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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Check a query to ensure that it is suitable for analysis
#' @description Prints diagnostic data about the data query to the R console,
#' with information such as date range, number of employees, HR attributes
#' identified, etc.
#' @details This can be used with any person-level query, such as the standard
#' person query, Ways of Working assessment query, and the hourly collaboration
#' query. When run, this prints diagnostic data to the R console.
#' @param data A person-level query in the form of a data frame. This includes:
#' - Standard Person Query
#' - Ways of Working Assessment Query
#' - Hourly Collaboration Query
#' All person-level query have a `PersonId` column and a `Date` column.
#' @param return String specifying what to return. This must be one of the
#' following strings:
#' - `"message"` (default)
#' - `"text"`
#' See `Value` for more information.
#' @param validation Logical value to specify whether to show summarized version. Defaults to `FALSE`. To hide checks on variable
#' names, set `validation` to `TRUE`.
#' @return
#' A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the `return`
#' argument:
#' - `"message"`: a message is returned to the console.
#' - `"text"`: string containing the diagnostic message.
#' @examples
#' check_query(sq_data)
#' @family Data Validation
#' @export
check_query <- function(data, return = "message", validation = FALSE){
stop("Input is not a data frame.")
if("PersonId" %in% names(data)){
if(validation == FALSE){
check_person_query(data = data, return = return)
} else if(validation == TRUE){
# Different displays required for validation_report()
check_query_validation(data = data, return = return)
} else {
message("Note: checks are currently unavailable for a non-Person query")
#' @title Check a Person Query to ensure that it is suitable for analysis
#' @description
#' Prints diagnostic data about the data query to the R console, with information
#' such as date range, number of employees, HR attributes identified, etc.
#' @inheritParams check_query
#' @details Used as part of `check_query()`.
#' @noRd
check_person_query <- function(data, return){
## Query Type - Uses `identify_query()`
main_chunk <- paste0("The data used is a ", identify_query(data))
## PersonId
if(!("PersonId" %in% names(data))){
stop("There is no `PersonId` variable in the input.")
} else {
new_chunk <- paste("There are", dplyr::n_distinct(data$PersonId), "employees in this dataset.")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Date
if(!("Date" %in% names(data))){
stop("There is no `Date` variable in the input.")
} else if("Influence_rank" %in% names(data)){
# Omit date conversion
new_chunk <- paste0("Date ranges from ", min(data$Date), " to ", max(data$Date), ".")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
} else {
data$Date <- as.Date(data$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
new_chunk <- paste0("Date ranges from ", min(data$Date), " to ", max(data$Date), ".")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Extract unique identifiers of query ------------------------------------
extracted_chr <-
data %>%
hrvar_count_all(return = "table") %>%
filter(`Unique values`==1) %>%
if (length(extracted_chr)>1) {
extractHRValues <- function(data, hrvar){
data %>%
summarise(FirstValue = first(!!sym(hrvar))) %>%
mutate(HRAttribute = wrap(hrvar, wrapper = "`")) %>%
select(HRAttribute, FirstValue) %>%
mutate(FirstValue = as.character(FirstValue)) # Coerce type
result <-
extracted_chr %>%
purrr::map(function(x){ extractHRValues(data = data, hrvar = x)}) %>%
new_chunk <- paste("Unique identifiers include:",
result %>%
mutate(identifier = paste(HRAttribute, "is", FirstValue)) %>%
pull(identifier) %>%
paste(collapse = "; "))
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## HR Variables
hr_chr <- extract_hr(data, max_unique = 200) %>% wrap(wrapper = "`")
new_chunk <- paste("There are", length(hr_chr), "(estimated) HR attributes in the data:" )
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
new_chunk <- paste(hr_chr, collapse = ", ")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n")
## `IsActive` flag
if(!("IsActive" %in% names(data))){
new_chunk <- "The `IsActive` flag is not present in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n")
} else {
data$IsActive <- as.logical(data$IsActive) # Force to logical
