
307 строки
12 KiB

[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string] $configuration,
[string] $versionPrefix,
[string] $currentBranch
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
function Verify-Nuget-Packages {
Write-Host "Starting Verify-Nuget-Packages."
$expectedNumOfFiles = @{
"Microsoft.CodeCoverage" = 59;
"Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" = 15;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform" = 619;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build" = 20;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.CLI" = 481;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.TrxLogger" = 34;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel" = 92;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.AdapterUtilities" = 61;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.Portable" = 608;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHost" = 62;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.TranslationLayer" = 122;
"Microsoft.TestPlatform.Internal.Uwp" = 38;
$packageDirectory = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot/../artifacts/packages/$configuration"
$tmpDirectory = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot/../artifacts/tmp/$configuration"
$pattern = "*.$versionPrefix*.nupkg"
$nugetPackages = @(Get-ChildItem $packageDirectory -Filter $pattern -Recurse -File | Where-Object { $_.Name -notLike "*.symbols.nupkg"})
if (0 -eq $nugetPackages.Length) {
throw "No nuget packages matching $pattern were found in '$packageDirectory'."
$suffixes = @($nugetPackages -replace ".*?$([regex]::Escape($versionPrefix))(.*)\.nupkg", '$1' | Sort-Object -Unique)
if (1 -lt $suffixes.Length) {
Write-Host "There are two different suffixes matching the same version prefix: '$($suffixes -join "', '")'".
$latestNuget = $nugetPackages |
Where-Object { $_.Name -like "Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.*" } |
Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending |
Select-Object -First 1
$suffix = $suffixes | Where { $latestNuget.Name.Contains("$versionPrefix$_.nupkg") }
$version = "$versionPrefix$suffix"
Write-Host "The most recently written Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.* nuget, is $($latestNuget.Name), which has '$suffix' suffix. Selecting only packages with that suffix."
$nugetPackages = $nugetPackages | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*$version.nupkg" }
else {
$suffix = $suffixes[0]
$version = "$versionPrefix$suffix"
Write-Host "Found $(@($nugetPackages).Count) nuget packages:`n $($nugetPackages.FullName -join "`n ")"
Write-Host "Unzipping NuGet packages to '$tmpDirectory'."
$unzipNugetPackageDirs = @()
foreach ($nugetPackage in $nugetPackages) {
$unzipNugetPackageDir = Join-Path $tmpDirectory $nugetPackage.BaseName
$unzipNugetPackageDirs += $unzipNugetPackageDir
if (Test-Path -Path $unzipNugetPackageDir) {
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $unzipNugetPackageDir
Unzip $nugetPackage.FullName $unzipNugetPackageDir
Write-Host "Verify NuGet packages files."
$errors = @()
foreach ($unzipNugetPackageDir in $unzipNugetPackageDirs) {
try {
$packageBaseName = (Get-Item $unzipNugetPackageDir).BaseName
$packageKey = $packageBaseName.Replace([string]".$version", [string]"")
Write-Host "Verifying package '$packageBaseName'."
$actualNumOfFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Path $unzipNugetPackageDir | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne '.signature.p7s' }).Count
if (-not $expectedNumOfFiles.ContainsKey($packageKey)) {
$errors += "Package '$packageKey' is not present in file expectedNumOfFiles table. Is that package known?"
if ($expectedNumOfFiles[$packageKey] -ne $actualNumOfFiles) {
$errors += "Number of files are not equal for '$packageBaseName', expected: $($expectedNumOfFiles[$packageKey]) actual: $actualNumOfFiles"
if ($packageKey -eq "Microsoft.TestPlatform") {
Verify-Version -nugetDir $unzipNugetPackageDir -errors $errors
finally {
# if ($null -ne $unzipNugetPackageDir -and (Test-Path $unzipNugetPackageDir)) {
# Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $unzipNugetPackageDir | Out-Null
# }
if ($errors) {
Write-Error "There are $($errors.Count) errors:`n$($errors -join "`n")"
Write-Host "Completed Verify-Nuget-Packages."
function Unzip {
param([string]$zipfile, [string]$outpath)
Write-Verbose "Unzipping '$zipfile' to '$outpath'."
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $outpath)
function Match-VersionAgainstBranch {
param ([string]$vsTestVersion, [string]$branchName, [string[]]$errors)
# Output useful info.
Write-Host "VSTest Product Version: `"$vsTestVersion`""
Write-Host "Current Branch: `"$branchName`""
$versionIsRTM = $vsTestVersion -match "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$"
$versionIsRelease = $vsTestVersion -match "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\-release\-\d{8}\-\d{2}$"
$versionIsPreview = $vsTestVersion -match "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\-preview\-\d{8}\-\d{2}$"
$isReleaseBranch = $branchName -like "rel/*"
$isPreviewBranch = $branchName -like "main"
if (!$isReleaseBranch -and !$isPreviewBranch) {
Write-Host "Skipping check since branch is neither `"release`" nor `"preview`""
Write-Host "Matching branch against product version ... "
if ($isReleaseBranch -and !$versionIsRTM -and !$versionIsRelease) {
$errors += "Release version `"$vsTestVersion`" should either be RTM, or contain a `"release`" suffix."
