
1184 строки
32 KiB

// OutfileReader.cs
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace HeapBuddy {
public class OutfileReader {
public bool Debug = false;
const uint magic_number = 0x4eabbdd1;
const int expected_log_version = 6;
const int expected_summary_version = 3;
const string log_file_label = "heap-buddy logfile";
const string summary_file_label = "heap-buddy summary";
// Data from the outfile's header
bool terminated_normally;
// Object counts
int n_gcs;
int n_types;
int n_methods;
int n_backtraces;
int n_resizes;
public long TotalAllocatedBytes;
public int TotalAllocatedObjects;
// Offsets in the summary file
long type_name_data_offset = -1;
long method_name_data_offset = -1;
long backtrace_data_offset = -1;
long gc_data_offset = -1;
long resize_data_offset = -1;
long types_by_code_offset = -1;
long methods_by_code_offset = -1;
long backtrace_index_offset = -1;
long gc_index_offset = -1;
// The reader to use for lazy lookups of names, etc.
BinaryReader lazy_reader = null;
private struct Method {
public string Name;
public string Arguments;
public long Position; // of the name in the summary file
private struct RawGcData {
public uint BacktraceCode;
public ObjectStats ObjectStats;
string filename;
Type [] types;
Method [] methods;
Backtrace [] backtraces;
long [] backtrace_pos;
Gc [] gcs;
long [] gc_pos;
Resize [] resizes;
// These are only needed for log files
uint [] type_codes_old;
uint [] type_codes_new;
uint [] method_codes_old;
uint [] method_codes_new;
uint [] backtrace_codes;
uint [] backtrace_type_codes;
RawGcData [] [] raw_gc_data;
public OutfileReader (string filename)
this.filename = filename;
Stream stream;
stream = new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader reader;
reader = new BinaryReader (stream);
bool is_summary;
is_summary = ReadPreamble (reader);
Spew ("This is a {0} file", is_summary ? "summary" : "log");
ReadHeader (reader);
if (is_summary) {
lazy_reader = reader;
ReadSummaryFile (reader);
} else {
type_codes_old = new uint [n_types];
type_codes_new = new uint [n_types];
method_codes_old = new uint [n_methods];
method_codes_new = new uint [n_methods];
backtrace_codes = new uint [n_backtraces];
backtrace_type_codes = new uint [n_backtraces];
raw_gc_data = new RawGcData [n_gcs] [];
ReadLogFile (reader);
reader.Close ();
RemapAllCodes ();
CollectFinalBacktraceAndTypeStats ();
string tmp_filename;
tmp_filename = Path.GetTempFileName ();
stream = new FileStream (tmp_filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write);
BinaryWriter writer;
writer = new BinaryWriter (stream);
WriteSummaryFile (writer);
writer.Close ();
// Replace the log file with the summary file.
File.Copy (tmp_filename, filename, true /* allow overwrite */);
File.Delete (tmp_filename);
// Fix up the method names
for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; ++i) {
int j = methods [i].Name.IndexOf (" (");
methods [i].Arguments = methods [i].Name.Substring (j+1);
methods [i].Name = methods [i].Name.Substring (0, j);
// Put the right method names in the frames
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < backtraces [i].Frames.Length; ++j)
GetMethod (backtraces [i].Frames [j].MethodCode,
out backtraces [i].Frames [j].MethodName,
out backtraces [i].Frames [j].MethodArguments);
// Re-open the file for use as a lazy reader.
stream = new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
lazy_reader = new BinaryReader (stream);
public string Filename {
get { return filename; }
private void Spew (string format, params object [] args)
if (Debug) {
string message;
message = String.Format (format, args);
Console.WriteLine (message);
// Return true if this is a summary file, false if it is a log file.
