This commit is contained in:
Steve Otteson 2021-01-20 00:55:33 -08:00
Родитель 8df6bbecb5
Коммит b9cac0ed7b
2 изменённых файлов: 152 добавлений и 52 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -28,17 +28,18 @@ variables:
buildPlatform: 'x64'
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
System.Debug: true
IncludeCsProjection: false
UsePreGeneratedSource: false
SignFiles: false
WinMetadataSourceDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\sources\Win32MetadataSource
OutputPackagesDir: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\CreatedNugetPackages
PipelineRunName: $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.runName)
UseNugetOrgWinSdk: 0
Patch: $[counter(variables['resources.pipeline.winsdk.runName'], 1)]
- download: winsdk
displayName: Download pipeline NuGet packages
artifact: NuGetPackages
condition: eq(variables.UsePreGeneratedSource, false)
condition: eq(variables.UseNugetOrgWinSdk, false)
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: Use DotNet 3.x
@ -50,34 +51,35 @@ steps:
displayName: Echo the pipeline variables
script: |
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.pipelineID = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.pipelineID)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.runName = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.runName)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.runID = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.runID)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.runURI = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.runURI)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.sourceBranch = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.sourceBranch)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.sourceCommit = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.sourceCommit)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.sourceProvider = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.sourceProvider)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.requestedFor = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.requestedFor)
echo resources.pipeline.winsdk.requestedForID = $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.requestedForID)
dir /s $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\winsdk\NuGetPackages
condition: eq(variables.UsePreGeneratedSource, false)
condition: eq(variables.UseNugetOrgWinSdk, false)
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: Update job variables from incoming variables
script: |
echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=WinMetadataSourceDir]$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\tests\TestScraperSource
echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=PrepOutput.NugetVersion]10.0.2000.0
condition: eq(variables.UsePreGeneratedSource, true)
echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=PrepOutput.NugetVersion]$(variables.OutputNugetVersion)
condition: eq(variables.UseNugetOrgWinSdk, true)
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Generate Win32 metadata C# source
displayName: Generate Win32 metadata C# source using pipeline asssets
filePath: 'scripts\GenerateMetadataSource.ps1'
arguments: '-artifactsDir $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\winsdk -downloadDefaultCppNugets 0 -pipelineRunName $(resources.pipeline.winsdk.runName) -patch "$(Patch)"'
errorActionPreference: 'continue'
pwsh: true
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.UsePreGeneratedSource, false))
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.UseNugetOrgWinSdk, false))
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Generate Win32 metadata C# source using NuGet packages
filePath: 'scripts\GenerateMetadataSource.ps1'
arguments: '-artifactsDir $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\winsdk -downloadDefaultCppNugets 0 -downloadNugetVersion $(downloadNugetVersion) -publishNugetVersion $(publishNugetVersion)'
errorActionPreference: 'continue'
pwsh: true
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.UseNugetOrgWinSdk, true))
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Publish generator build artifacts
@ -85,7 +87,6 @@ steps:
PathtoPublish: '$(Agent.BuildDirectory)\winsdk\output'
ArtifactName: 'GeneratorOutput'
publishLocation: 'Container'
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.UsePreGeneratedSource, false))
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Publish generated .cs files
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ steps:
PathtoPublish: 'sources\Win32MetadataSource\generated'
ArtifactName: GeneratedMetadataSource
publishLocation: 'Container'
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.UsePreGeneratedSource, false))
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Build metadata binary
@ -109,6 +109,50 @@ steps:
arguments: '-assemblyVersion $(PrepOutput.NugetVersion)'
pwsh: true
# ESRP Authenticode sign package DLLs
- task: EsrpCodeSigning@1
displayName: 'Authenticode Sign Packaged Dlls'
ConnectedServiceName: 'Undocked RegFree Signing Connection'
FolderPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\bin'
