/* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Jeroen Frijters This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Jeroen Frijters jeroen@frijters.net */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; using IKVM.Reflection.Reader; using IKVM.Reflection.Writer; using IKVM.Reflection.Metadata; namespace IKVM.Reflection { static class MarshalSpec { private const UnmanagedType NATIVE_TYPE_MAX = (UnmanagedType)0x50; internal static CustomAttributeData GetMarshalAsAttribute(Module module, int token) { // TODO use binary search? for (int i = 0; i < module.FieldMarshal.records.Length; i++) { if (module.FieldMarshal.records[i].Parent == token) { ByteReader blob = module.GetBlob(module.FieldMarshal.records[i].NativeType); UnmanagedType unmanagedType = (UnmanagedType)blob.ReadCompressedInt(); UnmanagedType? arraySubType = null; short? sizeParamIndex = null; int? sizeConst = null; VarEnum? safeArraySubType = null; Type safeArrayUserDefinedSubType = null; int? iidParameterIndex = null; string marshalType = null; string marshalCookie = null; Type marshalTypeRef = null; if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.LPArray) { arraySubType = (UnmanagedType)blob.ReadCompressedInt(); if (arraySubType == NATIVE_TYPE_MAX) { arraySubType = null; } if (blob.Length != 0) { sizeParamIndex = (short)blob.ReadCompressedInt(); if (blob.Length != 0) { sizeConst = blob.ReadCompressedInt(); if (blob.Length != 0 && blob.ReadCompressedInt() == 0) { sizeParamIndex = null; } } } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.SafeArray) { if (blob.Length != 0) { safeArraySubType = (VarEnum)blob.ReadCompressedInt(); if (blob.Length != 0) { safeArrayUserDefinedSubType = ReadType(module, blob); } } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.ByValArray) { sizeConst = blob.ReadCompressedInt(); if (blob.Length != 0) { arraySubType = (UnmanagedType)blob.ReadCompressedInt(); } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.ByValTStr) { sizeConst = blob.ReadCompressedInt(); } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.Interface || unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.IDispatch || unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.IUnknown) { if (blob.Length != 0) { iidParameterIndex = blob.ReadCompressedInt(); } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler) { blob.ReadCompressedInt(); blob.ReadCompressedInt(); marshalType = ReadString(blob); marshalCookie = ReadString(blob); TypeNameParser parser = TypeNameParser.Parse(marshalType, false); if (!parser.Error) { marshalTypeRef = parser.GetType(module.universe, module.Assembly, false, marshalType, false); } } Type typeofMarshalAs = module.universe.System_Runtime_InteropServices_MarshalAsAttribute; Type typeofUnmanagedType = module.universe.System_Runtime_InteropServices_UnmanagedType; Type typeofVarEnum = module.universe.System_Runtime_InteropServices_VarEnum; Type typeofType = module.universe.System_Type; List named = new List(); if (arraySubType != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "ArraySubType", typeofUnmanagedType, arraySubType.Value); } if (sizeParamIndex != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "SizeParamIndex", module.universe.System_Int16, sizeParamIndex.Value); } if (sizeConst != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "SizeConst", module.universe.System_Int32, sizeConst.Value); } if (safeArraySubType != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "SafeArraySubType", typeofVarEnum, safeArraySubType.Value); } if (safeArrayUserDefinedSubType != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType", typeofType, safeArrayUserDefinedSubType); } if (iidParameterIndex != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "IidParameterIndex", module.universe.System_Int32, iidParameterIndex.Value); } if (marshalType != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "MarshalType", module.universe.System_String, marshalType); } if (marshalTypeRef != