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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/cut_hour.R
\title{Convert a numeric variable for hours into categorical}
cut_hour(metric, cuts, unit = "hours", lbound = 0, ubound = 100)
\item{metric}{A numeric variable representing hours.}
\item{cuts}{A numeric vector of minimum length 3 to represent the
cut points required. The minimum and maximum values provided in the vector
are inclusive.}
\item{unit}{String to specify the unit of the labels. Defaults to "hours".}
\item{lbound}{Numeric. Specifies the lower bound (inclusive) value for the
minimum label. Defaults to 0.}
\item{ubound}{Numeric. Specifies the upper bound (inclusive) value for the
maximum label. Defaults to 100.}
Character vector representing a converted categorical variable, appended
with the label of the unit. See \code{examples} for more information.
Supply a numeric variable, e.g. \code{Collaboration_hours}, and return a character
This is used within \code{create_dist()} for numeric to categorical conversion.
# Direct use
cut_hour(1:30, cuts = c(15, 20, 25))
# Use on a query
cut_hour(sq_data$Collaboration_hours, cuts = c(10, 15, 20))
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