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Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Jeroen Frijters
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jeroen Frijters
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using IKVM.Attributes;
namespace IKVM.Internal
struct ExModifiers
internal readonly Modifiers Modifiers;
internal readonly bool IsInternal;
internal ExModifiers(Modifiers modifiers, bool isInternal)
this.Modifiers = modifiers;
this.IsInternal = isInternal;
static class AttributeHelper
private static CustomAttributeBuilder hideFromJavaAttribute;
private static CustomAttributeBuilder ghostInterfaceAttribute;
private static CustomAttributeBuilder deprecatedAttribute;
private static CustomAttributeBuilder editorBrowsableNever;
private static ConstructorInfo implementsAttribute;
private static ConstructorInfo throwsAttribute;
private static ConstructorInfo sourceFileAttribute;
private static ConstructorInfo lineNumberTableAttribute1;
private static ConstructorInfo lineNumberTableAttribute2;
private static ConstructorInfo enclosingMethodAttribute;
private static ConstructorInfo signatureAttribute;
private static CustomAttributeBuilder paramArrayAttribute;
private static ConstructorInfo nonNestedInnerClassAttribute;
private static ConstructorInfo nonNestedOuterClassAttribute;
private static Type typeofModifiers = JVM.LoadType(typeof(Modifiers));
private static Type typeofSourceFileAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(SourceFileAttribute));
private static Type typeofLineNumberTableAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(LineNumberTableAttribute));
private static Type typeofSecurityAttribute = JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute));
private static Type typeofRemappedClassAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(RemappedClassAttribute));
private static Type typeofRemappedTypeAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(RemappedTypeAttribute));
private static Type typeofModifiersAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(ModifiersAttribute));
private static Type typeofRemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute));
private static Type typeofNameSigAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(NameSigAttribute));
private static Type typeofJavaModuleAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(JavaModuleAttribute));
private static Type typeofSignatureAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(SignatureAttribute));
private static Type typeofInnerClassAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(InnerClassAttribute));
private static Type typeofImplementsAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(ImplementsAttribute));
private static Type typeofGhostInterfaceAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(GhostInterfaceAttribute));
private static Type typeofExceptionIsUnsafeForMappingAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(ExceptionIsUnsafeForMappingAttribute));
private static Type typeofThrowsAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(ThrowsAttribute));
private static Type typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(HideFromReflectionAttribute));
private static Type typeofHideFromJavaAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(HideFromJavaAttribute));
private static Type typeofNoPackagePrefixAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(NoPackagePrefixAttribute));
private static Type typeofConstantValueAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(ConstantValueAttribute));
private static Type typeofAnnotationAttributeAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(AnnotationAttributeAttribute));
private static Type typeofNonNestedInnerClassAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(NonNestedInnerClassAttribute));
private static Type typeofNonNestedOuterClassAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(NonNestedOuterClassAttribute));
private static Type typeofEnclosingMethodAttribute = JVM.LoadType(typeof(EnclosingMethodAttribute));
private static object ParseValue(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeWrapper tw, string val)
if(tw == CoreClasses.java.lang.String.Wrapper)
return val;
else if(tw.TypeAsTBD.IsEnum)
return EnumHelper.Parse(tw.TypeAsTBD, val);
else if(tw.TypeAsTBD == Types.Type)
TypeWrapper valtw = loader.LoadClassByDottedNameFast(val);
if(valtw != null)
return valtw.TypeAsBaseType;
return JVM.GetType(val, true);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN)
return bool.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE)
return (byte)sbyte.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR)
return char.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT)
return short.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT)
return int.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT)
return float.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG)
return long.Parse(val);
else if(tw == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE)
return double.Parse(val);
throw new NotImplementedException();
private static void SetPropertiesAndFields(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, Attribute attrib, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
Type t = attrib.GetType();
if(attr.Properties != null)
foreach(IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Param prop in attr.Properties)
PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(prop.Name);
pi.SetValue(attrib, ParseValue(loader, ClassFile.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(loader, prop.Sig), prop.Value), null);
if(attr.Fields != null)
foreach(IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Param field in attr.Fields)
FieldInfo fi = t.GetField(field.Name);
fi.SetValue(attrib, ParseValue(loader, ClassFile.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(loader, field.Sig), field.Value));
private static bool IsDeclarativeSecurityAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr, out SecurityAction action, out PermissionSet pset)
action = SecurityAction.Demand;
pset = null;
if(attr.Type != null)
Type t = StaticCompiler.GetType(attr.Type);
Type[] argTypes;
object[] args;
GetAttributeArgsAndTypes(loader, attr, out argTypes, out args);
ConstructorInfo ci = t.GetConstructor(argTypes);
SecurityAttribute attrib = ci.Invoke(args) as SecurityAttribute;
SetPropertiesAndFields(loader, attrib, attr);
action = attrib.Action;
pset = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
return true;
return false;
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeBuilder tb, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
SecurityAction action;
PermissionSet pset;
if(IsDeclarativeSecurityAttribute(loader, attr, out action, out pset))
tb.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, pset);
bool declarativeSecurity;
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr, out declarativeSecurity);
if (declarativeSecurity)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, FieldBuilder fb, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
fb.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr));
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ParameterBuilder pb, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
pb.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr));
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
SecurityAction action;
PermissionSet pset;
if(IsDeclarativeSecurityAttribute(loader, attr, out action, out pset))
mb.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, pset);
bool declarativeSecurity;
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr, out declarativeSecurity);
if (declarativeSecurity)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
mb.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr));
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ConstructorBuilder cb, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
SecurityAction action;
PermissionSet pset;
if(IsDeclarativeSecurityAttribute(loader, attr, out action, out pset))
cb.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, pset);
bool declarativeSecurity;
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr, out declarativeSecurity);
if (declarativeSecurity)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
cb.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr));
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, PropertyBuilder pb, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
pb.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr));
internal static void SetCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, AssemblyBuilder ab, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
ab.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr));
private static void GetAttributeArgsAndTypes(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr, out Type[] argTypes, out object[] args)
// TODO add error handling
TypeWrapper[] twargs = ClassFile.ArgTypeWrapperListFromSig(loader, attr.Sig);
argTypes = new Type[twargs.Length];
args = new object[argTypes.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < twargs.Length; i++)
argTypes[i] = twargs[i].TypeAsSignatureType;
TypeWrapper tw = twargs[i];
if(tw == CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper)
tw = ClassFile.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(loader, attr.Params[i].Sig);
Array arr = Array.CreateInstance(tw.ElementTypeWrapper.TypeAsArrayType, attr.Params[i].Elements.Length);
for(int j = 0; j < arr.Length; j++)
arr.SetValue(ParseValue(loader, tw.ElementTypeWrapper, attr.Params[i].Elements[j].Value), j);
args[i] = arr;
args[i] = ParseValue(loader, tw, attr.Params[i].Value);
private static CustomAttributeBuilder CreateCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr)
bool ignore;
return CreateCustomAttribute(loader, attr, out ignore);
private static CustomAttributeBuilder CreateCustomAttribute(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, IKVM.Internal.MapXml.Attribute attr, out bool isDeclarativeSecurity)
// TODO add error handling
Type[] argTypes;
object[] args;
GetAttributeArgsAndTypes(loader, attr, out argTypes, out args);
if(attr.Type != null)
Type t = StaticCompiler.GetType(attr.Type);
isDeclarativeSecurity = t.IsSubclassOf(typeofSecurityAttribute);
ConstructorInfo ci = t.GetConstructor(argTypes);
if(ci == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Constructor missing: {0}::<init>{1}", attr.Type, attr.Sig));
PropertyInfo[] namedProperties;
object[] propertyValues;
if(attr.Properties != null)
namedProperties = new PropertyInfo[attr.Properties.Length];
