531 строка
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531 строка
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Confuser.Core.Project;
using Confuser.Core.Project.Patterns;
using dnlib.DotNet;
namespace Confuser.Core {
using Rules = Dictionary<Rule, PatternExpression>;
/// <summary>
/// Obfuscation Attribute Marker
/// </summary>
public class ObfAttrMarker : Marker {
struct ObfuscationAttributeInfo {
public IHasCustomAttribute Owner;
public bool? ApplyToMembers;
public bool? Exclude;
public string FeatureName;
public string FeatureValue;
struct ProtectionSettingsInfo {
public bool ApplyToMember;
public bool Exclude;
public PatternExpression Condition;
public string Settings;
class ProtectionSettingsStack {
readonly ConfuserContext context;
readonly Stack<Tuple<ProtectionSettings, ProtectionSettingsInfo[]>> stack;
readonly ObfAttrParser parser;
ProtectionSettings settings;
enum ApplyInfoType {
class PopHolder : IDisposable {
ProtectionSettingsStack parent;
public PopHolder(ProtectionSettingsStack parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public void Dispose() {
public ProtectionSettingsStack(ConfuserContext context, Dictionary<string, Protection> protections) {
this.context = context;
stack = new Stack<Tuple<ProtectionSettings, ProtectionSettingsInfo[]>>();
parser = new ObfAttrParser(protections);
public ProtectionSettingsStack(ProtectionSettingsStack copy) {
context = copy.context;
stack = new Stack<Tuple<ProtectionSettings, ProtectionSettingsInfo[]>>(copy.stack);
parser = copy.parser;
void Pop() {
settings = stack.Pop().Item1;
public IDisposable Apply(IDnlibDef target, IEnumerable<ProtectionSettingsInfo> infos) {
ProtectionSettings settings;
if (this.settings == null)
settings = new ProtectionSettings();
settings = new ProtectionSettings(this.settings);
var infoArray = infos.ToArray();
if (stack.Count > 0) {
foreach (var i in stack.Reverse())
ApplyInfo(target, settings, i.Item2, ApplyInfoType.ParentInfo);
IDisposable result;
if (infoArray.Length != 0) {
var originalSettings = this.settings;
// the settings that would apply to members
ApplyInfo(target, settings, infoArray, ApplyInfoType.CurrentInfoInherits);
this.settings = new ProtectionSettings(settings);
// the settings that would apply to itself
ApplyInfo(target, settings, infoArray, ApplyInfoType.CurrentInfoOnly);
stack.Push(Tuple.Create(originalSettings, infoArray));
result = new PopHolder(this);
result = null;
ProtectionParameters.SetParameters(context, target, settings);
return result;
void ApplyInfo(IDnlibDef context, ProtectionSettings settings, IEnumerable<ProtectionSettingsInfo> infos, ApplyInfoType type) {
foreach (var info in infos) {
if (info.Condition != null && !(bool)info.Condition.Evaluate(context))
if (info.Condition == null && info.Exclude) {
if (type == ApplyInfoType.CurrentInfoOnly ||
(type == ApplyInfoType.CurrentInfoInherits && info.ApplyToMember)) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Settings)) {
if ((type == ApplyInfoType.ParentInfo && info.ApplyToMember) ||
type == ApplyInfoType.CurrentInfoOnly ||
(type == ApplyInfoType.CurrentInfoInherits && info.Condition == null && info.ApplyToMember)) {
parser.ParseProtectionString(settings, info.Settings);
static readonly Regex OrderPattern = new Regex("^(\\d+)\\. (.+)$");
static IEnumerable<ObfuscationAttributeInfo> ReadObfuscationAttributes(IHasCustomAttribute item) {
var ret = new List<Tuple<int?, ObfuscationAttributeInfo>>();
for (int i = item.CustomAttributes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var ca = item.CustomAttributes[i];
if (ca.TypeFullName != "System.Reflection.ObfuscationAttribute")
var info = new ObfuscationAttributeInfo();
int? order = null;
info.Owner = item;
bool strip = true;
