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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/create_bar_asis.R
\title{Create a bar chart without aggregation for any metric}
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
ylab = group_var,
xlab = bar_var,
percent = FALSE,
bar_colour = "default",
rounding = 1
\item{data}{Plotting data as a data frame.}
\item{group_var}{String containing name of variable for the group.}
\item{bar_var}{String containing name of variable representing the value of
the bars.}
\item{title}{Title of the plot.}
\item{subtitle}{Subtitle of the plot.}
\item{caption}{Caption of the plot.}
\item{ylab}{Y-axis label for the plot (group axis)}
\item{xlab}{X-axis label of the plot (bar axis).}
\item{percent}{Logical value to determine whether to show labels as
percentage signs. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
\item{bar_colour}{String to specify colour to use for bars.
In-built accepted values include "default" (default), "alert" (red), and
"darkblue". Otherwise, hex codes are also accepted. You can also supply
RGB values via \code{rgb2hex()}.}
\item{rounding}{Numeric value to specify number of digits to show in data
'ggplot' object. A horizontal bar plot.
This function creates a bar chart directly from the aggregated / summarised
data. Unlike \code{create_bar()} which performs a person-level aggregation, there
is no calculation for \code{create_bar_asis()} and the values are rendered as they
are passed into the function.
# Creating a custom bar plot without mean aggregation
sq_data \%>\%
group_by(Organization) \%>\%
summarise(across(.cols = Meeting_hours,
.fns = ~sum(., na.rm = TRUE))) \%>\%
create_bar_asis(group_var = "Organization",
bar_var = "Meeting_hours",
title = "Total Meeting Hours over period",
subtitle = "By Organization",
caption = extract_date_range(sq_data, return = "text"),
bar_colour = "darkblue",
rounding = 0)
# Summarise Non-person-average median `Emails_sent`
med_df <-
sq_data \%>\%
group_by(Organization) \%>\%
summarise(Emails_sent_median = median(Emails_sent))
med_df \%>\%
group_var = "Organization",
bar_var = "Emails_sent_median",
title = "Median Emails Sent by Organization",
subtitle = "Person Averaging Not Applied",
bar_colour = "darkblue",
caption = extract_date_range(sq_data, return = "text")
Other Visualization:
Other Flexible: