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Miguel de Icaza 2014-01-20 20:55:21 -05:00
Родитель 0ab00ec0f7
Коммит aea2441499
3 изменённых файлов: 1 добавлений и 144 удалений

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
Original import of cocos2d-xna from cocos2d-x version 2.0.3 by Gena Minchuk
and Totally Evil Entertainment, LLC.
10/30/2012: Released
* Fixed orientation changes and added a test case for the programmatic switching of orientation.
* CCAnimate : Added some defensive code to CCAnimate to prevent NPE exceptions when bad frame refs occur.
* CCNode : Added CCNode.ContentSizeInPixels
* CCNode : Added comments to some methods in CCNode
* CCPoint : Added the CCPoint(CCPoint) ctor.
* CCPoint : Added arithmetic operators to CCPoint.
* CCBMFontConfiguration : Removed an assert in the CCBMFontConfiguration class during FNT
file parsing. Replaced it with an exception.
* CCBMFontConfiguration: Added exception handling around the CCBMFontConfiguration parsing
and recording of kerning elements to handle when duplicate kerning configurations are parsed.
* CCLayer : Moved the initial setting of the content size to the ctor instead of "init".
* CCScene : Added the game state management code
* CCSpriteFrameCache : Added an attribute to control whether or not frame overwrite is allowed.
* CCSpriteFrameCache : Replaced the use of "add(spriteFrame)" with the indexer on the sprite frame
* CCSpriteFrameCache : Added ability to overwrite sprite frames in the sprite frame cache.
* CCTexture2D : Added a non-size-specific file name fallback to the loading of the default
system font.
* CCTMXLayer : Fixed a typo in the "CCTMXOrientatio" enum to be "CCTMXOrientation".
* CCTMXMapInfo : Fixed a typo in the "CCTMXOrientatio" enum to be "CCTMXOrientation".
* CCTMXXMLParser : Fixed a typo in the "CCTMXOrientatio" enum to be "CCTMXOrientation".
* CCDirector : Added the state management code
* CCDirector : Fixed an indexing error in ReplaceScene when the stack is empty.
* CCDirector : Fixed the pause/resume/purge/resurrect lifecycle when running on Android
* CCNode : Added BoundingBoxInPixels
* CCPoint : Added a copy ctor
* CCPoint : Added a Length method
* CCRect : Added an intersection method
* CCMenu : Changed the ctor to set its content size as the window size.
* CCMenu : Added checks for menu item visibility during layout functions.
* CCMenu : Added the ability to set the content size of the menu and preserve it instead of
overwriting it with the window size during layout.
* CCApplication : Added calls to the ApplicationWillEnterForeground and ApplicationDidEnterBackground
when activated and deactivated are called. These were not being called during the application lifecycle.
* CCApplication : Began adding code to handle gestures (they consume touch begin states, beware).
* CCTouch : Added some comments to remind us that we need to support gestures.
* CCSprite : Added sprite collision detection. This appears to be very slow on some android devices.
* CCDirector : Added CanPopScene to return true if there is more than one scene on the stack.
* CCScheduler : Added try/finally to ensure that the update lock and current target get reset.
* CCNode : Added android specific code to refresh sprite font labels during re-activation.
* CCGeometry : Adding convenience methods to CCPoint
* CCObject : Added data serializers for data state deserialization.
* CCLabelTTF : Added dispose calls on the CCTexture2D for rendered labels.
* CCLayer : Added multi and single touch distinctions to touch handling.
* CCApplication : Added android specific activation support code to fix disappearing textures and labels.
* CCApplication : Added automatic media state recovery upon game deactivation.
* DrawManager : Added code to check the status of the graphics device to prevent creating render targets
when the framebuffer is not initialized.
* CCSprite : Added a bit based collision mask for sprite collisions.
* CCTexture2D : Added smarter code to handle resurrecting textures after the game activates from a
sleep state.
* CCTextureCache : Added a dispose method and code to reconstrucct the texture cache upon activation.
* CCDirector : Improved the serialization and deserialization code.
* gamepad_dispatcher : Added two new classes to handle the gamepad state better.
* CCTexture2D Test : Fixed a concurrent access exception in the CCTextureCache.
* CCTexture2D Test : Changed the 512, 1024, and 2048 test patterns.
* CCAccelerator : Added xbox/ouya ifdef tags to exclude them from building accelerometer support.
* Added XBox 360 project files for the framework and tests.
* tests: TileMapTest : removed all but the uncompressed test for xbox deployment.
* Added an xbox 360 version of the CSharpZipLib library that removes its encryption capabilities.
* tests: ParallaxTest : Added gamepad support to test pan and rotation of the map.
* tests: TileMapTest : Added gamepad support to test pan and rotation of the map.
* tests: Added a new initial test menu that responds to the d-pad and gamepad buttons.
* external lib: Added iOS and MacOS build libraries based upon MonoGame
* tests: Decompressed most of the tile map TMX test files and ran them on xbox 360.
* tests: Added an iOS build of the test content.
* tests: Updated the PSM project file to include all of the content files.
* tests: Removed the display of the assembly version for PSM.
* tests: Removed the PMA optimization directive for iOS.
* tests: Fixed a file name error in the particles test.
* tests: Updated the XNB files for android and copied the plist and fnt xnb files over to iOS.
* CCTransitionFlipAngular : Obsoleted the 'create' method and added a parameter ctor.
* CCTransitionFlipX: Obsoleted the 'create' method and added a parameter ctor.
* CCTransitionFlipY : Obsoleted the 'create' method and added a parameter ctor.
* FlipXLeftOver, FlipYDownOver, FlipAngularRightOver, FlipYUpOver, FlipXRightOver : Added parameter ctor
* DrawManager: Changed the RenderTarget2D creation to set depth to Depth16 for iOS.
* CCTransitionScene : Added boolean to indicate whether the scene is a transition or not.
* CCDirector : Fixed erroneous hiding of the current scene when switching to a transition scene.
* XBox : Added the GitHubIssue5 test case to the project.
* Tests : Removed the assembly name display on windows phone.
* FadeWhiteTransition : Fixed broken blending state
* DrawManager : Added parsing of the GL capabilities to determine allowed depth and npot caps.
* Fix for the EffectsTest on Android, GitHub issue #7.
* EffectPlayer : Fixed looping of sound effects.
* CCDirector : Fixed PopScene not setting the next scene to be visible.
* CCParticleSystem : Work towards fixing the creation of runtime textures for particles.
* CCSprite : Fixed an iOS color opacity check.
* CCMacros : Refactoring
* Continued major refactoring of names and method usage.
* Issue #32: Fixed the scope identifier for sprite frame instances derived from a plist file.