propertyValues = new object[attr.Properties.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < namedProperties.Length; i++)
namedProperties[i] = t.GetProperty(attr.Properties[i].Name);
propertyValues[i] = ParseValue(loader, ClassFile.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(loader, attr.Properties[i].Sig), attr.Properties[i].Value);
namedProperties = new PropertyInfo[0];
propertyValues = new object[0];
FieldInfo[] namedFields;
object[] fieldValues;
if(attr.Fields != null)
namedFields = new FieldInfo[attr.Fields.Length];
fieldValues = new object[attr.Fields.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < namedFields.Length; i++)
namedFields[i] = t.GetField(attr.Fields[i].Name);
fieldValues[i] = ParseValue(loader, ClassFile.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(loader, attr.Fields[i].Sig), attr.Fields[i].Value);
namedFields = new FieldInfo[0];
fieldValues = new object[0];
return new CustomAttributeBuilder(ci, args, namedProperties, propertyValues, namedFields, fieldValues);
if(attr.Properties != null)
throw new NotImplementedException("Setting property values on Java attributes is not implemented");
TypeWrapper t = loader.LoadClassByDottedName(attr.Class);
isDeclarativeSecurity = t.TypeAsBaseType.IsSubclassOf(typeofSecurityAttribute);
MethodWrapper mw = t.GetMethodWrapper("<init>", attr.Sig, false);
ConstructorInfo ci = (ConstructorInfo)mw.GetMethod();
if(ci == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Constructor missing: {0}::<init>{1}", attr.Class, attr.Sig));
FieldInfo[] namedFields;
object[] fieldValues;
if(attr.Fields != null)
namedFields = new FieldInfo[attr.Fields.Length];
fieldValues = new object[attr.Fields.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < namedFields.Length; i++)
FieldWrapper fw = t.GetFieldWrapper(attr.Fields[i].Name, attr.Fields[i].Sig);
namedFields[i] = fw.GetField();
fieldValues[i] = ParseValue(loader, ClassFile.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(loader, attr.Fields[i].Sig), attr.Fields[i].Value);
namedFields = new FieldInfo[0];
fieldValues = new object[0];
return new CustomAttributeBuilder(ci, args, namedFields, fieldValues);
internal static void SetEditorBrowsableNever(TypeBuilder tb)
if(editorBrowsableNever == null)
editorBrowsableNever = new CustomAttributeBuilder(StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute").GetConstructor(new Type[] { StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState") }), new object[] { (int)System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never });
internal static void SetEditorBrowsableNever(MethodBuilder mb)
if(editorBrowsableNever == null)
editorBrowsableNever = new CustomAttributeBuilder(StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute").GetConstructor(new Type[] { StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState") }), new object[] { (int)System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never });
internal static void SetEditorBrowsableNever(ConstructorBuilder cb)
if(editorBrowsableNever == null)
editorBrowsableNever = new CustomAttributeBuilder(StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute").GetConstructor(new Type[] { StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState") }), new object[] { (int)System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never });
internal static void SetEditorBrowsableNever(PropertyBuilder pb)
if(editorBrowsableNever == null)
editorBrowsableNever = new CustomAttributeBuilder(StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute").GetConstructor(new Type[] { StaticCompiler.GetType("System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState") }), new object[] { (int)System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never });
internal static void SetDeprecatedAttribute(MethodBase mb)
if(deprecatedAttribute == null)
deprecatedAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(JVM.Import(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute)).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
MethodBuilder method = mb as MethodBuilder;
if(method != null)
internal static void SetDeprecatedAttribute(TypeBuilder tb)
if(deprecatedAttribute == null)
deprecatedAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(JVM.Import(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute)).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void SetDeprecatedAttribute(FieldBuilder fb)
if(deprecatedAttribute == null)
deprecatedAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(JVM.Import(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute)).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void SetDeprecatedAttribute(PropertyBuilder pb)
if(deprecatedAttribute == null)
deprecatedAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(JVM.Import(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute)).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void SetThrowsAttribute(MethodBase mb, string[] exceptions)
if(exceptions != null && exceptions.Length != 0)
if(throwsAttribute == null)
throwsAttribute = typeofThrowsAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { JVM.Import(typeof(string[])) });
if(mb is MethodBuilder)
MethodBuilder method = (MethodBuilder)mb;
method.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(throwsAttribute, new object[] { exceptions }));
ConstructorBuilder constructor = (ConstructorBuilder)mb;
constructor.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(throwsAttribute, new object[] { exceptions }));
internal static void SetGhostInterface(TypeBuilder typeBuilder)
if(ghostInterfaceAttribute == null)
ghostInterfaceAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofGhostInterfaceAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void SetNonNestedInnerClass(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string className)
if(nonNestedInnerClassAttribute == null)
nonNestedInnerClassAttribute = typeofNonNestedInnerClassAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(nonNestedInnerClassAttribute, new object[] { className }));
internal static void SetNonNestedOuterClass(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string className)
if(nonNestedOuterClassAttribute == null)
nonNestedOuterClassAttribute = typeofNonNestedOuterClassAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(nonNestedOuterClassAttribute, new object[] { className }));
internal static void HideFromReflection(MethodBuilder mb)
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void HideFromReflection(FieldBuilder fb)
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void HideFromReflection(PropertyBuilder pb)
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static bool IsHideFromReflection(MethodInfo mi)
return IsDefined(mi, typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute);
internal static bool IsHideFromReflection(FieldInfo fi)
return IsDefined(fi, typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute);
internal static bool IsHideFromReflection(PropertyInfo pi)
return IsDefined(pi, typeofHideFromReflectionAttribute);
internal static void HideFromJava(TypeBuilder typeBuilder)
if(hideFromJavaAttribute == null)
hideFromJavaAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromJavaAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void HideFromJava(ConstructorBuilder cb)
if(hideFromJavaAttribute == null)
hideFromJavaAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromJavaAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void HideFromJava(MethodBuilder mb)
if(hideFromJavaAttribute == null)
hideFromJavaAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromJavaAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void HideFromJava(FieldBuilder fb)
if(hideFromJavaAttribute == null)
hideFromJavaAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromJavaAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void HideFromJava(PropertyBuilder pb)
if(hideFromJavaAttribute == null)
hideFromJavaAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofHideFromJavaAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static bool IsHideFromJava(Type type)
return IsDefined(type, typeofHideFromJavaAttribute);
internal static bool IsHideFromJava(MemberInfo mi)
// NOTE all privatescope fields and methods are "hideFromJava"
// because Java cannot deal with the potential name clashes
FieldInfo fi = mi as FieldInfo;
if(fi != null && (fi.Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.PrivateScope)
return true;
MethodBase mb = mi as MethodBase;
if(mb != null && (mb.Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.PrivateScope)
return true;
return IsDefined(mi, typeofHideFromJavaAttribute);
internal static void SetImplementsAttribute(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, TypeWrapper[] ifaceWrappers)
if(ifaceWrappers != null && ifaceWrappers.Length != 0)
string[] interfaces = new string[ifaceWrappers.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
interfaces[i] = ifaceWrappers[i].Name;
if(implementsAttribute == null)
implementsAttribute = typeofImplementsAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { JVM.Import(typeof(string[])) });
typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(implementsAttribute, new object[] { interfaces }));
internal static bool IsGhostInterface(Type type)
return IsDefined(type, typeofGhostInterfaceAttribute);
internal static bool IsRemappedType(Type type)
return IsDefined(type, typeofRemappedTypeAttribute);
internal static bool IsExceptionIsUnsafeForMapping(Type type)
return IsDefined(type, typeofExceptionIsUnsafeForMappingAttribute);
// this method compares t1 and t2 by name
// if the type name and assembly name (ignoring the version and strong name) match
// the type are considered the same
private static bool MatchTypes(Type t1, Type t2)
return t1.FullName == t2.FullName
&& t1.Assembly.GetName().Name == t2.Assembly.GetName().Name;
internal static object GetConstantValue(FieldInfo field)
// In Java, instance fields can also have a ConstantValue attribute so we emulate that
// with ConstantValueAttribute (for consumption by ikvmstub only)
object[] attrib = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ConstantValueAttribute), false);
if(attrib.Length == 1)
return ((ConstantValueAttribute)attrib[0]).GetConstantValue();
return null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(field))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofConstantValueAttribute))
return cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
return null;
internal static ModifiersAttribute GetModifiersAttribute(Type type)
