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azure-pipelines[bot] 2023-04-28 12:25:40 +02:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
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@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Přidat zarážku prohlížeče",
"attach.node.process": "Připojit k procesu uzlu",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Seznam relací ladění, které budou také zastaveny, když bude ukončena tato relace ladění",
"browser.address.description": "IP adresa nebo název hostitele, na kterých naslouchá laděný prohlížeč",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port, který se má použít ke vzdálenému ladění prohlížeče, zadaný jako --remote-debugging-port při spuštění prohlížeče",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Vynutí připojení prohlížeče v jednom umístění. Ve vzdáleném pracovním prostoru (například přes SSH nebo WSL) lze pomocí tohoto nastavení připojit prohlížeč na vzdáleném počítači (místo toho, aby byl připojen místně).",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Vynutí spuštění prohlížeče v jednom umístění. Ve vzdáleném pracovním prostoru (například přes SSH nebo WSL) lze pomocí tohoto nastavení otevřít prohlížeč na vzdáleném počítači (místo toho, aby byl připojen místně).",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Jaké čištění se má provést po dokončení relace ladění. Určuje, jestli se má zavřít pouze laděná karta nebo celý prohlížeč.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Volitelný pracovní adresář pro spustitelný soubor modulu runtime",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Určuje, jestli se má u každého požadavku přeskočit mezipaměť sítě.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "Místní soubor HTML, který se má otevřít v prohlížeči",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Určuje, jestli se pro spuštění použijí výchozí argumenty pro spuštění prohlížeče (k zakázání funkcí, které by mohly ladění ztížit).",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Pokročilé: Určuje, jestli jsou v prohlížeči nastavené nějaké výchozí argumenty spuštění/ladění. Ladicí program bude předpokládat, že prohlížeč bude používat ladění kanálu, například ladění, které je k dispozici s parametrem --remote-debugging-pipe.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Formát pro přepis inspectUri: Jde o šablonu, která interpoluje klíče v {curlyBraces}. Dostupné klíče:\r\n – url.* je parsovaná adresa běžící aplikace. Například {url.port}, {url.hostname}.\r\n – port je ladicí port, na kterém naslouchá Chrome.\r\n – browserInspectUri je identifikátor URI inspektoru ve spuštěném prohlížeči.\r\n – browserInspectUriPath je část cesty v identifikátoru URI inspektoru ve spuštěném prohlížeči (např.: /devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2).\r\n – wsProtocol je doporučený protokol websocket. Nastaví se na wss, pokud původní adresa URL začíná na https, jinak ws.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port, na kterém má prohlížeč naslouchat. Výchozí nastavení 0 způsobí, že prohlížeč bude laděn přes kanály, což je obecně bezpečnější možnost, kterou se doporučuje zvolit, pokud se nebudete chtít k prohlížeči připojovat z jiného nástroje.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Určuje, jestli se skripty načítají jednotlivě s jedinečnými soubory sourcemap, které obsahují základní název zdrojového souboru. Tato možnost se dá nastavit, aby se optimalizovalo zpracování souboru sourcemap při práci s velkým počtem malých skriptů. Když se nastaví auto, zjistíme známé případy, kdy je to žádoucí.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "V případě hodnoty true bude profilování spuštěno při spuštění procesu.",
"browser.restart": "Určuje, jestli se má obnovit připojení při zavření připojení prohlížeče.",
"browser.revealPage": "Přepnout fokus na kartu",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Nepovinné argumenty se předaly do spustitelného souboru modulu runtime.",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Může mít hodnotu canary, stable, dev nebo custom, případně to může být cesta ke spustitelnému souboru prohlížeče. Možnost custom znamená vlastní obálku, vlastní sestavení nebo proměnnou prostředí EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Pole názvů souborů, složek nebo globů cest, které se mají při ladění přeskočit. Hvězdicové vzory a negace jsou povolené, například: [\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"].",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatické krokování pro nenamapované řádky v souborech sourcemap. Například kód, který TypeScript vytváří automaticky při kompilaci async/await nebo jiných funkcí.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Sada mapování pro přepsání umístění zdrojových souborů z umístění podle sourcemapu na jejich umístění na disku. Podrobnosti najdete v souboru README.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Určuje, zda se má v zdrojovém mapování použít mapování „names“. Tato možnost vyžaduje požadavek na zdrojový obsah, který může být u určitých ladicích programů pomalý.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Použijí se soubory sourcemap JavaScriptu (pokud existují).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Určuje, jestli se má provést připojení ke všem cílům, které odpovídají filtru adresy URL (automatic), nebo jestli se má zobrazit výzva k výběru jednoho z nich (pick).",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Bude hledat stránku s touto adresou URL, a pokud ji najde, připojí se k ní. Může obsahovat zástupné znaky *.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Ve výchozím nastavení je prohlížeč spuštěn se samostatným profilem uživatele v dočasné složce. Pomocí této možnosti to lze přepsat. Pokud chcete prohlížeč spustit s výchozím profilem uživatele, nastavte hodnotu false. Nový prohlížeč nelze spustit, pokud je instance již spuštěna z „userDataDir“. ",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Seznam vzorů glob souboru pro hledání komponent *.vue. Ve výchozím nastavení se vyhledávání provádí v celém pracovním prostoru. Tento seznam musí být specifikován z důvodu dalších vyhledávání požadovaných mapováními zdroje ve Vue CLI 4. Pokud chcete toto speciální zpracovávání zakázat, zadejte jako hodnotu tohoto nastavení prázdné pole hodnot.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Určuje absolutní cestu pracovního prostoru ke kořenovému adresáři webového serveru. Používá se pro překlad cest k souborům na disku, například /app.js. Zkratka pro pathMapping pro /",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: připojení",
"chrome.label": "Webová aplikace (Chrome)",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: spustit",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Vyloučit volajícího",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Vyloučit volajícího z pozastavení v aktuálním umístění",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Přejít do umístění volajícího",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Přejít do cílového umístění",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Odebrat vyloučeného volajícího",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Odebrat všechny vyloučené volající",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Zakázat krokování namapovaného zdroje",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Povolit krokování namapovaného zdroje",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Konfiguruje, které procesy se mají automaticky připojovat a ladit, když je zapnuté nastavení #debug.node.autoAttach#. Proces uzlu spuštěný s příznakem --inspect bude bez ohledu na toto nastavení připojen vždy.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Automaticky připojovat ke každému procesu Node.js spuštěnému v terminálu",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Připojit, pouze pokud je zadán parametr --inspect",
"": "Automaticky připojit při spouštění skriptů, které nejsou ve složce node_modules",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Konfiguruje vzory globů pro určení, kdy se má k připojení použít inteligentní režim #debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#. Parametr $KNOWN_TOOLS$ se nahradí seznamem názvů běžných spouštěčů testů a kódu. [Další informace najdete v dokumentaci pro VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Při ladění vzdálené webové aplikace určuje, jestli se má automaticky vytvářet tunelové připojení mezi vzdáleným serverem a vaším místním počítačem.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Určuje, jestli se má ukončit, když podmíněné zarážky způsobí chybu.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Možnosti použité při ladění otevřených odkazů, na které se kliklo z terminálu ladění JavaScriptu. Pokud chcete toto chování zakázat, můžete pro toto nastavení zadat hodnotu off (vypnuto). Hodnota always (vždy) povolí ladění na všech terminálech.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Výchozí hodnota runtimeExecutable používaná pro spouštění konfigurací, pokud není zadaná. Toto možnost se dá použít ke konfiguraci vlastních cest k instalacím Node.js nebo prohlížeče.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Výchozí možnosti používané při ladění procesu pomocí příkazu Ladit: připojit k procesu Node.js",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Možnosti požadavku, které se mají použít při načítání prostředků, třeba map zdrojů, v ladicím programu. Možná je bude nutné nakonfigurovat, pokud vaše mapy zdrojů například vyžadují ověření nebo používají certifikát podepsaný svým držitelem (self-signed certificate). Možnosti se používají při vytváření požadavku pomocí knihovny [`got`](\r\n\r\nBěžný způsob, jak zakázat ověřování certifikátu, je předáním `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Konfiguruje, jestli se automaticky zruší mapování souboru sourcemapped v případech, kdy se původní soubor nedá přečíst. Pokud je tato hodnota false (výchozí), zobrazí se výzva.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnostikovat problémy zarážky",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Přizpůsobte si textový popis, který ladicí program zobrazí pro objekty (místní proměnné atd.). Příklady:\r\n 1. this.toString()// bude volat metodu toString pro tisk všech objektů.\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Použít metodu customDescription, pokud je k dispozici, jinak vrátit hodnotu defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Použít metodu customDescription, pokud je k dispozici, jinak vrátit hodnotu defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Umožňuje přizpůsobit vlastnosti zobrazené pro objekt v ladicím programu (místní proměnné apod.). Příklady:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Přidat extraProperty 12345 ke všem objektům\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Použít metodu customProperties, pokud je k dispozici, v opačném případě použít vlastnosti v tomto zadání (výchozí vlastnosti)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Použít metodu customDescription, pokud je k dispozici, v opačném případě vrátit výchozí vlastnosti\r\n\r\n Zastaralé: Toto je dočasná implementace této funkce, než ji implementujeme způsobem popsaným tady:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Upravit soubor package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "Ve vašem souboru package.json nebyly nalezeny žádné skripty npm.",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Pokud chcete ladit skripty npm, musíte otevřít složku pracovního prostoru.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Nelze přečíst {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Ladit skript NPM",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Připojit k procesu terminálu Node.js",
"debug.terminal.label": "Terminál pro ladění JavaScriptu",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Přepnout automatické připojení Node.js terminálu",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[Terminál pro ladění JavaScriptu](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nPomocí terminálu pro ladění JavaScriptu můžete ladit procesy Node.js spuštěné na příkazovém řádku.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[Terminál pro ladění JavaScriptu](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nPomocí terminálu pro ladění JavaScriptu můžete ladit procesy Node.js spuštěné na příkazovém řádku.\r\n\r\n[Adresa URL pro ladění](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Některé z vašich zarážek nelze nastavit. Pokud máte problém, můžete [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Otevřít odkaz",
"edge.address.description": "IP adresa nebo název hostitele, kterým webové zobrazení naslouchá při ladění webových zobrazení. Pokud není nastaveno, bude automaticky zjištěno.",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: připojit",
"edge.label": "Webová aplikace (Edge)",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: spustit",
"edge.port.description": "Port, na kterém ladicí program webového zobrazení naslouchá při ladění webových zobrazení. Pokud není nastaveno, bude automaticky zjištěno.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Objekt obsahující pipeName kanálu ladění pro Webview2 hostované na UPW Toto je MyTestSharedMemory při vytváření kanálu „\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory“.",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Když má hodnotu true, bude ladicí program považovat spustitelný soubor modulu runtime za hostitelskou aplikaci, která obsahuje webové zobrazení (WebView), což vám umožní ladit obsah skriptu webového zobrazení.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Určuje, jestli budeme ověřovat, že se obsah souborů na disku shoduje s těmi, které jsou načteny za běhu. To je užitečné v různých scénářích (a v některých z nich je to vyžadováno), může to však také vést k problémům, například pokud se použije transformace skriptů na straně serveru.",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Vývoj rozšíření VS Code",
"": "Spustit rozšíření",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Konfiguruje, jestli se máme zkusit připojit k hostiteli rozšíření webového pracovního procesu.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Konfiguruje, jestli se máme pokusit připojit k webovým zobrazením ve spuštěné instanci VS Code. To bude fungovat jenom v editoru VS Code na počítači.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Proměnné prostředí se předaly hostiteli rozšíření.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Možnosti spuštění prohlížeče Chrome, které se mají použít při připojování k procesu vykreslování pomocí nastavení debugWebviews nebo debugWebWorkerHost",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolutní cesta k VS Code",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Po spuštění automaticky zastaví hostitele rozšíření.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Spustit rozšíření VS Code v režimu ladění",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Vývoj rozšíření VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Uložit protokoly ladění diagnostického JS",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Příště už nezobrazovat",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Konfigurace zarážek trvá delší dobu. Můžete ji urychlit aktualizací nastavení outFiles v souboru launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Není otevřená žádná složka pracovního prostoru.",
"": "Otevřít soubor launch.json",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Připojit",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID procesu, ke kterému se má provést připojení",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Umožňuje pokusit se k programu znovu připojit v případě ztráty připojení. Pokud je nastavena hodnota true, budou pokusy o opětovné připojení prováděny jednou za sekundu bez omezení počtu pokusů. Interval a maximální počet opakovaných pokusů můžete upravit tak, že místo toho v objektu zadáte hodnoty pro nastavení delay a maxAttempts.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Pokud je nastaveno, provede se připojení k procesu přes zadaný port. Obecně to pro programy Node.js již není nutné a ztrácí se tím možnost ladit podřízené procesy, ale může to být užitečné v některých neobvyklých scénářích, například při spuštění Deno a Dockeru. Pokud je nastaveno na hodnotu 0, zvolí se náhodný port a k argumentům spuštění se automaticky přidá volba --inspect-brk.",
"node.console.title": "Konzole ladění uzlů",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Nenastavujte zarážky do žádného souboru, dokud se pro daný soubor nenačte sourcemap.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Konfiguruje, jestli se má pro zjišťování sourcemap použít nový a rychlejší mechanismus.",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Konfiguruje, jak se mají ukončit procesy ladění při zastavení relace. Možnosti:\r\n\r\n- forceful (výchozí): Vynutí okamžité zrušení stromu procesu. Odešle příkaz SIGKILL v posixu nebo taskkill.exe /F ve Windows.\r\n- polite: Strom procesu se zruší řádně. Je možné, že procesy, které se nechovají správně, po vypnutí tímto způsobem nadále poběží. Odešle příkaz SIGTERM v posixu nebo taskkill.exe bez příznaku /F (force) ve Windows.\r\n- none: Nedojde k žádnému ukončení.",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Argumenty příkazového řádku, které se předávají do programu.\r\n\r\nMůže to být pole řetězců nebo jeden řetězec. Když se program spustí v terminálu, nastavení této vlastnosti na jeden řetězec způsobí, že argumenty pro prostředí nebudou uvozeny.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Automaticky připojovat ladicí program k novým podřízených procesům",
"": "Spustit",
"node.launch.console.description": "Kde se má spustit cíl ladění",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Externí terminál, který lze konfigurovat pomocí uživatelského nastavení",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "Integrovaný terminál VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "Konzola ladění VS Code (nepodporující vstup čtení z programu)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolutní cesta k pracovnímu adresáři laděného programu. Pokud jste nastavili localRoot, cwd bude odpovídat dané hodnotě, jinak se použije workspaceFolder.",
"node.launch.env.description": "Proměnné prostředí se předaly do programu. Hodnota null odebere proměnnou z prostředí.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolutní cesta k souboru, který obsahuje definice proměnných prostředí",
"node.launch.logging": "Konfigurace protokolování",
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Určuje, odkud se mají zachycovat výstupní zprávy: výchozí rozhraní API pro ladění, pokud je nastaveno na hodnotu console, nebo streamy stdout/stderr, pokud je nastaveno na hodnotu std.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolutní cesta k programu. Vygenerovaná hodnota je odhadnuta podle souboru package.json a otevřených souborů. Upravte tento atribut.",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Nepovinné argumenty se předaly do spustitelného souboru modulu runtime.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Modul runtime, který se má použít. Absolutní cesta nebo název modulu runtime, který je k dispozici prostřednictvím proměnné PATH. V případě vynechání se předpokládá hodnota node.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Seznam vzorů pro ruční vkládání zarážek pro vstupní body. Lze to použít k tomu, aby měl ladicí program možnost nastavit zarážky při použití mapování zdroje, která neexistují nebo která nebylo možné najít před spuštěním, jako například [v případě Serverless Framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Verze modulu runtime node, která se má používat. Vyžaduje nvm.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "Rozšíření useWSL je zastaralé a přestane se podporovat. Místo toho použijte rozšíření Remote - WSL.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Použít subsystém Windows pro Linux",
"node.localRoot.description": "Cesta k místnímu adresáři obsahujícímu program",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Port pro ladění, ke kterému se má provést připojení. Výchozí hodnota je 9229.",
"": "Připojit k procesu",
"node.profileStartup.description": "V případě hodnoty true bude profilování spuštěno při spuštění procesu.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolutní cesta ke vzdálenému adresáři obsahujícímu program",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Zobrazí se asynchronní volání, která vedla k aktuálnímu zásobníku volání.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Připojit k běžícímu programu uzlu",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: připojit",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Otevřít výběr procesu k výběru procesu uzlu, ke kterému se má provést připojení",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: připojit k procesu",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Ladit hlavní proces Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: hlavní proces Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Ladit úlohu Gulp (zajistěte, abyste měli v projektu místně nainstalovaný Gulp)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: úloha Gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Spustit program uzlu v režimu ladění",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: spustit program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Ladit testy Mocha",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: testy Mocha",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Použít nástroj nodemon k opětovnému spuštění relace ladění při změnách zdroje",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: instalace nástroje Nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Spustit program uzlu prostřednictvím npm skriptu debug",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: spustit přes NPM",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Připojit k portu ladění programu vzdáleného uzlu",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: připojit ke vzdálenému programu",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Ladit generátor Yeoman (nainstalujte spuštěním příkazu npm link v projektové složce)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: generátor Yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Sada mapování pro přepsání umístění zdrojových souborů z umístění, která jsou uvedena v mapování zdrojů, na jejich umístění na disku",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Použijí se soubory sourcemap JavaScriptu (pokud existují).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Po spuštění se program automaticky zastaví.",
"node.timeout.description": "Opakované pokusy o připojení k Node.js se budou provádět tento počet milisekund. Výchozí hodnota je 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Umožňuje explicitně zadat spuštěnou verzi uzlu, která se dá použít k zakázání nebo povolení určitých chování v případech, kdy nefunguje automatická detekce verze.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Přesná adresa protokolu WebSocket pro připojení. Pokud není zadáno, bude zjištěno z adresy a portu.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Otevřít vývojářské nástroje prohlížeče",
"outFiles.description": "Při povolení souborů sourcemap tyto vzory glob určují vygenerované soubory JavaScriptu. Pokud vzor začíná znakem !, budou soubory vyloučeny. Pokud není zadán, bude se vygenerovaný kód očekávat ve stejném adresáři jako jeho zdroj.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Použít profil výkonu",
"profile.stop": "Zastavit profil výkonu",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Odebrat zarážku prohlížeče",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Požadovat proxy CDP pro relaci ladění",
"skipFiles.description": "Pole hodnot vzorů glob pro soubory, které se mají přeskočit při ladění. Vzor <node_internals>/** odpovídá všem interním modulům Node.js.",
"smartStep.description": "Provede se automatické krokování vygenerovaného kódu, který nelze namapovat zpět do původního zdroje.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Spustit ladění a zastavit na vstupu",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Spustit ladění a zastavit na vstupu",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Časové limity pro několik operací ladicího programu",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Časové limity pro několik operací ladicího programu",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Čas do vyhodnocení hodnoty pro symboly, na které se najelo myší, se přerušil. Když se nastaví na 0, pro vyhodnocování po najetí myší nikdy nevyprší časový limit.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Časové limity související s operacemi mapování zdroje",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Doba navíc (v milisekundách) povolená pro relaci, po kterou je možné čekat na zpracování mapování zdroje po vyčerpání minimální doby (sourceMapMinPause)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimální doba (v milisekundách) strávená čekáním na zpracování jednotlivých mapování zdroje při parsování skriptu",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Přepnout možnost přeskočení tohoto souboru",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Určuje, jestli se mají vrátit data trasování ze spuštěné aplikace nebo prohlížeče.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "K ladění kódu v tomto pracovním prostoru je vyžadován vztah důvěryhodnosti."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Relace profilování je už spuštěná. Chcete ji zastavit a spustit novou relaci?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Upravte vzory glob v atributu outFiles tak, aby pokrývaly vygenerovaný JavaScript.",
"Always": "Vždy",
"Always in this Workspace": "Vždy v tomto pracovním prostoru",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Při načítání profilu z cíle došlo k chybě.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Vyvolán snímek animace",
"Assertion failed": "Kontrolní výraz selhal.",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Připojit k procesu: {0} nevypadá jako ID procesu.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Připojit k procesu: Nelze povolit režim ladění pro proces {0} ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "Atribut runtimeVersion vyžaduje správce verzí Node.js nvm-windows nebo nvs.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "Atribut runtimeVersion vyžaduje, aby byl nainstalován správce verzí Node.js nvs nebo nvm.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Atribut runtimeVersion s variantou nebo architekturou vyžaduje instalaci nvs.",
"Block": "Blokovat",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Pozastaví se na všech vyvolaných chybách, i když se zachytí později.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Přeruší se jenom pří chybách nebo zamítnutí příslibů, které nebyly zpracovány.",
"CPU Profile": "Profil CPU",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Profil procesoru se ve složce pracovního prostoru uložil jako {0}.",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Porušení CSP {0}",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Nelze najít binární soubor Node.js {0}: {1}. Zkontrolujte, že je Node.js nainstalovaný a je uveden v proměnné PATH, nebo nastavte runtimeExecutable v souboru launch.json.",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Nelze načíst proměnné prostředí ze souboru ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Zrušit snímek animace",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Nelze se připojit k cíli: {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Nelze najít program k ladění.",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Nelze spustit cíl ladění v terminálu ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Nelze restartovat asynchronní blok zásobníku.",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Nelze nastavit prázdnou hodnotu.",
"Catch Block": "Blok Catch",
"Caught Exceptions": "Zachycené výjimky",
"Close AudioContext": "Zavřít AudioContext",
"Closure": "Zavření",
"Closure ({0})": "Zavření ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Profil konzoly se spustil",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Nelze se připojit k žádnému kanálu webového zobrazení UPW. Ujistěte se, že je vaše webové zobrazení hostované v režimu ladění a že „pipeName“ v souboru „launch.json“ je správné.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Nepovedlo se zadat dotaz na zadaný objekt.",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Nepovedlo se přečíst mapování zdroje pro {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Nelze přečíst {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Vytvořit AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "Vytvořit kontext plátna",
"Debug Anyway": "Přesto ladit",
"Debug URL": "Ladit adresu URL",
"Details": "Podrobnosti",
"Don't show again": "Příště už nezobrazovat",
"Duration": "Doba trvání",
"Duration of Profile": "Doba trvání profilu",
"Edit package.json": "Upravit soubor package.json",
"Eval": "Vyhodnocení",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Rámec se nepovedlo restartovat.",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Vygeneruje soubor .cpuprofile, který můžete otevřít v Chrome DevTools.",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Vygeneruje soubor .heapprofile, který můžete otevřít v Chrome DevTools.",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Vygeneruje soubor .heapsnapshot, který můžete otevřít v nástroji Chrome DevTools.",
"Global": "Globální",
"Got it!": "OK!",
"Heap Profile": "Profil haldy",
"Heap Snapshot": "Snímek haldy",
"How long to run the profile:": "Jak dlouho má být profil spuštěn:",
"Ignore": "Ignorovat",
"Invalid expression": "Neplatný výraz",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Neplatná podmínka průchodu {0}. Očekává se výraz, například > 42 nebo == 2.",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Vypadá to, že prohlížeč je již spuštěn z {0}. Před pokusem o ladění ho prosím zavřete, jinak by se k němu VS Code nemusel být schopen připojit.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Vypadá to, že vaše ladicí relace už skončila. Zkuste ladění opakovat a potom spusťte příkaz „Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems“ (Ladit: Diagnostikovat problémy zarážek).",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Konfigurace zarážek trvá delší dobu. Můžete ji urychlit aktualizací nastavení outFiles v souboru launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Terminál pro ladění JavaScriptu",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Adaptér ladění JavaScriptu",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Spustit Chrome proti localhostu",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Spustit Microsoft Edge proti místnímu hostiteli",
"Launch Program": "Spustit program",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Spustit konfiguraci vytvořenou na základě souboru package.json",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "Spustit konfiguraci pro vytvořený projekt {0}",
"Local": "Místní",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Bylo ztraceno připojení k laděné součásti. Pokus o opětovné připojení bude proveden za {0} ms.\r\n",
"Manual": "Ruční",
"Module": "Modul",
"Never": "Nikdy",
"No": "Ne",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Ve vašem souboru package.json nebyly nalezeny žádné skripty npm.",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Ve vašem pracovním prostoru se nenašly žádné soubory package.json.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Není otevřená žádná složka pracovního prostoru.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Node.js verze {0} není nainstalovaný pomocí správce verzí {1}.",
"Not Now": "Teď ne",
"Only objects can be queried": "Dotazy lze zadávat pouze na objekty.",
"Open launch.json": "Otevřít soubor launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "Výstup byl zkrácen na prvních {0} znaků. Spuštěním příkazu {1} zkopírujte úplný výstup.",
"Paused": "Pozastaveno",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Pozastaveno před výjimkou při nedostatku paměti",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Pozastaveno na zarážce instrumentace porušení zásad zabezpečení obsahu (CSP), direktiva {0}",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Pozastaveno na zarážce DOM",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Pozastaveno na zarážce instrumentace chyby WebGL. Chyba: {0}",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Pozastaveno na XMLHttpRequest nebo při načtení",
"Paused on assert": "Pozastaveno na kontrolním příkazu",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Pozastaveno na zarážce",
"Paused on debug() call": "Pozastaveno při volání metody debug()",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Pozastaveno na příkazu ladicího programu",
"Paused on event listener": "Pozastaveno na naslouchacím procesu událostí",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Pozastaveno na zarážce naslouchacího procesu události {0}, vyvoláno na {1}",
"Paused on exception": "Pozastaveno na výjimce",
"Paused on frame entry": "Pozastaveno na položce rámce",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Pozastaveno na zarážce instrumentace",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Pozastaveno na zarážce instrumentace {0}",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Pozastaveno na zamítnutí příslibu",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Vybrat zarážku",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Vyberte proces node.js, ke kterému se má provést připojení.",
"Please enter a number": "Zadejte prosím číslo.",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Zadejte prosím číslo větší než 1.",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Před spuštěním nového profilu prosím zastavte běžící profil.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Výběr procesu selhal ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Doba trvání profilu v sekundách, například 5",
"Profiling": "Profilace",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Profilování s povolenými zarážkami může změnit výkon vašeho kódu. Může být užitečné ověřit zjištěné výsledky pomocí podmínek ukončení duration (doba trvání) nebo manual (ručně).",
"Read More": "Další informace",
"Request Animation Frame": "Požádat o snímek animace",
"Resume AudioContext": "Obnovit AudioContext",
"Return value": "Návratová hodnota",
"Run Current File": "Spustit aktuální soubor",
"Run Script: {0}": "Spustit skript: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Provádět po konkrétní dobu",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Provádět, dokud nebude dosaženo konkrétní zarážky",
"Run until manually stopped": "Provádět do ručního zastavení",
"Saving": "Ukládání",
"Script": "Skript",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Skript zablokován zásadami zabezpečení obsahu",
"Script First Statement": "První příkaz skriptu",
"Select a tab": "Vyberte kartu",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Vyberte aktuální pracovní adresář pro nový terminál.",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Vyberte stránku, na které chcete vývojářské nástroje otevřít.",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Vyberte relaci, kterou chcete zkontrolovat:",
"Set innerHTML": "Nastavit innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Vynecháno na základě skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Vynecháno na základě smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Některé zarážky nemusí ve vaší verzi Node.js fungovat. Doporučujeme upgradovat, abyste získali nejnovější opravy chyb, výkonu a zabezpečení. Podrobnosti:",
"Source not a source map": "Zdroj není zdrojová mapa.",
"Source not found": "Zdroj nenalezen",
"Stack frame not found": "Blok zásobníku nebyl nalezen.",
"Starting profile...": "Spouští se profil…",
"Stopping profile...": "Zastavuje se profil...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Pozastavit AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Chyba syntaxe při nastavování zarážky s podmínkou {0} na řádku {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Cílová stránka nebyla nalezena. Možná budete muset aktualizovat nastavení urlFilter tak, aby odpovídalo stránce, kterou chcete ladit.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "Verze Node v „{0}“ je zastaralá (verze {1}). Je vyžadován Node 8.x nebo vyšší verze.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "Zadaná adresa URL je neplatná.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Nakonfigurovaný cwd {0} neexistuje.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Nakonfigurovaný cwd {0} není složka.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Jedná se o chybějící cestu k souboru, na kterou odkazuje sourcemap. Chcete místo toho ladit zkompilovanou verzi?",
"Thread is not paused": "Podproces není pozastaven.",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Podproces není pozastaven při výjimce.",
"Thread not found": "Vlákno se nenašlo",
"Type of profile:": "Typ profilu:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Ladění webového zobrazení UPW není na vaší platformě k dispozici.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Nelze připojit k prohlížeči.",
"Unable to evaluate": "Nelze vyhodnotit.",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Nelze vyhodnotit v asynchronním bloku zásobníku.",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "V systému se nepovedlo najít instalaci prohlížeče. Zkuste ji nainstalovat nebo v souboru launch.json zadejte v parametru runtimeExecutable absolutní cestu k prohlížeči.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Nelze najít {0} verze {1}. Dostupné automaticky zjištěné verze: {2}. Jednu z těchto verzí můžete určit jako hodnotu parametru runtimeExecutable v souboru launch.json nebo můžete zadat absolutní cestu ke spustitelnému souboru prohlížeče.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Nelze spustit prohlížeč: {0}.",
"Unable to pause": "Nelze pozastavit.",
"Unable to pretty print": "Nelze provést přehledný výpis.",
"Unable to resume": "Nedá se pokračovat.",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Nelze načíst zdrojový obsah.",
"Unable to set variable value": "Nelze nastavit hodnotu proměnné.",
"Unable to step in": "Nelze krokovat s vnořením.",
"Unable to step next": "Nelze krokovat na další.",
"Unable to step out": "Nelze krokovat s vystoupením.",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Nevázaná zarážka",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Nezachycené výjimky",
"Unknown error": "Neznámá chyba",
"Variable not found": "Proměnná se nenašla",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Proměnné nejsou dostupné v asynchronních zásobnících.",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "UPOZORNĚNÍ: Zpracování mapování zdroje {0} trvalo přes {1} ms, takže jsme pokračovali v provádění bez čekání na nastavení všech zarážek pro skript.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Prohlížeč odsud nemůžeme spustit v režimu ladění. Pokud chcete ladit tuto webovou stránku, otevřete tento pracovní prostor z VS Code na počítači.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Prohlížeč odsud nemůžeme spustit v režimu ladění. Pokud chcete povolit ladění, otevřete tento pracovní prostor ve VS Code na počítači.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Vyvolána chyba WebGL",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Vyvoláno upozornění WebGL",
"With Block": "Blok With",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Chcete si uložit konfiguraci do souboru launch.json, abyste k ní měli snadný přístup později?",
"Yes": "Ano",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Pokud chcete ladit skripty npm, musíte otevřít složku pracovního prostoru.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Používáte zastaralou verzi Node.js. Doporučujeme upgradovat, abyste získali nejnovější opravy chyb, výkonu a zabezpečení.",
"an old debug session": "stará relace ladění",
"path does not exist": "cesta neexistuje",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "ID procesu: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "ID procesu: {0}, port ladění: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "vyvolána metoda setInterval",
"setTimeout fired": "Vyvolána metoda setTimeout",
"the configured userDataDir": "nakonfigurovaný adresář userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (nepovedlo se popsat: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Kliknutím zastavíte profilaci",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Kliknutím zastavíte profilaci (relace {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Kliknutím zastavíte profilaci ({1})"
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Browserhaltepunkt hinzufügen",
"attach.node.process": "An Node-Prozess anfügen",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Eine Liste der Debugsitzungen, die bei Beenden dieser Debugsitzung ebenfalls beendet werden.",
"browser.address.description": "IP-Adresse oder Hostname, auf die bzw. den der Browser lauscht, für den ein Debugging durchgeführt wird.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port, der beim Remotedebugging des Browsers verwendet wird, angegeben als \"--remote-debugging-port\" beim Starten des Browsers.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Die Basis-URL zum Auflösen von Pfaden (baseUrl). baseURL wird beim Zuordnen von URLs zu den Dateien auf dem Datenträger gekürzt. Der Standardwert ist die Start-URL-Domäne.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Hiermit wird erzwungen, dass der Browser an einer einzigen Stelle angefügt wird. In einem Remotearbeitsbereich (beispielsweise über SSH oder WSL) kann diese Einstellung zum Anfügen des Browsers auf dem Remotecomputer statt des Browsers auf dem lokalen Computer verwendet werden.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Erzwingt, dass der Browser an einer einzigen Stelle gestartet wird. In einem Remotearbeitsbereich (beispielsweise über SSH oder WSL) kann diese Einstellung verwendet werden, um den Browser statt auf dem lokalen Computer auf dem Remotecomputer zu öffnen.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Bereinigungsvorgänge nach Beendigung der Debugsitzung. Schließen Sie nur die Registerkarte, für die das Debugging ausgeführt wird, nicht den gesamten Browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optionales Arbeitsverzeichnis für die ausführbare Runtimedatei.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Gibt ab, ob der Netzwerkcache für jede Anfrage übersprungen werden soll",
"browser.env.description": "Optionales Wörterbuch der Umgebungs-Schlüssel-/Wert-Paare für den Browser.",
"browser.file.description": "Eine lokale HTML-Datei zum Öffnen im Browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Gibt an, ob Standardargumente für den Browserstart (zum Deaktivieren von Features, die das Debuggen erschweren können) beim Start einbezogen werden.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Erweitert: Gibt an, ob standardmäßige Start-/Debuggenargumente im Browser festgelegt sind. Der Debugger geht davon aus, dass der Browser das Pipedebuggen verwendet, wie es z. B. mit „--remote-debugging-pipe“ bereitgestellt wird.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format zum Neuschreiben von inspectUri: Es handelt sich um eine Vorlagenzeichenfolge, die Schlüssel in \"{curlyBraces}\" interpoliert. Verfügbare Schlüssel:\r\n – \"url.*\" ist die analysierte Adresse der derzeit ausgeführten Anwendung, zum Beispiel \"{url.port}\" oder \"{url.hostname}\".\r\n – \"port\" ist der Debugport, an dem Chrome lauscht.\r\n – \"browserInspectUri\" ist der Inspektor-URI im gestarteten Browser\r\n – \"browserInspectUriPath\" ist der Pfad des Inspektor-URIs im gestarteten Browser (z. B. \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n – \"wsProtocol\" ist das WebSocket-Protokoll, auf das hingewiesen wird. Dies ist auf \"wss\" festgelegt, wenn es sich bei der ursprünglichen URL um eine https-URL handelt. Andernfalls it es auf ws\" festgelegt.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port, auf dem der Browser lauscht. Der Standardwert lautet \"0\" und führt dazu, dass das Browserdebugging über Pipes durchgeführt wird. Diese Option bietet im Allgemeinen mehr Sicherheit und sollte verwendet werden – es sei denn, Sie müssen den Browser über ein anderes Tool anfügen.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "Eine Zuordnung von URLs/Pfaden zu lokalen Ordnern, um Skripts im Browser in Skripts auf dem Datenträger aufzulösen",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Gibt an, ob Skripts einzeln mit eindeutigen Sourcemaps geladen werden, die den Basisnamen der Quelldatei enthalten. Diese Option kann festgelegt werden, um die Sourcemap-Verarbeitung beim Umgang mit zahlreichen kleinen Skripts zu optimieren. Wenn diese Option auf \"Automatisch\" festgelegt ist, werden bekannte Fälle ermittelt, in denen diese Verarbeitung angemessen ist.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Sofern TRUE, beginnt die Profilerstellung, sobald der Prozess gestartet wird.",
"browser.restart": "Gibt an, ob die Verbindung erneut hergestellt wird, wenn die Browserverbindung geschlossen wurde.",
"browser.revealPage": "Registerkarte im Fokus",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optionale Argumente, die an die ausführbare Datei der Runtime übergeben werden.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Entweder \"canary\", \"stable\", \"custom\" oder der Pfad zur ausführbaren Browserdatei. \"custom\" steht für einen benutzerdefinierten Wrapper, einen benutzerdefinierten Build oder eine CHROME_PATH-Umgebungsvariable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Entweder \"canary\", \"stable\", \"dev\", \"custom\" oder der Pfad zur ausführbaren Browserdatei. Mit \"custom\" wird ein benutzerdefinierter Wrapper, ein benutzerdefinierter Build oder die EDGE_PATH-Umgebungsvariable angegeben.",
"browser.server.description": "Konfiguriert einen Webserver für den Start. Nimmt dieselbe Konfiguration wie die Startaufgabe \"node\".",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Ein Array von Datei- oder Ordnernamen oder Pfadglobs, das bzw. die beim Debuggen übersprungen werden soll. Sternmuster und Negationen sind zulässig, z. B. „[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]“",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatisch nicht zugeordnete Zeilen in Sourcemapdateien durchlaufen, z.B. von TypeScript automatisch generierter Code beim Herunterkompilieren von async/await oder anderen Features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Eine Reihe von Zuordnungen zum Umschreiben der Speicherorte von Quelldateien gemäß Sourcemap in die Speicherorte auf dem Datenträger. Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in der README-Datei.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Gibt an, ob die Zuordnung \"names\" in Quellzuordnungen verwendet werden soll. Dies erfordert das Anfordern von Quellinhalten, was bei bestimmten Debuggern langsam sein kann.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Hiermit werden JavaScript-Quellzuordnungsdateien verwendet (sofern vorhanden).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Gibt an, ob an alle Ziele angefügt werden soll, die dem URL-Filter entsprechen (\"automatic\"), oder ob ein Ziel ausgewählt werden soll (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Versuchen, erneut eine Verbindung zum Browser innerhalb der angegebenen Zeit in Millisekunden herzustellen. Der Standardwert ist 10.000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Sucht nach einer Registerkarte mit genau dieser URL, und fügt sie an, falls gefunden",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Suchen Sie nach einer Seite mit dieser URL, und führen Sie eine Anfügung daran durch, wenn sie gefunden wird. Darf * als Platzhalter enthalten.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Standardmäßig wird der Browser mit einem separaten Benutzerprofil in einem temporären Ordner gestartet. Verwenden Sie diese Option, um dies zu überschreiben. Legen Sie diesen Wert auf „false“ fest, um mit Ihrem Standardbenutzerprofil zu starten. Ein neuer Browser kann nicht gestartet werden, wenn eine Instanz bereits aus einem userDataDir ausgeführt wird.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Eine Liste der Globmuster für Dateien zum Suchen von *.vue-Komponenten. Standardmäßig wird der gesamte Arbeitsbereich durchsucht. Eine Angabe ist aufgrund von zusätzlichen Suchvorgängen erforderlich, für die Vue-Sourcemaps in der Vue CLI 4 benötigt werden. Sie können diese Sonderverarbeitung durch Festlegung auf ein leeres Array deaktivieren.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Gibt den absoluten Arbeitsbereichspfad zum Webserverstamm an. Wird zur Auflösung von Pfaden wie \"/app.js\" zu Dateien auf dem Datenträger verwendet. Kurzschreibweise für ein pathMapping für \"/\".",
"chrome.attach.description": "An eine Chrome-Instanz anfügen, die sich bereits im Debugmodus befindet",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Anfügen",
"chrome.label": "Web-App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Chrome starten, um eine URL zu debuggen",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Starten",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Aufrufende Funktion ausschließen",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Anrufer vom Anhalten am aktuellen Speicherort ausschließen",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Zum Anruferstandort wechseln",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Zum Zielspeicherort wechseln",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Ausgeschlossenen Aufrufer entfernen",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Alle ausgeschlossenen Aufrufer entfernen",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Source Mapped Stepping deaktivieren",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Source Mapped Stepping aktivieren",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Konfiguriert, welche Prozesse automatisch angefügt und gedebuggt werden, wenn \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\" aktiviert ist. Ein mit dem Flag \"--inspect\" gestarteter Node-Prozess wird unabhängig von dieser Einstellung immer angefügt.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Hiermit wird automatisch an jeden Node.js-Prozess angefügt, der im Terminal gestartet wird.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Automatisches Anfügen ist deaktiviert und wird nicht in der Statusleiste angezeigt.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Hiermit wird nur dann automatisch angefügt, wenn \"--inspect\" angegeben wird.",
"": "Hiermit wird bei Ausführung von Skripts automatisch angefügt, die sich nicht in einem node_modules-Ordner befinden.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Konfiguriert die Globmuster, mit denen ermittelt wird, wann im \"intelligenten\" #debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#-Modus angefügt werden soll. \"$KNOWN_TOOLS$\" wird durch eine Liste mit Namen von gängigen Test- und Coderunnern ersetzt. [Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation zu VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Beim Debuggen einer Remote-Web-App wird konfiguriert, ob der Remoteserver automatisch auf den lokalen Computer getunnelt werden soll.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Gibt an, ob der Vorgang beendet werden soll, wenn bedingte Haltepunkte einen Fehler auslösen.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Optionen, die verwendet werden, wenn beim Debuggen innerhalb des Terminals auf geöffnete Links geklickt wird. Legen Sie diese Einstellung auf \"false\" fest, um dieses Verhalten zu deaktivieren.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Der Standardwert für \"runtimeExecutable\", der für Startkonfigurationen verwendet wird, falls nicht angegeben. Dies kann zum Konfigurieren von benutzerdefinierten Pfaden für Node.js- oder Browserinstallationen verwendet werden.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Wo in Ihren npm-Skripts \"Ausführen\" und \"Debuggen\" für CodeLens angezeigt werden soll. Mögliche Einstellungen sind \"Alle\" Skripts, \"Oben\" im Skriptabschnitt oder \"Keine\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Standardoptionen, die beim Debuggen eines Prozesses über den Befehl \"Debuggen: An Node.js-Prozess anfügen\" verwendet werden",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Anforderungsoptionen, die beim Laden von Ressourcen wie z. B. Quellzuordnungsdateien im Debugger verwendet werden sollen. Diese müssen möglicherweise konfiguriert werden, wenn Ihre Quellzuordnungsdateien eine Authentifizierung erfordern oder ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat verwenden. Optionen werden zum Erstellen einer Anforderung mithilfe der [„got“]( verwendet.\r\n\r\nEin gängiger Fall ist beispielsweise das Deaktivieren der Zertifikatüberprüfung durch Übergabe von „{ „https\": { „rejectUnauthorized\": false } }“.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Standardstartoptionen für das JavaScript-Debug-Terminal und die npm-Skripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Konfiguriert, ob die Zuordnung einer Sourcemapdatei, in der die ursprüngliche Datei nicht gelesen werden kann, automatisch aufgehoben wird. Wenn dieser Wert FALSE ist (Standard), wird eine Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Haltepunktprobleme diagnostizieren",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Passen Sie die Textbeschreibung an, die der Debugger für Objekte (z. B. lokale Variablen) anzeigt. Beispiele:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Ruft \"toString\" auf, um alle Objekte zu drucken.\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Verwendet bei Verfügbarkeit die customDescription-Methode und gibt andernfalls den defaultValue-Wert zurück.\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Verwendet bei Verfügbarkeit die customDescription-Methode und gibt andernfalls den defaultValue-Wert zurück.\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Passen Sie die Eigenschaften an, die für ein Objekt im Debugger angezeigt werden (lokale Variablen usw.). Beispiele:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Zusätzliche Eigenschaft \"12345\" zu allen Objekten hinzufügen.\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // customProperties-Methode (falls verfügbar) verwenden, andernfalls Verwendung der this-Eigenschaften (der Standardeigenschaften)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // customDescription-Methode verwenden (falls verfügbar), andernfalls Standardeigenschaften zurückgeben.\r\n\r\n Veraltet: Dies ist eine temporäre Implementierung des Features, bis wir die Zeit haben, sie wie hier beschrieben zu implementieren:",
"debug.npm.edit": "package.json bearbeiten",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "In Ihrer package.json-Datei wurden keine npm-Skripts gefunden.",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Sie müssen einen Arbeitsbereichsordner öffnen, um npm-Skripts zu debuggen.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Fehler beim Lesen von {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "npm-Skript debuggen",
"debug.terminal.attach": "An Node.js-Terminalprozess anfügen",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript-Debugterminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Befehl zur Ausführung im gestarteten Terminal. Falls dieser nicht vorhanden ist, öffnet sich das Terminal, ohne ein Programm zu starten.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "\"npm start\" in einem Debug-Terminal ausführen",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Automatisches Anfügen von Node.js für Terminal umschalten",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript-Debugterminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nMit dem JavaScript-Debugterminal können Sie Node.js-Prozesse debuggen, die in der Befehlszeile ausgeführt werden.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript-Debugterminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nMit dem JavaScript-Debugterminal können Sie Node.js-Prozesse debuggen, die in der Befehlszeile ausgeführt werden.\r\n\r\n[Debug-URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Einige Ihrer Breakpoints konnten nicht gesetzt werden. Wenn Sie ein Problem haben, können Sie [Fehler bei Ihrer Startkonfiguration beheben](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Verknüpfung öffnen",
"edge.address.description": "Beim Debuggen von Webansichten die IP-Adresse oder der Hostname, auf die bzw. den die Webansicht lauscht. Sofern nicht festgelegt, wird eine automatische Erkennung durchgeführt.",
"edge.attach.description": "An eine Microsoft Edge-Instanz anfügen, die sich bereits im Debugmodus befindet",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Anfügen",
"edge.label": "Web-App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Microsoft Edge zum Debuggen einer URL starten",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Starten",
"edge.port.description": "Beim Debuggen von Webansichten der Port, auf den die Webansicht lauscht. Sofern nicht festgelegt, wird eine automatische Erkennung durchgeführt.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Ein Objekt, das den „pipeName“ einer Debug-Pipe für eine von UWP gehostete Webview2 enthält. Dies ist das \"MyTestSharedMemory\" beim Erstellen der Pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Bei „true“ behandelt der Debugger die ausführbare Laufzeitdatei als Hostanwendung, die eine WebView enthält, mit der Sie den Inhalt des WebView-Skripts debuggen können.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Aktiviert oder deaktiviert die Überprüfung, ob die Inhalte von Dateien auf dem Datenträger mit denen der zur Laufzeit geladenen Dateien übereinstimmt. Dies ist in einer Vielzahl von Szenarios hilfreich und in einigen Fällen erforderlich, kann jedoch Probleme verursachen, wenn Sie beispielsweise eine serverseitige Transformation von Skripts durchführen.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: Timeout nach {1} ms",
"extension.description": "Erweiterung zum Debuggen von Node.js-Programmen und Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code-Erweiterungsentwicklung",
"": "Erweiterung starten",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Konfiguriert, ob ein Versuch zum Anfügen an den Webworker-Erweiterungshost unternommen werden soll.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Konfiguriert, ob versucht werden soll, Webviews in der gestarteten VS Code-Instanz anzufügen. Dies funktioniert nur in Desktop-VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Umgebungsvariablen, die an den Erweiterungshost übergeben werden.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome-Startoptionen, die beim Anfügen an den Rendererprozess mit \"debugWebviews\" oder \"debugWebWorkerHost\" verwendet werden.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absoluter Pfad zu VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Hiermit wird der Erweiterungshost nach dem Start automatisch beendet.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "VS Code-Erweiterung im Debugmodus starten",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code-Erweiterungsentwicklung",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Diagnose-JS-Debug-Protokolle speichern",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Nicht mehr anzeigen",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Es dauert einen Moment, Ihre Haltepunkte zu konfigurieren. Sie können den Vorgang beschleunigen, indem Sie die das outFiles-Attribut in der Datei \"launch.json\" aktualisieren.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Kein Ordner des Arbeitsbereichs geöffnet.",
"": "launch.json öffnen",
"node.address.description": "Die TCP/IP-Adresse des zu debuggenden Prozesses. Der Standardwert ist \"localhost\".",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Gibt an, ob versucht werden soll, bereits erstellte untergeordnete Prozesse anzufügen.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Ob Umgebungsvariablen im angefügten Prozess festgelegt werden sollen, um generierte untergeordnete Elemente nachzuverfolgen.",
"": "Anfügen",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "Falls TRUE, werden automatisch gestartete Programme fortgesetzt, und es wird auf --inspect-brk gewartet",
"node.attach.processId.description": "Die ID des Prozesses für das Anfügen.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Hiermit wird versucht, erneut eine Verbindung mit dem Programm herzustellen, wenn diese unterbrochen wurde. Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird für unbestimmte Zeit einmal pro Sekunde ein erneuter Versuch durchgeführt. Sie können das Intervall und die maximale Anzahl von Versuchen anpassen, indem Sie stattdessen in einem Objekt \"delay\" und \"maxAttempts\" angeben.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Sofern festgelegt, erfolgt über den angegebenen Port eine Anfügung an den Prozess. Dies ist in der Regel für Node.js-Programme nicht mehr erforderlich, und es besteht nicht mehr die Möglichkeit zur Problembehandlung untergeordneter Prozesse. In Szenarien mit Deno- und Docker-Starts kann die Anfügung jedoch nützlich sein. Bei Festlegung auf 0 wird ein Port nach dem Zufallsprinzip ausgewählt, und \"--inspect-brk\" wird den Startargumenten automatisch hinzugefügt.",
"node.console.title": "Node-Debugging-Konsole",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Hiermit werden Haltepunkte in einer beliebigen Datei erst festgelegt, wenn eine Sourcemap für diese Datei geladen wurde.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Konfiguriert, ob ein neuer, schnellerer Mechanismus für die Sourcemap-Ermittlung verwendet werden soll",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Konfiguriert, wie Debugprozesse beim Sitzungsende beendet wird. Mögliche Optionen:\r\n\r\n– forceful (Standardeinstellung): Der Abbruch der Prozessstruktur wird erzwungen. Unter POSIX wird SIGKILL gesendet, unter Windows „taskkill.exe/F\".\r\n– polite: Die Prozessstruktur wird ordnungsgemäß beendet. Prozesse ohne Standardverhalten werden nach dem Herunterfahren möglicherweise weiterhin ausgeführt. Unter POSIX wird SIGTERM gesendet, unter Windows „taskkill.exe“ ohne „/F(force)-Flag“.\r\n– none: Es erfolgt keine Beendigung.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Befehlszeilenargumente, die an das Programm übergeben werden.\r\n\r\nKann ein Array aus Zeichenfolgen oder eine einzelne Zeichenfolge sein. Wenn das Programm in einem Terminal gestartet wird, führt das Festlegen dieser Eigenschaft auf eine einzelne Zeichenfolge dazu, dass die Argumente für die Shell nicht escaped werden.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Debugger automatisch an neue Unterprozesse anfügen.",
"": "Starten",
"node.launch.console.description": "Startort des Debugziels",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Ein externes Terminal, das über die Benutzereinstellungen konfiguriert werden kann",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "Das integrierte Terminal von VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "Die Debugging-Konsole von VS Code (die das Lesen von Eingaben von einem Programm nicht unterstützt)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absoluter Pfad zum Arbeitsverzeichnis des Programms, das gedebuggt wird. Wenn Sie \"localRoot\" festgelegt haben, entspricht CWD diesem Wert, andernfalls wird CWD auf \"workspaceFolder\" zurückgesetzt.",
"node.launch.env.description": "Umgebungsvariablen, die an das Programm übergeben werden. Durch den Wert NULL wird die Variable aus der Umgebung entfernt.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absoluter Pfad zu einer Datei mit Umgebungsvariablendefinitionen.",
"node.launch.logging": "Protokollierungskonfiguration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Pfad zur Protokolldatei für Chrome DevTools Protocol-Nachrichten",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Pfad zur Protokolldatei für Nachrichten des Debug Adapter Protocol",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Hiermit wird angegeben, wo Ausgabemeldungen erfasst werden. Bei Festlegung auf \"console\" ist dies die standardmäßige Debug-API, bei Festlegung auf \"std\" werden die stdout/stderr-Streams verwendet.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Der absolute Pfad zum Programm. Der generierte Wert wird anhand von \"package.json\" und geöffneter Dateien geschätzt. Bearbeiten Sie dieses Attribut.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Wenn das Programm mit einem Exitcode ungleich Null beendet wird, versuchen Sie, es neu zu starten.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optionale Argumente, die an die ausführbare Datei der Runtime übergeben werden.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Die Runtime, die verwendet werden soll: Geben Sie entweder einen absoluten Pfad oder den Namen einer im Pfad verfügbaren Runtime an. Wenn keine Angabe erfolgt, wird \"node\" angenommen.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Eine Liste von Mustern zum manuellen Einfügen von Haltepunkten am Einstiegspunkt. Damit kann der Debugger Haltepunkte festlegen, wenn Quellzuordnungsdateien verwendet werden, die nicht vorhanden sind oder vor dem Start nicht erkannt werden können, wie z. B. beim [Serverless Framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Die Version der node-Runtime, die verwendet werden soll. Benötigt \"nvm\".",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "\"useWSL\" ist veraltet und wird demnächst nicht mehr unterstützt. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Erweiterung \"Remote – WSL\".",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Verwenden Sie das Windows-Subsystem für Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Pfad zum lokalen Verzeichnis mit dem Programm.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Gibt an, ob für jedes eingehende Skript gewartet werden soll, bis die Quellzuordnungsdateien geladen wurden. Dieser Vorgang führt zu einem Leistungsaufwand und ist möglicherweise sicher deaktiviert, wenn er auf einem Datenträger ausgeführt wird, solange \"rootPath\" nicht deaktiviert ist.",
"node.port.description": "Debugport für das Anfügen. Der Standardwert ist 9229.",
"": "An den Prozess anhängen",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Sofern TRUE, beginnt die Profilerstellung, sobald der Prozess gestartet wird",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absoluter Pfad zum Remoteverzeichnis mit dem Programm.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Eine Liste von Minimatchmustern für Speicherorte (Ordner und URLs), in denen Quellzuordnungsdateien zum Auflösen lokaler Dateien verwendet werden können. Damit lassen sich vermeiden, dass der Code aus externen Quellzuordnungsdateien falsch umgebrochen wird. Sie können Mustern ein \"!\" voranstellen, um sie auszuschließen. Die Einstellung kann auf ein leeres Array oder NULL gesetzt werden, um Einschränkungen zu vermeiden.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Hiermit werden die asynchronen Aufrufe angezeigt, die zur aktuellen Aufrufliste geführt haben.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "An ein ausgeführtes Node-Programm anfügen",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Anfügen",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Prozessauswahl zum Auswählen des Node-Prozesses zum Anfügen öffnen",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: An Prozess anfügen",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Electron-Hauptprozess debuggen",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron-Hauptprozess",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Gulp-Aufgabe debuggen (in Ihrem Projekt muss ein lokales Gulp installiert sein)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp-Aufgabe",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Node-Programm im Debugmodus starten",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Programm starten",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Mocha-Tests debuggen",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha-Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Verwenden Sie Nodemon zum erneuten Starten einer Debugsitzung bei Quellenänderungen.",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon-Einrichtung",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Node-Programme über das npm-Skript \"debug\" starten",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Über npm starten",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "An den Debugport eines Remote-Node-Programms anfügen",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: An Remote-Programm anfügen",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Yeoman-Generator debuggen (Installation erfolgt durch Ausführen von \"npm link\" im Projektordner)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman-Generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Eine Gruppe von Mappings, mit denen die in der Sourcemap angegebenen Pfade der Quelldateien in ihre Pfade auf dem Datenträger umgeschrieben werden.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Hiermit werden JavaScript-Quellzuordnungsdateien verwendet (sofern vorhanden).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Hiermit wird das Programm nach dem Start automatisch beendet.",
