389 строки
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389 строки
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Embeddinator.ObjC;
using Xamarin;
using DriverTest;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
namespace ExecutionTests
public class ManagedTest
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void macOS (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (Platform.macOS, debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void macOSModern (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (Platform.macOSModern, debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void FSharp_macOSModern (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (new ManagedTestInfo (Platform.macOSModern, ManagedTestVariant.FSharp), debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void ManagedException_macOSModern (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (new ManagedTestInfo (Platform.macOSModern, ManagedTestVariant.ManagedExceptions), debug: debug, single_test: "Tests/Tests/testExceptions");
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void macOSSystem (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (Platform.macOSSystem, debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void macOSFull (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (Platform.macOSFull, debug: debug);
public void macOS_Extension_With_Spaces ()
RunManagedTests (Platform.macOSModern, debug: true, forceSpaces: true, additionalArgs: "--extension");
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void iOS_simulator (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (Platform.iOS, "-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=latest'", debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void iOS_device (bool debug)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (iOSDeviceIdentifier))
Assert.Ignore ("No applicable iOS device connected.");
RunManagedTests (Platform.iOS, $"-destination 'platform=iOS,id={iOSDeviceIdentifier}'", debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void tvOS_simulator (bool debug)
RunManagedTests (Platform.tvOS, "-destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 4K (at 1080p),OS=latest'", debug: debug);
[TestCase (true)]
[TestCase (false)]
public void tvOS_device (bool debug)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (tvOSDeviceIdentifier))
Assert.Ignore ("No applicable tvOS device connected.");
RunManagedTests (Platform.tvOS, $"-destination 'platform=tvOS,id={tvOSDeviceIdentifier}'", debug: debug);
XmlDocument device_xml;
string FindDevice (params string [] valid_classes)
if (device_xml == null) {
var cachedir = Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory ();
var xmlpath = Path.Combine (cachedir, "devices.xml");
Asserts.RunProcess ("/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mlaunch", $"--listdev={Utils.Quote (xmlpath)} --output-format=xml", "mlaunch --listdev");
var settings = new XmlReaderSettings () {
XmlResolver = null,
DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse
device_xml = new XmlDocument ();
var sr = new StreamReader (xmlpath, Encoding.UTF8, true);
var reader = XmlReader.Create (sr, settings);
device_xml.Load (reader);
// filter by device type and ensure that we can use the device for debugging purposes.
var xpathQuery = "/MTouch/Device[(" + string.Join(" or ", valid_classes.Select((v) => "DeviceClass = \"" + v + "\"")) + ") and IsUsableForDebugging =\"True\"]/DeviceIdentifier";
var nodes = device_xml.SelectNodes (xpathQuery);
var devices = new List<string> ();
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
devices.Add (node.InnerText);
if (devices.Count == 0)
return string.Empty;
devices.Sort (StringComparer.Ordinal); // Sort all applicable devices so the same test run always runs on the same device.
return devices [0];
// A device identifier for an iOS device. Can be either iPhone or iPad. Will be an empty string if no applicable devices are attached.
string ios_device_identifier;
string iOSDeviceIdentifier {
get {
if (ios_device_identifier == null)
ios_device_identifier = FindDevice ("iPhone", "iPad");
return ios_device_identifier;
// A device identifier for a tvOS device. Will be an empty string if no applicable devices are attached.
string tvos_device_identifier;
string tvOSDeviceIdentifier {
get {
if (tvos_device_identifier == null)
tvos_device_identifier = FindDevice ("AppleTV");
return tvos_device_identifier;
enum ManagedTestVariant { None, FSharp, ManagedExceptions }
class ManagedTestInfo
public Platform Platform { get; }
public string Dllname { get; }
public string Dlldir { get; }
public string Abi { get; }
public List<string> Defines { get; } = new List<string> ();
public int ManagedTestCount { get; }
public string AdditionalGeneratorArgs { get; } = null;
public ManagedTestInfo (Platform platform, ManagedTestVariant type = ManagedTestVariant.None)
bool fsharp = type == ManagedTestVariant.FSharp;
Platform = platform;
ManagedTestCount = GetBaseTestCount (fsharp);
Defines.Add ("TEST_FRAMEWORK=1");
// There would be a lot of fsharp projects to clone to do them all...