object[] attr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModifiersAttribute), false);
return attr.Length == 1 ? (ModifiersAttribute)attr[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofModifiersAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
if(args.Count == 2)
return new ModifiersAttribute((Modifiers)args[0].Value, (bool)args[1].Value);
return new ModifiersAttribute((Modifiers)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static ModifiersAttribute GetModifiersAttribute(PropertyInfo property)
if (!property.DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
object[] attr = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModifiersAttribute), false);
return attr.Length == 1 ? (ModifiersAttribute)attr[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(property))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofModifiersAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
if(args.Count == 2)
return new ModifiersAttribute((Modifiers)args[0].Value, (bool)args[1].Value);
return new ModifiersAttribute((Modifiers)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static ExModifiers GetModifiers(MethodBase mb, bool assemblyIsPrivate)
object[] customAttribute = mb.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModifiersAttribute), false);
if(customAttribute.Length == 1)
ModifiersAttribute mod = (ModifiersAttribute)customAttribute[0];
return new ExModifiers(mod.Modifiers, mod.IsInternal);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(mb))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofModifiersAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
if(args.Count == 2)
return new ExModifiers((Modifiers)args[0].Value, (bool)args[1].Value);
return new ExModifiers((Modifiers)args[0].Value, false);
Modifiers modifiers = 0;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
else if(mb.IsPrivate)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Private;
else if(mb.IsFamily || mb.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Protected;
else if(assemblyIsPrivate)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Private;
// NOTE Java doesn't support non-virtual methods, but we set the Final modifier for
// non-virtual methods to approximate the semantics
if((mb.IsFinal || (!mb.IsVirtual && ((modifiers & Modifiers.Private) == 0))) && !mb.IsStatic && !mb.IsConstructor)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Final;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Abstract;
// Some .NET interfaces (like System._AppDomain) have synchronized methods,
// Java doesn't allow synchronized on an abstract methods, so we ignore it for
// abstract methods.
if((mb.GetMethodImplementationFlags() & MethodImplAttributes.Synchronized) != 0)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Synchronized;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Static;
if((mb.Attributes & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) != 0)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Native;
ParameterInfo[] parameters = mb.GetParameters();
if(parameters.Length > 0 && IsDefined(parameters[parameters.Length - 1], JVM.Import(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))))
modifiers |= Modifiers.VarArgs;
return new ExModifiers(modifiers, false);
internal static ExModifiers GetModifiers(FieldInfo fi, bool assemblyIsPrivate)
object[] customAttribute = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModifiersAttribute), false);
if(customAttribute.Length == 1)
ModifiersAttribute mod = (ModifiersAttribute)customAttribute[0];
return new ExModifiers(mod.Modifiers, mod.IsInternal);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(fi))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofModifiersAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
if(args.Count == 2)
return new ExModifiers((Modifiers)args[0].Value, (bool)args[1].Value);
return new ExModifiers((Modifiers)args[0].Value, false);
Modifiers modifiers = 0;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
else if(fi.IsPrivate)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Private;
else if(fi.IsFamily || fi.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Protected;
else if(assemblyIsPrivate)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Private;
if(fi.IsInitOnly || fi.IsLiteral)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Final;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Transient;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Static;
if(Array.IndexOf(fi.GetRequiredCustomModifiers(), typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsVolatile)) != -1)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Volatile;
return new ExModifiers(modifiers, false);
internal static void SetModifiers(MethodBuilder mb, Modifiers modifiers, bool isInternal)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder;
if (isInternal)
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers, Types.Boolean }), new object[] { modifiers, isInternal });
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers }), new object[] { modifiers });
internal static void SetModifiers(ConstructorBuilder cb, Modifiers modifiers, bool isInternal)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder;
if (isInternal)
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers, Types.Boolean }), new object[] { modifiers, isInternal });
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers }), new object[] { modifiers });
internal static void SetModifiers(FieldBuilder fb, Modifiers modifiers, bool isInternal)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder;
if (isInternal)
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers, Types.Boolean }), new object[] { modifiers, isInternal });
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers }), new object[] { modifiers });
internal static void SetModifiers(PropertyBuilder pb, Modifiers modifiers, bool isInternal)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder;
if (isInternal)
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers, Types.Boolean }), new object[] { modifiers, isInternal });
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers }), new object[] { modifiers });
internal static void SetModifiers(TypeBuilder tb, Modifiers modifiers, bool isInternal)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder;
if (isInternal)
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers, Types.Boolean }), new object[] { modifiers, isInternal });
customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofModifiersAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeofModifiers }), new object[] { modifiers });
internal static void SetNameSig(MethodBase mb, string name, string sig)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofNameSigAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String, Types.String }), new object[] { name, sig });
MethodBuilder method = mb as MethodBuilder;
if(method != null)
internal static void SetNameSig(FieldBuilder fb, string name, string sig)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofNameSigAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String, Types.String }), new object[] { name, sig });
internal static void SetNameSig(PropertyBuilder pb, string name, string sig)
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofNameSigAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String, Types.String }), new object[] { name, sig });
internal static byte[] FreezeDryType(Type type)
System.IO.MemoryStream mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(mem, System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8);
return mem.ToArray();
internal static void SetInnerClass(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string innerClass, Modifiers modifiers)
Type[] argTypes = new Type[] { Types.String, typeofModifiers };
object[] args = new object[] { innerClass, modifiers };
ConstructorInfo ci = typeofInnerClassAttribute.GetConstructor(argTypes);
CustomAttributeBuilder customAttributeBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ci, args);
internal static void SetSourceFile(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string filename)
if(sourceFileAttribute == null)
sourceFileAttribute = typeofSourceFileAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(sourceFileAttribute, new object[] { filename }));
internal static void SetSourceFile(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, string filename)
if(sourceFileAttribute == null)
sourceFileAttribute = typeofSourceFileAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
moduleBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(sourceFileAttribute, new object[] { filename }));
internal static void SetLineNumberTable(MethodBase mb, IKVM.Attributes.LineNumberTableAttribute.LineNumberWriter writer)
object arg;
ConstructorInfo con;
if(writer.Count == 1)
if(lineNumberTableAttribute2 == null)
lineNumberTableAttribute2 = typeofLineNumberTableAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.UInt16 });
con = lineNumberTableAttribute2;
arg = (ushort)writer.LineNo;
if(lineNumberTableAttribute1 == null)
lineNumberTableAttribute1 = typeofLineNumberTableAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { JVM.Import(typeof(byte[])) });
con = lineNumberTableAttribute1;
arg = writer.ToArray();
if(mb is ConstructorBuilder)
((ConstructorBuilder)mb).SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(con, new object[] { arg }));
((MethodBuilder)mb).SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(con, new object[] { arg }));
internal static void SetEnclosingMethodAttribute(TypeBuilder tb, string className, string methodName, string methodSig)
if(enclosingMethodAttribute == null)
enclosingMethodAttribute = typeofEnclosingMethodAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String, Types.String, Types.String });
tb.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(enclosingMethodAttribute, new object[] { className, methodName, methodSig }));
internal static void SetSignatureAttribute(TypeBuilder tb, string signature)
if(signatureAttribute == null)
signatureAttribute = typeofSignatureAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
tb.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(signatureAttribute, new object[] { signature }));
internal static void SetSignatureAttribute(FieldBuilder fb, string signature)
if(signatureAttribute == null)
signatureAttribute = typeofSignatureAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
fb.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(signatureAttribute, new object[] { signature }));
internal static void SetSignatureAttribute(MethodBase mb, string signature)
