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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Embeddinator.ObjC;
using DriverTest;
namespace ObjCGenErrWarnTests {
public enum Configuration {
public class GenErrWarnTests {
[TestCase (
// Warning message to [not] look for.
arg1: new [] {
"warning EM1011: Type `System.Type` is not generated because it lacks a native counterpart.",
// true: Does.Contain | false: Does.Not.Contain
arg2: new [] {
// additional argument
arg3: ""
[TestCase (
// Warning message to [not] look for.
arg1: new [] {
"warning EM1011: Type `System.Type` is not generated because it lacks a native counterpart.",
// true: Does.Contain | false: Does.Not.Contain
arg2: new [] {
// additional argument
arg3: "--nowarn:1011"
// blocked by https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=55801
//[TestCase (
// // Warning message to [not] look for.
// arg1: new [] {
// "error EM1011: Type `System.Type` is not generated because it lacks a native counterpart.",
// },
// // true: Does.Contain | false: Does.Not.Contain
// arg2: new [] {
// false,
// },
// // additional argument
// arg3: "--warnaserror:1011"
public void GenWarningTest (string [] warnsToSearch, bool [] shouldFindWarn, string argument)
Assert.That (warnsToSearch.Length, Is.EqualTo (shouldFindWarn.Length), $"{nameof (warnsToSearch)} array length must match {nameof (shouldFindWarn)}'s");
string tmpDir = Xamarin.Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory ();
var warnerrAssembly = ObjCGeneratorTest.Helpers.Universe.Load ("managedwarn");
Assert.NotNull (warnerrAssembly, "warnerrAssembly");
var stdout = Console.Out;
var stderr = Console.Error;
try {
using (var ms = new MemoryStream ()) {
var sw = new StreamWriter (ms);
Console.SetOut (sw);
Console.SetError (sw);
try {
var args = new List<string> { $"-o={tmpDir}", "-c", warnerrAssembly.Location };
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (argument))
args.Add (argument);
Driver.Main2 (args.ToArray ());
catch (Exception) {
sw.Flush ();
ms.Position = 0;
var sr = new StreamReader (ms);
var output = sr.ReadToEnd ();
var arrCount = warnsToSearch.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) {
if (shouldFindWarn [i])
Assert.That (output, Does.Contain (warnsToSearch [i]), $"Did not find: {warnsToSearch [i]}");
Assert.That (output, Does.Not.Contain (warnsToSearch [i]), $"Did find: {warnsToSearch [i]}");
} finally {
Console.SetOut (stdout);
Console.SetError (stderr);
// We usually are in bin/debug|release
static readonly string XcodeFolderPath = $"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}../../xcode";
static readonly string MonoMsBuildPath = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/msbuild";
static readonly string MonoPath = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono";
[TestCase ("NoInitInSubclassTest", "ConstructorsLib", "main.m", Platform.macOS, Configuration.Debug, "error: 'initWithId:' is unavailable")]
public void XcodeBuildErrorTest (string directoryTest, string csprojName, string objcmFileName, Platform platform, Configuration config, string errorToSearch)
Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (XcodeFolderPath), "XcodeFolderPath");
Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (MonoMsBuildPath), "MonoMsBuildPath");
Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (MonoPath), "MonoPath");
var testcaseBaseDir = Path.Combine (XcodeFolderPath, directoryTest);
var tempWorkingDir = Xamarin.Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory ();
var e4kOutputDir = Path.Combine (tempWorkingDir, "E4KOutput");
Asserts.RunProcess (MonoMsBuildPath, $"/p:Configuration={config} /p:IntermediateOutputPath={Path.Combine (tempWorkingDir, "obj")}/ /p:OutputPath={Path.Combine (tempWorkingDir, "DllOutput")} {Path.Combine (testcaseBaseDir, csprojName)}.csproj", "msbuildProc");
var eargs = new List<string> {
$"{Path.Combine (tempWorkingDir, "DllOutput", csprojName)}.dll",
if (config == Configuration.Debug)
eargs.Add ("--debug");
Driver.Main2 (eargs.ToArray ());
// Sadly no C# 7 yet
// (string sdk, string arch, string sdkName, string minVersion) build_info;
Tuple<string, string, string, string> build_info = null;
switch (platform) {
case Platform.macOS:
build_info = new Tuple<string, string, string, string> ("MacOSX", "x86_64", "macosx", "10.7");
case Platform.iOS:
build_info = new Tuple<string, string, string, string> ("iPhoneSimulator", "x86_64", "ios-simulator", "8.0");
case Platform.tvOS:
build_info = new Tuple<string, string, string, string> ("AppleTVSimulator", "x86_64", "tvos-simulator", "9.0");
case Platform.watchOS:
build_info = new Tuple<string, string, string, string> ("WatchSimulator", "i386", "watchos-simulator", "2.0");
var clangArgs = new StringBuilder ("clang ");
if (config == Configuration.Debug)
clangArgs.Append ("-g -O0 ");
clangArgs.Append ("-O2 ");
clangArgs.Append ("-fobjc-arc ");
clangArgs.Append ("-ObjC ");
clangArgs.Append ($"-arch {build_info.Item2} ");
clangArgs.Append ($"-isysroot {Embedder.XcodeApp}/Contents/Developer/Platforms/{build_info.Item1}.platform/Developer/SDKs/{build_info.Item1}.sdk ");
clangArgs.Append ($"-m{build_info.Item3}-version-min={build_info.Item4} ");
clangArgs.Append ($"-I{e4kOutputDir} ");
clangArgs.Append ($"-c {Path.Combine (testcaseBaseDir, objcmFileName)} ");
clangArgs.Append ($"-o {Path.Combine (tempWorkingDir, "foo.o")} ");
// Embedder.RunProcess returns false if exitcode != 0
Assert.IsFalse (Utils.RunProcess ("xcrun", clangArgs.ToString (), out int exitCode, out string output, capture_stderr: true), "clangbuild");
Assert.That (output, Does.Contain (errorToSearch), $"Not found: {errorToSearch}");