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105 строки
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using System;
namespace Constructors {
public class Unique {
// not generated
static Unique ()
// default .ctor is explicit
// objc: `init`
public Unique () : this (1)
// objc: using the parmeter name gives better looking API, e.g. `initWithId:`
public Unique (int id)
Id = id;
// to help test the ctor calls were successful
// only getter will be generated
public int Id { get; private set; }
public class SuperUnique : Unique {
public SuperUnique () : base (411)
// note: SuperUnique (int id) {} is NOT exposed on purpose - which means it's not available in C#
// objc: `init*` are inherited, so it's legal to call `new SuperUnique (42)` because `Unique` as such a .ctor
// note: `public int Id { get; } should be usable on this type (by inheritance)
public class Implicit {
// default ctor is implicit (in C#) and must be generated
// objc: an `init` method will be generated
public string TestResult {
get { return "OK"; }
public class AllTypeCode {
// objc: there's no `init` generated here
public AllTypeCode (bool b1, char c2, string s)
TestResult = (b1 && (c2 == Char.MaxValue) && (s == "Mono"));
// signed
public AllTypeCode (sbyte i8, short i16, int i32, long i64)
TestResult = ((i8 == SByte.MaxValue) && (i16 == Int16.MaxValue) && (i32 == Int32.MaxValue) && (i64 == Int64.MaxValue));
// unsigned
public AllTypeCode (byte u8, ushort u16, uint u32, ulong u64)
TestResult = ((u8 == Byte.MaxValue) && (u16 == UInt16.MaxValue) && (u32 == UInt32.MaxValue) && (u64 == UInt64.MaxValue));
// floating points
public AllTypeCode (float f32, double f64)
TestResult = ((f32 == Single.MaxValue) && (f64 == Double.MaxValue));
// helper to ease testing from native code
public bool TestResult { get; private set; }
public class Duplicates {
// objc: except that the following three .ctors would have an identical name in ObjC, e.g. `initWithByte:Short:Int:Long:`
// objc: in such case it's better to use types for the signature - but the generated output must be identical each time (not random)
public Duplicates (byte b, short s, int i, long l)
// in C# this is a different .ctor from the previous one, and it must be exposed to native code
// objc: same parameter names as before, but using types makes it a unique signature
public Duplicates (int b, int s, int i, int l)
// in C# this is a different .ctor from the previous two, and it must be exposed to native code
// objc: same parameter names as before, but using types makes it a unique signature
public Duplicates (byte b, byte s, byte i, byte l)