if(signatureAttribute == null)
signatureAttribute = typeofSignatureAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String });
if(mb is ConstructorBuilder)
((ConstructorBuilder)mb).SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(signatureAttribute, new object[] { signature }));
((MethodBuilder)mb).SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(signatureAttribute, new object[] { signature }));
internal static void SetParamArrayAttribute(ParameterBuilder pb)
if(paramArrayAttribute == null)
paramArrayAttribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(JVM.Import(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute)).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static NameSigAttribute GetNameSig(FieldInfo field)
object[] attr = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameSigAttribute), false);
return attr.Length == 1 ? (NameSigAttribute)attr[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(field))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofNameSigAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new NameSigAttribute((string)args[0].Value, (string)args[1].Value);
return null;
internal static NameSigAttribute GetNameSig(PropertyInfo property)
object[] attr = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameSigAttribute), false);
return attr.Length == 1 ? (NameSigAttribute)attr[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(property))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofNameSigAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new NameSigAttribute((string)args[0].Value, (string)args[1].Value);
return null;
internal static NameSigAttribute GetNameSig(MethodBase method)
object[] attr = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameSigAttribute), false);
return attr.Length == 1 ? (NameSigAttribute)attr[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(method))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofNameSigAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new NameSigAttribute((string)args[0].Value, (string)args[1].Value);
return null;
internal static T[] DecodeArray<T>(CustomAttributeTypedArgument arg)
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> elems = (IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>)arg.Value;
T[] arr = new T[elems.Count];
for(int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
arr[i] = (T)elems[i].Value;
return arr;
internal static ImplementsAttribute GetImplements(Type type)
object[] attribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ImplementsAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (ImplementsAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofImplementsAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new ImplementsAttribute(DecodeArray<string>(args[0]));
return null;
internal static ThrowsAttribute GetThrows(MethodBase mb)
object[] attribs = mb.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ThrowsAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (ThrowsAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(mb))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofThrowsAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
if (args[0].ArgumentType == typeof(string[]))
return new ThrowsAttribute(DecodeArray<string>(args[0]));
else if (args[0].ArgumentType == typeof(Type[]))
return new ThrowsAttribute(DecodeArray<Type>(args[0]));
return new ThrowsAttribute((Type)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static string[] GetNonNestedInnerClasses(Type t)
object[] attribs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NonNestedInnerClassAttribute), false);
string[] classes = new string[attribs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < attribs.Length; i++)
classes[i] = ((NonNestedInnerClassAttribute)attribs[i]).InnerClassName;
return classes;
List<string> list = new List<string>();
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(t))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofNonNestedInnerClassAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return list.ToArray();
internal static string GetNonNestedOuterClasses(Type t)
object[] attribs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NonNestedOuterClassAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? ((NonNestedOuterClassAttribute)attribs[0]).OuterClassName : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(t))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofNonNestedOuterClassAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return (string)args[0].Value;
return null;
internal static SignatureAttribute GetSignature(MethodBase mb)
object[] attribs = mb.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SignatureAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (SignatureAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(mb))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofSignatureAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new SignatureAttribute((string)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static SignatureAttribute GetSignature(Type type)
object[] attribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SignatureAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (SignatureAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofSignatureAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new SignatureAttribute((string)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static SignatureAttribute GetSignature(FieldInfo fi)
object[] attribs = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SignatureAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (SignatureAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(fi))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofSignatureAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new SignatureAttribute((string)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static InnerClassAttribute GetInnerClass(Type type)
object[] attribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InnerClassAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (InnerClassAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofInnerClassAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new InnerClassAttribute((string)args[0].Value, (Modifiers)args[1].Value);
return null;
internal static RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute[] GetRemappedInterfaceMethods(Type type)
object[] attr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute), false);
RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute[] attr1 = new RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute[attr.Length];
Array.Copy(attr, attr1, attr.Length);
return attr1;
List<RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute> attrs = new List<RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute>();
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofRemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
attrs.Add(new RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute((string)args[0].Value, (string)args[1].Value));
return attrs.ToArray();
internal static RemappedTypeAttribute GetRemappedType(Type type)
object[] attribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RemappedTypeAttribute), false);
return attribs.Length == 1 ? (RemappedTypeAttribute)attribs[0] : null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofRemappedTypeAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
return new RemappedTypeAttribute((Type)args[0].Value);
return null;
internal static RemappedClassAttribute[] GetRemappedClasses(Assembly coreAssembly)
object[] attr = coreAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RemappedClassAttribute), false);
RemappedClassAttribute[] attr1 = new RemappedClassAttribute[attr.Length];
Array.Copy(attr, attr1, attr.Length);
return attr1;
List<RemappedClassAttribute> attrs = new List<RemappedClassAttribute>();
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(coreAssembly))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofRemappedClassAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
attrs.Add(new RemappedClassAttribute((string)args[0].Value, (Type)args[1].Value));
return attrs.ToArray();
internal static string GetAnnotationAttributeType(Type type)
object[] attr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AnnotationAttributeAttribute), false);
if(attr.Length == 1)
return ((AnnotationAttributeAttribute)attr[0]).AttributeType;
return null;
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofAnnotationAttributeAttribute))
return (string)cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
return null;
internal static AssemblyName[] GetInternalsVisibleToAttributes(Assembly assembly)
List<AssemblyName> list = new List<AssemblyName>();
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(assembly))
if(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType == JVM.Import(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute)))
list.Add(new AssemblyName((string)cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value));
// HACK since there is no list of exception that the AssemblyName constructor can throw, we simply catch all
return list.ToArray();
internal static bool IsDefined(Module mod, Type attribute)
return mod.IsDefined(attribute, false);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(mod))
// NOTE we don't support subtyping relations!
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, attribute))
return true;
return false;
internal static bool IsDefined(Assembly asm, Type attribute)
return asm.IsDefined(attribute, false);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(asm))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, attribute))
return true;
return false;
internal static bool IsDefined(Type type, Type attribute)
return type.IsDefined(attribute, false);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
// NOTE we don't support subtyping relations!
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, attribute))
return true;
return false;
internal static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo pi, Type attribute)
return pi.IsDefined(attribute, false);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(pi))
// NOTE we don't support subtyping relations!
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, attribute))
return true;
return false;
internal static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo member, Type attribute)
return member.IsDefined(attribute, false);
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(member))
// NOTE we don't support subtyping relations!
