- **Deploy to Device** : saves the code to the connected device.
_(**Note :** For the Circuit Playground Express, the board needs to be correctly formatted to a `CIRCUITPY` drive first. If that's not the case check [Installing CircuitPython](https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython/installing-circuitpython) to correctly format it)_.
- The first time you install the extension, you'll need to execute the `run` command at least once in order to access auto-completion.
- While running a code file, if you get an error saying it can't find the file, make sure you've clicked on a valid Python code file before running it.
- To open the output panel again after closing it go to VS Code menu : `View->Output`.
- For the Circuit Playground Express, if you try to deploy to the device while it's plugged in but you still get an error saying it cannot find the board, make sure your Circuit Playground Express is formatted correctly and that its name matches `CIRCUITPY`.
- If you can't get the Simulator communication working while debugging, try to open you `Settings` and check the port used under `'Device Simulator Express: Debugger Server Port'`. You can either change it (usually ports above 5000 could work) or try to free it, then start debugging again.
(2) To use the Serial Monitor commands, you'll need to open a folder because this saves the configuration file for the serial communication. You can still use the rest of the extension without opening a folder.
(3) Sensors currently not supported by the official adafruit_circuit_playground.express library (v2.1.2).
(4) The regular communication is using the stdout and stdin of the Python process. But when you debug your code, it will communicate over sockets on port 5577. This is the default port that you can change in your `Settings` : `'Device Simulator Express: Debugger Server Port'`.