Pattern: '*.dll,*.winmd'
signConfigType: 'inlineSignParams'
inlineOperation: |
"keyCode": "CP-230012",
"operationSetCode": "SigntoolSign",
"parameters": [
"parameterName": "OpusName",
"parameterValue": "Microsoft"
"parameterName": "OpusInfo",
"parameterValue": ""
"parameterName": "PageHash",
"parameterValue": "/NPH"
"parameterName": "FileDigest",
"parameterValue": "/fd sha256"
"parameterName": "TimeStamp",
"parameterValue": "/tr \"\" /td sha256"
"toolName": "signtool.exe",
"toolVersion": "6.2.9304.0"
SessionTimeout: '60'
MaxConcurrency: '50'
MaxRetryAttempts: '2'
condition: eq(variables['SignFiles'], 'true')
# There's a problem on that requires the guid instead of NuGetCommand@2
- task: 333b11bd-d341-40d9-afcf-b32d5ce6f23b@2
displayName: Pack metadata nuget package
@ -120,6 +164,35 @@ steps:
versionEnvVar: 'PrepOutput.NugetVersion'
basePath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
- task: EsrpCodeSigning@1
displayName: 'Sign NuGet Package'
ConnectedServiceName: 'Undocked RegFree Signing Connection'
FolderPath: '$(OutputPackagesDir)'
Pattern: '*.nupkg'
signConfigType: 'inlineSignParams'
inlineOperation: |
"KeyCode" : "CP-401405",
"OperationCode" : "NuGetSign",
"Parameters" : {},
"ToolName" : "sign",
"ToolVersion" : "1.0"
"KeyCode" : "CP-401405",
"OperationCode" : "NuGetVerify",
"Parameters" : {},
"ToolName" : "sign",
"ToolVersion" : "1.0"
SessionTimeout: '60'
MaxConcurrency: '50'
MaxRetryAttempts: '2'
condition: eq(variables['SignFiles'], 'true')
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: 'Publish NuGet packages to pipeline artifacts'

Просмотреть файл

@ -10,6 +10,15 @@ param
$downloadDefaultCppNugets = $true,
$exitAfterFindVersion = $false,
$patch = ""
@ -63,6 +72,11 @@ $branch = $parts[2].Replace("_", "-")
$potentialVersions = "10.0.$build.$qfe-preview.$branch", "10.0.$build.$qfe-preview", "10.0.$build.*"
$version = $null
if ($null -ne $downloadNugetVersion)
$potentialVersions = $downloadNugetVersion
foreach ($ver in $potentialVersions)
Write-Output "Looking for: $nugetSrcPackagesDir\Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.$ver.nupkg..."
@ -77,58 +91,71 @@ foreach ($ver in $potentialVersions)
if (!$version)
if (!$downloadDefaultCppNugets)
if ($downloadNugetVersion)
Write-Output "Error: Couldn't find cpp package in $nugetSrcPackagesDir. Call script with downloadDefaultCppNugets = 1 to download default packages."
exit -1
$version = $downloadNugetVersion
$version = $defaultWinSDKNugetVersion
Write-Output "No cpp nuget packages found at $nugetSrcPackagesDir. Downloading $version from"
if (!$downloadDefaultCppNugets)
Write-Output "Error: Couldn't find cpp package in $nugetSrcPackagesDir. Call script with downloadDefaultCppNugets = 1 to download default packages."
exit -1
Download-Nupkg "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP" $version $nugetSrcPackagesDir
Download-Nupkg "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x64" $version $nugetSrcPackagesDir
$cppPkg = Get-ChildItem -path $nugetSrcPackagesDir -Include Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.10.*.nupkg -recurse
$version = $defaultWinSDKNugetVersion
Write-Output "No cpp nuget packages found at $nugetSrcPackagesDir. Downloading $version from"
Download-Nupkg "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP" $version $nugetSrcPackagesDir
Download-Nupkg "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x64" $version $nugetSrcPackagesDir
$nugetSrcPackagesDir = Join-Path -Path $artifactsDir "NuGetPackages"
Create-Directory $nugetSrcPackagesDir
$publishNugetVersion = $version
# patch is an auto-increment counter specific to the pipeline name.
# If it's set...
if ($patch -ne "")
if (!$publishNugetVersion)
# If this is a preview build, just append the patch to the end of the version
if ($version.Contains("-preview"))
$publishNugetVersion = "$version.$patch"
# If this isn't a preview build, we want to replace the build QFE with the patch
$buildParts = $version.Split("{.}")
$qfePart = $buildParts[3]
$qfeParts = $qfePart.Split("{-}")
$qfe = $qfeOverride
if ($qfeParts.Length -eq 2)
$qfeExtra = $qfeParts[1]
$qfe = "$qfe-$qfeExtra"
$buildParts[3] = $patch
$publishNugetVersion = $version
$publishNugetVersion = [string]::Join(".", $buildParts)
# patch is an auto-increment counter specific to the pipeline name.
# If it's set...
if ($patch -ne "")
# If this is a preview build, just append the patch to the end of the version
if ($version.Contains("-preview"))
$publishNugetVersion = "$version.$patch"
# If this isn't a preview build, we want to replace the build QFE with the patch
$buildParts = $version.Split("{.}")
$qfePart = $buildParts[3]
$qfeParts = $qfePart.Split("{-}")
$qfe = $qfeOverride
if ($qfeParts.Length -eq 2)
$qfeExtra = $qfeParts[1]
$qfe = "$qfe-$qfeExtra"
$buildParts[3] = $patch
$publishNugetVersion = [string]::Join(".", $buildParts)
# Write variable in the Azure DevOps pipeline for use in subsequent tasks
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PrepOutput.NugetVersion;]$publishNugetVersion"
if ($exitAfterFindVersion)
exit 0
$x64Pkg = Get-ChildItem -path "$nugetSrcPackagesDir\Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x64.$version.nupkg"
if (!$x64Pkg)