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "MarshalTypeRef", module.universe.System_Type, marshalTypeRef); } if (marshalCookie != null) { AddNamedArgument(named, typeofMarshalAs, "MarshalCookie", module.universe.System_String, marshalCookie); } ConstructorInfo constructor = typeofMarshalAs.GetPseudoCustomAttributeConstructor(typeofUnmanagedType); return new CustomAttributeData(module, constructor, new object[] { unmanagedType }, named); } } throw new BadImageFormatException(); } private static void AddNamedArgument(List list, Type attributeType, string fieldName, Type valueType, object value) { // some fields are not available on the .NET Compact Framework version of MarshalAsAttribute FieldInfo field = attributeType.FindField(fieldName, FieldSignature.Create(valueType, null, null)); if (field != null) { list.Add(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(field, new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(valueType, value))); } } internal static void SetMarshalAsAttribute(ModuleBuilder module, int token, CustomAttributeBuilder attribute) { attribute = attribute.DecodeBlob(module.Assembly); FieldMarshalTable.Record rec = new FieldMarshalTable.Record(); rec.Parent = token; rec.NativeType = WriteMarshallingDescriptor(module, attribute); module.FieldMarshal.AddRecord(rec); } private static int WriteMarshallingDescriptor(ModuleBuilder module, CustomAttributeBuilder attribute) { UnmanagedType unmanagedType; object val = attribute.GetConstructorArgument(0); if (val is short) { unmanagedType = (UnmanagedType)(short)val; } else if (val is int) { unmanagedType = (UnmanagedType)(int)val; } else { unmanagedType = (UnmanagedType)val; } ByteBuffer bb = new ByteBuffer(5); bb.WriteCompressedInt((int)unmanagedType); if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.LPArray) { UnmanagedType arraySubType = attribute.GetFieldValue("ArraySubType") ?? NATIVE_TYPE_MAX; bb.WriteCompressedInt((int)arraySubType); int? sizeParamIndex = attribute.GetFieldValue("SizeParamIndex"); int? sizeConst = attribute.GetFieldValue("SizeConst"); if (sizeParamIndex != null) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(sizeParamIndex.Value); if (sizeConst != null) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(sizeConst.Value); bb.WriteCompressedInt(1); // flag that says that SizeParamIndex was specified } } else if (sizeConst != null) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(0); // SizeParamIndex bb.WriteCompressedInt(sizeConst.Value); bb.WriteCompressedInt(0); // flag that says that SizeParamIndex was not specified } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.SafeArray) { VarEnum? safeArraySubType = attribute.GetFieldValue("SafeArraySubType"); if (safeArraySubType != null) { bb.WriteCompressedInt((int)safeArraySubType); Type safeArrayUserDefinedSubType = (Type)attribute.GetFieldValue("SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType"); if (safeArrayUserDefinedSubType != null) { WriteType(module, bb, safeArrayUserDefinedSubType); } } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.ByValArray) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(attribute.GetFieldValue("SizeConst") ?? 1); UnmanagedType? arraySubType = attribute.GetFieldValue("ArraySubType"); if (arraySubType != null) { bb.WriteCompressedInt((int)arraySubType); } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.ByValTStr) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(attribute.GetFieldValue("SizeConst").Value); } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.Interface || unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.IDispatch || unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.IUnknown) { int? iidParameterIndex = attribute.GetFieldValue("IidParameterIndex"); if (iidParameterIndex != null) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(iidParameterIndex.Value); } } else if (unmanagedType == UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler) { bb.WriteCompressedInt(0); bb.WriteCompressedInt(0); string marshalType = (string)attribute.GetFieldValue("MarshalType"); if (marshalType != null) { WriteString(bb, marshalType); } else { WriteType(module, bb, (Type)attribute.GetFieldValue("MarshalTypeRef")); } WriteString(bb, (string)attribute.GetFieldValue("MarshalCookie") ?? ""); } return module.Blobs.Add(bb); } private static Type ReadType(Module module, ByteReader br) { string str = ReadString(br); if (str == "") { return null; } return module.Assembly.GetType(str) ?? module.universe.GetType(str, true); } private static void WriteType(Module module, ByteBuffer bb, Type type) { WriteString(bb, type.Assembly == module.Assembly ? type.FullName : type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } private static string ReadString(ByteReader br) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(br.ReadCompressedInt())); } private static void WriteString(ByteBuffer bb, string str) { byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); bb.WriteCompressedInt(buf.Length); bb.Write(buf); } } }