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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Generate a Data Validation report in HTML
#' @description
#' The function generates an interactive HTML report using
#' Standard Query data as an input. The report contains a checks on
#' Workplace Analytics query outputs, to provide diagnostic information
#' for the Analyst pre-analysis.
#' For your input data or meeting_data, please use the function `wpa::import_wpa()`
#' to import your csv query files into R. This function will standardize format
#' and prepare the data as input for this report.
#' @param data A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.
#' @param meeting_data An optional Meeting Query dataset in the form of a data frame.
#' @param hrvar HR Variable by which to split metrics, defaults to "Organization"
#' but accepts any character vector, e.g. "Organization"
#' @param path Pass the file path and the desired file name, _excluding the file extension_.
#' @param timestamp Logical vector specifying whether to include a timestamp in the file name.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' validation_report(dv_data,
#' meeting_data = mt_data,
#' hrvar = "Organization")
#' }
#' @importFrom purrr map_if
#' @importFrom dplyr `%>%`
#' @family Reports
#' @export
validation_report <- function(data,
meeting_data = NULL,
hrvar = "Organization",
path = "validation report",
timestamp = TRUE){
## Create timestamped path (if applicable)
if(timestamp == TRUE){
newpath <- paste(path, wpa::tstamp())
} else {
newpath <- path
## Dynamic: if meeting data is not available
subline_obj <- "[Note] Subject line analysis is unavailable as no meeting query is supplied."
subline_obj2 <- ""
} else {
subline_obj <- meeting_data %>% subject_validate(return = "text")
subline_obj2 <- meeting_data %>% subject_validate(return = "table")
## Dynamic: if `HireDate` is not available
if("HireDate" %in% names(data)){
tenure_obj <- data %>% identify_tenure(return = "text") %>% suppressWarnings()
tenure_obj2 <- data %>% identify_tenure(return = "plot") %>% suppressWarnings()
} else {
tenure_obj <- "[Note] Tenure analysis is unavailable as the data has no `HireDate` variable."
tenure_obj2 <- ""
## Dynamic: if `WorkingStartTimeSetInOutlook` and `WorkingEndTimeSetInOutlook` is not available
wktimes_var <- c("WorkingStartTimeSetInOutlook", "WorkingEndTimeSetInOutlook")
wktimes_msg <- "[Note] Outlook hours analysis is unavailable as the data does not have the following variables:"
if(all(wktimes_var %in% names(data))){
wktimes_obj <- data %>% flag_outlooktime(return = "text")
shift_obj <- data %>% identify_shifts(return = "plot")
} else {
wktimes_obj <- paste(wktimes_msg, paste(wrap(wktimes_var, "`"), collapse = ", "), collapse = "\n")
shift_obj <- paste(wktimes_msg, paste(wrap(wktimes_var, "`"), collapse = ", "), collapse = "\n")
## Dynamic: Track HR changes
mtry <- try(track_HR_change(data, hrvar = hrvar), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(mtry, "try-error")) {
trackhr_obj <- data %>% track_HR_change(hrvar = hrvar, return = "plot")
trackhr_obj2 <- data %>% track_HR_change(hrvar = hrvar, return = "table")
} else {
trackhr_obj <- "[Error!] unable to parse HR changes."
