
161 строка
5.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Confuser.Core;
using Confuser.Core.Services;
using dnlib.DotNet.MD;
using dnlib.DotNet.Writer;
namespace Confuser.Protections {
internal class InvalidMetadataProtection : Protection {
public const string _Id = "invalid metadata";
public const string _FullId = "Ki.InvalidMD";
public override string Name {
get { return "Invalid Metadata Protection"; }
public override string Description {
get { return "This protection adds invalid metadata to modules to prevent disassembler/decompiler from opening them."; }
public override string Id {
get { return _Id; }
public override string FullId {
get { return _FullId; }
public override ProtectionPreset Preset {
get { return ProtectionPreset.None; }
protected override void Initialize(ConfuserContext context) {
protected override void PopulatePipeline(ProtectionPipeline pipeline) {
pipeline.InsertPostStage(PipelineStage.BeginModule, new InvalidMDPhase(this));
class InvalidMDPhase : ProtectionPhase {
RandomGenerator random;
public InvalidMDPhase(InvalidMetadataProtection parent)
: base(parent) { }
public override ProtectionTargets Targets {
get { return ProtectionTargets.Modules; }
public override string Name {
get { return "Invalid metadata addition"; }
protected override void Execute(ConfuserContext context, ProtectionParameters parameters) {
if (parameters.Targets.Contains(context.CurrentModule)) {
random = context.Registry.GetService<IRandomService>().GetRandomGenerator(_FullId);
context.CurrentModuleWriterOptions.WriterEvent += OnWriterEvent;
void Randomize<T>(MDTable<T> table) where T : struct => random.Shuffle(table);
void OnWriterEvent(object sender, ModuleWriterEventArgs e) {
var writer = (ModuleWriterBase)sender;
if (e.Event == ModuleWriterEvent.MDEndCreateTables) {
// These hurts reflection
uint methodLen = (uint)writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.MethodTable.Rows + 1;
uint fieldLen = (uint)writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.FieldTable.Rows + 1;
var root = writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.TypeDefTable.Add(new RawTypeDefRow(
0, 0x7fff7fff, 0, 0x3FFFD, fieldLen, methodLen));
writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.NestedClassTable.Add(new RawNestedClassRow(root, root));
var namespaces = writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.TypeDefTable
.Select(row => row.Namespace)
foreach (var ns in namespaces)
if (ns == 0) continue;
var type = writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.TypeDefTable.Add(new RawTypeDefRow(
0, 0, ns, 0x3FFFD, fieldLen, methodLen));
writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.NestedClassTable.Add(new RawNestedClassRow(root, type));
foreach (var row in writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.ParamTable)
row.Name = 0x7fff7fff;
writer.Metadata.TablesHeap.ModuleTable.Add(new RawModuleRow(0, 0x7fff7fff, 0, 0, 0));
writer.Metadata.TablesHeap.AssemblyTable.Add(new RawAssemblyRow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7fff7fff, 0));
int r = random.NextInt32(8, 16);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
writer.Metadata.TablesHeap.ENCLogTable.Add(new RawENCLogRow(random.NextUInt32(), random.NextUInt32()));
r = random.NextInt32(8, 16);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
writer.Metadata.TablesHeap.ENCMapTable.Add(new RawENCMapRow(random.NextUInt32()));
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.TablesHeapOptions.ExtraData = random.NextUInt32();
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.TablesHeapOptions.UseENC = false;
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.MetadataHeaderOptions.VersionString += "\0\0\0\0";
We are going to create a new specific '#GUID' Heap to avoid UnConfuserEX to work.
<sarcasm>UnConfuserEX is so well coded, it relies on static cmp between values</sarcasm>
If you deobfuscate this tool, you can see that it check for #GUID size and compare it to
'16', so we have to create a new array of byte wich size is exactly 16 and put it into
our brand new Heap
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.CustomHeaps.Add(new RawHeap("#GUID", Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()));
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.CustomHeaps.Add(new RawHeap("#Strings", new byte[1]));
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.CustomHeaps.Add(new RawHeap("#Blob", new byte[1]));
writer.TheOptions.MetadataOptions.CustomHeaps.Add(new RawHeap("#Schema", new byte[1]));
else if (e.Event == ModuleWriterEvent.MDOnAllTablesSorted) {
writer.Metadata.TablesHeap.DeclSecurityTable.Add(new RawDeclSecurityRow(
unchecked(0x7fff), 0xffff7fff, 0xffff7fff));
writer.MetaData.TablesHeap.ManifestResourceTable.Add(new RawManifestResourceRow(
0x7fff7fff, (uint)ManifestResourceAttributes.Private, 0x7fff7fff, 2));
class RawHeap : HeapBase {
readonly byte[] content;
readonly string name;
public RawHeap(string name, byte[] content) { = name;
this.content = content;
public override string Name {
get { return name; }
public override uint GetRawLength() {
return (uint)content.Length;
protected override void WriteToImpl(DataWriter writer) {