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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/capacity_report.R
\title{Generate a Capacity report in HTML}
hrvar = "Organization",
mingroup = 5,
path = "capacity report",
timestamp = TRUE
\item{data}{A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.}
\item{hrvar}{String containing the name of the HR Variable by which to split
metrics. Defaults to \code{"Organization"}. To run the analysis on the total
instead of splitting by an HR attribute, supply \code{NULL} (without quotes).}
\item{mingroup}{Numeric value setting the privacy threshold / minimum group
size. Defaults to 5.}
\item{path}{Pass the file path and the desired file name, \emph{excluding the file extension}.
For example, \code{"capacity report"}.}
\item{timestamp}{Logical vector specifying whether to include a timestamp in the file name.
Defaults to TRUE.}
An HTML report with the same file name as specified in the arguments is
generated in the working directory. No outputs are directly returned by the
The function generates an interactive HTML report using the Standard Person
Query data as an input. The report contains a series of summary analysis and
visualisations relating to key \strong{capacity} metrics in Viva
Insights,including length of week and time in after-hours collaboration.
Other Reports: