ifeq ($(wildcard /usr/local/bin/colordiff),) COMPARE_COMMAND = diff -u else COMPARE_COMMAND = colordiff -u endif help:: @echo "make baseline - compile managed.dll and save the output for comparision" @echo "make compare - compile maanged.dll and compare to the saved output" clean:: rm -rf output rm -rf saved compare:: rm -rf output mkdir -p output mono ../../objcgen/bin/Debug/objcgen.exe -o output/ ../../tests/managed/generic/bin/Debug/managed.dll $(COMPARE_COMMAND) saved/bindings.h output/bindings.h $(COMPARE_COMMAND) saved/bindings.m output/bindings.m baseline:: rm -rf saved msbuild ../../tests/managed/generic/managed-generic.csproj /t:Clean msbuild ../../tests/managed/generic/managed-generic.csproj mkdir -p saved mono ../../objcgen/bin/Debug/objcgen.exe -o saved/ ../../tests/managed/generic/bin/Debug/managed.dll