foreach (var prop in ca.Properties) {
switch (prop.Name) {
case "ApplyToMembers":
Debug.Assert(prop.Type.ElementType == ElementType.Boolean);
info.ApplyToMembers = (bool)prop.Value;
case "Exclude":
Debug.Assert(prop.Type.ElementType == ElementType.Boolean);
info.Exclude = (bool)prop.Value;
case "StripAfterObfuscation":
Debug.Assert(prop.Type.ElementType == ElementType.Boolean);
strip = (bool)prop.Value;
case "Feature":
Debug.Assert(prop.Type.ElementType == ElementType.String);
string feature = (UTF8String)prop.Value;
var match = OrderPattern.Match(feature);
if (match.Success) {
var orderStr = match.Groups[1].Value;
var f = match.Groups[2].Value;
int o;
if (!int.TryParse(orderStr, out o))
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Failed to parse feature '{0}' in {1} ", feature, item));
order = o;
feature = f;
int sepIndex = feature.IndexOf(':');
if (sepIndex == -1) {
info.FeatureName = "";
info.FeatureValue = feature;
else {
info.FeatureName = feature.Substring(0, sepIndex);
info.FeatureValue = feature.Substring(sepIndex + 1);
throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported property: " + prop.Name);
if (strip)
if (item is IMemberRef && !(item is ITypeDefOrRef))
info.ApplyToMembers = false;
ret.Add(Tuple.Create(order, info));
return ret.OrderBy(pair => pair.Item1).Select(pair => pair.Item2);
bool ToInfo(ObfuscationAttributeInfo attr, out ProtectionSettingsInfo info) {
info = new ProtectionSettingsInfo();
info.Condition = null;
info.Exclude = (attr.Exclude ?? true);
info.ApplyToMember = (attr.ApplyToMembers ?? true);
info.Settings = attr.FeatureValue;
bool ok = true;
try {
new ObfAttrParser(protections).ParseProtectionString(null, info.Settings);
catch {
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
context.Logger.WarnFormat("Ignoring rule '{0}' in {1}.", info.Settings, attr.Owner);
return false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.FeatureName))
throw new ArgumentException("Feature name must not be set. Owner=" + attr.Owner);
if (info.Exclude && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.FeatureName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.FeatureValue))) {
throw new ArgumentException("Feature property cannot be set when Exclude is true. Owner=" + attr.Owner);
return true;
ProtectionSettingsInfo ToInfo(Rule rule, PatternExpression expr) {
var info = new ProtectionSettingsInfo();
info.Condition = expr;
info.Exclude = false;
info.ApplyToMember = true;
var settings = new StringBuilder();
if (rule.Preset != ProtectionPreset.None)
settings.AppendFormat("preset({0});", rule.Preset.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
foreach (var item in rule) {
settings.Append(item.Action == SettingItemAction.Add ? '+' : '-');
if (item.Count > 0) {
int i = 0;
foreach (var arg in item) {
if (i != 0)
settings.AppendFormat("{0}='{1}'", arg.Key, arg.Value.Replace("'", "\\'"));
info.Settings = settings.ToString();
return info;
IEnumerable<ProtectionSettingsInfo> ReadInfos(IHasCustomAttribute item) {
foreach (var attr in ReadObfuscationAttributes(item)) {
ProtectionSettingsInfo info;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.FeatureName))
yield return AddRule(attr, null);
else if (ToInfo(attr, out info))
yield return info;
ConfuserContext context;
ConfuserProject project;
Packer packer;
Dictionary<string, string> packerParams;
List<byte[]> extModules;
static readonly object ModuleSettingsKey = new object();
/// <inheritdoc />
protected internal override void MarkMember(IDnlibDef member, ConfuserContext context) {
ModuleDef module = ((IMemberRef)member).Module;
var stack = context.Annotations.Get<ProtectionSettingsStack>(module, ModuleSettingsKey);
using (stack.Apply(member, Enumerable.Empty<ProtectionSettingsInfo>()))