"node.timeout.description": "Gibt den Zeitraum in Millisekunden an, nach dem erneut versucht wird, eine Verbindung mit Node.js herzustellen. Der Standardwert ist 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Ermöglicht Ihnen die explizite Angabe der ausgeführten Knotenversion, die zum Deaktivieren oder Aktivieren bestimmter Verhaltensweisen verwendet werden kann, wenn die automatische Versionserkennung nicht funktioniert.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Genaue WebSocket-Adresse für den Anfügevorgang. Bei fehlender Angabe wird sie aus der Adresse und dem Port ermittelt.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Browser DevTools öffnen",
"outFiles.description": "Wenn Quellzuordnungsdateien aktiviert sind, geben diese Globmuster die generierten JavaScript-Dateien an. Wenn ein Muster mit \"!\" beginnt, werden die Dateien ausgeschlossen. Sofern nicht angegeben, wird der generierte Code im selben Verzeichnis wie die zugehörige Quelle erwartet.",
"pretty.print.script": "Schöndruck zum Debuggen",
"profile.start": "Leistungsprofil übernehmen",
"profile.stop": "Leistungsprofil beenden",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Browserhaltepunkt entfernen",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Alle Browserhaltepunkte entfernen",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "CDP-Proxy für Debugsitzung anfordern",
"skipFiles.description": "Ein Array für Globmuster für Dateien, die beim Debuggen übersprungen werden. Das Muster \"<node_internals>/**\" stimmt mit allen internen Node.js-Modulen überein.",
"smartStep.description": "Hiermit wird automatisch der generierte Code durchlaufen, der nicht der ursprünglichen Quelle zugeordnet werden kann.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Debuggen starten und beim Eintrag beenden",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Debuggen starten und beim Eintrag beenden",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Zeitlimits für mehrere Debuggervorgänge.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Zeitlimits für mehrere Debuggervorgänge.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Zeit bis zum Abbruch der Wertauswertung für geoverte Symbole. Wenn der Wert auf 0 gesetzt ist, wird die Hover-Auswertung nie abgebrochen.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Zeitlimits in Bezug auf Quellzuordnungsvorgänge.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Die zusätzliche Zeit in Millisekunden, die pro Sitzung auf die Verarbeitung von Quellzuordnungen gewartet wird, nachdem der Mindestzeitraum (sourceMapMinPause) abgelaufen ist.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Mindestzeit in Millisekunden, die auf die Verarbeitung der einzelnen Quellzuordnungen gewartet wird, wenn ein Skript analysiert wird.",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Überspringen dieser Datei aktivieren/deaktivieren",
"trace.boolean.description": "Die Überwachung kann auf TRUE gesetzt werden, um Diagnoseprotokolle auf den Datenträger zu schreiben.",
"trace.description": "Konfiguriert, welche Diagnoseausgabe erzeugt wird.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Konfiguriert, wo auf dem Datenträger Protokolle geschrieben werden.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Gibt an, ob Ablaufverfolgungsdaten aus der gestarteten Anwendung oder dem gestarteten Browser zurückgegeben werden sollen.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Um Code in diesem Arbeitsbereich zu debuggen, ist eine Vertrauensstellung erforderlich."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Es wird bereits eine Sitzung zur Profilerstellung ausgeführt. Möchten Sie diese Sitzung beenden und eine neue Sitzung starten?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Stellt das oder die Globmuster im \"outFiles\"- Attribut so ein, dass sie den generierten JavaScript-Code abdecken.",
"Always": "Immer",
"Always in this Workspace": "Immer in diesem Arbeitsbereich",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Fehler beim Übernehmen eines Profils aus dem Ziel.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Animationsframe ausgelöst",
"Assertion failed": "Assertionsfehler",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "An Prozess anfügen: \"{0}\" scheint keine Prozess-ID zu sein.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "An den Prozess anhängen: Der Debugmodus für den Prozess \"{0}\" kann nicht aktiviert werden ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "Das Attribut \"runtimeVersion\" erfordert den Node.js-Versions-Manager \"nvm-windows\" oder \"nvs\".",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "Für das Attribut \"runtimeVersion\" muss der Node.js-Versions-Manager \"nvs\" oder \"nvm\" installiert sein.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Für das Attribut \"runtimeVersion\" mit einer Variante/Architektur muss \"nvs\" installiert sein.",
"Block": "Blockieren",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Führt bei allen ausgelösten Fehlern zur Unterbrechung, selbst wenn die Fehler später abgefangen werden.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Bricht nur bei Fehlern oder Zusageverweigerungen ab, die nicht behandelt werden.",
"CPU Profile": "CPU-Profil",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "CPU-Profil, das als „{0}“ in Ihrem Arbeitsbereichsordner gespeichert wurde",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Inhaltssicherheitsrichtlinien-Verstoß \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Die Node.js-Binärdatei \"{0}\" wurde nicht gefunden: {1}. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Node.js installiert und in PATH vorhanden ist, oder legen Sie \"runtimeExecutable\" in der Datei \"launch.json\" fest.",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Umgebungsvariablen können nicht aus Datei geladen werden ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Animationsframe abbrechen",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Es kann keine Verbindung mit dem Ziel unter \"{0}\" hergestellt werden: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Es wurde kein zu debuggendes Programm gefunden",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Das Debugziel im Terminal kann nicht gestartet werden ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Asynchroner Rahmen kann nicht neu gestartet werden.",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Es darf kein leerer Wert festgelegt werden.",
"Catch Block": "Catch-Block",
"Caught Exceptions": "Abgefangene Ausnahmen",
"Close AudioContext": "AudioContext schließen",
"Closure": "Abschluss",
"Closure ({0})": "Abschluss ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Konsolenprofil wurde gestartet",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Es konnte keine Verbindung mit einer Pipe der UWP-Webansicht hergestellt werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Webansicht im Debugmodus gehostet wird und dass „pipeName“ in Ihrer Datei „launch.json“ richtig ist.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Das bereitgestellte Objekt konnte nicht abgefragt werden.",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Die Quellzuordnung für \"{0}\" konnte nicht gelesen werden: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Fehler beim Lesen von {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "AudioContext erstellen",
"Create canvas context": "Canvaskontext erstellen",
"Debug Anyway": "Dennoch debuggen",
"Debug URL": "URL debuggen",
"Details": "Details",
"Don't show again": "Nicht mehr anzeigen",
"Duration": "Laufzeit",
"Duration of Profile": "Laufzeit des Profils",
"Edit package.json": "package.json bearbeiten",
"Eval": "Auswerten",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Rahmen konnte nicht neu gestartet werden",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generiert eine .cpuprofile-Datei, die Sie in den Chrome DevTools öffnen können.",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generiert eine .heapprofile-Datei, die Sie in den Chrome-Entwicklungstools öffnen können.",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generiert eine .heapsnapshot-Datei, die Sie in den Chrome-Developer-Tools öffnen können.",
"Global": "Global",
"Got it!": "Verstanden!",
"Heap Profile": "Heapprofil",
"Heap Snapshot": "Heapmomentaufnahme",
"How long to run the profile:": "Dauer der Profilausführung:",
"Ignore": "Ignorieren",
"Invalid expression": "Ungültiger Ausdruck",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Ungültige Trefferbedingung \"{0}\". Es wurde ein Ausdruck wie \"> 42\" oder \"== 2\" erwartet.",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Offenbar wird über {0} bereits ein Browser ausgeführt. Schließen Sie ihn vor dem Debuggen, weil VS Code andernfalls möglicherweise keine Verbindung herstellen kann.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Anscheinend ist Ihre Debugsitzung bereits beendet. Wiederholen Sie das Debugging, und führen Sie dann den Befehl \"Debug: Diagnose von Haltepunkt-Problemen\" aus.",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Es dauert einen Moment, Ihre Haltepunkte zu konfigurieren. Sie können den Vorgang beschleunigen, indem Sie die das outFiles-Attribut in der Datei \"launch.json\" aktualisieren.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "JavaScript Debug-Terminal",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "JavaScript-Debugadapter",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Chrome mit \"localhost\" starten",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Microsoft Edge mit \"Localhost\" starten",
"Launch Program": "Programm starten",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Startet die auf Basis von \"package.json\" erstellte Konfiguration.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "Startet die Konfiguration für das erstellte Projekt \"{0}\".",
"Local": "Lokal",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Die Verbindung mit der zu debuggenden Komponente wurde getrennt. Die Verbindung wird in {0} ms wiederhergestellt.\r\n",
"Manual": "Manuell",
"Module": "Modul",
"Never": "Nie",
"No": "Nein",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "In Ihrer package.json-Datei wurden keine npm-Skripts gefunden.",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "In Ihrem Arbeitsbereich wurden keine package.json-Dateien gefunden.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Kein Ordner des Arbeitsbereichs geöffnet.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Die Node.js-Version {0} wurde nicht mit dem Versions-Manager \"{1}\" installiert.",
"Not Now": "Nicht jetzt",
"Only objects can be queried": "Es können nur Objekte abgefragt werden.",
"Open launch.json": "launch.json öffnen",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "Die Ausgabe wurde auf die ersten {0} Zeichen abgeschnitten. Führen Sie \"{1}\" aus, um die vollständige Ausgabe zu kopieren.",
"Paused": "Angehalten",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Vor Speicherausnahmefehler angehalten",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Bei Instrumentierungshaltepunkt für Verstöße gegen die Inhaltssicherheitsrichtlinie angehalten. Direktive: \"{0}\".",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Bei DOM-Haltepunkt angehalten",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Bei Instrumentierungshaltepunkt für WebGL-Fehler angehalten. Fehler: \"{0}\".",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Bei XMLHttpRequest oder Fetch angehalten",
"Paused on assert": "Bei Assert angehalten",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Bei Haltepunkt angehalten",
"Paused on debug() call": "Bei debug()-Aufruf angehalten",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Bei Debuggeranweisung angehalten",
"Paused on event listener": "Bei Ereignislistener angehalten",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Bei Ereignislistener-Haltepunkt \"{0}\" angehalten, ausgelöst für \"{1}\"",
"Paused on exception": "Bei Ausnahme angehalten",
"Paused on frame entry": "Bei Frameeintritt angehalten",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Bei Instrumentierungshaltepunkt angehalten",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Bei Instrumentierungshaltepunkt \"{0}\" angehalten",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Bei Promise-Ablehnung angehalten",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Haltepunkt auswählen",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Node.js-Prozess zum Anfügen auswählen",
"Please enter a number": "Geben Sie eine Zahl ein.",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Geben Sie eine Zahl ein, die größer ist als 1.",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Beenden Sie das aktuell ausgeführte Profil, bevor Sie ein neues starten.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Fehler bei der Prozessauswahl ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Profildauer in Sekunden, z. B. 5",
"Profiling": "Profilerstellung",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Die Profilerstellung mit aktivierten Haltepunkten kann sich auf die Leistung Ihres Codes auswirken. Es kann nützlich sein, Ihre Ergebnisse mit den Beendigungsbedingungen \"duration\" oder \"manual\" zu validieren.",
"Read More": "Weitere Informationen",
"Request Animation Frame": "Animationsframe anfordern",
"Resume AudioContext": "AudioContext fortsetzen",
"Return value": "Rückgabewert",
"Run Current File": "Aktuelle Datei ausführen",
"Run Script: {0}": "Skript ausführen: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Für einen bestimmten Zeitraum ausführen",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Bis zum Erreichen eines bestimmten Haltepunkts ausführen",
"Run until manually stopped": "Bis zur manuellen Beendigung ausführen",
"Saving": "Wird gespeichert",
"Script": "Skript",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Von Inhaltssicherheitsrichtlinie blockiertes Skript",
"Script First Statement": "Erste Anweisung im Skript",
"Select a tab": "Registerkarte wählen",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis für neues Terminal auswählen",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Wählen Sie die Seite aus, auf der Sie die DevTools öffnen möchten.",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Wählen Sie die Sitzung aus, die Sie überprüfen möchten:",
"Set innerHTML": "innerHTML festlegen",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Von skipFiles übersprungen",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Von smartStep übersprungen",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Einige Haltepunkte funktionieren möglicherweise nicht in Ihrer Version von Node.js. Wir empfehlen ein Upgrade auf die neuesten Fehler-, Leistungs- und Sicherheitsfixes. Details:",
"Source not a source map": "Die Quelle ist keine Quellzuordnungsdatei",
"Source not found": "Quelle nicht gefunden.",
"Stack frame not found": "Stapelrahmen nicht gefunden.",
"Starting profile...": "Profil wird gestartet...",
"Stopping profile...": "Profil wird beendet...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "AudioContext anhalten",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Syntaxfehler beim Festlegen des Haltepunkts mit Bedingung \"{0}\" in Zeile {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Zielseite nicht gefunden. Möglicherweise müssen Sie Ihren \"urlFilter\" aktualisieren, damit er der Seite entspricht, die Sie debuggen möchten.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "Die Node-Version in \"{0}\" ist veraltet (Version {1}), es ist mindestens Node 8.x erforderlich.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "Die angegebene URL ist ungültig.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Die konfigurierte \"cwd\"- {0} ist nicht vorhanden.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Das konfigurierte \"cwd\" {0} ist kein Ordner.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Eine Sourcemap verweist auf einen fehlenden Dateipfad. Möchten Sie stattdessen die kompilierte Version debuggen?",
"Thread is not paused": "Der Thread wird nicht angehalten.",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Der Thread wird bei einer Ausnahme nicht angehalten.",
"Thread not found": "Thread nicht gefunden.",
"Type of profile:": "Profiltyp:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Das Debuggen der UWP-Webansicht ist auf Ihrer Plattform nicht verfügbar.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Anfügen an Browser nicht möglich.",
"Unable to evaluate": "Auswertung nicht möglich.",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Auswertung für asynchronen Stapelrahmen nicht möglich.",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Es wurde keine Installation auf Ihrem Browser gefunden. Versuchen Sie, eine Installation durchzuführen, oder geben Sie einen absoluten Pfad zum Browser in „runtimeExecutable“ in der Datei „launch.json“ an.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "{0}-Version {1} wurde nicht gefunden. Automatisch ermittelte verfügbare Versionen: {2}. Sie können \"runtimeExecutable\" in der Datei \"launch.json\" auf eine dieser Versionen festlegen oder einen absoluten Pfad zur ausführbaren Browserdatei angeben.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Der Browser kann nicht gestartet werden: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Anhalten nicht möglich.",
"Unable to pretty print": "Automatische Strukturierung und Einrückung nicht möglich.",
"Unable to resume": "Fortsetzen nicht möglich.",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Quellinhalte können nicht abgerufen werden.",
"Unable to set variable value": "Der Variablenwert kann nicht festgelegt werden.",
"Unable to step in": "Einzelschritt nicht möglich.",
"Unable to step next": "Nächster Schritt nicht möglich.",
"Unable to step out": "Rücksprung nicht möglich.",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Ungebundener Haltepunkt",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Nicht abgefangene Ausnahmen",
"Unknown error": "Unbekannter Fehler.",
"Variable not found": "Variable nicht gefunden",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Nicht verfügbare Variablen in asynchronen Stapeln.",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "WARNUNG: Die Verarbeitung von Quellzuordnungen von \"{0}\" hat mehr als {1} ms gedauert. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Ausführung fortgesetzt, ohne auf die Festlegung aller Haltepunkte für das Skript zu warten.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Von hier aus kann kein Browser im Debugmodus gestartet werden. Wenn Sie diese Webseite debuggen möchten, öffnen Sie diesen Arbeitsbereich über VS Code auf Ihrem Desktop.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Von hier aus kann kein Browser im Debugmodus gestartet werden. Öffnen Sie diesen Arbeitsbereich in VS Code auf Ihrem Desktop, um das Debugging zu aktivieren.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "WebGL-Fehler ausgelöst",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "WebGL-Warnung ausgelöst",
"With Block": "With-Block",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Möchten Sie eine Konfiguration in Ihrer launch.json-Datei speichern, um den späteren Zugriff zu vereinfachen?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Sie müssen einen Arbeitsbereichsordner öffnen, um npm-Skripts zu debuggen.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Sie führen eine veraltete Version von Node.js aus. Wir empfehlen ein Upgrade auf die neuesten Fehler-, Leistungs- und Sicherheitsfixes.",
"an old debug session": "eine alte Debugsitzung",
"path does not exist": "Der Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "Prozess-ID: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "Prozess-ID: {0}, Debugport: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval ausgelöst",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout ausgelöst",
"the configured userDataDir": "das konfigurierte userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (Beschreibung nicht möglich: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0}Klicken Sie, um die Profilerstellung zu beenden",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Klicken Sie hier, um die Profilerstellung zu beenden ({1}Sitzungen)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0}Klicken Sie, um die Profilerstellung zu beenden ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Agregar punto de interrupción del explorador",
"attach.node.process": "Conectarse con el proceso de Node",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Lista de sesiones de depuración que también se detendrán cuando se termine esta sesión de depuración.",
"browser.address.description": "La dirección IP o el nombre de host donde escucha el explorador depurado.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Puerto para usar con la depuración remota del explorador, indicado como \"--remote-debugging-port\" al iniciar el explorador.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Dirección URL base para resolver rutas de acceso baseUrl. baseURL se recorta al asignar direcciones URL a los archivos del disco. El valor predeterminado es el dominio de la dirección URL de inicio.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Fuerza que el explorador se asocie en una ubicación. En un área de trabajo remota (por ejemplo, a través de SSH o WSL) se puede usar para asociarse a un explorador en la máquina remota, en lugar de localmente.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Fuerza que el explorador se inicie en una ubicación. En un área de trabajo remota (por ejemplo, a través de SSH o WSL), se puede usar para abrir el explorador en la máquina remota en lugar de localmente.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Limpieza que debe hacerse después de finalizar la sesión de depuración. Se puede cerrar solo la pestaña que se está depurando o bien cerrar todo el explorador.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Directorio de trabajo opcional para el archivo ejecutable del entorno de ejecución.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controla si se omite la memoria caché de red para cada solicitud.",
"browser.env.description": "Diccionario opcional de pares clave/valor de entorno para el explorador.",
"browser.file.description": "Archivo HTML local para abrirlo en el explorador",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Si los argumentos predeterminados de inicio del explorador (para deshabilitar las características que pueden dificultar la depuración) se incluirán en el lanzamiento.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Avanzado: si se establecen argumentos predeterminados de inicio o depuración en el explorador. El depurador asumirá que el explorador usará depuración de canalización, como la que se proporciona con \"--remote-debugging-pipe\".",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Formato que se va a usar para reescribir el valor inspectUri: es una cadena de plantilla que interpola las claves en ''{curlyBraces}\". Las claves disponibles son:\r\n - \"url.*\" es la dirección analizada de la aplicación en ejecución. Por ejemplo, ''{url.port}\", \"{url.hostname}'\r\n'. - \"port\" es el puerto de depuración en el que Chrome está escuchando.\r\n - \"browserInspectUri\" es el URI del inspector en el explorador iniciado.\r\n - \"browserInspectUriPath\" es la parte de la ruta de acceso del URI del inspector en el explorador iniciado (por ejemplo, \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - \"wsProtocol\" es el protocolo websocket sugerido. Se establece en \"wss\" si la dirección URL original es \"https\"o en \"ws\" en caso contrario.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Puerto en que escucha el explorador. Se establece de manera predeterminada en \"0\", lo que provoca que el explorador se depure mediante canalizaciones. Esto suele ser más seguro y debe elegirse a menos que tenga que adjuntar el explorador desde otra herramienta.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "Asignación de direcciones URL/rutas a carpetas locales, para resolver scripts en el navegador a scripts en disco",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Especifica si los scripts se cargan de forma individual con mapas de origen únicos que contengan el nombre base del archivo de código fuente. Puede establecerse para optimizar el tratamiento de los mapas de origen cuando se trabaja con un gran volumen de scripts pequeños. Si se establece en \"Automático\", se detectarán casos conocidos en los que esta operación sea adecuada.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Si es true, la generación de perfiles comenzará tan pronto como se inicie el proceso",
"browser.restart": "Si se debe reconectar si está cerrada la conexión del explorador",
"browser.revealPage": "Pestaña de enfoque",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Argumentos opcionales pasados al ejecutable del entorno de ejecución.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "\"canary\", \"stable\", \"custom\" o ruta al ejecutable del explorador. Si se elige \"custom\", puede ser un encapsulador ajustable, una compilación ajustable o una variable de entorno CHROME_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Puede ser un \"valor controlado\", \"estable\", desarrollo, \"personalizado\" o una ruta de acceso al ejecutable del explorador. El valor \"personalizado\" significa un contenedor personalizado, una compilación personalizada o una variable de entorno EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.server.description": "Configura un servidor web para que se inicie. Toma la misma configuración que la tarea de lanzamiento \"node\".",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Matriz de nombres de archivo o carpeta, o patrones globales de ruta de acceso, que se omitirán durante la depuración. Se permiten patrones de estrella y negaciones, por ejemplo, \"[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]\"",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Ejecuta paso a paso líneas no asignadas de archivos sin mapa de origen de forma automática. Por ejemplo, código que TypeScript produce automáticamente durante la compilación de async/await u otras características.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Conjunto de asignaciones para reescribir las ubicaciones de los archivos de origen en sus ubicaciones en el disco, a partir de lo que indica el mapa de origen. Consulte el archivo LÉAME para obtener más detalles.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Indica si se debe usar la asignación \"names\" en mapas de origen. Para ello, es necesario solicitar contenido de origen, que puede ser lento con determinados depuradores.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Se usan los mapas de origen de JavaScript (si existen).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Indica si se debe adjuntar a todos los destinos que coinciden con el filtro de dirección URL (\"automático\") o se le pide que seleccione uno (\"seleccionar\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Vuelva a intentar este número de milisegundos para conectarse al explorador. El valor predeterminado es 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Buscará una pestaña con esta URL exacta y la adjuntará, si se encuentra",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Buscará una página con esta dirección URL y, si la encuentra, asociará la depuración a ella. Puede tener caracteres comodín (*).",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "De forma predeterminada, el explorador se inicia con un perfil de usuario independiente en una carpeta temporal. Use esta opción para invalidarlo. Establézcalo en false para que se inicie con su perfil de usuario predeterminado. No se puede iniciar un nuevo explorador si ya se está ejecutando una instancia desde \"userDataDir\".",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Lista de patrones globales de archivos para buscar componentes \"*.vue\". De forma predeterminada, busca en el área de trabajo al completo. Esto debe especificarse, debido a las búsquedas adicionales que los mapas de origen de Vue requieren en la CLI de Vue 4. Para deshabilitar este tratamiento especial, establézcalo en una matriz vacía.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Especifica la ruta de acceso absoluta del área de trabajo a la raíz del servidor web. Se usa para resolver rutas de acceso del tipo \"/app.js\" a archivos del disco. Forma abreviada para la asignación de rutas de acceso con \"/\".",
"chrome.attach.description": "Adjuntar a una instancia de Chrome ya en modo de depuración",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Asociar",
"chrome.label": "Aplicación web (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Inicie Chrome para depurar una URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Inicio",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Excluir al autor de la llamada",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Excluir al autor de la llamada de la pausa en la ubicación actual",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Ir a la ubicación del autor de la llamada",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Ir a la ubicación de destino",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Quitar al autor de la llamada excluido",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Quitar todos los autores de la llamada excluidos",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Deshabilitar la ejecución paso a paso asignada de origen",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Habilitar la ejecución paso a paso asignada de origen",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configura los procesos que se van a asociar y a depurar automáticamente cuando \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\" esté activado. Un proceso de Node iniciado con la marca \"--inspect\" se asociará siempre, independientemente de esta configuración.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Asocia automáticamente a todos los procesos de Node.js iniciados en el terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Conexión automática está desactivada y no se muestra en la barra de estado.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Solo se puede asociar automáticamente cuando se proporciona la marca \"--inspect\".",
"": "Asocia automáticamente cuando se ejecutan scripts que no están en una carpeta node_modules.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configura patrones globales para determinar cuándo asociar en modo \"smart\" \"#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#\". \"$KNOWN _TOOLS $\" se reemplaza por una lista de nombres de ejecutores de pruebas y código comunes. [Más información en la documentación de VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Al depurar una aplicación web remota, se establece si se debe hacer un túnel automático del servidor remoto al equipo local.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Controla si se debe detener cuando los puntos de interrupción condicionales producen un error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opciones utilizadas al depurar vínculos abiertos en los que se ha hecho clic desde dentro del terminal de depuración. Se puede establecer en \"false\" para deshabilitar este comportamiento.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Valor predeterminado de \"runtimeExecutable\" que se usa para las configuraciones de inicio, si no se especifica un valor. Se puede usar para configurar rutas de acceso personalizadas a Node.js o a las instalaciones del explorador.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Lugar en que se debe mostrar una lente de código \"Ejecutar\" y \"Depurar\" en los scripts npm. Puede estar en todos, en scripts, sobre la sección del script o bien no mostrarse nunca.",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opciones predeterminadas que se usan al depurar un proceso mediante el comando \"Debug: Attach to Node.js Process\"",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opciones de solicitud que se van a usar al cargar los recursos (como los mapas de origen) en el depurador. Puede ser necesario configurar esto si los mapas de origen requieren autenticación o el uso de un certificado autofirmado, por ejemplo. Las opciones se usan para crear una solicitud con la biblioteca [\"got\"](\r\n\r\nUn caso habitual para deshabilitar la comprobación de certificados puede realizarse si se pasa \"{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }\".",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Opciones de inicio predeterminadas para el terminal de depuración de JavaScript y los scripts npm.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configura si el archivo sin mapa de origen donde no se puede leer el archivo original se desasignará automáticamente. Si es false (predeterminado), se muestra un mensaje.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnosticar problemas de punto de interrupción",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Personaliza la descripción de texto que el depurador muestra para los objetos (variables locales, etc...). Ejemplos:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Llama a toString para imprimir todos los objetos\r\n. 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Usa el método customDescription si está disponible, si no devuelve defaultValue.\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Usa el método customDescription si está disponible, si no devuelve defaultValue.\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Personalice las propiedades que se muestran para un objeto en el depurador (variables locales, etc.). Ejemplos:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Agregue una propiedad extraproperty 12345 a todos los objetos.\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use el método customProperties, si está disponible; en caso contrario, use las propiedades de este (las propiedades predeterminadas).\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use el método customDescription, si está disponible; en caso contrario, se devuelven las propiedades predeterminadas.\r\n\r\n En desuso: esta es una implementación temporal de esta característica hasta que tengamos tiempo para implementarla de la forma aquí descrita:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Editar package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No se han encontrado scripts npm en su package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Debe abrir una carpeta de área de trabajo para depurar scripts npm.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "No se pudo leer {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Depurar script npm",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Asociar al proceso del terminal Node.js",
"debug.terminal.label": "Terminal de depuración de JavaScript",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Comando para ejecutar en el terminal iniciado. Si no se proporciona, el terminal se abrirá sin iniciar un programa.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Ejecute \"npm start\" en un terminal de depuración",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Alternar la asociación automática de Node.js del terminal",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[Terminal de depuración de JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nPuede usar el terminal de depuración de JavaScript para depurar los procesos de Node.js que se ejecutan en la línea de comandos.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[Terminal de depuración de JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nPuede usar el terminal de depuración de JavaScript para depurar los procesos de Node.js que se ejecutan en la línea de comandos.\r\n\r\n[Dirección URL de depuración](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "No se pudieron establecer algunos de los puntos de interrupción. Si tiene un problema, puede [solucionar problemas de la configuración de inicio](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Abrir vínculo",
"edge.address.description": "Al depurar vistas web, la dirección IP o el nombre de host en que está escuchando la vista web. Se detectará automáticamente si no se establece.",
"edge.attach.description": "Adjuntar a una instancia de Microsoft Edge ya en modo de depuración",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Asociar",
"edge.label": "Aplicación web (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Iniciar Microsoft Edge para depurar una dirección URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Iniciar",
"edge.port.description": "Al depurar vistas web, el puerto en que escucha el depurador de la vista web. Se detectará automáticamente si no se establece.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Objeto que contiene el \"pipeName\" de una canalización de depuración para una Webview2 hospedada por UWP. Este es el valor \"MyTestSharedMemory\" al crear la canalización \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Cuando sea \"verdadero\", el depurador tratará el ejecutable del entorno de ejecución como una aplicación host que contiene un elemento WebView que le permite depurar el contenido del script WebView.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Alterna si se comprueba si el contenido de los archivos en el disco coincide con lo que se ha cargado en el entorno de ejecución. Resulta útil en diversos escenarios y es necesario en otros, pero puede causar problemas si, por ejemplo, se aplica la transformación de scripts del lado servidor.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: tiempo de espera después de {1} ms",
"extension.description": "Extensión para depurar programas Node.js y Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Desarrollo de extensiones de VS Code",
"": "Extensión de inicio",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configura si debe intentarse la conexión con el host de extensiones de trabajo web.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configura si se debe intentar adjuntar a vistas web en la instancia de VS Code iniciada. Esto solo funcionará en VS Code de escritorio.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Variables de entorno pasadas al host de extensiones.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Opciones de inicio de Chrome que se usan al asociarse al proceso de representador, con \"debugWebviews\" o \"debugWebWorkerHost\".",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Ruta de acceso absoluta a VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "El host de extensiones se detiene automáticamente tras el inicio.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Iniciar una extensión de VS Code en modo de depuración",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Desarrollo de extensiones de VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Guardar los registros de depuración JS de diagnóstico",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "No volver a mostrar",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Los puntos de interrupción están tardando en configurarse. Puede acelerarlo actualizando \"outFiles\" en su archivo launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No hay ninguna carpeta del área de trabajo abierta.",
"": "Abrir launch.json",
"node.address.description": "Dirección TCP/IP del proceso que se va a depurar. El valor predeterminado es \"localhost\".",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Si se intenta adjuntar a procesos secundarios ya generados.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Si se deben establecer variables de entorno en el proceso adjunto para realizar un seguimiento de los elementos secundarios generados.",
"": "Adjuntar",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "Si es true, reanudaremos automáticamente los programas iniciados y esperando en \"--inspect-brk\"",
"node.attach.processId.description": "Identificador del proceso al que se va a asociar.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Intente volver a conectarse al programa si se pierde la conexión. Si se establece en \"true\", se intentará una vez por segundo, para siempre. En su lugar, puede personalizar el intervalo y el número máximo de intentos mediante la especificación de los valores \"delay\" y \"maxAttempts\" en un objeto.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Si se establece, se asocia al proceso a través del puerto especificado. Esto generalmente ya no es necesario en programas de Node.js y pierde la capacidad de depurar los procesos secundarios. Sin embargo, puede ser útil en escenarios más esotéricos, como en los lanzamientos de Deno y Docker. Si se establece en 0, se elegirá un puerto aleatorio y se agregará --inspect-brk a los argumentos de inicio de forma automática.",
"node.console.title": "Consola de depuración de nodos",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "No establezca puntos de interrupción en ningún archivo hasta que se haya cargado un mapa de origen para el archivo.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configura si se va a usar un mecanismo nuevo y más rápido para la detección de mapas de origen",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configure el modo en que terminan los procesos de depuración al detener la sesión. Puede ser:\r\n\r\n- forceful (predeterminado): anula de manera forzosa el árbol de procesos. Envía SIGKILL en posix o \"taskkill.exe /F\" en Windows.\r\n- polite: anula correctamente el árbol de procesos. Es posible que los procesos con un comportamiento erróneo se sigan ejecutando después de apagar de esta forma. Envía SIGTERM en posix o \"taskkill.exe\" sin la marca \"/F\" (forzar) en Windows.\r\n- none: no se producirá ninguna terminación.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Argumentos de línea de comandos que se pasan al programa.\r\n\r\nPuede ser una matriz de cadenas o una sola cadena. Cuando el programa se inicia en un terminal, establecer esta propiedad en una sola cadena hará que los argumentos no se escapen para el shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Asociar automáticamente el depurador a los procesos secundarios nuevos.",
"": "Iniciar",
"node.launch.console.description": "Lugar donde debe iniciarse el destino de depuración.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Terminal externo que puede configurarse desde Configuración del usuario.",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "Terminal integrado de VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "Consola de depuración de VS Code (que no admite la lectura de entradas de un programa)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Ruta de acceso absoluta al directorio de trabajo del programa que se está depurando. Si ha establecido localRoot, cwd coincidirá con ese valor; de lo contrario, se revertirá a su workspaceFolder.",
"node.launch.env.description": "Variables de entorno pasadas al programa. El valor \"null\" elimina la variable del entorno.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Ruta de acceso absoluta a un archivo que contiene definiciones de variables de entorno.",
"node.launch.logging": "Configuración de registro",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Ruta al archivo de registro para los mensajes del protocolo DevTools de Chrome",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Ruta de acceso al archivo de registro para los mensajes del Protocolo de adaptador de depuración",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Ubicación desde donde se van a capturar los mensajes de salida: la API de depuración predeterminada si se establece en \"console\" o las secuencias stdout/stderr si se establece en \"std\".",
"node.launch.program.description": "Ruta de acceso absoluta al programa. El valor generado se infiere de package.json y de los archivos abiertos. Edite este atributo.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Pruebe a reiniciar el programa si se cierra un código de salida distinto de cero.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Argumentos opcionales pasados al ejecutable del entorno de ejecución.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Entorno de ejecución que debe usarse. Puede ser una ruta de acceso absoluta o el nombre de un entorno de ejecución disponible en PATH. Si se omite, se utiliza \"node\".",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Lista de patrones en los que se insertan manualmente puntos de interrupción de punto de entrada. Puede ser útil para proporcionar al depurador una oportunidad para establecer puntos de interrupción al usar mapas origen que no existen o que no se pueden detectar antes de iniciar, como [con Serverless Framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Versión del entorno de ejecución de \"Node\" que debe usarse. Requiere \"NVM\".",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "\"useWSL\" está en desuso y se eliminará el soporte correspondiente. Utilice la extensión \"Remote - WSL\" en su lugar.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Utilice el subsistema de Windows para Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Ruta de acceso al directorio local que contiene el programa.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Si desea esperar a que se carguen los mapas de origen para cada script entrante. Esto tiene una sobrecarga de rendimiento y puede deshabilitarse de forma segura cuando se queda sin disco, siempre y cuando \"rootPath\" no esté deshabilitado.",
"node.port.description": "El puerto de depuración al que se va a asociar. El valor predeterminado es 9229.",
"": "Asociar al proceso",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Si es cierto, comenzará a generar perfiles tan pronto como se inicie el proceso.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Ruta de acceso absoluta al directorio remoto que contiene el programa.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Lista de patrones de minimatch para ubicaciones (carpetas y direcciones URL) en las que se pueden utilizar mapas de origen para resolver archivos locales. Se puede utilizar para evitar la interrupción incorrecta en el código asignado de origen externo. Los patrones se pueden prefijar con \"!\" para excluirlos. Se puede establecer en una matriz vacía o nula para evitar restricciones.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Muestra las llamadas asincrónicas que llevan a la pila de llamadas actual.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Adjuntar a un nodo en ejecución",
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Abrir el selector de procesos para elegir el proceso de Node para conectarse",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: adjuntar a proceso",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Depurar el proceso principal de Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: proceso principal de Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Depurar tarea de Gulp (asegúrese de tener Gulp instalado localmente en el proyecto)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: tarea de Gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Iniciar un programa de nodo en modo de depuración",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: iniciar programa",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Depurar pruebas de Mocha",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: pruebas de Mocha",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon para reiniciar una sesión de depuración en los cambios de origen",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: configuración de Nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Inicia un programa de Node con un script \"debug\" de npm.",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: iniciar mediante npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Adjuntar al puerto de depuración de un programa de nodo remoto",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: adjuntar a programa remoto",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Depurar generador de Yeoman (se instala ejecutando \"npm link\" en la carpeta del proyecto).",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: generador de Yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Un conjunto de mapeos para reescribir las localizaciones de los ficheros fuente con lo que los mapas fuente indican, a sus ubicaciones en disco.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Se usan los mapas de origen de JavaScript (si existen).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "El programa se detiene automáticamente tras el inicio.",
"node.timeout.description": "Vuelva a probar con este número de milisegundos para conectarse a Node.js. El valor predeterminado es 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Permite especificar explícitamente la versión del nodo que se está ejecutando, que se puede usar para deshabilitar o habilitar determinados comportamientos en los casos en los que la detección automática de versiones no funciona.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Dirección de WebSocket exacta a la que se va a asociar. Si no se especifica, se detectará a partir de la dirección y el puerto.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Abrir las herramientas de desarrollo del explorador",
"outFiles.description": "Si los mapas de origen están habilitados, estos patrones globales especifican los archivos JavaScript generados. Si un patrón comienza con '!' los archivos se excluyen. Si no se especifica, el código generado se espera en el mismo directorio que su origen.",
"pretty.print.script": "Bastante impresión para depuración",
"profile.start": "Tomar el perfil de rendimiento",
"profile.stop": "Detener el perfil de rendimiento",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Eliminar punto de interrupción del explorador",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Eliminar todos los puntos de interrupción del navegador",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Solicitar proxy de CDP para la sesión de depuración",
"skipFiles.description": "Una matriz de patrones globales para que los archivos omitan al depurar. El patrón \"<node_internals>/**\" coincide con todos los módulos internos de Node.js.",
"smartStep.description": "Explore automáticamente el código generado que no se puede volver a asignar al código fuente original.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Iniciar depuración y detenerla tras el inicio",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Iniciar depuración y detenerla tras el inicio",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Tiempos de espera de varias operaciones del depurador",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Tiempos de espera de varias operaciones del depurador",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Tiempo hasta que se anula la evaluación del valor de los símbolos al mantener el puntero. Si se establece en 0, la evaluación al mantener el mouse nunca agota el tiempo de espera.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Tiempos de espera relacionados con las operaciones de mapas de origen",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Tiempo extra en milisegundos permitido por cada sesión para esperar a que se procesen las asignaciones de origen, después de que se agote el tiempo mínimo (sourceMapMinPause)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Tiempo mínimo en milisegundos dedicado a esperar a que cada asignación de origen se procese cuando se está analizando un script",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Cambiar y omitir este archivo",
"trace.boolean.description": "El seguimiento se puede establecer en \"true\" para escribir registros de diagnóstico en el disco.",
"trace.description": "Configura qué salida de diagnóstico se produce.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configura dónde se escriben los registros de disco.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Si desea devolver datos de seguimiento desde la aplicación o el explorador iniciados.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Se necesita confianza para depurar el código de esta área de trabajo."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Ya se está ejecutando una sesión de generación de perfiles. ¿Quiere detenerla e iniciar una sesión nueva?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Ajusta modelos globales en los atributos outFiles para cubrir el código JavaScript generado.",
"Always": "Siempre",
"Always in this Workspace": "Siempre en esta área de trabajo",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Error al tomar un perfil del destino.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Fotograma de animación activado",
"Assertion failed": "Error de aserción",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Asociar al proceso: '{0}' no parece un id de proceso.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Asociar al proceso: no se puede habilitar el modo de depuración para el proceso '{0}' ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "El atributo \"runtimeVersion\" requiere el administrador de versiones \"nvm-windows\" o \"nvs\" de Node.js.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "El atributo \"runtimeVersion\" requiere que se instale el administrador de versiones de Node.js \"nvs\" o \"nvm\".",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "El atributo \"runtimeVersion\" con un tipo o arquitectura requiere que se instale \"nvs\".",
"Block": "Bloquear",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Se interrumpe en todos los errores de inicio, incluso si se detectan más tarde.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Solo se interrumpe en caso de errores o rechazos de promesas que no se controlan.",
"CPU Profile": "Perfil de CPU",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Perfil de CPU guardado como \"{0}\" en la carpeta del área de trabajo",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Infracción de CSP \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "No se encuentra el binario de Node.js \"{0}\": {1}. Asegúrese de que Node.js esté instalado y en PATH, o bien establezca \"runtimeExecutable\" en launch.json.",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "No se pueden cargar las variables de entorno del archivo ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Cancelar el fotograma de animación",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "No se puede conectar con el destino en {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "No se encuentra ningún programa para depurar.",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "No se puede iniciar el destino de depuración en el terminal ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "No se puede reiniciar un fotograma asincrónico",
"Cannot set an empty value": "No se puede establecer un valor vacío",
"Catch Block": "Bloque catch",
"Caught Exceptions": "Excepciones detectadas",
"Close AudioContext": "Cerrar AudioContext",
"Closure": "Clausura",
"Closure ({0})": "Clausura ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Perfil de consola iniciado",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "No se pudo conectar a ninguna canalización de vista web UWP. Asegúrese de que la vista web esté hospedada en modo de depuración y de que el valor de \"pipeName\" de \"launch.json\" sea correcto.",
"Could not query the provided object": "No se pudo consultar el objeto proporcionado.",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "No se pudo leer el mapa de origen de {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "No se pudo leer {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Crear AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "Crear contexto del lienzo",
"Debug Anyway": "Depurar de todos modos",
"Debug URL": "Depurar dirección URL",
"Details": "Detalles",
"Don't show again": "No volver a mostrar",
"Duration": "Duración",
"Duration of Profile": "Duración del perfil",
"Edit package.json": "Editar package.json",
"Eval": "Eval",
"Frame could not be restarted": "No se pudo reiniciar el marco",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un archivo .cpuprofile que se puede abrir en Chrome DevTools",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un archivo .heapprofile que se puede abrir en las herramientas de desarrollo de Chrome.",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un archivo .heapsnapshot que se puede abrir en Chrome DevTools",
"Global": "Global",
"Got it!": "¡Entendido!",
"Heap Profile": "Perfil de montón",
"Heap Snapshot": "Instantánea de montón",
"How long to run the profile:": "Tiempo que se va a ejecutar el perfil:",
"Ignore": "Ignorar",
"Invalid expression": "Expresión no válida",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "La condición de acierto \"{0}\" no es válida. Se esperaba una expresión como \"> 42\" o \"== 2\".",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Parece que ya se está ejecutando un explorador desde {0}. Ciérrelo antes de intentar la depuración; de lo contrario, es posible que VS Code posible no pueda conectarse a él.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Parece que la sesión de depuración ya ha finalizado. Intente volver a depurar y, luego, ejecute el comando \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\".",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Los puntos de interrupción están tardando en configurarse. Puede acelerarlo actualizando \"outFiles\" en su archivo launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Terminal de depuración de JavaScript",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Adaptador de depuración de JavaScript",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Iniciar Chrome para localhost",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Iniciar Microsoft Edge para localhost",
"Launch Program": "Iniciar el programa",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "La configuración de inicio fue creada basada en \"package.json\".",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "La configuración de inicio del proyecto '{0}' fue creada. ",
"Local": "Local",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Se perdió la conexión con el elemento que se va a depurar; se volverá a conectar en {0} ms\r\n",
"Manual": "Manual",
"Module": "Módulo",
"Never": "Nunca",
"No": "No",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "No se han encontrado scripts npm en su package.json",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "No se encontraron archivos package.json en el área de trabajo.",
"No workspace folder open.": "No hay ninguna carpeta del área de trabajo abierta.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "La versión de Node.js \"{0}\" no se instaló con el administrador de versiones {1}.",
"Not Now": "Ahora no",
"Only objects can be queried": "Solo se pueden consultar objetos",
"Open launch.json": "Abrir launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "La salida se ha truncado a los primeros {0} caracteres. Ejecute \"{1}\" para copiar la salida completa.",
"Paused": "En pausa",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "En pausa antes de la excepción de memoria insuficiente",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción de instrumentación de infracción de la directiva de seguridad de contenido, directiva \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción de DOM",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción de instrumentación de error de WebGL, error \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "En pausa por XMLHttpRequest o \"fetch\"",
"Paused on assert": "En pausa por una aserción",
"Paused on breakpoint": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción",
"Paused on debug() call": "En pausa por una llamada a debug()",
"Paused on debugger statement": "En pausa por una instrucción del depurador",
"Paused on event listener": "En pausa por una escucha de eventos",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción de escucha de eventos \"{0}\", desencadenado en \"{1}\"",
"Paused on exception": "En pausa por una excepción",
"Paused on frame entry": "En pausa por una entrada de marco",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción de instrumentación",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "En pausa por un punto de interrupción de instrumentación \"{0}\"",
"Paused on promise rejection": "En pausa por rechazo de una promesa",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Seleccionar un punto de interrupción",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Seleccione el proceso node. js para adjuntarlo a",
"Please enter a number": "Escriba un número.",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Especifique un número mayor que 1.",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Detenga el perfil en ejecución antes de iniciar uno nuevo.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Falló el selector de proceso ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Duración del perfil en segundos; por ejemplo, \"5\"",
"Profiling": "Generación de perfiles",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "La generación de perfiles con los puntos de interrupción habilitados puede cambiar el rendimiento del código. Puede resultar útil validar los resultados con las condiciones de terminación \"duración\" o \"manual\".",
"Read More": "Más información",
"Request Animation Frame": "Solicitar fotograma de animación",
"Resume AudioContext": "Reanudar AudioContext",
"Return value": "Valor devuelto",
"Run Current File": "Ejecutar el archivo actual",
"Run Script: {0}": "Ejecutar el script: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Ejecutar durante un período de tiempo específico",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Ejecutar hasta que se alcance un punto de interrupción específico",
"Run until manually stopped": "Ejecutar hasta que se detenga manualmente",
"Saving": "Guardando",
"Script": "Script",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Script bloqueado por la directiva de seguridad de contenido",
"Script First Statement": "Primera instrucción del script",
"Select a tab": "Seleccionar una pestaña",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Seleccione el directorio de trabajo actual para el nuevo terminal",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Seleccione la página en la que quiere abrir las herramientas de desarrollo",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Seleccione la sesión que quiere inspeccionar:",
"Set innerHTML": "Establecer innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Omitido por skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Omitido por smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Es posible que algunos puntos de interrupción no funcionen en su versión de Node.js. Se recomienda realizar la actualización para las correcciones de errores, de rendimiento y de seguridad más recientes. Detalles:",
"Source not a source map": "El origen no es un mapa de origen",
"Source not found": "No se encontró el origen",
"Stack frame not found": "No se encontró el marco de pila",
"Starting profile...": "Iniciando el perfil...",
"Stopping profile...": "Deteniendo perfil...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Suspender AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Error de sintaxis al establecer el punto de interrupción con la condición {0} en la línea {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "No se encontró la página de destino. Puede que tenga que actualizar el valor de \"urlFilter\" para que coincida con el de la página que quiere depurar.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "La versión de Node en \"{0}\" está obsoleta (versión {1}); se requiere Node 8. x como mínimo.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "La dirección URL proporcionada no es válida.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "El “cwd” {0} configurado no existe.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "El {0} configurado \"cwd\" no es una carpeta.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Esta es una ruta de acceso de archivo ausente a la que hace referencia una mapa de origen. ¿Quiere depurar la versión compilada en su lugar?",
"Thread is not paused": "El subproceso no está en pausa",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "El subproceso no está en pausa por la excepción",
"Thread not found": "No se encontró el subproceso",
"Type of profile:": "Tipo de perfil:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "La depuración de la vista web UWP no está disponible en su plataforma.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "No se puede asociar al explorador",
"Unable to evaluate": "No se puede evaluar",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "No se puede evaluar en un marco de pila asincrónica",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "No se encuentra ninguna instalación del explorador en el sistema. Prueba a instalarlo o proporciona una ruta de acceso completa al explorador en \"runtimeExecutable\", en el archivo launch.json.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "No se encuentra {0} versión {1}. Las versiones detectadas automáticamente disponibles son: {2}. Puede establecer \"runtimeExecutable\" en launch.json en una de ellas o proporcionar una ruta de acceso absoluta al ejecutable del explorador.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "No se puede iniciar el explorador: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "No se puede pausar",
"Unable to pretty print": "No se pueden imprimir con sangría",
"Unable to resume": "No se puede reanudar",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "No se puede recuperar el contenido de origen",
"Unable to set variable value": "No se puede establecer el valor de la variable",
"Unable to step in": "No se puede entrar",
"Unable to step next": "No se puede realizar el paso siguiente",
"Unable to step out": "No se puede salir",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Punto de interrupción sin enlazar",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Excepciones no detectadas",
"Unknown error": "Error desconocido",
"Variable not found": "No se encontró la variable",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Variables no disponibles en las pilas asincrónicas",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "ADVERTENCIA: El procesamiento de mapas de origen de {0} tardó más de {1} ms, por lo que se siguió ejecutando sin esperar a que se establecieran todos los puntos de interrupción del script.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "No se puede iniciar ningún explorador en modo de depuración desde aquí. Si quiere depurar esta página web, abra el área de trabajo desde VS Code en el escritorio.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "No se puede iniciar ningún explorador en modo de depuración desde aquí. Abra el área de trabajo en VS Code en el escritorio para habilitar la depuración.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Error de WebGL desencadenado",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Advertencia de WebGL desencadenada",
"With Block": "Con bloque",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "¿Desea guardar una configuración en el archivo launch.json para un acceso fácil más adelante?",
"Yes": "Sí",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Debe abrir una carpeta de área de trabajo para depurar scripts npm.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Está ejecutando una versión obsoleta de Node.js. Se recomienda actualizarla para acceder a las correcciones de errores, rendimiento y seguridad más recientes.",
"an old debug session": "una sesión de depuración antigua",
"path does not exist": "la ruta de acceso no existe",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "Id. del proceso: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "Id. del proceso: {0}, puerto de depuración: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval activado",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout activado",
"the configured userDataDir": "el valor userDataDir configurado",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (no se puede describir: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Hacer clic aquí para detener la generación de perfiles",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Hacer clic para detener la generación de perfiles (sesiones{1} )",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Hacer clic aquí para detener la generación de perfiles ({1})."