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, attribute))
return true;
return false;
internal static bool IsJavaModule(Module mod)
return IsDefined(mod, typeofJavaModuleAttribute);
internal static object[] GetJavaModuleAttributes(Module mod)
return mod.GetCustomAttributes(typeofJavaModuleAttribute, false);
List<JavaModuleAttribute> attrs = new List<JavaModuleAttribute>();
foreach(CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(mod))
if(MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofJavaModuleAttribute))
IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> args = cad.ConstructorArguments;
if(args.Count == 0)
attrs.Add(new JavaModuleAttribute());
attrs.Add(new JavaModuleAttribute(DecodeArray<string>(args[0])));
return attrs.ToArray();
internal static bool IsNoPackagePrefix(Type type)
return IsDefined(type, typeofNoPackagePrefixAttribute) || IsDefined(type.Assembly, typeofNoPackagePrefixAttribute);
internal static EnclosingMethodAttribute GetEnclosingMethodAttribute(Type type)
if (type.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
foreach (CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(type))
if (MatchTypes(cad.Constructor.DeclaringType, typeofEnclosingMethodAttribute))
return new EnclosingMethodAttribute((string)cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value, (string)cad.ConstructorArguments[1].Value, (string)cad.ConstructorArguments[2].Value);
object[] attr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnclosingMethodAttribute), false);
if (attr.Length == 1)
return (EnclosingMethodAttribute)attr[0];
return null;
internal static void SetRemappedClass(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, string name, Type shadowType)
ConstructorInfo remappedClassAttribute = typeofRemappedClassAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String, Types.Type });
assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(remappedClassAttribute, new object[] { name, shadowType }));
internal static void SetRemappedType(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, Type shadowType)
ConstructorInfo remappedTypeAttribute = typeofRemappedTypeAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.Type });
typeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(remappedTypeAttribute, new object[] { shadowType }));
internal static void SetRemappedInterfaceMethod(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string name, string mappedTo)
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofRemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.String, Types.String }), new object[] { name, mappedTo });
internal static void SetExceptionIsUnsafeForMapping(TypeBuilder typeBuilder)
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofExceptionIsUnsafeForMappingAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]);
internal static void SetConstantValue(FieldBuilder field, object constantValue)
CustomAttributeBuilder constantValueAttrib;
constantValueAttrib = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofConstantValueAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { JVM.Import(constantValue.GetType()) }), new object[] { constantValue });
catch (OverflowException)
// FXBUG for char values > 32K .NET (1.1 and 2.0) throws an exception (because it tries to convert to Int16)
if (constantValue is char)
// we use the int constant value instead, the stub generator can handle that
constantValueAttrib = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeofConstantValueAttribute.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.Int32 }), new object[] { (int)(char)constantValue });
internal static void SetRuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder)
Type runtimeCompatibilityAttribute = JVM.Import(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute));
assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(
runtimeCompatibilityAttribute.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0],
new PropertyInfo[] { runtimeCompatibilityAttribute.GetProperty("WrapNonExceptionThrows") }, new object[] { true },
new FieldInfo[0], new object[0]));
static class EnumHelper
internal static Type GetUnderlyingType(Type enumType)
return Enum.GetUnderlyingType(enumType);
internal static object Parse(Type type, string value)
object retval = null;
foreach (string str in value.Split(','))
FieldInfo field = type.GetField(str.Trim(), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
if (field == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Enum value '" + str + "' not found in " + type.FullName);
if (retval == null)
retval = field.GetRawConstantValue();
retval = OrBoxedIntegrals(retval, field.GetRawConstantValue());
return retval;
// note that we only support the integer types that C# supports
// (the CLI also supports bool, char, IntPtr & UIntPtr)
internal static object OrBoxedIntegrals(object v1, object v2)
Debug.Assert(v1.GetType() == v2.GetType());
if (v1 is ulong)
ulong l1 = (ulong)v1;
ulong l2 = (ulong)v2;
return l1 | l2;
long v = ((IConvertible)v1).ToInt64(null) | ((IConvertible)v2).ToInt64(null);
switch (Type.GetTypeCode(JVM.Import(v1.GetType())))
case TypeCode.SByte:
return (sbyte)v;
case TypeCode.Byte:
return (byte)v;
case TypeCode.Int16:
return (short)v;
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return (ushort)v;
case TypeCode.Int32:
return (int)v;
case TypeCode.UInt32:
return (uint)v;
case TypeCode.Int64:
return (long)v;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// this method can be used to convert an enum value or its underlying value to a Java primitive
internal static object GetPrimitiveValue(Type underlyingType, object obj)
if (underlyingType == Types.SByte || underlyingType == Types.Byte)
return unchecked((byte)((IConvertible)obj).ToInt32(null));
else if (underlyingType == Types.Int16 || underlyingType == Types.UInt16)
return unchecked((short)((IConvertible)obj).ToInt32(null));
else if (underlyingType == Types.Int32)
return ((IConvertible)obj).ToInt32(null);
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt32)
return unchecked((int)((IConvertible)obj).ToUInt32(null));
else if (underlyingType == Types.Int64)
return ((IConvertible)obj).ToInt64(null);
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt64)
return unchecked((long)((IConvertible)obj).ToUInt64(null));
throw new InvalidOperationException();
abstract class Annotation
// NOTE this method returns null if the type could not be found
// or if the type is not a Custom Attribute and we're not in the static compiler
internal static Annotation Load(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, object[] def)
string annotationClass = (string)def[1];
&& !annotationClass.EndsWith("$Annotation$__ReturnValue;")
&& !annotationClass.EndsWith("$Annotation$__Multiple;"))
// we don't want to try to load an annotation in dynamic mode,
// unless it is a .NET custom attribute (which can affect runtime behavior)
return null;
TypeWrapper annot = loader.RetTypeWrapperFromSig(annotationClass.Replace('/', '.'));
return annot.Annotation;
catch(ClassNotFoundException x)
StaticCompiler.IssueMessage(Message.ClassNotFound, x.Message);
return null;
catch (RetargetableJavaException)
Tracer.Warning(Tracer.Compiler, "Unable to load annotation class {0}", annotationClass);
return null;
private static object LookupEnumValue(Type enumType, string value)
FieldInfo field = enumType.GetField(value, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if(field != null)
return field.GetRawConstantValue();
// both __unspecified and missing values end up here
return Activator.CreateInstance(EnumHelper.GetUnderlyingType(enumType));
protected static object ConvertValue(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, Type targetType, object obj)
// TODO check the obj descriptor matches the type we expect
object[] arr = (object[])obj;
object value = null;
for(int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++)
// TODO check the obj descriptor matches the type we expect
string s = ((object[])arr[i])[2].ToString();
object newval = LookupEnumValue(targetType, s);
if (value == null)
value = newval;
value = EnumHelper.OrBoxedIntegrals(value, newval);
return value;
string s = ((object[])obj)[2].ToString();
if(s == "__unspecified")
// TODO we should probably return null and handle that
return LookupEnumValue(targetType, s);
else if(targetType == Types.Type)
// TODO check the obj descriptor matches the type we expect
return loader.FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(((string)((object[])obj)[1]).Replace('/', '.')).TypeAsTBD;
else if(targetType.IsArray)
// TODO check the obj descriptor matches the type we expect
object[] arr = (object[])obj;
Type elementType = targetType.GetElementType();
object[] targetArray = new object[arr.Length - 1];
for(int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++)
targetArray[i - 1] = ConvertValue(loader, elementType, arr[i]);
return targetArray;
return obj;
internal static bool MakeDeclSecurity(Type type, object annotation, out SecurityAction action, out PermissionSet permSet)
ConstructorInfo ci = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(SecurityAction) });
if (ci == null)
// TODO should we support HostProtectionAttribute? (which has a no-arg constructor)
// TODO issue message?