trackhr_obj2 <- ""
## Outputs as accessed here
## Can be data frames, plot objects, or text
output_list <-
list(read_preamble("blank.md"), # Header - Data Available
data %>% check_query(return = "text", validation = TRUE),
read_preamble("blank.md"), # Header - 1.1 Workplace Analytics Settings
shift_obj, # See `identify_shifts()` dynamic treatment above
paste(">", wktimes_obj),
paste(">", data %>% flag_ch_ratio(return = "text")),
read_preamble("meeting_exclusions_1.md"), #item 9, Header - 1.2 Meeting Exclusions
paste(">", subline_obj),
read_preamble("organizational_data_quality.md"), #13, Header - 2. Organizational Data Quality
data %>% hrvar_count_all(return = "table"),
read_preamble("groups_under_privacy_threshold_1.md"), #16, Header - 2.2 Groups under Privacy Threshold
paste(">", data %>% identify_privacythreshold(return="text")),
data %>% identify_privacythreshold(return="table"),
read_preamble("distribution_employees_key_attributes.md"), #20, Header - 2.3 Distribution employees key attributes
data %>% hrvar_count(hrvar = hrvar, return = "plot"),
data %>% hrvar_count(hrvar = hrvar, return = "table"),
read_preamble("updates_organizational_data.md"), #23, Header - 2.4 Updates to Organizational Data
read_preamble("blank.md"), #placeholder for track_HR_change message obj,
read_preamble("quality_tenure_data.md"), #27, Header - 2.5 Quality Tenure Data
paste(">", tenure_obj), # Text
tenure_obj2, # Plot
read_preamble("m365_data_quality.md"), #30, Header - 3. M365 Data Quality
read_preamble("population_over_time.md"), #Header - 3.1
data %>% hr_trend(return = "plot"),
read_preamble("nonknowledge_workers.md"), #33, Header - 3.2 Non-knowledge workers
paste(">", data %>% identify_nkw(return = "text")),
data %>% identify_nkw(return = "data_summary"),
read_preamble("holiday_weeks_1.md"), #36, Header - 3.3 Company Holiday weeks
paste(">", data %>% identify_holidayweeks(return = "text")),
data %>% identify_holidayweeks(return = "plot"),
read_preamble("inactive_weeks_1.md"), #40, Header - 3.4 Inactive weeks
paste(">", data %>% identify_inactiveweeks(return = "text")),
read_preamble("extreme_values.md"), #43, Header - 3.5 Extreme values
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Email_hours", threshold = 80, person = TRUE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Email_hours", threshold = 80, person = FALSE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Meeting_hours", threshold = 80, person = TRUE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Meeting_hours", threshold = 80, person = FALSE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Call_hours", threshold = 40, person = TRUE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Call_hours", threshold = 40, person = FALSE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Instant_Message_hours", threshold = 40, person = TRUE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Instant_Message_hours", threshold = 40, person = FALSE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Conflicting_meeting_hours", threshold = 70, person = TRUE, return = "text")),
paste(">",data %>% flag_extreme(metric = "Conflicting_meeting_hours", threshold = 70, person = FALSE, return = "text"))) %>%
purrr::map_if(is.data.frame, create_dt, rounding = 0) %>%
purrr::map_if(is.character, md2html)
## Title of the outputs
title_list <-
c("Data Available",
"Query Check",
"1. Workplace Analytics Settings",
"1.1 Outlook Settings",
"1.2 Meeting Exclusion Rules",
"2. Organizational Data Quality",
"2.1 Attributes Available",
"2.2 Groups Under Privacy Threshold",
"2.3 Distribution of Employees in Key Attributes",
"2.4 Updates to Organizational Data",
"2.5 Quality of Tenure Data",
"3. M365 Data Quality",
"3.1 Population Over Time",
"3.2 Non-knowledge Workers",
"3.3 Company Holiday Weeks",
"3.4 Inactive Weeks",
"3.5 Extreme Values",
"3.5.1 Extreme values: Email",
"3.5.2 Extreme values: Meeting",
"3.5.3 Extreme values: Calls",
"3.5.4 Extreme values: IM",
"3.5.5 Extreme values: Conflicting Meetings",
# Set header levels
n_title <- length(title_list)
levels_list <- rep(4, n_title)
levels_list[c(1, 3, 14, 31)] <- 2 # Section header
generate_report(title = "Data Validation Report",
filename = newpath,
outputs = output_list,
titles = title_list,
subheaders = rep("", n_title),
echos = rep(FALSE, n_title),
levels = levels_list,
theme = "cosmo",
preamble = read_preamble("validation_report.md")) # See inst/preamble/validation_report.md