private bool ReadPreamble (BinaryReader reader)
uint this_magic;
this_magic = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
if (this_magic != magic_number) {
string msg;
msg = String.Format ("Bad magic number: expected {0}, found {1}",
magic_number, this_magic);
throw new Exception (msg);
int this_version;
this_version = reader.ReadInt32 ();
string this_label;
bool is_summary;
int expected_version;
this_label = reader.ReadString ();
if (this_label == log_file_label) {
is_summary = false;
expected_version = expected_log_version;
} else if (this_label == summary_file_label) {
is_summary = true;
expected_version = expected_summary_version;
} else
throw new Exception ("Unknown file label in heap-buddy outfile");
if (this_version != expected_version) {
string msg;
msg = String.Format ("Version error in {0}: expected {1}, found {2}",
this_label, expected_version, this_version);
throw new Exception (msg);
return is_summary;
private void WritePreamble (BinaryWriter writer)
writer.Write (magic_number);
writer.Write (expected_summary_version);
writer.Write (summary_file_label); // we only write summary files from C#
private void ReadHeader (BinaryReader reader)
Spew ("Reading header");
byte termination_byte;
termination_byte = reader.ReadByte ();
if (termination_byte == 1)
terminated_normally = true;
else if (termination_byte != 0)
throw new Exception ("Unexpected termination status byte: " + termination_byte);
Spew ("Log is {0}", terminated_normally ? "complete" : "truncated");
n_gcs = reader.ReadInt32 ();
n_types = reader.ReadInt32 ();
n_methods = reader.ReadInt32 ();
n_backtraces = reader.ReadInt32 ();
n_resizes = reader.ReadInt32 ();
TotalAllocatedBytes = reader.ReadInt64 ();
TotalAllocatedObjects = reader.ReadInt32 ();
Spew ("GCs = {0}", n_gcs);
Spew ("Types = {0}", n_types);
Spew ("Methods = {0}", n_methods);
Spew ("Backtraces = {0}", n_backtraces);
Spew ("Resizes = {0}", n_resizes);
types = new Type [n_types];
methods = new Method [n_methods];
backtraces = new Backtrace [n_backtraces];
backtrace_pos = new long [n_backtraces];
gcs = new Gc [n_gcs];
gc_pos = new long [n_gcs];
resizes = new Resize [n_resizes];
Spew ("Finished reading header");
private void WriteHeader (BinaryWriter writer)
Spew ("Writing header");
// We only write out summary files, which
// are never truncated.
writer.Write ((byte) 1);
writer.Write (n_gcs);
writer.Write (n_types);
writer.Write (n_methods);
writer.Write (n_backtraces);
writer.Write (n_resizes);
writer.Write (TotalAllocatedBytes);
writer.Write (TotalAllocatedObjects);
Spew ("Finished writing header");
// Code to read the log files generated at runtime
// These need to agree w/ the definitions in outfile-writer.c
const byte TAG_TYPE = 0x01;
const byte TAG_METHOD = 0x02;
const byte TAG_BACKTRACE = 0x03;
const byte TAG_GC = 0x04;
const byte TAG_RESIZE = 0x05;
const byte TAG_EOS = 0xff;
int i_type = 0, i_method = 0, i_backtrace = 0, i_gc = 0, i_resize = 0;
private void ReadLogFile (BinaryReader reader)
int chunk_count = 0;
try {
while (ReadLogFileChunk (reader))
} catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException) {
// This means that the outfile was truncated.
