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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/create_period_scatter.R
\title{Period comparison scatter plot for any two metrics}
hrvar = "Organization",
metric_x = "Multitasking_meeting_hours",
metric_y = "Meeting_hours",
before_start = min(as.Date(data$Date, "\%m/\%d/\%Y")),
after_start = as.Date(before_end) + 1,
after_end = max(as.Date(data$Date, "\%m/\%d/\%Y")),
before_label = "Period 1",
after_label = "Period 2",
mingroup = 5,
return = "plot"
\item{data}{A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.}
\item{hrvar}{HR Variable by which to split metrics. Accepts a character vector,
defaults to "Organization" but accepts any character vector, e.g. "LevelDesignation"}
\item{metric_x}{Character string containing the name of the metric,
e.g. "Collaboration_hours"}
\item{metric_y}{Character string containing the name of the metric,
e.g. "Collaboration_hours"}
\item{before_start}{Start date of "before" time period in YYYY-MM-DD}
\item{before_end}{End date of "before" time period in YYYY-MM-DD}
\item{after_start}{Start date of "after" time period in YYYY-MM-DD}
\item{after_end}{End date of "after" time period in YYYY-MM-DD}
\item{before_label}{String to specify a label for the "before" period. Defaults to "Period 1".}
\item{after_label}{String to specify a label for the "after" period. Defaults to "Period 2".}
\item{mingroup}{Numeric value setting the privacy threshold / minimum group size.
Defaults to 5.}
\item{return}{Character vector specifying what to return, defaults to "plot".
Valid inputs are "plot" and "table".}
Returns a 'ggplot' object showing two scatter plots side by side representing
the two periods.
Returns two side-by-side scatter plots representing two selected metrics,
using colour to map an HR attribute and size to represent number of employees.
Returns a faceted scatter plot by default, with additional options
to return a summary table.
This is a general purpose function that powers all the functions
in the package that produce faceted scatter plots.
# Return plot
hrvar = "LevelDesignation",
before_start = "2019-12-15",
before_end = "2019-12-29",
after_start = "2020-01-05",
after_end = "2020-01-26")
# Return a summary table
create_period_scatter(sq_data, before_end = "2019-12-31", return = "table")
Other Visualization:
Other Flexible:
Other Time-series: