri: string]: true };
type SchemaDependencies = Set<string>;
class SchemaHandle implements ISchemaHandle {
public url: string;
public dependencies: SchemaDependencies;
public readonly url: string;
public readonly dependencies: SchemaDependencies;
public readonly anchors: Map<string, JSONSchema>;
private resolvedSchema: Thenable<ResolvedSchema> | undefined;
private unresolvedSchema: Thenable<UnresolvedSchema> | undefined;
private service: JSONSchemaService;
private readonly service: JSONSchemaService;
constructor(service: JSONSchemaService, url: string, unresolvedSchemaContent?: JSONSchema) {
this.service = service;
this.url = url;
this.dependencies = {};
this.dependencies = new Set();
this.anchors = new Map();
if (unresolvedSchemaContent) {
this.unresolvedSchema = this.service.promise.resolve(new UnresolvedSchema(unresolvedSchemaContent));
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ class SchemaHandle implements ISchemaHandle {
public getResolvedSchema(): Thenable<ResolvedSchema> {
if (!this.resolvedSchema) {
this.resolvedSchema = this.getUnresolvedSchema().then(unresolved => {
return this.service.resolveSchemaContent(unresolved, this.url, this.dependencies);
return this.service.resolveSchemaContent(unresolved, this);
return this.resolvedSchema;
@ -162,7 +164,8 @@ class SchemaHandle implements ISchemaHandle {
public clearSchema() {
this.resolvedSchema = undefined;
this.unresolvedSchema = undefined;
this.dependencies = {};
@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
const curr = toWalk.pop()!;
for (let i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
const handle = all[i];
if (handle && (handle.url === curr || handle.dependencies[curr])) {
if (handle && (handle.url === curr || handle.dependencies.has(curr))) {
if (handle.url !== curr) {
@ -401,7 +404,7 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
public resolveSchemaContent(schemaToResolve: UnresolvedSchema, schemaURL: string, dependencies: SchemaDependencies): Thenable<ResolvedSchema> {
public resolveSchemaContent(schemaToResolve: UnresolvedSchema, handle: SchemaHandle): Thenable<ResolvedSchema> {
const resolveErrors: string[] = schemaToResolve.errors.slice(0);
const schema = schemaToResolve.schema;
@ -460,35 +463,40 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
return normalizeId(`${uri}${separator}${fragment}`);
// To find which $refs point to which $ids we'll keep two maps:
// One for '$id' we expect to encounter (if they exist)
// and one for '$id' we have encountered
const pendingSubSchemas: Record<string, JSONSchema[]> = {};
const resolvedSubSchemas: Record<string, JSONSchema> = {};
// To find which $refs point to which $ids we keep two maps:
// pendingSubSchemas '$id' we expect to encounter (if they exist)
// handle.anchors for the ones we have encountered
const pendingSubSchemas: Map<string, JSONSchema[]> = new Map();
const tryMergeSubSchema = (uri: string, target: JSONSchema) : boolean => {
if (resolvedSubSchemas[uri]) { // subschema is resolved, merge it to the target
merge(target, resolvedSubSchemas[uri]);
const tryMergeSubSchema = (target: JSONSchema, id: string, handle: SchemaHandle): boolean => {
// Get the full URI for the current schema to avoid matching schema1#hello and schema2#hello to the same
// reference by accident
const fullId = reconstructRefURI(handle.url, id);
const resolved = handle.anchors.get(fullId);
if (resolved) {
merge(target, resolved);
return true; // return success
} else { // This subschema has not been resolved yet
if (!pendingSubSchemas[uri]) {
pendingSubSchemas[uri] = [];
// Remember the target to merge later once resolved
return false; // return failure - merge didn't occur
// This subschema has not been resolved yet
// Remember the target to merge later once resolved
let pending = pendingSubSchemas.get(fullId);
if (!pending) {
pending = [];
pendingSubSchemas.set(fullId, pending);
return false; // return failure - merge didn't occur
const resolveExternalLink = (node: JSONSchema, uri: string, refSegment: string | undefined, parentSchemaURL: string, parentSchemaDependencies: SchemaDependencies): Thenable<any> => {
const resolveExternalLink = (node: JSONSchema, uri: string, refSegment: string | undefined, parentHandle: SchemaHandle): Thenable<any> => {
if (contextService && !/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+\-.+]*:\/\/.*/.test(uri)) {
uri = contextService.resolveRelativePath(uri, parentSchemaURL);
uri = contextService.resolveRelativePath(uri, parentHandle.url);
uri = normalizeId(uri);
const referencedHandle = this.getOrAddSchemaHandle(uri);
return referencedHandle.getUnresolvedSchema().then(unresolvedSchema => {
parentSchemaDependencies[uri] = true;
if (unresolvedSchema.errors.length) {
const loc = refSegment ? uri + '#' + refSegment : uri;
resolveErrors.push(localize('json.schema.problemloadingref', 'Problems loading reference \'{0}\': {1}', loc, unresolvedSchema.errors[0]));
@ -496,24 +504,23 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
// A placeholder promise that might execute later a ref resolution for the newly resolved schema
let externalLinkPromise: Thenable<any> = Promise.resolve(true);
if(!isSubSchemaRef(refSegment)) {
if (refSegment === undefined || !isSubSchemaRef(refSegment)) {
// This is not a sub schema, merge the regular way
mergeByJsonPointer(node, unresolvedSchema.schema, uri, refSegment);
} else {
// This is a reference to a subschema
