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Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Jeroen Frijters
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jeroen Frijters
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using IKVM.Attributes;
using IKVM.Internal;
using IDictionary = System.Collections.IDictionary;
using Interlocked = System.Threading.Interlocked;
using MethodBase = System.Reflection.MethodBase;
using ObjectInputStream = java.io.ObjectInputStream;
using ObjectOutputStream = java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
using ObjectStreamField = java.io.ObjectStreamField;
using StackTraceElement = java.lang.StackTraceElement;
using Throwable = java.lang.Throwable;
namespace IKVM.Internal
static class ExceptionHelper
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> failedTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private static readonly Key EXCEPTION_DATA_KEY = new Key();
private static readonly Exception NOT_REMAPPED = new Exception();
private static readonly bool cleanStackTrace = JVM.SafeGetEnvironmentVariable("IKVM_DISABLE_STACKTRACE_CLEANING") == null;
private static readonly ikvm.@internal.WeakIdentityMap exceptions = new ikvm.@internal.WeakIdentityMap();
static ExceptionHelper()
// make sure the exceptions map continues to work during AppDomain finalization
internal sealed class ExceptionInfoHelper
private StackTrace tracePart1;
private StackTrace tracePart2;
private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace;
internal ExceptionInfoHelper(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace)
this.stackTrace = stackTrace;
internal ExceptionInfoHelper(StackTrace tracePart1, StackTrace tracePart2)
this.tracePart1 = tracePart1;
this.tracePart2 = tracePart2;
internal ExceptionInfoHelper(Exception x, bool captureAdditionalStackTrace)
tracePart1 = new StackTrace(x, true);
if (captureAdditionalStackTrace)
tracePart2 = new StackTrace(true);
private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context)
// make sure the stack trace is computed before serializing
private static bool IsPrivateScope(MethodBase mb)
return (mb.Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.PrivateScope;
internal StackTraceElement[] get_StackTrace(Exception t)
lock (this)
if (stackTrace == null)
List<StackTraceElement> list = new List<StackTraceElement>();
if (tracePart1 != null)
int skip1 = 0;
if (cleanStackTrace && t is java.lang.NullPointerException && tracePart1.FrameCount > 0)
// HACK if a NullPointerException originated inside an instancehelper method,
// we assume that the reference the method was called on was really the one that was null,
// so we filter it.
if (tracePart1.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name.StartsWith("instancehelper_") &&
skip1 = 1;
Append(list, tracePart1, skip1);
if (tracePart2 != null && tracePart2.FrameCount > 0)
int skip = 0;
if (cleanStackTrace)
// If fillInStackTrace was called (either directly or from the constructor),
// filter out fillInStackTrace and the following constructor frames.
if (tracePart1 == null)
MethodBase mb = tracePart2.GetFrame(skip).GetMethod();
if (mb.DeclaringType == typeof(Throwable) && mb.Name.EndsWith("fillInStackTrace", StringComparison.Ordinal))
while (tracePart2.FrameCount > skip)
mb = tracePart2.GetFrame(skip).GetMethod();
if (mb.DeclaringType != typeof(Throwable) || !mb.Name.EndsWith("fillInStackTrace", StringComparison.Ordinal))
while (tracePart2.FrameCount > skip)
mb = tracePart2.GetFrame(skip).GetMethod();
if (mb.Name != ".ctor" || !mb.DeclaringType.IsInstanceOfType(t))
// Skip java.lang.Throwable.__<map> and other mapping methods, because we need to be able to remove the frame
// that called map (if it is the same as where the exception was caught).
while (tracePart2.FrameCount > skip && IsHideFromJava(tracePart2.GetFrame(skip).GetMethod()))
if (tracePart1.FrameCount > 0 &&
tracePart2.FrameCount > skip &&
tracePart1.GetFrame(tracePart1.FrameCount - 1).GetMethod() == tracePart2.GetFrame(skip).GetMethod())
// skip the caller of the map method
Append(list, tracePart2, skip);
if (cleanStackTrace && list.Count > 0)
StackTraceElement elem = list[list.Count - 1];
if (elem.getClassName() == "java.lang.reflect.Method")
list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1);
tracePart1 = null;
tracePart2 = null;
this.stackTrace = list.ToArray();
return (StackTraceElement[])stackTrace.Clone();
internal static void Append(List<StackTraceElement> stackTrace, StackTrace st, int skip)
for (int i = skip; i < st.FrameCount; i++)
StackFrame frame = st.GetFrame(i);
MethodBase m = frame.GetMethod();
if (m == null || m.DeclaringType == null)
Type type = m.DeclaringType;
if (cleanStackTrace &&
|| type == typeof(RuntimeMethodHandle)
|| (type == typeof(Throwable) && m.Name == "instancehelper_fillInStackTrace")
|| (m.Name == "ToJava" && typeof(RetargetableJavaException).IsAssignableFrom(type))
|| IsHideFromJava(m)
|| IsPrivateScope(m))) // NOTE we assume that privatescope methods are always stubs that we should exclude
int lineNumber = frame.GetFileLineNumber();
if (lineNumber == 0)
lineNumber = GetLineNumber(frame);
string fileName = frame.GetFileName();
if (fileName != null)
fileName = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName).Name;
// Mono returns "<unknown>" for frame.GetFileName() and the FileInfo constructor
// doesn't like that
fileName = null;
if (fileName == null)
fileName = GetFileName(frame);
stackTrace.Add(new StackTraceElement(getClassNameFromType(type), GetMethodName(m), fileName, IsNative(m) ? -2 : lineNumber));
private sealed class Key : ISerializable
private sealed class Helper : IObjectReference
public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
private static bool IsNative(MethodBase m)
object[] methodFlagAttribs = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModifiersAttribute), false);
if(methodFlagAttribs.Length == 1)
ModifiersAttribute modifiersAttrib = (ModifiersAttribute)methodFlagAttribs[0];
return (modifiersAttrib.Modifiers & Modifiers.Native) != 0;
return false;
private static string GetMethodName(MethodBase mb)
object[] attr = mb.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameSigAttribute), false);
if(attr.Length == 1)
return ((NameSigAttribute)attr[0]).Name;
else if(mb.Name == ".ctor")
return "<init>";
else if(mb.Name == ".cctor")
return "<clinit>";
return mb.Name;
private static bool IsHideFromJava(MethodBase mb)
return false;
return NativeCode.sun.reflect.Reflection.IsHideFromJava(mb) || (mb.DeclaringType == typeof(ikvm.runtime.Util) && mb.Name == "mapException");
private static string getClassNameFromType(Type type)
return DotNetTypeWrapper.GetName(type);
TypeWrapper tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
if(tw != null)
return DotNetTypeWrapper.GetName(type);
return tw.Name;
return type.FullName;
private static void initThrowable(object throwable, object detailMessage, object cause)
if(cause == throwable)
typeof(Throwable).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) }).Invoke(throwable, new object[] { detailMessage });
typeof(Throwable).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(Exception) }).Invoke(throwable, new object[] { detailMessage, cause });
private static int GetLineNumber(StackFrame frame)
int ilOffset = frame.GetILOffset();
if(ilOffset != StackFrame.OFFSET_UNKNOWN)
MethodBase mb = frame.GetMethod();
if(mb != null)
TypeWrapper tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(mb.DeclaringType);
if(tw != null)
return tw.GetSourceLineNumber(mb, ilOffset);
return -1;
private static string GetFileName(StackFrame frame)
MethodBase mb = frame.GetMethod();
if(mb != null)
TypeWrapper tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(mb.DeclaringType);
if(tw != null)
return tw.GetSourceFileName();
