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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/period_change.R
\title{Plot the distribution of percentage change between periods
of a Workplace Analytics metric by the number of employees.}
before_start = min(as.Date(data$Date, "\%m/\%d/\%Y")),
after_start = as.Date(before_end) + 1,
after_end = max(as.Date(data$Date, "\%m/\%d/\%Y")),
return = "count"
\item{data}{Person Query as a dataframe including date column named \code{"Date"}
This function assumes the data format is \code{MM/DD/YYYY} as is standard in a
Workplace Analytics query output.}
\item{compvar}{WpA comparison variable to compare person change before and
after For example, \code{"Collaboration_hours"}}
\item{before_start}{Start date of "before" time period in \code{YYYY-MM-DD}}
\item{before_end}{End date of "before" time period in \code{YYYY-MM-DD}}
\item{after_start}{Start date of "after" time period in \code{YYYY-MM-DD}}
\item{after_end}{End date of "after" time period in \code{YYYY-MM-DD}}
\item{return}{Character vector specifying whether to return plot as Count or
Percentage of Employees. Valid inputs include:
\item "count" (default)
\item "percentage"
\item "table"
ggplot object showing a bar plot (histogram) of change for two time
This function also presents the p-value for the null hypothesis
that the variable has not changed, using a Wilcox signed-rank test.
# Run plot
period_change(sq_data, compvar = "Workweek_span", before_end = "2019-11-16")
# Run plot with more specific arguments
compvar = "Workweek_span",
before_start = "2019-11-03",
before_end = "2019-11-16",
after_start = "2019-12-03",
after_end = "2019-12-16",
return = "percentage")
Other Visualization:
Other Time-series:
Other Flexible:
Other Flexible Input:
Mark Powers \href{mailto:mark.powers@microsoft.com}{mark.powers@microsoft.com}
\concept{Flexible Input}