const fullId = reconstructRefURI(uri, refSegment);
if (!tryMergeSubSchema(fullId, node)) {
if (!tryMergeSubSchema(node, refSegment, referencedHandle)) {
// We weren't able to merge currently so we'll try to resolve this schema first to obtain subschemas
// that could be missed
externalLinkPromise = resolveRefs(unresolvedSchema.schema, unresolvedSchema.schema, uri, referencedHandle.dependencies);
// to improve: it would be enough to find the nodes, no need to resolve the full schema
externalLinkPromise = resolveRefs(unresolvedSchema.schema, unresolvedSchema.schema, referencedHandle);
return externalLinkPromise.then(() => resolveRefs(node, unresolvedSchema.schema, uri, referencedHandle.dependencies));
return externalLinkPromise.then(() => resolveRefs(node, unresolvedSchema.schema, referencedHandle));
const resolveRefs = (node: JSONSchema, parentSchema: JSONSchema, parentSchemaURL: string, parentSchemaDependencies: SchemaDependencies): Thenable<any> => {
const resolveRefs = (node: JSONSchema, parentSchema: JSONSchema, parentHandle: SchemaHandle): Thenable<any> => {
if (!node || typeof node !== 'object') {
return Promise.resolve(null);
@ -562,18 +569,16 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
delete next.$ref;
if (segments[0].length > 0) {
// This is a reference to an external schema
openPromises.push(resolveExternalLink(next, segments[0], segments[1], parentSchemaURL, parentSchemaDependencies));
openPromises.push(resolveExternalLink(next, segments[0], segments[1], parentHandle));
} else {
// This is a reference inside the current schema
if (!seenRefs.has(ref)) {
if (isSubSchemaRef(segments[1])) { // A $ref to a sub-schema with an $id (i.e #hello)
// Get the full URI for the current schema to avoid matching schema1#hello and schema2#hello to the same
// reference by accident
const fullId = reconstructRefURI(parentSchemaURL, segments[1]);
tryMergeSubSchema(fullId, next);
const id = segments[1];
if (id !== undefined && isSubSchemaRef(id)) { // A $ref to a sub-schema with an $id (i.e #hello)
tryMergeSubSchema(next, id, handle);
} else { // A $ref to a JSON Pointer (i.e #/definitions/foo)
mergeByJsonPointer(next, parentSchema, parentSchemaURL, segments[1]); // can set next.$ref again, use seenRefs to avoid circle
mergeByJsonPointer(next, parentSchema, parentHandle.url, id); // can set next.$ref again, use seenRefs to avoid circle
@ -592,25 +597,25 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
delete next.$id;
// Use a blank separator, as the $id already has the '#'
const fullId = reconstructRefURI(parentSchemaURL, id, '');
const fullId = reconstructRefURI(parentHandle.url, id, '');
if (!resolvedSubSchemas[fullId]) {
// This is the place we fill the blanks in
resolvedSubSchemas[fullId] = next;
} else if (resolvedSubSchemas[fullId] !== next) {
const resolved = parentHandle.anchors.get(fullId);
if (!resolved) {
// it's resolved now
parentHandle.anchors.set(fullId, next);
} else if (resolved !== next) {
// Duplicate may occur in recursive $refs, but as long as they are the same object
// it's ok, otherwise report and error
resolveErrors.push(localize('json.schema.duplicateid', 'Duplicate id declaration: \'{0}\'', id));
// Resolve all pending requests and cleanup the queue list
if (pendingSubSchemas[fullId]) {
while (pendingSubSchemas[fullId].length) {
const target = pendingSubSchemas[fullId].shift();
merge(target!, next);
const pending = pendingSubSchemas.get(fullId);
if (pending) {
for (const target of pending) {
merge(target, next);
delete pendingSubSchemas[fullId];
@ -627,11 +632,12 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
return this.promise.all(openPromises);
for(const unresolvedSubschemaId in pendingSubSchemas) {
resolveErrors.push(localize('json.schema.idnotfound', 'Subschema with id \'{0}\' was not found', unresolvedSubschemaId));
return resolveRefs(schema, schema, schemaURL, dependencies).then(_ => new ResolvedSchema(schema, resolveErrors));
return resolveRefs(schema, schema, handle).then(_ => {
for (const unresolvedSubschemaId in pendingSubSchemas) {
resolveErrors.push(localize('json.schema.idnotfound', 'Subschema with id \'{0}\' was not found', unresolvedSubschemaId));
return new ResolvedSchema(schema, resolveErrors);
public getSchemaForResource(resource: string, document?: Parser.JSONDocument): Thenable<ResolvedSchema | undefined> {
@ -691,7 +697,8 @@ export class JSONSchemaService implements IJSONSchemaService {
public getMatchingSchemas(document: TextDocument, jsonDocument: Parser.JSONDocument, schema?: JSONSchema): Thenable<MatchingSchema[]> {
if (schema) {
const id = || ('schemaservice://untitled/matchingSchemas/' + idCounter++);
return this.resolveSchemaContent(new UnresolvedSchema(schema), id, {}).then(resolvedSchema => {
const handle = this.addSchemaHandle(id, schema);
return handle.getResolvedSchema().then(resolvedSchema => {
return jsonDocument.getMatchingSchemas(resolvedSchema.schema).filter(s => !s.inverted);
@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ export class JSONValidation {
if (schema) {
const id = || ('schemaservice://untitled/' + idCounter++);
return this.jsonSchemaService.resolveSchemaContent(new UnresolvedSchema(schema), id, {}).then(resolvedSchema => {
const handle = this.jsonSchemaService.registerExternalSchema(id, [], schema);
return handle.getResolvedSchema().then(resolvedSchema => {
return getDiagnostics(resolvedSchema);
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