// In that case, just do nothing --- except if the file
// claimed that things terminated normally.
if (terminated_normally)
throw new Exception ("The heap log did not contain TAG_EOS, "
+ "but the outfile was marked as having been terminated normally, so "
+ "something must be terribly wrong.");
Spew ("Processed {0} chunks", chunk_count);
if (i_type != n_types)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Found {0} types, expected {1}", i_type, n_types));
if (i_method != n_methods)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Found {0} methods, expected {1}", i_method, n_methods));
if (i_backtrace != n_backtraces)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Found {0} backtraces, expected {1}", i_backtrace, n_backtraces));
if (i_gc != n_gcs)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Found {0} GCs, expected {1}", i_gc, n_gcs));
if (i_resize != n_resizes)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Found {0} resizes, expected {1}", i_resize, n_resizes));
private bool ReadLogFileChunk (BinaryReader reader)
// FIXME: This will fail on truncated outfiles
byte tag = reader.ReadByte ();
switch (tag) {
case TAG_TYPE:
ReadLogFileChunk_Type (reader);
ReadLogFileChunk_Method (reader);
ReadLogFileChunk_Backtrace (reader);
case TAG_GC:
ReadLogFileChunk_Gc (reader);
ReadLogFileChunk_Resize (reader);
case TAG_EOS:
//Spew ("Found EOS");
return false;
throw new Exception ("Unknown tag! " + tag);
return true;
private void ReadLogFileChunk_Type (BinaryReader reader)
uint code;
code = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
string name;
name = reader.ReadString ();
if (i_type >= n_types)
//Spew ("Found type '{0}'", name);
type_codes_old [i_type] = code;
Type type;
type = new Type ();
type.Name = name;
types [i_type] = type;
private void ReadLogFileChunk_Method (BinaryReader reader)
uint code;
code = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
string name;
name = reader.ReadString ();
if (i_method >= n_methods)
//Spew ("Found method '{0}' with code {1}", name, code);
method_codes_old [i_method] = code;
methods [i_method].Name = name;
private void ReadLogFileChunk_Backtrace (BinaryReader reader)
uint code;
code = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
Backtrace backtrace;
backtrace = new Backtrace (code, this);
uint type_code;
type_code = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
int n_frames;
n_frames = reader.ReadInt16 ();
if (i_backtrace >= n_backtraces) {
for (int i = 0; i < n_frames; ++i) {
reader.ReadUInt32 (); // skip method code
reader.ReadUInt32 (); // skip native offset
backtraces [i_backtrace] = backtrace;
backtrace_codes [i_backtrace] = code;
backtrace_type_codes [i_backtrace] = type_code;
Frame [] frames = new Frame [n_frames];
backtrace.Frames = frames;
for (int i = 0; i < n_frames; ++i) {
frames [i].MethodCode = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
frames [i].IlOffset = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
private void ReadLogFileChunk_Gc (BinaryReader reader)
Gc gc;
gc = new Gc (this);
gc.Generation = reader.ReadInt32 ();
gc.TimeT = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.UTimeT = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.Timestamp = Util.ConvertTimeT (gc.TimeT);
gc.PreGcLiveBytes = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.PreGcLiveObjects = reader.ReadInt32 ();
int n;
n = reader.ReadInt32 ();
RawGcData [] raw;
raw = new RawGcData [n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
raw [i].BacktraceCode = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
raw [i].ObjectStats.Read (reader);
combsort_raw_gc_data (raw);
gc.PostGcLiveBytes = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.PostGcLiveObjects = reader.ReadInt32 ();
