/* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Jeroen Frijters This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Jeroen Frijters jeroen@frijters.net */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using IKVM.Reflection.Reader; using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; using IKVM.Reflection.Metadata; namespace IKVM.Reflection { public sealed class CustomAttributeData { internal static readonly IList EmptyList = new List(0).AsReadOnly(); /* * There are several states a CustomAttributeData object can be in: * * 1) Unresolved Custom Attribute * - index >= 0 * - declSecurityBlob == null * - lazyConstructor = null * - lazyConstructorArguments = null * - lazyNamedArguments = null * * 2) Resolved Custom Attribute * - index >= 0 * - declSecurityBlob == null * - lazyConstructor != null * - lazyConstructorArguments != null * - lazyNamedArguments != null * * 3) Pre-resolved Custom Attribute * - index = -1 * - declSecurityBlob == null * - lazyConstructor != null * - lazyConstructorArguments != null * - lazyNamedArguments != null * * 4) Pseudo Custom Attribute, .NET 1.x declarative security or result of CustomAttributeBuilder.ToData() * - index = -1 * - declSecurityBlob == null * - lazyConstructor != null * - lazyConstructorArguments != null * - lazyNamedArguments != null * * 5) Unresolved declarative security * - index = -1 * - declSecurityBlob != null * - lazyConstructor != null * - lazyConstructorArguments != null * - lazyNamedArguments == null * * 6) Resolved declarative security * - index = -1 * - declSecurityBlob == null * - lazyConstructor != null * - lazyConstructorArguments != null * - lazyNamedArguments != null * */ private readonly Module module; private readonly int index; private readonly byte[] declSecurityBlob; private ConstructorInfo lazyConstructor; private IList lazyConstructorArguments; private IList lazyNamedArguments; // 1) Unresolved Custom Attribute internal CustomAttributeData(Module module, int index) { this.module = module; this.index = index; } // 4) Pseudo Custom Attribute, .NET 1.x declarative security or result of CustomAttributeBuilder.ToData() internal CustomAttributeData(Module module, ConstructorInfo constructor, object[] args, List namedArguments) { this.module = module; this.index = -1; this.lazyConstructor = constructor; MethodSignature sig = constructor.MethodSignature; List list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { list.Add(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(sig.GetParameterType(i), args[i])); } lazyConstructorArguments = list.AsReadOnly(); if (namedArguments == null) { this.lazyNamedArguments = Empty.Array; } else { this.lazyNamedArguments = namedArguments.AsReadOnly(); } } // 3) Pre-resolved Custom Attribute internal CustomAttributeData(Assembly asm, ConstructorInfo constructor, ByteReader br) { this.module = asm.ManifestModule; this.index = -1; this.lazyConstructor = constructor; if (br.Length == 0) { // it's legal to have an empty blob lazyConstructorArguments = Empty.Array; lazyNamedArguments = Empty.Array; } else { if (br.ReadUInt16() != 1) { throw new BadImageFormatException(); } lazyConstructorArguments = ReadConstructorArguments(asm, br, constructor); lazyNamedArguments = ReadNamedArguments(asm, br, br.ReadUInt16(), constructor.DeclaringType); } } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append('['); sb.Append(Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName); sb.Append('('); string sep = ""; ParameterInfo[] parameters = Constructor.GetParameters(); IList args = ConstructorArguments; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { sb.Append(sep); sep = ", "; AppendValue(sb, parameters[i].ParameterType, args[i]); } foreach (CustomAttributeNamedArgument named in NamedArguments) { sb.Append(sep); sep = ", "; sb.Append(named.MemberInfo.Name); sb.Append(" = "); FieldInfo fi = named.MemberInfo as FieldInfo; Type type = fi != null ? fi.FieldType : ((PropertyInfo)named.MemberInfo).PropertyType; AppendValue(sb, type, named.TypedValue); } sb.Append(')'); sb.Append(']'); return sb.ToString(); } private static void AppendValue(StringBuilder sb, Type type, CustomAttributeTypedArgument arg) { if (arg.ArgumentType == arg.ArgumentType.Module.universe.System_String) { sb.Append('"').Append(arg.Value).Append('"'); } else if (arg.ArgumentType.IsArray) { Type elementType = arg.ArgumentType.GetElementType(); string elementTypeName; if (elementType.IsPrimitive || elementType == type.Module.universe.System_Object || elementType == type.Module.universe.System_String || elementType == type.Module.universe.System_Type) { elementTypeName = elementType.Name; } else { elementTypeName = elementType.FullName; } sb.Append("new ").Append(elementTypeName).Append("[").Append(((Array)arg.Value).Length).Append("] { "); string sep = ""; foreach (CustomAttributeTypedArgument elem in (CustomAttributeTypedArgument[])arg.Value) { sb.Append(sep); sep = ", "; AppendValue(sb, elementType, elem); } sb.Append(" }"); } else { if (arg.ArgumentType != type) { sb.Append('('); sb.Append(arg.ArgumentType.FullName); sb.Append(')'); } sb.Append(arg.Value); } } internal static void ReadDeclarativeSecurity(Assembly asm, List list, int action, ByteReader br) { Universe u = asm.universe; if (br.PeekByte() == '.') { br.ReadByte(); int count = br.ReadCompressedInt(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { Type type = ReadType(asm, br); ConstructorInfo constructor = type.GetPseudoCustomAttributeConstructor(u.System_Security_Permissions_SecurityAction); // LAMESPEC there is an additional length here (probably of the named argument list) byte[] blob = br.ReadBytes(br.ReadCompressedInt()); list.Add(new CustomAttributeData(asm, constructor, action, blob)); } } else { // .NET 1.x format (xml) char[] buf = new char[br.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) { buf[i] = br.ReadChar(); } string xml = new String(buf); ConstructorInfo constructor = u.System_Security_Permissions_PermissionSetAttribute.GetPseudoCustomAttributeConstructor(u.System_Security_Permissions_SecurityAction); List args = new List(); args.Add(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(GetProperty(u.System_Security_Permissions_PermissionSetAttribute, "XML", u.System_String), new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(u.System_String, xml))); list.Add(new CustomAttributeData(asm.ManifestModule, constructor, new object[] { action }, args)); } } // 5) Unresolved declarative security internal CustomAttributeData(Assembly asm, ConstructorInfo constructor, int securityAction, byte[] blob) { this.module = asm.ManifestModule; this.index = -1; Universe u = constructor.Module.universe; this.lazyConstructor = constructor; List list = new List(); list.Add(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(u.System_Security_Permissions_SecurityAction, securityAction)); this.lazyConstructorArguments = list.AsReadOnly(); this.declSecurityBlob = blob; } private static Type ReadFieldOrPropType(Assembly asm, ByteReader br) { Universe u = asm.universe; switch (br.ReadByte()) { case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return u.System_Boolean; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR: return u.System_Char; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: return u.System_SByte; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: return u.System_Byte; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: return u.System_Int16; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: return u.System_UInt16; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: return u.System_Int32; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: return u.System_UInt32; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_I8: return u.System_Int64; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_U8: return u.System_UInt64; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_R4: return u.System_Single; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_R8: return u.System_Double; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING: return u.System_String; case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: return ReadFieldOrPropType(asm, br).MakeArrayType(); case 0x55: return ReadType(asm, br); case 0x50: return u.System_Type; case 0x51: return u.System_Object; default: throw new BadImageFormatException(); } } private static CustomAttributeTypedArgument ReadFixedArg(Assembly asm, ByteReader br, Type type) { Universe u = asm.universe; if (type == u.System_String) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadString()); } else if (type == u.System_Boolean) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadByte() != 0); } else if (type == u.System_Char) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadChar()); } else if (type == u.System_Single) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadSingle()); } else if (type == u.System_Double) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadDouble()); } else if (type == u.System_SByte) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadSByte()); } else if (type == u.System_Int16) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadInt16()); } else if (type == u.System_Int32) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadInt32()); } else if (type == u.System_Int64) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadInt64()); } else if (type == u.System_Byte) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadByte()); } else if (type == u.System_UInt16) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadUInt16()); } else if (type == u.System_UInt32) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadUInt32()); } else