/// <inheritdoc />
protected internal override MarkerResult MarkProject(ConfuserProject proj, ConfuserContext context) {
this.context = context;
project = proj;
extModules = new List<byte[]>();
if (proj.Packer != null) {
if (!packers.ContainsKey(proj.Packer.Id)) {
context.Logger.ErrorFormat("Cannot find packer with ID '{0}'.", proj.Packer.Id);
throw new ConfuserException(null);
packer = packers[proj.Packer.Id];
packerParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(proj.Packer, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var modules = new List<Tuple<ProjectModule, ModuleDefMD>>();
foreach (ProjectModule module in proj) {
if (module.IsExternal) {
ModuleDefMD modDef = module.Resolve(proj.BaseDirectory, context.Resolver.DefaultModuleContext);
modules.Add(Tuple.Create(module, modDef));
foreach (var module in modules) {
context.Logger.InfoFormat("Loading '{0}'...", module.Item1.Path);
Rules rules = ParseRules(proj, module.Item1, context);
MarkModule(module.Item1, module.Item2, rules, module == modules[0]);
context.Annotations.Set(module.Item2, RulesKey, rules);
// Packer parameters are stored in modules
if (packer != null)
ProtectionParameters.GetParameters(context, module.Item2)[packer] = packerParams;
if (proj.Debug && proj.Packer != null)
context.Logger.Warn("Generated Debug symbols might not be usable with packers!");
return new MarkerResult(modules.Select(module => module.Item2).ToList(), packer, extModules);
ProtectionSettingsInfo AddRule(ObfuscationAttributeInfo attr, List<ProtectionSettingsInfo> infos) {
Debug.Assert(attr.FeatureName != null);
var pattern = attr.FeatureName;
PatternExpression expr;
try {
expr = new PatternParser().Parse(pattern);
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception("Error when parsing pattern " + pattern + " in ObfuscationAttribute. Owner=" + attr.Owner, ex);
var info = new ProtectionSettingsInfo();
info.Condition = expr;
info.Exclude = (attr.Exclude ?? true);
info.ApplyToMember = (attr.ApplyToMembers ?? true);
info.Settings = attr.FeatureValue;
bool ok = true;
try {
new ObfAttrParser(protections).ParseProtectionString(null, info.Settings);
catch {
ok = false;
if (!ok)
context.Logger.WarnFormat("Ignoring rule '{0}' in {1}.", info.Settings, attr.Owner);
else if (infos != null)
return info;
void MarkModule(ProjectModule projModule, ModuleDefMD module, Rules rules, bool isMain) {
string snKeyPath = projModule.SNKeyPath;
string snKeyPass = projModule.SNKeyPassword;
string snPubKeyPath = projModule.SNPubKeyPath;
bool snDelaySig = projModule.SNDelaySig;
string snSigKeyPath = projModule.SNSigKeyPath;
string snSigKeyPass = projModule.SNSigKeyPassword;
string snPubSigKeyPath = projModule.SNPubSigKeyPath;
var stack = new ProtectionSettingsStack(context, protections);
var layer = new List<ProtectionSettingsInfo>();
// Add rules
foreach (var rule in rules)
layer.Add(ToInfo(rule.Key, rule.Value));
// Add obfuscation attributes
foreach (var attr in ReadObfuscationAttributes(module.Assembly)) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.FeatureName)) {
ProtectionSettingsInfo info;
if (ToInfo(attr, out info))
else if (attr.FeatureName.Equals("generate debug symbol", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (!isMain)
throw new ArgumentException("Only main module can set 'generate debug symbol'.");
project.Debug = bool.Parse(attr.FeatureValue);
else if (attr.FeatureName.Equals("random seed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (!isMain)
throw new ArgumentException("Only main module can set 'random seed'.");
project.Seed = attr.FeatureValue;
else if (attr.FeatureName.Equals("strong name key", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
snKeyPath = Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, attr.FeatureValue);