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Ajouter un point darrêt de navigateur",
"attach.node.process": "Attacher au processus Node",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Liste de sessions de débogage qui, à la fin de cette session de débogage, sont également arrêtées.",
"browser.address.description": "Adresse IP ou nom d'hôte écouté par le navigateur débogué.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port à utiliser pour le débogage à distance du navigateur, indiqué sous la forme '--remote-debugging-port' au lancement du navigateur.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "URL de base pour résoudre baseUrl pour les chemins. baseURL est tronqué en cas de mappage des URL aux fichiers sur le disque. La valeur par défaut est le domaine de l'URL de lancement.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Force l'attachement du navigateur à un seul emplacement. Dans un espace de travail distant (via ssh ou WSL, par exemple), cela permet d'effectuer l'attachement à un navigateur sur la machine distante, et non localement.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Force le lancement du navigateur à un emplacement spécifique. Dans un espace de travail distant (via ssh ou WSL, par exemple), cela permet d'ouvrir le navigateur sur la machine distante, et non localement.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Nettoyage à effectuer après la fin de la session de débogage. Fermeture uniquement de l'onglet en cours de débogage ou fermeture de l'ensemble du navigateur.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Répertoire de travail facultatif pour l'exécutable du runtime.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Contrôle si le cache réseau de chaque requête doit être ignoré",
"browser.env.description": "Dictionnaire facultatif des paires clés/valeur de l'environnement pour le navigateur.",
"browser.file.description": "Fichier html local à ouvrir dans le navigateur",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Indique si les arguments de lancement de navigateur par défaut (pour désactiver les fonctionnalités qui peuvent compliquer le débogage) sont inclus dans le lancement.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Avancé : indique si des arguments de lancement/débogage par défaut sont définis sur le navigateur. Le débogueur suppose que le navigateur utilise le débogage de canal comme celui fourni avec '--remote-debugging-pipe'.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format à utiliser pour réécrire inspectUri : il sagit dune chaîne de modèle qui interpole les clés dans `{curlyBraces}`. Clés disponibles :\r\n - `url.*` est ladresse analysée de lapplication en cours dexécution. Par exemple `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` est le port de débogage que Chrome écoute.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` est lURI dinspecteur sur le navigateur démarré\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` est le segment du chemin daccès correspondant à lURI dinspecteur sur le navigateur démarré. Par exemple : \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\".\r\n - `wsProtocol` est le protocole WebSocket conseillé. Sa valeur est `wss` si lURL dorigine est `https`, sinon `ws`.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port d'écoute du navigateur. La valeur par défaut est \"0\", ce qui entraîne le débogage du navigateur via des canaux. Cette méthode, généralement plus sécurisée, est recommandée, sauf si vous devez effectuer un attachement au navigateur à partir d'un autre outil.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "Mappage des URL/chemins de dossiers locaux pour résoudre les scripts dans le navigateur en scripts sur le disque",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Indique si les scripts sont chargés individuellement avec des mappages de source uniques contenant le nom de base du fichier source. Ce paramètre peut être défini pour optimiser la gestion des mappages de source en présence d'un grand nombre de petits scripts. Si la valeur est \"auto\", nous détectons les cas connus le cas échéant.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Si la valeur est true, le profilage commence dès le lancement du processus",
"browser.restart": "Détermine s'il est nécessaire de se reconnecter en cas de fermeture de la connexion du navigateur",
"browser.revealPage": "Onglet Focus",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Arguments facultatifs passés à l'exécutable du runtime.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "'canary', 'stable', 'custom' ou chemin de l'exécutable du navigateur. 'Custom' désigne un wrapper personnalisé, une génération personnalisée ou une variable d'environnement CHROME_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Indiquez 'canary', 'stable', ''dev'', 'custom' ou le chemin de l'exécutable du navigateur. Custom signifie wrapper personnalisé, build personnalisée ou variable d'environnement EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.server.description": "Configure un serveur web pour le démarrage. Prend la même configuration que la tâche de lancement 'node'.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Tableau de noms de fichiers ou de dossiers, ou globs de chemin daccès, à ignorer lors du débogage. Les modèles et les négations en étoile sont autorisés, par exemple `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Exécutez un pas à pas automatique parmi les lignes non mappées des fichiers de mappage de source. Il peut s'agir, par exemple, du code produit automatiquement par TypeScript durant la compilation d'async/await ou d'autres fonctionnalités.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Ensemble de mappages pour la réécriture des emplacements des fichiers sources à partir des indications du mappage de source vers les emplacements appropriés sur le disque. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le README.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Indique si vous devez utiliser le mappage « names » dans les mappages sources. Cela nécessite une demande de contenu source, ce qui peut savérer lent avec certains débogueurs.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Utilisez des mappages de sources JavaScript (le cas échéant).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Spécifie s'il est nécessaire d'effectuer un attachement à toutes les cibles qui correspondent au filtre URL (\"automatique\"), ou s'il est nécessaire d'effectuer un choix (\"sélection\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Réessayez pendant ce nombre de millisecondes d'établir la connexion au navigateur. La valeur par défaut est 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Recherche un onglet avec cette URL exactement et s'y attache le cas échéant",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Cherche une page avec cette URL et l'attache, le cas échéant. Les caractères génériques * sont autorisés.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Par défaut, le navigateur est lancé avec un profil d'utilisateur distinct dans un dossier temporaire. Utilisez cette option pour remplacer le profil. Définissez la valeur false pour le lancer avec votre profil d'utilisateur par défaut. Impossible de lancer un nouveau navigateur si une instance est déjà en cours dexécution à partir de « userDataDir ».",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Liste de modèles Glob de fichier pour la recherche des composants '*.vue'. Par défaut, la recherche est effectuée dans l'ensemble de l'espace de travail. Vous devez l'indiquer en raison des recherches supplémentaires nécessaires aux mappages de sources de Vue dans Vue CLI 4. Vous pouvez désactiver cette gestion particulière en affectant un tableau vide à cette valeur.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Ceci spécifie le chemin absolu de l'espace de travail à la racine du serveur web. Permet de résoudre les chemins tels que '/app.js' en fichiers sur disque. Raccourci d'un pathMapping pour \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attacher à une instance de Chrome déjà en mode débogage",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome : attacher",
"chrome.label": "Application web (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Lancer Chrome pour déboguer une URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome : lancer",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclure lappelant",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclure lappelant de la mise en pause à lemplacement actuel",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Accéder à lemplacement de lappelant",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Accéder à lemplacement cible",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Supprimer lappelant exclu",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Supprimer tous les appelants exclus",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Désactiver lexécution pas à pas mappé source",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Activer lexécution pas à pas mappé source",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configure les processus à attacher et déboguer automatiquement quand '#debug.node.autoAttach#' est activé. Un processus Node lancé avec l'indicateur '--inspect' est toujours attaché, quel que soit ce paramètre.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Effectue l'attachement automatique à chaque processus Node.js lancé dans le terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "L'attachement automatique est désactivé et n'est pas affiché dans la barre détat.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Effectue l'attachement automatique uniquement quand '--inspect' est indiqué.",
"": "Effectue l'attachement automatique durant l'exécution de scripts qui ne se trouvent pas dans un dossier node_modules.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configure des modèles Glob qui permettent de déterminer quand effectuer l'attachement en mode '#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#' \"intelligent\". '$KNOWN_TOOLS$' est remplacé par une liste de noms d'exécuteurs de tests et de codes courants. [Pour plus d'informations, lisez la documentation de VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Quand vous déboguez une application web à distance, configure s'il faut automatiquement \"tunneler\" le serveur distant vers votre machine locale.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indique sil faut arrêter lorsque les points darrêt conditionnels génèrent une erreur.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options utilisées pendant le débogage de liens ouverts sur lesquels l'utilisateur a cliqué à partir du terminal de débogage. Peut être défini sur \"false\" pour désactiver ce comportement.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Il s'agit du 'runtimeExecutable' par défaut utilisé pour les configurations de lancement, en l'absence d'indications. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour configurer des chemins personnalisés vers Node.js ou des installations de navigateur.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Indique où CodeLens doit être affiché pour \"Exécuter\" et \"Déboguer\" dans vos scripts npm. Les options sont : \"tous\" les scripts, \"en haut\" de la section de script ou \"jamais\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Options par défaut utilisées pour le débogage d'un processus via la commande Déboguer : attacher au processus Node.js",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Options de requête à utiliser durant le chargement des ressources, telles que les mappages de sources, dans le débogueur. Vous devrez peut-être configurer ce paramètre si vos mappages de sources nécessitent une authentification ou sils utilisent un certificat autosigné. Les options sont utilisées pour créer une requête à laide de la bibliothèque [`got`](\r\n\r\nUn moyen courant de désactiver la vérification de certificat est de passer `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Options de lancement par défaut pour le terminal de débogage JavaScript et les scripts npm.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configure le démappage automatique ou non du fichier faisant l'objet d'un mappage de source quand le fichier d'origine ne peut pas être lu. Si la valeur est false (par défaut), une invite s'affiche.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnostiquer les problèmes aux points darrêt",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Personnalisez la description textuelle que le débogueur affiche pour les objets (variables locales, etc.). Exemples :\r\n 1. this.toString() // Appelle toString pour afficher tous les objets\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Utilise la méthode customDescription si elle est disponible. Sinon, renvoie defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Utilise la méthode customDescription si elle est disponible. Sinon, renvoie defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Personnaliser les propriétés affichées pour un objet dans le débogueur (variables locales, etc.). Exemples :\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Ajoute une propriété extraProperty avec la valeur 12345 à tous les objets\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Utilise la méthode customProperties si elle est disponible. Sinon, utilise les propriétés de this (propriétés par défaut)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Utilise la méthode customDescription si elle est disponible. Sinon, renvoie les propriétés par défaut\r\n\r\n Déprécié : Il sagit dune implémentation temporaire de cette fonctionnalité disponible jusquà son implémentation prochaine ainsi quelle est décrite ici :",
"debug.npm.edit": "Modifier package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "Aucun script npm dans votre package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Vous devez ouvrir un dossier d'espace de travail pour déboguer les scripts npm.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Impossible de lire {0} : {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Déboguer le script npm",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attacher au processus de terminal Node.js",
"debug.terminal.label": "Terminal de débogage de JavaScript",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Commande à exécuter dans le terminal lancé. Si non fournie, le terminal s'ouvre sans lancer de programme.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Exécuter \"npm start\" dans un terminal de débogage",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Activer/désactiver l'attachement automatique au terminal Node.js",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[Terminal de débogage de JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nVous pouvez utiliser le terminal de débogage de JavaScript pour déboguer les processus Node.js exécutés en ligne de commande.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[Terminal de débogage de JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nVous pouvez utiliser le terminal de débogage de JavaScript pour déboguer les processus Node.js exécutés en ligne de commande.\r\n\r\n[URL de débogage](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Certains de vos points darrêt nont pas pu être définis. Si vous rencontrez un problème, vous pouvez [résoudre votre configuration de lancement](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Ouvrir le lien",
"edge.address.description": "Au moment du débogage des vues web, adresse IP ou nom d'hôte écouté par la vue web. La découverte s'effectue automatiquement, si aucune valeur n'est définie.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attacher à une instance de Microsoft Edge déjà en mode débogage",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge : attacher",
"edge.label": "Application web (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Lancer Microsoft Edge pour déboguer une URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge : lancer",
"edge.port.description": "Au moment du débogage des vues web, port écouté par le débogueur de vue web. La découverte s'effectue automatiquement, si aucune valeur n'est définie.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Objet contenant le 'pipeName' dun canal de débogage pour un Webview2 hébergé par UWP. Il sagit de « MyTestSharedMemory » lors de la création du canal « \\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory »",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Quand la valeur est 'true', le débogueur traite l'exécutable de runtime comme une application hôte qui contient une vue web vous permettant de déboguer le contenu du script de vue web.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Définit si nous devons vérifier que les contenus des fichiers sur le disque correspondent à ceux chargés dans le runtime. Cette opération est utile dans de nombreux scénarios, voire obligatoire dans certains. Des problèmes peuvent toutefois se produire, notamment si vous avez une transformation côté serveur de scripts.",
"errors.timeout": "{0} : expiration du délai d'attente au bout de {1} ms",
"extension.description": "Extension pour déboguer les programmes Node.js et Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Développement d'extension VS Code",
"": "Lancer l'extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Indique si nous devons effectuer une tentative d'attachement à l'hôte d'extension worker web.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configure si nous devons essayer de nous attacher aux vues Web dans l'instance de VS Code lancée. Cela ne fonctionnera que dans le bureau VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Variables d'environnement passées à l'hôte d'extension.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Options de lancement de Chrome utilisées lors de l'attachement au processus renderer, avec 'debugWebviews' ou 'debugWebWorkerHost'.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Chemin absolu de VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Arrêtez automatiquement l'hôte d'extension après le lancement.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Lancer une extension VS Code en mode débogage",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Développement d'extension VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Enregistrer les journaux de débogage JS de diagnostic",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Ne plus afficher",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "La configuration de vos points d'arrêt prend un certain temps. Pour accélérer l'opération, mettez à jour 'outFiles' dans launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Aucun dossier d'espace de travail ouvert.",
"": "Ouvrir launch.json",
"node.address.description": "Adresse TCP/IP du processus à déboguer. La valeur par défaut est 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Indique s'il faut essayer d'attacher des processus enfants déjà engendrés.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Indique s'il faut définir des variables d'environnement dans le processus attaché pour suivre les enfants engendrés.",
"": "Attacher",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "Si la valeur est true, nous reprenons automatiquement les programmes lancés en attente avec '--inspect-brk'",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID du processus à attacher.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Tentative de reconnexion au programme, si nous perdons la connexion. Si la valeur est true, nous effectuons une tentative une fois par seconde, indéfiniment. Vous pouvez personnaliser l'intervalle et le nombre maximal de tentatives en spécifiant à la place 'delay' et 'maxAttempts' dans un objet.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Si l'option correspondante est définie, l'attachement au processus s'effectue par le biais du port indiqué. En règle générale, cela n'est plus nécessaire pour les programmes Node.js. Le débogage des processus enfants n'est alors plus possible, mais ce choix peut être utile dans des scénarios plus rares, tels que les lancements de Deno et Docker. Si l'option est définie avec la valeur 0, un port aléatoire est choisi et --inspect-brk est automatiquement ajouté aux arguments de lancement.",
"node.console.title": "Console de débogage de nœud",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Ne définissez pas de points d'arrêt dans un fichier tant qu'un mappage de source n'a pas été chargé pour ce fichier.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configure sil faut utiliser un nouveau mécanisme plus rapide pour la découverte de mappage de source",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configure la façon dont le processus de débogage est tué à larrêt de la session. Valeurs possibles : \r\n\r\n- forceful (par défaut) : détruit de force larborescence des processus. Envoie SIGKILL sur POSIX, ou `taskkill.exe /F` sur Windows.\r\n- polite : détruit élégamment larborescence des processus. Il est possible que des processus au comportement anormal continuent de sexécuter après ce type darrêt. Envoie SIGTERM sur POSIX ou `taskkill.exe` sans lindicateur `/F` (force) sur Windows.\r\n- none : aucun arrêt nest effectué.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Arguments de ligne de commande passés au programme.\r\n\r\nPeut être un tableau de chaînes ou une chaîne unique. Lorsque le programme est lancé dans un terminal, la définition de cette propriété sur une seule chaîne empêche léchappement des arguments pour linterpréteur de commandes.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attacher le débogueur aux nouveaux processus enfants automatiquement.",
"": "Lancer",
"node.launch.console.description": "Où lancer la cible de débogage.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Terminal externe pouvant être configuré via des paramètres utilisateur",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "terminal intégré de VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "console de débogage de VS Code (qui ne prend pas en charge la lecture de l'entrée d'un programme)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Chemin absolu du répertoire de travail du programme débogué. Si vous avez défini localRoot, cwd établit une correspondance avec cette valeur. Sinon, il utilise par défaut votre workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Variables d'environnement passées au programme. La valeur 'null' supprime la variable de l'environnement.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Chemin absolu d'un fichier contenant des définitions de variables d'environnement.",
"node.launch.logging": "Configuration de la journalisation",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Chemin du fichier journal pour les messages du protocole Chrome DevTools",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Chemin du fichier journal pour les messages du protocole de l'adaptateur de débogage",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Emplacement de capture des messages de sortie : API de débogage si la valeur est 'console' ou flux stdout/stderr si la valeur est 'std'.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Chemin absolu du programme. La valeur générée est déterminée en fonction du fichier package.json et des fichiers ouverts. Modifiez cet attribut.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Essayez de redémarrer le programme s'il quitte avec un code de sortie non nul.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Arguments facultatifs passés à l'exécutable du runtime.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime à utiliser. Chemin absolu ou nom d'un runtime disponible dans PATH. En cas d'omission, 'node' est choisi par défaut.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Liste de modèles au niveau desquels insérer manuellement des points d'arrêt de point d'entrée. Cela permet au débogueur de définir des points d'arrêt durant l'utilisation de mappages de sources qui n'existent pas ou qui ne peuvent pas être détectés avant le lancement, par exemple [avec Serverless Framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version de 'node' que le runtime utilise. Requiert 'nvm'.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' est déprécié et sa prise en charge va être supprimée. Utilisez l'extension 'Remote - WSL' à la place.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Utilisez le sous-système Windows pour Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Chemin du répertoire local contenant le programme.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Indique s'il faut attendre le chargement des mappages de sources pour chaque script entrant. Ce paramètre réduit les performances, et peut être désactivé de manière sécurisée en cas d'espace disque insuffisant et si 'rootPath' n'est pas désactivé.",
"node.port.description": "Port de débogage auquel effectuer l'attachement. La valeur par défaut est 9 229.",
"": "Attacher au processus",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Si la valeur est « true », le profilage commence dès le lancement du processus",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Chemin absolu du répertoire distant contenant le programme.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Liste de modèles de minimatch pour les emplacements (dossiers et URL) dans lesquels les mappages de sources peuvent être utilisés pour résoudre les fichiers locaux. Peuvent être utilisés pour éviter un arrêt incorrect dans le code externe mappé à la source. Les modèles peuvent être préfixés avec \"!\" pour les exclure. Peuvent être définis sur un tableau vide ou la valeur null pour éviter toute restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Affiche les appels asynchrones ayant conduit à la pile des appels actuelle.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attacher à un programme node en cours d'exécution",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js : attacher",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Ouvrir le sélecteur de processus pour sélectionner le processus node auquel s'attacher",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js : attacher au processus",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Déboguer le processus principal Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js : processus principal Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Déboguer une tâche gulp (un gulp local doit être installé dans votre projet)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js : tâche Gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Lancer un programme node en mode débogage",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js : lancer un programme",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Déboguer les tests mocha",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js : tests mocha",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Utiliser nodemon pour relancer une session de débogage quand la source change",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js : configurer nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Lancer un programme node avec un script npm 'debug'",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js : lancer via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attacher au port de débogage d'un programme node distant",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js : attacher au programme distant",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Déboguer le générateur yeoman (installer en exécutant 'npm link' dans le dossier de projet)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js : générateur Yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Ensemble de mappages pour la réécriture des emplacements des fichiers sources à partir de ce que le mappage de source stipule, vers les emplacements sur le disque.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Utilisez des mappages de sources JavaScript (le cas échéant).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Arrêtez automatiquement le programme après le lancement.",
"node.timeout.description": "Réessayez de vous connecter à Node.js pendant le nombre de millisecondes spécifié. La valeur par défaut est 10 000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Vous permet de spécifier explicitement la version de Node en cours dexécution. Ceci peut être utile pour désactiver ou activer certains comportements dans les cas où la détection automatique de version ne fonctionne pas.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Adresse WebSocket exacte à laquelle effectuer l'attachement. Si elle n'est pas spécifiée, elle est découverte à partir de l'adresse et du port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Ouvrir les outils du développeur du navigateur",
"outFiles.description": "Si les mappages de sources sont activés, ces modèles Glob spécifient les fichiers JavaScript générés. Si un modèle commence par '!', les fichiers sont exclus. En l'absence de spécification, le code généré est censé se trouver dans le même répertoire que sa source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Impression automatique pour le débogage",
"profile.start": "Exécuter le profil du niveau de performance",
"profile.stop": "Arrêter le profil du niveau de performance",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Supprimer un point darrêt de navigateur",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Supprimer tous les points d'arrêt du navigateur",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Demander un proxy CDP pour une session de débogage",
"skipFiles.description": "Tableau de modèles glob pour les fichiers à ignorer pendant le débogage. Le modèle '<node_internals>/**' correspond à tous les modules Node.js internes.",
"smartStep.description": "Exécutez pas à pas de façon automatique le code généré qui ne peut être mappé à la source d'origine.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Démarrez le débogage et s'arrêter à lentrée",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Démarrez le débogage et s'arrêter à lentrée",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Délais dexpiration pour plusieurs opérations de débogueur.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Délais dexpiration pour plusieurs opérations de débogueur.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Délai avant abandon de lévaluation de la valeur pour les symboles survolés. Si la valeur est 0, lévaluation par pointage nexpire jamais.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Délais dexpiration liés aux opérations de mappages de sources.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Délai supplémentaire en millisecondes autorisé par session à attendre le traitement des mappages de sources, une fois le délai minimal (sourceMapMinPause) écoulé",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Délai minimal en millisecondes passé à attendre que chaque mappage de source soit traité quand un script est analysé",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Ignorer/Ne pas ignorer ce fichier",
"trace.boolean.description": "Vous pouvez définir la trace sur 'true' pour écrire des journaux de diagnostic sur le disque.",
"trace.description": "Configure la sortie de diagnostic à produire.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configure l'emplacement sur le disque où sont écrits les journaux.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Indique s'il faut retourner les données de trace de l'application ou du navigateur qui a été lancé.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Lapprobation est requise pour déboguer le code dans cet espace de travail."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Une session de profilage est déjà en cours d'exécution. Voulez-vous l'arrêter et démarrer une nouvelle session ?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Ajustez le ou les modèles glob dans l'attribut 'outFiles' pour qu'ils couvrent le fichier JavaScript généré.",
"Always": "Toujours",
"Always in this Workspace": "Toujours dans cet espace de travail",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Une erreur s'est produite au moment du profilage de la cible.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Frame danimation déclenché",
"Assertion failed": "Échec dassertion",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Attacher au processus : '{0}' ne ressemble pas à un ID de processus.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Attacher au processus : impossible d'activer le mode de débogage pour le processus '{0}' ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "L'attribut 'runtimeVersion' nécessite Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' ou 'nvs'.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "L'attribut 'runtimeVersion' nécessite l'installation du gestionnaire de versions Node.js 'nvs' ou 'nvm'.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Lattribut 'runtimeVersion' avec une saveur/architecture nécessite linstallation de 'nvs'.",
"Block": "Bloquer",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "S'arrête sur toutes les erreurs levées, même si elles sont interceptées plus tard.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "S'interrompt uniquement en cas d'erreur ou de rejet de la promesse qui n'est pas géré.",
"CPU Profile": "Profil du processeur",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Profil dUC enregistré en tant que « {0} » dans le dossier de votre espace de travail",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Violation de la stratégie CSP « {0} »",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Le fichier binaire Node.js \"{0}\" : {1} est introuvable. Vérifiez que Node.js est installé et qu'il se trouve dans PATH, ou définissez \"runtimeExecutable\" dans votre fichier launch.json",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Impossible de charger les variables d'environnement à partir du fichier ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Annuler le frame danimation",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Connexion impossible à la cible sur {0} : {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Programme à déboguer introuvable",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Impossible de lancer la cible de débogage dans le terminal ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Impossible de redémarrer le frame asynchrone",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Impossible de définir une valeur vide",
"Catch Block": "Bloc Catch",
"Caught Exceptions": "Exceptions interceptées",
"Close AudioContext": "Fermer AudioContext",
"Closure": "Fermeture",
"Closure ({0})": "Fermeture ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Profil de console démarré",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Impossible de se connecter à un canal Webview UWP. Vérifiez que votre webview est hébergé en mode débogage et que le « pipeName » indiqué dans votre fichier « launch.json » est correct.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Impossible d'interroger l'objet fourni",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Impossible de lire le mappage de source pour {0} : {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Impossible de lire {0} : {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Créer AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "Créer un contexte de canevas",
"Debug Anyway": "Déboguer quand même",
"Debug URL": "Déboguer lURL",
"Details": "Détails",
"Don't show again": "Ne plus afficher",
"Duration": "Durée",
"Duration of Profile": "Durée du profilage",
"Edit package.json": "Modifier package.json",
"Eval": "Eval",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Le cadre na pas pu être redémarré",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Génère un fichier .cpuprofile que vous pouvez ouvrir dans Chrome DevTools",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Génère un fichier .heapprofile que vous pouvez ouvrir dans les outils de développement de Chrome.",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Génère un fichier .heapsnapshot que vous pouvez ouvrir dans Chrome DevTools",
"Global": "Mondial",
"Got it!": "OK !",
"Heap Profile": "Profil de segment de mémoire",
"Heap Snapshot": "Instantané du tas",
"How long to run the profile:": "Durée d'exécution du profilage :",
"Ignore": "Ignorer",
"Invalid expression": "Expression non valide",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Condition d'accès non valide \"{0}\". Expression attendue telle que \"> 42\" ou \"== 2\".",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Il semble qu'un navigateur s'exécute déjà à partir de {0}. Fermez-le avant toute tentative de débogage. Sinon, VS Code risque de ne pas pouvoir s'y connecter.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Il semble que votre session de débogage sest déjà terminée. Recommencez le débogage, puis exécutez la commande « Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems ».",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "La configuration de vos points d'arrêt prend un certain temps. Pour accélérer l'opération, mettez à jour 'outFiles' dans launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Terminal de débogage de JavaScript",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Adaptateur de débogage JavaScript",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Lancer Chrome en utilisant localhost",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Démarrer Microsoft Edge à lutilisation de localhost",
"Launch Program": "Lancer le programme",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Configuration de lancement créée en fonction de 'package.json'.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "Configuration de lancement du projet '{0}' créée.",
"Local": "Local",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Perte de la connexion à l'élément débogué. Reconnexion dans {0} ms\r\n",
"Manual": "Manuelle",
"Module": "Module",
"Never": "Jamais",
"No": "Non",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Aucun script npm dans votre package.json",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Aucun fichier package.json na été trouvé dans votre espace de travail.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Aucun dossier d'espace de travail ouvert.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Node.js version '{0}' n'est pas installé à l'aide du gestionnaire de versions {1}.",
"Not Now": "Pas maintenant",
"Only objects can be queried": "Seuls les objets peuvent être interrogés",
"Open launch.json": "Ouvrir launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "La sortie a été tronquée pour les {0} premiers caractères. Exécutez '{1}' pour copier la sortie complète.",
"Paused": "En pause",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Interruption d'exécution avant une exception pour mémoire insuffisante",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un point d'arrêt d'instrumentation en raison d'une violation de la stratégie de sécurité de contenu. Directive \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un point d'arrêt DOM",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un point d'arrêt d'instrumentation en raison d'une erreur WebGL. Erreur \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Interruption d'exécution liée à XMLHttpRequest ou fetch",
"Paused on assert": "Interruption dexécution liée à une assertion",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Interruption dexécution liée à un point darrêt",
"Paused on debug() call": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un appel de debug()",
"Paused on debugger statement": "En pause sur une instruction du débogueur",
"Paused on event listener": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un détecteur d'événements",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Interruption d'exécution liée au point d'arrêt de détecteur d'événements \"{0}\". Déclenchement activé sur \"{1}\"",
"Paused on exception": "Interruption dexécution liée à une exception",
"Paused on frame entry": "En pause sur une entrée de frame",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Interruption d'exécution liée à un point d'arrêt d'instrumentation",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Interruption d'exécution liée au point d'arrêt d'instrumentation \"{0}\"",
"Paused on promise rejection": "En pause sur un rejet de promesse",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Choisir un point darrêt",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Sélectionner le processus node.js auquel s'attacher",
"Please enter a number": "Entrez un nombre",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Entrez un nombre supérieur à 1",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Arrêtez le profilage en cours d'exécution avant d'en démarrer un nouveau.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Le sélecteur de processus a échoué ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Durée du profilage en secondes, par exemple \"5\"",
"Profiling": "Profilage",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Effectuer un profilage avec des points d'arrêt activés peut changer le niveau de performance de votre code. Il peut être utile de valider vos constats avec les conditions d'arrêt \"durée\" ou \"manuel\".",
"Read More": "En savoir plus",
"Request Animation Frame": "Demander le frame danimation",
"Resume AudioContext": "Reprendre AudioContext",
"Return value": "Valeur retournée",
"Run Current File": "Exécuter le fichier actif",
"Run Script: {0}": "Exécuter le script : {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Exécuter pendant un délai spécifique",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Exécuter jusqu'à ce qu'un point d'arrêt spécifique soit atteint",
"Run until manually stopped": "Exécuter jusqu'à l'arrêt manuel",
"Saving": "Enregistrement",
"Script": "Script",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Script bloqué par la stratégie de sécurité de contenu",
"Script First Statement": "Première instruction du script",
"Select a tab": "Sélectionner un onglet",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Sélectionner le répertoire de travail actuel pour le nouveau terminal",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Sélectionnez la page dans laquelle vous voulez ouvrir les outils du développeur",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Sélectionnez la session que vous souhaitez inspecter :",
"Set innerHTML": "Définir innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Ignoré par skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Ignoré par smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Certains points darrêt ne fonctionneront sans doute pas dans votre version de Node.js. Nous vous recommandons deffectuer la mise à niveau pour le bogue, les performances et les correctifs de sécurité les plus récents. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site",
"Source not a source map": "La source nest pas un mappage de source",
"Source not found": "Source introuvable",
"Stack frame not found": "Frame de pile introuvable",
"Starting profile...": "Démarrage du profil...",
"Stopping profile...": "Arrêt du profil...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Interrompre AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Erreur de syntaxe au moment de la définition du point d'arrêt avec la condition {0} sur la ligne {1} : {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Page cible introuvable. Vous devrez peut-être mettre à jour votre \"urlFilter\" pour qu'il corresponde à la page à déboguer.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "La version de Node dans \"{0}\" est obsolète (version {1}). Nous avons besoin au moins de Node 8.x.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "L'URL fournie n'est pas valide",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Le `cwd` {0} configuré n'existe pas.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Le {0} « cwd » configuré nest pas un dossier.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Il s'agit d'un chemin de fichier manquant référencé par un mappage de source. Voulez-vous déboguer la version compilée à la place ?",
"Thread is not paused": "Le thread n'est pas interrompu",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Le thread n'est pas interrompu en cas d'exception",
"Thread not found": "Thread introuvable",
"Type of profile:": "Type de profil :",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Le débogage de laffichage web UWP nest pas disponible sur votre plateforme.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Impossible d'attacher le navigateur",
"Unable to evaluate": "Nous navons pas pu évaluer",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Impossible d'évaluer le frame de pile asynchrone",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Impossible de localiser une installation du navigateur sur votre système. Essayez de l'installer ou de fournir le chemin absolu du navigateur dans le « runtimeExecutable » de votre launch.json.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Impossible de localiser {0} version {1}. Versions découvertes automatiquement disponibles : {2}. Vous pouvez définir \"runtimeExecutable\" en fonction de l'une de ces versions dans votre fichier launch.json, ou fournir le chemin absolu de l'exécutable du navigateur.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Impossible de lancer le navigateur : \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Impossible dinterrompre",
"Unable to pretty print": "Impossible d'effectuer une impression en mode Pretty",
"Unable to resume": "Impossible de reprendre",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Impossible de récupérer le contenu source",
"Unable to set variable value": "Impossible de définir la valeur de la variable",
"Unable to step in": "Impossible d'effectuer un pas à pas détaillé",
"Unable to step next": "Impossible d'effectuer le pas à pas suivant",
"Unable to step out": "Impossible d'effectuer un pas à pas sortant",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Point darrêt indépendant",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Exceptions non interceptées",
"Unknown error": "Erreur inconnue",
"Variable not found": "Variable introuvable",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Variables non disponibles dans les piles asynchrones",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "AVERTISSEMENT : Le traitement des mappages de sources de {0} a pris plus de {1} ms. Nous avons donc poursuivi l'exécution sans attendre que tous les points d'arrêt du script soient définis.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Nous ne pouvons pas lancer un navigateur en mode débogage à partir d'ici. Si vous souhaitez déboguer cette page web, ouvrez cet espace de travail à partir de VS Code sur votre poste de travail.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Nous ne pouvons pas lancer un navigateur en mode débogage à partir d'ici. Ouvrez cet espace de travail dans VS Code sur votre poste de travail pour activer le débogage.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Erreur WebGL déclenchée",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Avertissement WebGL déclenché",
"With Block": "Bloc With",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Voulez-vous enregistrer une configuration dans votre fichier launch.json pour y accéder facilement plus tard ?",
"Yes": "Oui",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Vous devez ouvrir un dossier d'espace de travail pour déboguer les scripts npm.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Vous exécutez une version obsolète de Node.js. Nous vous recommandons deffectuer la mise à jour afin de bénéficier des correctifs de bogues, de performance et de sécurité les plus récents.",
"an old debug session": "ancienne session de débogage",
"path does not exist": "le chemin n'existe pas",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "ID de processus : {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "ID de processus : {0}, port de débogage : {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval déclenché",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout déclenché",
"the configured userDataDir": "userDataDir configuré",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (description impossible : {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Cliquez pour arrêter le profilage",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Cliquez pour arrêter le profilage ({1} sessions)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Cliquez pour arrêter le profilage ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Aggiungi punto di interruzione browser",
"attach.node.process": "Collega al processo Node",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Elenco di sessioni di debug che verranno arrestate in seguito alla terminazione della sessione di debug.",
"browser.address.description": "Indirizzo IP o nome host su cui è in ascolto il browser di cui viene eseguito il debug.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Porta da usare per eseguire il debug remoto del browse, specificata come `--remote-debugging-port` all'avvio del browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "URL di base per la risoluzione di baseUrl di percorsi. baseURL viene tagliato quando si esegue il mapping di URL ai file su disco. L'impostazione predefinita è il dominio dell'URL di avvio.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forza il collegamento del browser in un'unica posizione. In un'area di lavoro remota, accessibile ad esempio tramite SSH o WSL, può essere usata per collegarsi al browser nel computer remoto anziché in locale.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forza l'avvio del browser in un'unica posizione. In un'area di lavoro remota, accessibile ad esempio tramite SSH o WSL, può essere usata per aprire il browser nel computer remoto anziché in locale.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Indica l'operazione eseguita dalla pulizia al termine della sessione di debug, ovvero chiusura della sola scheda di cui è in corso il debug oppure dell'intero browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Directory di lavoro facoltativa per l'eseguibile di runtime.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controlla se ignorare la cache di rete per ogni richiesta",
"browser.env.description": "Dizionario facoltativo di coppie chiave-valore di ambiente per il browser.",
"browser.file.description": "File HTML locale da aprire nel browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Indica se gli argomenti predefiniti di avvio del browser (per disabilitare le funzioni che possono rendere più difficile il debug) saranno inclusi nell'avvio.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Avanzate: indica se nel browser sono impostati argomenti di avvio/debug predefiniti. Il debugger presuppone che il browser usi il debug della pipe, come quello fornito con '--remote-debugging-pipe'.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Formato da usare per riscrivere inspectUri. Si tratta di una stringa modello che interpola le chiavi in `{curlyBraces}`. Le chiavi disponibili sono:\r\n - `url.*` è l'indirizzo analizzato dell'applicazione in esecuzione, ad esempio `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` è la porta di debug su cui Chrome rimane in ascolto.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` è l'URI di controllo nel browser avviato\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` è la parte del percorso dell'URI di controllo nel browser avviato (ad esempio: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` è il protocollo WebSocket suggerito. È impostato su `wss` se l'URL originale è `https`; altrimenti è `ws`.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Porta su cui è in ascolto il browser. Con l'impostazione predefinita \"0\" il debugger del browser verrà eseguito tramite pipe. Questo approccio è in genere più sicuro e costituisce la scelta consigliata a meno che non sia necessario collegarsi al browser da un altro strumento.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "Mapping di URL/percorsi di cartelle locali per risolvere gli script nel browser in script su disco",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Indica se gli script vengono caricati singolarmente con mapping di origine univoci contenenti il nome di base del file di origine. Può essere impostato per ottimizzare la gestione di mapping di origine quando si gestiscono numerosi script di piccole dimensioni. Se è impostata su \"auto\", verranno rilevati i casi noti se appropriato.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Se è true, la profilatura inizierà all'avvio del processo",
"browser.restart": "Indica se riconnettersi in caso di chiusura della connessione al browser",
"browser.revealPage": "Sposta stato attivo sulla scheda",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Argomenti facoltativi passati all'eseguibile del runtime.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Corrisponde a 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' o al percorso dell'eseguibile del browser. L'impostazione custom si riferisce a un wrapper o a una build personalizzata oppure alla variabile di ambiente CHROME_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Corrisponde a 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' o al percorso dell'eseguibile del browser. L'impostazione custom si riferisce a un wrapper o a una build personalizzata oppure alla variabile di ambiente EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.server.description": "Consente di configurare un server Web per l'avvio. Accetta la stessa configurazione dell'attività di avvio 'node'.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Matrice di nomi di file o cartelle o GLOB di percorso da ignorare durante il debug. Sono consentiti modelli e negazioni con asterischi, ad esempio '[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]'",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Esegue automaticamente un'istruzione alla volta delle righe non sottoposte a mapping nei file dei mapping di origine, ad esempio il codice che TypeScript produce automaticamente durante la generazione di JavaScript per async/await o altre funzionalità.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Set di mapping per riscrivere i percorsi dei file di origine dalle posizioni indicate nel mapping di origine alle relative posizioni sul disco. Per dettagli, vedere il file README.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Indica se usare il mapping \"names\" nei mapping di origine. Con questa opzione è necessario richiedere il contenuto di origine e tale operazione può risultare lenta con alcuni debugger.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Usa i source map JavaScript (se esistenti).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Indica se collegarsi a tutte le destinazioni corrispondenti al filtro URL (\"automatic\") o chiedere di sceglierne uno (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Numero di millisecondi in cui vengono effettuati i tentativi di connessione al browser. Il valore predefinito è 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Cerca una scheda con l'URL esatto e la collega ad esso se viene trovata",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Cerca una pagina con questo URL e la collega ad esso se viene trovata. Può contenere caratteri jolly (*).",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Per impostazione predefinita, il browser viene avviato con un profilo utente separato in una cartella temporanea. Usare questa opzione per eseguirne l'override. Impostare su false per avviare con il profilo utente predefinito. Non è possibile avviare un nuovo browser se è già in esecuzione un'istanza da `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Elenco dei criteri GLOB di file per la ricerca dei componenti `*.vue`. Per impostazione predefinita, la ricerca viene eseguita nell'intera area di lavoro. Deve essere specificato a causa delle ricerche aggiuntive richiede dai source map di Vue nell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Vue versione 4. Per disabilitare questa gestione speciale, impostare questa opzione su una matrice vuota.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Specifica il percorso assoluto dell'area di lavoro nella radice di webserver. Viene usato per risolvere percorsi come `/app.js` in file su disco. Forma abbreviata di pathMapping per \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Si collega a un'istanza di Chrome già in modalità di debug",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Collega",
"chrome.label": "App Web (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Avvia Chrome per eseguire il debug di un URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Avvia",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Escludere chiamante",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Escludere il chiamante dalla sospensione nella posizione corrente",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Andare alla posizione del chiamante",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Andare alla posizione di destinazione",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Rimuovere chiamante escluso",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Rimuovi tutti i chiamanti esclusi",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disabilitare istruzione mappata allorigine",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Abilitare istruzione mappata all'origine",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Consente di configurare i processi da collegare e di cui eseguire automaticamente il debug quando `#debug.node.autoAttach#` è impostato su on. Un processo Node avviato con il flag `--inspect` verrà sempre collegato indipendentemente da questa impostazione.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Collega automaticamente a ogni processo Node.js avviato nel terminale.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "La funzionalità di collegamento automatico è disabilitata e non visualizzata nella barra di stato.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Collega automaticamente solo quando è specificato `--inspect`.",
"": "Collega automaticamente durante l'esecuzione di script non presenti in una cartella node_modules.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Consente di configurare i criteri GLOB per determinare quando collegarsi in modalità `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` \"intelligente\". `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` viene sostituito con un elenco di nomi di strumenti di esecuzione codice e test comuni. [Altre informazioni disponibili nella documentazione di VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Durante il debug di un'app Web remota, configura l'eventuale tunneling automatico del server remoto nel computer locale.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indica se arrestare l'esecuzione quando i punti di interruzione condizionali generano un errore.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opzioni usate durante il debug di collegamenti aperto su cui viene fatto clic all'interno del terminale di debug. Impostare su \"false\" per disabilitare questo comportamento.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Valore predefinito `runtimeExecutable` usato per le configurazioni di avvio, se non specificato. Può essere usato per configurare percorsi personalizzati per installazioni di Node.js o browser.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Indica se visualizzare una finestra di CodeLens \"Esegui\" ed \"Esegui debug\" negli script npm. Può trovarsi in \"all\", negli script, in \"top\" della sezione script o in \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opzioni predefinite usate durante il debug di un processo tramite il comando `Debug: Collega al processo di terminale Node.js`",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opzioni della richiesta da usare durante il caricamento delle risorse, ad esempio i mapping di origine, nel debugger. Può essere necessario configurare questa impostazione se, ad esempio, i mapping di origine richiedono l'autenticazione oppure usano un certificato autofirmato. Le opzioni vengono usate per creare una richiesta tramite la libreria [`got`](\r\n\r\nPer eseguire un'azione comune, quale disabilitare la verifica dei certificati, è possibile passare `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Opzioni di avvio predefinite per gli script npm e del terminale di debug di JavaScript.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Consente di configurare se il mapping del file con mapping di origine in cui non è possibile leggere il file originale verrà annullato automaticamente. Se è false (impostazione predefinita), viene visualizzato un prompt.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Esegui diagnosi dei problemi dei punti di interruzione",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Consente di personalizzare la descrizione testuale degli oggetti (variabili locali e così via) visualizzata dal debugger. Esempi:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Viene chiamato toString per stampare tutti gli oggetti\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Usa il metodo customDescription, se disponibile; altrimenti restituisce defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Usa il metodo customDescription, se disponibile; altrimenti restituisce defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Consente di personalizzare le proprietà visualizzate per un oggetto nel debugger (variabili locali e così via). Esempi:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Aggiunge un elemento extraProperty 12345 a tutti gli oggetti\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Usa il metodo customProperties, se disponibile; in caso contrario, usa le proprietà in this (le proprietà predefinite)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Usa il metodo customDescription, se disponibile; in caso contrario, restituisce le proprietà predefinite\r\n\r\n Deprecated: si tratta di un'implementazione temporanea di questa funzionalità finché non verrà implementata nel modo descritto in questo articolo:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Modifica package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "Nel file package.json non sono stati trovati script npm",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Per eseguire il debug di script npm, è necessario aprire una cartella dell'area di lavoro.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Non è stato possibile leggere {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Script npm di debug",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Collega al processo di terminale Node.js",
"debug.terminal.label": "Terminale di debug di JavaScript",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Comando da eseguire nel terminale avviato. Se non viene specificato, il terminale verrà aperto senza avviare alcun programma.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Esegui \"npm start\" in un terminale di debug",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Attiva/Disattiva collegamento automatico al terminale Node.js",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[Terminale di debug di JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nÈ possibile usare il terminale di debug di JavaScript per eseguire il debug di processi Node.js eseguiti dalla riga di comando.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[Terminale di debug di JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nÈ possibile usare il terminale di debug di JavaScript per eseguire il debug di processi Node.js eseguiti dalla riga di comando.\r\n\r\n[URL di debug](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Non è stato possibile impostare alcuni punti di interruzione. Se si verifica un problema, è possibile [risolvere i problemi della configurazione di avvio](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Aprire collegamento",
"edge.address.description": "Durante il debug di webview, indirizzo IP o nome host su cui è in ascolto la webview. Se non è impostato, verrà individuato automaticamente.",
"edge.attach.description": "Si collega a un'istanza di Microsoft Edge già in modalità di debug",
"edge.attach.label": "Microsoft Edge: Collega",
"edge.label": "App Web (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Avvia Microsoft Edge per eseguire il debug di un URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Microsoft Edge: Avvia",
"edge.port.description": "Durante il debug di webview, porta su cui è in ascolto la webview. Se non è impostata, verrà individuata automaticamente.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Oggetto contenente 'pipeName' di una pipe di debug per una webview2 ospitata dalla piattaforma UWP. Si tratta di \"MyTestSharedMemory\" durante la creazione della pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Quando è 'true', il debugger considererà l'eseguibile di runtime come un'applicazione host che contiene una webview e consentirà di eseguire il debug del contenuto dello script della webview.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Attiva/Disattiva la verifica della corrispondenza del contenuto dei file su disco con quello dei file caricati nel runtime. Questa opzione è utile in diversi scenari e obbligatoria in alcuni, ma può causare problemi se, ad esempio, sono presenti trasformazioni lato server degli script.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout dopo {1} ms",
"extension.description": "Estensione per il debug di programmi Node.js e di Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Sviluppo di estensioni per VS Code",
"": "Avvia estensione",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Consente di configurare se è necessario provare a collegarsi all'host dell'estensione Web worker.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configura i tentativi di collegamento alle webview nell'istanza di VS Code avviata. Funziona solo nella versione desktop di VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Variabili di ambiente passate all'host dell'estensione.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Opzioni di avvio di Chrome usate durante il collegamento al processo del renderer con `debugWebviews` o `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Percorso assoluto di VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Arresta automaticamente l'host dell'estensione dopo l'avvio.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Avvia un'estensione VS Code in modalità di debug",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Sviluppo di estensioni per VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Salvare i log di debug JS di diagnostica",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Non visualizzare più questo messaggio",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "La configurazione dei punti di interruzione sta richiedendo più tempo del previsto. Per velocizzare l'operazione, aggiornare 'outFiles' nel file launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Non ci sono cartelle dell'area di lavoro aperte.",
"": "Apri launch.json",
"node.address.description": "Indirizzo TCP/IP del processo di cui eseguire il debug. Il valore predefinito è 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Indica se effettuare un tentativo di collegamento a processi figlio già generati.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Indica se impostare le variabili di ambiente nel processo collegato per tenere traccia degli elementi figlio generati.",
"": "Collega",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "Se è true, i programmi avviati e in attesa in `--inspect-brk` verranno ripresi automaticamente",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID del processo a cui collegarsi.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Prova a riconnettersi al programma in caso di perdita della connessione. Se è impostata su `true`, verrà effettuato un tentativo al secondo per un tempo indefinito. È possibile personalizzare l'intervallo e il numero massimo di tentativi specificando `delay` e `maxAttempts` in un oggetto.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Se è impostata, si collega al processo tramite la porta specificata. In genere non è più necessaria per i programmi Node.js e non include più la funzionalità per eseguire il debug dei processi figlio, ma può essere utile in scenari più complessi, ad esempio con gli avvii di Deno e Docker. Se è impostata su 0, verrà scelta una porta casuale e il parametro --inspect-brk verrà aggiunto automaticamente agli argomenti di avvio.",
"node.console.title": "Console di debug nodo",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Non imposta punti di interruzione in un file finché non viene caricato un mapping di origine per tale file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configura se usare un nuovo meccanismo più veloce per l'individuazione del mapping di origine",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Consente di configurare la modalità di terminazione dei processi di debug all'arresto della sessione. Può essere:\r\n\r\n- forceful (impostazione predefinita): arresta forzatamente l'albero processi. Invia SIGKILL in posix oppure `taskkill.exe /F` in Windows.\r\n- polite: arresta normalmente l'albero processi. È possibile che l'esecuzione dei processi con comportamento anomalo prosegua dopo che vengono arrestati in questo modo. Invia SIGTERM in posix oppure `taskkill.exe` senza flag `/F` (force) in Windows.\r\n- none: i processi non vengono terminati.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Argomenti della riga di comando passati al programma.\r\n\r\nPuò trattarsi di una matrice di stringhe o di una singola stringa. Quando il programma viene avviato in un terminale, se si imposta questa proprietà su una singola stringa, gli argomenti non verranno preceduti da un carattere di escape per la shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Collega automaticamente il debugger ad un nuovo processo figlio.",
"": "Avvia",
"node.launch.console.description": "Indica dove avviare la destinazione di debug.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Terminale esterno che può essere configurato tramite impostazioni utente",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "terminale integrato di Visual Studio Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "console di debug di Visual Studio Code (che non include il supporto per leggere dati di input da un programma)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Percorso assoluto della directory di lavoro per il programma di cui viene eseguito il debug. Se è stato impostato localRoot, cwd corrisponderà a tale valore, altrimenti userà il valore di workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Variabili di ambiente passate al programma. Con il valore `null` la variabile viene rimossa dall'ambiente.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Percorso assoluto di un file che contiene le definizioni delle variabili di ambiente.",
"node.launch.logging": "Configurazione della registrazione",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Percorso del file di log per i messaggi di Chrome DevTools Protocol",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Percorso del file di log per i messaggi di Debug Adapter Protocol",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Origine da cui acquisire i messaggi di output: API di debug predefinita se è impostata su `console` oppure flussi stdout/stderr se è impostata su `std`. ",