if (type == u.System_UInt64) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, br.ReadUInt64()); } else if (type == u.System_Type) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, ReadType(asm, br)); } else if (type == u.System_Object) { return ReadFixedArg(asm, br, ReadFieldOrPropType(asm, br)); } else if (type.IsArray) { int length = br.ReadInt32(); if (length == -1) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, null); } Type elementType = type.GetElementType(); CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] array = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = ReadFixedArg(asm, br, elementType); } return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, array); } else if (type.IsEnum) { return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(type, ReadFixedArg(asm, br, type.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeImpl()).Value); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } private static Type ReadType(Assembly asm, ByteReader br) { string typeName = br.ReadString(); if (typeName == null) { return null; } if (typeName.Length > 0 && typeName[typeName.Length - 1] == 0) { // there are broken compilers that emit an extra NUL character after the type name typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - 1); } return TypeNameParser.Parse(typeName, true).GetType(asm.universe, asm, true, typeName, true); } private static IList ReadConstructorArguments(Assembly asm, ByteReader br, ConstructorInfo constructor) { MethodSignature sig = constructor.MethodSignature; int count = sig.GetParameterCount(); List list = new List(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { list.Add(ReadFixedArg(asm, br, sig.GetParameterType(i))); } return list.AsReadOnly(); } private static IList ReadNamedArguments(Assembly asm, ByteReader br, int named, Type type) { List list = new List(named); for (int i = 0; i < named; i++) { byte fieldOrProperty = br.ReadByte(); Type fieldOrPropertyType = ReadFieldOrPropType(asm, br); string name = br.ReadString(); CustomAttributeTypedArgument value = ReadFixedArg(asm, br, fieldOrPropertyType); MemberInfo member; switch (fieldOrProperty) { case 0x53: member = GetField(type, name, fieldOrPropertyType); break; case 0x54: member = GetProperty(type, name, fieldOrPropertyType); break; default: throw new BadImageFormatException(); } list.Add(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(member, value)); } return list.AsReadOnly(); } private static FieldInfo GetField(Type type, string name, Type fieldType) { Type org = type; for (; type != null && !type.__IsMissing; type = type.BaseType) { foreach (FieldInfo field in type.__GetDeclaredFields()) { if (field.IsPublic && !field.IsStatic && field.Name == name) { return field; } } } // if the field is missing, we stick the missing field on the first missing base type if (type == null) { type = org; } FieldSignature sig = FieldSignature.Create(fieldType, null, null); return type.FindField(name, sig) ?? type.Module.universe.GetMissingFieldOrThrow(type, name, sig); } private static PropertyInfo GetProperty(Type type, string name, Type propertyType) { Type org = type; for (; type != null && !type.__IsMissing; type = type.BaseType) { foreach (PropertyInfo property in type.__GetDeclaredProperties()) { if (property.IsPublic && !property.IsStatic && property.Name == name) { return property; } } } // if the property is missing, we stick the missing property on the first missing base type if (type == null) { type = org; } return type.Module.universe.GetMissingPropertyOrThrow(type, name, PropertySignature.Create(CallingConventions.Standard | CallingConventions.HasThis, propertyType, null, null, null, null, null)); } [Obsolete("Use Constructor.DeclaringType instead.")] internal bool __TryReadTypeName(out string ns, out string name) { if (Constructor.DeclaringType.IsNested) { ns = null; name = null; return false; } ns = Constructor.DeclaringType.__Namespace; name = Constructor.DeclaringType.__Name; return true; } public byte[] __GetBlob() { if (declSecurityBlob != null) { return (byte[])declSecurityBlob.Clone(); } else if (index == -1) { return __ToBuilder().GetBlob(module.Assembly); } else { return ((ModuleReader)module).GetBlobCopy(module.CustomAttribute.records[index].Value); } } public ConstructorInfo Constructor { get { if (lazyConstructor == null) { lazyConstructor = (ConstructorInfo)module.ResolveMethod(module.CustomAttribute.records[index].Type); } return lazyConstructor; } } public IList ConstructorArguments { get { if (lazyConstructorArguments == null) { LazyParseArguments(); } return lazyConstructorArguments; } } public IList NamedArguments { get { if (lazyNamedArguments == null) { if (index >= 0) { // 1) Unresolved Custom Attribute LazyParseArguments(); } else { // 5) Unresolved declarative