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# This script attempts to read the current key value for a given function key (or host key).
# It then stores that key as an alternate (to allow for a rolling two key window.)
# It then generates a new key, and adds it to the key-vault.
# Function to Create Random Strings
function Create-AppKey()
$private:characters = 'abcdefghiklmnoprstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMENOPTSTUVWXYZ'
$private:randomChars = 1..64 | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $characters.length }
# Set the output field separator to empty instead of space
return [String]$characters[$randomChars]
$local:newAltKeyValue = ""
Write-Host "Verifying keys of web apps"
foreach ($webApp in $webAppNames)
Write-Host "Getting keys of" $webApp
$private:keysJson = az functionapp keys list -g $resourceGroup -n $webApp
$private:keys = $keysJson | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
if ($keys.functionKeys.ContainsKey($webAppKeyName))
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($newAltKeyValue))
$newAltKeyValue = $keys.functionKeys[$webAppKeyName]
elseif ($newAltKeyValue -ne $keys.functionKeys[$webAppKeyName])
# Maybe eventually have a switch to overwrite, but for now let the dev figure it out manually.
throw "The value of $webAppKeyName is not the same in all web apps."
Write-Host "Creating new app key"
$local:newKeyValue = Create-AppKey
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($newAltKeyValue))
Write-Warning "$webAppKeyName doesn't exist in any of the web apps."
$newAltKeyValue = Create-AppKey
$local:webAppKeyNameAlt = $webAppKeyName + "Alt"
foreach ($webApp in $webAppNames)
Write-Host "Setting keys for" $webApp
# Always do alt first.
az functionapp keys set --key-name $webAppKeyNameAlt --key-type functionKeys -n $webApp -g $resourceGroup --key-value $newAltKeyValue | Out-Null
az functionapp keys set --key-name $webAppKeyName --key-type functionKeys -n $webApp -g $resourceGroup --key-value $newKeyValue | Out-Null
Write-Host "Setting new app key in keyvaults"
foreach ($keyVaultName in $azureKeyVaultSecretPair.keys)
Write-Host "Setting new app key value to $($azureKeyVaultSecretPair[$keyVaultName]) in $keyVaultName"
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $keyVaultName --name $azureKeyVaultSecretPair[$keyVaultName] --value $newKeyValue | Out-Null