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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/IV_report.R
\title{Generate a Information Value HTML Report}
predictors = NULL,
bins = 5,
max_var = 9,
path = "IV report",
timestamp = TRUE
\item{data}{A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.}
\item{predictors}{A character vector specifying the columns to be used as
predictors. Defaults to NULL, where all numeric vectors in the data will be
used as predictors.}
\item{outcome}{A string specifying a binary variable, i.e. can only contain
the values 1 or 0.}
\item{bins}{Number of bins to use in \code{Information::create_infotables()},
defaults to 10.}
\item{max_var}{Numeric value to represent the maximum number of variables to
show on plots.}
\item{path}{Pass the file path and the desired file name, \emph{excluding the file
extension}. For example, \code{"IV report"}.}
\item{timestamp}{Logical vector specifying whether to include a timestamp in
the file name. Defaults to TRUE.}
An HTML report with the same file name as specified in the arguments is
generated in the working directory. No outputs are directly returned by the
The function generates an interactive HTML report using Standard Person Query
data as an input. The report contains a full Information Value analysis, a
data exploration technique that helps determine which columns in a data set
have predictive power or influence on the value of a specified dependent
\section{Creating a report}{
Below is an example on how to run the report.
\if{html}{\out{<div class="sourceCode">}}\preformatted{library(dplyr)
sq_data \%>\%
mutate(CH_binary = ifelse(Collaboration_hours > 12, 1, 0)) \%>\% # Simulate binary variable
IV_report(outcome = "CH_binary",
predictors = c("Email_hours", "Workweek_span"))
Other Reports:
Other Variable Association:
Other Information Value:
\concept{Information Value}
\concept{Variable Association}