"node.launch.program.description": "Percorso assoluto del programma. Per ipotizzare il valore generato, esaminare package.json e i file aperti. Modificare questo attributo.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Provare a riavviare il programma se il codice di uscita restituito è diverso da zero.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Argomenti facoltativi passati all'eseguibile del runtime.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime da usare. Corrisponde a un percorso assoluto o al nome di un runtime disponibile in PATH. Se viene omesso, si presuppone che sia `node`.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Elenco di criteri in corrispondenza dei quali inserire manualmente punti di interruzione dei punti di ingresso. Può essere utile per consentire al debugger di impostare punti di interruzione durante l'uso di mapping di origine che non esistono o non possono essere rilevati prima dell'avvio, ad esempio [con il framework Serverless](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Versione del runtime di `node` da usare. Richiede 'nvm'.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' è deprecato e il relativo supporto verrà rimosso. Usare l'estensione 'Remote - WSL'.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Usa il sottosistema Windows per Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Percorso della directory locale che contiene il programma.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Indica se attendere il caricamento dei source map per ogni script in arrivo. Questa impostazione implica un sovraccarico delle prestazioni e può essere disabilitata senza problemi quando non viene eseguita su disco, purché `rootPath` non sia disabilitato.",
"node.port.description": "Porta di debug a cui connettersi. Il valore predefinito è 9229.",
"": "Connetti a processo",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Se è true, la profilatura inizierà all'avvio del processo",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Percorso assoluto della directory remota che contiene il programma.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Elenco di criteri di corrispondenza minima per le posizioni (cartelle e URL) in cui è possibile usare source map per risolvere file locali. Può essere usato per evitare di passare erroneamente al codice con source mapping esterno. Per escludere i criteri, aggiungere il prefisso \"!\". Può essere impostato su una matrice vuota o su Null per evitare la restrizione.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Mostra le chiamate asincrone che hanno causato lo stack di chiamate corrente.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Collega a un programma node in esecuzione",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: collega",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Apre l'utilità di selezione processi per selezionare il processo Node a cui collegarsi",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: collega al processo",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Esegue il debug del processo principale Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Processo principale Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Esegue il debug dell'attività gulp (assicurarsi che nel progetto sia installata un'istanza locale di gulp)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: attività gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Avvia un programma Node in modalità di debug",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: avvia il programma",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Esegue il debug di test Mocha",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: test Mocha",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Usa nodemon per riavviare una sessione di debug in seguito a modifiche dell'origine",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: configurazione di nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Avvia un programma Node tramite uno script `debug` di npm",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: avvio tramite npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Collega alla porta di debug di un programma Node remoto",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: collega a programma remoto",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Esegue il debug del generatore yeoman (per installare, eseguire `npm link` nella cartella del progetto)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: generatore yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Set di mapping per riscrivere i percorsi dei file di origine dal percorso indicato nel mapping di origine al relativo percorso su disco.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Usa i source map JavaScript (se esistenti).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Arresta automaticamente il programma dopo l'avvio.",
"node.timeout.description": "Numero di millisecondi in cui vengono effettuati i tentativi di connessione a Node.js. Il valore predefinito è 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Consente di specificare in modo esplicito la versione di Node in esecuzione, che può essere usata per disabilitare o abilitare determinati comportamenti nei casi in cui il rilevamento automatico delle versioni non funziona.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Indirizzo esatto del WebSocket a cui collegarsi. Se non è specificato, verrà individuato dall'indirizzo e dalla porta.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Apri Devtools per il browser",
"outFiles.description": "Se sono abilitati i source map, questi criteri GLOB specificano i file JavaScript generati. Se un criterio inizia con `!`, i file sono esclusi. Se non viene specificato, si presuppone che il codice generato si trovi nella stessa directory dell'origine.",
"pretty.print.script": "Riformattazione per il debug",
"profile.start": "Accetta profilo prestazioni",
"profile.stop": "Arresta profilo prestazioni",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Rimuovi punto di interruzione browser",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Rimuovi tutti i punti di interruzione browser",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Richiedi proxy CDP per la sessione di debug",
"skipFiles.description": "Matrice di criteri GLOB per i file da ignorare durante il debug. Il criterio `<node_internals>/**` consente di trovare una corrispondenza per tutti i moduli Node.js interni.",
"smartStep.description": "Esegue automaticamente un'istruzione alla volta del codice generato di cui non è possibile eseguire il mapping all'origine iniziale.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Avvia il debug e arrestalo in corrispondenza della voce",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Avvia il debug e arrestalo in corrispondenza della voce",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeout per diverse operazioni del debugger.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeout per diverse operazioni del debugger.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Tempo fino a quando la valutazione del valore per i simboli al passaggio del mouse non viene interrotta. Se impostata su 0, la valutazione al passaggio del mouse non si verifica mai.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeout correlati alle operazioni dei source map.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Tempo aggiuntivo in millisecondi consentito per attendere l'elaborazione dei source map in una singola sessione una volta esaurito il tempo minimo (sourceMapMinPause)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Tempo minimo in millisecondi per attendere l'elaborazione dei singoli source map durante l'analisi di uno script",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Attiva/disattiva Ignora questo file",
"trace.boolean.description": "L'analisi può essere impostata su 'true' per scrivere i log di diagnostica sul disco.",
"trace.description": "Consente di configurare il tipo di output diagnostica prodotto.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Consente di configurare il percorso in cui vengono scritti i log del disco.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Indica se restituire i dati di analisi del browser o dell'applicazione avviata.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Per eseguire il debug del codice in questa area di lavoro, è necessaria l'attendibilità."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Una sessione di profilatura è già in esecuzione. Arrestarla e avviarne una nuova?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Modificare i criteri GLOB nell'attributo 'outFiles' in modo che includano il codice JavaScript generato.",
"Always": "Sempre",
"Always in this Workspace": "Sempre in questa area di lavoro",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'acquisizione di un profilo dalla destinazione.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Frame di animazione generato",
"Assertion failed": "Asserzione non riuscita",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Collegamento a processo: '{0}' non sembra essere un ID processo.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Collegamento a processo: non è possibile abilitare la modalità di debug per il processo '{0}' ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "L'attributo 'runtimeVersion' richiede il version manager 'nvm-windows' o 'nvs' di Node.js.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "L'attributo 'runtimeVersion' richiede l'installazione del version manager 'nvs' o 'nvm' di Node.js.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "L'attributo 'runtimeVersion' con una versione/architettura richiede l'installazione di 'nvs'.",
"Block": "Blocca",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Imposta un'interruzione in corrispondenza di tutti gli errori di generazione, anche se vengono rilevati in seguito.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Si interrompe solo in corrispondenza di errori o rifiuti di promesse non gestiti.",
"CPU Profile": "Profilo CPU",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Profilo CPU salvato come \"{0}\" nella cartella dell'area di lavoro",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Violazione \"{0}\" dei criteri di sicurezza del contenuto",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Non è possibile trovare il file binario \"{0}\" di Node.js: {1}. Assicurarsi che Node.js sia installato e sia indicato in PATH o impostare \"runtimeExecutable\" nel file launch.json",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Non è possibile caricare le variabili di ambiente dal file ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Annulla frame di animazione",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Non è possibile connettersi alla destinazione in {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Non è stato trovato alcun programma di cui eseguire il debug",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Non è possibile avviare la destinazione di debug nel terminale ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Non è possibile riavviare il frame asincrono",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Non è possibile impostare un valore vuoto",
"Catch Block": "Blocco catch",
"Caught Exceptions": "Eccezioni rilevate",
"Close AudioContext": "Chiudi AudioContext",
"Closure": "Chiusura",
"Closure ({0})": "Chiusura ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Profilo console avviato",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Impossibile connettersi ad alcuna pipe webview UWP. Assicurarsi che la visualizzazione Web sia ospitata in modalità di debug e che 'pipeName' in 'launch.json' sia corretto.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Non è stato possibile eseguire una query sull'oggetto specificato",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Non è stato possibile leggere il source map per {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Non è stato possibile leggere {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Crea AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "Crea contesto canvas",
"Debug Anyway": "Esegui comunque il debug",
"Debug URL": "Esegui debug dell'URL",
"Details": "Dettagli",
"Don't show again": "Non visualizzare più questo messaggio",
"Duration": "Durata",
"Duration of Profile": "Durata del profilo",
"Edit package.json": "Modifica package.json",
"Eval": "Valutazione",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il frame",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un file con estensione cpuprofile che è possibile aprire in Chrome DevTools",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un file con estensione heapprofile che è possibile aprire in Chrome DevTools",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Genera un file con estensione .heapsnapshot che è possibile aprire in Chrome DevTools",
"Global": "Globale",
"Got it!": "OK",
"Heap Profile": "Profilo heap",
"Heap Snapshot": "Snapshot heap",
"How long to run the profile:": "Tempo di esecuzione del profilo:",
"Ignore": "Ignora",
"Invalid expression": "Espressione non valida",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "La condizione raggiunta non è valida: \"{0}\". È prevista un'espressione simile a \"> 42\" o \"== 2\".",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Sembra che sia già in esecuzione un browser da {0}. Chiuderlo prima di provare a eseguire il debug, altrimenti VS Code potrebbe non essere in grado di connettersi ad esso.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Sembra che la sessione di debug sia già stata terminata. Provare a ripetere il debug, quindi eseguire il comando \"Debug: Esegui diagnosi dei problemi dei punti di interruzione\".",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "La configurazione dei punti di interruzione sta richiedendo più tempo del previsto. Per velocizzare l'operazione, aggiornare 'outFiles' nel file launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Terminale di debug di JavaScript",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Adattatore di debug JavaScript",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Avvia Chrome con localhost",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Avvia Edge con localhost",
"Launch Program": "Avvia programma",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Configurazione di lancio creata sulla base di 'package.json'.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "Configurazione di lancio creata per '{0}' progetto/i.",
"Local": "Locale",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Connessione persa all'oggetto del debug. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di connessione tra {0} ms\r\n",
"Manual": "Manuale",
"Module": "Modulo",
"Never": "Mai",
"No": "No",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Nel file package.json non sono stati trovati script npm",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Non sono stati trovati file package.json nell'area di lavoro.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Non ci sono cartelle dell'area di lavoro aperte.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "La versione '{0}' di Node.js non è stata installata con lo strumento di gestione delle versioni {1}.",
"Not Now": "Non ora",
"Only objects can be queried": "È possibile eseguire query solo sugli oggetti",
"Open launch.json": "Apri launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "L'output è stato troncato ai primi {0} caratteri. Eseguire '{1}' per copiare l'output completo.",
"Paused": "Operazione sospesa",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Sospeso prima dell'eccezione di memoria insufficiente",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione della strumentazione per la violazione dei criteri di sicurezza del contenuto. Direttiva \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione DOM",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione della strumentazione per errori WebGL. Errore \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Sospeso in corrispondenza di XMLHttpRequest o di fetch",
"Paused on assert": "Sospeso in corrispondenza dell'asserzione",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione",
"Paused on debug() call": "Sospeso in corrispondenza della chiamata di debug()",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Sospeso in corrispondenza dell'istruzione del debugger",
"Paused on event listener": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del listener di eventi",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione \"{0}\" del listener di eventi. Attivato su \"{1}\"",
"Paused on exception": "Sospeso in corrispondenza dell'eccezione",
"Paused on frame entry": "Sospeso in corrispondenza della voce del frame",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione della strumentazione",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del punto di interruzione \"{0}\" della strumentazione",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Sospeso in corrispondenza del rifiuto della promessa",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Seleziona punto di interruzione",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Selezionare il processo node.js a cui collegarsi",
"Please enter a number": "Immettere un numero",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Immetti un numero maggiore di 1",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Arrestare il profilo in esecuzione prima di avviarne uno nuovo.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Selezione del processo non riuscita ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Durata del profilo in secondi, ad esempio \"5\"",
"Profiling": "Profilatura",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "La profilatura con i punti di interruzione abilitati può modificare le prestazioni del codice. Può essere utile per convalidare i risultati con le condizioni di terminazione \"duration\" o \"manual\".",
"Read More": "Altre informazioni",
"Request Animation Frame": "Richiedi frame di animazione",
"Resume AudioContext": "Riprendi AudioContext",
"Return value": "Valore restituito",
"Run Current File": "Esegui file corrente",
"Run Script: {0}": "Esegui script: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Esegui per un intervallo di tempo specifico",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Esegui finché non viene raggiunto un punto di interruzione specifico",
"Run until manually stopped": "Esegui finché non viene arrestato manualmente",
"Saving": "Salvataggio",
"Script": "Script",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Script bloccato dai criteri di sicurezza del contenuto",
"Script First Statement": "Prima istruzione script",
"Select a tab": "Selezionare una scheda",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Selezionare la cartella di lavoro corrente per un nuovo terminale.",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Selezionare la pagina in cui si vuole aprire Devtools",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Selezionare la sessione da ispezionare:",
"Set innerHTML": "Imposta innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Ignorato da skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Ignorato da smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Alcuni punti di interruzione potrebbero non funzionare nella versione di Node.js usata. È consigliabile eseguire l'aggiornamento per le correzioni di bug, prestazioni e sicurezza più recenti. Dettagli:",
"Source not a source map": "Origine non source map",
"Source not found": "Origine non trovata",
"Stack frame not found": "Stack frame non trovato",
"Starting profile...": "Avvio del profilo in corso...",
"Stopping profile...": "Arresto del profilo in corso...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Sospendi AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Errore di sintassi durante l'impostazione del punto di interruzione con condizione {0} alla riga {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Pagina di destinazione non trovata. Potrebbe essere necessario aggiornare l'elemento \"urlFilter\" in modo che corrisponda alla pagina di cui eseguire il debug.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "La versione di Node in \"{0}\" è obsoleta (versione {1}). È necessario almeno Node 8.x.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "L'URL specificato non è valido",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Il valore configurato {0} di `cwd` non esiste.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Il `cwd` {0} configurato non è una cartella.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Questo è un percorso di file mancante a cui fa riferimento un mapping di origine. Eseguire invece il debug della versione compilata?",
"Thread is not paused": "Il thread non viene sospeso",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Il thread non viene sospeso in corrispondenza di un'eccezione",
"Thread not found": "Thread non trovato",
"Type of profile:": "Tipo di profilo:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Il debug della visualizzazione Web della piattaforma UWP non è disponibile nella piattaforma.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Non è possibile collegarsi al browser",
"Unable to evaluate": "Non è possibile valutare",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Non è possibile eseguire la valutazione in base allo stack frame asincrono",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Nel sistema non è stata trovata alcuna installazione del browser. Provare a installarlo o a specificare un percorso assoluto del browser nella sezione \"runtimeExecutable\" del file launch.json.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Non è possibile trovare {0} versione {1}. Le versioni individuate automaticamente disponibili sono: {2}. È possibile impostare \"runtimeExecutable\" nel file launch.json su uno di questi valori o specificare un percorso assoluto del file eseguibile del browser.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Non è possibile avviare il browser: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Non è possibile sospendere",
"Unable to pretty print": "Non è possibile riformattare",
"Unable to resume": "Non è possibile riprendere",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto di origine",
"Unable to set variable value": "Non è possibile impostare il valore della variabile",
"Unable to step in": "Non è possibile eseguire l'istruzione",
"Unable to step next": "Non è possibile eseguire il passaggio successivo",
"Unable to step out": "Non è possibile uscire dall'istruzione/routine",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Punto di interruzione non associato",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Eccezioni non rilevate",
"Unknown error": "Errore sconosciuto",
"Variable not found": "Variabile non trovata",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Variabili non disponibili negli stack asincroni",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "AVVISO: l'elaborazione dei source map di {0} ha richiesto più di {1} ms, di conseguenza l'esecuzione è continuata senza attendere l'impostazione di tutti i punti di interruzione per lo script.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Non è possibile avviare un browser in modalità di debug da questa posizione. Se si vuole eseguire il debug di questa pagina Web, aprire l'area di lavoro da VS Code sul desktop.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Non è possibile avviare un browser in modalità di debug da questa posizione. Per abilitare il debug, aprire l'area di lavoro in VS Code sul desktop.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Errore di WebGL generato",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Avviso di WebGL generato",
"With Block": "Blocco with",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Salvare una configurazione nel file launch.json per accedervi più facilmente in un secondo momento?",
"Yes": "Sì",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Per eseguire il debug di script npm, è necessario aprire una cartella dell'area di lavoro.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Si sta eseguendo una versione obsoleta di Node.js. È consigliabile eseguire l'aggiornamento per ottenere le correzioni di bug, per le prestazioni e la sicurezza più recenti.",
"an old debug session": "una sessione di debug meno recente",
"path does not exist": "il percorso non esiste",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "ID processo: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "ID processo: {0}, porta di debug: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval generato",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout generato",
"the configured userDataDir": "la directory userDataDir configurata",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (non è stato possibile descrivere: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Fare clic per arrestare la profilatura",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Fare clic per arrestare la profilatura ({1} sessioni)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Fare clic per arrestare la profilatura ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "ブラウザー ブレークポイントの追加",
"attach.node.process": "Node のプロセスにアタッチ",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "このデバッグ セッションの終了と同時に停止するデバッグ セッションの一覧。",
"browser.address.description": "デバッグ対象のブラウザーがリッスンしている IP アドレスまたはホスト名。",
"browser.attach.port.description": "ブラウザーをリモート デバッグするために使用するポート。ブラウザーの起動時に '--remote-debugging-port' として指定します。",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "パス baseUrl を解決するためのベース URL。URL をディスク上のファイルにマップする場合、baseURL はトリミングされます。既定では、起動 URL ドメインに設定されます。",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "ブラウザーを強制的に 1 つの場所でアタッチします。リモート ワークスペースで (ssh または WSL などを介して) これを使用すると、ローカルではなくリモート マシンでブラウザーをアタッチすることができます。",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "ブラウザーを強制的に 1 つの場所で起動します。リモート ワークスペース (ssh または WSL などを介して) でこれを使用すると、ローカルではなくリモート マシンでブラウザーを開くことができます。",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "デバッグ セッションが終了した後に実行するクリーンアップです。デバッグ対象のタブのみを閉じるか、ブラウザー全体を閉じます。",
"browser.cwd.description": "ランタイム実行可能ファイル用の省略可能な作業ディレクトリです。",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "要求ごとのネットワーク キャッシュをスキップするかどうかを制御します",
"browser.env.description": "ブラウザーの環境キーと値のペアから成るディクショナリ (省略可能)。",
"browser.file.description": "ブラウザーで開くローカル HTML ファイル",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "(デバッグを困難にする可能性のある機能を無効にする) 既定のブラウザー起動引数を起動に含めるかどうか。",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "詳細設定: ブラウザーで既定の起動/デバッグ引数を設定するかどうかを指定します。デバッガーでは、ブラウザーが '--remote-debugging-pipe' で提供されているようなパイプ デバッグを使用することを前提としています。",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "inspectUri の書き換えに使用する形式: '{curlyBraces}' 内にキーを補間するテンプレート文字列です。使用できるキーは以下のとおりです。\r\n - 'url.*' は、実行中のアプリケーションの解析されたアドレスです。例: '{url.port}', '{url.hostname}'\r\n - 'port' は、Chrome がリッスンするデバッグ ポートです。\r\n - 'browserInspectUri' は、起動したブラウザーのインスペクター URI です。\r\n - 'browserInspectUriPath' は起動したブラウザーのインスペクター URI のパス部分です (例: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\")。\r\n - 'wsProtocol' は、示唆される WebSocket プロトコルです。元の URL が 'https' の場合は 'wss' に設定され、それ以外の場合は 'ws' に設定されます。\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "ブラウザーがリッスンするポート。既定値は \"0\" で、パイプを介してブラウザーをデバッグするようになります。一般にこれはセキュリティに優れているため、別のツールからブラウザーに接続する必要がなければ、これを選択してください。",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "ブラウザーのスクリプトをディスク上のスクリプトに解決するための、ローカル フォルダーへの URL またはパスのマッピング",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "ソース ファイルのベース名を含む一意のソースマップを使用してスクリプトを個別に読み込むかどうか。これは、多数の小さなスクリプトを処理するときに、ソースマップの処理を最適化するために設定できます。\"auto\" に設定すると、これが適切である既知のケースが自動的に検出されます。",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "true にすると、プロセスが起動したときすぐにプロファイルが開始されます",
"browser.restart": "ブラウザー接続が閉じたときに再接続するかどうか",
"browser.revealPage": "タブにフォーカスする",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "省略可能な引数がランタイム実行可能ファイルに渡されました。",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "'カナリア'、'安定'、'カスタム'、ブラウザー実行可能ファイルのパスのいずれか。[カスタム] は、カスタム ラッパー、カスタム ビルド、または CHROME_PATH 環境変数を意味します。",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "'canary'、'stable'、'dev'、'custom'、ブラウザーの実行可能ファイルへのパスのいずれかです。custom は、カスタム ラッパー、カスタム ビルド、または EDGE_PATH 環境変数を指します。",
"browser.server.description": "起動する Web サーバーを構成します。'ノード' 起動タスクと同じ構成になります。",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "デバッグ時にスキップするファイル名またはフォルダー名の配列、またはパス glob: スター パターンと否定は許可されます。たとえば、'[\"**/node_modules/**\"、\"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "ソースマップ化されたファイル内のマッピングされていない行を自動的にステップ実行します。たとえば、async/await または他の機能をダウンコンパイルする際に TypeScript が自動的に生成するコードです。",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "ソース ファイルの場所をソースマップに指定されている内容からディスク上の場所へ書き換えるための一連のマッピング。詳しくは Readme をご覧ください。",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "ソースマップで \"names\" マッピングを使用するかどうかを指定します。これを使用するには、ソース コンテンツを要求する必要がありますが、これは特定のデバッガーでは速度が低下する可能性があります。",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "JavaScript ソース マップを使用します (存在する場合)。",
"browser.targetSelection": "URL フィルターと一致するすべてのターゲットに接続する (\"automatic\") か、どれを選択するか尋ねます (\"pick\")。",
"browser.timeout.description": "ブラウザーに接続するには、このミリ秒の間再試行してください。既定値は、10000 ミリ秒です。",
"browser.url.description": "これとまったく同じ URL のタブを検索し、見つかった場合はそれにアタッチします",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "この URL のページを検索し、見つかった場合はそれにアタッチします。ワイルドカード * を使用できます。",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "既定では、ブラウザーは一時フォルダー内の個別のユーザー プロファイルで起動されます。このオプションを使用して、上書きします。false に設定すると、既定のユーザー プロファイルで起動します。既に `userDataDir` でインスタンスを起動している場合は、新しいブラウザーを起動することはできません。",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "'*.vue' コンポーネントを検索するファイル glob パターンの一覧。既定では、ワークスペース全体を検索します。これは、Vue CLI 4 で Vue のソースマップに必要な追加のルックアップのために指定する必要があります。この特殊な処理を無効にするには、この値を空の配列に設定します。",
"browser.webRoot.description": "これは、Web サーバー ルートに対するワークスペースの絶対パスを指定します。ディスク上のファイルへの `/app.js` などのパスを解決するために使用されます。\"/\" は、pathMapping の短縮形です",
"chrome.attach.description": "既にデバッグ モードになっている Chrome のインスタンスにアタッチする",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: アタッチ",
"chrome.label": "Web アプリ (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Chrome を起動して URL をデバッグする",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: 起動",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "呼び出し元を除外する",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "現在の場所での呼び出し元が一時停止するのを除外する",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "呼び出し元の場所に移動",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "対象の場所に移動する",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "除外された呼び出し元を削除する",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "除外されたすべての呼び出し元を削除する",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "ソース マップ ステッピングを無効にする",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "ソース マップ ステッピングを有効にする",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "'#debug.node.autoAttach#' がオンの場合に、自動的にアタッチしてデバッグするプロセスを構成します。'--inspect' フラグで起動されるノード プロセスは、この設定に関係なく、常にアタッチされます。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "ターミナルで起動されるすべての Node.js プロセスに自動アタッチします。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "オート アタッチが無効で、ステータス バーに表示されません。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "`--inspect` が指定されている場合にのみ自動アタッチします。",
"": "node_modules フォルダーにないスクリプトを実行しているときに自動アタッチします。",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "\"スマート\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` モードでアタッチするタイミングを決定するために glob パターンを構成します。`$KNOWN_TOOLS$` は、共通テストとコード ランナーの名前の一覧で置き換えられます。[VS Code ドキュメントで詳細をご確認ください](。",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "リモート Web アプリをデバッグするときに、リモート サーバーを自動的にローカル マシンにトンネルするかどうかを構成します。",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "条件付きブレークポイントでエラーが発生したときに停止するかどうかを指定します。",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "デバッグ時に使用したオプションによって、デバッグ ターミナル内からクリックしたリンクが開きます。\"false\" に設定にすると、この動作を無効にできます。",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "指定されていない場合に起動構成に使用される、既定の 'runtimeExecutable'。これは、Node.js またはブラウザーのインストールのカスタム パスを構成するために使用できます。",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "npm スクリプトで \"実行\" と \"デバッグ\" のコード レンズが表示される場所。\"すべて\" のスクリプトまたはスクリプト セクションの \"上\" に表示するか、\"表示しない\" を指定できます。",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "'デバッグ: Node.js のプロセスにアタッチ' コマンドでプロセスをデバッグするときに使用する既定のオプション",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "デバッガーでソース マップなどのリソースを読み込むときに使用する要求オプションです。ソースマップで認証が必要な場合または自己署名証明書を使用する場合などに、これを構成する必要がある可能性があります。オプションは、[`got`]( ライブラリを使用して要求を作成するために使用されます。\r\n\r\n通常、証明書の検証を無効にするためには、`{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` をパスします。",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript デバッグ ターミナルおよび npm スクリプトの既定の起動オプション。",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "元のファイルを読み取ることができない sourcemapped ファイルが自動的にマップ解除されるかどうかを構成します。これが False (既定) の場合は、プロンプトが表示されます。",
"createDiagnostics.label": "ブレークポイントの問題を診断する",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "デバッガーがオブジェクト (ローカル変数など) に対して表示するテキスト形式の説明をカスタマイズします。サンプル:\r\n 1. this.toString() // は toString を呼び出して、すべてのオブジェクトを出力します\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // 利用可能な場合は customDescription メソッドを使用し、そうでない場合は defaultValue を返します\r\n 3. 関数 (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // 利用可能な場合は customDescription メソッドを使用し、そうでない場合は defaultValue を返します\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "デバッガーのオブジェクトに表示されるプロパティ (ローカル変数など) をカスタマイズします。サンプル:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } //すべてのオブジェクトに extraProperty 12345 を追加します。\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // 使用可能であれば customProperties メソッドを使用します。そうでない場合は this 内のプロパティを使用します (既定のプロパティ)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 使用可能であれば customDescription メソッドを使用します。そうでない場合は既定のプロパティを返します\r\n\r\n 非推奨: これは、 で説明されている方法でこの機能が実装されるまでの間の、一時的な実装です。",
"debug.npm.edit": "package.json を編集",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "package.json に npm スクリプトがありません",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "npm スクリプトをデバッグするには、ワークスペース フォルダーを開く必要があります。",
"debug.npm.parseError": "{0} を読み取ることができませんでした: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "npm スクリプトのデバッグ",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Node.js ターミナル プロセスにアタッチする",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript デバッグ ターミナル",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "起動されたターミナルで実行するコマンド。指定しない場合、ターミナルはプログラムを起動せずに開きます。",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "デバッグ ターミナルで \"npm start\" を実行する",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "ターミナル Node.js の自動アタッチの切り替え",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript デバッグ ターミナル](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nJavaScript デバッグ ターミナルを使用して、コマンド ラインで実行される Node.js プロセスをデバッグできます。",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript デバッグ ターミナル] (コマンド: extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nJavaScript デバッグ ターミナルを使用して、コマンド ラインで実行される Node.js プロセスをデバッグできます。\r\n\r\n[デバッグ URL] (コマンド: xtension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "ブレークポイントの一部を設定できませんでした。問題が発生している場合は、(command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics) を [起動構成のトラブルシューング] できます。",
"debugLink.label": "リンクを開く",
"edge.address.description": "Web ビューのデバッグ時に、Web ビューがリッスンしている IP アドレスまたはホスト名。設定しない場合、自動的に検出されます。",
"edge.attach.description": "Microsoft Edge のインスタンスへのアタッチは既にデバッグ モードです",
"edge.attach.label": "Microsoft Edge: アタッチ",
"edge.label": "Web アプリ (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Microsoft Edge を起動して URL をデバッグする",
"edge.launch.label": "Microsoft Edge: 起動",
"edge.port.description": "Web ビューのデバッグ時に、Web ビュー デバッガーがリッスンしているポート。設定しない場合、自動的に検出されます。",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "UWP でホストされている Webview2 向けデバッグ パイプの 'pipeName' を含むオブジェクト。これはパイプ \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\" 作成時の \"MyTestSharedMemory\" です",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "'true' の場合、デバッガーはランタイム実行可能ファイルを WebView を含むホスト アプリケーションとして処理するため、ユーザーは WebView スクリプトの内容をデバッグできます。",
"enableContentValidation.description": "ディスク上のファイルの内容が、ランタイムに読み込まれたものと一致していることを Microsoft が確認するかどうかを切り替えます。これは、さまざまなシナリオで役立ち、一部のシナリオでは必須です。ただし、一例としてスクリプトのサーバー側変換がある場合に問題が発生する可能性があります。",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: {1} ミリ秒後にタイムアウト",
"extension.description": "Node.js プログラムと Chrome をデバッグするための拡張機能。",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code 拡張機能の開発",
"": "拡張機能の起動",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Web ワーカー拡張機能ホストにアタッチする必要があるかどうかを構成します。",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "起動した VS Code インスタンスで Web ビューへのアタッチを試行するかどうかを構成します。これはデスクトップの VS Code でのみ機能します。",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "拡張機能ホストに渡される環境変数。",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "レンダラー プロセスにアタッチするときに使用される Chrome の起動オプション ('debugWebviews' または 'debugWebWorkerHost' を使用)。",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "VS Code への絶対パス。",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "起動後に拡張機能ホストを自動的に停止します。",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "デバッグ モードで VS Code 拡張機能を起動します",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code 拡張機能の開発",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "診断 JS デバッグ ログの保存",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "今後は表示しない",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "ブレークポイントの構成に時間がかかっています。launch.json で 'outFiles' を更新することによって、スピードアップさせることができます。",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "開いているワークスペース フォルダーがありません。",
"": "launch.json を開く",
"node.address.description": "デバッグするプロセスの TCP/IP アドレス。既定値は 'localhost' です。",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "生成済みの子プロセスにアタッチを試行するかどうか。",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "生成された子を追跡するために、アタッチされたプロセスで環境変数を設定するかどうか。",
"": "アタッチ",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "true の場合、`--inspect-brk`を待機中の起動済みのプログラムを自動的に再開します",
"node.attach.processId.description": "アタッチするプロセスの ID。",
"node.attach.restart.description": "接続が切れた場合に、プログラムへの再接続が試行されます。'True' に設定すると、1 秒に 1 回、無期限に試行されます。代わりに、'delay' と 'maxAttempts' をオブジェクトに指定すれば、再試行の間隔と最大試行回数をカスタマイズできます。",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "設定した場合、指定したポート経由でプロセスにアタッチされます。Node.js プログラムでは一般にもはやこれは不要になっており、子プロセスをデバッグする機能が失われますが、Deno や Docker による起動など、より複雑なシナリオで役立つことがあります。0 に設定されている場合は、ランダムのポートが選択され、--inspect-brk が起動引数に自動的に追加されます。",
"node.console.title": "Node デバッグ コンソール",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "どのファイルについても、そのファイルのソースマップが読み込まれるまではブレークポイントを設定しないでください。",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "ソースマップ検出に新しい高速メカニズムを使用するかどうかを構成します",
"node.killBehavior.description": "セッションの停止時にデバッグ プロセスを中止する方法を構成します。以下を指定できます:\r\n\r\n- forceful (既定): プロセス ツリーを強制的に停止します。posix 上では SIGKILL を、Windows 上では 'taskkill.exe /F' を 送信します。\r\n- polite: プロセス ツリーを正常に終了します。この方法でシャットダウンした後、不適切なプロセスが引き続き実行される可能性があります。posix 上では SIGTERM を、Windows 上では '/F' (force) フラグなしの taskkill.exe を送信します。\r\n-none: 終了は発生しません。",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "プログラムに渡されるコマンド ライン引数。\r\n\r\n文字列の配列または 1 つの文字列を指定できます。プログラムがターミナルで起動される場合、このプロパティを単一の文字列に設定すると、シェルの引数がエスケープされません。",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "デバッガーを自動的に新しい子プロセスにアタッチします。",
"": "起動",
"node.launch.console.description": "デバッグ ターゲットの起動場所です。",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "ユーザー設定を介して構成できる外部ターミナルです",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code の統合ターミナルです",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code デバッグ コンソールです (プログラムからの入力の読み取りはサポートしていません)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "デバッグされているプログラムの作業ディレクトリへの絶対パスです。LocalRoot を設定すると、cwd はその値と一致するか、またはお客様の workspaceFolder に戻ります",
"node.launch.env.description": "環境変数がプログラムに渡されました。値 'null' を指定すると、変数が環境から削除されます。",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "環境変数定義が含まれているファイルへの絶対パス。",
"node.launch.logging": "ログ構成",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Chrome DevTools Protocol メッセージのログ ファイルへのパス",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "デバッグ アダプター プロトコル メッセージのログ ファイルへのパス",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "出力メッセージのキャプチャ元の場所: 'console' に設定した場合は既定のデバッグ API、'std' に設定した場合は stdout または stderr ストリームになります。",
"node.launch.program.description": "プログラムへの絶対パス。生成される値は、package.json ファイルと開かれたファイルを参照して推測されます。この属性を編集してください。",
"node.launch.restart.description": "ゼロ以外の終了コードでプログラムが終了した場合は、プログラムを再起動してみてください。",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "省略可能な引数がランタイム実行可能ファイルに渡されました。",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "使用するランタイム。絶対パス、または PATH 上で使用可能なランタイムの名前のいずれかです。省略した場合は、`node` とみなされます。",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "エントリポイント ブレークポイントを手動で挿入するパターンの一覧。これは、[Serverless Framework を使用する場合]( のように、存在しない、または起動前には検出できないソースマップを使用している場合に、デバッガーでブレークポイントを設定できるようにするために役立ちます。",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "使用する `node` ランタイムのバージョン。`nvm` が必要です。",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' は廃止され、サポートが終了されます。代わりに 'Remote - WSL' 拡張機能を使用します。",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Windows Subsystem for Linux を使用します。",
"node.localRoot.description": "プログラムの入ったローカル ディレクトリへのパス。",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "各入力スクリプトに対してソース マップが読み込まれるのを待機するかどうか。これには、パフォーマンス上のオーバーヘッドが発生しており、'rootPath' が無効でない限り、ディスクからの実行時に安全に無効にされる可能性があります。",
"node.port.description": "アタッチ先のデバッグ ポート。既定値は 9229 です。",
"": "プロセスにアタッチ",
"node.profileStartup.description": "true にすると、プロセスが起動したときすぐにプロファイルが開始されます",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "プログラムの入ったリモート ディレクトリへの絶対パス。",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "ソース マップを使用してローカル ファイルを解決できる場所 (フォルダーと URL) の minimatch パターンの一覧。これを使用すると、外部ソースのマップされたコードの誤った破損を回避できます。パターンは、その先頭に \"!\" を付けて除外できます。制約を避けるために、空の配列または null に設定できます。",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "現在の呼び出し履歴にまで至った非同期呼び出しを表示します。",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "実行中のノード プログラムにアタッチします",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: アタッチ",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "プロセス ピッカーを開いて、アタッチ先の node プロセスを選択します",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: プロセスへのアタッチ",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Electron のメイン プロセスをデバッグします",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron (メイン)",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "gulp タスクをデバッグします (プロジェクトにローカルの gulp がインストールされていることを確認します)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp タスク",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "ノード プログラムをデバッグ モードで起動します",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: プログラムの起動",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Mocha テストをデバッグします",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha テスト",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "nodemon を使用してソース変更時にデバッグ セッションを再起動します",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: nodemon のセットアップ",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "npm の `debug` スクリプトにより Node プログラムを起動します",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: npm による起動",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "リモート ノード プログラムのデバッグ ポートにアタッチします",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: リモート プログラムにアタッチする",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "yeoman ジェネレーターをデバッグします (プロジェクト フォルダーで `npm link` を実行してインストールします)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman ジェネレーター",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "ソース ファイルの場所をソースマップが示している場所からディスク上の場所に書き換えるための一連のマッピングです。",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "JavaScript ソース マップを使用します (存在する場合)。",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "起動後、プログラムを自動的に停止します。",
"node.timeout.description": "Node.js への接続を再試行する期間 (ミリ秒単位)。既定値は 10000 ミリ秒です。",
"node.versionHint.description": "実行中のノード バージョンを明示的に指定できます。これにより、自動バージョン検出が機能していない場合に特定の動作を無効または有効にすることができます。",
"node.websocket.address.description": "アタッチ先の正確な WebSocket アドレスです。指定しない場合は、アドレスとポートから探索されます。",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "ブラウザー Devtools を開く",
"outFiles.description": "ソース マップが有効にされている場合、これらの glob パターンは、生成された JavaScript ファイルを指定します。パターンが '!' で始まる場合、ファイルは除外されます。指定されない場合、生成されたコードは、そのソースと同じディレクトリにあるものと見なされます。",
"pretty.print.script": "デバッグ用の整形出力",
"profile.start": "パフォーマンス プロファイルの取得",
"profile.stop": "パフォーマンス プロファイルの停止",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "ブラウザー ブレークポイントの削除",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "すべてのブラウザー ブレークポイントを削除",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "デバッグ セッションの CDP プロキシを要求する",
"skipFiles.description": "デバッグ時にスキップするファイルの glob パターンの配列。パターン `<node_internals>/**` はすべての内部 Node.js モジュールに一致します。",
"smartStep.description": "元のソースにマップできない生成コードを自動的にステップスルーします。",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "デバッグを開始して、エントリで停止する",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "デバッグを開始して、エントリで停止する",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "いくつかのデバッガー操作のタイムアウト。",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "いくつかのデバッガー操作のタイムアウト。",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "ホバーされたシンボルの値の評価が中止されるまでの時間。0 に設定すると、ホバー評価がタイムアウトすることはありません。",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "ソース マップ操作に関連するタイムアウト。",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "最小時間 (sourceMapMinPause) を使い切った後、ソース マップが処理されるのを待機するために使用可能なセッションあたりの追加時間 (ミリ秒)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "スクリプトの解析時に各ソース マップが処理されるのを待機する最小時間 (ミリ秒)",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "このファイルのスキップを切り替え",
"trace.boolean.description": "診断ログをディスクに書き込むには、トレースを 'true' に設定します。",
"trace.description": "生成される診断出力を構成します。",
"trace.logFile.description": "ディスク上のログが書き込まれる場所を構成します。",
"trace.stdio.description": "起動したアプリケーションまたはブラウザーからトレース データを返すかどうか。",
"workspaceTrust.description": "このワークスペースでコードをデバッグするには、信頼が必要です。"
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "プロファイル セッションは既に実行中です。これを停止して、新しいセッションを開始しますか?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "生成された JavaScript をカバーするように、 'outFiles' 属性で glob パターンを調整します。",
"Always": "常に",
"Always in this Workspace": "常にこのワークスペースに",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "ターゲットからのプロファイルの取得でエラーが発生しました。",
"Animation Frame Fired": "アニメーション フレームの発生",
"Assertion failed": "アサーションに失敗しました",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "プロセスにアタッチ: '{0}' はプロセス ID ではないようです。",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "プロセスに添付: プロセス '{0}' ({1}) に対してデバッグ モードを有効にできません。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "'runtimeVersion' 属性には Node.js バージョン マネージャー 'nvm-windows' または 'nvs' が必要です。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "属性 'runtimeVersion' を使用するには、Node.js バージョン マネージャー 'nvs' または 'nvm' をインストールする必要があります。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "フレーバー/アーキテクチャを持つ属性 'runtimeVersion' には、'nvs' をインストールする必要があります。",
"Block": "ブロック",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "後でキャッチされた場合でも、すべてのスロー エラーで中断します。",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "処理されないエラーまたは promise 拒否の場合にのみ中断します。",
"CPU Profile": "CPU プロファイル",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "ワークスペース フォルダーに \"{0}\" として保存された CPU プロファイル",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "CSP 違反 \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Node.js バイナリ \"{0}\" が見つかりません: {1}。Node.js がインストールされていて PATH に含まれていることを確認するか、launch.json で \"runtimeExecutable\" を設定してください",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "ファイル ({0}) から環境変数を読み込めません。",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "アニメーション フレームの取り消し",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "{0} でターゲットに接続できません: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "デバッグするプログラムが見つかりません",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "ターミナル ({0}) でデバッグ ターゲットを起動できません。",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "非同期フレームを再起動できません",
"Cannot set an empty value": "空の値は設定できません",
"Catch Block": "Catch ブロック",
"Caught Exceptions": "キャッチされた例外",
"Close AudioContext": "AudioContext を閉じる",
"Closure": "クロージャ",
"Closure ({0})": "クロージャ ({0})",
"Console profile started": "コンソール プロファイルが開始されました",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "UWP Web ビュー パイプに接続できませんでした。Web ビューがデバッグ モードでホストされていること、および 'launch.json' の 'pipeName' が正しいことを確認してください。",
"Could not query the provided object": "指定されたオブジェクトを照会できませんでした",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "{0} のソース マップを読み取れませんでした: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "{0} を読み取ることができませんでした: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "AudioContext の作成",
"Create canvas context": "キャンバス コンテキストの作成",
"Debug Anyway": "このままデバッグする",
"Debug URL": "URL のデバッグ",
"Details": "詳細",
"Don't show again": "今後は表示しない",
"Duration": "期間",
"Duration of Profile": "プロファイルの期間",
"Edit package.json": "package.json を編集",
"Eval": "Eval",
"Frame could not be restarted": "フレームを再起動できませんでした",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome DevTools で開くことができる、.cpuprofile ファイルを生成します",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome DevTools で開くことができる .heapprofile ファイルを 1 つ生成します",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome DevTools で開くことができる、.heapsnapshot ファイルを生成します",
"Global": "グローバル",
"Got it!": "了解",
"Heap Profile": "ヒープ プロファイル",
"Heap Snapshot": "ヒープのスナップショット",
"How long to run the profile:": "プロファイルの実行期間:",
"Ignore": "無視",
"Invalid expression": "無効な式",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "ヒット条件 \"{0}\" が無効です。\"> 42\" または \"== 2\" のような式が必要です。",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "ブラウザーは既に {0} から実行されているようです。それを閉じてからデバッグしてみてください。それ以外の場合は、VS Code がそれに接続できない可能性があります。",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "デバッグ セッションは既に終了しているようです。もう一度デバッグを試してから、[デバッグ: ブレークポイントの問題の診断] コマンドを実行します。",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "ブレークポイントの構成に時間がかかっています。launch.json で 'outFiles' を更新することによって、スピードアップさせることができます。",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "JavaScript デバッグ ターミナル",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "JavaScript デバッグ アダプター",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "localhost に対して Chrome を起動する",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "localhost に対して Edge を起動する",
"Launch Program": "プログラムの起動",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "'package.json' を基に起動構成を生成しました。",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "'{0}' プロジェクトのための起動構成を生成しました。",
"Local": "ローカル",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "デバッグ対象への接続が失われました。{0} ミリ秒以内に再接続します\r\n",
"Manual": "手動",
"Module": "モジュール",
"Never": "なし",
"No": "いいえ",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "package.json に npm スクリプトがありません",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "ワークスペースに package.json ファイルが見つかりません。",
"No workspace folder open.": "開いているワークスペース フォルダーがありません。",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Node.js バージョン '{0}' は、バージョン マネージャー {1} を使用してインストールされていません。",
"Not Now": "今はしない",
"Only objects can be queried": "照会できるのはオブジェクトのみです",
"Open launch.json": "launch.json を開く",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "出力は最初の {0} 文字に切り詰められました。'{1}' を実行して完全な出力をコピーします。",
"Paused": "一時停止",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "メモリ不足の例外の前に一時停止しました",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "コンテンツ セキュリティ ポリシー違反のインストルメンテーション ブレークポイントで一時停止しました (ディレクティブ \"{0}\")",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "DOM ブレークポイントで一時停止しました",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "WebGL エラー インストルメンテーション ブレークポイントで一時停止 (エラー \"{0}\")",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "XMLHttpRequest またはフェッチで一時停止しました",
"Paused on assert": "アサートで一時停止しました",
"Paused on breakpoint": "ブレークポイントで一時停止しました",
"Paused on debug() call": "debug() 呼び出しで一時停止しました",
"Paused on debugger statement": "デバッガー ステートメントで一時停止しました",
"Paused on event listener": "イベント リスナーで一時停止しました",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "\"{1}\" でトリガーされたイベント リスナー ブレークポイント \"{0}\" で一時停止",
"Paused on exception": "例外で一時停止しました",
"Paused on frame entry": "フレーム エントリで一時停止しました",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "インストルメンテーション ブレークポイントで一時停止しました",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "インストルメンテーション ブレークポイント \"{0}\" で一時停止",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Promise の拒否で一時停止しました",
"Pick Breakpoint": "ブレークポイントの選択",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "アタッチする node.js プロセスを選択してください",
"Please enter a number": "数を入力してください",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "1 より大きい数値を入力してください",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "新しいプロファイルを開始するのは、実行中のものを停止した後にしてください。",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "プロセス ピッカーが失敗しました ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "プロファイルの期間 (秒) (例: \"5\")",
"Profiling": "プロファイル",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "ブレークポイントを有効にしてプロファイルを実行すると、コードのパフォーマンスが変化することがあります。\"期間\" または \"手動\" の終了条件で結果を検証するとよい場合があります。",
"Read More": "続きを読む",
"Request Animation Frame": "アニメーション フレームの要求",
"Resume AudioContext": "AudioContext の再開",
"Return value": "戻り値",
"Run Current File": "現在のファイルの実行",
"Run Script: {0}": "スクリプトの実行: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "特定の期間にわたって実行します",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "特定のブレークポイントにヒットするまで実行します",
"Run until manually stopped": "手動で停止されるまで実行します",
"Saving": "保存中",
"Script": "スクリプト",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "コンテンツ セキュリティ ポリシーによってスクリプトがブロックされた",
"Script First Statement": "スクリプトの最初のステートメント",
"Select a tab": "タブを選択してください",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "新しいターミナルの作業ディレクトリを選択してください",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "devtools を開くページを選択します",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "検査するセッションを選択します。",
"Set innerHTML": "innerHTML の設定",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "skipFiles によってスキップされました",
"Skipped by smartStep": "smartStep によりスキップされました",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "一部のブレークポイントは、お使いのバージョンの Node.js では動作しない可能性があります。最新のバグ、パフォーマンス、セキュリティの修正プログラムのためにアップグレードすることをお勧めします。詳細情報:",
"Source not a source map": "ソースがソース マップではありません",
"Source not found": "ソースが見つかりません",
"Stack frame not found": "スタック フレームが見つかりません",
"Starting profile...": "プロファイルを開始しています...",
"Stopping profile...": "プロファイルを停止しています...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "AudioContext の中断",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "行 {1} での条件 {0} のブレークポイントの設定で構文エラーが発生しました: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "ターゲット ページが見つかりません。デバッグするページと一致するように \"urlFilter\" を更新する必要がある場合があります。",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "\"{0}\" にある Node のバージョンが古くなっています (バージョン {1})。少なくとも Node 8.x が必要です。",
"The URL provided is invalid": "指定された URL が無効です",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "構成された 'cwd' {0} が存在しません。",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "構成された 'cwd' {0} はフォルダーではありません。",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "これはソースマップで参照されている、不足しているファイル パスです。代わりにコンパイル済みのバージョンをデバッグしますか?",
"Thread is not paused": "スレッドが一時停止されていません",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "スレッドが例外で一時停止されていません",
"Thread not found": "スレッドが見つかりません",
"Type of profile:": "プロファイルの種類:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "UWP WebView デバッグは、お使いのプラットフォームでは使用できません。",
"Unable to attach to browser": "ブラウザーにアタッチできません",
"Unable to evaluate": "評価できません",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "非同期スタック フレームで評価できません",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "システムにブラウザーのインストールが見つかりません。インストールするか、launch.json の \"runtimeExecutable\" でブラウザーへの絶対パスを指定してみてください。",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "{0} バージョン {1} が見つかりません。自動検出された使用可能なバージョン: {2}。launch.json で \"runtimeExecutable\" をそれらのうちの 1 つに設定するか、またはブラウザーの実行可能ファイルへの絶対パスを指定することができます。",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "ブラウザーを起動できません: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "一時停止できません",
"Unable to pretty print": "再フォーマットできません",
"Unable to resume": "再開できません",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "ソース コンテンツを取得できません",
"Unable to set variable value": "変数値を設定できません",
"Unable to step in": "ステップ インできません",
"Unable to step next": "次のステップに進むことができません",
"Unable to step out": "ステップ アウトできません",
"Unbound breakpoint": "バインドされていないブレークポイント",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "キャッチされない例外",
"Unknown error": "不明なエラー",
"Variable not found": "変数が見つかりません",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "非同期スタックでは変数を使用できません",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "警告: {0} のソース マップの処理に {1} ミリ秒より長くかかったため、スクリプトのすべてのブレークポイントが設定されるのを待たずに実行を継続しました。",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "こちらからデバッグ モードでブラウザーを起動することはできません。この Web ページをデバッグする場合は、デスクトップ上の VS Code からこのワークスペースを開いてください。",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "こちらからデバッグ モードでブラウザーを起動することはできません。デバッグを有効にするには、このワークスペースをデスクトップ上の VS Code で開きます。",
"WebGL Error Fired": "WebGL エラーが発生",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "WebGL 警告が発生",
"With Block": "With ブロック",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "後で簡単にアクセスできるように、launch.json の構成を保存しますか?",
"Yes": "はい",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "npm スクリプトをデバッグするには、ワークスペース フォルダーを開く必要があります。",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "古いバージョンの Node.js を実行しています。最新のバグ、パフォーマンス、およびセキュリティ修正プログラムのために、アップグレードすることをお勧めします。",
"an old debug session": "古いデバッグ セッション",
"path does not exist": "パスが存在しません",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "プロセス ID: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "プロセス ID: {0}、デバッグ ポート: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval が発生",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout が発生",
"the configured userDataDir": "構成された userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (説明できませんでした: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} プロファイルを停止するにはクリックしてください",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} プロファイルを停止するにはクリックしてください ({1} 個のセッション)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} プロファイルを停止するにはクリックしてください ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "브라우저 중단점 추가",
"attach.node.process": "Node 프로세스에 연결",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "이 디버그 세션이 종료되면 중지되는 디버그 세션 목록입니다.",
"browser.address.description": "디버그된 브라우저에서 수신 대기 중인 IP 주소 또는 호스트 이름입니다.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "원격에서 브라우저를 디버그하는 데 사용할 포트입니다. 브라우저를 시작할 때 `--remote-debugging-port`로 제공됩니다.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "경로 baseUrl을 확인할 기본 URL입니다. 디스크의 파일에 URL을 매핑할 때 baseURL이 잘립니다. 기본값은 시작 URL 도메인입니다.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "브라우저가 한 위치에서 연결되도록 강제 적용합니다. 원격 작업 영역(예: ssh 또는 WSL 사용)에서 로컬이 아닌 원격 머신의 브라우저에 연결하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "브라우저가 한 위치에서 시작되도록 강제 적용합니다. 원격 작업 영역(예: ssh 또는 WSL 사용)에서 로컬이 아닌 원격 머신의 브라우저를 여는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "디버깅 세션이 완료된 후 수행할 정리입니다. 디버그 중인 탭만 닫거나 전체 브라우저를 닫습니다.",
"browser.cwd.description": "런타임 실행 파일의 선택적 작업 디렉터리입니다.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "각 요청에 대한 네트워크 캐시를 건너뛸지 여부를 제어합니다.",
"browser.env.description": "브라우저용 환경 키/값 쌍의 선택적 사전입니다.",
"browser.file.description": "브라우저에서 열 로컬 html 파일",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "(디버깅을 어렵게 만들 수 있는 기능을 사용하지 않도록 하기 위해) 기본 브라우저 시작 인수를 시작에 포함할지 여부.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "고급: 브라우저에서 기본 시작/디버깅 인수가 설정되는지 여부입니다. 디버거는 브라우저가 '--remote-debugging-pipe'와 함께 제공되는 것과 같은 파이프 디버깅을 사용한다고 가정합니다.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "inspectUri를 재작성하는 데 사용할 형식: `{curlyBraces}`의 키를 보간하는 템플릿 문자열입니다. 사용 가능한 키는 다음과 같습니다. \r\n- `url.*`는 실행 중인 애플리케이션의 구문 분석된 주소입니다. 예: `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}` - `port`는 Chrome에서 수신 대기하는 디버그 포트입니다. \r\n - `browserInspectUri`는 시작된 브라우저의 검사기 URI입니다. \r\n - `browserInspectUriPath`는 시작된 브라우저의 검사기 URI 경로 부분입니다(예: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\"). \r\n - `wsProtocol`은 힌트 WebSocket 프로토콜입니다.\r\n 원래 URL이 `https`인 경우 `wss`로 설정되고, 그렇지 않은 경우 `ws`로 설정됩니다\r\n.",
"browser.launch.port.description": "브라우저에서 수신 대기할 포트입니다. 기본값은 \"0\"입니다. 기본값으로 설정하면 파이프를 통해 브라우저가 디버그됩니다. 이는 일반적으로 더 안전하며 다른 도구에서 브라우저에 연결해야 하는 경우가 아니면 선택해야 합니다.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "로컬 폴더의 URL/경로 매핑, 브라우저에서 스크립트를 디스크의 스크립트로 확인",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "스크립트가 소스 파일의 basename이 포함된 고유한 sourcemap을 사용하여 개별적으로 로드되는지 여부입니다. 많은 작은 스크립트를 처리할 때 이 옵션을 설정하여 sourcemap 처리를 최적화할 수 있습니다. \"자동\"으로 설정된 경우 알려진 사례가 검색됩니다(해당하는 경우).",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "true인 경우 프로세스가 시작되면 프로파일링이 즉시 시작됩니다.",
"browser.restart": "브라우저 연결이 종료된 경우 다시 연결할지 여부",
"browser.revealPage": "포커스 탭",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "런타임 실행 파일에 전달되는 선택적 인수입니다.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "'canary', 'stable', 'custom', 브라우저 실행 파일의 경로 중 하나입니다. 사용자 지정은 사용자 지정 래퍼, 사용자 지정 빌드 또는 CHROME_PATH 환경 변수를 의미합니다.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' 또는 브라우저 실행 파일의 경로입니다. custom은 사용자 지정 래퍼, 사용자 지정 빌드 또는 EDGE_PATH 환경 변수를 나타냅니다.",
"browser.server.description": "시작할 웹 서버를 구성합니다. '노드' 시작 작업과 동일한 구성을 수행합니다.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "디버깅할 때 건너뛸 파일 또는 폴더 이름 또는 경로 glob의 배열입니다. 예를 들어 별 패턴과 부정이 허용됩니다(예: `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`)",
"browser.smartStep.description": "소스 매핑된 파일의 매핑되지 않은 줄을 자동으로 단계별로 실행합니다. 이러한 줄의 예로는 async/await 또는 기타 기능을 다운 컴파일하는 경우 TypeScript에서 자동으로 생성하는 코드가 있습니다.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "sourcemap의 위치에서 디스크의 위치로 소스 파일의 위치를 다시 작성하기 위한 매핑 세트입니다. 자세한 내용은 추가 정보를 참조하세요.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "소스 맵에서 \"이름\" 매핑을 사용할지 여부입니다. 이를 위해서는 특정 디버거에서 느려질 수 있는 원본 콘텐츠를 요청해야 합니다.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "JavaScript 소스 맵을 사용합니다(있는 경우).",
"browser.targetSelection": "URL 필터와 일치하는 모든 대상에 연결할 것인지(\"자동\") 또는 하나를 선택하도록 물을 것인지(\"선택\")의 여부입니다.",
"browser.timeout.description": "이 밀리초 동안 브라우저에 연결을 다시 시도합니다. 기본값은 10000ms입니다.",
"browser.url.description": "이 정확한 URL이 있는 탭을 검색하고 탭을 찾으면 연결합니다.",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "이 URL로 페이지를 검색하고 해당 페이지가 있는 경우 페이지에 연결합니다. * 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "기본적으로 브라우저는 임시 폴더에 별도의 사용자 프로필로 실행됩니다. 이 옵션을 사용하여 재정의합니다. 기본 사용자 프로필로 시작하려면 false로 설정합니다. 인스턴스가 이미 `userDataDir`에서 실행 중인 경우 새 브라우저를 시작할 수 없습니다.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "`*.vue` 구성 요소를 찾을 파일 GLOB 패턴 목록입니다. 기본적으로 전체 작업 영역을 검색합니다. Vue의 sourcemap이 Vue CLI 4에서 필요로 하는 추가 조회 때문에 이를 지정해야 합니다. 빈 배열로 설정하여 이 특수 처리를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "웹 서버 루트의 작업 영역 절대 경로를 지정합니다. 디스크의 파일에 대한 '/app.js' 같은 경로를 확인하는 데 사용됩니다. \"/\"의 pathMapping에 대한 축약형입니다.",
"chrome.attach.description": "이미 디버그 모드인 Chrome 인스턴스에 연결",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: 연결",
"chrome.label": "웹앱(Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Chrome을 시작하여 URL 디버그",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: 시작",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "호출자 제외",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "현재 위치의 일시 중지에서 호출자 제외",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "발신자 위치로 이동",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "대상 위치로 이동",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "제외된 호출자 제거",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "제외된 모든 호출자 제거",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "원본 매핑된 단계별 실행 사용 안 함",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "원본 매핑된 단계별 실행 사용",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "`#debug.node.autoAttach#`이 설정되어 있는 경우 자동으로 연결 및 디버그할 프로세스를 구성합니다. 이 설정과 관계없이 `--inspect` 플래그로 시작한 노드 프로세스가 항상 연결됩니다.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "터미널에서 시작되는 모든 Node.js 프로세스에 자동으로 연결합니다.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "자동 연결이 사용하지 않도록 설정되어 있고 상태 표시줄에 표시되지 않습니다.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "'--inspect'가 지정된 경우에만 자동으로 연결합니다.",
"": "node_modules 폴더에 있지 않은 스크립트를 실행할 때 자동으로 연결합니다.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "\"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` 모드로 연결할 시간을 결정하는 GLOB 패턴을 구성합니다. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$`이(가) 공용 테스트 및 코드 실행기의 이름 목록으로 바뀝니다. [VS Code 문서에서 자세히 읽기](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "원격 웹 앱을 디버깅할 때 원격 서버를 로컬 컴퓨터에 자동으로 터널링할지 여부를 구성합니다.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "조건부 중단점에서 오류가 발생하면 중지할지 여부입니다.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "디버그 터미널 내부에서 클릭한 열린 링크를 디버깅할 때 사용되는 옵션입니다. 이 동작을 사용하지 않도록 설정하려면 \"false\"로 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "지정되지 않은 경우 시작 구성에 사용되는 기본 `runtimeExecutable`입니다. 이 설정을 사용하여 Node.js 또는 브라우저 설치의 사용자 지정 경로를 구성할 수 있습니다.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "npm 스크립트에 \"실행\" 및 \"디버그\" 코드 렌즈가 표시되어야 하는 위치입니다. \"all\", 스크립트, 스크립트 섹션의 \"top\" 또는 \"never\"일 수 있습니다.",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "'디버그: Node.js 프로세스에 연결' 명령을 통해 프로세스를 디버그할 때 사용되는 기본 옵션입니다.",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "디버거에서 소스 맵과 같은 리소스를 로드할 때 사용할 요청 옵션입니다. 예를 들어 sourcemap에서 인증을 요구하거나 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 경우 이 옵션을 구성해야 할 수 있습니다. 옵션은 [`got`]( 라이브러리를 사용하여 요청을 만드는 데 사용됩니다.\r\n\r\n일반적으로 `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`를 전달하여 인증서 확인을 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript 디버그 터미널 및 npm 스크립트에 대한 기본 시작 옵션입니다.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "원본 파일을 읽을 수 없는 sourcemap된 파일을 자동으로 매핑 해제하는지를 구성합니다. false(기본값)인 경우 프롬프트가 표시됩니다.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "중단점 문제 진단",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "디버거가 개체(로컬 변수 등...)에 대해 표시하는 텍스트 설명을 사용자 지정합니다. 샘플:\r\n 1. this.toString() // toString을 호출하여 모든 개체를 출력합니다.\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // defaultValue를 반환하지 않는 경우 customDescription 메서드를 사용합니다(사용 가능한 경우).\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // defaultValue를 반환하지 않는 경우 customDescription 메서드를 사용합니다(사용 가능한 경우).\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "디버거의 개체(로컬 변수 등...)에 대해 표시되는 속성을 사용자 지정합니다. 샘플:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // 모든 개체에 extraProperty 12345를 추가합니다.\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // this(기본 속성)의 속성을 사용하지 않는 경우 customProperties 메서드(사용할 수 있는 경우)를 사용합니다.\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 기본 속성을 반환하지 않는 경우 customDescription 메서드(사용할 수 있는 경우)를 사용합니다.\r\n\r\n 사용되지 않음: 이 구현은에 설명된 방식으로 이 기능을 구현할 때까지 사용되는 이 기능의 임시 구현입니다.",
"debug.npm.edit": "package.json 편집",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "package.json에서 npm 스크립트를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "npm 스크립트를 디버그하려면 작업 영역 폴더를 열어야 합니다.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "{0}을(를) 읽을 수 없습니다. {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "npm 스크립트 디버그",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Node.js 터미널 프로세스에 연결",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript 디버그 터미널",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "시작된 터미널에서 실행할 명령입니다. 제공되지 않으면 프로그램을 시작하지 않고 터미널이 열립니다.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "디버그 터미널에서 \"npm start\" 실행",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "터미널 Node.js 자동 연결 설정/해제",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript 디버그 터미널](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nJavaScript 디버그 터미널을 사용하여 명령줄에서 실행되는 Node.js 프로세스를 디버그할 수 있습니다.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript 디버그 터미널](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nJavaScript 디버그 터미널을 사용하여 명령줄에서 실행되는 Node.js 프로세스를 디버그할 수 있습니다.\r\n\r\n[디버그 URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "일부 중단점을 설정할 수 없습니다. 문제가 있는 경우 [실행 구성 문제를 해결](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics)할 수 있습니다.",
"debugLink.label": "링크 열기",
"edge.address.description": "웹 보기를 디버그할 때 웹 보기에서 수신 대기하는 IP 주소 또는 호스트 이름입니다. 설정하지 않은 경우 자동으로 검색됩니다.",
"edge.attach.description": "이미 디버그 모드에 있는 Edge 인스턴스에 연결",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: 연결",
"edge.label": "웹앱(Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Edge를 시작하여 URL 디버그",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: 시작",
"edge.port.description": "웹 보기를 디버그할 때 웹 보기 디버거에서 수신 대기하는 포트입니다. 설정하지 않은 경우 자동으로 검색됩니다.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "UWP에서 호스팅된 Webview2에 대한 디버그 파이프의 `pipeName`을 포함하는 개체입니다. 이는 \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\" 파이프를 만드는 경우 \"MyTestSharedMemory\"를 말합니다.",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "'true'이면 디버거는 런타임 실행 파일을 WebView가 포함된 호스트 애플리케이션으로 취급하여 WebView 스크립트 콘텐츠를 디버그할 수 있도록 합니다.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "디스크에 있는 파일의 내용이 런타임에 로드된 파일의 내용과 일치하는지 확인할지를 전환합니다. 이는 여러 시나리오에서 유용하며 몇몇 시나리오에서는 반드시 필요하지만, 경우에 따라(예: 스크립트의 서버 쪽 변환이 있는 경우) 문제를 발생시킬 수 있습니다.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: {1}ms 후 시간 초과",
"extension.description": "Node.js 프로그램 및 Chrome 디버깅을 위한 확장입니다.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code 확장 개발",
"": "확장 시작",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "웹 작업자 확장 호스트에 연결을 시도해야 하는지를 구성합니다.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "시작된 VS Code 인스턴스에서 webview에 연결을 시도해야 하는지 여부를 구성합니다. 이 구성은 데스크탑 VS 코드에서만 작동합니다.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "확장 호스트에 전달된 환경 변수입니다.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "'debugWebviews' 또는 'debugWebWorkerHost'를 사용하여 렌더러 프로세스에 연결하는 데 사용되는 크롬 시작 옵션입니다.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "VS Code의 절대 경로입니다.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "시작된 후 확장 호스트를 자동으로 중지합니다.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "디버그 모드에서 VS Code 확장 시작",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code 확장 개발",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "진단 JS 디버그 로그 저장",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "다시 표시하지 않음",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "중단점을 구성하는 데 다소 시간이 소요됩니다. launch.json에서 'outFiles'를 업데이트하여 이 속도를 높일 수 있습니다.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "열려 있는 작업 영역 폴더가 없습니다.",
"": "launch.json 열기",
"node.address.description": "디버그할 프로세스의 TCP/IP 주소입니다. 기본값은 'localhost'입니다.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "이미 생성된 자식 프로세스에 연결을 시도할지 여부입니다.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "연결된 프로세스에서 환경 변수를 설정하여 생성된 자식을 추적할지 여부입니다.",
"": "연결",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "true이면 시작되어 `--inspect-brk`를 기다리는 프로그램을 자동으로 다시 시작합니다.",
"node.attach.processId.description": "연결할 프로세스의 ID입니다.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "연결이 끊어지면 프로그램에 다시 연결해 보세요. `true`로 설정된 경우 영원히 1초에 한 번 시도합니다. 대신 개체의 `delay` 및 `maxAttempts`를 지정하여 시도 간격 및 최대 시도 횟수를 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "설정된 경우 지정된 포트를 통해 프로세스에 연결합니다. 이 기능은 일반적으로 Node.js 프로그램에는 더 이상 필요하지 않으며 자식 프로세스를 디버그하는 기능을 잃게 되지만, Deno 및 Docker 시작 같은 더 난해한 시나리오에서는 유용할 수 있습니다. 0으로 설정된 경우 임의 포트가 선택되고 시작 인수에 자동으로 --inspect-brk가 추가됩니다.",
"node.console.title": "노드 디버그 콘솔",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "해당 파일에 대한 sourcemap이 로드될 때까지 파일에서 중단점을 설정하지 마세요.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "소스맵 검색을 위해 새롭고 더 빠른 메커니즘을 사용할지 여부를 구성합니다.",
"node.killBehavior.description": "세션을 중지할 때 디버그 프로세스가 종료되는 방식을 구성합니다. 이 방식은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다.\r\n\r\n- forceful(기본값): 프로세스 트리를 강제로 삭제합니다. posix에서는 SIGKILL을 보내고, Windows에서는 `taskkill.exe /F`를 보냅니다.\r\n- polite: 프로세스 트리를 정상적으로 삭제합니다. 잘못 동작하는 프로세스는 이 방식으로 종료된 후 계속 실행될 수 있습니다. posix에서는 SIGTERM을 보내고, Windows에서는 `/F`(force) 플래그 없이 `taskkill.exe`를 보냅니다.\r\n- none: 종료가 수행되지 않습니다.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "프로그램에 전달되는 명령줄 인수입니다.\r\n\r\n문자열 배열 또는 단일 문자열일 수 있습니다. 프로그램이 터미널에서 시작될 때 이 속성을 단일 문자열로 설정하면 셸에 대해 인수가 이스케이프되지 않습니다.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "디버거를 새로 생성된 자식 프로세스에 자동으로 연결합니다.",
"": "시작",
"node.launch.console.description": "디버그 대상을 시작할 위치입니다.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "사용자 설정을 통해 구성 가능한 외부 터미널",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code의 통합 터미널",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code 디버그 콘솔(프로그램에서 입력 읽기를 지원하지 않음)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "디버깅 중인 프로그램의 작업 디렉터리에 대한 절대 경로입니다. localRoot를 설정한 경우 cwd가 해당 값과 일치하고, 그렇지 않으면 workspaceFolder로 대체됩니다.",
"node.launch.env.description": "프로그램에 전달된 환경 변수입니다. 'null' 값은 환경에서 변수를 제거합니다.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "환경 변수 정의를 포함하는 파일의 절대 경로입니다.",
"node.launch.logging": "로깅 구성",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Chrome DevTools 프로토콜 메시지에 대한 로그 파일 경로",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "디버그 어댑터 프로토콜 메시지에 대한 로그 파일 경로",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "출력 메시지를 캡처할 위치입니다. `console`로 설정된 경우에는 기본 디버그 API이고, 그러지 않고 `std`로 설정된 경우에는 stdout/stderr 스트림입니다.",
