% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tm_freq.R \name{tm_freq} \alias{tm_freq} \title{Perform a Word or Ngram Frequency Analysis and return a Circular Bar Plot} \usage{ tm_freq(data, token = "words", stopwords = NULL, keep = 100, return = "plot") } \arguments{ \item{data}{A Meeting Query dataset in the form of a data frame.} \item{token}{A character vector accepting either \code{"words"} or \code{"ngram"}, determining type of tokenisation to return.} \item{stopwords}{A character vector OR a single-column data frame labelled \code{'word'} containing custom stopwords to remove.} \item{keep}{A numeric vector specifying maximum number of words to keep.} \item{return}{String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings: \itemize{ \item \code{"plot"} \item \code{"table"} } See \code{Value} for more information.} } \value{ A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the \code{return} argument: \itemize{ \item \code{"plot"}: 'ggplot' object. A circular bar plot. \item \code{"table"}: data frame. A summary table. } } \description{ Generate a circular bar plot with frequency of words / ngrams. This function is used within \code{meeting_tm_report()}. } \details{ This function uses \code{tm_clean()} as the underlying data wrangling function. There is an option to remove stopwords by passing a data frame into the \code{stopwords} argument. } \examples{ tm_freq(mt_data, token = "words") tm_freq(mt_data, token = "ngrams") } \seealso{ Other Text-mining: \code{\link{meeting_tm_report}()}, \code{\link{pairwise_count}()}, \code{\link{subject_validate_report}()}, \code{\link{subject_validate}()}, \code{\link{tm_clean}()}, \code{\link{tm_cooc}()}, \code{\link{tm_wordcloud}()} } \concept{Text-mining}