if (fsharp && Platform != Platform.macOSModern)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
if (type == ManagedTestVariant.ManagedExceptions) {
AdditionalGeneratorArgs = "--nativeexception";
switch (platform) {
case Platform.macOSFull:
Dlldir = "macos-full";
Dllname = "managed-macos-full.dll";
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_MAC=1");
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_MAC_FULL=1");
Abi = "x86_64"; // FIXME: fat XM apps not supported yet
ManagedTestCount += GetMacTestCount ();
case Platform.macOSSystem:
Dlldir = "macos-system";
Dllname = "managed-macos-system.dll";
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_MAC=1");
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_MAC_SYSTEM=1");
Abi = "x86_64"; // FIXME: fat XM apps not supported yet
ManagedTestCount += GetMacTestCount ();
case Platform.macOSModern:
if (fsharp) {
Dlldir = "fsharp-macos";
Dllname = "fsharp-macos.dll";
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_FSHARP=1");
} else {
Dlldir = "macos-modern";
Dllname = "managed-macos-modern.dll";
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_MAC_MODERN=1");
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_MAC=1");
Abi = "x86_64"; // FIXME: fat XM apps not supported yet
ManagedTestCount += GetMacTestCount (fsharp);
case Platform.macOS:
Dlldir = "generic";
Dllname = "managed.dll";
Abi = "x86_64";
case Platform.iOS:
Dlldir = "ios";
Dllname = "managed-ios.dll";
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_IOS=1");
Abi = "armv7,arm64,i386,x86_64";
ManagedTestCount += GetIOSTestCount ();
case Platform.tvOS:
Dlldir = "tvos";
Dllname = "managed-tvos.dll";
Defines.Add ("XAMARIN_TVOS=1");
Abi = "arm64,x86_64";
ManagedTestCount += GetTVTestCount ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
int GetBaseTestCount (bool fsharp = false) => CountTests (Path.Combine (XcodeProjectGenerator.TestsRootDirectory, "objc-cli/libmanaged/Tests/Tests.m"), fsharp);
int GetIOSTestCount () => CountTests (Path.Combine (XcodeProjectGenerator.TestsRootDirectory, "objcgentest/xcodetemplate/ios/test/iosTests.m"));
int GetMacTestCount (bool fsharp = false) => CountTests (Path.Combine (XcodeProjectGenerator.TestsRootDirectory, "objcgentest/xcodetemplate/macos/test/macTests.m"), fsharp);
int GetTVTestCount () => CountTests (Path.Combine (XcodeProjectGenerator.TestsRootDirectory, "objcgentest/xcodetemplate/tvos/test/tvosTests.m"));
const string TestRegex = "^\\s*-\\s*[(]\\s*void\\s*[)]\\s*test";
int CountTests (string path, bool fsharp = false) => File.ReadAllLines (path).Count ((v) => (v.Contains ("fsharp") == fsharp) && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch (v, TestRegex));
void RunManagedTests (Platform platform, string test_destination = "", bool debug = true, string single_test = null, bool forceSpaces = false, string additionalArgs = "")
RunManagedTests (new ManagedTestInfo (platform), test_destination, debug, single_test, forceSpaces, additionalArgs);
void RunManagedTests (ManagedTestInfo test, string test_destination = "", bool debug = true, string single_test = null, bool forceSpaces = false, string additionalArgs = "")
var tmpdir = Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory ();
var configuration = debug ? "Debug" : "Release";
var dll_path = Path.Combine (XcodeProjectGenerator.TestsRootDirectory, "managed", test.Dlldir, "bin", configuration, test.Dllname);
// This will build all the managed.dll variants, which is easier than calculating the relative path _as the makefile sees it_ to pass as the target.