"node.launch.program.description": "프로그램의 절대 경로입니다. 생성된 값은 package.json 및 열린 파일을 보고 추측한 것입니다. 이 특성을 편집하세요.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "0이 아닌 종료 코드로 종료되는 경우 프로그램을 다시 시작해 보세요.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "런타임 실행 파일에 전달되는 선택적 인수입니다.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "사용할 런타임입니다. PATH에서 사용할 수 있는 런타임의 이름 또는 절대 경로입니다. 생략하면 `node`로 간주합니다.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "진입점 중단점을 수동으로 삽입할 패턴 목록입니다. 이는 시작 전에는 존재하지 않거나 검색할 수 없는 sourcemap을 사용할 때 디버거가 중단점을 설정할 수 있어 유용할 수 있습니다(예: [Serverless Framework를 사용하는 경우](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "사용할 `node` 런타임의 버전입니다. `nvm`이 필요합니다.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL'은 사용되지 않으며 지원이 중단됩니다. 대신 '원격 - WSL' 확장을 사용하세요.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Linux용 Windows 하위 시스템을 사용합니다.",
"node.localRoot.description": "프로그램이 포함된 로컬 디렉터리의 경로입니다.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "들어오는 각 스크립트에 대해 소스 맵이 로드될 때까지 기다릴지 여부입니다. 이 작업에는 성능 오버헤드가 발생하며 'rootPath'를 사용하도록 설정하는 경우 디스크에서 실행될 때 사용하지 않도록 설정해도 됩니다.",
"node.port.description": "연결할 디버그 포트입니다. 기본값은 9229입니다.",
"": "프로세스에 연결",
"node.profileStartup.description": "true인 경우 프로세스가 시작되면 프로파일링이 즉시 시작됩니다.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "프로그램이 포함된 원격 디렉터리의 절대 경로입니다.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "소스 맵을 사용하여 로컬 파일을 확인할 수 있는 위치(폴더 및 URL)에 대한 minimatch 패턴 목록입니다. 외부 소스 매핑 코드에서 잘못 중단되지 않도록 하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 패턴은 \"!\" 접두사를 붙여 제외할 수 있습니다. 제한을 피하기 위해 빈 배열 또는 null로 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "현재 호출 스택을 생성하는 비동기 호출을 표시합니다.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "실행 중인 노드 프로그램에 연결",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: 연결",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "프로세스 선택기를 열어 연결할 Node 프로세스 선택",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: 프로세스에 연결",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Electron 주 프로세스 디버그",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron 주",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Gulp 작업 디버그(프로젝트에 로컬 Gulp가 설치되어 있는지 확인하세요.)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp 작업",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "디버그 모드에서 노드 프로그램 시작",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: 프로그램 실행",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Mocha 테스트 디버그",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha 테스트",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "nodemon을 사용하여 소스 변경 내용에 대한 디버그 세션 다시 시작",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon 설정",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "npm 'debug' 스크립트를 통해 노드 프로그램 시작",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: npm을 통해 시작",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "원격 노드 프로그램의 디버그 포트에 연결합니다.",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: 원격 프로그램에 연결",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "yeoman 생성기 디버그(프로젝트 폴더에서 `npm link`를 실행하여 설치)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman 생성기",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "소스맵의 정보로부터 디스크의 위치로 소스 파일 위치를 다시 쓰기 위한 매핑 집합입니다.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "JavaScript 소스 맵을 사용합니다(있는 경우).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "시작된 후 프로그램을 자동으로 중지합니다.",
"node.timeout.description": "Node.js 연결을 다시 시도하는 시간(밀리초)입니다. 기본값은 10,000ms입니다.",
"node.versionHint.description": "실행 중인 Node 버전을 명시적으로 지정할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 자동 버전 검색이 작동하지 않는 경우 특정 동작을 비활성화하거나 활성화하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "연결할 정확한 Websocket 주소입니다. 지정되지 않은 경우 주소 및 포트에서 검색됩니다.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "브라우저 Devtools 열기",
"outFiles.description": "소스 맵이 사용하도록 설정되면 이 전역 패턴은 생성된 JavaScript 파일을 지정합니다. 패턴이 '!'로 시작하면 파일이 제외됩니다. 지정하지 않을 경우 생성된 코드는 소스와 동일한 디렉터리에 있어야 합니다.",
"pretty.print.script": "디버그를 위한 예쁜 인쇄",
"profile.start": "성능 프로필 수행",
"profile.stop": "성능 프로필 중지",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "브라우저 중단점 제거",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "모든 브라우저 중단점 제거",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "디버그 세션에 대한 CDP 프록시 요청",
"skipFiles.description": "디버그할 때 건너뛰는 파일의 GLOB 패턴 배열입니다. `<node_internals>/**` 패턴은 모든 내부 Node.js 모듈과 일치합니다.",
"smartStep.description": "다시 원래 소스에 매핑할 수 없는 생성된 코드를 자동으로 단계별로 실행합니다.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "디버깅 시작 및 항목에서 중지",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "디버깅 시작 및 항목에서 중지",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "여러 디버거 작업의 시간 제한입니다.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "여러 디버거 작업의 시간 제한입니다.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "가리킨 기호에 대한 값 계산이 중단될 때까지의 시간입니다. 0으로 설정하면 가리키기 평가가 시간 초과되지 않습니다.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "소스 맵 작업과 관련된 시간 제한입니다.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "최소 시간(sourceMapMinPause)이 소모된 후 소스 맵을 처리할 때까지 대기할 세션당 허용되는 추가 시간(밀리초)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "스크립트가 구문 분석되는 동안 각 소스 맵이 처리될 때까지 대기하는 데 걸린 최소 시간(밀리초)",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "이 파일 건너뛰기 토글",
"trace.boolean.description": "추적을 'true'로 설정하여 디스크에 진단 로그를 쓸 수 있습니다.",
"trace.description": "생성되는 진단 출력을 구성합니다.",
"trace.logFile.description": "온디스크 로그가 기록되는 위치를 구성합니다.",
"trace.stdio.description": "시작된 애플리케이션 또는 브라우저에서 추적 데이터를 반활하지 여부.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "이 작업 영역에서 코드를 디버깅하려면 신뢰가 필요합니다."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "프로파일링 세션이 이미 실행 중입니다. 해당 세션을 중지하고 새 세션을 시작하시겠습니까?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "생성된 JavaScript를 포함하도록 'outFiles' 특성의 GLOB 패턴을 조정합니다.",
"Always": "항상",
"Always in this Workspace": "이 작업 영역에서 항상",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "대상에서 프로필을 가져오는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "애니메이션 프레임 발생",
"Assertion failed": "어설션 실패",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "프로세스에 연결: '{0}'은(는) 프로세스 ID가 아닌 것 같습니다.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "프로세스에 연결: 프로세스 '{0}'({1})에 대해 디버그 모드를 사용하도록 설정할 수 없습니다.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "'runtimeVersion' 특성에는 Node.js 버전 관리자 'nvm-windows' 또는 'nvs'가 필요합니다.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "'runtimeVersion' 특성을 사용하려면 Node.js 버전 관리자 'nvs' 또는 'nvm'을 설치해야 합니다.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "flavor/architecture를 사용하는 'runtimeVersion' 특성은 'nvs'를 설치해야 합니다.",
"Block": "차단",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "나중에 catch되는 경우에도 모든 throw 오류 발생 시 중단됩니다.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "오류에서만 중단되거나 처리되지 않는 거부를 약속합니다.",
"CPU Profile": "CPU 프로필",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "작업 영역 폴더에 \"{0}\"(으)로 저장된 CPU 프로필",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "CSP 위반 \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Node.js 이진 \"{0}\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. {1}. Node.js가 설치되어 있고 PATH에 있는지 확인하거나 launch.json에서 \"runtimeExecutable\"을 설정하세요.",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "파일({0})에서 환경 변수를 로드할 수 없습니다.",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "애니메이션 프레임 취소",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "{0}에서 대상에 연결할 수 없음: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "디버그할 프로그램을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "터미널({0})에서 디버그 대상을 시작할 수 없습니다.",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "비동기 프레임을 다시 시작할 수 없음",
"Cannot set an empty value": "빈 값을 설정할 수 없음",
"Catch Block": "블록 포착",
"Caught Exceptions": "catch된 예외",
"Close AudioContext": "AudioContext 닫기",
"Closure": "닫기",
"Closure ({0})": "닫기({0})",
"Console profile started": "콘솔 프로필 시작됨",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "UWP Webview 파이프에 연결할 수 없습니다. webview가 디버그 모드에서 호스팅되고 `launch.json`의 `pipeName`이 올바른지 확인하세요.",
"Could not query the provided object": "제공된 개체를 쿼리할 수 없습니다.",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "{0}의 소스 맵을 읽을 수 없음: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "{0}을(를) 읽을 수 없습니다. {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "AudioContext 만들기",
"Create canvas context": "캔버스 컨텍스트 만들기",
"Debug Anyway": "디버그",
"Debug URL": "URL 디버그",
"Details": "자세히",
"Don't show again": "다시 표시하지 않음",
"Duration": "기간",
"Duration of Profile": "프로필 지속 기간",
"Edit package.json": "package.json 편집",
"Eval": "Eval",
"Frame could not be restarted": "프레임을 다시 시작할 수 없습니다.",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome devtools에서 열 수 있는 .cpuprofile 파일을 생성합니다.",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome devtools에서 열 수 있는 .heapprofile 파일을 생성합니다.",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome 개발자 도구에서 열 수 있는 .heapsnapshot 파일을 생성합니다",
"Global": "글로벌",
"Got it!": "확인했습니다!",
"Heap Profile": "힙 프로필",
"Heap Snapshot": "힙 스냅샷",
"How long to run the profile:": "프로필 실행 시간:",
"Ignore": "무시",
"Invalid expression": "잘못된 식",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "적중 조건 \"{0}\"이(가) 잘못되었습니다. \"> 42\" 또는 \"== 2\" 같은 식이 필요합니다.",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "브라우저가 이미 {0}에서 실행되고 있는 것 같습니다. 디버깅을 시도하기 전에 먼저 브라우저를 닫으세요. 그러지 않으면 VS Code가 브라우저에 연결하지 못할 수 있습니다.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "디버그 세션이 이미 종료된 것 같습니다. 디버깅을 다시 시도한 후 \"디버그: 중단점 문제 진단\" 명령을 실행하세요.",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "중단점을 구성하는 데 다소 시간이 소요됩니다. launch.json에서 'outFiles'를 업데이트하여 이 속도를 높일 수 있습니다.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "JavaScript 디버그 터미널",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "JavaScript 디버그 어댑터",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "localhost에 대해 Chrome 시작",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "localhost에 대해 Microsoft Edge 시작",
"Launch Program": "프로그램 시작",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "'package.json'을 기반으로 구성 시작이 생성되었습니다.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "'{0}' 프로젝트에 대한 구성 시작이 생성되었습니다.",
"Local": "로컬",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "디버기에 대한 연결이 끊김, {0}ms 후에 다시 연결함\r\n",
"Manual": "수동",
"Module": "모듈",
"Never": "안 함",
"No": "아니요",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "package.json에서 npm 스크립트를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "작업 영역에서 package.json 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"No workspace folder open.": "열려 있는 작업 영역 폴더가 없습니다.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "버전 관리자 {1}을(를) 사용하여 Node.js 버전 '{0}'이(가) 설치되지 않았습니다.",
"Not Now": "나중에",
"Only objects can be queried": "개체만 쿼리할 수 있습니다.",
"Open launch.json": "launch.json 열기",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "출력이 앞 {0} 번째 문자까지 잘렸습니다. '{1}'을(를) 실행하여 전체 출력을 복사합니다.",
"Paused": "일시 중지됨",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "메모리 부족 예외 전에 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "콘텐츠 보안 정책 위반 계측 중단점에서 일시 중지됨, 지시문 \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "DOM 중단점에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "WebGL 오류 계측 중단점에서 일시 중지됨, 오류 \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "XMLHttpRequest 또는 페치에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on assert": "어설션에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on breakpoint": "중단점에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on debug() call": "debug() 호출에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on debugger statement": "디버거 문에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on event listener": "이벤트 수신기에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "이벤트 수신기 중단점 \"{0}\"에서 일시 중지됨, \"{1}\"에서 트리거됨",
"Paused on exception": "예외에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on frame entry": "프레임 입력에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "계측 중단점에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "계측 중단점 \"{0}\"에서 일시 중지됨",
"Paused on promise rejection": "프라미스 거부에서 일시 중지됨",
"Pick Breakpoint": "중단점 선택",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "연결할 Node.js 프로세스 선택",
"Please enter a number": "숫자를 입력하세요.",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "1보다 큰 숫자를 입력하세요.",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "새 프로필을 시작하기 전에 실행 중인 프로필을 중지하세요.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "프로세스 선택기 실패({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "프로필 지속 기간(초)(예: \"5\")",
"Profiling": "프로파일링",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "중단점을 사용하도록 설정된 프로파일링은 코드의 성능을 변경할 수 있습니다. \"기간\" 또는 \"수동\" 종료 조건으로 검색 결과의 유효성을 검사하는 데 유용할 수 있습니다.",
"Read More": "자세히 알아보기",
"Request Animation Frame": "애니메이션 프레임 요청",
"Resume AudioContext": "AudioContext 다시 시작",
"Return value": "반환 값",
"Run Current File": "현재 파일 실행",
"Run Script: {0}": "스크립트 실행: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "특정 시간 동안 실행",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "특정 중단점이 적중될 때까지 실행",
"Run until manually stopped": "수동으로 중지될 때까지 실행",
"Saving": "저장 중",
"Script": "스크립트",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "콘텐츠 보안 정책으로 차단된 스크립트",
"Script First Statement": "스크립트 첫 번째 문",
"Select a tab": "탭 선택",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "새 터미널의 현재 작업 디렉토리를 선택합니다.",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Devtools를 열 페이지를 선택합니다.",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "검사할 세션 선택:",
"Set innerHTML": "innerHTML 설정",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "skipFiles에서 건너뜀",
"Skipped by smartStep": "smartStep에서 건너뜀",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "일부 중단점은 Node.js 버전에서 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 최신 버그, 성능 및 보안 픽스를 업그레이드하는 것이 좋습니다. 세부 정보:",
"Source not a source map": "소스 맵이 아닌 원본",
"Source not found": "소스를 찾을 수 없음",
"Stack frame not found": "스택 프레임을 찾을 수 없음",
"Starting profile...": "프로필 시작 중...",
"Stopping profile...": "프로필 중지 중...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "AudioContext 일시 중단",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "줄 {1}의 조건 {0}을(를) 사용하여 중단점을 설정하는 동안 구문 오류가 발생함: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "대상 페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다. 디버그하려는 페이지와 일치하도록 \"urlFilter\"를 업데이트해야 할 수 있습니다.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "\"{0}\"의 Node 버전이 오래되었습니다(버전 {1}). Node 8.x 이상이 필요합니다.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "지정된 URL이 잘못되었습니다.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "구성된 'cwd' {0}이(가) 없습니다.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "구성된 `cwd` {0}은(는) 폴더가 아닙니다.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "sourcemap에서 참조하는 누락된 파일 경로입니다. 대신 컴파일된 버전을 디버그하시겠습니까?",
"Thread is not paused": "스레드가 일시 중지되지 않음",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "예외에서 스레드가 일시 중지되지 않음",
"Thread not found": "스레드를 찾을 수 없음",
"Type of profile:": "프로필 형식:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "UWP webview 디버깅은 플랫폼에서 사용할 수 없습니다.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "브라우저에 연결할 수 없음",
"Unable to evaluate": "평가할 수 없음",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "비동기 스택 프레임에서 평가할 수 없음",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "시스템에서 브라우저 설치를 찾을 수 없습니다. 설치를 시도하거나 launch.json의 \"runtimeExecutable\"에서 브라우저에 대한 절대 경로를 제공하세요.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "{0} 버전 {1}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 사용 가능한 자동 검색 버전은 {2}입니다. launch.json의 \"runtimeExecutable\"을 해당 항목 중 하나로 설정하거나 브라우저 실행 파일의 절대 경로를 제공할 수 있습니다.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "\"{0}\" 브라우저를 시작할 수 없음",
"Unable to pause": "일시 중지할 수 없음",
"Unable to pretty print": "자동 서식을 지정할 수 없음",
"Unable to resume": "다시 시작할 수 없음",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "소스 콘텐츠를 검색할 수 없음",
"Unable to set variable value": "변수 값을 설정할 수 없음",
"Unable to step in": "한 단계씩 코드를 실행할 수 없음",
"Unable to step next": "다음 프로시저로 이동할 수 없음",
"Unable to step out": "프로시저에서 나갈 수 없음",
"Unbound breakpoint": "바인딩되지 않은 중단점",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "포착되지 않은 예외",
"Unknown error": "알 수 없는 오류",
"Variable not found": "변수를 찾을 수 없음",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "비동기 스택에서 변수를 사용할 수 없음",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "경고: {0}의 소스 맵을 처리하는 데 {1}밀리초보다 긴 시간이 걸려 스크립트에 대한 모든 중단점을 설정할 때까지 기다리지 않고 실행을 계속했습니다.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "여기서는 디버그 모드에서 브라우저를 시작할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 페이지를 디버그하려면 데스크톱의 VS Code에서 이 작업 영역을 여세요.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "여기서는 디버그 모드에서 브라우저를 시작할 수 없습니다. 데스크톱의 VS Code에서 이 작업 영역을 열어 디버깅을 사용하도록 설정하세요.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "WebGL 오류 발생",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "WebGL 경고 발생",
"With Block": "With 블록",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "나중에 쉽게 액세스할 수 있도록 launch.json에 구성을 저장하시겠습니까?",
"Yes": "예",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "npm 스크립트를 디버그하려면 작업 영역 폴더를 열어야 합니다.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "이전 버전의 Node.js를 실행하고 있습니다. 최신 버그, 성능 및 보안 픽스를 업그레이드하는 것이 좋습니다.",
"an old debug session": "이전 디버그 세션",
"path does not exist": "경로가 없음",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "프로세스 ID: {0}({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "프로세스 ID: {0}, 디버그 포트: {1}({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval 발생",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout 발생",
"the configured userDataDir": "구성된 userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0}(설명할 수 없음: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} 클릭하여 프로파일링 중지",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} 클릭으로 프로파일링 중지({1}개 세션)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} 클릭하여 프로파일링 중지({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Dodaj punkt przerwania przeglądarki",
"attach.node.process": "Dołącz do procesu węzła",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Lista sesji debugowania, które również zostaną zatrzymane po przerwaniu tej sesji debugowania.",
"browser.address.description": "Adres IP lub nazwa hosta, na którym nasłuchuje debugowana przeglądarka.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port używany do zdalnego debugowania przeglądarki, podany jako „--remote-debugging-port” podczas uruchamiania przeglądarki.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Wymusza podłączenie przeglądarki w jednej lokalizacji. W zdalnym obszarze roboczym (przykładowo za pośrednictwem protokołów SSH lub WSL) można użyć tej opcji do dołączenia do przeglądarki na maszynie zdalnej, a nie lokalnie.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Wymusza uruchomienie przeglądarki w jednej lokalizacji. W zdalnym obszarze roboczym (przykładowo za pośrednictwem protokołów SSH lub WSL) można użyć tej opcji do otworzenia przeglądarki na maszynie zdalnej, a nie lokalnie.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Jakie oczyszczanie przeprowadzić po zakończeniu sesji debugowania. Zamknąć tylko debugowaną kartę, czy też zamknąć całą przeglądarkę.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Opcjonalny katalog roboczy dla pliku wykonywalnego środowiska uruchomieniowego.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Określa, czy pamięć podręczna sieci ma być pomijana dla każdego żądania",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "Lokalny plik html do otworzenia w przeglądarce",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Czy domyślne argumenty uruchamiania przeglądarki (aby wyłączyć funkcje, które mogą utrudniać debugowanie) zostaną uwzględnione w uruchomieniu.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Zaawansowane: czy w przeglądarce są ustawione jakiekolwiek domyślne argumenty uruchamiania/debugowania. Debuger przyjmie założenie, że przeglądarka będzie używać debugowania potoku, takiego jak ten, który jest dostarczany z parametrem „--remote-debugging-pipe”.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format, którego należy użyć do przepisania inspectUri: Jest to łańcuch szablonu, który interpoluje klucze w `{curlyBraces}`. Dostępne klucze to:\r\n - `url.*` to sparsowany adres uruchomionej aplikacji. Na przykład, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` to port debugowania, na którym nasłuchuje Chrome.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` jest URI inspektora w uruchomionej przeglądarce\r\n- `browserInspectUriPath` jest częścią ścieżki URI inspektora w uruchomionej przeglądarce (np.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` jest podpowiedzią protokołu websocket. Jest on ustawiony na `wss` jeśli oryginalny URL to `https`, lub `ws` w przeciwnym wypadku.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port do nasłuchiwania przez przeglądarkę. Wartość domyślna to „0”, która spowoduje, że przeglądarka będzie debugowana przez potoki, co jest zazwyczaj bezpieczniejsze i powinno być wybierane, chyba że musisz dołączyć do przeglądarki z innego narzędzia.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Określa, czy skrypty są ładowane indywidualnie z unikatowymi mapami źródłowymi zawierającymi nazwę podstawową pliku źródłowego. Można to ustawić w celu optymalizacji obsługi map źródłowych w przypadku wielu małych skryptów. Jeśli ustawiona jest wartość „automatycznie”, wykryjemy znane przypadki, w których jest to właściwe.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Jeśli wartość jest równa true, profilowanie rozpocznie się zaraz po uruchomieniu procesu",
"browser.restart": "Czy połączyć się ponownie, jeśli połączenie z przeglądarką jest zamknięte",
"browser.revealPage": "Karta Fokus",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Argumenty opcjonalne przekazywane do pliku wykonywalnego środowiska uruchomieniowego.",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Parametry „canary”, „stable”, „dev”, „custom” albo ścieżka do pliku wykonywalnego przeglądarki. Wartość custom oznacza niestandardową otokę, niestandardową kompilację lub zmienną środowiskową EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Tablica nazw plików lub folderów lub ścieżek, które należy pominąć podczas debugowania. Dozwolone są wzorce gwiazdy i negacje, na przykład „[„**/node_modules/**”, „!**/node_modules/my-module/**”]”",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatycznie przechodź przez niezamapowane wiersze w plikach typu sourcemapped. Na przykład kod, który język TypeScript tworzy automatycznie w przypadku kompilowania składni async/await lub innych funkcji do niższego poziomu.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Zestaw mapowań na potrzeby przepisania lokalizacji plików źródłowych z lokalizacji określonych przez mapę źródła do ich lokalizacji na dysku. Aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, zobacz plik README.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Określa, czy używać mapowania \"nazw\" w mapach źródłowych. Wymaga to żądania zawartości źródłowej, która może działać wolno w przypadku niektórych debugerów.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Użyj mapy źródła JavaScript (jeśli istnieją).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Czy dołączyć do wszystkich obiektów docelowych zgodnych z filtrem adresu URL („automatic”), czy też poprosić o wybranie jednego („pick”).",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Wyszuka kartę z tym adresem URL i dołączy do niej, jeśli zostanie znaleziona. Może zawierać symbole wieloznaczne *.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Domyślnie przeglądarka jest uruchamiana przy użyciu oddzielnego profilu użytkownika w folderze tymczasowym. Użyj tej opcji, aby zastąpić to działanie. Ustaw wartość „false”, aby uruchomić przeglądarkę przy użyciu domyślnego profilu użytkownika. Nie można uruchomić nowej przeglądarki, jeśli wystąpienie jest już uruchomione z katalogu `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Lista globalnych wzorców plików, aby znaleźć składniki „*.vue”. Domyślnie przeszukuje cały obszar roboczy. Należy to określić ze względu na dodatkowe wyszukiwania, których wymagają mapy źródła platformy Vue w interfejsie CLI 4 Vue. Możesz wyłączyć tę specjalną obsługę, ustawiając ją na pustą tablicę.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Określa ścieżkę bezwzględną obszaru roboczego do katalogu głównego serwera internetowego. Służy do znajdowania plików na dysku dla ścieżek takich jak „/app.js”. Skrócona forma opcji pathMapping dla „/”",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: dołącz",
"chrome.label": "Aplikacja internetowa (Chrome)",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Uruchom",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Wyklucz funkcję wywołującą",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Wyklucz funkcję wywołującą z wstrzymania w bieżącej lokalizacji",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Przejdź do lokalizacji funkcji wywołującej",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Przejdź do lokalizacji docelowej",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Usuń wykluczoną funkcję wywołującą",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Usuń wszystkie wykluczone funkcje wywołujące",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Wyłącz krokowe mapowanie źródła",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Włącz krokowe mapowanie źródła",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Konfiguruje procesy, które mają być automatycznie dołączane i debugowane, gdy element „#debug.node.autoAttach#” jest włączony. Proces węzła uruchomiony przy użyciu flagi „--inspect” zawsze będzie dołączany niezależnie od tego ustawienia.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Automatycznie dołączaj do każdego procesu Node.js uruchomionego w terminalu.",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Automatycznie dołącz tylko wtedy, gdy podano parametr „--inspect”.",
"": "Automatycznie dołączaj podczas uruchamiania skryptów, które nie znajdują się w folderze node_modules.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Konfiguruje wzorce glob w celu określenia, kiedy należy dołączyć w trybie „inteligentnym” `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#`. Element `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` jest zastępowany listą nazw wspólnych modułów uruchamiających testy i kod. [Przeczytaj więcej w dokumentacji programu VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Podczas debugowania zdalnej aplikacji internetowej konfiguruje, czy automatycznie tunelować serwer zdalny do maszyny lokalnej.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Określa, czy zatrzymać, gdy warunkowe punkty przerwania zgłaszają błąd.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opcje używane przy debugowaniu otwartych linków, które zostały kliknięte w obrębie terminalu debugowania języka JavaScript. Można wybrać opcję „off”, aby wyłączyć to zachowanie, lub „always”, aby włączyć debugowanie we wszystkich terminalach.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Domyślny element `runtimeExecutable` używany na potrzeby konfiguracji uruchamiania, jeśli nie określono. Za jego pomocą można konfigurować ścieżki niestandardowe do instalacji przeglądarki lub platformy Node.js.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opcje domyślne używane podczas debugowania procesu za pomocą polecenia „Debuguj: dołącz do procesu Node.js”",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opcje żądania do użycia podczas ładowania zasobów, takich jak ładowania map źródeł i ładowania w debugerze. Ich skonfigurowanie może być konieczne na przykład wtedy, gdy mapy źródeł wymagają uwierzytelniania lub używają certyfikatu z podpisem własnym. Opcje służą do tworzenia żądania przy użyciu biblioteki [\"got\"](\r\n\r\nTypowy przypadek wyłączenia weryfikacji certyfikatu może być wykonany poprzez przekazanie \"{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Określa, czy mapowanie pliku, w przypadku którego przeprowadzono mapowanie źródła, zostanie automatycznie usunięte, gdy nie można odczytać oryginalnego pliku. Jeśli zostanie podana wartość false (domyślna), będzie wyświetlany monit.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnozuj problemy z punktem przerwania",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Dostosuj opis tekstowy debugera wyświetlany dla obiektów (zmienne lokalne itp.). Przykłady:\r\n 1. this.toString() // wywoła metodę toString, aby wydrukować wszystkie obiekty\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription () : DefaultValue // Używa metody customDescription, jeśli jest dostępna; jeśli nie, zwraca atrybut DefaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Używa metody customDescription, jeśli jest dostępna; jeśli nie, zwraca atrybut DefaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Dostosuj właściwości wyświetlane dla obiektu w debugerze (zmienne lokalne itp.). Przykłady:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Dodaj właściwość extraProperty 12345 do wszystkich obiektów\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Użyj metody customProperties, jeśli jest dostępna; w przeciwnym razie użyj właściwości w elemencie this (właściwości domyślnych)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Użyj metody customDescription, jeśli jest dostępna; w przeciwnym razie zwróć właściwości domyślne\r\n\r\n Przestarzałe: to jest tymczasowa implementacja tej funkcji, dopóki nie znajdziemy czasu na jej zaimplementowanie w sposób opisany tutaj:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edytuj plik package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "Nie znaleziono skryptów menedżera npm w pliku package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Musisz otworzyć folder obszaru roboczego, aby debugować skrypty menedżera npm.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Nie można było odczytać elementu {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debuguj skrypt NPM",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Dołącz do procesu terminalu Node.js",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Przełącz automatyczne dołączanie terminala Node.js",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\n Możesz użyć JavaScript Debug Terminal do debugowania procesów Node.js uruchamianych z linii poleceń.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nZa pomocą terminala debugowania języka JavaScript możesz debugować procesy Node.js uruchomione w wierszu polecenia.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Nie można ustawić niektórych punktów przerwania. Jeśli występuje problem, możesz [rozwiązać problem z konfiguracją uruchamiania](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Otwórz link",
"edge.address.description": "Podczas debugowania aplikacji WebView adres IP lub nazwa hosta, na którym nasłuchuje aplikacja WebView. Zostanie automatycznie wykryte, jeśli nie zostanie ustawione.",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: dołącz",
"edge.label": "Aplikacja internetowa (Edge)",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: uruchom",
"edge.port.description": "Podczas debugowania aplikacji WebView port, na którym nasłuchuje aplikacja WebView. Zostanie automatycznie wykryty, jeśli nie zostanie ustawiony.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Obiekt zawierający element `pipeName` potoku debugowania dla elementu WebView2 hostowanego przez platformę UWP. To jest element „MyTestSharedMemory” podczas tworzenia potoku „\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory”",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "W przypadku wartości „True” debuger będzie traktować plik wykonywalny środowiska uruchomieniowego jako aplikację hosta zawierającą element WebView, co umożliwia debugowanie zawartości skryptu WebView.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Przełącza, czy sprawdzamy zawartość plików na dysku pod kątem zgodności z zawartością załadowaną w czasie wykonywania. Jest to przydatne w różnych scenariuszach i wymagane w niektórych, ale może powodować problemy, jeśli na przykład masz transformację skryptów po stronie serwera.",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Opracowywanie rozszerzenia programu VS Code",
"": "Uruchamianie rozszerzenia",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Określa, czy powinniśmy próbować dołączyć do hosta rozszerzenia internetowego procesu roboczego.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Konfiguruje, czy mamy próbować dołączyć do widoków sieci Web w uruchomionym wystąpieniu edytora VS Code. Będzie to działać tylko w klasycznym edytorze VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Zmienne środowiskowe przekazane do hosta rozszerzenia.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Opcje uruchamiania przeglądarki Chrome używane podczas dołączania do procesu renderowania przy użyciu elementu „debugWebviews” lub „debugWebWorkerHost”.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Ścieżka bezwzględna do programu VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatyczne zatrzymywanie hosta rozszerzenia po uruchomieniu.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Uruchom rozszerzenie programu VS Code w trybie debugowania",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Opracowywanie rozszerzenia programu VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Zapisz diagnostyczne dzienniki debugowania JS",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Nie pokazuj ponownie",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Konfigurowanie punktów przerwania zajmuje trochę czasu. Możesz to przyspieszyć, aktualizując parametr „outFiles” w pliku launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Brak otwartego folderu obszaru roboczego.",
"": "Otwórz plik launch.json",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Dołącz",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "Identyfikator procesu, do którego należy dołączyć.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Spróbuj ponownie nawiązać połączenie z programem, jeśli utracimy połączenie. Jeśli ustawisz wartość „true”, będziemy próbować co sekundę w nieskończoność. Możesz dostosować odstęp czasu i maksymalną liczbę prób, określając zamiast tego wartość „delay” i „maxAttempts” w obiekcie.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "W przypadku ustawienia dołącza do procesu za pośrednictwem danego portu. Zazwyczaj nie jest to już konieczne w przypadku programów Node.js i traci możliwość debugowania procesów podrzędnych, ale mogą być przydatne w bardziej ezoterycznych scenariuszach, takich jak Deno i Docker. Jeśli wartość jest równa 0, zostanie automatycznie wybrany losowy port i parametr --inspect-brk zostanie dodany do argumentów uruchamiania.",
"node.console.title": "Konsola debugowania węzła",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Nie ustawiaj punktów przerwania w żadnym pliku, dopóki nie zostanie załadowana mapa źródła dla danego pliku.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Konfiguruje, czy używać nowego, szybszego mechanizmu odnajdywania mapy źródła",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Konfiguruje sposób zabijania procesów debugowania podczas zatrzymywania sesji. Dostępne opcje:\r\n\r\n— forceful (domyślnie): wymusza zamknięcie drzewa procesów. Powoduje wysyłanie polecenia SIGKILL w interfejsie POSIX lub \"taskkill.exe /F\" w systemie Windows.\r\n— polite: bezpiecznie zamyka drzewo procesów. Po zamknięciu w ten sposób nieprawidłowo działające procesy mogą pozostać uruchomione. Powoduje wysyłanie polecenia SIGTERM w interfejsie POSIX lub \"taskkill.exe\" bez flagi `/F` (force) w systemie Windows.\r\n— none: zakończenie nie nastąpi.",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Argumenty wiersza polecenia przekazane do programu.\r\n\r\nMoże być tablicą ciągów lub pojedynczym ciągiem. Po uruchomieniu programu w terminalu ustawienie tej właściwości na jeden ciąg spowoduje, że argumenty nie zostaną zmienione dla powłoki.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Automatyczne dołącz debuger do nowych procesów podrzędnych.",
"": "Uruchom",
"node.launch.console.description": "Gdzie uruchomić element docelowy debugowania.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Terminal zewnętrzny, który można skonfigurować za pośrednictwem ustawień użytkownika",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "Zintegrowany terminal programu VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "Konsola debugowania programu VS Code (która nie obsługuje odczytywania danych wyjściowych z programu)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Ścieżka bezwzględna do katalogu roboczego debugowanego programu. Jeśli ustawiono wartość localRoot, polecenie cwd użyje dopasowania do tej wartości. W przeciwnym razie zostanie zastosowana wartość workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Zmienne środowiskowe przekazywane do programu. Wartość „null” powoduje usunięcie zmiennej ze środowiska.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Ścieżka bezwzględna do pliku zawierającego definicje zmiennych środowiskowych.",
"node.launch.logging": "Konfiguracja rejestrowania",
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Skąd przechwytywać komunikaty wyjściowe: domyślny interfejs API debugowania, jeśli jest ustawiony na wartość „console”, lub strumienie stdout/stderr, jeśli są ustawione na wartość „std”.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Bezwzględna ścieżka do programu. Wygenerowana wartość jest odgadywana na podstawie pliku package.json i otwartych plików. Edytuj ten atrybut.",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Argumenty opcjonalne przekazywane do pliku wykonywalnego środowiska uruchomieniowego.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Środowisko uruchomieniowe do użycia. Ścieżka bezwzględna albo nazwa środowiska uruchomieniowego dostępnego w zmiennej PATH. W przypadku pominięcia tej wartości przyjmowana jest wartość „node”.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Lista wzorców, przy których można ręcznie wstawiać punkty przerwania punktu wejścia. Może to być przydatne, aby dać debugerowi możliwość ustawiania punktów przerwania podczas korzystania z map źródła, które nie istnieją lub nie mogą być wykryte przed uruchomieniem, takich jak [w przypadku struktury bezserwerowej](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Wersja środowiska uruchomieniowego „node” do użycia. Wymaga menedżera „nvm”.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "Element „useWSL” jest przestarzały i jego obsługa zostanie zakończona. Użyj zamiast niego rozszerzenia „Remote - WSL”.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Używaj podsystemu Windows dla systemu Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Ścieżka do katalogu lokalnego zawierającego program.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Port debugowania do dołączenia. Wartość domyślna to 9229.",
"": "Dołącz do procesu",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Jeśli wartość jest równa true, profilowanie rozpocznie się zaraz po uruchomieniu procesu",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Ścieżka bezwzględna do katalogu zdalnego zawierającego program.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Pokaż wywołania asynchroniczne, które doprowadziły do bieżącego stosu wywołań.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Dołącz do uruchomionego programu węzła",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Dołącz",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Selektor otwartego procesu do wybierana procesu węzła, do którego ma nastąpić dołączenie",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Dołącz do procesu",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debuguj główny proces Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: główny proces Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debuguj zadanie narzędzia gulp (upewnij się, że w swoim projekcie masz zainstalowane lokalne narzędzie gulp)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: zadanie narzędzia gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Uruchamianie programu środowiska Node.js w trybie debugowania",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Uruchom program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debuguj testy mocha",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: testy mocha",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Użyj narzędzia nodemon, aby uruchomić ponownie sesję debugowania w przypadku zmian źródła",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: konfiguracja narzędzia nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Uruchamianie program środowiska Node.js za pomocą skryptu „debug” pakietu npm",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Uruchom za pomocą pakietu npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Dołącz do portu debugowania zdalnego programu węzła",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Dołącz do programu zdalnego",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debuguj generator yeoman (zainstaluj go, uruchamiając polecenie „npm link” w folderze projektu)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: generator yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Zestaw mapowań na potrzeby przepisywania lokalizacji plików źródłowych na podstawie informacji z mapy źródłowej do ich lokalizacji na dysku.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Użyj mapy źródła JavaScript (jeśli istnieją).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatyczne zatrzymywanie programu po uruchomieniu.",
"node.timeout.description": "Ponawiaj przez tę liczbę milisekund próbę połączenia się ze środowiskiem Node.js. Wartość domyślna to 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Umożliwia Ci jawne określenie uruchomionej wersji węzła, co może być użyte do wyłączania lub włączania pewnych zachowań w przypadku, gdy automatyczne wykrywanie wersji nie działa.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Dokładny adres protokołu WebSocket, do którego ma nastąpić dołączenie. Jeśli nie zostanie określony, zostanie wykryty na podstawie adresu i portu.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Otwórz narzędzia deweloperskie przeglądarki",
"outFiles.description": "Jeśli mapy źródła są włączone, te wzorce globalne określają wygenerowane pliki języka JavaScript. Jeśli wzorzec rozpoczyna się od „!”, pliki są wyłączone. Jeśli nie określono, wygenerowany kod jest oczekiwany w tym samym katalogu, co jego źródło.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Pobierz profil wydajności",
"profile.stop": "Zatrzymaj profil wydajności",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Usuń punkt przerwania przeglądarki",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Zażądaj serwera proxy CDP dla sesji debugowania",
"skipFiles.description": "Tablica wzorców globalnych dla plików do pominięcia podczas debugowania. Wzorzec „<node_internals>/**” pasuje do wszystkich modułów wewnętrznych platformy Node.js.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatycznie przejdź krokowo przez wygenerowany kod, którego nie można zamapować z powrotem na oryginalne źródło.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Rozpocznij debugowanie i zatrzymaj przy wejściu",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Rozpocznij debugowanie i zatrzymaj przy wejściu",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Limity czasu dla kilku operacji debugera.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Limity czasu dla kilku operacji debugera.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Czas do momentu przerwania oceny wartości dla aktywowanych symboli. Jeśli ustawiono wartość 0, ocena aktywowania nigdy nie przekracza limitu czasu.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Limity czasu związane z operacjami map źródeł.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Dodatkowy czas w milisekundach dozwolony na sesję, który można poświęcić na oczekiwanie na przetworzenie map źródeł po wyczerpaniu minimalnego czasu (sourceMapMinPause)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimalny czas w milisekundach spędzony na oczekiwaniu na przetworzenie każdej mapy źródła podczas analizowania skryptu",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Przełącz pomijanie tego pliku",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Czy zwracać dane śledzenia z uruchomionej aplikacji lub przeglądarki.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Aby debugować kod w tym obszarze roboczym, wymagane jest zaufanie."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Sesja profilowania jest już uruchomiona. Chcesz ją zatrzymać i rozpocząć nową sesję?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Dostosuj wzorce globalne w atrybucie „outFiles”, aby obejmowały wygenerowany kod JavaScript.",
"Always": "Zawsze",
"Always in this Workspace": "Zawsze w tym obszarze roboczym",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania profilu z elementu docelowego.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Wywołano ramkę animacji",
"Assertion failed": "Asercja nie powiodła się",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Dołącz do procesu: „{0}” nie wygląda jak identyfikator procesu.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Dołącz do procesu: nie można włączyć trybu debugowania dla procesu „{0}” ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "Atrybut „runtimeVersion” wymaga menedżera wersji Node.js „nvm-windows” lub „nvs”.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "Atrybut „runtimeVersion” wymaga zainstalowania menedżera wersji Node.js „nvs” lub „nvm”.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Atrybut „runtimeVersion” z wariantem/architekturą wymaga zainstalowania elementu „nvs”.",
"Block": "Blokuj",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Przerywa w przypadku każdego błędu zgłaszania, nawet jeśli zostaną przechwycone później.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Przerwy tylko w przypadku błędów lub odrzucenia obietnicy, które nie są obsługiwane.",
"CPU Profile": "Profil procesora",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Profil procesora CPU został zapisany jako „{0}” w folderze obszaru roboczego",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Naruszenie CSP „{0}”",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Nie można odnaleźć pliku binarnego Node.js „{0}”: {1}. Upewnij się, że oprogramowanie Node.js jest zainstalowane i znajduje się w ścieżce lub ustaw parametr „runtimeExecutable” w pliku launch.json",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Nie można załadować zmiennych środowiskowych z pliku ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Anuluj ramkę animacji",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z obiektem docelowym pod adresem {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Nie można znaleźć programu do debugowania",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Nie można uruchomić elementu docelowego debugowania w terminalu ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Nie można ponownie uruchomić ramki asynchronicznej",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Nie można ustawić pustej wartości",
"Catch Block": "Blok Catch",
"Caught Exceptions": "Przechwycone wyjątki",
"Close AudioContext": "Zamknij element AudioContext",
"Closure": "Zamknięcie",
"Closure ({0})": "Zamknięcie ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Uruchomiono profil konsoli",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z żadnym potokiem widoku internetowego platformy UWP. Upewnij się, że widok internetowy jest hostowany w trybie debugowania i że element „pipeName” w pliku „launch.json” jest poprawny.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Nie można wykonać zapytania dotyczącego podanego obiektu",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Nie można odczytać mapy źródła dla elementu {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Nie można było odczytać elementu {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Utwórz element AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "Utwórz kontekst kanwy",
"Debug Anyway": "Debuguj mimo to",
"Debug URL": "Adres URL debugowania",
"Details": "Szczegóły",
"Don't show again": "Nie pokazuj ponownie",
"Duration": "Czas trwania",
"Duration of Profile": "Czas trwania profilu",
"Edit package.json": "Edytuj plik package.json",
"Eval": "Obliczanie",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Nie można ponownie uruchomić ramki",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generuje plik .cpuprofile, który można otworzyć w narzędziu devtools przeglądarki Chrome",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generuje plik .heapprofile, który można otworzyć w narzędziach devtools przeglądarki Chrome",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Generuje plik .heapsnapshot, który można otworzyć w narzędziu devtools przeglądarki Chrome",
"Global": "Globalny",
"Got it!": "Rozumiem!",
"Heap Profile": "Profil sterty",
"Heap Snapshot": "Migawka sterty",
"How long to run the profile:": "Jak długo ma być uruchamiany profil:",
"Ignore": "Ignoruj",
"Invalid expression": "Nieprawidłowe wyrażenie",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Nieprawidłowy stan trafienia „{0}”. Oczekiwano wyrażenia, takiego jak „> 42” lub „== 2”.",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Wygląda na to, że przeglądarka już działa z {0}. Zamknij ją przed podjęciem próby debugowania, w przeciwnym razie program VS Code może nie być w stanie nawiązać z nią połączenia.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Wygląda na to, że Twoja sesja debugowania została już zakończona. Spróbuj ponownie debugować, a następnie uruchom polecenie „Debuguj: diagnozowanie problemów z punktem przerwania”.",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Konfigurowanie punktów przerwania zajmuje trochę czasu. Możesz to przyspieszyć, aktualizując parametr „outFiles” w pliku launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Terminal debugowania JavaScript",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Adapter debugowania języka JavaScript",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Uruchom przeglądarkę Chrome względem hosta lokalnego",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Uruchom przeglądarkę Microsoft Edge względem hosta lokalnego",
"Launch Program": "Uruchom program",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Uruchom konfigurację utworzoną na podstawie pliku „package.json”.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "Konfiguracja uruchamiania dla projektu „{0}” została utworzona.",
"Local": "Lokalny",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Utracono połączenie z obiektem debugowanym; ponowne nawiązywanie połączenia za {0} ms\r\n",
"Manual": "Ręcznie",
"Module": "Moduł",
"Never": "Nigdy",
"No": "Nie",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Nie znaleziono skryptów menedżera npm w pliku package.json",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "W obszarze roboczym nie znaleziono plików package.json.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Brak otwartego folderu obszaru roboczego.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Wersja Node.js „{0}” nie została zainstalowana przy użyciu menedżera wersji {1}.",
"Not Now": "Nie teraz",
"Only objects can be queried": "Zapytania można wysyłać tylko do obiektów",
"Open launch.json": "Otwórz plik launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "Dane wyjściowe zostały obcięte do pierwszych {0} znaków. Uruchom polecenie „{1}”, aby skopiować pełne dane wyjściowe.",
"Paused": "Wstrzymane",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Wstrzymane przed wyjątkiem braku pamięci",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania instrumentacji naruszenia zasad zabezpieczeń zawartości, dyrektywa „{0}”",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania DOM",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania Instrumentacji błędów WebGL, błąd „{0}”",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Wstrzymane przy żądaniu XMLHttpRequest lub pobieraniu",
"Paused on assert": "Wstrzymane przy asercji",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania",
"Paused on debug() call": "Wstrzymane przy wywołaniu metody debug()",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Wstrzymane z powodu instrukcji debugera",
"Paused on event listener": "Wstrzymane na odbiorniku zdarzeń",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania detektora zdarzeń „{0}”, wyzwolono na „{1}”",
"Paused on exception": "Wstrzymane w przypadku wyjątku",
"Paused on frame entry": "Wstrzymane przy zapisie ramki",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania instrumentacji",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Wstrzymane w punkcie przerwania Instrumentacji „{0}”",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Wstrzymane z powodu odrzucenia obietnicy",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Wybierz punkt przerwania",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Wybierz proces node.js, do którego ma nastąpić dołączenie",
"Please enter a number": "Wprowadź liczbę",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Wprowadź liczbę większą niż 1",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Zatrzymaj uruchomiony profil przed rozpoczęciem nowego.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Niepowodzenie selektora procesu ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Czas trwania profilu w sekundach, na przykład „5”",
"Profiling": "Profilowanie",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Profilowanie z włączonymi punktami przerwania może zmienić wydajność kodu. Może to być przydatne, aby zweryfikować swoje ustalenia za pomocą warunków zakończenia „duration” lub „manual”.",
"Read More": "Dowiedz się więcej",
"Request Animation Frame": "Zażądaj ramki animacji",
"Resume AudioContext": "Wznów element AudioContext",
"Return value": "Wartość zwracana",
"Run Current File": "Uruchom bieżący plik",
"Run Script: {0}": "Uruchom skrypt: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Uruchom przez określony czas",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Uruchom do momentu trafienia określonego punktu przerwania",
"Run until manually stopped": "Uruchom do ręcznego zatrzymania",
"Saving": "Zapisywanie",
"Script": "Skrypt",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Skrypt zablokowany przez zasady zabezpieczeń zawartości",
"Script First Statement": "Pierwsza instrukcja skryptu",
"Select a tab": "Wybierz kartę",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Wybierz bieżący katalog roboczy dla nowego terminalu",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Wybierz stronę, na której chcesz otworzyć program Dev Tools",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Wybierz sesję, którą chcesz sprawdzić:",
"Set innerHTML": "Ustaw parametr innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Pominięte przez skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Pominięte przez smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Niektóre punkty przerwania mogą nie działać w twojej wersji środowiska Node.js. Zalecamy uaktualnienie w celu uzyskania najnowszych poprawek błędów, wydajności i zabezpieczeń. Szczegóły:",
"Source not a source map": "Źródło nie jest mapą źródła",
"Source not found": "Nie znaleziono źródła",
"Stack frame not found": "Nie znaleziono ramki stosu",
"Starting profile...": "Trwa uruchamianie profilu...",
"Stopping profile...": "Trwa zatrzymywanie profilu...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Wstrzymaj element AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Błąd składniowy ustawiania punktu przerwania z warunkiem {0} w wierszu {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Nie znaleziono strony docelowej. W celu dopasowania do strony, która ma być debugowana, może być konieczna aktualizacja parametru „urlFilter”.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "Wersja oprogramowania Node w „{0}” jest nieaktualna (wersja {1}), wymagamy co najmniej wersji oprogramowania Node 8.x.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "Podany adres URL jest nieprawidłowy",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Skonfigurowany katalog „cwd” {0} nie istnieje.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Skonfigurowany element „cwd” {0} nie jest folderem.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "To jest brakująca ścieżka do pliku przywoływana przez mapę źródła. Czy zamiast tego chcesz debugować skompilowaną wersję?",
"Thread is not paused": "Wątek nie został wstrzymany",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Wątek nie został wstrzymany w przypadku wyjątku",
"Thread not found": "Nie znaleziono wątku",
"Type of profile:": "Typ profilu:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Debugowanie widoku internetowego platformy UWP nie jest dostępne na Twojej platformie.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Nie można dołączyć do przeglądarki",
"Unable to evaluate": "Nie można obliczyć",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Nie można obliczyć w asynchronicznej ramce stosu",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Nie można odnaleźć instalacji przeglądarki w systemie. Spróbuj ją zainstalować lub podać ścieżkę bezwzględną do przeglądarki w parametrze „runtimeExecutable” w pliku launch.json.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Nie można znaleźć elementu {0} w wersji {1}. Dostępne automatycznie wykrywane wersje to: {2}. Możesz ustawić wartość „runtimeExecutable” w pliku launch.json na jedną z nich lub podać bezwzględną ścieżkę do pliku wykonywalnego przeglądarki.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Nie można uruchomić przeglądarki: „{0}”",
"Unable to pause": "Nie można wstrzymać",
"Unable to pretty print": "Nie można wyświetlić widoku strukturalnego",
"Unable to resume": "Nie można wznowić",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Nie można pobrać zawartości źródłowej",
"Unable to set variable value": "Nie można ustawić wartości zmiennej",
"Unable to step in": "Nie można wkroczyć",
"Unable to step next": "Nie można przygotować kolejnego elementu",
"Unable to step out": "Nie można wyjść",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Niepowiązany punkt przerwania",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Nieprzechwycone wyjątki",
"Unknown error": "Nieznany błąd",
"Variable not found": "Nie znaleziono zmiennej",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Zmienne niedostępne w stosach asynchronicznych",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "OSTRZEŻENIE: Przetwarzanie map źródeł elementu {0} trwało dłużej niż {1} ms, więc kontynuowaliśmy wykonywanie bez oczekiwania na ustawienie wszystkich punktów przerwania dla skryptu.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Z tego miejsca nie możemy uruchomić przeglądarki w trybie debugowania. Jeśli chcesz debugować tę stronę internetową, otwórz ten obszar roboczy z programu VS Code na pulpicie.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Z tego miejsca nie można uruchomić przeglądarki w trybie debugowania. Otwórz ten obszar roboczy w programie VS Code na pulpicie, aby włączyć debugowanie.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Wyzwolono błąd WebGL",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Wyzwolono ostrzeżenie WebGL",
"With Block": "Z blokiem",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Czy chcesz zapisać konfigurację w pliku launch.json, aby ułatwić dostęp w przyszłości?",
"Yes": "Tak",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Musisz otworzyć folder obszaru roboczego, aby debugować skrypty menedżera npm.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Używasz nieaktualnej wersji Node.js. Zalecamy uaktualnienie na potrzeby najnowszych poprawek dotyczących usterek, wydajności i zabezpieczeń.",
"an old debug session": "stara sesja debugowania",
"path does not exist": "ścieżka nie istnieje",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "identyfikator procesu: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "identyfikator procesu: {0}, port debugowania: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "Wywołano funkcję setInterval",
"setTimeout fired": "Wywołano funkcję setTimeout",
"the configured userDataDir": "skonfigurowany parametr userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (nie można było opisać: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Kliknij, aby zatrzymać profilowanie",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Kliknij, aby zatrzymać profilowanie (sesje: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Kliknij, aby zatrzymać profilowanie ({1})"
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Adicionar Ponto de Interrupção do Navegador",
"attach.node.process": "Anexar ao Processo do Node",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Uma lista de sessões de depuração que, quando esta sessão de depuração for terminada, também será interrompida.",
"browser.address.description": "Endereço IP ou nome do host no qual o navegador depurado está escutando.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Porta a ser usada para depuração remota do navegador, dada como `--remote-debugging-port` ao iniciar o navegador.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "URL base para resolver os caminhos baseUrl. baseURL é aparado ao mapear URLs para os arquivos no disco. O padrão é o domínio da URL de inicialização.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Força o navegador a se anexar a uma localização. Em um workspace remoto (por meio de ssh ou WSL, por exemplo), isso pode ser usado para anexar a um navegador no computador remoto, em vez de localmente.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Força o navegador a ser iniciado em uma localização. Em um workspace remoto (por meio de ssh ou WSL, por exemplo), isso pode ser usado para abrir o navegador no computador remoto, em vez de localmente.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Qual limpeza será feita após a conclusão da sessão de depuração. Feche apenas a guia que está sendo depurada e não todo o navegador.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Diretório de trabalho opcional para o executável do runtime.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controla se deve ignorar o cache de rede para cada solicitação",
"browser.env.description": "Dicionário opcional de pares de chaves/valor de ambiente para o navegador.",
"browser.file.description": "Um arquivo html local a ser aberto no navegador",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Avançado: se algum argumento de inicialização/depuração padrão está definido no navegador. O depurador assumirá que o navegador usará a depuração de pipe, como a fornecida com `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Formato a ser usado para reescrever o inspectUri: é uma cadeia de caracteres de modelo que interpola chaves em `{curlyBraces}`. As chaves disponíveis são:\r\n – `url.*` é o endereço analisado do aplicativo em execução. Por exemplo, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n – `port` é a porta de depuração na qual o Chrome está escutando. \r\n– `browserInspectUri` é o URI do inspetor no navegador iniciado\r\n – `browserInspectUriPath` é a parte de caminho do URI do inspetor no navegador iniciado (por exemplo: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n – `wsProtocol` é o protocolo do WebSocket com dica. Ele será configurado como `wss` se a URL original for `https`, caso contrário, ele será configurado como `ws`.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Porta para o navegador escutar. O padrão é \"0\", o que fará com que o navegador seja depurado por pipes, o que é geralmente mais seguro e deve ser escolhido a menos que você precise anexar ao navegador usando outra ferramenta.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "Um mapeamento de URLs/caminhos para pastas locais, para resolver scripts no Navegador para scripts em disco",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Se os scripts são carregados individualmente como sourcemaps exclusivos contendo o nome base do arquivo de origem. Essa opção pode ser definida para otimizar o tratamento do sourcemap ao lidar com muitos scripts pequenos. Se ela for definida como \"auto\", detectaremos casos conhecidos em que essa opção é apropriada.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Se true, iniciará a criação de perfil assim que o processo for iniciado",
"browser.restart": "Se será necessário reconectar se a conexão do navegador estiver fechada",
"browser.revealPage": "Guia de Foco",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Argumentos opcionais passados para o executável do runtime.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' ou caminho para o executável do navegador. Personalizado significa um wrapper personalizado, um build personalizado ou a variável de ambiente EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Uma matriz de nomes de arquivos ou pastas, ou globs de caminho, a serem ignorados durante a depuração. Padrões de estrela e negações são permitidos, por exemplo, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Percorre automaticamente linhas não mapeadas em arquivos com sourcemap. Por exemplo, o código que o TypeScript produz automaticamente ao fazer \"downcompile\" de async/await ou de outros recursos.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Um conjunto de mapeamentos para regravar os locais dos arquivos de origem indicados pelo sourcemap, para seus respectivos locais no disco. Confira o LEIAME para obter detalhes.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Se usar o mapeamento de \"nomes\" nos sourcemaps. Isso requer a solicitação de conteúdo de origem, o que pode ser lento com determinados depuradores.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Usar os source maps JavaScript (caso haja algum).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Se deve ser anexado a todos os destinos que correspondam ao filtro de URL (\"automatic\") ou solicitar a seleção de um (\"pick\").",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Procurará uma guia com esta url exata e anexará a ela, se encontrado",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Pesquisará uma página com essa URL e a anexará a ela, se encontrada. Pode ter * curingas.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Por padrão, o navegador é iniciado com um perfil de usuário separado em uma pasta temporária. Use essa opção para substituí-la. Defina como false para iniciar com seu perfil de usuário padrão. Um novo navegador não poderá ser iniciado se uma instância já estiver sendo executada a partir do `UserDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Uma lista de padrões glob de arquivo para localizar os componentes `*.vue`. Por padrão, pesquisa todo o workspace. Isso precisa ser especificado devido a pesquisas extras que os sourcemaps do Vue exigem na CLI 4 do Vue. Você pode desabilitar esse processamento especial definindo-o como uma matriz vazia.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Especifica o caminho absoluto do workspace para a raiz do servidor Web. Usado para resolver caminhos, como '/app.js', para arquivos no disco. A abreviação de um pathMapping como \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Anexar a uma instância do Chrome já no modo depuração",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Anexar",
"chrome.label": "Aplicativo Web (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Inicie o Chrome para depurar uma URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Iniciar",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Excluir chamador",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Excluir o chamador da pausa no local atual",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Vá para o local do chamador",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Vá para o local de destino",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remover o chamador excluído",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remover todos os chamadores excluídos",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Desabilitar Etapa Mapeada de Origem",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Habilitar Etapa Mapeada de Origem",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configura quais processos serão anexados e depurados automaticamente quando `#debug.node.autoAttach#` estiver ativado. Um processo do Node iniciado com o sinalizador `--inspect` sempre receberá um anexo, independentemente desta configuração.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Anexar automaticamente a cada processo do Node.js iniciado no terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "A anexação automática está desativada e não é mostrada na barra de status. ",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Somente anexar automaticamente quando o `--inspect` for fornecido.",
"": "Anexar automaticamente ao executar scripts que não estão em uma pasta node_modules.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configura padrões glob para determinar quando fazer a anexação no modo \"inteligente\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#`. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` é substituído por uma lista de nomes de executores comuns de código e de teste. [Leia mais nos documentos do VS Code](",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Se deve parar quando os pontos de interrupção condicionais lançam um erro.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the debug terminal. Can be set to \"false\" to disable this behavior.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Se não for especificada, esta opção será o `runtimeExecutable` padrão usado para configurações de inicialização. Ela pode ser usada para configurar caminhos personalizados para o Node.js ou para as instalações do navegador.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Onde uma lente de código \"Executar\" e \"Depurar\" deve ser mostrada nos seus scripts npm. Pode estar em \"todos\" os scripts, na \"parte superior\" da seção de scripts ou \"nunca\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opções padrão usadas durante a depuração de um processo usando o comando `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process`",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opções de solicitação a serem usadas ao carregar recursos, como source maps, no depurador. Talvez seja necessário configurá-las se os sourcemaps exigem autenticação ou usam um certificado autoassinado, por exemplo. As opções são usadas para criar uma solicitação com a biblioteca [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nUm caso comum para desabilitar a verificação de certificado pode ser feito passando `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Opções de inicialização padrão para o terminal de depuração JavaScript e scripts npm.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configura se o arquivo sourcemapped em que o arquivo original não pode ser lido será desmapeado automaticamente. Se essa configuração for false (padrão), um prompt será exibido.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnosticar Problemas de Ponto de Interrupção",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Personalizar a descrição textual que o depurador mostra para objetos (variáveis locais etc.). Amostras:\r\n 1. this.toString() // chamará toString para imprimir todos os objetos\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use o método customDescription se disponível, se não retornar defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use o método customDescription, se disponível, se não retornar defaultValue\r\n",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Personalize as propriedades mostradas para um objeto no depurador (variáveis locais, etc...). Exemplos:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Adicionar uma extraProperty 12345 a todos os objetos\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Usar o método customProperties, se disponível, caso contrário, usar as propriedades em this (as propriedades padrão)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Usar o método customDescription, se disponível, caso contrário, retornar as propriedades padrão\r\n\r\n Preterido: esta é uma implementação temporária deste recurso até que haja tempo para implementá-lo da maneira descrita aqui:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Editar package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "Nenhum script npm encontrado no seu package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Você precisa abrir uma pasta da área de trabalho para depurar scripts npm.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Não foi possível ler {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Depurar o Script do npm",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Anexar ao Processo de Terminal do Node.js",