if ($isPreviewBranch -and !$versionIsPreview) {
$errors += "Preview version `"$vsTestVersion`" should contain a `"preview`" suffix."
function Verify-Version {
param ([string]$nugetDir, [string[]] $errors)
$vsTestExe = "$nugetDir/tools/net462/Common7/IDE/Extensions/TestPlatform/vstest.console.exe"
$vsTestProductVersion = (Get-Item $vsTestExe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
Match-VersionAgainstBranch -vsTestVersion $vsTestProductVersion -branchName $currentBranch -errors $errors
function Verify-NugetPackageExe {
[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string] $configuration,
$exclusions = @{
"CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage.exe" = "x86"
"Dynamic Code Coverage Tools\CodeCoverage.exe" = "x86"
"amd64\CodeCoverage.exe" = "x64"
"IntelliTrace.exe" = "x86"
"ProcessSnapshotCleanup.exe" = "x86-64"
"TDEnvCleanup.exe" = "x86"
"TestPlatform\SettingsMigrator.exe" = "x86"
"dump\DumpMinitool.exe" = "x86-64"
"QTAgent32.exe" = "x86"
"QTAgent32_35.exe" = "x86"
"QTAgent32_40.exe" = "x86"
"QTDCAgent32.exe" = "x86"
"V1\VSTestVideoRecorder.exe" = "x86"
"VideoRecorder\VSTestVideoRecorder.exe" = "x86"
$errs = @()
$exes = $UnzipNugetPackages | Get-ChildItem -Filter *.exe -Recurse -Force
if (0 -eq @($exes).Length) {
throw "No exe files were found."
# use wow programfiles because they always point to x64 programfiles where VS is installed
$dumpBin = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force -Filter dumpbin.exe -path "$env:ProgramW6432\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise" | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $dumpBin) {
throw "Did not find dumpbin.exe in '$env:ProgramW6432\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise'."
$corFlags = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force -Filter CorFlags.exe -path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Windows" | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $corFlags) {
throw "Did not find CorFlags.exe in '${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Windows'."
$exes | ForEach-Object {
$m = & $dumpBin /headers $_.FullName | Select-String "machine \((.*)\)"
if (-not $m.Matches.Success) {
$err = "Did not find the platform of the exe $fullName)."
$platform = $m.Matches.Groups[1].Value
$fullName = $_.FullName
$name = $_.Name
if ("x86" -eq $platform) {
$corFlagsOutput = & $corFlags $fullName
# this is an native x86 exe or a .net x86 that requires of prefers 32bit
$platform = if ($corFlagsOutput -like "*does not have a valid managed header*" -or $corFlagsOutput -like "*32BITREQ : 1*" -or $corFlagsOutput -like "*32BITPREF : 1*") {
# this is an native x86 exe or a .net x86 that requires of prefers 32bit
"x86" } else {
# this is a x86 executable that is built as AnyCpu and does not prefer 32-bit so it will run as x64 on 64-bit system.
"x86-64" }
if (($pair = $exclusions.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $fullName -like "*$($_.Name)" })) {
if (1 -lt $($pair).Count) {
$err = "Too many paths matched the query, only one match is allowed. Matches: $($pair.Name)"
$errs += $err
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Error: $err
if ($platform -ne $pair.Value) {
$err = "$fullName must have architecture $($pair.Value), but it was $platform."
$errs += $err
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Error: $err
elseif ("x86" -eq $platform) {
if ($name -notlike "*x86*") {
$err = "$fullName has architecture $platform, and must contain x86 in the name of the executable."
$errs += $err
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Error: $err
elseif ($platform -in "x64", "x86-64") {
if ($name -like "*x86*" -or $name -like "*arm64*") {
$err = "$fullName has architecture $platform, and must NOT contain x86 or arm64 in the name of the executable."
$errs += $err
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Error: $err
elseif ("arm64" -eq $platform) {
if ($name -notlike "*arm64*") {
$err = "$fullName has architecture $platform, and must contain arm64 in the name of the executable."
$errs += $err
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Error: $err
else {
$err = "$fullName has unknown architecture $platform."
$errs += $err
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $err
"Success: $name is $platform - $fullName"
if ($errs) {
throw "Fail!:`n$($errs -join "`n")"
function Verify-NugetPackageVersion {
[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string] $configuration,
# look for vstest.console.dll because unified build for .NET does not produce vstest.console.exe
$exes = $UnzipNugetPackages | Get-ChildItem -Filter vstest.console.dll -Recurse -Force
if (0 -eq @($exes).Length) {
throw "No vstest.console.dll files were found."
$exes | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion.Contains("+")) {
throw "$_ contains '+' in the ProductVersion $($_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion), this breaks DTAAgent in AzDO."
else {
"$_ version $($_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion) is ok."
$unzipNugetPackages = Verify-Nuget-Packages
Start-sleep -Seconds 10
# skipped, it is hard to find the right dumpbin.exe and corflags tools on server
# Verify-NugetPackageExe -configuration $configuration -UnzipNugetPackages $unzipNugetPackages
Verify-NugetPackageVersion -configuration $configuration -UnzipNugetPackages $unzipNugetPackages