action = 0;
permSet = null;
return false;
SecurityAttribute attr = null;
object[] arr = (object[])annotation;
for (int i = 2; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
string name = (string)arr[i];
if (name == "value")
attr = (SecurityAttribute)ci.Invoke(new object[] { ConvertValue(null, typeof(SecurityAction), arr[i + 1]) });
if (attr == null)
// TODO issue message?
action = 0;
permSet = null;
return false;
for (int i = 2; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
string name = (string)arr[i];
if (name != "value")
PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(name);
pi.SetValue(attr, ConvertValue(null, pi.PropertyType, arr[i + 1]), null);
action = attr.Action;
permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
return true;
internal static bool HasRetentionPolicyRuntime(object[] annotations)
if(annotations != null)
foreach(object[] def in annotations)
for(int i = 2; i < def.Length; i += 2)
object[] val = def[i + 1] as object[];
if(val != null
&& val.Length == 3
&& val[0].Equals(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_ENUM)
&& val[1].Equals("Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy;")
&& val[2].Equals("RUNTIME"))
return true;
return false;
protected static object QualifyClassNames(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, object annotation)
bool copy = false;
object[] def = (object[])annotation;
for(int i = 3; i < def.Length; i += 2)
object[] val = def[i] as object[];
if(val != null)
object[] newval = ValueQualifyClassNames(loader, val);
if(newval != val)
copy = true;
object[] newdef = new object[def.Length];
Array.Copy(def, newdef, def.Length);
def = newdef;
def[i] = newval;
return def;
private static object[] ValueQualifyClassNames(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, object[] val)
return (object[])QualifyClassNames(loader, val);
else if(val[0].Equals(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_CLASS))
string sig = (string)val[1];
TypeWrapper tw = loader.LoadClassByDottedNameFast(sig.Substring(1, sig.Length - 2).Replace('/', '.'));
if(tw != null)
return new object[] { AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_CLASS, "L" + tw.TypeAsBaseType.AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace('.', '/') + ";" };
return val;
else if(val[0].Equals(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_ENUM))
string sig = (string)val[1];
TypeWrapper tw = loader.LoadClassByDottedNameFast(sig.Substring(1, sig.Length - 2).Replace('/', '.'));
if(tw != null)
return new object[] { AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_ENUM, "L" + tw.TypeAsBaseType.AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace('.', '/') + ";", val[2] };
return val;
else if(val[0].Equals(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_ARRAY))
bool copy = false;
for(int i = 1; i < val.Length; i++)
object[] nval = val[i] as object[];
if(nval != null)
object newnval = ValueQualifyClassNames(loader, nval);
if(newnval != nval)
copy = true;
object[] newval = new object[val.Length];
Array.Copy(val, newval, val.Length);
val = newval;
val[i] = newnval;
return val;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeBuilder tb, object annotation);
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, object annotation);
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ConstructorBuilder cb, object annotation);
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, FieldBuilder fb, object annotation);
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation);
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, AssemblyBuilder ab, object annotation);
internal abstract void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, PropertyBuilder pb, object annotation);
internal virtual void ApplyReturnValue(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, ref ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation)
enum TypeFlags : ushort
HasIncompleteInterfaceImplementation = 1,
InternalAccess = 2,
HasStaticInitializer = 4,
VerifyError = 8,
ClassFormatError = 16,
HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods = 32,
internal abstract class TypeWrapper
private readonly string name; // java name (e.g. java.lang.Object)
private readonly Modifiers modifiers;
private TypeFlags flags;
private MethodWrapper[] methods;
private FieldWrapper[] fields;
private readonly TypeWrapper baseWrapper;
private object classObject;
internal static readonly TypeWrapper[] EmptyArray = new TypeWrapper[0];
internal const Modifiers UnloadableModifiersHack = Modifiers.Final | Modifiers.Interface | Modifiers.Private;
internal const Modifiers VerifierTypeModifiersHack = Modifiers.Final | Modifiers.Interface;
internal TypeWrapper(Modifiers modifiers, string name, TypeWrapper baseWrapper)
// class name should be dotted or null for primitives
Debug.Assert(name == null || name.IndexOf('/') < 0);
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.name = name == null ? null : String.Intern(name);
this.baseWrapper = baseWrapper;
internal void EmitClassLiteral(CodeEmitter ilgen)
Type type = GetClassLiteralType();
// note that this has to be the same check as in LazyInitClass
if (!this.IsFastClassLiteralSafe || IsForbiddenTypeParameterType(type))
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, type);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, RuntimeHelperTypes.GetClassLiteralField(type));
private Type GetClassLiteralType()
TypeWrapper tw = this;
if (tw.IsGhostArray)
int rank = tw.ArrayRank;
while (tw.IsArray)
tw = tw.ElementTypeWrapper;
return ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(tw.TypeAsTBD, rank);
return tw.IsRemapped ? tw.TypeAsBaseType : tw.TypeAsTBD;
private static bool IsForbiddenTypeParameterType(Type type)
// these are the types that may not be used as a type argument when instantiating a generic type
return type == Types.Void
|| type == JVM.Import(typeof(ArgIterator))
|| type == JVM.Import(typeof(RuntimeArgumentHandle))
|| type == JVM.Import(typeof(TypedReference))
|| type.ContainsGenericParameters
|| type.IsByRef;
internal virtual bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
get { return false; }
internal void SetClassObject(object classObject)
this.classObject = classObject;
internal object ClassObject
Debug.Assert(!IsUnloadable && !IsVerifierType);
if (classObject == null)
return classObject;
private static bool IsReflectionOnly(Type type)
Assembly asm = type.Assembly;
if (asm.ReflectionOnly)
return true;
if (!type.IsGenericType || type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
return false;
// we have a generic type instantiation, it might have ReflectionOnly type arguments
foreach (Type arg in type.GetGenericArguments())
if (IsReflectionOnly(arg))
return true;
return false;
private java.lang.Class GetPrimitiveClass()
if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE)
return java.lang.Byte.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR)
return java.lang.Character.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE)
return java.lang.Double.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT)
return java.lang.Float.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT)
return java.lang.Integer.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG)
return java.lang.Long.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT)
return java.lang.Short.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN)
return java.lang.Boolean.TYPE;
else if (this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID)
return java.lang.Void.TYPE;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private void LazyInitClass()
lock (this)
if (classObject == null)
// DynamicTypeWrapper should haved already had SetClassObject explicitly
Debug.Assert(!(this is DynamicTypeWrapper));
java.lang.Class clazz;
// note that this has to be the same check as in EmitClassLiteral
if (!this.IsFastClassLiteralSafe)
if (this.IsPrimitive)
clazz = GetPrimitiveClass();
clazz = new java.lang.Class(null);
Type type = GetClassLiteralType();
if (IsForbiddenTypeParameterType(type) || IsReflectionOnly(type))
clazz = new java.lang.Class(type);
clazz = (java.lang.Class)typeof(ikvm.@internal.ClassLiteral<>).MakeGenericType(type).GetField("Value").GetValue(null);
#if __MonoCS__
SetTypeWrapperHack(ref clazz.typeWrapper, this);
clazz.typeWrapper = this;
// MONOBUG Interlocked.Exchange is broken on Mono, so we use CompareExchange
System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref classObject, clazz, null);
#if __MonoCS__
// MONOBUG this method is to work around an mcs bug
internal static void SetTypeWrapperHack<T>(ref T field, TypeWrapper type)
field = (T)(object)type;
private static void ResolvePrimitiveTypeWrapperClasses()
// note that we're evaluating all ClassObject properties for the side effect
// (to initialize and associate the ClassObject with the TypeWrapper)
if (PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN.ClassObject == null
|| PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID.ClassObject == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static TypeWrapper FromClass(object classObject)
return null;
java.lang.Class clazz = (java.lang.Class)classObject;
// MONOBUG redundant cast to workaround mcs bug
TypeWrapper tw = (TypeWrapper)(object)clazz.typeWrapper;
if(tw == null)
Type type = clazz.type;
if (type == null)
return FromClass(classObject);
if (type == typeof(void) || type.IsPrimitive || ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(type))
tw = DotNetTypeWrapper.GetWrapperFromDotNetType(type);
tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
#if __MonoCS__
SetTypeWrapperHack(ref clazz.typeWrapper, tw);
clazz.typeWrapper = tw;
return tw;
public override string ToString()
return GetType().Name + "[" + name + "]";
// For UnloadableTypeWrapper it tries to load the type through the specified loader
// and if that fails it throw a NoClassDefFoundError (not a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError),
// for all other types this is a no-op.