security ByteReader br = new ByteReader(declSecurityBlob, 0, declSecurityBlob.Length); // LAMESPEC the count of named arguments is a compressed integer (instead of UInt16 as NumNamed in custom attributes) lazyNamedArguments = ReadNamedArguments(module.Assembly, br, br.ReadCompressedInt(), Constructor.DeclaringType); } } return lazyNamedArguments; } } private void LazyParseArguments() { ByteReader br = module.GetBlob(module.CustomAttribute.records[index].Value); if (br.Length == 0) { // it's legal to have an empty blob lazyConstructorArguments = Empty.Array; lazyNamedArguments = Empty.Array; } else { if (br.ReadUInt16() != 1) { throw new BadImageFormatException(); } lazyConstructorArguments = ReadConstructorArguments(module.Assembly, br, Constructor); lazyNamedArguments = ReadNamedArguments(module.Assembly, br, br.ReadUInt16(), Constructor.DeclaringType); } } public CustomAttributeBuilder __ToBuilder() { object[] args = new object[ConstructorArguments.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { args[i] = RewrapArray(ConstructorArguments[i]); } List namedProperties = new List(); List propertyValues = new List(); List namedFields = new List(); List fieldValues = new List(); foreach (CustomAttributeNamedArgument named in NamedArguments) { if (named.MemberInfo is PropertyInfo) { namedProperties.Add((PropertyInfo)named.MemberInfo); propertyValues.Add(RewrapArray(named.TypedValue)); } else { namedFields.Add((FieldInfo)named.MemberInfo); fieldValues.Add(RewrapArray(named.TypedValue)); } } return new CustomAttributeBuilder(Constructor, args, namedProperties.ToArray(), propertyValues.ToArray(), namedFields.ToArray(), fieldValues.ToArray()); } private static object RewrapArray(CustomAttributeTypedArgument arg) { IList list = arg.Value as IList; if (list != null) { object[] arr = new object[list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { // note that CLI spec only allows one dimensional arrays, so we don't need to rewrap the elements arr[i] = list[i].Value; } return arr; } else { return arg.Value; } } public static IList GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo member) { return member.GetCustomAttributesData(null); } public static IList GetCustomAttributes(Assembly assembly) { return assembly.GetCustomAttributesData(null); } public static IList GetCustomAttributes(Module module) { return module.GetCustomAttributesData(null); } public static IList GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter) { return parameter.GetCustomAttributesData(null); } public static IList __GetCustomAttributes(Assembly assembly, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { return assembly.GetCustomAttributesData(attributeType); } public static IList __GetCustomAttributes(Module module, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { return module.GetCustomAttributesData(attributeType); } public static IList __GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { return parameter.GetCustomAttributesData(attributeType); } public static IList __GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo member, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { if (!inherit || !IsInheritableAttribute(attributeType)) { return member.GetCustomAttributesData(attributeType); } List list = new List(); for (; ; ) { list.AddRange(member.GetCustomAttributesData(attributeType)); Type type = member as Type; if (type != null) { type = type.BaseType; if (type == null) { return list; } member = type; continue; } MethodInfo method = member as MethodInfo; if (method != null) { MemberInfo prev = member; method = method.GetBaseDefinition(); if (method == null || method == prev) { return list; } member = method; continue; } return list; } } public static IList __GetDeclarativeSecurity(Assembly assembly) { if (assembly.__IsMissing) { throw new MissingAssemblyException((MissingAssembly)assembly); } return assembly.ManifestModule.GetDeclarativeSecurity(0x20000001); } public static IList __GetDeclarativeSecurity(Type type) { if ((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.HasSecurity) != 0) { return type.Module.GetDeclarativeSecurity(type.MetadataToken); } else { return EmptyList; } } public static IList __GetDeclarativeSecurity(MethodBase method) { if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.HasSecurity) != 0) { return method.Module.GetDeclarativeSecurity(method.MetadataToken); } else { return EmptyList; } } private static bool IsInheritableAttribute(Type attribute) { Type attributeUsageAttribute = attribute.Module.universe.System_AttributeUsageAttribute; IList attr = attribute.GetCustomAttributesData(attributeUsageAttribute); if (attr.Count != 0) { foreach (CustomAttributeNamedArgument named in attr[0].NamedArguments) { if (named.MemberInfo.Name == "Inherited") { return (bool)named.TypedValue.Value; } } } return true; } } }