return null;
// called from map.xml
internal static ObjectStreamField[] getPersistentFields()
return null;
return new ObjectStreamField[] {
new ObjectStreamField("detailMessage", typeof(global::java.lang.String)),
new ObjectStreamField("cause", typeof(global::java.lang.Throwable)),
new ObjectStreamField("stackTrace", typeof(global::java.lang.StackTraceElement[]))
internal static void writeObject(Exception x, ObjectOutputStream s)
lock (x)
ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = s.putFields();
fields.put("detailMessage", Throwable.instancehelper_getMessage(x));
Exception cause = Throwable.instancehelper_getCause(x);
if (cause == null && x is Throwable)
cause = ((Throwable)x).cause;
fields.put("cause", cause);
fields.put("stackTrace", Throwable.instancehelper_getStackTrace(x));
internal static void readObject(Exception x, ObjectInputStream s)
ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = s.readFields();
initThrowable(x, fields.get("detailMessage", null), fields.get("cause", null));
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = (StackTraceElement[])fields.get("stackTrace", null);
Throwable.instancehelper_setStackTrace(x, stackTrace == null ? new StackTraceElement[0] : stackTrace);
internal static void printStackTrace(Exception x)
Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(x, java.lang.System.err);
internal static void printStackTrace(Exception x, java.io.PrintStream printStream)
lock (printStream)
foreach (string line in BuildStackTrace(x))
internal static void printStackTrace(Exception x, java.io.PrintWriter printWriter)
lock (printWriter)
foreach (string line in BuildStackTrace(x))
private static List<String> BuildStackTrace(Exception x)
List<String> list = new List<String>();
StackTraceElement[] stack = Throwable.instancehelper_getStackTrace(x);
for (int i = 0; i < stack.Length; i++)
list.Add("\tat " + stack[i]);
Exception cause = Throwable.instancehelper_getCause(x);
while (cause != null)
list.Add("Caused by: " + cause);
// Cause stacktrace
StackTraceElement[] parentStack = stack;
stack = Throwable.instancehelper_getStackTrace(cause);
bool equal = false; // Is rest of stack equal to parent frame?
for (int i = 0; i < stack.Length && !equal; i++)
// Check if we already printed the rest of the stack
// since it was the tail of the parent stack
int remaining = stack.Length - i;
int element = i;
int parentElement = parentStack.Length - remaining;
equal = parentElement >= 0 && parentElement < parentStack.Length;
while (equal && element < stack.Length)
if (stack[element].equals(parentStack[parentElement]))
equal = false;
// Print stacktrace element or indicate the rest is equal
if (!equal)
list.Add("\tat " + stack[i]);
list.Add("\t... " + remaining + " more");
break; // from stack printing for loop
cause = Throwable.instancehelper_getCause(cause);
return list;
internal static string FilterMessage(string message)
return message ?? "";
internal static string GetMessageFromCause(Exception cause)
return null;
if (cause == null)
return "";
return java.lang.Object.instancehelper_toString(cause);
internal static string getLocalizedMessage(Exception x)
return null;
return Throwable.instancehelper_getMessage(x);
internal static string toString(Exception x)
return null;
string message = Throwable.instancehelper_getLocalizedMessage(x);
if (message == null)
return java.lang.Object.instancehelper_getClass(x).getName();
return java.lang.Object.instancehelper_getClass(x).getName() + ": " + message;
internal static Exception getCause(Exception _this, Exception cause)
return cause == _this ? null : cause;
internal static void checkInitCause(Exception _this, Exception _this_cause, Exception cause)
if (_this_cause != _this)
throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Can't overwrite cause");
if (cause == _this)
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Self-causation not permitted");
internal static StackTraceElement[] computeStackTrace(Exception x, StackTrace part1, StackTrace part2)
return null;