gcs [i_gc] = gc;
raw_gc_data [i_gc] = raw;
if (gc.Generation >= 0)
Spew ("GC {0}: collected {1} bytes, {2} to {3}",
private void ReadLogFileChunk_Resize (BinaryReader reader)
Resize r;
r = new Resize ();
r.Read (reader, i_gc);
if (i_resize > 0)
r.PreviousSize = resizes [i_resize-1].NewSize;
Spew ("Resize to {0}, {1} live bytes", r.NewSize, r.TotalLiveBytes);
resizes [i_resize] = r;
// This is copied from mono's implementation of System.Array
static int new_gap (int gap)
gap = (gap * 10) / 13;
if (gap == 9 || gap == 10)
return 11;
if (gap < 1)
return 1;
return gap;
private enum SortOrder {
void combsort_types (SortOrder order)
int start = 0;
int size = types.Length;
int gap = size;
while (true) {
gap = new_gap (gap);
bool swapped = false;
int end = start + size - gap;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
int j = i + gap;
bool out_of_order;
if (order == SortOrder.ByCode)
out_of_order = type_codes_old [i] > type_codes_old [j];
out_of_order = String.Compare (types [i].Name, types [j].Name) > 0;
if (out_of_order) {
uint tmp_code;
Type tmp;
tmp_code = type_codes_old [i];
type_codes_old [i] = type_codes_old [j];
type_codes_old [j] = tmp_code;
tmp_code = type_codes_new [i];
type_codes_new [i] = type_codes_new [j];
type_codes_new [j] = tmp_code;
tmp = types [i];
types [i] = types [j];
types [j] = tmp;
swapped = true;
if (gap == 1 && !swapped)
void combsort_methods (SortOrder order)
int start = 0;
int size = methods.Length;
int gap = size;
while (true) {
gap = new_gap (gap);
bool swapped = false;
int end = start + size - gap;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
int j = i + gap;
bool out_of_order;
if (order == SortOrder.ByCode)
out_of_order = method_codes_old [i] > method_codes_old [j];
out_of_order = String.Compare (methods [i].Name, methods [j].Name) > 0;
if (out_of_order) {
uint tmp_code;
Method tmp;
tmp_code = method_codes_old [i];
method_codes_old [i] = method_codes_old [j];
method_codes_old [j] = tmp_code;
tmp_code = method_codes_new [i];
method_codes_new [i] = method_codes_new [j];
method_codes_new [j] = tmp_code;
tmp = methods [i];
methods [i] = methods [j];
methods [j] = tmp;
swapped = true;
if (gap == 1 && !swapped)
void combsort_backtraces ()
int start = 0;
int size = backtraces.Length;
int gap = size;
while (true) {
gap = new_gap (gap);
bool swapped = false;
int end = start + size - gap;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
int j = i + gap;
if (backtrace_codes [i] > backtrace_codes [j]) {
uint tmp_code;
tmp_code = backtrace_codes [i];
backtrace_codes [i] = backtrace_codes [j];
backtrace_codes [j] = tmp_code;
tmp_code = backtrace_type_codes [i];
backtrace_type_codes [i] = backtrace_type_codes [j];
backtrace_type_codes [j] = tmp_code;
long tmp_pos;
tmp_pos = backtrace_pos [i];
backtrace_pos [i] = backtrace_pos [j];
backtrace_pos [j] = tmp_pos;
Backtrace tmp;
tmp = backtraces [i];
backtraces [i] = backtraces [j];
backtraces [j] = tmp;
swapped = true;
if (gap == 1 && !swapped)
static void combsort_raw_gc_data (RawGcData [] data)
int start = 0;
int size = data.Length;
int gap = size;
while (true) {
gap = new_gap (gap);
bool swapped = false;
int end = start + size - gap;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
int j = i + gap;
if (data [i].BacktraceCode > data [j].BacktraceCode) {
RawGcData tmp;
tmp = data [i];
data [i] = data [j];
data [j] = tmp;
swapped = true;
if (gap == 1 && !swapped)
private uint TranslateTypeCode (uint code)
int i, i0, i1;
i0 = 0;
i1 = types.Length-1;
while (i0 <= i1) {
i = (i0 + i1) / 2;
if (type_codes_old [i] == code)
return type_codes_new [i];
else if (type_codes_old [i] < code)
i0 = i+1;
i1 = i-1;
throw new Exception ("Couldn't resolve type code " + code);