internal virtual TypeWrapper EnsureLoadable(ClassLoaderWrapper loader)
return this;
internal bool HasIncompleteInterfaceImplementation
return (flags & TypeFlags.HasIncompleteInterfaceImplementation) != 0 || (baseWrapper != null && baseWrapper.HasIncompleteInterfaceImplementation);
// TODO do we need locking here?
flags |= TypeFlags.HasIncompleteInterfaceImplementation;
flags &= ~TypeFlags.HasIncompleteInterfaceImplementation;
internal bool HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods
foreach(TypeWrapper iface in this.Interfaces)
return true;
return (flags & TypeFlags.HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods) != 0 || (baseWrapper != null && baseWrapper.HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods);
// TODO do we need locking here?
flags |= TypeFlags.HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods;
flags &= ~TypeFlags.HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods;
internal virtual bool HasStaticInitializer
return (flags & TypeFlags.HasStaticInitializer) != 0;
// TODO do we need locking here?
flags |= TypeFlags.HasStaticInitializer;
flags &= ~TypeFlags.HasStaticInitializer;
internal bool HasVerifyError
return (flags & TypeFlags.VerifyError) != 0;
// TODO do we need locking here?
flags |= TypeFlags.VerifyError;
flags &= ~TypeFlags.VerifyError;
internal bool HasClassFormatError
return (flags & TypeFlags.ClassFormatError) != 0;
// TODO do we need locking here?
flags |= TypeFlags.ClassFormatError;
flags &= ~TypeFlags.ClassFormatError;
internal virtual bool IsFakeTypeContainer
return false;
internal bool IsFakeNestedType
TypeWrapper outer = this.DeclaringTypeWrapper;
return outer != null && outer.IsFakeTypeContainer;
// a ghost is an interface that appears to be implemented by a .NET type
// (e.g. System.String (aka java.lang.String) appears to implement java.lang.CharSequence,
// so java.lang.CharSequence is a ghost)
internal virtual bool IsGhost
return false;
// is this an array type of which the ultimate element type is a ghost?
internal bool IsGhostArray
return !IsUnloadable && IsArray && (ElementTypeWrapper.IsGhost || ElementTypeWrapper.IsGhostArray);
internal virtual FieldInfo GhostRefField
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal virtual bool IsRemapped
return false;
internal bool IsArray
return name != null && name[0] == '[';
// NOTE for non-array types this returns 0
internal int ArrayRank
int i = 0;
if(name != null)
while(name[i] == '[')
return i;
internal bool IsNonPrimitiveValueType
return this != VerifierTypeWrapper.Null && !IsPrimitive && !IsGhost && TypeAsTBD.IsValueType;
internal bool IsPrimitive
return name == null;
internal bool IsWidePrimitive
return this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG || this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE;
internal bool IsIntOnStackPrimitive
return name == null &&
(this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN ||
this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE ||
this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR ||
this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT ||
this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT);
private static bool IsJavaPrimitive(Type type)
return type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT.TypeAsTBD
|| type == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID.TypeAsTBD;
internal bool IsBoxedPrimitive
return !IsPrimitive && IsJavaPrimitive(TypeAsSignatureType);
internal bool IsErasedOrBoxedPrimitiveOrRemapped
bool erased = IsUnloadable || IsGhostArray;
return erased || IsBoxedPrimitive || (IsRemapped && this is DotNetTypeWrapper);
internal bool IsUnloadable
// NOTE we abuse modifiers to note unloadable classes
return modifiers == UnloadableModifiersHack;
internal bool IsVerifierType
// NOTE we abuse modifiers to note verifier types
return modifiers == VerifierTypeModifiersHack;
internal virtual bool IsMapUnsafeException
return false;
internal Modifiers Modifiers
return modifiers;
// since for inner classes, the modifiers returned by Class.getModifiers are different from the actual
// modifiers (as used by the VM access control mechanism), we have this additional property
internal virtual Modifiers ReflectiveModifiers
return modifiers;
internal bool IsInternal
return (flags & TypeFlags.InternalAccess) != 0;
// TODO do we need locking here?
flags |= TypeFlags.InternalAccess;
flags &= ~TypeFlags.InternalAccess;
internal bool IsPublic
return (modifiers & Modifiers.Public) != 0;
internal bool IsAbstract
// interfaces don't need to marked abstract explicitly (and javac 1.1 didn't do it)
return (modifiers & (Modifiers.Abstract | Modifiers.Interface)) != 0;
internal bool IsFinal
return (modifiers & Modifiers.Final) != 0;
internal bool IsInterface
Debug.Assert(!IsUnloadable && !IsVerifierType);
return (modifiers & Modifiers.Interface) != 0;
// this exists because interfaces and arrays of interfaces are treated specially
// by the verifier, interfaces don't have a common base (other than java.lang.Object)
// so any object reference or object array reference can be used where an interface
// or interface array reference is expected (the compiler will insert the required casts).
