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239 строки
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Generate HTML report with list inputs
#' @description
#' This is a support function using a list-pmap workflow to
#' create a HTML document, using RMarkdown as the engine.
#' @author Martin Chan <martin.chan@@microsoft.com>
#' @param title Character string to specify the title of the chunk.
#' @param filename File name to be used in the exported HTML.
#' @param outputs A list of outputs to be added to the HTML report.
#' Note that `outputs`, `titles`, `echos`, and `levels` must have the same
#' length
#' @param titles A list/vector of character strings to specify the title of the
#' chunks.
#' @param subheaders A list/vector of character strings to specify the
#' subheaders for each chunk.
#' @param echos A list/vector of logical values to specify whether to display
#' code.
#' @param levels A list/vector of numeric value to specify the header level of
#' the chunk.
#' @param theme Character vector to specify theme to be used for the report.
#' E.g. `"united"`, `"default"`.
#' @param preamble A preamble to appear at the beginning of the report, passed
#' as a text string.
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @family Reports
#' @section Creating a custom report:
#' Below is an example on how to set up a custom report.
#' The first step is to define the content that will go into a report and assign
#' the outputs to a list.
#' ```
#' # Step 1: Define Content
#' output_list <-
#' list(sq_data %>% workloads_summary(return = "plot"),
#' sq_data %>% workloads_summary(return = "table")) %>%
#' purrr::map_if(is.data.frame, create_dt)
#' ```
#' The next step is to add a list of titles for each of the objects on the list:
#' ```
#' # Step 2: Add Corresponding Titles
#' title_list <- c("Workloads Summary - Plot", "Workloads Summary - Table")
#' n_title <- length(title_list)
#' ```
#' The final step is to run `generate_report()`. This can all be wrapped within
#' a function such that the function can be used to generate a HTML report.
#' ```
#' # Step 3: Generate Report
#' generate_report(title = "My First Report",
#' filename = "My First Report",
#' outputs = output_list,
#' titles = title_list,
#' subheaders = rep("", n_title),
#' echos = rep(FALSE, n_title
#' ```
#' @return
#' An HTML report with the same file name as specified in the arguments is
#' generated in the working directory. No outputs are directly returned by the
#' function.
#' @export
generate_report <- function(title = "My minimal HTML generator",
filename = "minimal_html",
outputs = output_list,
theme = "united",
preamble = ""){
## Title of document
title_chr <- paste0('title: \"', title, '\"')
## chunk loopage
## merged to create `chunk_merged`
chunk_merged <-
list(output = outputs,
title = titles,
subheader = subheaders,
echo = echos,
level = levels,
id = seq(1, length(outputs))) %>%
purrr::pmap(function(output, title, subheader, echo, level, id){
generate_chunks(level = level,
title = title,
subheader = subheader,
echo = echo,
object = paste0("outputs[[", id, "]]"))
}) %>%
# wpa_logo <- system.file("logos/logo.PNG", package = "wpa")
## markdown object
markobj <- c('---',
title_chr <- paste0('title: \"', title, '\"'),
'output: ',
' html_document:',
paste0(' theme: ', theme),
# ' theme: united',
' toc: true',
' toc_float:',
' collapsed: false',
' smooth_scroll: true',
# paste0('![]("', wpa_logo, '")'),
writeLines(markobj, paste0(filename, ".Rmd"))
rmarkdown::render(paste0(filename, ".Rmd"))
## Load in browser
utils::browseURL(paste0(filename, ".html"))
## Deletes specified files
unlink(c(paste0(filename, ".Rmd"),
paste0(filename, ".md")))
#' @title Generate chunk strings
#' @description This is used as a supporting function for `generate_report()`
#' and not directly used. `generate_report()`` works by creating a
#' loop structure around generate_chunks(), and binds them together
#' to create a report.
#' @details
#' `generate_chunks()` is primarily a wrapper around paste() functions,
#' to create a structured character vector that will form the individual
#' chunks. No plots 'exist' within the environment of `generate_chunks()`.
#' @param level Numeric value to specify the header level of the chunk.
#' @param title Character string to specify the title of the chunk.
#' @param subheader Character string to specify the subheader of the chunk.
#' @param echo Logical value to specify whether to display code.
#' @param object Character string to specify name of the object to show.
#' @noRd
generate_chunks <- function(level = 3,
subheader = "",
echo = FALSE,
level_hash <- paste(rep('#', level), collapse = "")
obj <- c(paste(level_hash, title),
paste0('```{r, echo=',
', fig.height=9, fig.width=12}'),
' ')
#' @title Read preamble
#' @description
#' Read in a preamble to be used within each individual reporting function.
#' Reads from the Markdown file installed with the package.
#' @param path Text string containing the path for the appropriate Markdown file.
#' @return
#' String containing the text read in from the specified Markdown file.
#' @family Support
#' @family Reports
#' @export
read_preamble <- function(path){
full_path <- paste0("/preamble/", path)
complete_path <- paste0(path.package("wpa"), full_path)
text <- suppressWarnings(readLines(complete_path))
#' Display HTML fragment in RMarkdown chunk, from Markdown text
#' @description
#' This is a wrapper around `markdown::markdownToHTML()`, where
#' the default behaviour is to produce a HTML fragment.
#' `htmltools::HTML()` is then used to evaluate the HTML code
#' within a RMarkdown chunk.
#' @importFrom htmltools HTML
#' @importFrom markdown markdownToHTML
#' @param text Character vector containing Markdown text
#' @family Support
#' @noRd
md2html <- function(text){
html_chunk <- markdown::markdownToHTML(text = text,
fragment.only = TRUE)