"debug.terminal.label": "Terminal de Depuração de JavaScript",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Comando para executar no terminal Inicializado. Se não for fornecido, o terminal será aberto sem a inicialização de um programa.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Executar \"npm start\" em um terminal de depuração",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Ativar/Desativar Anexo de Terminal Automático do Node.js",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[Terminal de Depuração do JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nVocê pode usar o Terminal de Depuração do JavaScript para depurar os processos do Node.js executados na linha de comando.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[Terminal de Depuração do JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nVocê pode usar o Terminal de Depuração do JavaScript para depurar os processos do Node.js executados na linha de comando.\r\n\r\n[URL de Depuração](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Alguns de seus pontos de interrupção não puderam ser definidos. Se estiver com problemas, você pode [solucionar problemas de configuração de inicialização](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Abrir Link",
"edge.address.description": "Ao depurar modos de exibição da Web, o endereço IP ou o nome do host no qual o modo de exibição da Web está escutando. Será descoberto automaticamente se não estiver definido.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Anexar",
"edge.label": "Aplicativo Web (Edge)",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Iniciar",
"edge.port.description": "Ao depurar modos de exibição da Web, a porta na qual o depurador do modo de exibição da Web está escutando. Será descoberto automaticamente se não estiver definido.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Um objeto contendo o `pipeName` de um pipe de depuração para um Webview2 hospedado em UWP. Este é o \"MyTestSharedMemory\" ao criar o pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Quando 'verdadeiro', o depurador tratará o executável de tempo de execução como um aplicativo host que contém um WebView, permitindo que você depure o conteúdo do script WebView.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Ativa/desativa se deve ser feita uma verificação se os conteúdos dos arquivos no disco correspondem aos carregados no runtime. Isso é útil em uma variedade de cenários e exigido em alguns, mas poderá causar problemas se você tiver transformação de scripts do lado do servidor, por exemplo.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: tempo limite após {1} ms",
"extension.description": "Uma extensão para depurar programas Node.js e Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Desenvolvimento de Extensão do VS Code",
"": "Iniciar a Extensão",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configura se devemos tentar anexar ao host de extensão do web worker.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configura se devemos tentar anexar a exibições da Web na instância de VS Code inicializada. Isso só funcionará na área de trabalho VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Variáveis de ambiente passadas para o host de extensão.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Opções de inicialização do Chrome usadas ao anexar ao processo do renderizador, com `debugWebviews` ou `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Caminho absoluto para o VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Parar o host de extensão automaticamente após a inicialização.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Iniciar uma extensão do VS Code no modo de depuração",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Desenvolvimento de Extensão do VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Salvar Logs de Depuração JS de Diagnóstico",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Não mostrar novamente",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Está demorando um pouco para configurar seus pontos de interrupção. Você pode acelerar isso atualizando os 'outFiles' em seu launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Nenhuma pasta de espaço de trabalho aberta.",
"": "Abrir launch.json",
"node.address.description": "Endereço TCP/IP do processo a ser depurado. O padrão é 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Se deve tentar conectar-se a processos filhos já gerados.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Se as variáveis de ambiente devem ser definidas no processo anexado para rastrear filhos gerados.",
"": "Anexar",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID do processo usada para anexar.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Tentar se reconectar com o programa se a conexão for perdida. Se definido como `true`, tentaremos uma vez por segundo, para sempre. Você pode personalizar o intervalo e o número máximo de tentativas especificando `delay` e `maxAttempts` em um objeto.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Se definido, será anexado ao processo por meio da porta especificada. Isso geralmente não é mais necessário para programas do Node.js e perde a capacidade de depurar processos filho, mas pode ser útil em cenários diferentes, como com inicializações Deno e Docker. Se definido como 0, uma porta aleatória será escolhida e --inspect-brk será adicionado aos argumentos de inicialização automaticamente.",
"node.console.title": "Console de Depuração do Node",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Não defina pontos de interrupção em nenhum arquivo até que um sourcemap seja carregado nesse arquivo.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configura se um mecanismo novo e mais rápido deve ser usado para a descoberta de sourcemap",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configura como os processos de depuração são encerrado quando a sessão é interrompida. Pode ser:\r\n\r\n– forceful (padrão): divide a árvore de processos de maneira forçada. Envia SIGKILL no posix ou `taskkill.exe /F` no Windows.\r\n– polite: divide normalmente a árvore de processos. É possível que a execução de processos de comportamento inadequado continue após esse tipo de desligamento. Envia SIGTERM no posix ou `taskkill.exe` sem nenhum sinalizador `/F` (forçar) no Windows.\r\n– none: não ocorrerá nenhum encerramento.",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Argumentos da linha de comando passados para o programa.\r\n\r\nNão é possível ser uma matriz de cadeias de caracteres ou uma única cadeia de caracteres. Quando o programa é iniciado em um terminal, definir essa propriedade como uma única cadeia de caracteres fará com que os argumentos não sejam escapados para o shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Anexar automaticamente o depurador a novos processos filho.",
"": "Iniciar",
"node.launch.console.description": "A localização na qual o destino de depuração será iniciado.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Terminal externo que pode ser configurado por meio das configurações de usuário",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "Terminal integrado do VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "Console de Depuração do VS Code (que não dá suporte à leitura da entrada de um programa)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Caminho absoluto para o diretório de trabalho do programa que está sendo depurado. Se você definir localRoot, cwd corresponderá ao valor, caso contrário, retornará para workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Variáveis de ambiente passadas para o programa. O valor `null` remove a variável do ambiente.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Caminho absoluto para um arquivo que contém as definições de variável de ambiente.",
"node.launch.logging": "Configuração de registro em log",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Caminho para o arquivo de log das mensagens do Protocolo Chrome DevTools",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Caminho para o arquivo de log para mensagens do Debug Adapter Protocol",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "De onde capturar as mensagens de saída: a API de depuração padrão, se definida como `console`, ou os fluxos stdout/stderr, se definida como `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Caminho absoluto para o programa. O valor gerado é deduzido olhando para package.json e os arquivos abertos. Edite esse atributo.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Tente reiniciar o programa se ele sair com um código de saída diferente de zero.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Argumentos opcionais passados para o executável do runtime.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "O runtime a ser usado. Um caminho absoluto ou o nome de um runtime disponível em PATH. Se omitido, será presumido `node`.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Uma lista de padrões nos quais inserir manualmente os pontos de interrupção do ponto de entrada. Isso pode ser útil para dar ao depurador a oportunidade de definir pontos de interrupção ao usar mapas de origem que não existem ou não podem ser detectados antes do lançamento, como [com o Serverless framework]( -js-debug/issues/492).",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Versão do runtime `node` a ser usada. Exige `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' foi preterido e o suporte para ele será removido. Use a extensão 'Remote – WSL'.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use o Subsistema do Windows para Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Caminho para o diretório local que contém o programa.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Se é necessário aguardar o carregamento dos mapas de origem para cada script recebido. Isso tem uma sobrecarga de desempenho e pode ser desativado com segurança ao ficar sem disco, desde que o `rootPath` não esteja desativado.",
"node.port.description": "A porta de depuração usada para anexar. O padrão é 9229.",
"": "Anexar ao Processo",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Se true, iniciará a criação de perfil assim que o processo for iniciado",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Caminho absoluto para o diretório remoto que contém o programa.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Uma lista de padrões de minimatch para locais (pastas e URLs) em que mapas de origem podem ser usados para resolver arquivos locais. Isso pode ser usado para evitar quebrar incorretamente o código mapeado de origem externa. Padrões podem ser prefixados com \"!\" para excluí-los. Pode ser definido como uma matriz vazia ou nula para evitar a restrição.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Mostrar as chamadas assíncronas que levaram à pilha de chamadas atual.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Anexar a um programa de nó em execução",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Anexar",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Abrir o seletor de processos para selecionar o processo de nó ao qual anexar",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Anexar ao Processo",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Depurar o processo principal do Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Página Principal do Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Depurar a tarefa gulp (verifique se há um gulp local instalado no seu projeto)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Tarefa gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Iniciar um programa de nó no modo de depuração",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Iniciar o Programa",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Depurar testes moca",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Testes Moca",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Usar nodemon para reiniciar uma sessão de depuração nas alterações de origem",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Instalação do Nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Iniciar um programa de nó por meio de um script `debug` do npm",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: iniciar pelo npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Anexar à porta de depuração de um programa de nó remoto",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Anexar ao Programa Remoto",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Depurar o gerador de yeoman (instalar executando `npm link` na pasta do projeto)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Gerador de yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Um conjunto de mapeamentos para regravar os locais dos arquivos de origem indicados pelo sourcemap nos respectivos locais no disco.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Usar os source maps JavaScript (caso haja algum).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Parar o programa automaticamente após a inicialização.",
"node.timeout.description": "Repetir a conexão com o Node.js após esse número de milissegundos. O padrão é 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Permite que você especifique explicitamente a versão do Nó que está em execução, que pode ser usada para desabilitar ou habilitar determinados comportamentos em casos que a detecção de versão automática não funciona.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Endereço exato do websocket ao qual anexar. Se não for especificado, ele será descoberto pelo endereço e porta.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Abrir Devtools do Navegador",
"outFiles.description": "Quando os source maps estão habilitados, esses padrões glob especificam os arquivos JavaScript gerados. Quando um padrão começa com '!', os arquivos são excluídos. Quando não especificado, o código gerado é esperado no mesmo diretório que sua origem.",
"pretty.print.script": "Impressão bonita para depuração",
"profile.start": "Iniciar Perfil de Desempenho",
"profile.stop": "Parar Perfil de Desempenho",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remover Ponto de Interrupção do Navegador",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remover todos os pontos de interrupção do navegador",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Solicitar Proxy de CDP para Sessão de Depuração",
"skipFiles.description": "Uma matriz de padrões glob para arquivos a serem ignorados durante a depuração. O padrão `<node_internals>/**` corresponde a todos os módulos de Node.js internos.",
"smartStep.description": "Percorrer automaticamente o código gerado que não pode ser mapeado novamente para a origem original.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Iniciar a Depuração e Interromper na Entrada",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Iniciar a Depuração e Interromper na Entrada",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Tempos limite para várias operações de depurador.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Tempos limite para várias operações de depurador.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Tempo até que a avaliação de valor para símbolos focalizados seja anulada. Se definido como 0, a avaliação de foco nunca expira.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Tempos limite relacionados a operações de sourcemaps.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Tempo extra em milissegundos permitido por sessão a ser gasto esperando que os sourcemaps sejam processados, após o tempo mínimo (sourceMapMinPause) ter sido esgotado",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Tempo mínimo em milissegundos gasto aguardando o processamento de cada sourcemap quando um script está sendo analisado",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Ativar/desativar a opção de Ignorar este Arquivo",
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configura qual saída de diagnóstico é produzida.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configura onde os logs são gravados no disco.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "A confiança é necessária para depurar o código nesse espaço de trabalho."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Uma sessão de criação de perfil já está em execução. Deseja pará-la e iniciar uma nova sessão?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Ajuste os padrões glob no atributo 'outFiles' para que eles abranjam o JavaScript gerado.",
"Always": "Sempre",
"Always in this Workspace": "Sempre neste Workspace",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Ocorreu um erro ao fazer um perfil do destino.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Quadro de Animação Acionado",
"Assertion failed": "Falha na declaração",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Anexar ao processo: '{0}' não parece uma ID de processo.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Anexar ao processo: não é possível habilitar o modo de depuração para o processo '{0}' ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "O atributo 'runtimeVersion' exige o gerenciador de versão 'nvm-windows' ou 'nvs' do Node.js.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "O atributo 'runtimeVersion' exige a instalação do gerenciador de versões 'nvs' ou 'nvm' do Node.js.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "O atributo 'runtimeVersion' com um tipo/arquitetura requer que 'nvs' seja instalado.",
"Block": "Bloquear",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Ocorre uma interrupção em todos os erros gerados, mesmo que eles sejam capturados mais tarde.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Interrompe somente erros ou rejeições de promessa que não são tratadas.",
"CPU Profile": "Perfil de CPU",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Perfil da CPU salvo como \"{0}\" na pasta do workspace",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Violação de CSP \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Não é possível localizar o binário \"{0}\" do Node.js: {1}. Certifique-se de que o Node.js está instalado e no CAMINHO ou defina \"runtimeExecutable\" em seu launch.json",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Não é possível carregar as variáveis de ambiente do arquivo ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Cancelar Quadro de Animação",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Não é possível se conectar ao destino em {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Não é possível encontrar um programa a ser depurado",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Não é possível iniciar o destino de depuração no terminal ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Não é possível reiniciar quadro assíncrono",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Não é possível definir um valor vazio",
"Catch Block": "Capturar Bloco",
"Caught Exceptions": "Exceções Capturadas",
"Close AudioContext": "Fechar AudioContext",
"Closure": "Fechamento",
"Closure ({0})": "Fechamento ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Perfil do console iniciado",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Não foi possível conectar a nenhum pipe UWP Webview. Certifique-se de que sua visualização da web esteja hospedada no modo de depuração e que o `pipeName` em seu `launch.json` esteja correto.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Não foi possível consultar o objeto fornecido",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Não foi possível ler o source map para {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Não foi possível ler {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Criar AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "Criar contexto de tela",
"Debug Anyway": "Depurar Assim Mesmo",
"Debug URL": "Depurar URL",
"Details": "Detalhes",
"Don't show again": "Não mostrar novamente",
"Duration": "Duração",
"Duration of Profile": "Duração do Perfil",
"Edit package.json": "Editar package.json",
"Eval": "Avaliar",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Não foi possível reiniciar o quadro",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gera um arquivo .cpuprofile que você pode abrir no devtools do Chrome",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gera um arquivo .heapprofile que você pode abrir nas ferramentas de desenvolvimento do Chrome",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gera um arquivo .heapsnapshot que você pode abrir nas ferramentas de desenvolvimento do Chrome",
"Global": "Global",
"Got it!": "Entendido!",
"Heap Profile": "Perfil de Heap",
"Heap Snapshot": "Instantâneo de Heap",
"How long to run the profile:": "Por quanto tempo o perfil será executado:",
"Ignore": "Ignorar",
"Invalid expression": "Expressão inválida",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Condição de hit \"{0}\" inválida. Esperada uma expressão como \"> 42\" ou \"= = 2\".",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Parece que um navegador já está sendo executado de {0}. Feche-o antes de tentar depurar, caso contrário o VS Code talvez não conseguirá se conectar a ele.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Parece que sua sessão de depuração já terminou. Tente depurar novamente e, em seguida, execute o comando \"Depurar: Diagnosticar Problemas de Ponto de Interrupção\".",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Está demorando um pouco para configurar seus pontos de interrupção. Você pode acelerar isso atualizando os 'outFiles' em seu launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Terminal de Depuração de JavaScript",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Adaptador de depuração do JavaScript",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Iniciar o Chrome em relação a localhost",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Iniciar o Edge em relação a localhost",
"Launch Program": "Iniciar o Programa",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Configuração de inicialização criada com base em 'package.json'.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "A configuração de inicialização para o projeto do '{0}' foi criada.",
"Local": "Local",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Conexão com o depurador perdida, reconectando-se em {0}ms\r\n",
"Manual": "Manual",
"Module": "Módulo",
"Never": "Nunca",
"No": "Não",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Nenhum script npm encontrado no seu package.json",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Nenhum arquivo package.json encontrado em seu espaço de trabalho.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Nenhuma pasta de espaço de trabalho aberta.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Versão '{0}' do Node.js não instalada usando o gerenciador de versões {1}.",
"Not Now": "Agora Não",
"Only objects can be queried": "Somente objetos podem ser consultados",
"Open launch.json": "Abrir launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "A saída foi truncada para os primeiros {0} caracteres. Execute '{1}' para copiar a saída completa.",
"Paused": "Em pausa",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Em pausa antes da exceção de Memória Insuficiente",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção de instrumentação de violação da Política de Segurança de Conteúdo, diretiva \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção DOM",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção de instrumentação do Erro de WebGL, erro \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Em pausa em XMLHttpRequest ou fetch",
"Paused on assert": "Em pausa em assert",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção",
"Paused on debug() call": "Em pausa na chamada de debug()",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Em pausa na instrução do depurador",
"Paused on event listener": "Em pausa no ouvinte de eventos",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção \"{0}\" do ouvinte de eventos, disparado em \"{1}\"",
"Paused on exception": "Em pausa na exceção",
"Paused on frame entry": "Em pausa na entrada do quadro",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção de instrumentação",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Em pausa no ponto de interrupção de instrumentação \"{0}\"",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Em pausa na rejeição da promessa",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Selecionar Ponto de Interrupção",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Selecionar o processo do node.js ao qual anexar",
"Please enter a number": "Insira um número",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Insira um valor maior que 1",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Pare o perfil em execução antes de iniciar um novo.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Falha no seletor de processos ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Duração do perfil em segundos, por exemplo, \"5\"",
"Profiling": "Criação de perfil",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "A criação de perfil com pontos de interrupção habilitados pode alterar o desempenho do código. Pode ser útil validar suas descobertas com as condições de término \"duration\" ou \"manual\".",
"Read More": "Saiba Mais",
"Request Animation Frame": "Solicitar Quadro de Animação",
"Resume AudioContext": "Retomar AudioContext",
"Return value": "Valor retornado",
"Run Current File": "Executar Arquivo Atual",
"Run Script: {0}": "Executar Script: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Executar por um período de tempo específico",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Executar até que um ponto de interrupção específico seja atingido",
"Run until manually stopped": "Executar até ser parado manualmente",
"Saving": "Salvando",
"Script": "Script",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Script Bloqueado pela Política de Segurança de Conteúdo",
"Script First Statement": "Primeira Instrução do Script",
"Select a tab": "Selecionar uma guia",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Selecionar diretório de trabalho atual para o novo terminal",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Selecione a página onde você deseja abrir as ferramentas devtools",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Selecione a sessão que você deseja inspecionar:",
"Set innerHTML": "Definir innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Ignorado por skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Ignorado por smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Alguns pontos de interrupção podem não funcionar na sua versão do Node.js. Recomendamos a atualização para as últimas correções de bug, desempenho e segurança. Detalhes:",
"Source not a source map": "A origem não é uma source map",
"Source not found": "Origem não encontrada",
"Stack frame not found": "Registro de ativação não encontrado",
"Starting profile...": "Iniciando o perfil...",
"Stopping profile...": "Interrompendo o perfil...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Suspender AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Erro de sintaxe ao definir o ponto de interrupção com a condição {0} na linha {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Página de destino não encontrada. Talvez seja necessário atualizar seu \"urlFilter\" para corresponder à página que você deseja depurar.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "A versão do Node em \"{0}\" está desatualizada (versão {1}), exigimos pelo menos o Node 8.x.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "A URL fornecida é inválida",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "O 'cwd' configurado {0} não existe.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "O `cwd` configurado {0} não é uma pasta.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Este é um caminho de arquivo ausente referenciado por um sourcemap. Nesse caso, deseja depurar a versão compilada?",
"Thread is not paused": "O thread não está em pausa",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "O thread não está em pausa na exceção",
"Thread not found": "Thread não encontrado",
"Type of profile:": "Tipo de perfil:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "A depuração de visualização da web UWP não está disponível em sua plataforma.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Não é possível anexar ao navegador",
"Unable to evaluate": "Não é possível avaliar",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Não é possível avaliar o registro de ativação assíncrono",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Não é possível localizar uma instalação do navegador no sistema. Tente instalá-lo ou forneça um caminho absoluto para o navegador em \"runtimeExecutable\" em seu launch.json.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Não é possível localizar o {0} versão {1}. As versões descobertas automaticamente disponíveis são: {2}. É possível definir o \"runtimeExecutable\" em seu launch.json para uma dessas versões ou fornecer um caminho absoluto para o executável do navegador.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Não é possível iniciar o navegador: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Não é possível pausar",
"Unable to pretty print": "Não é possível imprimir reformatação",
"Unable to resume": "Não é possível retomar",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Não é possível recuperar conteúdo de origem",
"Unable to set variable value": "Não é possível definir o valor da variável",
"Unable to step in": "Não é possível executar depuração total",
"Unable to step next": "Não é possível entrar em seguida",
"Unable to step out": "Não é possível executar depuração circular",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Ponto de interrupção não associado",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Exceções Não Capturadas",
"Unknown error": "Erro desconhecido",
"Variable not found": "Variável não encontrada",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Variáveis não disponíveis em pilhas assíncronas",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "AVISO: o processamento dos sourcemaps de {0} levou mais de {1} ms, portanto, continuamos a execução sem aguardar que todos os pontos de interrupção do script sejam definidos.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Não é possível iniciar um navegador no modo de depuração aqui. Se você quiser depurar esta página da Web, abra este workspace no VS Code em sua área de trabalho.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Não é possível iniciar um navegador no modo de depuração aqui. Abra este workspace no VS Code em sua área de trabalho para habilitar a depuração.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Erro de WebGL Acionado",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Aviso de WebGL Acionado",
"With Block": "Bloco Com",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Deseja salvar uma configuração no launch.json para obter acesso fácil posteriormente?",
"Yes": "Sim",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Você precisa abrir uma pasta da área de trabalho para depurar scripts npm.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Você está executando uma versão desatualizada do Node.js. Recomendamos a atualização para obter as correções de últimos bugs, desempenho e segurança mais recentes.",
"an old debug session": "uma sessão de depuração antiga",
"path does not exist": "o caminho não existe",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "id do processo: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "id do processo: {0}, porta de depuração: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval acionado",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout acionado",
"the configured userDataDir": "o userDataDir configurado",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (não foi possível descrever: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Clique para Criação de Perfil",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Clique para Interromper a Criação de Perfil ({1} sessões)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Clique para Interromper a Criação de Perfil ({1})"
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
"node.port.description": "Ðëþµg pørt tø ættæçh tø. Ðëfæµlt ïs 9229.",
"": "Ættæçh tø Prøçëss",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Ïf trµë, wïll stært prøfïlïñg æs søøñ æs thë prøçëss læµñçhës",
"": "Ëxplïçït Høst hëæðër tø µsë whëñ çøññëçtïñg tø thë wëþsøçkët øf ïñspëçtør. Ïf µñspëçïfïëð, thë høst hëæðër wïll þë sët tø 'løçælhøst'. Thïs ïs µsëfµl whëñ thë ïñspëçtør ïs rµññïñg þëhïñð æ prøxÿ thæt øñlÿ æççëpt pærtïçµlær Høst hëæðër.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Æþsølµtë pæth tø thë rëmøtë ðïrëçtørÿ çøñtæïñïñg thë prøgræm.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Æ lïst øf mïñïmætçh pættërñs før løçætïøñs (følðërs æñð ÜR£s) ïñ whïçh søµrçë mæps çæñ þë µsëð tø rësølvë løçæl fïlës. Thïs çæñ þë µsëð tø ævøïð ïñçørrëçtlÿ þrëækïñg ïñ ëxtërñæl søµrçë mæppëð çøðë. Pættërñs çæñ þë prëfïxëð wïth \"!\" tø ëxçlµðë thëm. Mæÿ þë sët tø æñ ëmptÿ ærræÿ ør ñµll tø ævøïð rëstrïçtïøñ.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "§høw thë æsÿñç çælls thæt lëð tø thë çµrrëñt çæll stæçk.",
@ -212,195 +213,6 @@
"trace.logFile.description": "Çøñfïgµrës whërë øñ ðïsk løgs ærë wrïttëñ.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whëthër tø rëtµrñ træçë ðætæ frøm thë læµñçhëð æpplïçætïøñ ør þrøwsër.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trµst ïs rëqµïrëð tø ðëþµg çøðë ïñ thïs wørkspæçë."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Æ prøfïlïñg sëssïøñ ïs ælrëæðÿ rµññïñg, wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø støp ït æñð stært æ ñëw sëssïøñ?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Æðjµst gløþ pættërñ(s) ïñ thë 'øµtFïlës' ættrïþµtë sø thæt thëÿ çøvër thë gëñërætëð Jævæ§çrïpt.",
"Always": "Ælwæÿs",
"Always in this Workspace": "Ælwæÿs ïñ thïs Wørkspæçë",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Æñ ërrør øççµrrëð tækïñg æ prøfïlë frøm thë tærgët.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Æñïmætïøñ Fræmë Fïrëð",
"Assertion failed": "Æssërtïøñ fæïlëð",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Ættæçh tø prøçëss: '{0}' ðøësñ't løøk lïkë æ prøçëss ïð.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Ættæçh tø prøçëss: çæññøt ëñæþlë ðëþµg møðë før prøçëss '{0}' ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "Ættrïþµtë 'rµñtïmëVërsïøñ' rëqµïrës Ñøðë.js vërsïøñ mæñægër 'ñvm-wïñðøws' ør 'ñvs'.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "Ættrïþµtë 'rµñtïmëVërsïøñ' rëqµïrës Ñøðë.js vërsïøñ mæñægër 'ñvs' ør 'ñvm' tø þë ïñstællëð.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Ættrïþµtë 'rµñtïmëVërsïøñ' wïth æ flævør/ærçhïtëçtµrë rëqµïrës 'ñvs' tø þë ïñstællëð.",
"Block": "ßløçk",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "ßrëæks øñ æll thrøw ërrørs, ëvëñ ïf thëÿ'rë çæµght lætër.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "ßrëæks øñlÿ øñ ërrørs ør prømïsë rëjëçtïøñs thæt ærë ñøt hæñðlëð.",
"CPU Profile": "ÇPÜ Prøfïlë",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "ÇPÜ prøfïlë sævëð æs \"{0}\" ïñ ÿøµr wørkspæçë følðër",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "ǧP vïølætïøñ \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Çæñ't fïñð Ñøðë.js þïñærÿ \"{0}\": {1}. Mækë sµrë Ñøðë.js ïs ïñstællëð æñð ïñ ÿøµr PÆTH, ør sët thë \"rµñtïmëËxëçµtæþlë\" ïñ ÿøµr læµñçh.jsøñ",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Çæñ't løæð ëñvïrøñmëñt værïæþlës frøm fïlë ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Çæñçël Æñïmætïøñ Fræmë",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Çæññøt çøññëçt tø thë tærgët æt {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Çæññøt fïñð æ prøgræm tø ðëþµg",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Çæññøt læµñçh ðëþµg tærgët ïñ tërmïñæl ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Çæññøt rëstært æsÿñçhrøñøµs fræmë",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Çæññøt sët æñ ëmptÿ vælµë",
"Catch Block": "Çætçh ßløçk",
"Caught Exceptions": "Çæµght Ëxçëptïøñs",
"Close AudioContext": "Çløsë ƵðïøÇøñtëxt",
"Closure": "Çløsµrë",
"Closure ({0})": "Çløsµrë ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Çøñsølë prøfïlë stærtëð",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Çøµlð ñøt çøññëçt tø æñÿ ÜWP Wëþvïëw pïpë. Mækë sµrë ÿøµr wëþvïëw ïs høstëð ïñ ðëþµg møðë, æñð thæt thë `pïpëÑæmë` ïñ ÿøµr `læµñçh.jsøñ` ïs çørrëçt.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Çøµlð ñøt qµërÿ thë prøvïðëð øþjëçt",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Çøµlð ñøt rëæð søµrçë mæp før {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Çøµlð ñøt rëæð {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Çrëætë ƵðïøÇøñtëxt",
"Create canvas context": "Çrëætë çæñvæs çøñtëxt",
"Debug Anyway": "Ðëþµg Æñÿwæÿ",
"Debug URL": "Ðëþµg ÜR£",
"Details": "Ðëtæïls",
"Don't show again": "Ðøñ't shøw ægæïñ",
"Duration": "еrætïøñ",
"Duration of Profile": "еrætïøñ øf Prøfïlë",
"Edit package.json": "Ëðït pæçkægë.jsøñ",
"Eval": "Ëvæl",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Fræmë çøµlð ñøt þë rëstærtëð",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gëñërætës æ .çpµprøfïlë fïlë ÿøµ çæñ øpëñ ïñ thë Çhrømë ðëvtøøls",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gëñërætës æ .hëæpprøfïlë fïlë ÿøµ çæñ øpëñ ïñ thë Çhrømë ðëvtøøls",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Gëñërætës æ .hëæpsñæpshøt fïlë ÿøµ çæñ øpëñ ïñ thë Çhrømë ðëvtøøls",
"Global": "Gløþæl",
"Got it!": "Gøt ït!",
"Heap Profile": "Hëæp Prøfïlë",
"Heap Snapshot": "Hëæp §ñæpshøt",
"How long to run the profile:": "Høw løñg tø rµñ thë prøfïlë:",
"Ignore": "Ïgñørë",
"Invalid expression": "Ïñvælïð ëxprëssïøñ",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Ïñvælïð hït çøñðïtïøñ \"{0}\". Ëxpëçtëð æñ ëxprëssïøñ lïkë \"> 42\" ør \"== 2\".",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Ït løøks lïkë æ þrøwsër ïs ælrëæðÿ rµññïñg frøm {0}. Plëæsë çløsë ït þëførë trÿïñg tø ðëþµg, øthërwïsë V§ Çøðë mæÿ ñøt þë æþlë tø çøññëçt tø ït.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Ït løøks lïkë ÿøµr ðëþµg sëssïøñ hæs ælrëæðÿ ëñðëð. Trÿ ðëþµggïñg ægæïñ, thëñ rµñ thë \"Ðëþµg: Ðïægñøsë ßrëækpøïñt Prøþlëms\" çømmæñð.",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Ït's tækïñg æ whïlë tø çøñfïgµrë ÿøµr þrëækpøïñts. Ýøµ çæñ spëëð thïs µp þÿ µpðætïñg thë 'øµtFïlës' ïñ ÿøµr læµñçh.jsøñ.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Jævæ§çrïpt Ðëþµg Tërmïñæl",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Jævæ§çrïpt ðëþµg æðæptër",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "£æµñçh Çhrømë ægæïñst løçælhøst",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "£æµñçh Ëðgë ægæïñst løçælhøst",
"Launch Program": "£æµñçh Prøgræm",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "£æµñçh çøñfïgµrætïøñ çrëætëð þæsëð øñ 'pæçkægë.jsøñ'.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "£æµñçh çøñfïgµrætïøñ før '{0}' prøjëçt çrëætëð.",
"Local": "£øçæl",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "£øst çøññëçtïøñ tø ðëþµgëë, rëçøññëçtïñg ïñ {0}ms\r\n",
"Manual": "Mæñµæl",
"Module": "Møðµlë",
"Never": "Ñëvër",
"No": "Ñø",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Ñø ñpm sçrïpts føµñð ïñ ÿøµr pæçkægë.jsøñ",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Ñø pæçkægë.jsøñ fïlës føµñð ïñ ÿøµr wørkspæçë.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Ñø wørkspæçë følðër øpëñ.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Ñøðë.js vërsïøñ '{0}' ñøt ïñstællëð µsïñg vërsïøñ mæñægër {1}.",
"Not Now": "Ñøt Ñøw",
"Only objects can be queried": "Øñlÿ øþjëçts çæñ þë qµërïëð",
"Open launch.json": "Øpëñ læµñçh.jsøñ",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "صtpµt hæs þëëñ trµñçætëð tø thë fïrst {0} çhæræçtërs. Rµñ `{1}` tø çøpÿ thë fµll øµtpµt.",
"Paused": "Pæµsëð",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Pæµsëð þëførë صt Øf Mëmørÿ ëxçëptïøñ",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Pæµsëð øñ Çøñtëñt §ëçµrïtÿ Pølïçÿ vïølætïøñ ïñstrµmëñtætïøñ þrëækpøïñt, ðïrëçtïvë \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Pæµsëð øñ ÐØM þrëækpøïñt",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Pæµsëð øñ WëþG£ Ërrør ïñstrµmëñtætïøñ þrëækpøïñt, ërrør \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Pæµsëð øñ XM£HttpRëqµëst ør fëtçh",
"Paused on assert": "Pæµsëð øñ æssërt",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Pæµsëð øñ þrëækpøïñt",
"Paused on debug() call": "Pæµsëð øñ ðëþµg() çæll",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Pæµsëð øñ ðëþµggër stætëmëñt",
"Paused on event listener": "Pæµsëð øñ ëvëñt lïstëñër",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Pæµsëð øñ ëvëñt lïstëñër þrëækpøïñt \"{0}\", trïggërëð øñ \"{1}\"",
"Paused on exception": "Pæµsëð øñ ëxçëptïøñ",
"Paused on frame entry": "Pæµsëð øñ fræmë ëñtrÿ",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Pæµsëð øñ ïñstrµmëñtætïøñ þrëækpøïñt",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Pæµsëð øñ ïñstrµmëñtætïøñ þrëækpøïñt \"{0}\"",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Pæµsëð øñ prømïsë rëjëçtïøñ",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Pïçk ßrëækpøïñt",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Pïçk thë ñøðë.js prøçëss tø ættæçh tø",
"Please enter a number": "Plëæsë ëñtër æ ñµmþër",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Plëæsë ëñtër æ ñµmþër grëætër thæñ 1",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Plëæsë støp thë rµññïñg prøfïlë þëførë stærtïñg æ ñëw øñë.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Prøçëss pïçkër fæïlëð ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Prøfïlë ðµrætïøñ ïñ sëçøñðs, ë.g \"5\"",
"Profiling": "Prøfïlïñg",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Prøfïlïñg wïth þrëækpøïñts ëñæþlëð çæñ çhæñgë thë përførmæñçë øf ÿøµr çøðë. Ït çæñ þë µsëfµl tø vælïðætë ÿøµr fïñðïñgs wïth thë \"ðµrætïøñ\" ør \"mæñµæl\" tërmïñætïøñ çøñðïtïøñs.",
"Read More": "Rëæð Mørë",
"Request Animation Frame": "Rëqµëst Æñïmætïøñ Fræmë",
"Resume AudioContext": "Rësµmë ƵðïøÇøñtëxt",
"Return value": "Rëtµrñ vælµë",
"Run Current File": "Rµñ ǵrrëñt Fïlë",
"Run Script: {0}": "Rµñ §çrïpt: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Rµñ før æ spëçïfïç æmøµñt øf tïmë",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Rµñ µñtïl æ spëçïfïç þrëækpøïñt ïs hït",
"Run until manually stopped": "Rµñ µñtïl mæñµællÿ støppëð",
"Saving": "§ævïñg",
"Script": "§çrïpt",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "§çrïpt ßløçkëð þÿ Çøñtëñt §ëçµrïtÿ Pølïçÿ",
"Script First Statement": "§çrïpt Fïrst §tætëmëñt",
"Select a tab": "§ëlëçt æ tæþ",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "§ëlëçt çµrrëñt wørkïñg ðïrëçtørÿ før ñëw tërmïñæl",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "§ëlëçt thë pægë whërë ÿøµ wæñt tø øpëñ thë ðëvtøøls",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "§ëlëçt thë sëssïøñ ÿøµ wæñt tø ïñspëçt:",
"Set innerHTML": "§ët ïññërHTM£",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "§kïppëð þÿ skïpFïlës",
"Skipped by smartStep": "§kïppëð þÿ smært§tëp",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "§ømë þrëækpøïñts mïght ñøt wørk ïñ ÿøµr vërsïøñ øf Ñøðë.js. Wë rëçømmëñð µpgræðïñg før thë lætëst þµg, përførmæñçë, æñð sëçµrïtÿ fïxës. Ðëtæïls: https://ækæ.ms/ÆÆçsvqm",
"Source not a source map": "§øµrçë ñøt æ søµrçë mæp",
"Source not found": "§øµrçë ñøt føµñð",
"Stack frame not found": "§tæçk fræmë ñøt føµñð",
"Starting profile...": "§tærtïñg prøfïlë...",
"Stopping profile...": "§tøppïñg prøfïlë...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "§µspëñð ƵðïøÇøñtëxt",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "§ÿñtæx ërrør sëttïñg þrëækpøïñt wïth çøñðïtïøñ {0} øñ lïñë {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Tærgët pægë ñøt føµñð. Ýøµ mæÿ ñëëð tø µpðætë ÿøµr \"µrlFïltër\" tø mætçh thë pægë ÿøµ wæñt tø ðëþµg.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "Thë Ñøðë vërsïøñ ïñ \"{0}\" ïs øµtðætëð (vërsïøñ {1}), wë rëqµïrë æt lëæst Ñøðë 8.x.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "Thë ÜR£ prøvïðëð ïs ïñvælïð",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Thë çøñfïgµrëð `çwð` {0} ðøës ñøt ëxïst.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Thë çøñfïgµrëð `çwð` {0} ïs ñøt æ følðër.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Thïs ïs æ mïssïñg fïlë pæth rëfërëñçëð þÿ æ søµrçëmæp. Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø ðëþµg thë çømpïlëð vërsïøñ ïñstëæð?",
"Thread is not paused": "Thrëæð ïs ñøt pæµsëð",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Thrëæð ïs ñøt pæµsëð øñ ëxçëptïøñ",
"Thread not found": "Thrëæð ñøt føµñð",
"Type of profile:": "Tÿpë øf prøfïlë:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "ÜWP wëþvïëw ðëþµggïñg ïs ñøt ævæïlæþlë øñ ÿøµr plætførm.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Üñæþlë tø ættæçh tø þrøwsër",
"Unable to evaluate": "Üñæþlë tø ëvælµætë",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Üñæþlë tø ëvælµætë øñ æsÿñç stæçk fræmë",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Üñæþlë tø fïñð æñ ïñstællætïøñ øf thë þrøwsër øñ ÿøµr sÿstëm. Trÿ ïñstællïñg ït, ør prøvïðïñg æñ æþsølµtë pæth tø thë þrøwsër ïñ thë \"rµñtïmëËxëçµtæþlë\" ïñ ÿøµr læµñçh.jsøñ.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Üñæþlë tø fïñð {0} vërsïøñ {1}. Ævæïlæþlë æµtø-ðïsçøvërëð vërsïøñs ærë: {2}. Ýøµ çæñ sët thë \"rµñtïmëËxëçµtæþlë\" ïñ ÿøµr læµñçh.jsøñ tø øñë øf thësë, ør prøvïðë æñ æþsølµtë pæth tø thë þrøwsër ëxëçµtæþlë.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Üñæþlë tø læµñçh þrøwsër: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Üñæþlë tø pæµsë",
"Unable to pretty print": "Üñæþlë tø prëttÿ prïñt",
"Unable to resume": "Üñæþlë tø rësµmë",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Üñæþlë tø rëtrïëvë søµrçë çøñtëñt",
"Unable to set variable value": "Üñæþlë tø sët værïæþlë vælµë",
"Unable to step in": "Üñæþlë tø stëp ïñ",
"Unable to step next": "Üñæþlë tø stëp ñëxt",
"Unable to step out": "Üñæþlë tø stëp øµt",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Üñþøµñð þrëækpøïñt",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Üñçæµght Ëxçëptïøñs",
"Unknown error": "Üñkñøwñ ërrør",
"Variable not found": "Værïæþlë ñøt føµñð",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Værïæþlës ñøt ævæïlæþlë ïñ æsÿñç stæçks",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "WÆRÑÏÑG: Prøçëssïñg søµrçë-mæps øf {0} tøøk løñgër thæñ {1} ms sø wë çøñtïñµëð ëxëçµtïøñ wïthøµt wæïtïñg før æll thë þrëækpøïñts før thë sçrïpt tø þë sët.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Wë çæñ't læµñçh æ þrøwsër ïñ ðëþµg møðë frøm hërë. Ïf ÿøµ wæñt tø ðëþµg thïs wëþpægë, øpëñ thïs wørkspæçë frøm V§ Çøðë øñ ÿøµr ðësktøp.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Wë çæñ't læµñçh æ þrøwsër ïñ ðëþµg møðë frøm hërë. Øpëñ thïs wørkspæçë ïñ V§ Çøðë øñ ÿøµr ðësktøp tø ëñæþlë ðëþµggïñg.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "WëþG£ Ërrør Fïrëð",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "WëþG£ Wærñïñg Fïrëð",
"With Block": "Wïth ßløçk",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø sævë æ çøñfïgµrætïøñ ïñ ÿøµr læµñçh.jsøñ før ëæsÿ æççëss lætër?",
"Yes": "Ýës",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Ýøµ ñëëð tø øpëñ æ wørkspæçë følðër tø ðëþµg ñpm sçrïpts.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Ýøµ'rë rµññïñg æñ øµtðætëð vërsïøñ øf Ñøðë.js. Wë rëçømmëñð µpgræðïñg før thë lætëst þµg, përførmæñçë, æñð sëçµrïtÿ fïxës.",
"an old debug session": "æñ ølð ðëþµg sëssïøñ",
"path does not exist": "pæth ðøës ñøt ëxïst",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "prøçëss ïð: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "prøçëss ïð: {0}, ðëþµg pørt: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "sëtÏñtërvæl fïrëð",
"setTimeout fired": "sëtTïmëøµt fïrëð",
"the configured userDataDir": "thë çøñfïgµrëð µsërÐætæÐïr",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (çøµlðñ't ðësçrïþë: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Çlïçk tø §tøp Prøfïlïñg",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Çlïçk tø §tøp Prøfïlïñg ({1} sëssïøñs)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Çlïçk tø §tøp Prøfïlïñg ({1})"

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Добавить точку останова браузера",
"attach.node.process": "Подключение к процессу узла",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Список сеансов отладки, которые также будут остановлены при завершении этого сеанса отладки.",
"browser.address.description": "IP-адрес или имя узла, которые слушает отлаживаемый браузер.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Порт для удаленной отладки браузера, указываемый в качестве параметра --remote-debugging-port при запуске браузера.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Базовый URL-адрес для разрешения baseUrl путей. baseURL обрезается при сопоставлении URL-адресов с файлами на диске. По умолчанию используется домен URL-адреса запуска.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Принудительное подключение к браузеру в одном расположении. В удаленной рабочей области (например, через SSH или WSL) это можно использовать для подключения к браузеру на удаленном компьютере, а не локально.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Принуждает браузер запускаться в одном расположении. В удаленной рабочей области (например, через SSH или WSL) это можно использовать для открытия браузера на удаленном компьютере, а не локально.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Что необходимо сделать после завершения сеанса отладки: закрыть только отлаживаемую вкладку или весь браузер.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Дополнительный рабочий каталог для исполняемого файла среды выполнения.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Определяет, нужно ли пропускать кэш сети для каждого запроса.",
"browser.env.description": "Дополнительный словарь пар \"ключ-значение\" среды для браузера.",
"browser.file.description": "Локальный HTML-файл, который будет открыт в браузере.",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Будут ли использованы аргументы запуска браузера по умолчанию (чтобы отключить функции, которые могут усложнить отладку).",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Дополнительно: заданы ли в браузере любые аргументы запуска или отладки по умолчанию. Отладчик предполагает, что браузер будет использовать отладку каналов, например отладку с помощью \"--remote-debugging-pipe\".",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Формат, используемый для перезаписи inspectUri: это строка шаблона, которая интерполирует ключи в \"{curlyBraces}\". Доступные ключи:\r\n – \"url.*\": анализируемый адрес запущенного приложения. Например, \"{url.port}\", \"{url.hostname}\".\r\n – \"port\": порт отладки, прослушиваемый Chrome.\r\n – \"browserInspectUri\": URI инспектора в запущенном браузере.\r\n – \"browserInspectUriPath\": часть пути URI инспектора в запущенном браузере (например, \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n – \"wsProtocol\": предложенный протокол WebSocket. Если исходный URL-адрес относится к типу \"https\", для этого параметра задается значение \"wss\", в противном случае — значение \"ws\".\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Порт, прослушиваемый браузером. По умолчанию используется значение \"0\", в этом случае осуществляется отладка браузера через каналы. В общем случае это более безопасный вариант и его следует использовать, если вам не нужно подключаться к браузеру из другого инструмента.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "Сопоставление URL-адресов/путей с локальными папками для разрешения скриптов в браузере в скрипты на диске",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Загружаются ли скрипты по отдельности с уникальными сопоставителями с исходным кодом, содержащими базовое имя исходного файла. Этот параметр можно установить, чтобы оптимизировать обращение с сопоставителями с исходным кодом при работе со множеством небольших скриптов. Если задано значение \"Автоматически\", будут обнаружены известные случаи, для которых это подходит.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "Если этот параметр имеет значение true, профилирование начнется при запуске процесса",
"browser.restart": "Следует ли устанавливать повторное подключение при разрыве соединения браузера",
"browser.revealPage": "Вкладка, на которой находится фокус",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Необязательные аргументы, исполняемому файлу среды выполнения.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Это \"canary\", \"stable\", \"custom\" или путь к исполняемому файлу браузера. Значение \"custom\" означает настраиваемую программу-оболочку, пользовательскую сборку или переменную среды CHROME_PATH.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Значения \"canary\", \"stable\", \"dev\", \"custom\" или путь к исполняемому файлу браузера. Значение \"custom\" означает пользовательскую программу-оболочку, настраиваемую сборку или переменную среды EDGE_PATH.",
"browser.server.description": "Настраивает веб-сервер для запуска. Принимает ту же конфигурацию, что и задача запуска \"node\".",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Массив имен файлов или папок либо стандартных масок, которые будут пропущены при отладке.. Допускаются шаблоны со звездами и отрицания, например, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Автоматический пропуск несопоставленных строк в файлах сопоставителей с исходным кодом. Например, кода, который автоматически формирует TypeScript при обратной компиляции async/await или других функций.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Набор сопоставлений для переопределения расположений исходных файлов с указанных в сопоставителях с исходным кодом на реальные расположения на диске. Дополнительные сведения см. в файле сведений.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Следует ли использовать сопоставление \"names\" в сопоставителях с исходным кодом. Для этого требуется запрашивать содержимое исходного кода, что может замедлить работу определенных отладчиков.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Использовать сопоставители с исходным кодом JavaScript (если они существуют).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Следует ли присоединяться ко всем целевым объектам, соответствующим фильтру URL-адресов (\"automatic\"), или запрашивать выбор целевого объекта (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Длительность повторных попыток подключения к браузеру в миллисекундах. Значение по умолчанию — 10 000 мс.",
"browser.url.description": "Будет искать вкладку с этим точным URL-адресом и подключаться к нему, если он найден",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Будет искать страницу с этим URL-адресом и подключится к ней, если она найдена. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки *.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "По умолчанию браузер запускается с отдельным профилем пользователя во временной папке. Используйте этот параметр, чтобы переопределить его. Установите значение false для запуска с профилем пользователя по умолчанию. Новый браузер не может быть запущен, если экземпляр уже запущен из \"userDataDir\".",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "Список шаблонов масок файлов для поиска компонентов \"*.vue\". По умолчанию поиск выполняется во всей рабочей области. Этот список должен быть указан из-за дополнительных операций поиска, которые требуются сопоставителям с исходным кодом в Vue CLI 4. Чтобы отключить эту особую обработку, укажите пустой массив в качестве значения параметра.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Этот параметр указывает абсолютный путь рабочей области к корневому каталогу веб-сервера. Используется для разрешения путей к файлам на диске (например, \"/app.js\"). Сокращение для pathMapping для \"/\".",
"chrome.attach.description": "Прикрепить к экземпляру Chrome, уже находящемуся в режиме отладки",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: подключение",
"chrome.label": "Веб-приложение (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Запуск Chrome для отладки URL-адреса",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: запуск",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Исключить вызывающего",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Исключить для вызывающего приостановку в текущем расположении",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Перейти к расположению вызывающего",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Перейти к целевому расположению",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Удалить исключенного вызывающего",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Удалить всех исключенных вызывающих",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Отключить пошаговое сопоставление источника",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Включить пошаговое сопоставление источника",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Определяет, к каким процессам необходимо автоматически присоединяться для отладки, если установлен параметр \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\". Присоединение к процессам Node, запущенным с флагом \"--inspect\", будет осуществляться всегда, независимо от значения этого параметра.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Автоматически присоединяться к каждому процессу Node.js, запущенному в терминале.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Автоматическое подключение отключено и не отображается в строке состояния.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Присоединяться только в том случае, если указан параметр \"--inspect\".",
"": "Автоматически присоединяться при запуске сценариев, не находящихся в папке node_modules.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Настраивает стандартные маски определения момента присоединения в интеллектуальном режиме \"#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#\". \"$KNOWN_TOOLS$\" заменяется списком имен распространенных средства запуска тестов и кода. [Дополнительные сведения см. в документации по VS Code](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "При отладке удаленного веб-приложения определяет, следует ли автоматически туннелировать удаленный сервер на локальный компьютер.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Следует ли останавливать выполнение, если в условной точке останова возникла ошибка.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Параметры, используемые при отладке открытых ссылок, выбранных изнутри терминала отладки. Можно задать значение \"false\", чтобы отключить это поведение.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Значение \"runtimeExecutable\" по умолчанию, используемое для конфигураций запуска, если значение не указано. Оно может использоваться для настройки пользовательских путей для Node.js или установок браузера.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Где требуется отобразить группы связанных элементов кода \"Run\" и \"Debug\" в ваших скриптах npm. Можно использовать значение \"all\" — во всех скриптах, \"top\" — сверху раздела скриптов или \"never\" — нигде.",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Параметры по умолчанию, используемые при отладке процесса с помощью команды \"Отладка: присоединить к процессу Node.js\"",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Параметры запроса, используемые при загрузке ресурсов в отладчике, таких как сопоставители с исходным кодом. Этот параметр может потребоваться задать в том случае, если для сопоставителей с исходным кодом требуется проверка подлинности или самозаверяющий сертификат. Параметры используются для создания запроса с помощью библиотеки [\"got\"](\r\n\r\nВ общем случае для отключения проверки сертификата можно передать параметр \"{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }\".",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Параметры запуска по умолчанию для терминала отладки JavaScript и скриптов npm.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Определяет, будет ли автоматически отменено сопоставление с исходным кодом для файла, если исходный файл не может быть прочитан. Если этот параметр имеет значение false (по умолчанию), отображается запрос.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Диагностика проблем с точкой останова",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Настройте текстовое описание, которое отладчик отображает для объектов (локальные переменные и т. д.). Примеры:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Вызовет метод toString для печати всех объектов\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Использовать метод customDescription, если он доступен, в противном случае возвратить значение defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Использовать метод customDescription, если он доступен, в противном случае возвратить значение defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Настройте свойства, отображаемые для объекта в отладчике (локальные переменные и т. д.). Примеры:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: \"12345\" } // Добавить extraProperty 12345 ко всем объектам\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Использовать метод customProperties, если он доступен, в противном случае использовать свойства this (свойства по умолчанию)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Использовать метод customDescription, если он доступен, в противном случае возвращать свойства по умолчанию\r\n\r\n Не рекомендуется: это временная реализация этой функции до тех пор, пока функция не будет реализована в соответствии с описанием на странице",
"debug.npm.edit": "Изменить файл package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "Скрипты npm в вашем package.json не найдены",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Для отладки скриптов npm нужно открыть папку рабочей области.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Не удалось считать {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Отладка сценария npm",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Присоединить к процессу терминала Node.js",
"debug.terminal.label": "Терминал отладки JavaScript",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Команда для выполнения в запущенном терминале. Если параметр не задан, терминал откроется без запуска программы.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Выполнить \"npm start\" в терминале отладки",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Переключение автоприсоединения Node.js терминала",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[Терминал отладки JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nВы можете использовать терминал отладки JavaScript для отладки процессов Node.js, запущенных в командной строке.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[Терминал отладки JavaScript](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nВы можете использовать терминал отладки JavaScript для отладки процессов Node.js, запущенных в командной строке.\r\n\r\n[URL-адрес отладки](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink).",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Не удалось установить некоторые точки останова. Если у вас возникла проблема, вы можете [устранить неполадки в конфигурации запуска] (команда:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Открыть ссылку",
"edge.address.description": "IP-адрес или имя узла, которые прослушивает веб-представление, при отладке веб-представлений. Если этот параметр не установлен, он будет определен автоматически.",
"edge.attach.description": "Подключить к экземпляру Microsoft Edge уже в режиме отладки",
"edge.attach.label": "Microsoft Edge: подключение",
"edge.label": "Веб-приложение (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Запустить Microsoft Edge для отладки URL-адреса",
"edge.launch.label": "Microsoft Edge: запуск",
"edge.port.description": "Порт, который прослушивает отладчик веб-представления, при отладке веб-представлений. Если не установлен, будет определен автоматически.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "Объект, содержащий pipeName канала отладки для Webview2 с размещением в UWP. Это MyTestSharedMemory при создании канала \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "Если установлено значение true, отладчик будет обрабатывать исполняемый файл среды выполнения как ведущее приложение, содержащее WebView, что позволяет вам производить отладку содержимого скрипта WebView.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Определяет, проверяется ли содержимое файлов на диске на соответствие содержимому файлов, загруженных в среде выполнения. Это удобно в различных сценариях и является обязательным в некоторых из них. Однако это также может привести к проблемам, например, если используется преобразование сценариев на стороне сервера.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: время ожидания истекает через {1} мс",
"extension.description": "Расширение для отладки программ Node.js и Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "Разработка расширения VS Code",
"": "Запустить расширение",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Указывает, следует ли попытаться подключиться к узлу расширений рабочих веб-процессов.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Определяет, следует ли пытаться подключиться к веб-представлениям в запущенном экземпляре VS Code. Это будет работать только в классических VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Переменные среды, переданные в хост-процесс для расширений.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Параметры запуска Chrome, используемые при подключении к процессу визуализации с \"debugWebviews\" или \"debugWebWorkerHost\".",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Абсолютный путь к VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Автоматическая остановка хост-процесса для расширений после запуска.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Запустить расширение VS Code в режиме отладки",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "Разработка расширения VS Code",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Сохранить журналы отладки JS диагностики",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Больше не показывать",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Настройка точек остановка занимает некоторое время. Вы можете ускорить этот процесс, изменив \"outFiles\" в файле launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "Папка рабочей области не открыта.",
"": "Открыть launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP-адрес процесса для отладки. По умолчанию используется \"localhost\".",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Указывает, следует ли пытаться подключаться к уже порожденным дочерним процессам.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Задаются ли переменные среды в подключенном процессе для отслеживания порожденных дочерних объектов.",
"": "Подключить",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "Если указано значение true, то мы автоматически возобновим программы, которые были запущены и ожидают \"--inspect-brk\"",
"node.attach.processId.description": "Идентификатор процесса, к которому требуется подключиться.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Повторное подключение к программе в случае потери подключения. Если задано значение \"true\", попытки повторного подключения будут выполняться один раз в секунду без ограничения числа попыток. Вы можете настроить интервал и максимальное число попыток, указав параметры \"delay\" и \"maxAttempts\" в объекте.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Если параметр установлен, выполняется подключение к процессу через заданный порт. В общем случае это больше не требуется для программ Node.js и не позволяет отлаживать дочерние процессы, но может быть полезно в более экзотических сценариях, например, при запуске Deno и Docker. Если установлено значение 0, будет выбран случайный порт и к аргументам запуска будет автоматически добавлен параметр --inspect-brk.",
"node.console.title": "Узел консоли отладки",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Не устанавливайте точки останова в любом файле, пока для него не будет загружен сопоставитель с исходным кодом.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Определяет, следует ли использовать новый, более быстрый механизм для обнаружения сопоставителя с исходным кодом",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Определяет, как будут завершаться процессы отладки при остановке сеанса. Возможные значения:\r\n\r\n– forceful (по умолчанию): принудительное уничтожение дерева процессов. Отправляет SIGKILL в posix или \"taskkill.exe /F\" в Windows.\r\n– polite: корректное уничтожение дерева процессов. После завершения работы с применением этого параметра процессы, которые ведут себя неправильно, могут продолжить выполнение. Отправляет SIGTERM в posix или \"taskkill.exe\" без флага \"/F\" (принудительно) в Windows.\r\n– none: прекращение работы не выполняется.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Аргументы командной строки, переданные в программу.\r\n\r\nМожет быть массивом строк или одной строкой. При запуске программы в терминале настройка этого свойства на использование одной строки приведет к отсутствию экранирования аргументов для оболочки.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Автоматически подключать отладчик к новым дочерним процессам.",
"": "Запуск",
"node.launch.console.description": "Где следует запускать целевой объект отладки.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Внешний терминал, который можно настроить в параметрах пользователя",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "Интегрированный терминал VS Code",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "Консоль отладки VS Code (не поддерживает чтение входных данных из программы)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Абсолютный путь к рабочему каталогу отлаживаемой программы. Если параметр localRoot задан, то cwd будет соответствовать его значению, в противном случае будет использован каталог workspaceFolder.",
"node.launch.env.description": "Переменные среды, переданные в программу. Значение \"null\" удаляет переменную из среды.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Абсолютный путь к файлу, содержащему определения переменных среды.",
"node.launch.logging": "Конфигурация ведения журнала",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Путь к файлу журнала для сообщений протокола Chrome DevTools",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Путь к файлу журнала для сообщений протокола адаптера отладки",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Источник для захвата выходных сообщений: API отладки по умолчанию (если задано значение console) или потоки stdout/stderr (если задано значение std).",
"node.launch.program.description": "Абсолютный путь к программе. Созданное значение можно определить, взглянув на package.json и открытые файлы. Изменить этот атрибут.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Попробуйте перезапустить программу, если она завершает работу с ненулевым кодом выхода.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Необязательные аргументы, исполняемому файлу среды выполнения.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Используемая среда выполнения. Абсолютный путь или имя среды выполнения, доступные в переменной PATH. Если не указано, предполагается \"node\".",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Список шаблонов для вставки точек останова для точек входа вручную. Это можно использовать, чтобы дать отладчику возможность устанавливать точки останова при использовании сопоставителей с исходным кодом, которых не существует или которые не удалось обнаружить перед запуском, например [как в случае с Serverless Framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Используемая версия среды выполнения \"node\". Требует \"nvm\".",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "\"useWSL\" объявлено нерекомендуемым, и его поддержка будет прекращена. Используйте вместо него расширение \"Remote - WSL\".",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Использовать подсистему Windows для Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Путь к локальному каталогу, содержащему программу.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Следует ли ждать, пока загружаются исходные карты для каждого входящего скрипта? Это снижает производительность и может быть безопасно отключено при нехватке места на диске при условии, что \"rootPath\" не отключен.",
