% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/validation_report.R \name{validation_report} \alias{validation_report} \title{Generate a Data Validation report in HTML} \usage{ validation_report( data, meeting_data = NULL, hrvar = "Organization", path = "validation report", hrvar_threshold = 150, timestamp = TRUE ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.} \item{meeting_data}{An optional Meeting Query dataset in the form of a data frame.} \item{hrvar}{HR Variable by which to split metrics, defaults to "Organization" but accepts any character vector, e.g. "Organization"} \item{path}{Pass the file path and the desired file name, \emph{excluding the file extension}.} \item{hrvar_threshold}{Numeric value determining the maximum number of unique values to be allowed to qualify as a HR variable. This is passed directly to the \code{threshold} argument within \code{hrvar_count_all()}.} \item{timestamp}{Logical vector specifying whether to include a timestamp in the file name. Defaults to TRUE.} } \description{ The function generates an interactive HTML report using Standard Person Query data as an input. The report contains a checks on Workplace Analytics query outputs, to provide diagnostic information for the Analyst pre-analysis. For your input data or meeting_data, please use the function \code{wpa::import_wpa()} to import your csv query files into R. This function will standardize format and prepare the data as input for this report. } \examples{ \dontrun{ validation_report(dv_data, meeting_data = mt_data, hrvar = "Organization") } } \seealso{ Other Reports: \code{\link{IV_report}()}, \code{\link{capacity_report}()}, \code{\link{coaching_report}()}, \code{\link{collaboration_report}()}, \code{\link{connectivity_report}()}, \code{\link{generate_report}()} } \concept{Reports}