Springstone (#11)
* Revise cost estimates content * Disclaimer * Small changes * Minor text changes. * Adding screenshots for central deployment * Small update to PBI sample
Двоичные данные
Deploy/ServiceProvider/PowerBI Dashboards/zMonitor-Sample.pbix
@ -31,4 +31,3 @@ Basic tenant monitoring:
* [Optional] Power BI - assume you have a license for PowerBI Desktop.
DISCLAIMER: The pricing reflected here is for demonstration purposes only. Actual pricing and costs may vary. We also recommend that you do your own testing to determine actual costs for your requirements.
@ -29,19 +29,29 @@ What's needed to setup the service provider components of zMontior.
* Storage Account (BLOBs)
Storage for the CSV logs, Hot Locally Redundant (LRS) BLOB storage is sufficient. Cold may work but hasn't been tested.
* Two containers
Create storage account:
![Create Storage Account](images/central_storage_create.png)
* Create two containers
* Main logs container
The container where the logs get dropped from subscriptions/tenants.
![Create containers](images/central_storagecontainer_create.png)
* Archive logs container
Long term retention of CSV logs, useful for later processing. Not directly required by this solution.
* Azure Autoamtion
Runs the CSV cleanup and archiving jobs.
* Deploy runbook: [RB-Ops-CleanupDaily][1]
Runs the CSV cleanup and archiving jobs. Create automation account:
![Create Automation Account](images/central_automation.png)
* Deploy runbook: [RB-Ops-CleanupDaily](deploy/serviceprovider/PS-Ops-CleanupDaily.ps1)
* Schedule to run at least once a day, recommended to run every hour or two
* Update storage details in RB-Ops-CleanupDaily:
@ -53,18 +63,39 @@ What's needed to setup the service provider components of zMontior.
* Azure Cosmos DB
Where the log data gets stored in JSON format, and where we report from. When querying Cosmos DB, we'll need the connection details, including the URI and key (read-only is sufficient) - both available under the "Keys" property under "Settings" on the Cosmos DB blade.
* Create database and create a collection
* Remember to set Time To Live (TTL) - recommended to set to 7 days (604800 seconds)
* Create database
![Create Cosmos DB](images/central_cosmos_create.png)
* Create a collection (+ Add Collection)
![Create Cosmos Collection](images/central_cosmoscollection_create.png)
* Remember to set Time To Live (TTL) - recommended to set to 3 days (259200 seconds)
This auto-deletes records in Cosmos DB older than what's specficied in the TTL setting. This keeps the collection size constrained and query performance reasonable. Adjust this according to your specific requirements. Remember, the original data is archived in the BLOB archive container.
![Cosmos DB TTL](images/central_cosmos_ttl.png)
* Scale according to number of tenants and query performance
Start scale on a single partition with 400 RUs. Increase RUs as query performance is impacted. Data ingest should not be impacted at 400 RUs as we add data in short bursts.
* Stream Analytics
Create a new Stream Analytics job:
![Create Stream Analytics job](images/central_streamanalytics_create.png)
* Configure input : storage account main logs container
![Configure Stream Analytics input](images/central_streamanalytics_input.png)
* Configure output : Cosmos DB collection
![Configure Stream Analytics output](images/central_streamanalytics_output.png)
* Define the query:
@ -74,13 +105,14 @@ What's needed to setup the service provider components of zMontior.
![Define Stream Analytics query](images/central_streamanalytics_query.png)
* Start the stream job
![Stream Analytics - Running](images/centralStreamAnalytics.png)
![Stream Analytics - Running](images/centralStreamAnalytics.png)
* Visualize - PowerBI
* Configure connection to CosmosDB using URI and key (read-only)
NOTE: Use the datasource connector "DocumentDB (Beta)"
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