"node.port.description": "Порт отладки для подключения. Значение по умолчанию — 9229.",
"": "Подключиться к процессу",
"node.profileStartup.description": "Если этот параметр имеет значение true, профилирование начнется при запуске процесса",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Абсолютный путь к удаленному каталогу, содержащему программу.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "Список шаблонов minimatch для расположений (папок и URL-адресов), в которых можно использовать сопоставители с исходным кодом для разрешения локальных файлов. Это можно применять, чтобы избежать неправильного внедрения в код, сопоставленный с исходным кодом. Шаблонам можно назначать префикс \"!\", чтобы исключить их. Можно задать пустой массив или значение NULL, чтобы избежать ограничения.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Отображение асинхронных вызовов, которые привели к текущему стеку вызовов.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Подключиться к запущенной программе Node",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: подключение",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Открыть средство выбора процессов для выбора процесса, к которому нужно подключиться",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: подключение к процессу",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Отладка основного процесса Electron",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: основной Electron",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Задача Gulp по отладке (убедитесь, что в вашем проекте установлен локальный Gulp)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: задача Gulp",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Запуск программы на базе Node в режиме отладки",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: запуск программы",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Отладка тестов Mocha",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: тесты Mocha",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Использование Nodemon для перезапуска сеанса отладки при изменениях исходного кода",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: настройка Nodemon",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Запуск программы на основе Node.js через сценарий отладки npm",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: запуск через npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Подключение к порту отладки удаленной программы Node",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: подключение к удаленной программе",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Генератор Yeoman отладки (чтобы установить, выполните команду \"npm link\" в папке проекта)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: генератор Yeoman",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Набор сопоставлений для изменения расположения исходных файлов с расположения, указанного в карте исходного кода, на расположение этих файлов на диске.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Использовать сопоставители с исходным кодом JavaScript (если они существуют).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Автоматически остановить программу после запуска.",
"node.timeout.description": "Повторять в течение этого количества миллисекунд для подключения к Node.js. Значение по умолчанию — 10 000 мс.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Позволяет явно указать запущенную версию Node, которую можно использовать для отключения или включения определенных вариантов поведения в случаях, когда автоматическое обнаружение версий не работает.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Точный адрес веб-сокета для подключения. Если не указан, то он будет определен по адресу и порту.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Открыть Devtools браузера",
"outFiles.description": "Если включены сопоставители с исходным кодом, эти стандартные маски указывают созданные файлы JavaScript. Если маска начинается с \"!\", файлы исключаются. Если значение не указано, предполагается, что созданный код находится в том же каталоге, что и исходный.",
"pretty.print.script": "Качественная печать для отладки",
"profile.start": "Использовать профиль производительности",
"profile.stop": "Остановить профиль производительности",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Удалить точку останова браузера",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Удалить все точки останова браузера",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Запросить прокси-сервер CDP для сеанса отладки",
"skipFiles.description": "Массив стандартных масок для файлов, пропускаемых при отладке. Маска \"<node_internals>/**\" соответствует всем внутренним модулям Node.js.",
"smartStep.description": "Автоматическая пошаговая обработка сформированного кода, который невозможно сопоставить обратно с исходным источником.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Запустить отладку и остановить ее при вводе",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Запустить отладку и остановить ее при вводе",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Время ожидания для нескольких операций отладчика.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Время ожидания для нескольких операций отладчика.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Время до прекращения оценки значений для символов, на которые наведен курсор. Если настроено значение 0, время вычисления при наведении курсора никогда не истекает.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Время ожидания, относящееся к операциям сопоставления исходного кода.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Допустимое дополнительное время ожидания обработки сопоставлений исходного кода после истечения минимального времени (sourceMapMinPause) для каждого сеанса (в миллисекундах)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Минимальное время в миллисекундах, затраченное на ожидание обработки каждого сопоставления исходного кода при синтаксическом анализе сценария.",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Переключить пропуск этого файла",
"trace.boolean.description": "Для Trace можно установить значение \"true\", чтобы записывать диагностические журналы на диск.",
"trace.description": "Настраивает то, какие диагностические выходные данные создаются.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Настраивает, в какое место на диске записываются журналы.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Возвращать ли данные трассировки из запущенного приложения или браузера.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Для отладки кода в этой рабочей области требуется доверие."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Сеанс профилирования уже выполняется. Вы хотите остановить его и начать новый сеанс?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "Установите шаблон(ы) поиска в артибуте 'outFiles' так, что бы они покрывали сгенерированый JavaScript",
"Always": "Всегда",
"Always in this Workspace": "Всегда в этой рабочей области",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Произошла ошибка при извлечении профиля из целевого объекта.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Кадр анимации запущен",
"Assertion failed": "Сбой утверждения",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "Присоединение к процессу: \"{0}\" не похоже на идентификатор процесса.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "Присоединение к процессу: не удается включить режим отладки для процесса \"{0}\" ({1}).",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "Для атрибута \"runtimeVersion\" требуется диспетчер версий Node.js \"nvm-windows\" или \"nvs\".",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "Для атрибута \"runtimeVersion\" необходимо установить диспетчер версий Node.js \"nvs\" или \"nvm\".",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Для атрибута \"runtimeVersion\" с версией или архитектурой необходимо установить \"nvs\".",
"Block": "Заблокировать",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Прерывает выполнение при всех ошибках, вызывающих исключения, даже если они перехватываются позже.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Прерывается только при ошибках или отклонениях обещаний, которые не обрабатываются.",
"CPU Profile": "Профиль ЦП",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "Профиль ЦП сохранен как \"{0}\" в папке рабочей области",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "Нарушение CSP \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "Не удается найти двоичный файл \"{0}\" Node.js: {1}. Убедитесь, что Node.js установлен и путь к нему указан в переменной PATH, или установите параметр \"runtimeExecutable\" в файле launch.json",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Не удается загрузить переменные среды из файла ({0}).",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Отменить кадр анимации",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "Не удается подключиться к целевому объекту в {0}: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Не удается найти программу для отладки",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Не удается запустить целевой объект отладки в терминале ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Не удается перезапустить асинхронный кадр",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Не удается задать пустое значение",
"Catch Block": "Блок catch",
"Caught Exceptions": "Перехваченные исключения",
"Close AudioContext": "Закрыть контекст звука (AudioContext)",
"Closure": "Замыкание",
"Closure ({0})": "Замыкание ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Профиль консоли запущен",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Не удалось подключиться ни к одному каналу веб-представления UWP. Убедитесь, что ваше веб-представление размещено в режиме отладки и что указано правильное имя \"pipeName\" в файле \"launch.json\".",
"Could not query the provided object": "Не удалось отправить запрос к указанному объекту.",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Не удалось считать сопоставление источника для {0}: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "Не удалось считать {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "Создать контекст звука (AudioContext)",
"Create canvas context": "Создать контекст холста",
"Debug Anyway": "Все равно выполнить отладку",
"Debug URL": "Отладка URL",
"Details": "Сведения",
"Don't show again": "Больше не показывать",
"Duration": "Длительность",
"Duration of Profile": "Длительность профиля",
"Edit package.json": "Изменить файл package.json",
"Eval": "Оценка",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Не удалось перезапустить кадрирование",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Создает файл CPUPROFILE, который можно открыть в Chrome Devtools",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Создает файл HEAPPROFILE, который можно открыть в Chrome DevTools",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Создает файл HEAPSNAPSHOT, который можно открыть в Chrome DevTools",
"Global": "Глобальный",
"Got it!": "Понятно",
"Heap Profile": "Профиль кучи",
"Heap Snapshot": "Снимок кучи",
"How long to run the profile:": "Время выполнения профиля:",
"Ignore": "Игнорировать",
"Invalid expression": "Недопустимое выражение",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "Недопустимое условие попадания \"{0}\". Ожидается выражение, например, \"> 42\" или \"== 2\".",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Похоже, браузер уже запущен из {0}. Закройте его перед отладкой, в противном случае подключение к браузеру из VS Code может завершиться неудачно.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Похоже, сеанс отладки уже завершился. Попробуйте еще раз выполнить отладку, а затем запустите команду \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\".",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Настройка точек остановка занимает некоторое время. Вы можете ускорить этот процесс, изменив \"outFiles\" в файле launch.json.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "Терминал отладки JavaScript",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "Адаптер отладки JavaScript",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Запустить Chrome на localhost",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Запустить Microsoft Edge на localhost",
"Launch Program": "Запустить программу",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Запуск конфигурации, созданной на основе «package.json».",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "Создана конфигурация запуска для проекта «{0}».",
"Local": "Локальное",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Потеряно подключение к отлаживаемому компоненту, повторное подключение через {0} мс\r\n",
"Manual": "Вручную",
"Module": "Модуль",
"Never": "Никогда",
"No": "Нет",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Скрипты npm в вашем package.json не найдены",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Файлы package.json не найдены в вашей рабочей области.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Папка рабочей области не открыта.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "Версия Node.js \"{0}\" не установлена с помощью диспетчера версий {1}.",
"Not Now": "Не сейчас",
"Only objects can be queried": "Запросы можно отправлять только к объектам.",
"Open launch.json": "Открыть launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "Выходные данные были усечены до первых {0} симв. Выполните \"{1}\" для копирования полных выходных данных.",
"Paused": "Приостановлено",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Приостановлено перед исключением \"Недостаточно памяти\".",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "Приостановлено в точке останова инструментирования для нарушения политики безопасности содержимого, директива \"{0}\".",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "Приостановлено в точке останова DOM.",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "Приостановлено в точке останова инструментирования для ошибки WebGL, ошибка \"{0}\".",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "Приостановлено в XMLHttpRequest или при получении.",
"Paused on assert": "Приостановлено в утверждении",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Приостановлено в точке останова.",
"Paused on debug() call": "Приостановлено в вызове debug().",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Приостановлено на операторе отладчика",
"Paused on event listener": "Приостановлено в прослушивателе событий.",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "Приостановлено в точке останова прослушивателя событий \"{0}\", активировано в \"{1}\".",
"Paused on exception": "Приостановлено в исключении",
"Paused on frame entry": "Приостановлено на записи кадра",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "Приостановлено в точке останова инструментирования.",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "Приостановлено в точке останова инструментирования \"{0}\".",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Приостановлено на отклонении обещания",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Выбрать точку останова",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Выберите процесс node.js, к которому нужно подключиться",
"Please enter a number": "Введите число",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Введите число больше 1.",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Остановите выполняющийся профиль, прежде чем запускать новый.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "Сбой средства выбора процессов ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Длительность профиля в секундах, например, \"5\"",
"Profiling": "Профилирование",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Профилирование с включенными точками останова может изменить производительность кода. Может быть полезно проверить результаты с условиями завершения \"Длительность\" или \"Вручную\".",
"Read More": "Подробнее",
"Request Animation Frame": "Запросить кадр анимации",
"Resume AudioContext": "Возобновить контекст звука (AudioContext)",
"Return value": "Возвращаемое значение",
"Run Current File": "Запустить текущий файл",
"Run Script: {0}": "Запустить сценарий: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Выполнять в течение заданного времени",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Выполнять до попадания в указанную точку останова",
"Run until manually stopped": "Выполнять до остановки вручную",
"Saving": "Идет сохранение",
"Script": "Сценарий",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Сценарий заблокирован политикой безопасности содержимого",
"Script First Statement": "Первая инструкция сценария",
"Select a tab": "Перейдите на вкладку",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Выбрать текущий рабочий каталог для нового терминала",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Выберите страницу, на которой вы хотите открыть devtools",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "Выберите сеанс, который необходимо проверить:",
"Set innerHTML": "Задать innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "Пропущено skipFiles",
"Skipped by smartStep": "Пропущено smartStep",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Некоторые точки останова могут не работать в вашей версии Node.js. Рекомендуется выполнить обновление, чтобы получить последние исправления ошибок, улучшения производительности и исправления системы безопасности. Подробные сведения:",
"Source not a source map": "Источник не является сопоставителем с исходным кодом",
"Source not found": "Источник не найден.",
"Stack frame not found": "Кадр стека не найден.",
"Starting profile...": "Идет запуск профиля…",
"Stopping profile...": "Идет остановка профиля…",
"Suspend AudioContext": "Приостановить контекст звука (AudioContext)",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "Синтаксическая ошибка при задании точки останова с условием {0} в строке {1}: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Целевая страница не найдена. Возможно, потребуется обновить \"urlFilter\" для соответствия странице, отладку которой необходимо выполнить.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "Версия Node в \"{0}\" устарела (версия {1}), требуется версия Node 8.x или более поздняя.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "Указан недопустимый URL-адрес.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Настроенный параметр \"cwd\" {0} не существует.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Настроенный параметр \"cwd\" {0} не является папкой.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Отсутствует путь к файлу, на который ссылается сопоставитель с исходным кодом. Вы хотите вместо этого выполнить отладку скомпилированной версии?",
"Thread is not paused": "Поток не был приостановлен.",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "Поток не был приостановлен во время исключения.",
"Thread not found": "Поток не найден",
"Type of profile:": "Тип профиля:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "Отладка веб-представления UWP недоступна на вашей платформе.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Не удалось подключение к браузеру.",
"Unable to evaluate": "Не удается выполнить оценку.",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Не удается оценить асинхронный кадр стека.",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Не удается найти установку браузера в вашей системе. Попробуйте установить его или укажите абсолютный путь к браузеру для \"runtimeExecutable\" в файле launch.json.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "Не удалось найти {0} версии {1}. Доступные автоматически обнаруженные версии: {2}. Вы можете указать одну из этих версий в качестве значения параметра \"runtimeExecutable\" в файле launch.json или указать абсолютный путь к исполняемому файлу браузера.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Не удалось запустить браузер: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Не удалось выполнить приостановку.",
"Unable to pretty print": "Не удалось применить стилевые форматы.",
"Unable to resume": "Не удалось возобновить",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Не удалось получить содержимое источника.",
"Unable to set variable value": "Не удалось задать значение переменной.",
"Unable to step in": "Не удалось выполнить шаг с заходом.",
"Unable to step next": "Не удалось выполнить следующий шаг.",
"Unable to step out": "Не удалось выполнить шаг с выходом",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Неограниченная точка останова",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Неперехваченные исключения",
"Unknown error": "Неизвестная ошибка",
"Variable not found": "Переменная не найдена",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Переменные недоступны в асинхронных стеках",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "Предупреждение! Обработка сопоставителей с исходным кодом {0} заняла больше {1} мс, поэтому мы продолжили выполнение, не дожидаясь установки всех точек останова для скрипта.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Не удается запустить браузер в режиме отладки. Если вы хотите выполнить отладку этой веб-страницы, откройте эту рабочую область в VS Code на компьютере.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Не удается запустить браузер в режиме отладки. Откройте эту рабочую область в VS Code на компьютере, чтобы включить отладку.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "Произошла ошибка WebGL",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "Выдано предупреждение WebGL.",
"With Block": "Блок With",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Вы хотите сохранить конфигурацию в файле launch.js для последующего быстрого доступа к ней?",
"Yes": "Да",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Для отладки скриптов npm нужно открыть папку рабочей области.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Вы используете устаревшую версию Node.js. Рекомендуется выполнить обновление для получения исправлений последних ошибок, производительности и системы безопасности.",
"an old debug session": "старый сеанс отладки",
"path does not exist": "путь не существует",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "идентификатор процесса: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "идентификатор процесса: {0}, порт отладки: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "Сработал метод setInterval",
"setTimeout fired": "Сработал метод setTimeout",
"the configured userDataDir": "настроенный каталог данных пользователя",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (не удалось описать: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Щелкните здесь, чтобы остановить профилирование",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Щелкните, чтобы остановить профилирование (сеансов: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Щелкните здесь, чтобы остановить профилирование ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Tarayıcı Kesme Noktası Ekle",
"attach.node.process": "Düğüm İşlemine Ekle",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "Bu hata ayıklama oturumu sonlandırıldığında durdurulacak hata ayıklama oturumlarının listesi.",
"browser.address.description": "Hata ayıklanan tarayıcının dinlediği IP adresi veya konak adı.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Tarayıcıda uzaktan hata ayıklamak için kullanılacak bağlantı noktası, tarayıcı başlatılırken `--remote-debugging-port` olarak verilir.",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Tarayıcıyı tek bir konuma eklenmeye zorlar. Uzak bir çalışma alanında (ör. ssh veya WSL aracılığıyla) bu, yerel olarak değil uzak makinedeki bir tarayıcıya bağlanmak için kullanılabilir.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Tarayıcının tek bir yerde başlatılmasını zorlar. Uzak bir çalışma alanında (örneğin ssh veya WSL aracılığıyla) tarayıcıyı yerel olarak değil uzak makinede açmak için bu kullanılabilir.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "Hata ayıklama oturumu bittikten sonra yapılacak temizleme. Yalnızca hata ayıklanan sekmeyi kapatın veya tüm tarayıcıyı kapatın.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Çalışma zamanı yürütülebilir dosyası için isteğe bağlı çalışma dizini.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Her istek için ağ önbelleğinin atlanıp atlanmayacağını denetler",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "Tarayıcıda açmak için bir yerel html dosyası",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Gelişmiş: tarayıcıda herhangi bir varsayılan başlatma/hata ayıklama bağımsız değişkeninin ayarlanıp ayarlanmadığı. Hata ayıklayıcı, tarayıcının \"--remote-debugging-pipe\" ile sağlananlar gibi boru hata ayıklamasını kullanacağını varsayacaktır.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "InspectUri'yi yeniden yazmak için kullanılacak biçim: `{curlyBraces}` içinde anahtarları ilişkilendiren bir şablon dizesidir. Kullanılabilir anahtarlar şunlardır: \r\n- `url.*` çalışan uygulamanın ayrıştırılmış adresidir. Örneğin, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}\r\n`- `port` Chrome'un dinlediği hata ayıklama bağlantı noktasıdır.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` başlatılan tarayıcıda denetim URI'sidir\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` başlatılan tarayıcıda denetim URI'sinin yol bölümüdür (örn: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` ima edilen web yuvası protokolüdür. Orijinal URL `https` ise `wss`, aksi takdirde `ws` olarak ayarlanır.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Dinlenecek tarayıcı için bağlantı noktası. Varsayılan değer \"0\" olduğundan, tarayıcıda kanallar aracılığıyla hata ayıklaması yapılır. Bu işlem genellikle daha güvenlidir ve tarayıcıya başka bir araçtan eklemeniz gerekmedikçe bu seçilmelidir.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Betiklerin, kaynak dosyanın temel adını içeren benzersiz kaynak eşlemeleri ile tek tek yüklenip yüklenmediğini belirtir. Bu, çok sayıda küçük betik ile çalışırken kaynak eşlemesini iyileştirmek için ayarlanabilir. \"Otomatik\" olarak ayarlanırsa bunun uygun olduğu bilinen durumları algılarız.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "True ise, işlem başlatıldıktan hemen sonra profil oluşturulmaya başlanır",
"browser.restart": "Tarayıcı bağlantısı kapalıysa yeniden bağlanılıp bağlanılmayacağını belirtir",
"browser.revealPage": "Odak Sekmesi",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Çalışma zamanı yürütülebilir dosyasına geçirilen isteğe bağlı bağımsız değişkenler.",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "'Kanarya', 'kararlı', 'özel' veya tarayıcı yürütülebilir dosyasının yolu. Özel ifadesi özel bir sarmalayıcı, özel yapı veya EDGE_PATH ortam değişkeni anlamına gelir.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "Hata ayıklama sırasında atlanması Hata ayıklama sırasında atlanacak bir dizi dosya veya klasör adı veya yol glob'u. Yıldız kalıplarına ve olumsuzlamalara izin verilir, örneğin, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`için dosya veya klasör adları veya yol globları dizisi. Yıldız desenlerine ve olumsuzluklara izin verilir; örneğin, '[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]'",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Kaynak eşlemesi yapılmış dosyalardaki eşlenmemiş satırları otomatik olarak adımlar. Örneğin, async/await veya diğer özellikleri aşağı derlerken TypeScript'in otomatik olarak ürettiği kod.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Kaynak dosyalarının konumlarını yeniden yazmak için, kaynak eşlemesinde belirtilen konumlardan dosyaların diskteki konumlarına yönelik bir dizi eşleme. Ayrıntılı bilgi için BENİOKU dosyasına bakın.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Kaynak eşlemelerinde \"names\" eşlemesinin kullanılıp kullanılmayacağı. Bu, kaynak içerik istemeyi gerektirir ve bazı hata ayıklayıcılarıyla yavaş çalışabilir.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "(Varsa) JavaScript kaynak eşlemelerini kullanın.",
"browser.targetSelection": "URL filtresiyle eşleşen (\"otomatik\") tüm hedeflere eklenip eklenmeyeceğini (\"seç\") belirtir.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Bu URL'yi içeren bir sayfa arar ve bulunursa sayfaya ekler. * joker karakterler içerebilir.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "Varsayılan olarak tarayıcı, geçici klasöre ayrı bir kullanıcı profiliyle yüklenir. Bu ayarı geçersiz kılmak için bu seçeneği kullanın. Varsayılan kullanıcı profilinizle başlatmak için ayarı false olarak belirleyin. Bir örnek zaten \"userDataDir\" öğesinden çalışıyorsa yeni bir tarayıcı başlatılamaz.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "`*.vue` bileşenlerini bulmaya yönelik dosya glob desenlerinin listesi. Varsayılan olarak, tüm çalışma alanını arar. Vue'nun kaynak eşlemelerinin Vue CLI 4'te gerektirdiği ek aramalar nedeniyle bunun belirtilmesi gerekir. Bunu boş bir diziye ayarlayarak bu özel işlemeyi devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "Bu, web sunucusu kökü için çalışma alanı mutlak yolunu belirtir. `/app.js` gibi yolları diskte dosyalara çözümlemek için kullanılır. \"/\" için pathMapping öğesine yönelik kısaltma",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Ekle",
"chrome.label": "Web Uygulaması (Chrome)",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Başlat",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Çağıranı Dışla",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Çağıranı geçerli konumda duraklatmanın dışında tut",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Çağıran konumuna git",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Hedef konuma git",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Dışlanan çağıranı kaldır",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Dışlanan tüm çağıranları kaldır",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Kaynak Eşlenmiş Adımlama'yı Kapat",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Kaynak Eşlenmiş Adımlama'yı Etkinleştir",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "`#debug.node.autoAttach#` açık olduğunda hangi işlemlerin otomatik olarak ekleneceğini veya hatalarının ayıklanacağını yapılandırır. `--inspect` bayrağıyla başlatılan düğüm işlemi bu ayardan bağımsız olarak her zaman eklenir.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Terminalde başlatılan her Node.js işlemine otomatik olarak ekleyin.",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Yalnızca `--inspect` verildiğinde otomatik ekleyin.",
"": "node_modules klasöründe olmayan betikleri çalıştırırken otomatik olarak ekleyin.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "\"Akıllı\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` moduna iliştirilmeyi algılama için glob desenlerini yapılandırır. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$`, ortak test ve kod çalıştıranlar adları listesiyle değiştirilir. [VS Code belgelerinde daha fazla bilgi edinin](",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Koşullu kesme noktaları hata oluşturduğunda durdurulup durdurulmayacağını belirtir.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the debug terminal. Can be set to \"false\" to disable this behavior.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Belirtilmemişse, başlatma yapılandırmaları için varsayılan `runtimeExecutable` kullanılır. Bu, Node.js veya tarayıcı yüklemelerine özel yolları yapılandırmada kullanılabilir.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "`Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` komutu aracılığıyla bir işlemde hata ayıklarken kullanılan varsayılan seçenekler",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Hata ayıklayıcıda kaynak eşlemeleri gibi kaynaklar yüklenirken kullanılacak istek seçenekleri. Örneğin, kaynak eşlemeleriniz kimlik doğrulaması gerektiriyorsa veya otomatik olarak imzalanan sertifika kullanıyorsanız bunu yapılandırmanız gerekebilir. [`got`]( kütüphanesi kullanılarak istek oluşturmak için bu seçenekler kullanılır.\r\n\r\n`{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` geçirerek sertifika doğrulamasını devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Özgün dosyanın okunamadığı, kaynağa eşlenmiş dosyanın eşlemesinin otomatik olarak kaldırılıp kaldırılmayacağını yapılandırır. Bu false ise (varsayılan) bir istem görüntülenir.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Kesme Noktası Sorunlarını Tanıla",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Hata ayıklayıcısının nesneler (yerel değişkenler vb.) için gösterdiği metinsel açıklamayı özelleştirin. Örnekler:\r\n 1. this.toString () // tüm nesneleri yazdırmak için toString çağırır\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Varsa customDescription metodunu kullanın. Yoksa defaultValue döndürün\r\n 3. işlev (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Varsa customDescription metodunu kullanın. Yoksa defaultValue döndürün\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Hata ayıklamada bir nesne için gösterilen özellikleri özelleştirin (yerel değişkenler, vb...). Örnekler:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Tüm nesnelere extraProperty 12345 ekleyin\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Varsa customProperties yöntemini kullanın, yoksa buradaki özellikleri kullanın (varsayılan özellikler)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Varsa customDescription yöntemini kullanın, yoksa varsayılan özellikleri döndürün\r\n\r\n Kullanım dışı: Bu, burada açıklanan şekilde uygulanana kadar bu özelliğin geçici bir uygulamasıdır:",
"debug.npm.edit": "package.json dosyasını düzenle",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "package.json dosyanızda npm betiği bulunamadı",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "Npm betiklerinde hata ayıklamak için bir çalışma alanı klasörü açmalısınız.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "{0} okunamadı: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "npm Betiğinin Hatalarını Ayıkla",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Node.js Terminal İşlemine Ekle",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Hata Ayıklama Terminali",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Terminal Node.js Otomatik Eklemeyi Aç/Kapat",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Hata Ayıklama Terminali](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nKomut satırında çalıştırılan Node.js işlemlerinde hata ayıklamak için JavaScript Hata Ayıklama Terminali'ni kullanabilirsiniz.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Hata Ayıklama Terminali](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nKomut satırında çalıştırılan Node.js işlemlerinde hata ayıklamak için JavaScript Hata Ayıklama Terminali'ni kullanabilirsiniz.\r\n\r\n[Hata Ayıklama URL'si](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Kesme noktalarınızın bazıları ayarlanamadı. Bir sorun yaşıyorsanız, [başlatma yapılandırmanızda sorun gidermek] için extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics komutunu kullanın.",
"debugLink.label": "Bağlantıyı",
"edge.address.description": "Web görünümlerinde hata ayıklarken web görünümünün dinlediği IP adresi veya konak adı. Ayarlanmazsa otomatik olarak bulunur.",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Ekle",
"edge.label": "Web Uygulaması (Edge)",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Başlat",
"edge.port.description": "Web görünümlerinde hata ayıklarken, web görünümü hata ayıklayıcısının dinlediği bağlantı noktası. Ayarlanmazsa otomatik olarak bulunur.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "UWP tarafından barındırılan Webview2 için bir hata ayıklama kanalının \"pipeName\" adını içeren bir nesne. Bu, \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\" kanalını oluştururken \"MyTestSharedMemory\"dir.",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "'True' olduğunda hata ayıklayıcı, çalışma zamanı yürütülebilir dosyasını WebView betik içeriğinde hata ayıklamanıza olanak tanıyan WebView içeren bir konak uygulama olarak değerlendirir.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Diskteki dosyaların içeriklerinin çalışma zamanında yüklenenlerle eşleşip eşleşmediğini doğrulayıp doğrulamadığımızı belirtir. Bu, çeşitli senaryolarda kullanışlıdır ve bazılarında gereklidir ancak örneğin, betiklerin sunucu tarafında dönüşümüne sahipseniz sorunlara neden olabilir.",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Uzantı Geliştirme",
"": "Uzantıyı Başlat",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Web çalışanı uzantı konağına eklemeyi denememizin gerekip gerekmediğini yapılandırır.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Başlatılan VS Code örneğinde web görünümlerine eklemeye çalışmamız gerekip gerekmediğini yapılandırır. Bu yalnızca masaüstü VS Kodunda çalışır.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Uzantı konağına geçirilen ortam değişkenleri.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "`debugWebviews` veya `debugWebWorkerHost` ile işleyici işlemine eklenirken kullanılan Chrome başlatma seçenekleri.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "VS Code mutlak yolu.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Başlatıldıktan sonra uzantı konağını otomatik olarak durdurun.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Hata ayıklama modunda bir VS Code uzantısı başlatın",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Uzantı Geliştirme",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "JS Hata Ayıklama Tanılama Günlüklerini Kaydet",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Bir daha gösterme",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "Kesme noktalarınızı yapılandırmanız biraz zaman alabilir. launch.json dosyanızdaki 'outFiles' özniteliğini güncelleştirerek bu işlemi hızlandırabilirsiniz.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "ık çalışma alanı klasörü yok.",
"": "launch.json dosyasını",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Ekle",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "Eklenecek işlemin kimliği.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Bağlantı kesilirse programa yeniden bağlanmayı deneyin. `True` olarak ayarlanırsa, süresiz olarak her saniye deneyeceğiz. Bunun yerine nesnede `delay` ve `maxAttempts` belirterek aralığı ve maksimum deneme sayısını özelleştirebilirsiniz.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "Ayarlanırsa, işleme verilen bağlantı noktası üzerinden eklenir. Bu genellikle Node.js programları için artık gerekli değildir ve alt işlemlerde hata ayıklama özelliğini kaybeder ancak Deno ve Docker başlatmaları gibi daha gizli senaryolarda yararlı olabilir. 0 olarak ayarlanırsa, rastgele bir bağlantı noktası seçilir ve başlatma bağımsız değişkenlerine otomatik olarak --inspect-brk eklenir.",
"node.console.title": "Düğüm Hata Ayıklama Konsolu",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "İlgili dosya için bir kaynak eşlemesi yüklenene kadar hiçbir dosyada kesme noktası ayarlamayın.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Kaynak eşlemesi keşfi için yeni, daha hızlı bir mekanizmanın kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını yapılandırır",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Oturum durdurulurken hata ayıklama işlemlerinin nasıl sonlandırılacağını yapılandırır. Şunlardan biri olabilir:\r\n\r\n- zorla (varsayılan): işlem ağacını zorla sonlandırır. Posix üzerinde SIGKILL veya Windows'da `taskkill.exe /F` gönderir.\r\n- zorlama: işlem ağacını dikkatlice kapatır. Yanlış davranan işlemlerin bu şekilde kapatıldıktan sonra çalışmaya devam etmesi olasıdır. Posix üzerinde SIGTERM gönderir veya Windows üzerinde `/F` (zorla) bayrağı olmadan `taskkill.exe` gönderir.\r\n- yok: sonlandırma gerçekleşmez.",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "Programa geçirilen komut satırı bağımsız değişkenleri.\r\n\r\nBir dizi veya tek bir dize olabilir. Program bir terminalde başlatıldığında bu özelliğin tek bir dize olarak ayarlanması bağımsız değişkenlerin kabuk için kaçamamasına neden olur.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Hata ayıklayıcıyı yeni alt işlemlere otomatik olarak ekle.",
"": "Başlat",
"node.launch.console.description": "Hata ayıklama hedefinin başlatılacağı yer.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "Dış terminal kullanıcı ayarları aracılığıyla yapılandırılabilir",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code'un tümleşik terminali",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Hata Ayıklama Konsolu (bir programdan giriş okumayı desteklemez)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Hataları ayıklanan programa ait çalışma dizininin mutlak yolu. localRoot ayarladıysanız cwd bu değerle eşleşir. Aksi takdirde, workspaceFolder klasörünüze geri döner",
"node.launch.env.description": "Programa geçirilen ortam değişkenleri. `null` değeri, değişkeni ortamdan kaldırır.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Ortam değişkeni tanımlarını içeren bir dosyanın mutlak yolu.",
"node.launch.logging": "Yapılandırma günlüğe kaydediliyor",
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "Çıkış iletilerinin yakalanacağı konum: `Konsol` olarak ayarlanırsa varsayılan hata ayıklama API'si veya `std `olarak ayarlanırsa stdout/stderr akışları.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Programın mutlak yolu. Oluşturulan değer package.json dosyasına ve açılmış dosyalara bakılarak tahmin edilir. Bu özniteliği düzenleyin.",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Çalışma zamanı yürütülebilir dosyasına geçirilen isteğe bağlı bağımsız değişkenler.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Kullanılacak çalıştırma zamanı. Mutlak bir yol veya PATH üzerinde bulunan bir çalıştırma zamanının adı. Atlanırsa `node` varsayılır.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "Giriş noktası kesme noktalarının el ile ekleneceği desenlerin listesi. Bu, hata ayıklayıcıya mevcut olmayan veya başlatmadan önce algılanamayan kaynak eşlemelerini [Sunucusuz çerçeve ile]( kullanırken kesme noktalarını ayarlama fırsatı vermek için yararlı olabilir.",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Kullanılacak `node` çalışma zamanı sürümü. `nvm` gerektirir.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' kullanım dışıdır ve desteği kaldırılacaktır. Yerine 'Uzak - WSL' uzantısını kullanın.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Linux için Windows Alt Sistemini kullan.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Programı içeren yerel dizinin yolu.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Eklenecek hata ayıklama bağlantı noktası. Varsayılan: 9229.",
"": "İşleme İliştir",
"node.profileStartup.description": "True ise, işlem başlatıldıktan hemen sonra profil oluşturulmaya başlanır",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Programı içeren uzak dizinin mutlak yolu.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Geçerli çağrı yığınına yol açan asenkron çağrıları gösterin.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Çalışan bir düğüm programa ekle",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Ekle",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Eklenecek düğüm işlemi seçmek için işlem seçicisini aç",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: İşleme Ekle",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Electron ana işleminde hata ayıkla",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Gulp görevinin hatalarını ayıkla (projenizde yerel bir gulp yüklü olduğundan emin olun)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp görevi",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Hata ayıklama modunda bir düğüm programı başlat",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Programı Başlat",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Mocha testlerinde hata ayıkla",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Testleri",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Kaynak değişikliklerinde bir hata ayıklama oturumunu yeniden başlatmak için nodemon kullan",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Kurulumu",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Bir npm `debug` betiği aracılığıyla bir düğüm programı başlat",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: npm ile başlat",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Uzak bir düğüm programının hata ayıklama bağlantı noktasına ekle",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Uzak Programa Ekle",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Yeoman üretecinde hata ayıkla (proje klasöründe `npm link` komutunu çalıştırarak yükleyin)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman üreteci",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "Kaynak dosyalarını, kaynak eşlemesinde belirtilen konumlardan dosyaların diskteki konumlarına yeniden yazmak için eşleme kümesi.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "(Varsa) JavaScript kaynak eşlemelerini kullanın.",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Başlatıldıktan sonra programı otomatik olarak durdurun.",
"node.timeout.description": "Node.js'ye bağlanmak için bu kadar milisaniye boyunca yeniden dene. Varsayılan: 10.000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Otomatik sürüm algılamasının çalışmadığı durumlarda belirli davranışları devre dışı bırakmak veya etkinleştirmek için kullanılabilen ve şu an çalışmakta olan düğüm sürümünü açık olarak belirtmenize olanak tanır.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Eklenecek tam WebSocket adresi. Belirtilmezse adres ve bağlantı noktasından bulunur.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Tarayıcı Devtools'u aç",
"outFiles.description": "Kaynak eşlemeleri etkinse bu glob desenleri, oluşturulan JavaScript dosyalarını belirtir. Bir desen `!` ile başlarsa dosyalar hariç tutulur. Belirtilmezse, oluşturulan kodun, kaynağıyla aynı dizinde olması beklenir.",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Performans Profilini Al",
"profile.stop": "Performans Profilini Durdur",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Tarayıcı Kesme Noktasını Kaldır",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Hata Ayıklama Oturumu için CDP Ara Sunucusu iste",
"skipFiles.description": "Hata ayıklarken atlanacak dosyalar için bir glob desenleri dizisi. `<node_internals>/**` deseni tüm iç Node.js modülleri ile eşleşir.",
"smartStep.description": "Özgün kaynağa geri eşlenemeyen durumdaki oluşturulan kodu otomatik olarak adımlayın.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Hata Ayıklamaya Başla ve Girişte Dur",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Hata Ayıklamaya Başla ve Girişte Dur",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Birkaç hata ayıklayıcı işlemi için zaman aşımları.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Birkaç hata ayıklayıcı işlemi için zaman aşımları.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Üzerine gelinen sembollerin değerinin değerlendirilmesine kadar geçen süre kesintiye uğradı. 0 olarak ayarlanırsa, üzerine gelme değerlendirmesi asla zaman aşımına uğramaz.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Kaynak eşlemeleri işlemleriyle ilgili zaman aşımları.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Minimum süre (sourceMapMinPause) dolduktan sonra kaynak eşlemelerinin işlenmesini beklerken harcanacak oturum başına izin verilen ek süre (milisaniye cinsinden)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Betik ayrıştırıldığında her kaynak eşlemesinin işlenmesi için harcanan minimum süre (milisaniye cinsinden)",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Bu Dosyayı Atlamayı Aç/Kapat",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Bu çalışma alanındaki kodda hata ayıklamak için güven gereklidir."
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "Zaten bir profil oluşturma oturumu çalışıyor. Bu oturumu durdurup yeni bir oturum başlatmak ister misiniz?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "'outFiles' özniteliğindeki glob desenlerini, oluşturulan JavaScript'leri kapsayacak şekilde ayarlayın.",
"Always": "Her Zaman",
"Always in this Workspace": "Bu Çalışma Alanında her zaman",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "Hedeften profil alınırken bir hata oluştu.",
"Animation Frame Fired": "Animasyon Çerçevesi Tetiklendi",
"Assertion failed": "Onaylanamadı",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "İşleme ekleme: '{0}' bir işlem kimliği gibi görünmüyor.",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "İşleme ekleme: '{0}' ({1}) işlemi için hata ayıklama modu etkinleştirilemiyor.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "'runtimeVersion' özniteliği 'nvm-windows' veya 'nvs' Node.js sürüm yöneticisini gerektirir.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "'runtimeVersion' özniteliği, 'nvs' veya 'nvm' Node.js sürüm yöneticisinin yüklenmesini gerektirir.",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "Bir varyanta/mimariye sahip 'runtimeVersion' özniteliği 'nvs' öğesinin yüklü olmasını gerektirir.",
"Block": "Engelle",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "Daha sonra yakalansa bile tüm throw hatalarında işlemi keser.",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "Yalnızca işlenmez hataları veya söz reddini keser.",
"CPU Profile": "CPU Profili",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "CPU profili çalışma alanı klasörünüzde \"{0}\" olarak kaydedildi",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "\"{0}\" CSP ihlali",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "\"{0}\" Node.js ikili dosyası bulunamıyor: {1}. Node.js'nin yüklendiğinden ve PATH içinde bulunduğundan emin olun veya launch.json dosyanızda \"runtimeExecutable\" değerini ayarlayın",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "Ortam değişkenleri dosyadan ({0}) yüklenemiyor.",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "Animasyon Çerçevesini İptal Et",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "{0} konumundaki hedefe bağlanılamıyor: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "Hataları ayıklanacak program bulunamıyor",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "Terminalde hata ayıklama hedefi başlatılamıyor ({0}).",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "Asenkron çerçeve yeniden başlatılamıyor",
"Cannot set an empty value": "Boş değer ayarlanamıyor",
"Catch Block": "Catch Bloğu",
"Caught Exceptions": "Yakalanan Özel Durumlar",
"Close AudioContext": "AudioContext'i kapat",
"Closure": "Kapatma",
"Closure ({0})": "Kapatma ({0})",
"Console profile started": "Konsol profili başlatıldı",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Hiçbir UWP Web görünümü kanalına bağlanılamadı. Web görünümünüzün hata ayıklama modunda barındırıldığından ve `launch.json` dosyanızdaki `pipeName` değerinin doğru olduğundan emin olun.",
"Could not query the provided object": "Sağlanan nesne sorgulanamadı",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "{0} için kaynak eşlemesi okunamadı: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "{0} okunamadı: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "AudioContext oluştur",
"Create canvas context": "Tuval bağlamı oluştur",
"Debug Anyway": "Yine de Hata Ayıkla",
"Debug URL": "URL'de Hata Ayıkla",
"Details": "Ayrıntılar",
"Don't show again": "Bir daha gösterme",
"Duration": "Süre",
"Duration of Profile": "Profil Süresi",
"Edit package.json": "package.json dosyasını düzenle",
"Eval": "Değerlendir",
"Frame could not be restarted": "Çerçeve yeniden başlatılamadı",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome DevTools'ta açabileceğiniz bir .cpuprofil dosyası oluşturur",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome DevTools'ta açabileceğiniz bir .heapprofile dosyası oluşturur",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "Chrome DevTools'ta açabileceğiniz bir .heapsnapshot dosyası oluşturur",
"Global": "Genel",
"Got it!": "Anladım!",
"Heap Profile": "Yığın Profili",
"Heap Snapshot": "Yığın Anlık Görüntüsü",
"How long to run the profile:": "Profilin çalıştırılacağı süre:",
"Ignore": "Yoksay",
"Invalid expression": "Geçersiz ifade",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "İsabet koşulu (\"{0}\") geçersiz. \"> 42\" veya \"= = 2\" gibi bir ifade bekleniyordu.",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "Zaten {0} konumundan bir tarayıcı çalışıyor. Hata ayıklamaya başlamadan önce lütfen tarayıcıyı kapatın. Aksi takdirde VS Code tarayıcıya bağlanamayabilir.",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "Hata ayıklama oturumunuz zaten bitmiş gibi görünüyor. Hata ayıklamayı yeniden deneyin, ardından \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" komutunu çalıştırın.",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "Kesme noktalarınızı yapılandırmanız biraz zaman alabilir. launch.json dosyanızdaki 'outFiles' özniteliğini güncelleştirerek bu işlemi hızlandırabilirsiniz.",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "JavaScript Hata Ayıklama Terminali",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "JavaScript hata ayıklama bağdaştırıcısı",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "Chrome'u localhost'ta başlat",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "Edge'i localhost'ta başlat",
"Launch Program": "Programı Başlat",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "Başlatma yapılandırması 'package.json' temel alınarak oluşturuldu.",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "'{0}' projesi için başlatma yapılandırması oluşturuldu.",
"Local": "Yerel",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Hata ayıklanacak bağlantı kesildi, {0}ms içinde yeniden bağlanılıyor\r\n",
"Manual": "El ile",
"Module": "Modül",
"Never": "Hiçbir zaman",
"No": "Hayır",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "package.json dosyanızda npm betiği bulunamadı",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "Çalışma alanınız içinde package.json dosyası bulunamadı.",
"No workspace folder open.": "Açık çalışma alanı klasörü yok.",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "'{0}' Node.js sürümü, {1} sürüm yöneticisi kullanılarak yüklenmedi.",
"Not Now": "Şimdi Değil",
"Only objects can be queried": "Yalnızca nesneler sorgulanabilir",
"Open launch.json": "launch.json dosyasını aç",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": ıkış, ilk {0} karakterde kesildi. Tam çıkışı kopyalamak için '{1}' komutunu çalıştırın.",
"Paused": "Duraklatıldı",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "Bellek Yetersiz özel durumu oluşmadan önce duraklatıldı",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "İçerik Güvenlik İlkesi ihlali izleme kesme noktasında duraklatıldı. Yönerge: \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "DOM kesme noktasında duraklatıldı",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "WebGL Hatası izleme kesme noktasında duraklatıldı. Hata: \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "XMLHttpRequest veya fetch üzerinde duraklatıldı",
"Paused on assert": "Onayda duraklatıldı",
"Paused on breakpoint": "Kesme noktasında duraklatıldı",
"Paused on debug() call": "debug() çağrısında duraklatıldı",
"Paused on debugger statement": "Hata ayıklayıcısı deyiminde duraklatıldı",
"Paused on event listener": "Olay dinleyicisinde duraklatıldı",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "\"{1}\" üzerinde tetiklenen olay dinleyici kesme noktasında (\"{0}\") duraklatıldı",
"Paused on exception": "Özel durumda duraklatıldı",
"Paused on frame entry": "Çerçeve girişinde duraklatıldı",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "İzleme kesme noktasında duraklatıldı",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "\"{0}\" izleme kesme noktasında duraklatıldı",
"Paused on promise rejection": "Promise reddetmesinde duraklatıldı",
"Pick Breakpoint": "Kesme Noktasını Seçin",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "Eklenecek node.js işlemini seçin",
"Please enter a number": "Lütfen bir sayı girin",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "Lütfen 1'den büyük bir sayı girin",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "Yeni bir profil başlatmadan önce lütfen çalışan profili durdurun.",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "İşlem seçicisi başarısız oldu ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "Saniye cinsinden profil süresi (ör. \"5\")",
"Profiling": "Profil oluşturuluyor",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "Etkin kesme noktalarıyla profil oluşturma kodunuzun performansını değiştirebilir. \"Süre\" veya \"el ile\" sonlandırma koşulları ile bulgularınızı doğrulamak yararlı olabilir.",
"Read More": "Daha Fazla Bilgi",
"Request Animation Frame": "Animasyon Çerçevesi İste",
"Resume AudioContext": "AudioContext'i sürdür",
"Return value": "Dönüş değeri",
"Run Current File": "Geçerli Dosyayı Çalıştır",
"Run Script: {0}": "{0} Betiğini Çalıştır",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "Belirli bir süre boyunca çalıştırın",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "Belirli bir kesme noktasına isabet edene kadar çalıştırın",
"Run until manually stopped": "El ile durdurulana kadar çalıştırın",
"Saving": "Kaydediliyor",
"Script": "Komut Dosyası",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "Betik, İçerik Güvenlik İlkesi Tarafından Engellendi",
"Script First Statement": "Betik İlk Açıklaması",
"Select a tab": "Sekme seçin",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "Yeni terminal için geçerli çalışma dizinini seçin",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "Devtools'u açmak istediğiniz sayfayı seçin",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "İncelemek istediğiniz oturumu seçin:",
"Set innerHTML": "innerHTML'yi ayarla",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "skipFiles tarafından atlandı",
"Skipped by smartStep": "smartStep tarafından atlandı",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "Bazı kesme noktaları Node.js sürümünüzde çalışmıyor olabilir. En son hata, performans ve güvenlik düzeltmeleri için yükseltmenizi öneririz. Ayrıntılar:",
"Source not a source map": "Kaynak, bir kaynak haritası değil",
"Source not found": "Kaynak bulunamadı",
"Stack frame not found": "Yığın çerçevesi bulunamadı",
"Starting profile...": "Profil başlatılıyor...",
"Stopping profile...": "Profil durduruluyor...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "AudioContext'i askıya al",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "{1} satırında {0} koşuluyla kesme noktası ayarlanırken söz dizimi hatası oluştu: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "Hedef sayfa bulunamadı. Hata ayıklamak istediğiniz sayfayla eşleştirmek için \"urlFilter\" seçeneğinizi güncelleştirmeniz gerekebilir.",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "\"{0}\" içindeki Node sürümü güncel değil ({1} sürümü), en az Node 8.x gerekiyor.",
"The URL provided is invalid": "Sağlanan URL geçersiz",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "Yapılandırılmış “cwd” {0} mevcut değil.",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "Yapılandırılan 'cwd' {0} bir klasör değil.",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "Bu, bir kaynak eşlemesi tarafından başvurulan eksik bir dosya yoludur. Bunun yerine, derlenen sürümde hata ayıklamak ister misiniz?",
"Thread is not paused": "İş parçacığı duraklatılmadı",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "İş parçacığı özel durumda duraklatılmadı",
"Thread not found": "İş parçacığı bulunamadı",
"Type of profile:": "Profil türü:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "UWP web görünümü hata ayıklama özelliği platformunuzda kullanılamıyor.",
"Unable to attach to browser": "Tarayıcıya eklenemedi",
"Unable to evaluate": "Değerlendirilemiyor",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "Asenkron yığın çerçevesinde değerlendirilemiyor",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "Sisteminizde tarayıcının yüklemesi bulunamadı. Kurulumu başlatmayı veya launch.json dosyanızdaki \"runtimeExecutable\" bölümünde tarayıcıya mutlak bir yol sağlamayı deneyin.",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "{0} sürümü {1} bulunamıyor. Mevcut otomatik olarak bulunan sürümler: {2}. Launch.json dosyanızda \"runtimeExecutable\" değerini bunlardan birine ayarlayabilir veya tarayıcı yürütülebilir dosyasının mutlak yolunu sağlayabilirsiniz.",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "Tarayıcı başlatılamadı: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "Duraklatılamıyor",
"Unable to pretty print": "Düzgün yazdırılamıyor",
"Unable to resume": "Devam edilemiyor",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "Kaynak içeriği alınamıyor",
"Unable to set variable value": "Değişken değeri ayarlanamıyor",
"Unable to step in": "İçeri girilemiyor",
"Unable to step next": "Sonraki adıma geçilemiyor",
"Unable to step out": "Dışarı çıkılamıyor",
"Unbound breakpoint": "Bağlı olmayan kesme noktası",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "Yakalanmamış Özel Durumlar",
"Unknown error": "Bilinmeyen hata",
"Variable not found": "Değişken bulunamadı",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "Asenkron yığınlarda kullanılamayan değişkenler",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "UYARI: {0} kaynak eşlemelerinin işlenmesi {1} ms'den daha uzun sürdüğünden tüm kesme noktalarının betiği ayarlamasını beklemeden yürütmeye işlemine devam ettik.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "Buradan hata ayıklama modundaki bir tarayıcıyı başlatamıyoruz. Bu web sayfasında hata ayıklamak istiyorsanız, masaüstünüzdeki VS Code'dan bu çalışma alanınıın.",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "Buradan hata ayıklama modundaki bir tarayıcıyı başlatamıyoruz. Hata ayıklamayı etkinleştirmek için masaüstünüzdeki VS Code'dan bu çalışma alanınıın.",
"WebGL Error Fired": "WebGL Hatası Tetiklendi",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "WebGL Uyarısı Tetiklendi",
"With Block": "With Bloğu",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "Daha sonra kolay erişim için launch.json içinde bir yapılandırma kaydetmek ister misiniz?",
"Yes": "Evet",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "Npm betiklerinde hata ayıklamak için bir çalışma alanı klasörü açmalısınız.",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "Güncel olmayan bir Node.js sürümünü çalıştırıyorsunuz. En son hata, performans ve güvenlik düzeltmeleri için yükseltmenizi öneririz.",
"an old debug session": "eski hata ayıklama oturumu",
"path does not exist": "yol yok",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "işlem kimliği: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "işlem kimliği: {0}, hata ayıklama bağlantı noktası: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "setInterval tetiklendi",
"setTimeout fired": "setTimeout tetiklendi",
"the configured userDataDir": "yapılandırılan userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} ({1} tanımlanamadı)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} Profil Oluşturmayı Durdurmak İçin Tıklayın",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} Profil Oluşturmayı Durdurmak İçin Tıklayın ({1} oturum)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} Profil Oluşturmayı Durdurmak için Tıklayın ({1})"
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "添加浏览器断点",
"attach.node.process": "附加到 Node 进程",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "当终止此调试会话时,也将停止的调试会话的列表。",
"browser.address.description": "调试的浏览器正在侦听的 IP 地址或主机名。",
"browser.attach.port.description": "用于远程调试浏览器的端口,在启动浏览器时通过 `--remote-debugging-port` 指定。",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "用于解析路径 baseUrl 的基本 URL。 将 URL 映射到磁盘上的文件时,将修剪 baseURL。 默认为启动 URL 域。",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "强制在一个位置连接浏览器。在远程工作区中(例如通过 ssh 或 WSL),这可用于在远程计算机上而不是在本地连接浏览器。",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "强制在一个位置启动浏览器。在远程工作区中(例如通过 ssh 或 WSL),这可用于在远程计算机上而不是在本地打开浏览器。",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "调试会话完成后的清理操作:“仅关闭正在调试的选项卡”和“关闭整个浏览器”。",
"browser.cwd.description": "运行时可执行文件的可选工作目录。",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "控制是否跳过每个请求的网络缓存",
"browser.env.description": "浏览器的环境键/值对的可选字典。",
"browser.file.description": "要在浏览器中打开的本地 HTML 文件",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "启动中是否包括默认浏览器启动参数(以禁用可能使调试更加困难的功能)。",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "高级: 是否在浏览器上设置任何默认启动/调试参数。调试器将假定浏览器将使用管道调试,如`--remote-debugging-pipe`提供的管道调试。",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "用于重写 inspectUri 的格式: 这是一个模板字符串,可插入 \"{curlyBraces}\" 中的键。可用的键包括:\r\n - \"url.*\" 是正在运行的应用程序的解析地址,例如 \"{url.port}\" 和 \"{url.hostname}\"\r\n - \"port\" 是 Chrome 正在侦听的调试端口。\r\n - \"browserInspectUri\" 是启动的浏览器上的检查器 URI\r\n - \"browserInspectUriPath\" 是启动的浏览器上的检查器 URI 的路径部分(例如 \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\")。\r\n - \"wsProtocol\" 是提示的 websocket 协议。如果原始 URL 为 \"https\",则设置为 \"wss\",否则为 \"ws\"。\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "浏览器侦听的端口。默认值为“0”这将导致浏览器通过管道进行调试这通常更安全除非需要从其他工具连接到浏览器否则应选择该值。",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "将 URL/路径映射到本地文件夹,以将浏览器中的脚本解析为磁盘上的脚本",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "是否使用包含源文件基本名称的唯一源映射单独加载脚本。处理大量小型脚本时,可以设置此项来优化源映射处理。如果设置为“自动”,将在可以检测已知用例时进行检测。",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "如果为 true则将在进程启动后立即开始分析",
"browser.restart": "是否在浏览器连接关闭时重新连接",
"browser.revealPage": "焦点选项卡",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "传递给运行时可执行文件的可选参数。",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "\"canary\"、\"stable\"、\"custom\" 或浏览器可执行文件的路径。 Custom 表示自定义包装器、自定义生成或 CHROME_PATH 环境变量。",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "\"canary\"、\"stable\"、\"dev'\"、\"custom\" 或浏览器可执行文件的路径。custom 表示自定义包装器、自定义生成或 EDGE_PATH 环境变量。",
"browser.server.description": "配置要启动的 Web 服务器。采用与 \"node\" 启动任务相同的配置。",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "调试时要跳过的文件或文件夹名称或路径 glob 的数组。允许星型模式和否定式,例如`[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "自动逐句通过源映射文件中未映射的行。例如,下编译 async/await 或其他功能时 TypeScript 自动生成的代码。",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "一组用于重写源映射中所述的源文件位置的映射,映射到磁盘上的相应位置。有关详细信息,请参见自述文件。",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "是否在 sourcemap 使用“名称”映射。这需要请求源内容,后者在使用某些调试程序时,速度会很慢。",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "使用 JavaScript 源映射(如存在)。",
"browser.targetSelection": "是附加到与 URL 筛选器匹配的所有目标(“自动”)还是要求选择一个(“选择”)。",
"browser.timeout.description": "重试此毫秒数以连接到浏览器。默认值为 10000 毫秒。",
"browser.url.description": "将搜索具有此确切网址的标签并附加到该标签(若找到)",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "将使用此 URL 搜索页面,找到后将连接到该页面。可使用 * 通配符。",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "默认情况下,在临时文件夹中使用单独的用户配置文件启动浏览器。使用此选项可进行替代。设置为 false 以使用默认用户配置文件启动。如果实例已从 `userDataDir` 运行,则无法启动新的浏览器。",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "用于查找 \"*.vue\" 组件的文件 glob 模式的列表。默认搜索整个工作区。需要指定此项,因为 Vue 的源映射需要在 Vue CLI 4 中进行额外查找。可通过将此项设置为空数组来禁用此特殊处理。",
"browser.webRoot.description": "此设置指定 Web 服务器根的工作区绝对路径。用于将 `/app.js` 等路径解析为磁盘上的文件。pathMapping 的速记方式为 \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "附加到已处于调试模式的 Chrome 实例",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: 附加",
"chrome.label": "Web 应用(Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "启动 Chrome 以调试 URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: 启动",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "排除调用方",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "排除调用方在当前位置中暂停",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "转到调用方位置",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "转到目标位置",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "移除排除的调用方",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "删除所有排除的调用方",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "禁用源映射单步执行",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "启用源映射单步执行",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "配置在 \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\" 处于启用状态时自动附加和调试的进程。无论此设置如何,都始终附加到启动的带有 \"--inspect\" 标志的节点进程。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "自动附加到终端中启动的每个 Node.js 进程。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "自动附加被禁用,且不在状态栏中显示。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "仅在给定 \"--inspect\" 时自动附加。",
"": "运行不在 node_modules 文件夹中的脚本时自动附加。",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "配置 glob 模式,以确定何时附加智能 `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` 模式。`$KNOWN_TOOLS$` 被替换为常见测试和代码运行器的名称的列表。[在 VS Code 文档中阅读更多内容](。",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "调试远程 Web 应用时,配置是否自动将远程服务器通过隧道传输到本地计算机。",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "在条件断点引发错误时是否停止。",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "调试时从调试终端内部单击链接使用的选项。可设置为\"false\"以禁用此行为。",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "用于启动配置的默认 \"runtimeExecutable\" (如果未指定)。这可用于配置 Node.js 或浏览器安装项的自定义路径。",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "在 npm 脚本中应显示“运行”和“调试”代码的位置。 它可以在脚本部分的“全部”、脚本、脚本部分的“顶部”或“从不”上面。",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "通过 `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` 命令调试进程时使用的默认选项",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "在调试器中加载资源(如源映射)时可使用的请求选项。例如,如果你的源映射需要身份验证或使用自签名证书,则可能需要配置此设置。选项用于创建使用 [`got`]( 库的请求。\r\n\r\n可通过传递 `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` 来实现禁用证书验证的常见情况。",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript 调试终端和 npm 脚本的默认启动选项。",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "配置是否会自动取消映射无法读取源文件的源映射文件。如果这是 false (默认),系统会显示提示。",
"createDiagnostics.label": "诊断断点问题",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "自定义调试程序为对象(本地变量等)显示的文本说明。示例:\r\n 1. this.toString() // 将调用 toString 来打印所有对象\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // 如果未返回 defaultValue则使用 customDescription 方法(若可用)\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // 如果未返回 defaultValue则使用 customDescription 方法(若可用)\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "自定义为调试程序中的对象显示的属性(本地变量等)。示例:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // 向所有对象添加 extraProperty 12345\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // 如果不使用此(默认属性)中的属性,请使用 customProperties 方法(若可用)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 如果不返回默认属性,请使用 customDescription 方法(若可用)\r\n\r\n 已弃用: 这是此功能的临时实现,直到我们有时间按此处所示方法实现它为止:",
"debug.npm.edit": "编辑 package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "在 package.json 中找不到 npm 脚本",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "需要打开工作区文件夹来调试 npm 脚本。",
"debug.npm.parseError": "无法读取 {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "调试 npm 脚本",
"debug.terminal.attach": "附加到 Node.js 终端进程",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript 调试终端",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "在启动的终端中运行命令。如果未提供命令,终端将在不启动程序的情况下打开。",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "在调试终端中运行 \"npm start\"",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "切换终端 Node.js 自动附加",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript 调试终端](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\n可使用 JavaScript 调试终端调试在命令行上运行的 Node.js 进程。",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript 调试终端](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\n可使用 JavaScript 调试终端调试在命令行上运行的 Node.js 进程。\r\n\r\n[调试 URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "无法设置某些断点。如果遇到问题,可以 [对启动配置进行故障排除](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics)。",
"debugLink.label": "打开链接",
"edge.address.description": "调试 Web 视图时Web 视图正在侦听的 IP 地址或主机名。如果未设置,则自动发现。",
"edge.attach.description": "附加到已在调试模式下的 Edge 实例",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: 附加",
"edge.label": "Web 应用(Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "启动 Microsoft Edge 以调试 URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: 启动",
