% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/generate_report2.R \name{generate_report2} \alias{generate_report2} \title{Generate HTML report based on existing RMarkdown documents} \usage{ generate_report2( output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(toc = TRUE, toc_depth = 6, theme = "cosmo"), output_file = "report.html", output_dir = getwd(), report_title = "Report", rmd_dir = system.file("rmd_template/minimal.rmd", package = "wpa"), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{output_format}{output format in \code{rmarkdown::render()}. Default is \code{rmarkdown::html_document(toc = TRUE, toc_depth = 6, theme = "cosmo")}.} \item{output_file}{output file name in \code{rmarkdown::render()}. Default is \code{"report.html"}.} \item{output_dir}{output directory for report in \code{rmarkdown::render()}. Default is user's current directory.} \item{report_title}{report title. Default is \code{"Report"}.} \item{rmd_dir}{string specifying the path to the directory containing the RMarkdown template files.} \item{\dots}{other arguments to be passed to \code{params}. For instance, pass \code{hrvar} if the RMarkdown document requires a 'hrvar' parameter.} } \description{ This is a support function that accepts parameters and creates a HTML document based on an RMarkdown template. This is an alternative to \code{generate_report()} which instead creates an RMarkdown document from scratch using individual code chunks. } \note{ The implementation of this function was inspired by the 'DataExplorer' package by boxuancui, with credits due to the original author. }