private uint TranslateMethodCode (uint code)
int i, i0, i1;
i0 = 0;
i1 = methods.Length-1;
while (i0 <= i1) {
i = (i0 + i1) / 2;
if (method_codes_old [i] == code)
return method_codes_new [i];
else if (method_codes_old [i] < code)
i0 = i+1;
i1 = i-1;
throw new Exception ("Couldn't resolve method code " + code);
private uint TranslateBacktraceCode (uint code)
int i, i0, i1;
i0 = 0;
i1 = backtraces.Length-1;
while (i0 <= i1) {
i = (i0 + i1) / 2;
if (backtrace_codes [i] == code)
return (uint) i;
else if (backtrace_codes [i] < code)
i0 = i+1;
i1 = i-1;
throw new Exception ("Couldn't resolve backtrace code " + code);
private void RemapAllCodes ()
combsort_types (SortOrder.ByName);
for (int i = 0; i < type_codes_new.Length; ++i)
type_codes_new [i] = (uint) i;
combsort_types (SortOrder.ByCode); // this sorts by the old codes
combsort_methods (SortOrder.ByName);
for (int i = 0; i < method_codes_new.Length; ++i)
method_codes_new [i] = (uint) i;
combsort_methods (SortOrder.ByCode); // again, this sorts by the old codes
combsort_backtraces ();
// Remap the backtrace codes in the GCs
for (int i = 0; i < gcs.Length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < raw_gc_data [i].Length; ++j) {
uint code;
code = raw_gc_data [i] [j].BacktraceCode;
code = TranslateBacktraceCode (code);
raw_gc_data [i] [j].BacktraceCode = code;
// Remap the type and method codes in the backtrace,
// and replace the backtrace codes.
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i) {
backtrace_type_codes [i] = TranslateTypeCode (backtrace_type_codes [i]);
for (int j = 0; j < backtraces [i].Frames.Length; ++j) {
uint code;
code = backtraces [i].Frames [j].MethodCode;
code = TranslateMethodCode (code);
backtraces [i].Frames [j].MethodCode = code;
// Re-sort them back into name order, which is the same as sorting by the new
// codes. This puts everything into the correct order for when we write
// them out to the summary file.
combsort_types (SortOrder.ByName);
combsort_methods (SortOrder.ByName);
// Populate the backtrace types and codes
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i) {
backtraces [i].Code = TranslateBacktraceCode (backtraces [i].Code);
backtraces [i].Type = types [backtrace_type_codes [i]];
// After remapping the codes, we don't need these any more.
type_codes_old = null;
type_codes_new = null;
method_codes_old = null;
method_codes_new = null;
backtrace_codes = null;
private void CollectFinalBacktraceAndTypeStats ()
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i)
backtraces [i].LastGeneration = int.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
types [i].LastGeneration = int.MaxValue;
int count;
count = backtraces.Length;
for (int i = gcs.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
for (int j = 0; j < raw_gc_data [i].Length; ++j) {
RawGcData raw;
raw = raw_gc_data [i] [j];
uint bt_code;
bt_code = raw.BacktraceCode;
if (backtraces [bt_code].LastGeneration == int.MaxValue) {
backtraces [bt_code].LastGeneration = gcs [i].Generation;
backtraces [bt_code].LastObjectStats = raw.ObjectStats;
// Add this backtrace to our per-type totals
uint type_code;
type_code = backtrace_type_codes [bt_code];
types [type_code].BacktraceCount++;
if (types [type_code].LastGeneration == int.MaxValue) {
types [type_code].LastGeneration = backtraces [bt_code].LastGeneration;
types [type_code].LastObjectStats = backtraces [bt_code].LastObjectStats;
} else if (types [type_code].LastGeneration == backtraces [bt_code].LastGeneration) {
types [type_code].LastObjectStats += backtraces [bt_code].LastObjectStats;
} else {
types [type_code].LastObjectStats.AddAllocatedOnly (backtraces [bt_code].LastObjectStats);
// If we've found stats for every backtrace, bail out of the loop early.
