// Available options: // https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/ // NOTE: Renovate only allows comments in .json5 files, but this isn't well-supported by // Prettier + VS Code. Workaround is to configure tools to treat the file as JSONC // (in .prettierrc and .vscode/settings.json). { "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json", "extends": [ "github>ecraig12345/renovate-config" // // Basic recommended config + generate change files // "github>ecraig12345/renovate-config:beachballLibraryRecommended", // // Auto-merge PRs only affecting @types devDependencies // "github>ecraig12345/renovate-config:autoUpdateTypes", // // Dedupe after updates, and periodically re-create the entire lock file so all deps are updated to latest // "github>ecraig12345/renovate-config:keepFresh" ], // Don't ignore fixtures so that "vulnerability" fixes will also be made there // (Renovate will still ignore node_modules by default) "ignorePresets": [":ignoreModulesAndTests"], // Use this label on all PRs "labels": ["renovate"], // Limit 5 PRs per hour (could be changed later based on preference) "prHourlyLimit": 5, "packageRules": [ { // Group all updates of fixture dependencies and automerge them if the build passes "groupName": "fixture dependencies", // "schedule": ["before 5am"], "matchPaths": ["src/__fixtures__/*/package.json"], "matchPackagePatterns": ["*"], "matchDepTypes": ["dependencies", "devDependencies", "peerDependencies"], "matchUpdateTypes": ["major", "minor", "patch", "pin", "pinDigest", "digest", "rollback", "bump"], "commitMessagePrefix": "[fixtures]", "commitMessageExtra": "" // "automerge": true, // "platformAutomerge": true } ] }