Asserts.RunProcess ("make", $"all CONFIG={configuration} -C {Utils.Quote (Path.Combine (XcodeProjectGenerator.TestsRootDirectory, "managed"))}", "build " + Path.GetFileName (dll_path));
if (forceSpaces) {
string dll_folder = Path.GetDirectoryName (dll_path);
Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.Combine (dll_folder, "with spaces"));
string dll_path_with_spaces = Path.Combine (dll_folder, "with spaces", Path.GetFileName (dll_path));
File.Copy (dll_path, dll_path_with_spaces, true);
dll_path = dll_path_with_spaces;
var outdir = tmpdir + "/out";
var projectName = "foo";
var args = new List<string> ();
if (debug)
args.Add ("--debug");
args.Add (dll_path);
args.Add ("-c");
args.Add ($"--outdir={outdir}");
args.Add ("--target=framework");
args.Add ($"--platform={test.Platform}");
args.Add ($"--abi={test.Abi}");
if (test.AdditionalGeneratorArgs != null)
args.Add (test.AdditionalGeneratorArgs);
Asserts.Generate ("generate", args.ToArray ());
var framework_path = Path.Combine (outdir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (dll_path) + ".framework");
var projectDirectory = XcodeProjectGenerator.Generate (test.Platform, tmpdir, projectName, framework_path, defines: test.Defines.ToArray ());
string output;
var builddir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "xcode-build-dir");
string testName = single_test != null ? $"-only-testing:{single_test}" : "";
Asserts.RunProcess ("xcodebuild", $"test -project {Utils.Quote (projectDirectory)} -scheme Tests {test_destination} {testName} CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR={Utils.Quote (builddir)}", out output, "run xcode tests");
// assert the number of tests passed, so that we can be sure we actually ran all the tests. Otherwise it's very easy to ignore when a bug is causing tests to not be built.
if (single_test == null)
Assert.That (output, Does.Match ($"Test Suite 'All tests' passed at .*\n\t Executed {test.ManagedTestCount} tests, with 0 failures"), "test count");
Assert.That (output, Does.Match ($"Test Suite 'Selected tests' passed at .*\n\t Executed 1 test, with 0 failures"), "test count");
public static class XcodeProjectGenerator
public static string Generate (Platform platform, string outputDirectory, string projectName, string framework_reference_path, string [] defines = null)
switch (platform) {
case Platform.macOS:
case Platform.macOSFull:
case Platform.macOSModern:
case Platform.macOSSystem:
return Generate ("macos", outputDirectory, projectName, framework_reference_path, defines);
case Platform.iOS:
return Generate ("ios", outputDirectory, projectName, framework_reference_path, defines);
case Platform.tvOS:
return Generate ("tvos", outputDirectory, projectName, framework_reference_path, defines);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
static string Generate (string infix, string outputDirectory, string projectName, string framework_reference_path, string [] defines)
var projectDirectory = Path.Combine (outputDirectory, $"{projectName}.xcodeproj");
var sourceDirectory = Path.Combine (outputDirectory, projectName);
var testDirectory = Path.Combine (outputDirectory, "Tests");
var asm = typeof (XcodeProjectGenerator).Assembly;
Directory.CreateDirectory (projectDirectory);
var prefixes = new [] {
new { Prefix = $"objcgentest.xcodetemplate.{infix}.src.", Directory = sourceDirectory },
new { Prefix = $"objcgentest.xcodetemplate.{infix}.proj.", Directory = projectDirectory },
new { Prefix = $"objcgentest.xcodetemplate.{infix}.test.", Directory = testDirectory },
foreach (var res in asm.GetManifestResourceNames ()) {
foreach (var prefix in prefixes) {
if (!res.StartsWith (prefix.Prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
var relative_path = res.Substring (prefix.Prefix.Length);
var full_path = Path.Combine (prefix.Directory, relative_path);
Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (full_path));
using (var sw = new StreamWriter (full_path)) {
using (var str = asm.GetManifestResourceStream (res))
str.CopyTo (sw.BaseStream);
ProcessFile (full_path, projectName, framework_reference_path: framework_reference_path, defines: defines);
return projectDirectory;
static void ProcessFile (string filename, string project_name, string framework_reference_path = null, string dylib_reference_path = null, string [] defines = null)
var contents = File.ReadAllText (filename);
contents = contents.Replace ("%TESTS_ROOT_DIR%", Path.GetFullPath (TestsRootDirectory));
contents = contents.Replace ("%PROJECT_NAME%", project_name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (framework_reference_path)) {
contents = contents.Replace ("%FRAMEWORK_REFERENCE_NAME%", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (framework_reference_path));
contents = contents.Replace ("%FRAMEWORK_REFERENCE_DIR%", Path.GetFullPath (Path.GetDirectoryName (framework_reference_path)));
if (defines?.Length > 0) {
contents = contents.Replace ("%GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS%", string.Join ("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", defines.Select ((v) => "\"" + v + "\",")));
} else {
contents = contents.Replace ("%GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS%", "");
File.WriteAllText (filename, contents);
public static string TestsRootDirectory {
get {
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location);
while (dir.Length > 1 && Path.GetFileName (dir) != "tests")
dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir);
return dir;