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#' @title Simulate a person-to-person query using a Watts-Strogatz model
#' @description Generate an person-to-person query / edgelist based on the graph
#' according to the Watts-Strogatz small-world network model. Organizational
#' data fields are also simulated for `Organization`, `LevelDesignation`, and
#' `City`.
#' @param dim Integer constant, the dimension of the starting lattice.
#' @param size Integer constant, the size of the lattice along each dimension.
#' @param nei Integer constant, the neighborhood within which the vertices of
#' the lattice will be connected.
#' @param p Real constant between zero and one, the rewiring probability.
#' @details
#' This is a wrapper around `igraph::watts.strogatz.game()`. See igraph
#' documentation for details on methodology. Loop edges and multiple edges are
#' disabled. Size of the network can be changing the arguments `size` and `nei`.
#' @examples
#' # Simulate a p2p dataset with 800 edges
#' p2p_data_sim(size = 200, nei = 4)
#' @return
#' data frame with the same column structure as a person-to-person flexible
#' query. This has an edgelist structure and can be used directly as an input
#' to `network_p2p()`.
#' @family Data
#' @family Network
#' @export
p2p_data_sim <- function(dim = 1,
size = 300,
nei = 5,
p = 0.05){
igraph::watts.strogatz.game(dim = dim,
size = size,
nei = nei,
p = p) %>%
igraph::as_edgelist() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::rename(TieOrigin_PersonId = "V1",
TieDestination_PersonId = "V2") %>%
dplyr::mutate(TieOrigin_Organization = add_cat(TieOrigin_PersonId, "Organization"),
TieDestination_Organization = add_cat(TieDestination_PersonId, "Organization"),
TieOrigin_LevelDesignation = add_cat(TieOrigin_PersonId, "LevelDesignation"),
TieDestination_LevelDesignation = add_cat(TieDestination_PersonId, "LevelDesignation"),
TieOrigin_City = add_cat(TieOrigin_PersonId, "City"),
TieDestination_City = add_cat(TieDestination_PersonId, "City")) %>%
~paste0("SIM_ID_", .)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(StrongTieScore = 1)
#' Add organizational data to the simulated p2p data
#' @param x Numeric vector to be assigned simulated organizational attributes
#' @param type String with three valid options:
#' - `Organization`
#' - `LevelDesignation`
#' - `City`
#' @noRd
add_cat <- function(x, type){
if(type == "Organization"){
dplyr::case_when((x %% 7 == 0) ~ "Org A",
(x %% 6 == 0) ~ "Org B",
(x %% 5 == 0) ~ "Org C",
(x %% 4 == 0) ~ "Org D",
(x %% 3 == 0) ~ "Org E",
x < 100 ~ "Org F",
(x %% 2 == 0) ~ "Org G", # Even number
TRUE ~ "Org H")
} else if(type == "LevelDesignation"){
paste("Level", substr(x, 1, 1)) # Extract first digit
} else if(type == "City"){
dplyr::case_when((x %% 3 == 0) ~ "City A", # Divisible by 3
(x %% 2 == 0) ~ "City B",
TRUE ~ "City C")