if (count == 0)
private void ReadSummary_TableOfContents (BinaryReader reader)
type_name_data_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
method_name_data_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
backtrace_data_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc_data_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
resize_data_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
types_by_code_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
methods_by_code_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
backtrace_index_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc_index_offset = reader.ReadInt64 ();
private void WriteSummary_TableOfContents (BinaryWriter writer)
writer.Write (type_name_data_offset);
writer.Write (method_name_data_offset);
writer.Write (backtrace_data_offset);
writer.Write (gc_data_offset);
writer.Write (resize_data_offset);
writer.Write (types_by_code_offset);
writer.Write (methods_by_code_offset);
writer.Write (backtrace_index_offset);
writer.Write (gc_index_offset);
// Summary file reader
private void ReadSummaryFile (BinaryReader reader)
ReadSummary_TableOfContents (reader);
ReadSummary_Methods (reader);
ReadSummary_Types (reader);
ReadSummary_Backtraces (reader);
ReadSummary_Resizes (reader);
ReadSummary_Gcs (reader);
private void ReadSummary_Methods (BinaryReader reader)
reader.BaseStream.Seek (methods_by_code_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; ++i)
methods [i].Position = reader.ReadInt64 ();
private void ReadSummary_Types (BinaryReader reader)
reader.BaseStream.Seek (type_name_data_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i) {
Type type;
type = new Type ();
type.Name = reader.ReadString ();
types [i] = type;
reader.BaseStream.Seek (types_by_code_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i) {
Type type;
type = types [i];
type.BacktraceCount = reader.ReadInt32 ();
type.LastGeneration = reader.ReadInt32 ();
type.LastObjectStats.Read (reader);
private void ReadSummary_Backtraces (BinaryReader reader)
reader.BaseStream.Seek (backtrace_index_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i) {
Backtrace backtrace;
backtrace = new Backtrace ((uint) i, this);
backtraces [i] = backtrace;
uint type_code;
type_code = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
backtrace.Type = types [type_code];
backtrace.LastGeneration = reader.ReadInt32 ();
backtrace.LastObjectStats.Read (reader);
backtrace_pos [i] = reader.ReadInt64 ();
private void ReadSummary_Resizes (BinaryReader reader)
reader.BaseStream.Seek (resize_data_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < resizes.Length; ++i) {
Resize r;
r = new Resize ();
r.Read (reader, -1);
if (i > 0)
r.PreviousSize = resizes [i-1].NewSize;
resizes [i] = r;
private void ReadSummary_Gcs (BinaryReader reader)
reader.BaseStream.Seek (gc_index_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < gcs.Length; ++i) {
Gc gc;
gc = new Gc (this);
gc.Generation = reader.ReadInt32 ();
gc.TimeT = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.UTimeT = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.Timestamp = Util.ConvertTimeT (gc.TimeT);
gc.PreGcLiveBytes = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.PreGcLiveObjects = reader.ReadInt32 ();
gc.PostGcLiveBytes = reader.ReadInt64 ();
gc.PostGcLiveObjects = reader.ReadInt32 ();
gcs [i] = gc;
gc_pos [i] = reader.ReadInt64 ();
// Summary file writer
private void WriteSummaryFile (BinaryWriter writer)
WritePreamble (writer);
WriteHeader (writer);
long toc_offset;
toc_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
WriteSummary_TableOfContents (writer); // writes placeholder data
WriteSummary_Data (writer);
WriteSummary_Indexes (writer);
WriteSummary_Types (writer);
writer.BaseStream.Seek (toc_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
WriteSummary_TableOfContents (writer); // writes the actual data
private void WriteSummary_Data (BinaryWriter writer)
// Write out the name strings.
type_name_data_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
writer.Write (types [i].Name);
// Write out the method names, and remember the position
// of each in the file.
method_name_data_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; ++i) {
methods [i].Position = writer.BaseStream.Position;
writer.Write (methods [i].Name);
// Write out all of the backtrace frame data, and remember the position
// of each in the file.
