34 строки
737 B
34 строки
737 B
# This file mainly controls line ending conversion behaviour, if
# the user has the setting core.autocrlf true.
# The meaning of the attributes is a little odd
# -crlf means DO NOT convert line endings
# crlf means CONVERT to lf in the repo, but always checkout using crlf
# on all platforms
# sln is always CRLF, even on linux, so don't convert
*.sln eol=crlf
*.bat eol=crlf
*.cmd eol=crlf
*.rtf eol=crlf
# Mostly generated by VS, so avoid extra noise
*.Designer.cs eol=crlf
*.cs text
*.cake text
*.xml text
*.md text
Makefile eol=lf
*.targets eol=crlf
*.proj eol=crlf
*.vcproj eol=crlf
*.vcxproj eol=crlf
*.csproj eol=crlf
*.shproj eol=crlf
*.projitems eol=crlf
*.tpnitems eol=crlf
*.wixproj eol=crlf
*.wxs eol=crlf
*.rtf eol=crlf