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
We encourage you to contribute to the cocos2d-xna repository. Your involvement is important to the success of the project.
There are some style guidelines you must follow if you want your Pull Request to be accepted:
1. Follow the .NET Design guidelines. This means no camel notation.
2. Make use of partial classes to implement the platform specific nuances of a feature.
3. Very little idiomatic coding, meaning no #if XYA #endif code blocks.
4. Document your methods and features.
5. No magic numbers. Create const members for static literals and document their use.
6. No unnecessary object instantiation to pass simple literals as parameters.
7. Use CCxxx as your class names for framework classes.
8. Maintain the single level namespace "Cocos2D/ALL_CLASSES_HERE"
9. If you use our graphics, use them in the format that we give you. You are allowed to use the graphics, logos, etc., but you can not deface them or place your logo atop of our logos.
10. Solution files are cocos2d-xna.Platform.sln. Platform is named such as Windows, WindowsGL, etc.
11. Project files are cocos2d-xna.Platform.csproj, see #10.
12. All output must go through CCLog.Log()
13. Assert only using Debug.Assert()
14. Your pull request must be atomic. Do not stack many bug fixes into a single PR.
15. Avoid unnecessary virtual method signatures. Virtual methods are significantly slower than non-virtual methods.
16. No self-factory patterns. Use typed constructors to create the state of an object.
17. Use triangle strip if at all possible. Only use a triangle list when you can't organize the polygons in a strip.
By following these rules, the framework will continue to grow in a robust and stable manner that helps all of the developers to create great software.

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Copyright (c) The Cocos2D-XNA Team
Copyright 2013, 2014 Xamarin Inc
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal