
454 строки
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// MemlogReport.cs
// based on BacktracesReport.cs
// BacktracesReport.cs
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace HeapBuddy {
public class MemlogReport : Report {
Hashtable types;
Array typeArray;
int max_rows = 10;
ulong prog_bytes = 0;
TypeZone CurrentZone;
SortedList CurrentList = null;
string CurrentPath = "/";
const string PS1 = ">> ";
enum Operand {
public MemlogReport () : base ("Memlog") { }
public class TypeZone {
public uint count;
public uint bytes;
public string name;
public Hashtable callers;
public TypeZone ()
callers = new Hashtable ();
count = 0;
bytes = 0;
public TypeZone (string n)
name = n;
callers = new Hashtable ();
count = 0;
bytes = 0;
* Make sure that all the methods in the
* call trace exist in the backtrace data
* structure. Add it if it doesn't, do
* nothing if it already exists.
public void MergeBacktrace (Backtrace bt, TypeZone tz)
Hashtable callers = tz.callers;
foreach (Frame f in bt.Frames) {
if (f.MethodName.StartsWith ("(wrapper"))
if (!callers.ContainsKey (f.MethodName))
callers.Add (f.MethodName, new TypeZone (f.MethodName));
callers = ((TypeZone)callers[f.MethodName]).callers;
* Add in the number of allocations and the number
* of bytes in each method of this calltrace in the
* backtrace data structure.
public void UpdateBacktrace (Backtrace bt, TypeZone tz)
Hashtable callers = tz.callers;
tz.count += bt.LastObjectStats.AllocatedCount;
tz.bytes += bt.LastObjectStats.AllocatedTotalBytes;
foreach (Frame f in bt.Frames) {
if (f.MethodName.StartsWith ("(wrapper"))
// Do nothing for now if we can't
// find our method, but throw a fit
if (!callers.ContainsKey (f.MethodName)) {
Console.WriteLine ("Cannot find {0}", f.MethodName);
((TypeZone)callers[f.MethodName]).count += bt.LastObjectStats.AllocatedCount;
((TypeZone)callers[f.MethodName]).bytes += bt.LastObjectStats.AllocatedTotalBytes;
callers = ((TypeZone)callers[f.MethodName]).callers;
public void AddBacktrace (Backtrace bt, TypeZone tz)
// Make sure the calls are in the data structures
MergeBacktrace (bt, tz);
// Add the new values to the calls
UpdateBacktrace (bt, tz);
public void GetZoneData (OutfileReader reader)
types = new Hashtable ();
TypeZone zone;
foreach (Backtrace bt in reader.Backtraces) {
if (types.ContainsKey (bt.Type.Name)) {
zone = (TypeZone)types[bt.Type.Name];
} else {
zone = new TypeZone (bt.Type.Name);
types.Add (bt.Type.Name, zone);
AddBacktrace (bt, zone);
prog_bytes += zone.bytes;
uint [] sizes = new uint [types.Count];
TypeZone [] list = new TypeZone [types.Count];
uint i = 0;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in types) {
TypeZone z = (TypeZone)de.Value;
//Console.WriteLine ("{0} of type {1}", Util.PrettySize (z.bytes), z.type);
sizes[i] = z.bytes;
list[i] = z;
Array.Sort (sizes, list);
Array.Reverse (list);
typeArray = (Array)list.Clone ();
foreach (TypeZone z in list) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} of type {1}", Util.PrettySize (z.bytes), z.type);
PrintCallTrace (z, " ");
//if (++i > 0)
* Set's the path given a path builder string
public void SetPath (string path) {
CurrentPath = path;
// Set the leading slash
if (!CurrentPath.StartsWith ("/"))
CurrentPath = "/" + CurrentPath;
CurrentPath = CurrentPath.Replace ("//", "/");
* Searches the data tree and returns a
* TypeZone that meets the path's spec
public TypeZone GetTypeZoneFromPath (string path)
string [] segments = path.Split ('/');
Hashtable ht = types;
TypeZone tz = null;
if (path == "/")
return null;
foreach (string s in segments) {
if (s == "")
tz = (TypeZone)ht[s];
if (tz == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("No Match for {0}", s);
return null;
ht = tz.callers;
CurrentPath = path;
Console.WriteLine ("{0} with {1}", tz.name, Util.PrettySize (tz.bytes));
return tz;
public void PrintCallTrace (TypeZone z, string indent)
TypeZone zone;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in z.callers) {
zone = (TypeZone)de.Value;
Console.Write (indent);
Console.WriteLine ("{0} from {1} allocations - {2}", Util.PrettySize (zone.bytes), zone.count, de.Key);
PrintCallTrace ((TypeZone)de.Value, indent + " ");
* Prints a numbered list of the
* calling functions for the given
* TypeZone
public void PrintCallers (TypeZone z)
Table table = new Table ();
table.AddHeaders (" # ", "Size", " % ", "Method");
int i = 0;
TypeZone tz;
CurrentList = new SortedList ();
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in z.callers) {
tz = (TypeZone)de.Value;
CurrentList.Add (i, tz.name);
table.AddRow (i++ + " :", Util.PrettySize (tz.bytes), String.Format ("{0:#0.0}", (float)tz.bytes / (float)z.bytes * 100), de.Key);
table.Sort (2, false);
Console.WriteLine (table);
public void List () {
// Are we dealing with a method or a type?
// TODO: Add the method and type distinction...
if (CurrentPath == "/") {
ListTypes ();
if (CurrentZone == null)
CurrentZone = GetTypeZoneFromPath (CurrentPath);
if (CurrentZone == null)
ListTypeZone (CurrentZone);
public void ListTypeZone (TypeZone tz) {
Table table = new Table ();
int i = 0;
table.AddHeaders (" # ", "Size", "Caller");
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in tz.callers) {
TypeZone z = (TypeZone)de.Value;
if (max_rows >= 0 && i >= max_rows)
table.AddRow (i++ + " :", Util.PrettySize (z.bytes), z.name);
Console.WriteLine (table);
public void ListTypes ()
Table table = new Table ();
int i = 0;
table.AddHeaders (" # ", "Size", " % ", "Type");
foreach (TypeZone z in typeArray) {
if (max_rows >= 0 && i >= max_rows)
table.AddRow (i++ + " :", Util.PrettySize (z.bytes), String.Format ("{0:#0.0}", (float)z.bytes / (float)prog_bytes * 100), z.name);
Console.WriteLine (table);
public void ShowType (string f)
if (!types.ContainsKey (f))
TypeZone t = (TypeZone)types[f];
Console.WriteLine ("{0} of {1}", Util.PrettySize (t.bytes), t.name);
PrintCallers (t);
//PrintCallTrace (t, " ");
public void ShowPath () {
Console.WriteLine (CurrentPath);
public void PrintHelpInfo ()
Console.WriteLine ("Memlog commands:");
Console.WriteLine (" list: list the items in the current path");
Console.WriteLine (" show: preview the items in a listed item");
Console.WriteLine (" help: show this screen");
Console.WriteLine (" quit: quit");
override public void Run (OutfileReader reader, string [] args)
string cmd = "";
string [] cmds;
GetZoneData (reader);
PrintHelpInfo ();
while (String.Compare (cmd, "quit") != 0 && String.Compare (cmd, "q") != 0) {
Console.Write ("{0}", PS1);
cmd = Console.ReadLine ();
if (cmd == null)
cmd = "q";
if (cmd == "")
Console.WriteLine ();
int val = new int ();
int n = new int ();
cmds = cmd.Split (null);
Operand op = Operand.OP_NONE;
int i = 0;
max_rows = 10;
while (i < cmds.Length) {
string arg = cmds [i].ToLower ();
if (arg == "list" || arg == "lsit")
op = Operand.OP_LIST;
else if (arg == "path" || arg == "pth") {
if (i + 1 >= cmds.Length)
ShowPath ();
else {
if (cmds[i+1].Split ('/').Length == 1 && !cmds[i+1].StartsWith ("/"))
cmds[i+1] = CurrentPath + "/" + cmds[i+1];
CurrentZone = GetTypeZoneFromPath (cmds[++i]);
SetPath (cmds[i]);
else if (arg == "all")
max_rows = -1;
else if (arg == "show" || arg == "shwo" || arg == "shw") {
if (cmds[i+1] == "path") {
ShowPath ();
} else
op = Operand.OP_SHOW;
else if (arg == "select" || arg == "slct" || arg == "slc" || arg == "slect")
op = Operand.OP_SELECT;
else {
n = -1;
try {
n = Int32.Parse (arg);
} catch { }
if (n > 0)
val = n;
switch (op) {
case Operand.OP_LIST:
if (n > 0)
max_rows = val;
List ();
case Operand.OP_SHOW:
if (val > typeArray.Length || val < 0)
if (max_rows == -1) {
foreach (TypeZone t in typeArray) {
ShowType (t.name);
} else {
ShowType (((TypeZone)typeArray.GetValue(val)).name);
case Operand.OP_SELECT:
if (val > CurrentList.Count || val < 0)
SetPath (CurrentPath + "/" + CurrentList[val]);
Console.WriteLine (CurrentPath);
case Operand.OP_HELP:
PrintHelpInfo ();