"edge.port.description": "调试 Web 视图时Web 视图调试程序正在侦听的端口。如果未设置,则自动发现。",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "包含 UWP 托管 Webview2 的调试管道“pipeName”的对象。这是创建管道“\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory”时的“MyTestSharedMemory”",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "如果设置为“true”则调试器会将运行时可执行文件视为包含 WebView 的主机应用程序,以允许你调试 WebView 脚本内容。",
"enableContentValidation.description": "切换是否要验证确定磁盘上的文件内容与运行时中加载的内容相匹配。这在各种情况下都很有用,在一些情况下还是必需操作,但是如果你具有脚本的服务器端转换,则可能会导致出现问题。",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: {1} 毫秒后超时",
"extension.description": "用于调试 Node.js 程序和 Chrome 的扩展。",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code 扩展开发",
"": "启动扩展",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "配置是否应尝试附加到 Web 辅助进程扩展主机。",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "配置是否应尝试附加到已启动 VS Code 实例中的 Web 视图。此操作仅适用于桌面 VS Code。",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "传递给扩展主机的环境变量。",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "附加到呈现器进程时使用的 Chrome 启动选项,具有 \"debugWebviews\" 或 \"debugWebWorkerHost\"。",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "VS Code 的绝对路径。",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "启动后自动停止扩展主机。",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "在调试模式下启动 VS Code 扩展",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code 扩展开发",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "保存诊断 JS 调试日志",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "不再显示",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "配置断点需要一段时间。你可通过更新 launch.json 中的 \"outFiles\" 来加快速度。",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "未打开工作区文件夹。",
"": "打开 launch.json",
"node.address.description": "要调试的进程的 TCP/IP 地址。默认值为 \"localhost\"。",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "是否尝试附加到已生成的子进程。",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "是否在附加过程中设置环境变量以跟踪生成的子级。",
"": "附加",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "如果为 true我们将自动恢复启动的程序并等待 \"--inspect-brk\"",
"node.attach.processId.description": "要附加到的进程 ID。",
"node.attach.restart.description": "如果连接断开,请尝试重新连接到该程序。如果设置为 \"true\",将始终每秒重试一次。可通过在对象中指定 \"delay\" 和 \"maxAttempts\" 来自定义时间间隔和最大尝试次数。",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "如果设置则通过给定端口附加到进程。Node.js 程序通常不再需要该设置,而且它没法再调试子进程,但在使用 Deno 和 Docker 启动等更复杂的场景中,它可能很有用。如果设置为 0则将选择随机端口并自动向启动参数添加 --inspect-brk。",
"node.console.title": "Node 调试控制台",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "请勿在任何文件中设置断点,除非该文件已加载源映射。",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "配置是否使用速度更快的全新源映射发现机制",
"node.killBehavior.description": "配置在停止会话时如何终止调试进程。可以是:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): 强制关闭进程树。在 posix 上发送 SIGKILL在 Windows 上发送 \"taskkill.exe /F\"。\r\n- polite: 正常关闭进程树。可能出现按此方式关闭后继续运行行为出错的进程的情况。在 posix 上发送 SIGTERM在 Windows 上发送 \"taskkill.exe\" 但不带 \"/F\" (强制)标志。\r\n- 无: 将不终止。",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "传递给程序的命令行参数。\r\n\r\n可以是字符串数组或单个字符串。在终端中启动程序时将此属性设置为单个字符串将导致 shell 的参数无法转义。",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "自动将调试器附加到新的子进程。",
"": "启动",
"node.launch.console.description": "启动调试目标的位置。",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "可通过用户设置来配置的外部终端",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code 的集成终端",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code 调试控制台(不支持从程序读取输入)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "正在调试程序工作目录的绝对路径。如果已设置 localRoot则 cwd 将与该值匹配,否则它将回退到 workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "传递到程序的环境变量。`null` 值从环境中删除该变量。",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "包含环境变量定义的文件的绝对路径。",
"node.launch.logging": "事件日志配置",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Chrome DevTools 协议消息的日志文件路径",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "调试适配器协议消息的日志文件的路径",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "捕获输出消息的位置: 如果设置为 `console`,则为默认调试 API如果设置为 `std`,则为 stdout/stderr 流。",
"node.launch.program.description": "程序的绝对路径。通过查看 package.json 和打开的文件猜测所生成的值。编辑此属性。",
"node.launch.restart.description": "如果程序退出时带有非零的退出码,则尝试重启该程序。",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "传递给运行时可执行文件的可选参数。",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "要使用的运行时。应为绝对路径或在 PATH 上可用的运行时名称。默认值为 \"node\"。",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "手动插入入口点断点的模式列表。在使用不存在或启动前无法检测到的源映射时,这有助于让调试程序设置断点,例如[使用无服务器框架](。",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "要使用的 \"node\" 运行时版本。需要 \"nvm\"。",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "已弃用 \"useWSL\" 并将停止对它的支持。请改用 \"Remote - WSL\" 扩展。",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "使用适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统。",
"node.localRoot.description": "包含该程序的本地目录的路径。",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "是否等待每个传入脚本的源映射加载。 这会产生性能开销,只要没有禁用 rootPath就可在磁盘空间不足时安全地禁用它。",
"node.port.description": "要附加到的调试端口。默认值为 9229。",
"": "附加到进程",
"node.profileStartup.description": "如果为 true则将在进程启动后立即开始分析",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "包含该程序的远程目录的绝对路径。",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "可用源映射来解析本地文件的位置(文件夹和 URL)的小型匹配模式列表。这可用于避免造成外部源映射代码中错误地出现中断。使用前缀为 \"!\" 的模式可将这些中断排除。也可将其设置为空数组或 null 以避免限制。",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "显示导致当前调用堆栈的异步调用。",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "附加到正在运行的 node 程序",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: 附加",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "打开进程选取器并选择附加到的 node 进程",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: 附加到进程",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "调试 Electron 主进程",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron 主进程",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "调试 Gulp 任务(确保项目中已安装本地 Gulp)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp 任务",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "在调试模式下启动节点计划",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: 启动程序",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "调试 mocha 测试",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha 测试",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "使用 nodemon 以在源更改时重新启动调试会话",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon 安装程序",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "通过 npm \"debug\" 脚本启动 node 程序",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: 通过 npm 启动",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "附加到远程节点计划的调试端口",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: 附加到远程程序",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "调试 yeoman 生成器 (通过在项目文件夹中运行 \"npm link\" 进行安装)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman 生成器",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "一组重写源映射中源文件的位置为磁盘上所处位置的映射。",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "使用 JavaScript 源映射(如存在)。",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "启动后自动停止程序。",
"node.timeout.description": "重试此毫秒数以连接到 Node.js。默认值为 10000 毫秒。",
"node.versionHint.description": "允许显式指定正在运行的节点版本,这可用于在自动版本检测不可用的情况下禁用或启用某些行为。",
"node.websocket.address.description": "要附加到的确切 websocket 地址。如果未指定,将从地址和端口中发现它。",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "打开浏览器开发工具",
"outFiles.description": "如果启用了源映射,这些 glob 模式会指定生成的 JavaScript 文件。如果模式以 `!` 开头,则会排除这些文件。如果未指定,生成的代码应位于与其源相同的目录。",
"pretty.print.script": "用于调试的美观格式打印",
"profile.start": "获取性能配置文件",
"profile.stop": "停止性能配置文件",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "移除浏览器断点",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "删除所有浏览器断点",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "为调试会话请求 CDP 代理",
"skipFiles.description": "调试时要跳过的文件的 glob 模式数组。模式 \"<node_internals>/**\" 与所有内部 Node.js 模块相匹配。",
"smartStep.description": "通过单步执行自动生成的代码不能映射回原始源。",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "开始调试并在输入时停止",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "开始调试并在输入时停止",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "多个调试程序操作的超时。",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "多个调试程序操作的超时。",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "悬停符号的值计算中止之前的时间。如果设置为 0则悬停计算永远不会超时。",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "与源映射操作相关的超时。",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "在最小时间(sourceMapMinPause)耗尽后,每个会话等待源映射被处理的额外时间(以毫秒为单位)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "分析脚本时等待每个源映射被处理的最小时间(以毫秒为单位)",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "跳过此文件的开关",
"trace.boolean.description": "跟踪可设置为 \"true\",以将诊断日志写入磁盘。",
"trace.description": "配置生成哪些诊断输出。",
"trace.logFile.description": "配置磁盘日志的写入位置。",
"trace.stdio.description": "是否从启动的应用程序或浏览器返回跟踪数据。",
"workspaceTrust.description": "必须有信任才能在此工作区中调试代码。"
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "分析会话已在运行,是否要停止它并开始新会话?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "在“outFiles”属性中调整glob模式以包含生成的JavaScript。",
"Always": "始终",
"Always in this Workspace": "始终在此“工作区”中",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "从目标获取配置文件时出错。",
"Animation Frame Fired": "已触发动画帧",
"Assertion failed": "断言失败",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "附加到进程:“{0}”不像是进程 ID。",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "附加到进程: 无法对进程 \"{0}\" 启用调试模式 ({1})。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "属性 \"runtimeVersion\" 需要 Node.js 版本管理器 \"nvm-windows\" 或 \"nvs\"。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "属性 \"runtimeVersion\" 需要安装 Node.js 版本管理器 \"nvs\" 或 \"nvm\"。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "具有风格/体系结构的属性 \"runtimeVersion\" 需要安装 \"nvs\"。",
"Block": "块",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "出现任何引发错误时中断,即使这些错误稍后才被捕获也是如此。",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "仅对未处理的错误或承诺拒绝进行中断。",
"CPU Profile": "CPU 配置文件",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "在工作区文件夹中保存为“{0}”的 CPU 配置文件",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "CSP 违规“{0}”",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "找不到 Node.js 二进制文件“{0}”: {1}。请确保 Node.js 已安装且位于你的路径中,或者在 launch.json 中设置 \"runtimeExecutable\"",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "无法从文件加载环境变量({0})。",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "取消动画帧",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "无法连接到 {0} 处的目标: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "找不到要调试的程序",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "无法在终端启动调试目标({0})。",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "无法重启异步帧",
"Cannot set an empty value": "无法设置空值",
"Catch Block": "Catch 块",
"Caught Exceptions": "捕获的异常",
"Close AudioContext": "关闭 AudioContext",
"Closure": "闭包",
"Closure ({0})": "闭包({0})",
"Console profile started": "已启动控制台配置文件",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "无法连接到任何 UWP Webview 管道。确保在调试模式下托管 Web 视图,并且 `launch.json` 中的 `pipeName` 正确无误。",
"Could not query the provided object": "无法查询提供的对象",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "无法读取 {0} 的源映射: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "无法读取 {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "创建 AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "创建画布上下文",
"Debug Anyway": "仍然调试",
"Debug URL": "调试 URL",
"Details": "详细信息",
"Don't show again": "不再显示",
"Duration": "持续时间",
"Duration of Profile": "配置文件的持续时间",
"Edit package.json": "编辑 package.json",
"Eval": "Eval",
"Frame could not be restarted": "无法重启框架",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "生成可在 Chrome 开发工具中打开的 .cpuprofile 文件",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "生成可在 Chrome 开发工具中打开的 .heapprofile 文件",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "生成可在 Chrome 开发工具中打开的 .heapsnapshot 文件",
"Global": "全局",
"Got it!": "知道了!",
"Heap Profile": "堆配置文件",
"Heap Snapshot": "堆快照",
"How long to run the profile:": "配置文件的运行时长:",
"Ignore": "忽略",
"Invalid expression": "表达式无效",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "命中条件“{0}”无效。应输入表达式,如 \"> 42\" 或 \"== 2\"。",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "似乎已从 {0} 运行了浏览器。请在尝试调试前关闭它,否则 VS Code 可能无法连接它。",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "你的调试会话似乎已结束。请尝试重新调试,然后运行“调试: 诊断断点问题”命令。",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "配置断点需要一段时间。你可通过更新 launch.json 中的 \"outFiles\" 来加快速度。",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "JavaScript 调试终端",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "JavaScript 调试适配器",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "针对 localhost 启动 Chrome",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "针对 localhost 启动 Edge",
"Launch Program": "启动程序",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "已根据 \"package.json\" 生成启动配置。",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "已创建“{0}”项目的启动配置。",
"Local": "本地",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "已断开与调试对象的连接,将在 {0} 毫秒后重新连接\r\n",
"Manual": "手动",
"Module": "模块",
"Never": "从不",
"No": "否",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "在 package.json 中找不到 npm 脚本",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "在工作区中找不到 package.json 文件。",
"No workspace folder open.": "未打开工作区文件夹。",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "未使用版本管理器 {1} 安装 Node.js 版本“{0}”。",
"Not Now": "以后再说",
"Only objects can be queried": "只能查询对象",
"Open launch.json": "打开 launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "输出被截断为前 {0} 个字符。运行“{1}”以复制完整输出。",
"Paused": "已暂停",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "在出现内存不足异常之前暂停",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "因内容安全策略违规检测断点而暂停,指令“{0}”",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "因 DOM 断点暂停",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "因 WebGL 错误检测断点而暂停,错误为“{0}”",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "在 XMLHttpRequest 或提取时暂停",
"Paused on assert": "已在断言时暂停",
"Paused on breakpoint": "已在断点处暂停",
"Paused on debug() call": "在 debug() 调用时暂停",
"Paused on debugger statement": "暂停于调试器语句",
"Paused on event listener": "因事件侦听器暂停",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "因事件侦听器断点“{0}”而暂停,于“{1}”触发",
"Paused on exception": "已在异常时暂停",
"Paused on frame entry": "暂停于框架条目",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "因检测断点暂停",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "因检测断点“{0}”而暂停",
"Paused on promise rejection": "暂停于拒绝承诺",
"Pick Breakpoint": "选取断点",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "选择要附加到的 Node.js 进程",
"Please enter a number": "请输入数字",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "请输入一个大于 1 的数字",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "请在启动新的配置文件之前停止正在运行的配置文件。",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "进程选取器失败 ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "配置文件持续时间(以秒为单位),例如 \"5\"",
"Profiling": "分析",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "在启用断点的情况下分析可能会更改代码的性能。使用“持续时间”或“手动”终止条件验证发现的结果可能很有用。",
"Read More": "阅读更多",
"Request Animation Frame": "请求动画帧",
"Resume AudioContext": "恢复 AudioContext",
"Return value": "返回值",
"Run Current File": "运行当前文件",
"Run Script: {0}": "运行脚本: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "运行特定时间",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "运行直到命中特定断点为止",
"Run until manually stopped": "运行直到手动停止为止",
"Saving": "正在保存",
"Script": "脚本",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "脚本受到内容安全策略阻止",
"Script First Statement": "编写第一条语句的脚本",
"Select a tab": "选择选项卡",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "选择当前工作目录新建终端",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "选择要在其中打开开发工具的页面",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "选择要检查的会话:",
"Set innerHTML": "设置 innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "已由 skipFiles 跳过",
"Skipped by smartStep": "已由 smartStep 跳过",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "在你的 Node.js 版本中,某些断点可能不起作用。我们建议升级以获取最新的 bug、性能和安全修复。详细信息:",
"Source not a source map": "源不是源映射",
"Source not found": "未找到源",
"Stack frame not found": "未找到堆栈帧",
"Starting profile...": "正在启动配置文件...",
"Stopping profile...": "正在停止配置文件...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "暂停 AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "在第 {1} 行上设置带条件 {0} 的断点时出现语法错误: {2}",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "找不到目标页。若要匹配想要调试的页面,可能需要更新 \"urlFilter\"。",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "“{0}”中的 Node 版本已过时(版本 {1}),我们至少需要 Node 8.x。",
"The URL provided is invalid": "提供的 URL 无效",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "配置的 “cwd” {0} 不存在。",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "配置的 \"cwd\" {0} 不是文件夹。",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "这是由源映射引用的缺失的文件路径。是否要改为调试编译版本?",
"Thread is not paused": "线程未暂停",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "出现异常时线程未暂停",
"Thread not found": "找不到线程",
"Type of profile:": "配置文件的类型:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "UWP Webview 调试在平台上不可用。",
"Unable to attach to browser": "无法附加到浏览器",
"Unable to evaluate": "无法计算",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "无法计算异步堆栈帧",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "在你的系统上找不到浏览器的安装。请尝试安装它,或者在 launch.json 的 “runtimeExecutable” 中提供浏览器的绝对路径。",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "找不到 {0} 版本 {1}。可用的自动发现的版本包括: {2}。你可将 launch.json 中的 \"runtimeExecutable\" 设置为其中一个,或者提供浏览器可执行文件的绝对路径。",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "无法启动浏览器:“{0}”",
"Unable to pause": "无法暂停",
"Unable to pretty print": "无法优质打印",
"Unable to resume": "无法恢复",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "无法检索源内容",
"Unable to set variable value": "无法设置变量值",
"Unable to step in": "无法进入子函数",
"Unable to step next": "无法越过子函数",
"Unable to step out": "无法跳出子函数",
"Unbound breakpoint": "未绑定断点",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "未捕获的异常",
"Unknown error": "未知错误",
"Variable not found": "找不到变量",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "变量在异步堆栈中不可用",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "警告: 处理 {0} 的源映射耗时超过 {1} 毫秒,因此我们继续执行,而不是等到脚本的所有断点都设置好。",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "无法从此处启动调试模式下的浏览器。若要调试此网页,请从桌面上的 VS Code 打开此工作区。",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "无法从此处启动调试模式下的浏览器。要启用调试,请在桌面上的 VS Code 中打开此工作区。",
"WebGL Error Fired": "已触发 WebGL 错误",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "已触发 WebGL 警告",
"With Block": "包含块",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "是否要将配置保存在 launch.json 中以便日后访问?",
"Yes": "是",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "需要打开工作区文件夹来调试 npm 脚本。",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "你正在运行的 Node.js 版本已过期。我们建议升级以获取最新的针对 bug、性能和安全的修复。",
"an old debug session": "旧调试会话",
"path does not exist": "路径不存在",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "进程 ID: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "进程 ID: {0},调试端口: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "已触发 setInterval",
"setTimeout fired": "已触发 setTimeout",
"the configured userDataDir": "已配置的 userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (无法描述: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} 单击可停止分析",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0}单 击以停止分析({1} 会话)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} 单击可停止分析 ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,398 +9,210 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"contents": {
"package": {
"add.browser.breakpoint": "新增瀏覽器中斷點",
"attach.node.process": "連結到節點處理序",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "當此偵錯工作階段終止時,也會一併停止的偵錯工作階段清單。",
"browser.address.description": "已偵錯瀏覽器所接聽的 IP 位址或主機名稱。",
"browser.attach.port.description": "要用於對瀏覽器進行遠端偵錯的連接埠,會在啟動瀏覽器時指定為 `--remote-debugging-port`。",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "用於解析路徑 baseUrl 的基底 URL。將 URL 對應至磁碟上的檔案時baseURL 會受到修剪。預設為啟動 URL 網域。",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "強制瀏覽器附加至一個位置。在遠端工作區中 (例如,透過 SSH 或 WSL),這可用來附加至遠端電腦上的瀏覽器,而非在本機附加。",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "強制瀏覽器在一個位置啟動。在遠端工作區中 (例如,透過 ssh 或 WSL),這可用來在遠端電腦上開啟瀏覽器,而非在本機開啟瀏覽器。",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "偵錯工作階段完成之後要執行的清除。只關閉正在偵錯的索引標籤與關閉整個瀏覽器的比較。",
"browser.cwd.description": "執行階段可執行檔的選用工作目錄。",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "控制是否跳過每個要求的網路快取",
"browser.env.description": "瀏覽器環境索引鍵/值組的選用字典。",
"browser.file.description": "要在瀏覽器中開啟的本機 html 檔案",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "啟動中是否將包含預設的瀏覽器啟動引數 (以停用可能會讓偵錯更加困難的功能)。",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "進階: 是否在瀏覽器上設定任何預設的啟動/偵錯引數。偵錯工具會假設瀏覽器將使用管道偵錯,例如使用 `--remote-debugging-pipe` 提供的管道偵錯。",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "用於重寫 inspectUri 的格式: 這是在 `{curlyBraces}` 中插入索引鍵的範本字串。可用的索引鍵包括:\r\n - `url.*` 是目前執行的應用程式經剖析過後的位址。例如,`{url.port}`、`{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` 是 Chrome 正在接聽的偵錯連接埠。\r\n - `browserInspectUri` 是啟動之瀏覽器上的偵測器 URI。\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` 是啟動之瀏覽器上的偵測器 URI 路徑部分 (例如: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\")。\r\n - `wsProtocol` 是提示的 WebSocket 通訊協定。若來源 URL 為 `https`,此項目會設定為 `wss`; 不是 `https` 時,則會設定為 `ws`。\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "瀏覽器接聽的連接埠。預設為 \"0\",會透過管道對瀏覽器進行偵錯,這種方式一般是較安全的建議選項,除非您需要透過其他工具連結至瀏覽器。",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "URL/路徑對本機資料夾的對應,可將瀏覽器中的指令碼解析至磁碟上的指令碼",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "是否使用包含來源檔案之主檔名的唯一 sourcemap 個別載入指令碼。這可以設定為在處理大量小型指令碼時,將 sourcemap 處理最佳化。若設定為「自動」,我們將在適當情況下偵測已知案例。",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "如果為 true將在處理序啟動後立即開始分析",
"browser.restart": "是否要在瀏覽器連線中斷時重新連線",
"browser.revealPage": "焦點索引標籤",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "傳遞至執行階段可執行檔的選用引數。",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "瀏覽器可執行檔的 'canary'、'stable'、'custom' 或路徑。自訂表示自訂包裝函式、自訂組建或 CHROME_PATH 環境變數。",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "'canary'、'stable'、'dev'、'custom' 或瀏覽器可執行檔的路徑。Custom 表示自訂包裝函式、自訂組建或 EDGE_PATH 環境變數。",
"browser.server.description": "設定要啟動的網頁伺服器。會採用與 'node' 啟動工作相同的組態。",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "偵錯時要略過的檔案或資料夾名稱的陣列或路徑 glob。允許星號模式和否定例如`[\"**/node_modules/**\"、\"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "自動逐步執行 sourcemap 檔案中未對應的行。例如TypeScript 在編譯 async/await 或其他功能時自動產生的程式碼。",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "一組對應,用於將 sourcemap 中顯示的來源檔案位置重寫為其磁碟上的位置。如需詳細資料,請參閱讀我檔案。",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "是否要使用來源對應中的 \"names\" 對應。這需要要求來源內容,因此速度可能會因為特定偵錯工具而變慢。",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "使用 JavaScript 來源對應 (如果有)。",
"browser.targetSelection": "是否附加到符合 URL 篩選的所有目標 (\"automatic\"),或要求您挑選一個 (\"pick\")。",
"browser.timeout.description": "重試此毫秒數以連線至瀏覽器。預設為 10000 毫秒。",
"browser.url.description": "將會搜尋具有此明確 URL 的索引標籤,並在找到時加以附加",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "將會搜尋具有此 URL 的頁面,若有找到,會附加至該頁面。可有 * 萬用字元。",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "根據預設,瀏覽器會以暫存資料夾中的單獨使用者設定檔啟動。使用此選項加以覆寫。設定為 False 來以您的預設使用者設定檔啟動。如果執行個體已從 `userDataDir` 執行,無法啟動新的瀏覽器。",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "用以尋找 '*.vue' 元件的檔案 Glob 樣式清單。根據預設會搜尋整個工作區。因為在 Vue CLI 4 中執行額外的查閱需要 Vue 的 sourcemap所以必須設定此清單。只要將此設定成空白陣列就能停用此特殊處理。",
"browser.webRoot.description": "這會指定網頁伺服器根目錄的工作區絕對路徑。可用來將 `/app.js` 這類路徑解析成磁碟上的檔案。亦為 pathMapping 的 \"/\" 速記法",
"chrome.attach.description": "附加至已經進入偵錯模式的 Chrome 執行個體",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: 連結",
"chrome.label": "Web 應用程式 (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "啟動 Chrome 以偵錯 URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: 啟動",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "排除呼叫者",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "排除呼叫者在目前的位置暫停",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "前往呼叫者位置",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "前往目標位置",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "移除排除的呼叫者",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "移除所有排除的呼叫者",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "停用來源對應逐步執行",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "啟用來源對應逐步執行",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "設定當 `#debug.node.autoAttach#` 為 on 時,會自動連結及偵錯哪一項處理序。無論此設定為何,使用 `--inspect` 旗標啟動的節點處理序一律會加以連結。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "自動附加至在終端機中啟動的每個 Node.js 處理序。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "自動附加已停用且不顯示於狀態列。",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "只有在指定 `--inspect` 時才自動附加。",
"": "執行不在 node_modules 資料夾中的指令碼時自動附加。",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "設定 Glob 模式以決定要在「智慧型」`#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` 模式中附加的時機。已使用通用測試和程式碼執行器的名稱清單取代 `$KNOWN_TOOLS$`。[在 VS Code 文件閱讀更多內容](。",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "偵測遠端 Web 應用程式時,設定是否自動打開遠端伺服器到本機電腦的通道。",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "條件式中斷點擲回錯誤時是否停止。",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "在偵錯終端機內按一下偵錯開啟連結時所使用的選項。可設為 \"false\",停用此行為。",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "用於啟動設定的預設 `runtimeExecutable` (若未指定)。其可用於對 Node.js 或瀏覽器安裝,設定自訂路徑。",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "\"Run\" 與 \"Debug\" 程式碼濾鏡應在您 npm 指令碼中顯示的位置。可以是「全部」、指令碼、指令碼區段的「頂端」或「永不」。",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "透過 `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` 命令偵錯處理序時所用的預設選項",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "在偵錯工具中載入資源 (例如來源對應) 時所使用的要求選項。舉例來說,若您的來源對應需要驗證或使用自我簽署憑證,就可能需要設定此項。選項可用於使用 [`got`]( 程式庫來建立要求。\r\n\r\n停用憑證驗證是一種常見案例可透過傳遞 `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` 來完成。",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript 偵錯終端機和 npm 指令碼的預設啟動選項。",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "設定無法讀取原始檔案的 sourcemap 檔案是否將自動取消對應。如果為 false (預設),系統會顯示提示。",
"createDiagnostics.label": "診斷中斷點問題",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "自訂偵錯工具為物件 (例如區域變數等...) 所顯示的文字描述。範例:\r\n 1. this.toString() // 會呼叫 toString 列印所有物件\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // 使用 customDescription 方法 (如果有的話),如果沒有則傳回 defaultValue\r\n 3. 函式 (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // 使用 customDescription 方法 (如果有的話),如果沒有則傳回 defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "自訂偵錯工具中,為物件所顯示的屬性 (區域變數等等)。範例:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // 將 extraProperty 12345 新增至所有物件\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // 使用 customProperties 方法 (若可用); 若無法使用該方法,則請使用這裡的屬性 (預設屬性)\r\n 3. 函式 () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 使用 customDescription 方法 (若可用); 若無法使用該方法,則傳回預設屬性\r\n\r\n 已淘汰: 這是此功能暫時的執行方式,會持續到我們有時間以下列描述的方式進行實作為止: (英文)",
"debug.npm.edit": "編輯 package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "未在您的 package.json 找到 npm 指令碼",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "您需要開啟工作區資料夾,才能偵錯 npm 指令碼。",
"debug.npm.parseError": "無法讀取 {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "偵錯 npm 指令碼",
"debug.terminal.attach": "附加到 Node.js 終端處理序",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript 偵錯終端",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "要在啟動終端機執行的指令。如未提供,終端機將不會在開啟時啟動程式。",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "在偵錯終端機執行 \"npm start\"",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "切換終端 Node.js 自動附加",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript 偵錯終端機](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\n您可以使用 JavaScript 偵錯終端機為命令列上執行的 Node.js 處理序進行偵錯。",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript 偵錯終端機](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\n您可以使用 JavaScript 偵錯終端機為命令列上執行的 Node.js 處理序進行偵錯。\r\n\r\n[偵錯 URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "無法設定部分中斷點。如果您遇到問題,您可以 [疑難排解啟動設定](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics)。",
"debugLink.label": "開啟連結",
"edge.address.description": "對 Web 檢視進行偵錯時,該 Web 檢視所接聽的 IP 位址或主機名稱。如果未設定,則會自動探索。",
"edge.attach.description": "附加至已經進入偵錯模式的 Microsoft Edge 執行個體",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: 連結",
"edge.label": "Web 應用程式 (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "啟動 Microsoft Edge 來偵錯 URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: 啟動",
"edge.port.description": "對 Web 檢視進行偵錯時,該 Web 檢視偵錯工具所接聽的連接埠。如果未設定,則會自動探索。",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "物件,包含 UWP 代管 Webview2 之偵錯管道的 'pipeName'。這是建立管道 \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\" 時的 \"MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "為 'true' 時,偵錯工具會將執行階段可執行檔視為包含 WebView 的主機應用程式,以便您偵錯 WebView 指令碼內容。",
"enableContentValidation.description": "切換是否要驗證磁碟上的檔案內容符合執行時間中載入的內容。這適用於多種情況,而且在某些情況下是必要的,但舉例來說,如果您有指令碼的伺服器端轉換,就可能會造成問題。",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: 經過 {1} 毫秒後逾時",
"extension.description": "用於偵錯 Node.js 程式和 Chrome 的延伸模組。",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code 延伸模組開發",
"": "啟動延伸模組",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "設定是否應嘗試附加到 Web 背景工作延伸主機。",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "設定是否要嘗試附加至已啟動 VS Code 執行個體中的 Web 檢視。這僅適用於桌面 VS Code。",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "傳遞至延伸模組主機的環境變數。",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "附加到轉譯器處理序時所使用的 Chrome 啟動選項,包含 `debugWebviews` 或 `debugWebWorkerHost`。",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "到達 VS 程式碼的絕對路徑。",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "啟動後自動停止延伸模組主機。",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "在偵錯模式下啟動 VS 程式碼延伸模組",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code 延伸模組開發",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "儲存診斷 JS 偵錯記錄",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "不再顯示",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "設定中斷點需要一段時間。您可以透過更新 launch.json 中的 'outFiles' 來加快速度。",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "未開啟工作區資料夾。",
"": "開啟 launch.json",
"node.address.description": "要偵錯之處理序的 TCP/IP 位址。預設為 'localhost'。",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "是否要嘗試附加至已衍生的子處理序。",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "是否要在附加的處理序中設定環境變數,來追蹤繁衍的子系。",
"": "附加",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "如果為 true我們會自動繼續啟動的程式並等待 `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "要連結的處理序之識別碼。",
"node.attach.restart.description": "當連線中斷時,嘗試重新連線到該程式。若設定為 'true',將不間斷地每秒嘗試一次。您可以在物件中指定 'delay' 與 'maxAttempts',以自訂間隔及嘗試次數上限。",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "如有設定則會透過指定的連接埠附加到處理序。Node.js 程式通常已不需要此設定,而且無法對子處理序進行偵錯,但在較特殊的情況下 (例如啟動 Deno 和 Docker 時),可能會有幫助。若設為 0則會選擇隨機的連接埠並自動將 --inspect-brk 新增到啟動引數。",
"node.console.title": "節點偵錯主控台",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "在為該檔案載入 sourcemap 之前,請勿在任何檔案中設定中斷點。",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "設定是否要針對來源對應探索使用更快速的新機制",
"node.killBehavior.description": "設定當工作階段停止時,如何終止偵錯處理序。可設定為:\r\n\r\n- 強制 (預設): 強制卸除處理序樹狀結構。在 posix 上請傳送 SIGKILL在 Windows 上請傳送 `taskkill.exe /F`。\r\n- 正常: 適當地卸除處理序樹狀結構。以此方式關機之後,行為不當的處理序有可能仍會持續執行。在 posix 上請傳送 SIGTERM在 Windows 上則請傳送不指定 `/F` (強制) 旗標的 `taskkill.exe`。\r\n- 無: 不發生任何終止。",
"add.browser.breakpoint": "Add Browser Breakpoint",
"attach.node.process": "Attach to Node Process",
"base.cascadeTerminateToConfigurations.label": "A list of debug sessions which, when this debug session is terminated, will also be stopped.",
"browser.address.description": "IP address or hostname the debugged browser is listening on.",
"browser.attach.port.description": "Port to use to remote debugging the browser, given as `--remote-debugging-port` when launching the browser.",
"browser.baseUrl.description": "Base URL to resolve paths baseUrl. baseURL is trimmed when mapping URLs to the files on disk. Defaults to the launch URL domain.",
"browser.browserAttachLocation.description": "Forces the browser to attach in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to attach to a browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.browserLaunchLocation.description": "Forces the browser to be launched in one location. In a remote workspace (through ssh or WSL, for example) this can be used to open the browser on the remote machine rather than locally.",
"browser.cleanUp.description": "What clean-up to do after the debugging session finishes. Close only the tab being debug, vs. close the whole browser.",
"browser.cwd.description": "Optional working directory for the runtime executable.",
"browser.disableNetworkCache.description": "Controls whether to skip the network cache for each request",
"browser.env.description": "Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs for the browser.",
"browser.file.description": "A local html file to open in the browser",
"browser.includeDefaultArgs.description": "Whether default browser launch arguments (to disable features that may make debugging harder) will be included in the launch.",
"browser.includeLaunchArgs.description": "Advanced: whether any default launch/debugging arguments are set on the browser. The debugger will assume the browser will use pipe debugging such as that which is provided with `--remote-debugging-pipe`.",
"browser.inspectUri.description": "Format to use to rewrite the inspectUri: It's a template string that interpolates keys in `{curlyBraces}`. Available keys are:\r\n - `url.*` is the parsed address of the running application. For instance, `{url.port}`, `{url.hostname}`\r\n - `port` is the debug port that Chrome is listening on.\r\n - `browserInspectUri` is the inspector URI on the launched browser\r\n - `browserInspectUriPath` is the path part of the inspector URI on the launched browser (e.g.: \"/devtools/browser/e9ec0098-306e-472a-8133-5e42488929c2\").\r\n - `wsProtocol` is the hinted websocket protocol. This is set to `wss` if the original URL is `https`, or `ws` otherwise.\r\n",
"browser.launch.port.description": "Port for the browser to listen on. Defaults to \"0\", which will cause the browser to be debugged via pipes, which is generally more secure and should be chosen unless you need to attach to the browser from another tool.",
"browser.pathMapping.description": "A mapping of URLs/paths to local folders, to resolve scripts in the Browser to scripts on disk",
"browser.perScriptSourcemaps.description": "Whether scripts are loaded individually with unique sourcemaps containing the basename of the source file. This can be set to optimize sourcemap handling when dealing with lots of small scripts. If set to \"auto\", we'll detect known cases where this is appropriate.",
"browser.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling soon as the process launches",
"browser.restart": "Whether to reconnect if the browser connection is closed",
"browser.revealPage": "Focus Tab",
"browser.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or CHROME_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.runtimeExecutable.edge.description": "Either 'canary', 'stable', 'dev', 'custom' or path to the browser executable. Custom means a custom wrapper, custom build or EDGE_PATH environment variable.",
"browser.server.description": "Configures a web server to start up. Takes the same configuration as the 'node' launch task.",
"browser.skipFiles.description": "An array of file or folder names, or path globs, to skip when debugging. Star patterns and negations are allowed, for example, `[\"**/node_modules/**\", \"!**/node_modules/my-module/**\"]`",
"browser.smartStep.description": "Automatically step through unmapped lines in sourcemapped files. For example, code that TypeScript produces automatically when downcompiling async/await or other features.",
"browser.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk. See README for details.",
"browser.sourceMapRenames.description": "Whether to use the \"names\" mapping in sourcemaps. This requires requesting source content, which can be slow with certain debuggers.",
"browser.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"browser.targetSelection": "Whether to attach to all targets that match the URL filter (\"automatic\") or ask to pick one (\"pick\").",
"browser.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to the browser. Default is 10000 ms.",
"browser.url.description": "Will search for a tab with this exact url and attach to it, if found",
"browser.urlFilter.description": "Will search for a page with this url and attach to it, if found. Can have * wildcards.",
"browser.userDataDir.description": "By default, the browser is launched with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to override it. Set to false to launch with your default user profile. A new browser can't be launched if an instance is already running from `userDataDir`.",
"browser.vueComponentPaths": "A list of file glob patterns to find `*.vue` components. By default, searches the entire workspace. This needs to be specified due to extra lookups that Vue's sourcemaps require in Vue CLI 4. You can disable this special handling by setting this to an empty array.",
"browser.webRoot.description": "This specifies the workspace absolute path to the webserver root. Used to resolve paths like `/app.js` to files on disk. Shorthand for a pathMapping for \"/\"",
"chrome.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Chrome already in debug mode",
"chrome.attach.label": "Chrome: Attach",
"chrome.label": "Web App (Chrome)",
"chrome.launch.description": "Launch Chrome to debug a URL",
"chrome.launch.label": "Chrome: Launch",
"commands.callersAdd.label": "Exclude Caller",
"commands.callersAdd.paletteLabel": "Exclude caller from pausing in the current location",
"commands.callersGoToCaller.label": "Go to caller location",
"commands.callersGoToTarget.label": "Go to target location",
"commands.callersRemove.label": "Remove excluded caller",
"commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remove all excluded callers",
"commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disable Source Mapped Stepping",
"commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Enable Source Mapped Stepping",
"configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `#debug.node.autoAttach#` is on. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.",
"configuration.autoAttachMode.explicit": "Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given.",
"": "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder.",
"configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configures glob patterns for determining when to attach in \"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` mode. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. [Read more on the VS Code docs](",
"configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine.",
"configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.",
"configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. Can be set to \"off\" to disable this behavior, or \"always\" to enable debugging in all terminals.",
"configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. This can be used to config custom paths to Node.js or browser installations.",
"configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".",
"configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command",
"configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Request options to use when loading resources, such as source maps, in the debugger. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. Options are used to create a request using the [`got`]( library.\r\n\r\nA common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.",
"configuration.terminalOptions": "Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts.",
"configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. If this is false (default), a prompt is shown.",
"createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnose Breakpoint Problems",
"customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Customize the textual description the debugger shows for objects (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. this.toString() // will call toString to print all objects\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return defaultValue\r\n ",
"customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Customize the properties shown for an object in the debugger (local variables, etc...). Samples:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Add an extraProperty 12345 to all objects\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use customProperties method if available, if not use the properties in this (the default properties)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use customDescription method if available, if not return the default properties\r\n\r\n Deprecated: This is a temporary implementation of this feature until we have time to implement it in the way described here:",
"debug.npm.edit": "Edit package.json",
"debug.npm.noScripts": "No npm scripts found in your package.json",
"debug.npm.noWorkspaceFolder": "You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.",
"debug.npm.parseError": "Could not read {0}: {1}",
"debug.npm.script": "Debug npm Script",
"debug.terminal.attach": "Attach to Node.js Terminal Process",
"debug.terminal.label": "JavaScript Debug Terminal",
"debug.terminal.program.description": "Command to run in the launched terminal. If not provided, the terminal will open without launching a program.",
"debug.terminal.snippet.label": "Run \"npm start\" in a debug terminal",
"debug.terminal.toggleAuto": "Toggle Terminal Node.js Auto Attach",
"debug.terminal.welcome": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.",
"debug.terminal.welcomeWithLink": "[JavaScript Debug Terminal](command:extension.js-debug.createDebuggerTerminal)\r\n\r\nYou can use the JavaScript Debug Terminal to debug Node.js processes run on the command line.\r\n\r\n[Debug URL](command:extension.js-debug.debugLink)",
"debug.unverifiedBreakpoints": "Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can [troubleshoot your launch configuration](command:extension.js-debug.createDiagnostics).",
"debugLink.label": "Open Link",
"edge.address.description": "When debugging webviews, the IP address or hostname the webview is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.attach.description": "Attach to an instance of Edge already in debug mode",
"edge.attach.label": "Edge: Attach",
"edge.label": "Web App (Edge)",
"edge.launch.description": "Launch Edge to debug a URL",
"edge.launch.label": "Edge: Launch",
"edge.port.description": "When debugging webviews, the port the webview debugger is listening on. Will be automatically discovered if not set.",
"edge.useWebView.attach.description": "An object containing the `pipeName` of a debug pipe for a UWP hosted Webview2. This is the \"MyTestSharedMemory\" when creating the pipe \"\\\\.\\pipe\\LOCAL\\MyTestSharedMemory\"",
"edge.useWebView.launch.description": "When 'true', the debugger will treat the runtime executable as a host application that contains a WebView allowing you to debug the WebView script content.",
"enableContentValidation.description": "Toggles whether we verify the contents of files on disk match the ones loaded in the runtime. This is useful in a variety of scenarios and required in some, but can cause issues if you have server-side transformation of scripts, for example.",
"errors.timeout": "{0}: timeout after {1}ms",
"extension.description": "An extension for debugging Node.js programs and Chrome.",
"extensionHost.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"": "Launch Extension",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebWorkerHost": "Configures whether we should try to attach to the web worker extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.debugWebviews": "Configures whether we should try to attach to webviews in the launched VS Code instance. This will only work in desktop VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the extension host.",
"extensionHost.launch.rendererDebugOptions": "Chrome launch options used when attaching to the renderer process, with `debugWebviews` or `debugWebWorkerHost`.",
"extensionHost.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Absolute path to VS Code.",
"extensionHost.launch.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop the extension host after launch.",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a VS Code extension in debug mode",
"extensionHost.snippet.launch.label": "VS Code Extension Development",
"getDiagnosticLogs.label": "Save Diagnostic JS Debug Logs",
"longPredictionWarning.disable": "Don't show again",
"longPredictionWarning.message": "It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.",
"longPredictionWarning.noFolder": "No workspace folder open.",
"": "Open launch.json",
"node.address.description": "TCP/IP address of process to be debugged. Default is 'localhost'.",
"node.attach.attachExistingChildren.description": "Whether to attempt to attach to already-spawned child processes.",
"node.attach.attachSpawnedProcesses.description": "Whether to set environment variables in the attached process to track spawned children.",
"": "Attach",
"node.attach.continueOnAttach": "If true, we'll automatically resume programs launched and waiting on `--inspect-brk`",
"node.attach.processId.description": "ID of process to attach to.",
"node.attach.restart.description": "Try to reconnect to the program if we lose connection. If set to `true`, we'll try once a second, forever. You can customize the interval and maximum number of attempts by specifying the `delay` and `maxAttempts` in an object instead.",
"node.attachSimplePort.description": "If set, attaches to the process via the given port. This is generally no longer necessary for Node.js programs and loses the ability to debug child processes, but can be useful in more esoteric scenarios such as with Deno and Docker launches. If set to 0, a random port will be chosen and --inspect-brk added to the launch arguments automatically.",
"node.console.title": "Node Debug Console",
"node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Don't set breakpoints in any file until a sourcemap has been loaded for that file.",
"node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configures whether to use a new, faster mechanism for sourcemap discovery",
"node.killBehavior.description": "Configures how debug processes are killed when stopping the session. Can be:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): forcefully tears down the process tree. Sends SIGKILL on posix, or `taskkill.exe /F` on Windows.\r\n- polite: gracefully tears down the process tree. It's possible that misbehaving processes continue to run after shutdown in this way. Sends SIGTERM on posix, or `taskkill.exe` with no `/F` (force) flag on Windows.\r\n- none: no termination will happen.",
"node.label": "Node.js",
"node.launch.args.description": "傳遞至程式的命令列引數。\r\n\r\n可以是字串陣列或單一字串。當程式在終端機中啟動時將此屬性設定為單一字串將導致命令介面的引數不會逸出。",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "自動附加偵錯工具至新的子處理序。",
"": "啟動",
"node.launch.console.description": "啟動偵錯目標的位置。",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "可透過使用者設定進行外部終端機的設定。",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code 的整合式終端機",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code 偵錯主控台 (無法從程式讀取輸入)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "正在接受偵錯之程式的工作目錄絕對路徑。如果您已設定 localRoot則 cwd 會比對此值,否則會退回到您的 workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "傳遞至程式的環境變數。值 'null' 會從環境移除該變數。",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "包含環境變數定義的檔案絕對路徑。",
"node.launch.logging": "記錄設定",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Chrome DevTools Protocol 訊息的記錄檔路徑",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "偵錯配接器通訊協定訊息的記錄檔路徑",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "擷取輸出訊息的來源: 如果設定為 `console`,則為預設偵錯 API; 如果設定為 `std`,則為 stdout/stderr 資料流。",
"node.launch.program.description": "程式的絕對路徑。透過查看 package.json 及開啟的檔案猜測產生的值。編輯此屬性。",
"node.launch.restart.description": "如果程式以非零的結束代碼結束,請嘗試重新啟動程式。",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "傳遞到執行階段可執行檔的選擇性引數。",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "要使用的執行階段。可以是 PATH 上可用執行階段的絕對路徑或名稱。若省略,即假設為 `node`。",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "手動插入進入點中斷點的模式清單。這對於以下情形相當實用,在啟動之前使用不存在或無法偵測到的 sourcemap讓偵錯工具得以設定中斷點例如[使用無伺服器架構](。",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "'node' 版本的執行階段使用中。需要 `nvm`。",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' 已淘汰且其支援將受到捨棄。請改為使用 'Remote - WSL' 延伸模組。",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "使用 Windows 子系統 Linux 版。",
"node.localRoot.description": "包含程式的本機目錄路徑。",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "是否要等待各個連入指令碼的來源對應載入。這會有效能額外負荷,且只要未停用 `rootPath`,就能在磁碟上執行時安全停用。",
"node.port.description": "偵錯要連結的連接埠。預設值為 9229。",
"": "附加至處理序",
"node.profileStartup.description": "如果為 true將在處理序啟動後立即開始分析",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "包含程式的遠端目錄絕對路徑。",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "位置 (資料夾和 URL) 的 minimatch 模式清單,其中來源對應可用於解析本機檔案。您可以利用此清單來避免外部來源對應程式碼中出現錯誤分行。在模式名稱開頭加上 \"!\" 可予以排除。可設定為空白陣列或 null 來避免限制。",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "顯示導致目前呼叫堆疊的非同步呼叫。",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "附加至Node處理程序",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: 附加",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "開啟處理序選擇器以選取要連結的目標節點處理序",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: 連結到處理序",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "對 Electron 主要處理序偵錯",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron 主要",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "對 Gulp 工作偵錯 (確認您的專案中已安裝本機 Gulp)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp 工作",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "在偵錯模式中啟動節點程式",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: 啟動程式",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "對 mocha 測試偵錯",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha 測試",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "使用 nodemon 在來源變更時重新啟動偵錯工作階段",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon 設定",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "透過 npm `debug` 指令碼啟動節點程式",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: 透過 npm 啟動",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "附加到遠端節點程式的偵錯連接埠",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: 附加到遠端程式",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "偵錯 Yeoman 產生器 (透過執行專案資料夾中的 `npm link` 進行安裝)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman 產生器",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "依據 sourcemap 指示重新寫入一組來源檔案位置對應至磁碟上的位置。",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "使用 JavaScript 來源對應 (若存在)。",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "啟動後自動停止程式。",
"node.timeout.description": "重試連線到 Node.js 的毫秒數。預設值為 10000 毫秒。",
"node.versionHint.description": "允許您明確指定正在執行的節點版本,以在無法自動偵測版本時,用以停用或啟用特定行為。",
"node.websocket.address.description": "要附加至的確切 WebSocket 位址。若未指定,則會從位址和連接埠進行探索。",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "開啟瀏覽器 Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "若已啟用來源對應,則這些 glob 模式會指定產生的 JavaScript 檔案。若模式的開頭為 `!` ,即會排除檔案。若未指定,則產生的程式碼應與其來源位於相同的目錄中。",
"pretty.print.script": "偵錯的美化顯示",
"profile.start": "取得效能設定檔",
"profile.stop": "停止效能設定檔",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "移除瀏覽器中斷點",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "刪除所有瀏覽器中斷點",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "針對偵錯工作階段要求 CDP Proxy",
"skipFiles.description": "偵錯時要跳過的檔案 Glob 模式陣列。該模式 `<node_internals>/**` 會比對所有內部 Node.js 模組。",
"smartStep.description": "自動逐步執行產生的程式碼 (無法對應回原始來源)。",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "啟動偵錯並停止在進入點",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "啟動偵錯並停止在進入點",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "幾個偵錯工具作業的逾時。",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "幾個偵錯工具作業的逾時。",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "中止暫留符號之值評估前的時間。如果設為 0暫留評估永遠不會逾時。",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "與來源對應作業相關的逾時。",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "每個工作階段在基本時間 (sourceMapMinPause) 用盡之後,可額外用於等候來源對應處理的時間 (毫秒)",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "剖析指令碼時,花費在等候每個來源對應處理的基本時間 (毫秒)",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "切換跳過此檔案",
"trace.boolean.description": "追蹤可設為 'true' 來將診斷記錄寫入磁碟。",
"trace.description": "設定產生的診斷輸出。",
"trace.logFile.description": "設定要寫入磁碟記錄的位置。",
"trace.stdio.description": "是否從啟動的應用程式或是瀏覽器傳回追蹤資料。",
"workspaceTrust.description": "需要信任才能在此工作區中對程式碼進行偵錯。"
"bundle": {
"A profiling session is already running, would you like to stop it and start a new session?": "分析工作階段已在執行。要停止該工作階段,然後再啟動新的工作階段嗎?",
"Adjust glob pattern(s) in the 'outFiles' attribute so that they cover the generated JavaScript.": "調整 'outFiles' 屬性中的 Glob 模式,讓模式涵蓋所產生的 JavaScript。",
"Always": "永遠",
"Always in this Workspace": "一律在此工作區中",
"An error occurred taking a profile from the target.": "從目標擷取設定檔時發生錯誤。",
"Animation Frame Fired": "已觸發動畫畫面格",
"Assertion failed": "判斷提示失敗",
"Attach to process: '{0}' doesn't look like a process id.": "附加至處理序: '{0}' 看起來不像處理序識別碼。",
"Attach to process: cannot enable debug mode for process '{0}' ({1}).": "附加至處理序: 無法啟用處理序 '{0}' ({1}) 的偵錯模式。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvm-windows' or 'nvs'.": "屬性 'runtimeVersion' 需要 Node.js 版本管理員 'nvm-windows' 或 'nvs'。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' requires Node.js version manager 'nvs' or 'nvm' to be installed.": "屬性 'runtimeVersion' 需要安裝 Node.js 版本管理員 'nvs' 或 'nvm'。",
"Attribute 'runtimeVersion' with a flavor/architecture requires 'nvs' to be installed.": "具有變體/結構的屬性 'runtimeVersion' 需要安裝 'nvs'。",
"Block": "封鎖",
"Breaks on all throw errors, even if they're caught later.": "中斷所有擲回錯誤,即使是之後攔截的也一樣。",
"Breaks only on errors or promise rejections that are not handled.": "只在未處理的錯誤或承諾拒絕時中斷。",
"CPU Profile": "CPU 設定檔",
"CPU profile saved as \"{0}\" in your workspace folder": "CPU 設定檔已在工作區資料夾中另存為 \"{0}\"",
"CSP violation \"{0}\"": "CSP 違規 \"{0}\"",
"Can't find Node.js binary \"{0}\": {1}. Make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH, or set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json": "找不到 Node.js 二進位檔 \"{0}\": {1}。請確認 Node.js 已安裝,且位於您的 PATH 中,或在您的 launch.json 中設定 \"runtimeExecutable\"",
"Can't load environment variables from file ({0}).": "無法從檔案 ({0}) 載入環境變數。",
"Cancel Animation Frame": "取消動畫框架",
"Cannot connect to the target at {0}: {1}": "無法連線到位於 {0} 的目標: {1}",
"Cannot find a program to debug": "找不到要偵錯的程式",
"Cannot launch debug target in terminal ({0}).": "在終端機 ({0}) 中無法啟動偵錯目標。",
"Cannot restart asynchronous frame": "無法重新啟動非同步框架",
"Cannot set an empty value": "無法設定空白值",
"Catch Block": "Catch 區塊",
"Caught Exceptions": "攔截到例外狀況",
"Close AudioContext": "關閉 AudioContext",
"Closure": "關閉",
"Closure ({0})": "關閉 ({0})",
"Console profile started": "主機設定檔已啟動",
"Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "無法連線到任何 UWP Web 檢視管道。請確定您的 Web 檢視是以偵錯模式託管,且 'launch.json' 中的 'pipeName' 正確無誤。",
"Could not query the provided object": "無法查詢提供的物件",
"Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "無法讀取 {0} 的原始檔對應: {1}",
"Could not read {0}: {1}": "無法讀取 {0}: {1}",
"Create AudioContext": "建立 AudioContext",
"Create canvas context": "建立畫布內容",
"Debug Anyway": "仍要偵錯",
"Debug URL": "偵錯 URL",
"Details": "詳細資料",
"Don't show again": "不要再顯示",
"Duration": "持續時間",
"Duration of Profile": "設定檔持續時間",
"Edit package.json": "編輯 package.json",
"Eval": "Eval",
"Frame could not be restarted": "無法重新啟動框架",
"Generates a .cpuprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "產生可以在 Chrome DevTools 中開啟的 .cpuprofile 檔案",
"Generates a .heapprofile file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "產生可以在 Chrome DevTools 中開啟的 .heapprofile 檔案",
"Generates a .heapsnapshot file you can open in the Chrome devtools": "產生可以在 Chrome DevTools 中開啟的 .heapsnapshot 檔案",
"Global": "全域",
"Got it!": "了解!",
"Heap Profile": "堆積設定檔",
"Heap Snapshot": "堆積快照集",
"How long to run the profile:": "設定檔的執行時間長度:",
"Ignore": "略過",
"Invalid expression": "無效的運算式",
"Invalid hit condition \"{0}\". Expected an expression like \"> 42\" or \"== 2\".": "到達條件 \"{0}\" 無效。需要 \"> 42\" 或 \"== 2\" 之類的運算式。",
"It looks like a browser is already running from {0}. Please close it before trying to debug, otherwise VS Code may not be able to connect to it.": "瀏覽器似乎已從 {0} 執行。請先將其關閉再嘗試進行偵錯,否則 VS Code 可能無法與其連線。",
"It looks like your debug session has already ended. Try debugging again, then run the \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" command.": "您的偵錯工作階段似乎已結束。再次嘗試進行偵錯工具,然後執行 \"Debug: Diagnose Breakpoint Problems\" 命令。",
"It's taking a while to configure your breakpoints. You can speed this up by updating the 'outFiles' in your launch.json.": "設定中斷點需要一段時間。您可以透過更新 launch.json 中的 'outFiles' 來加快速度。",
"JavaScript Debug Terminal": "JavaScript 偵錯終端",
"JavaScript debug adapter": "JavaScript 偵錯配接器",
"Launch Chrome against localhost": "對 localhost 啟動 Chrome",
"Launch Edge against localhost": "對 localhost 啟動 Microsoft Edge",
"Launch Program": "啟動程式",
"Launch configuration created based on 'package.json'.": "根據 'package.json' 啟動建立的組態。",
"Launch configuration for '{0}' project created.": "為建立的 '{0}' 專案啟動組態。",
"Local": "本機",
"Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "與偵錯項目的連線已中斷。將於 {0} 毫秒內重新連線\r\n",
"Manual": "手動",
"Module": "模組",
"Never": "永不",
"No": "否",
"No npm scripts found in your package.json": "未在您的 package.json 找到 npm 指令碼",
"No package.json files found in your workspace.": "在您的工作區中找不到 package.json 檔案。",
"No workspace folder open.": "未開啟工作區資料夾。",
"Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "未使用版本管理員 {1} 安裝 Node.js '{0}' 版。",
"Not Now": "現在不要",
"Only objects can be queried": "只能查詢物件",
"Open launch.json": "開啟 launch.json",
"Output has been truncated to the first {0} characters. Run `{1}` to copy the full output.": "輸出已截斷為前 {0} 個字元。執行 '{1}' 以複製完整輸出。",
"Paused": "已暫停",
"Paused before Out Of Memory exception": "已在發生記憶體不足例外狀況之前暫停",
"Paused on Content Security Policy violation instrumentation breakpoint, directive \"{0}\"": "已在內容安全性原則違規檢測中斷點時暫停,指示詞 \"{0}\"",
"Paused on DOM breakpoint": "已在 DOM 中斷點時暫停",
"Paused on WebGL Error instrumentation breakpoint, error \"{0}\"": "已在 WebGL 錯誤檢測中斷點時暫停,錯誤 \"{0}\"",
"Paused on XMLHttpRequest or fetch": "已在 XMLHttpRequest 或擷取時暫停",
"Paused on assert": "已在判斷提示時暫停",
"Paused on breakpoint": "在中斷點時暫停",
"Paused on debug() call": "已在呼叫 debug() 時暫停",
"Paused on debugger statement": "已於偵錯工具陳述式暫停",
"Paused on event listener": "已在事件接聽程式時暫停",
"Paused on event listener breakpoint \"{0}\", triggered on \"{1}\"": "已在 \"{1}\" 觸發的事件接聽程式中斷點 \"{0}\" 時暫停",
"Paused on exception": "已在發生例外狀況時暫停",
"Paused on frame entry": "已於框架項目暫停",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint": "已在檢測中斷點時暫停",
"Paused on instrumentation breakpoint \"{0}\"": "已在檢測中斷點 \"{0}\" 時暫停",
"Paused on promise rejection": "已因拒絕承諾而暫停",
"Pick Breakpoint": "挑選中斷點",
"Pick the node.js process to attach to": "挑選附加目標 node.js 處理序",
"Please enter a number": "請輸入數字",
"Please enter a number greater than 1": "請輸入大於 1 的數字",
"Please stop the running profile before starting a new one.": "請先停止正在執行的設定檔,然後再啟動新的設定檔。",
"Process picker failed ({0})": "處理序選擇器失敗 ({0})",
"Profile duration in seconds, e.g \"5\"": "設定檔持續時間 (秒),例如 \"5\"",
"Profiling": "分析",
"Profiling with breakpoints enabled can change the performance of your code. It can be useful to validate your findings with the \"duration\" or \"manual\" termination conditions.": "分析如有啟用中斷點,可能會造成程式碼的效能變更。您可以使用「持續時間」或「手動」終止條件來驗證您的觀察。",
"Read More": "深入了解",
"Request Animation Frame": "要求動畫畫面格",
"Resume AudioContext": "繼續 AudioContext",
"Return value": "傳回值",
"Run Current File": "執行目前的檔案",
"Run Script: {0}": "執行指令碼: {0}",
"Run for a specific amount of time": "執行特定的時間長度",
"Run until a specific breakpoint is hit": "執行到到達特定中斷點時",
"Run until manually stopped": "執行到手動停止時",
"Saving": "正在儲存",
"Script": "指令碼",
"Script Blocked by Content Security Policy": "內容安全性原則禁止的指令碼",
"Script First Statement": "指令碼中的第一個陳述式",
"Select a tab": "選取索引標籤",
"Select current working directory for new terminal": "為新的終端機選擇目前的工作目錄",
"Select the page where you want to open the devtools": "選取要開啟 Devtools 的頁面",
"Select the session you want to inspect:": "選取您想要檢查的工作階段:",
"Set innerHTML": "設定 innerHTML",
"Skipped by skipFiles": "已由 skipFiles 略過",
"Skipped by smartStep": "已由 smartStep 略過",
"Some breakpoints might not work in your version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes. Details:": "某些中斷點在您的 Node.js 版本中可能無法運作。建議您升級,以取得最新的錯誤、效能及安全性修正。詳細資料:",
"Source not a source map": "原始檔不是原始檔對應",
"Source not found": "找不到來源",
"Stack frame not found": "找不到堆疊框架",
"Starting profile...": "正在啟動設定檔...",
"Stopping profile...": "正在停止設定檔...",
"Suspend AudioContext": "暫停 AudioContext",
"Syntax error setting breakpoint with condition {0} on line {1}: {2}": "使用條件 {0} 在第 {1}: {2} 行設定中斷點時發生語法錯誤",
"Target page not found. You may need to update your \"urlFilter\" to match the page you want to debug.": "找不到目標頁面。您必須更新 \"urlFilter\",才能找到您要偵錯的頁面。",
"The Node version in \"{0}\" is outdated (version {1}), we require at least Node 8.x.": "\"{0}\" 中的 Node 版本已過期 ({1} 版)。最低需要 Node 8.x。",
"The URL provided is invalid": "提供的 URL 無效",
"The configured `cwd` {0} does not exist.": "設定的 'cwd' {0} 不存在。",
"The configured `cwd` {0} is not a folder.": "設定的 'cwd' {0} 不是資料夾。",
"This is a missing file path referenced by a sourcemap. Would you like to debug the compiled version instead?": "此為 sourcemap 所參考的遺失檔案路徑。您要改為對已編譯的版本進行偵錯嗎?",
"Thread is not paused": "執行緒未暫停",
"Thread is not paused on exception": "執行緒未在發生例外狀況時暫停",
"Thread not found": "找不到執行緒",
"Type of profile:": "設定檔類型:",
"UWP webview debugging is not available on your platform.": "您的平台無法使用 UWP Web 檢視偵錯。",
"Unable to attach to browser": "無法連結到瀏覽器",
"Unable to evaluate": "無法評估",
"Unable to evaluate on async stack frame": "無法評估非同步堆疊框架",
"Unable to find an installation of the browser on your system. Try installing it, or providing an absolute path to the browser in the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json.": "在您的系統上找不到瀏覽器的安裝。請嘗試安裝該項目,或在您 launch.json 的 \"runtimeExecutable\" 中提供瀏覽器的絕對路徑。",
"Unable to find {0} version {1}. Available auto-discovered versions are: {2}. You can set the \"runtimeExecutable\" in your launch.json to one of these, or provide an absolute path to the browser executable.": "找不到 {0} {1} 版。提供之自動探索到的版本: {2}。您可以將您 launch.json 中的 \"runtimeExecutable\" 設定為其中之一,或是提供瀏覽器可執行檔的絕對路徑。",
"Unable to launch browser: \"{0}\"": "無法啟動瀏覽器: \"{0}\"",
"Unable to pause": "無法暫停",
"Unable to pretty print": "無法美化圖片",
"Unable to resume": "無法繼續",
"Unable to retrieve source content": "無法擷取原始檔內容",
"Unable to set variable value": "無法設定變數值",
"Unable to step in": "無法逐步執行",
"Unable to step next": "無法繼續下一行",
"Unable to step out": "無法跳離",
"Unbound breakpoint": "未繫結中斷點",
"Uncaught Exceptions": "未攔截到例外狀況",
"Unknown error": "未知的錯誤",
"Variable not found": "找不到變數",
"Variables not available in async stacks": "變數在非同步堆疊中無法使用",
"WARNING: Processing source-maps of {0} took longer than {1} ms so we continued execution without waiting for all the breakpoints for the script to be set.": "警告: 處理 {0} 來源對應的時間超過 {1} 毫秒,因此繼續執行,但不會等候指令碼的所有中斷點完成設定。",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. If you want to debug this webpage, open this workspace from VS Code on your desktop.": "在偵錯模式中時,無法由此啟動瀏覽器。若要對此網頁執行偵錯,請從您桌面的 VS Code 中開啟此工作區。",
"We can't launch a browser in debug mode from here. Open this workspace in VS Code on your desktop to enable debugging.": "在偵錯模式中時,無法由此啟動瀏覽器。請從您桌面的 VS Code 中開啟此工作區,以啟用偵錯。",
"WebGL Error Fired": "已觸發 WebGL 錯誤",
"WebGL Warning Fired": "已觸發 WebGL 警告",
"With Block": "With 區塊",
"Would you like to save a configuration in your launch.json for easy access later?": "您要將設定儲存在您的 launch.json 中,以便日後存取嗎?",
"Yes": "是",
"You need to open a workspace folder to debug npm scripts.": "您需要開啟工作區資料夾,才能偵錯 npm 指令碼。",
"You're running an outdated version of Node.js. We recommend upgrading for the latest bug, performance, and security fixes.": "您執行的 Node.js 版本已過期。我們建議升級以修正最新的錯誤、效能和安全性問題。",
"an old debug session": "舊的偵錯工作階段",
"path does not exist": "路徑不存在",
"process id: {0} ({1})": "處理序 id: {0} ({1})",
"process id: {0}, debug port: {1} ({2})": "處理序 id: {0}, 偵錯埠: {1} ({2})",
"setInterval fired": "已觸發 setInterval",
"setTimeout fired": "已觸發 setTimeout",
"the configured userDataDir": "設定的 userDataDir",
"{0} (couldn't describe: {1})": "{0} (無法描述: {1})",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling": "{0} 按一下可停止分析",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1} sessions)": "{0} 按一下可停止分析 ({1} 個工作階段)",
"{0} Click to Stop Profiling ({1})": "{0} 按一下可停止分析 ({1})"
"node.launch.args.description": "Command line arguments passed to the program.\r\n\r\nCan be an array of strings or a single string. When the program is launched in a terminal, setting this property to a single string will result in the arguments not being escaped for the shell.",
"node.launch.autoAttachChildProcesses.description": "Attach debugger to new child processes automatically.",
"": "Launch",
"node.launch.console.description": "Where to launch the debug target.",
"node.launch.console.externalTerminal.description": "External terminal that can be configured via user settings",
"node.launch.console.integratedTerminal.description": "VS Code's integrated terminal",
"node.launch.console.internalConsole.description": "VS Code Debug Console (which doesn't support to read input from a program)",
"node.launch.cwd.description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. If you've set localRoot then cwd will match that value otherwise it falls back to your workspaceFolder",
"node.launch.env.description": "Environment variables passed to the program. The value `null` removes the variable from the environment.",
"node.launch.envFile.description": "Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions.",
"node.launch.logging": "Logging configuration",
"node.launch.logging.cdp": "Path to the log file for Chrome DevTools Protocol messages",
"node.launch.logging.dap": "Path to the log file for Debug Adapter Protocol messages",
"node.launch.outputCapture.description": "From where to capture output messages: the default debug API if set to `console`, or stdout/stderr streams if set to `std`.",
"node.launch.program.description": "Absolute path to the program. Generated value is guessed by looking at package.json and opened files. Edit this attribute.",
"node.launch.restart.description": "Try to restart the program if it exits with a non-zero exit code.",
"node.launch.runtimeArgs.description": "Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.",
"node.launch.runtimeExecutable.description": "Runtime to use. Either an absolute path or the name of a runtime available on the PATH. If omitted `node` is assumed.",
"node.launch.runtimeSourcemapPausePatterns": "A list of patterns at which to manually insert entrypoint breakpoints. This can be useful to give the debugger an opportunity to set breakpoints when using sourcemaps that don't exist or can't be detected before launch, such as [with the Serverless framework](",
"node.launch.runtimeVersion.description": "Version of `node` runtime to use. Requires `nvm`.",
"node.launch.useWSL.deprecation": "'useWSL' is deprecated and support for it will be dropped. Use the 'Remote - WSL' extension instead.",
"node.launch.useWSL.description": "Use Windows Subsystem for Linux.",
"node.localRoot.description": "Path to the local directory containing the program.",
"node.pauseForSourceMap.description": "Whether to wait for source maps to load for each incoming script. This has a performance overhead, and might be safely disabled when running off of disk, so long as `rootPath` is not disabled.",
"node.port.description": "Debug port to attach to. Default is 9229.",
"": "Attach to Process",
"node.profileStartup.description": "If true, will start profiling as soon as the process launches",
"": "Explicit Host header to use when connecting to the websocket of inspector. If unspecified, the host header will be set to 'localhost'. This is useful when the inspector is running behind a proxy that only accept particular Host header.",
"node.remoteRoot.description": "Absolute path to the remote directory containing the program.",
"node.resolveSourceMapLocations.description": "A list of minimatch patterns for locations (folders and URLs) in which source maps can be used to resolve local files. This can be used to avoid incorrectly breaking in external source mapped code. Patterns can be prefixed with \"!\" to exclude them. May be set to an empty array or null to avoid restriction.",
"node.showAsyncStacks.description": "Show the async calls that led to the current call stack.",
"node.snippet.attach.description": "Attach to a running node program",
"node.snippet.attach.label": "Node.js: Attach",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.description": "Open process picker to select node process to attach to",
"node.snippet.attachProcess.label": "Node.js: Attach to Process",
"node.snippet.electron.description": "Debug the Electron main process",
"node.snippet.electron.label": "Node.js: Electron Main",
"node.snippet.gulp.description": "Debug gulp task (make sure to have a local gulp installed in your project)",
"node.snippet.gulp.label": "Node.js: Gulp task",
"node.snippet.launch.description": "Launch a node program in debug mode",
"node.snippet.launch.label": "Node.js: Launch Program",
"node.snippet.mocha.description": "Debug mocha tests",
"node.snippet.mocha.label": "Node.js: Mocha Tests",
"node.snippet.nodemon.description": "Use nodemon to relaunch a debug session on source changes",
"node.snippet.nodemon.label": "Node.js: Nodemon Setup",
"node.snippet.npm.description": "Launch a node program through an npm `debug` script",
"node.snippet.npm.label": "Node.js: Launch via npm",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.description": "Attach to the debug port of a remote node program",
"node.snippet.remoteattach.label": "Node.js: Attach to Remote Program",
"node.snippet.yo.description": "Debug yeoman generator (install by running `npm link` in project folder)",
"node.snippet.yo.label": "Node.js: Yeoman generator",
"node.sourceMapPathOverrides.description": "A set of mappings for rewriting the locations of source files from what the sourcemap says, to their locations on disk.",
"node.sourceMaps.description": "Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).",
"node.stopOnEntry.description": "Automatically stop program after launch.",
"node.timeout.description": "Retry for this number of milliseconds to connect to Node.js. Default is 10000 ms.",
"node.versionHint.description": "Allows you to explicitly specify the Node version that's running, which can be used to disable or enable certain behaviors in cases where the automatic version detection does not work.",
"node.websocket.address.description": "Exact websocket address to attach to. If unspecified, it will be discovered from the address and port.",
"openEdgeDevTools.label": "Open Browser Devtools",
"outFiles.description": "If source maps are enabled, these glob patterns specify the generated JavaScript files. If a pattern starts with `!` the files are excluded. If not specified, the generated code is expected in the same directory as its source.",
"pretty.print.script": "Pretty print for debugging",
"profile.start": "Take Performance Profile",
"profile.stop": "Stop Performance Profile",
"remove.browser.breakpoint": "Remove Browser Breakpoint",
"remove.browser.breakpoint.all": "Remove All Browser Breakpoints",
"requestCDPProxy.label": "Request CDP Proxy for Debug Session",
"skipFiles.description": "An array of glob patterns for files to skip when debugging. The pattern `<node_internals>/**` matches all internal Node.js modules.",
"smartStep.description": "Automatically step through generated code that cannot be mapped back to the original source.",
"start.with.stop.on.entry": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"startWithStopOnEntry.label": "Start Debugging and Stop on Entry",
"timeouts.generalDescription": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.generalDescription.markdown": "Timeouts for several debugger operations.",
"timeouts.hoverEvaluation.description": "Time until value evaluation for hovered symbols is aborted. If set to 0, hover evaluation does never time out.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.description": "Timeouts related to source maps operations.",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapCumulativePause.description": "Extra time in milliseconds allowed per session to be spent waiting for source-maps to be processed, after the minimum time (sourceMapMinPause) has been exhausted",
"timeouts.sourceMaps.sourceMapMinPause.description": "Minimum time in milliseconds spent waiting for each source-map to be processed when a script is being parsed",
"toggle.skipping.this.file": "Toggle Skipping this File",
"trace.boolean.description": "Trace may be set to 'true' to write diagnostic logs to the disk.",
"trace.description": "Configures what diagnostic output is produced.",
"trace.logFile.description": "Configures where on disk logs are written.",
"trace.stdio.description": "Whether to return trace data from the launched application or browser.",
"workspaceTrust.description": "Trust is required to debug code in this workspace."