active_n <- dplyr::n_distinct(data[data$IsActive == TRUE, "PersonId"])
new_chunk <- paste0("There are ", active_n, " active employees out of all in the dataset.")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Variable check header
new_chunk <- "Variable name check:"
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Collaboration_hours
if(!("Collaboration_hours" %in% names(data)) &
("Collaboration_hrs" %in% names(data))){
new_chunk <- "`Collaboration_hrs` is used instead of `Collaboration_hours` in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
} else if(!("Collaboration_hrs" %in% names(data)) &
("Collaboration_hours" %in% names(data))){
new_chunk <- "`Collaboration_hours` is used instead of `Collaboration_hrs` in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
} else {
new_chunk <- "No collaboration hour metric exists in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Instant_Message_hours
if(!("Instant_message_hours" %in% names(data)) &
("Instant_Message_hours" %in% names(data))){
new_chunk <- "`Instant_Message_hours` is used instead of `Instant_message_hours` in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
} else if(!("Instant_Message_hours" %in% names(data)) &
("Instant_message_hours" %in% names(data))){
new_chunk <- "`Instant_message_hours` is used instead of `Instant_Message_hours` in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
} else {
new_chunk <- "No instant message hour metric exists in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Return
if(return == "message"){
main_chunk <- paste("", main_chunk, sep = "\n")
} else if(return == "text"){
} else {
stop("Please check inputs for `return`")
#' @title Perform a query check for the validation report
#' @description
#' Prints diagnostic data about the data query to the R console, with information
#' such as date range, number of employees, HR attributes identified, etc.
#' Optimised for the `validation_report()`
#' @inheritParams check_query
#' @details Used as part of `check_query()`.
#' @noRd
check_query_validation <- function(data, return){
## Query Type - Initialise
main_chunk <- ""
## PersonId
if(!("PersonId" %in% names(data))){
stop("There is no `PersonId` variable in the input.")
} else {
new_chunk <- paste("There are", dplyr::n_distinct(data$PersonId), "employees in this dataset.")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Date
if(!("Date" %in% names(data))){
stop("There is no `Date` variable in the input.")
} else {
data$Date <- as.Date(data$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
new_chunk <- paste0("Date ranges from ", min(data$Date), " to ", max(data$Date), ".")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Extract unique identifiers of query ------------------------------------
extracted_chr <- data %>%
hrvar_count_all(return = "table") %>%
filter(`Unique values`==1) %>%
if (length(extracted_chr) > 1) {
extractHRValues <- function(data, hrvar){
data %>%
summarise(FirstValue = first(!!sym(hrvar))) %>%
mutate(HRAttribute = wrap(hrvar, wrapper = "`")) %>%
select(HRAttribute, FirstValue) %>%
mutate(FirstValue = as.character(FirstValue)) # Coerce type
result <-
extracted_chr %>%
purrr::map(function(x){ extractHRValues(data = data, hrvar = x)}) %>%
new_chunk <- paste("Unique identifiers include:",
result %>%
mutate(identifier = paste(HRAttribute, "is", FirstValue)) %>%
pull(identifier) %>%
paste(collapse = "; "))
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## HR Variables
hr_chr <- extract_hr(data, max_unique = 200) %>% wrap(wrapper = "`")
new_chunk <- paste("There are", length(hr_chr), "(estimated) HR attributes in the data:" )
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
new_chunk <- paste(hr_chr, collapse = ", ")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n")
## `IsActive` flag
if(!("IsActive" %in% names(data))){
new_chunk <- "The `IsActive` flag is not present in the data."
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n")
} else {
data$IsActive <- as.logical(data$IsActive) # Force to logical
active_n <- dplyr::n_distinct(data[data$IsActive == TRUE, "PersonId"])
new_chunk <- paste0("There are ", active_n, " active employees out of all in the dataset.")
main_chunk <- paste(main_chunk, new_chunk, sep = "\n\n")
## Return
if(return == "message"){
main_chunk <- paste("", main_chunk, sep = "\n")
} else if(return == "text"){
} else {
stop("Please check inputs for `return`")