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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/create_hist.R
\title{Create a histogram plot for any metric}
hrvar = "Organization",
mingroup = 5,
binwidth = 1,
return = "plot"
\item{data}{A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.}
\item{metric}{String containing the name of the metric,
e.g. "Collaboration_hours"}
\item{hrvar}{String containing the name of the HR Variable by which to split
metrics. Defaults to \code{"Organization"}. To run the analysis on the total
instead of splitting by an HR attribute, supply \code{NULL} (without quotes).}
\item{mingroup}{Numeric value setting the privacy threshold / minimum group
size. Defaults to 5.}
\item{binwidth}{Numeric value for setting \code{binwidth} argument within
\code{ggplot2::geom_histogram()}. Defaults to 1.}
\item{return}{String specifying what to return. This must be one of the
following strings:
\item \code{"plot"}
\item \code{"table"}
\item \code{"data"}
\item \code{"frequency"}
See \code{Value} for more information.}
A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the \code{return}
\item \code{"plot"}: 'ggplot' object. A faceted histogram for the metric.
\item \code{"table"}: data frame. A summary table for the metric.
\item \code{"data"}: data frame. Data with calculated person averages.
\item \verb{"frequency}: list of data frames. Each data frame contains the
frequencies used in each panel of the plotted histogram.
Provides an analysis of the distribution of a selected metric.
Returns a faceted histogram by default.
Additional options available to return the underlying frequency table.
# Return plot for whole organization
create_hist(sq_data, metric = "Collaboration_hours", hrvar = NULL)
# Return plot
create_hist(sq_data, metric = "Collaboration_hours", hrvar = "Organization")
# Return summary table
metric = "Collaboration_hours",
hrvar = "Organization",
return = "table")
Other Flexible: