2024-07-24 00:58:45 +03:00
parameters :
- name : "PipelineType"
type : string
default : "PullRequest"
- name : "RepoDirectory"
type : string
default : "s" # Shortened repo directory name to keep paths under 260 characters. OneBranch issue where longpath setting doesn't get pushed down to submodules.
- name : OfficialBuild
type : boolean
default : false
stages :
- stage : scrape
displayName : "Scrape"
jobs :
- job : scrape
strategy :
matrix :
x86 :
arch : 'x86'
generateMetadataArgs : '-scrapeConstants'
x64 :
arch : 'x64'
arm64 :
arch : 'arm64'
displayName : "Scrape headers"
timeoutInMinutes : 60
variables :
ob_outputDirectory : '${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\generation\WinSDK\obj'
ob_artifactBaseName : 'generated'
ob_artifactSuffix : '_$(arch)'
ob_sdl_binskim_break : true # https://aka.ms/obpipelines/sdl
pool :
type : windows
steps :
- template : win32metadata-checkout.yml
parameters :
RepoDirectory : ${{ parameters.RepoDirectory }}
- task : UseDotNet@2
displayName : ⚙ Install .NET SDK
inputs :
packageType : sdk
useGlobalJson : true
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Set build version
condition : eq(variables.arch, 'x64') # Only needed for x64
inputs :
targetType : inline
workingDirectory : ${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}
script : |
.\scripts\Install-DotNetTool.ps1 -Name nbgv
nbgv cloud --common-vars
# Generate the Azure Devops pipeline build number, since nbgv cannot do it for OneBranch pipelines
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Get pipeline run name
condition : eq(variables.arch, 'x64')
inputs :
targetType : inline
workingDirectory : ${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}
script : |
$jsonString = nbgv get-version -f json
$nbgvData = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
$commitId = $nbgvData.GitCommitId
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommitId;]$commitId"
# Set the pipeline build number
- task : onebranch.pipeline.version@1
condition : eq(variables.arch, 'x64')
inputs :
system : 'Custom'
2024-08-15 19:08:06 +03:00
customVersion : '$(GitBuildVersionSimple)'
2024-07-24 00:58:45 +03:00
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : GenerateMetadataSource.ps1
inputs :
filePath : '${{ parameters.RepoDirectory }}\scripts\GenerateMetadataSource.ps1'
arguments : '-arch $(arch) $(generateMetadataArgs)'
errorActionPreference : 'continue'
pwsh : true
2024-08-15 19:08:06 +03:00
2024-07-24 00:58:45 +03:00
# Save commit hash for use by the release pipeline
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Save Source Commit
condition : eq(variables.arch, 'x64')
inputs :
targetType : inline
workingDirectory : ${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}
script : |
Write-Host "Saving Source Commit ID for github release pipeline"
"$(CommitId)" | Out-File $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\$(ob_outputDirectory)\SourceCommit.txt
- stage : build_winmd
displayName : "Build WinMD"
dependsOn : 'scrape'
jobs :
- job : build_winmd
displayName : Build, test, sign, package winmd
workspace :
clean : all
variables :
OutputPackagesDir : $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\bin\Packages\Release\NuGet
ob_outputDirectory : '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
ob_artifactBaseName : 'NuGetPackages'
ob_sdl_binskim_break : true # https://aka.ms/obpipelines/sdl
ob_sdl_codeSignValidation_excludes : -|**\Humanizer.dll;-|**\Newtonsoft.Json.dll;-|**\System.IO.Abstractions.dll;-|**\TestableIO.System.IO.Abstractions.dll;-|**\TestableIO.System.IO.Abstractions.Wrappers.dll
pool :
type : windows
steps :
- template : win32metadata-checkout.yml
parameters :
RepoDirectory : ${{ parameters.RepoDirectory }}
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Set up VS environment
inputs :
targetType : 'inline'
script : |
& "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
- task : UseDotNet@2
displayName : ⚙ Install .NET SDK
inputs :
packageType : sdk
useGlobalJson : true
# ESRP Authenticode sign package DLLs
- task : UseDotNet@2
displayName : Install DotNet 2.1.x for signing tasks
inputs :
packageType : runtime
version : 2.1 .x
- script : dotnet --info
displayName : Display .NET SDK/runtime info
- task : DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
displayName : Download x64 generated assets
inputs :
artifact : 'generated_x64'
path : '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\generation\WinSDK\obj'
- task : DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
displayName : Download x86 generated assets
inputs :
artifact : 'generated_x86'
path : '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\generation\WinSDK\obj'
- task : DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
displayName : Download arm64 generated assets
inputs :
artifact : 'generated_arm64'
path : '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\generation\WinSDK\obj'
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Build metadata binary
inputs :
filePath : '${{ parameters.RepoDirectory }}\scripts\BuildMetadataBin.ps1'
arguments : '-assetsScrapedSeparately'
pwsh : true
- task : onebranch.pipeline.signing@1
displayName : '🔒 Onebranch Signing for nuget packages'
condition : eq(${{ parameters.OfficialBuild }}, 'true')
inputs :
command : sign
signing_profile : external_distribution
files_to_sign : |
search_root : $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/${{ parameters.RepoDirectory }}
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Do packages
inputs :
filePath : $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\scripts\DoPackages.ps1
pwsh : true
arguments : -SkipInstallTools
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Do samples
inputs :
filePath : $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\scripts\DoSamples.ps1
pwsh : true
- task : PowerShell@2
displayName : Do tests
inputs :
filePath : $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}\scripts\DoTests.ps1
pwsh : true
- task : onebranch.pipeline.signing@1
displayName : '🔒 Onebranch Signing for nuget packages'
condition : eq(${{ parameters.OfficialBuild }}, 'true')
inputs :
command : sign
signing_profile : external_distribution
files_to_sign : '**/*.nupkg'
search_root : $(OutputPackagesDir)
# Copy build logs to artifact staging directory
- task : CopyFiles@2
displayName : 📢 Copy build logs to pipeline artifact staging directory
inputs :
SourceFolder : '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/${{parameters.RepoDirectory}}/bin/logs'
TargetFolder : '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
# Copy nuget package to artifact staging directory
- task : CopyFiles@2
displayName : 📢 Copy NuGet packages to pipeline artifact staging directory
inputs :
SourceFolder : '$(OutputPackagesDir)'
TargetFolder : '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
# # There's a problem on microsoft.visualstudio.com that requires the guid instead of NuGetCommand@2
# # Don't publish if we're using pre-generated source
# - task: 333b11bd-d341-40d9-afcf-b32d5ce6f23b@2
# displayName: 'NuGet push'
# inputs:
# command: push
# packagesToPush: '$(OutputPackagesDir)/**/*.nupkg;!$(OutputPackagesDir)/**/*.symbols.nupkg'
# publishVstsFeed: 'c1408dcb-1833-4ae4-9af5-1a891a12cc3c'
# allowPackageConflicts: true
# condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))