ExceptionInfoHelper eih = new ExceptionInfoHelper(part1, part2);
return eih.get_StackTrace(x);
// this method is *only* for .NET exceptions (i.e. types not derived from java.lang.Throwable)
internal static StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace(Exception x)
return null;
lock (x)
ExceptionInfoHelper eih = null;
IDictionary data = x.Data;
if (data != null && !data.IsReadOnly)
lock (data.SyncRoot)
eih = (ExceptionInfoHelper)data[EXCEPTION_DATA_KEY];
if (eih == null)
return new StackTraceElement[0];
return eih.get_StackTrace(x);
internal static StackTraceElement[] checkStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] original)
return null;
StackTraceElement[] copy = (StackTraceElement[])original.Clone();
for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length; i++)
if (copy[i] == null)
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException();
return copy;
// this method is *only* for .NET exceptions (i.e. types not derived from java.lang.Throwable)
internal static void setStackTrace(Exception x, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace)
ExceptionInfoHelper eih = new ExceptionInfoHelper(checkStackTrace(stackTrace));
IDictionary data = x.Data;
if (data != null && !data.IsReadOnly)
lock (data.SyncRoot)
// this method is *only* for .NET exceptions (i.e. types not derived from java.lang.Throwable)
internal static void fillInStackTrace(Exception x)
lock (x)
ExceptionInfoHelper eih = new ExceptionInfoHelper(null, new StackTrace(true));
IDictionary data = x.Data;
if (data != null && !data.IsReadOnly)
lock (data.SyncRoot)
// this method is *only* for .NET exceptions (i.e. types not derived from java.lang.Throwable)
internal static void FixateException(Exception x)
exceptions.put(x, NOT_REMAPPED);
internal static Exception UnmapException(Exception x)
return null;
if (x is Throwable)
Exception org = Interlocked.Exchange(ref ((Throwable)x).original, null);
if (org != null)
exceptions.put(org, x);
x = org;
return x;
private static Exception MapTypeInitializeException(TypeInitializationException t, Type handler)
return null;
bool wrapped = false;
Exception r = MapException<Exception>(t.InnerException, true, false);
if (!(r is java.lang.Error))
r = new java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError(r);
wrapped = true;
string type = t.TypeName;
if (failedTypes.ContainsKey(type))
r = new java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError(type).initCause(r);
wrapped = true;
if (handler != null && !handler.IsInstanceOfType(r))
return null;
failedTypes[type] = type;
if (wrapped)
// transplant the stack trace
((Throwable)r).setStackTrace(new ExceptionInfoHelper(t, true).get_StackTrace(t));
return r;
private static bool IsInstanceOfType<T>(Exception t, bool remap)
where T : Exception
return false;
if (!remap && typeof(T) == typeof(Exception))
return !(t is Throwable);
return t is T;
internal static T MapException<T>(Exception x, bool remap, bool unused)
where T : Exception
return null;
Exception org = x;
bool nonJavaException = !(x is Throwable);
if (nonJavaException && remap)
if (x is TypeInitializationException)
return (T)MapTypeInitializeException((TypeInitializationException)x, typeof(T));
object obj = exceptions.get(x);
Exception remapped = (Exception)obj;
if (remapped == null)
remapped = Throwable.__mapImpl(x);
if (remapped == x)
exceptions.put(x, NOT_REMAPPED);
exceptions.put(x, remapped);
x = remapped;
else if (remapped != NOT_REMAPPED)
x = remapped;
if (IsInstanceOfType<T>(x, remap))
Throwable t = x as Throwable;
if (t != null)
if (!unused && t.tracePart1 == null && t.tracePart2 == null && t.stackTrace == null)
t.tracePart1 = new StackTrace(org, true);
t.tracePart2 = new StackTrace(true);
if (t != org)
t.original = org;
IDictionary data = x.Data;
if (data != null && !data.IsReadOnly)
lock (data.SyncRoot)
if (!data.Contains(EXCEPTION_DATA_KEY))
data.Add(EXCEPTION_DATA_KEY, new ExceptionInfoHelper(x, true));
if (nonJavaException && !remap)
exceptions.put(x, NOT_REMAPPED);
return (T)x;
return null;