backtrace_data_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i) {
backtrace_pos [i] = writer.BaseStream.Position;
writer.Write (backtraces [i].Frames.Length);
for (int j = 0; j < backtraces [i].Frames.Length; ++j) {
writer.Write (backtraces [i].Frames [j].MethodCode);
writer.Write (backtraces [i].Frames [j].IlOffset);
// Write out all of the GC data, and remember the position of
// each in the file.
gc_data_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < gcs.Length; ++i) {
gc_pos [i] = writer.BaseStream.Position;
writer.Write (raw_gc_data [i].Length);
for (int j = 0; j < raw_gc_data [i].Length; ++j) {
writer.Write (raw_gc_data [i] [j].BacktraceCode);
raw_gc_data [i] [j].ObjectStats.Write (writer);
raw_gc_data = null; // We don't need these anymore
// Write out all the resizes.
resize_data_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < resizes.Length; ++i)
resizes [i].Write (writer);
private void WriteSummary_Indexes (BinaryWriter writer)
methods_by_code_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; ++i)
writer.Write (methods [i].Position);
// backtraces were sorted in WriteSummary
backtrace_index_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < backtraces.Length; ++i) {
writer.Write (backtrace_type_codes [i]);
writer.Write (backtraces [i].LastGeneration);
backtraces [i].LastObjectStats.Write (writer);
writer.Write (backtrace_pos [i]);
gc_index_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < gcs.Length; ++i) {
writer.Write (gcs [i].Generation);
writer.Write (gcs [i].TimeT);
writer.Write (gcs [i].UTimeT);
writer.Write (gcs [i].PreGcLiveBytes);
writer.Write (gcs [i].PreGcLiveObjects);
writer.Write (gcs [i].PostGcLiveBytes);
writer.Write (gcs [i].PostGcLiveObjects);
writer.Write (gc_pos [i]);
private void WriteSummary_Types (BinaryWriter writer)
types_by_code_offset = writer.BaseStream.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i) {
Type type;
type = types [i];
writer.Write (type.BacktraceCount);
writer.Write (type.LastGeneration);
type.LastObjectStats.Write (writer);
public Resize [] Resizes {
get { return resizes; }
public Resize LastResize {
get { return resizes [resizes.Length-1]; }
public Gc [] Gcs {
get { return gcs; }
public Gc LastGc {
get { return gcs [gcs.Length-1]; }
public Backtrace [] Backtraces {
get { return backtraces; }
public Type [] Types {
get { return types; }
private void GetMethod (uint code, out string name, out string args)
if (methods [code].Name == null) {
lazy_reader.BaseStream.Seek (methods [code].Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
string method;
method = lazy_reader.ReadString ();
int i = method.IndexOf (" (");
methods [code].Name = method.Substring (0, i);
methods [code].Arguments = method.Substring (i+1);
name = methods [code].Name;
args = methods [code].Arguments;
public Frame [] GetFrames (uint backtrace_code)
lazy_reader.BaseStream.Seek (backtrace_pos [backtrace_code], SeekOrigin.Begin);
int length;
length = lazy_reader.ReadInt32 ();
Frame [] frames;
frames = new Frame [length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
frames [i].MethodCode = lazy_reader.ReadUInt32 ();
frames [i].IlOffset = lazy_reader.ReadUInt32 ();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
GetMethod (frames [i].MethodCode,
out frames [i].MethodName,
out frames [i].MethodArguments);
return frames;
public GcData [] GetGcData (int generation)
try {
lazy_reader.BaseStream.Seek (gc_pos [generation], SeekOrigin.Begin);
} catch (Exception e) { }
int length;
length = lazy_reader.ReadInt32 ();
GcData [] gc_data;
gc_data = new GcData [length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
uint bt_code;
bt_code = lazy_reader.ReadUInt32 ();
gc_data [i].Backtrace = backtraces [bt_code];
gc_data [i].ObjectStats.Read (lazy_reader);
return gc_data;