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2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/mgrrel_matrix.R
\title{Manager Relationship 2x2 Matrix}
hrvar = NULL,
return = "plot",
plot_colors = c("#fe7f4f", "#b4d5dd", "#facebc", "#fcf0eb"),
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
threshold = 15
2020-12-12 16:43:59 +03:00
\item{data}{Standard Person Query data to pass through. Accepts a data frame.}
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
\item{hrvar}{HR Variable by which to split metrics. Accepts a character vector,
e.g. "Organization". Defaults to NULL.}
\item{return}{String specifying what to return. This must be one of the
following strings:
\item \code{"plot"}
\item \code{"table"}
\item \code{"data"}
See \code{Value} for more information.}
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
\item{plot_colors}{Pass a character vector of length 4 containing HEX codes to specify colors to use in plotting.}
\item{threshold}{Specify a numeric value to determine threshold (in minutes) for 1:1 manager hours.
Defaults to 15.}
A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the \code{return}
\item \code{"plot"}: ggplot object. When \code{NULL} is passed to \code{hrvar}, a two-by-two
grid where the size of the grid represents total percentage of employees is
returned. Otherwise, a horizontal stacked bar plot is returned.
\item \code{"table"}: data frame. A summary table is returned.
\item \code{"data"}: data frame. A long table grouped at the \code{PersonId} level with
the following columns:
\item \code{PersonId}
\item HR variable supplied to \code{hrvar}
\item \code{CoattendanceRate}
\item \code{Meeting_hours_with_manager_1_on_1}
\item \code{mgr1on1}
\item \code{Type}
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
Generate the Manager-Relationship 2x2 matrix, returning a ggplot object by default.
Additional options available to return a "wide" or "long" summary table.
# Return matrix
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
# Return stacked bar plot
mgrrel_matrix(sq_data, hrvar = "Organization")
## Visualize coaching style types
# Ensure dplyr is loaded
# Extract PersonId and Coaching Type
match_df <-
sq_data \%>\%
mgrrel_matrix(return = "data") \%>\%
select(PersonId, Type)
# Join and visualize baseline
sq_data \%>\%
left_join(match_df, by = "PersonId") \%>\%
keymetrics_scan(hrvar = "Type",
return = "plot")
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
Other Managerial Relations:
2020-10-27 00:21:24 +03:00
Other Meeting Culture:
\concept{Managerial Relations}
\concept{Meeting Culture}