else if (attr.FeatureName.Equals("strong name key password", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
snKeyPass = attr.FeatureValue;
else if (attr.FeatureName.Equals("packer", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (!isMain)
throw new ArgumentException("Only main module can set 'packer'.");
new ObfAttrParser(packers).ParsePackerString(attr.FeatureValue, out packer, out packerParams);
else if (attr.FeatureName.Equals("external module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (!isMain)
throw new ArgumentException("Only main module can add external modules.");
var rawModule = new ProjectModule { Path = attr.FeatureValue }.LoadRaw(project.BaseDirectory);
else {
AddRule(attr, layer);
if (project.Debug && module.PdbState == null) {
snKeyPath = snKeyPath == null ? null : Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, snKeyPath);
snPubKeyPath = snPubKeyPath == null ? null : Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, snPubKeyPath);
snSigKeyPath = snSigKeyPath == null ? null : Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, snSigKeyPath);
snPubSigKeyPath = snPubSigKeyPath == null ? null : Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, snPubSigKeyPath);
var snKey = LoadSNKey(context, snKeyPath, snKeyPass);
context.Annotations.Set(module, SNKey, snKey);
var snPubKey = LoadSNPubKey(context, snPubKeyPath);
context.Annotations.Set(module, SNPubKey, snPubKey);
context.Annotations.Set(module, SNDelaySig, snDelaySig);
var snSigKey = LoadSNKey(context, snSigKeyPath, snSigKeyPass);
context.Annotations.Set(module, SNSigKey, snSigKey);
var snSigPubKey = LoadSNPubKey(context, snPubSigKeyPath);
context.Annotations.Set(module, SNSigPubKey, snSigPubKey);
using (stack.Apply(module, layer))
ProcessModule(module, stack);
void ProcessModule(ModuleDefMD module, ProtectionSettingsStack stack) {
context.Annotations.Set(module, ModuleSettingsKey, new ProtectionSettingsStack(stack));
foreach (var type in module.Types) {
using (stack.Apply(type, ReadInfos(type)))
ProcessTypeMembers(type, stack);
void ProcessTypeMembers(TypeDef type, ProtectionSettingsStack stack) {
foreach (var nestedType in type.NestedTypes) {
using (stack.Apply(nestedType, ReadInfos(nestedType)))
ProcessTypeMembers(nestedType, stack);
foreach (var property in type.Properties) {
using (stack.Apply(property, ReadInfos(property))) {
if (property.GetMethod != null)
ProcessMember(property.GetMethod, stack);
if (property.SetMethod != null)
ProcessMember(property.SetMethod, stack);
foreach (var m in property.OtherMethods)
ProcessMember(m, stack);
foreach (var evt in type.Events) {
using (stack.Apply(evt, ReadInfos(evt))) {
if (evt.AddMethod != null)
ProcessMember(evt.AddMethod, stack);
if (evt.RemoveMethod != null)
ProcessMember(evt.RemoveMethod, stack);
if (evt.InvokeMethod != null)
ProcessMember(evt.InvokeMethod, stack);
foreach (var m in evt.OtherMethods)
ProcessMember(m, stack);
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (method.SemanticsAttributes == 0)
ProcessMember(method, stack);
foreach (var field in type.Fields) {
ProcessMember(field, stack);
void ProcessMember(IDnlibDef member, ProtectionSettingsStack stack) {
using (stack.Apply(member, ReadInfos(member)))
ProcessBody(member as MethodDef, stack);
void ProcessBody(MethodDef method, ProtectionSettingsStack stack) {
if (method == null || method.Body == null)
var declType = method.DeclaringType;
foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions)
if (instr.Operand is MethodDef) {
var cgType = ((MethodDef)instr.Operand).DeclaringType;
if (cgType.DeclaringType == declType && cgType.IsCompilerGenerated()) {
using (stack.Apply(cgType, ReadInfos(cgType)))
ProcessTypeMembers(cgType, stack);