internal bool IsInterfaceOrInterfaceArray
TypeWrapper tw = this;
tw = tw.ElementTypeWrapper;
return tw.IsInterface;
internal abstract ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader();
internal FieldWrapper GetFieldWrapper(string fieldName, string fieldSig)
foreach(FieldWrapper fw in GetFields())
if(fw.Name == fieldName && fw.Signature == fieldSig)
return fw;
foreach(TypeWrapper iface in this.Interfaces)
FieldWrapper fw = iface.GetFieldWrapper(fieldName, fieldSig);
if(fw != null)
return fw;
if(baseWrapper != null)
return baseWrapper.GetFieldWrapper(fieldName, fieldSig);
return null;
protected virtual void LazyPublishMembers()
if(methods == null)
methods = MethodWrapper.EmptyArray;
if(fields == null)
fields = FieldWrapper.EmptyArray;
protected virtual void LazyPublishMethods()
protected virtual void LazyPublishFields()
internal MethodWrapper[] GetMethods()
if(methods == null)
if(methods == null)
return methods;
internal FieldWrapper[] GetFields()
if(fields == null)
if(fields == null)
return fields;
internal MethodWrapper GetMethodWrapper(string name, string sig, bool inherit)
// We need to get the methods before calling String.IsInterned, because getting them might cause the strings to be interned
MethodWrapper[] methods = GetMethods();
// MemberWrapper interns the name and sig so we can use ref equality
// profiling has shown this to be more efficient
string _name = String.IsInterned(name);
string _sig = String.IsInterned(sig);
foreach(MethodWrapper mw in methods)
// NOTE we can use ref equality, because names and signatures are
// always interned by MemberWrapper
if(ReferenceEquals(mw.Name, _name) && ReferenceEquals(mw.Signature, _sig))
return mw;
if(inherit && baseWrapper != null)
return baseWrapper.GetMethodWrapper(name, sig, inherit);
return null;
internal void SetMethods(MethodWrapper[] methods)
Debug.Assert(methods != null);
this.methods = methods;
internal void SetFields(FieldWrapper[] fields)
Debug.Assert(fields != null);
this.fields = fields;
internal string Name
return name;
// the name of the type as it appears in a Java signature string (e.g. "Ljava.lang.Object;" or "I")
internal virtual string SigName
return "L" + this.Name + ";";
// returns true iff wrapper is allowed to access us
internal bool IsAccessibleFrom(TypeWrapper wrapper)
return IsPublic
|| (IsInternal && InternalsVisibleTo(wrapper))
|| IsPackageAccessibleFrom(wrapper);
internal bool InternalsVisibleTo(TypeWrapper wrapper)
return GetClassLoader().InternalsVisibleToImpl(this, wrapper);
internal bool IsPackageAccessibleFrom(TypeWrapper wrapper)
if (MatchingPackageNames(name, wrapper.name))
CompilerClassLoader ccl = GetClassLoader() as CompilerClassLoader;
if (ccl != null)
// this is a hack for multi target -sharedclassloader compilation
// (during compilation we have multiple CompilerClassLoader instances to represent the single shared runtime class loader)
return ccl.IsEquivalentTo(wrapper.GetClassLoader());
return GetClassLoader() == wrapper.GetClassLoader();
return false;
private static bool MatchingPackageNames(string name1, string name2)
int index1 = name1.LastIndexOf('.');
int index2 = name2.LastIndexOf('.');
if (index1 == -1 && index2 == -1)
return true;
// for array types we need to skip the brackets
int skip1 = 0;
int skip2 = 0;
while (name1[skip1] == '[')
while (name2[skip2] == '[')
if (skip1 > 0)
// skip over the L that follows the brackets
if (skip2 > 0)
// skip over the L that follows the brackets
if ((index1 - skip1) != (index2 - skip2))
return false;
return String.CompareOrdinal(name1, skip1, name2, skip2, index1 - skip1) == 0;
internal abstract Type TypeAsTBD
internal virtual TypeBuilder TypeAsBuilder
TypeBuilder typeBuilder = TypeAsTBD as TypeBuilder;
Debug.Assert(typeBuilder != null);
return typeBuilder;
internal Type TypeAsSignatureType
return Types.Object;
return ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(Types.Object, ArrayRank);
return TypeAsTBD;
internal virtual Type TypeAsBaseType
return TypeAsTBD;
internal Type TypeAsLocalOrStackType
if(IsUnloadable || IsGhost)
return Types.Object;
// return either System.ValueType or System.Enum
return TypeAsTBD.BaseType;
return ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(Types.Object, ArrayRank);
return TypeAsTBD;
/** <summary>Use this if the type is used as an array or array element</summary> */
internal Type TypeAsArrayType
if(IsUnloadable || IsGhost)
return Types.Object;
return ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(Types.Object, ArrayRank);
return TypeAsTBD;
internal Type TypeAsExceptionType
return Types.Exception;
return TypeAsTBD;
internal TypeWrapper BaseTypeWrapper
return baseWrapper;
internal TypeWrapper ElementTypeWrapper
Debug.Assert(this == VerifierTypeWrapper.Null || this.IsArray);
if(this == VerifierTypeWrapper.Null)
return VerifierTypeWrapper.Null;
// TODO consider caching the element type
case '[':
// NOTE this call to LoadClassByDottedNameFast can never fail and will not trigger a class load
// (because the ultimate element type was already loaded when this type was created)
return GetClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedNameFast(name.Substring(1));
case 'L':
// NOTE this call to LoadClassByDottedNameFast can never fail and will not trigger a class load
// (because the ultimate element type was already loaded when this type was created)
return GetClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedNameFast(name.Substring(2, name.Length - 3));
case 'Z':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN;
case 'B':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE;
case 'S':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT;
case 'C':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR;
case 'I':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT;
case 'J':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG;
case 'F':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT;
case 'D':
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE;
throw new InvalidOperationException(name);
internal TypeWrapper MakeArrayType(int rank)
Debug.Assert(rank != 0);
// NOTE this call to LoadClassByDottedNameFast can never fail and will not trigger a class load
return GetClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedNameFast(new String('[', rank) + this.SigName);
internal bool ImplementsInterface(TypeWrapper interfaceWrapper)
TypeWrapper typeWrapper = this;
while(typeWrapper != null)
TypeWrapper[] interfaces = typeWrapper.Interfaces;
for(int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
if(interfaces[i] == interfaceWrapper)
return true;
return true;
typeWrapper = typeWrapper.BaseTypeWrapper;
return false;
internal bool IsSubTypeOf(TypeWrapper baseType)
// make sure IsSubTypeOf isn't used on primitives
// can't be used on Unloadable
if(baseType == this)
return true;
return ImplementsInterface(baseType);
// NOTE this isn't just an optimization, it is also required when this is an interface
if(baseType == CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper)
return true;
TypeWrapper subType = this;
while(subType != baseType)
subType = subType.BaseTypeWrapper;
if(subType == null)
return false;
return true;
internal bool IsAssignableTo(TypeWrapper wrapper)
if(this == wrapper)
return true;
if(this.IsPrimitive || wrapper.IsPrimitive)
return false;
if(this == VerifierTypeWrapper.Null)
return true;
return ImplementsInterface(wrapper);
int rank1 = this.ArrayRank;
int rank2 = wrapper.ArrayRank;
if(rank1 > 0 && rank2 > 0)
TypeWrapper elem1 = this.ElementTypeWrapper;
TypeWrapper elem2 = wrapper.ElementTypeWrapper;
while(rank1 != 0 && rank2 != 0)
elem1 = elem1.ElementTypeWrapper;
elem2 = elem2.ElementTypeWrapper;
return (!elem1.IsNonPrimitiveValueType && elem1.IsSubTypeOf(elem2)) || (rank1 == rank2 && elem2.IsGhost && elem1 == CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper);
return this.IsSubTypeOf(wrapper);
internal bool IsInstance(object obj)
if(obj != null)
TypeWrapper thisWrapper = this;
TypeWrapper objWrapper = IKVM.NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.Util.GetTypeWrapperFromObject(obj);
return objWrapper.IsAssignableTo(thisWrapper);
return false;
internal abstract TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
// NOTE this property can only be called for finished types!
internal abstract TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
// NOTE this property can only be called for finished types!
internal abstract TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
internal abstract void Finish();
internal static void AssertFinished(Type type)
if(type != null)
type = type.GetElementType();
Debug.Assert(!(type is TypeBuilder));
internal void RunClassInit()
Type t = IsRemapped ? TypeAsBaseType : TypeAsTBD;
if(t != null)
internal void EmitUnbox(CodeEmitter ilgen)
internal void EmitBox(CodeEmitter ilgen)
internal void EmitConvSignatureTypeToStackType(CodeEmitter ilgen)
else if(this == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE)
else if(IsNonPrimitiveValueType)
else if(IsGhost)
LocalBuilder local = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TypeAsSignatureType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, local);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, local);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, GhostRefField);
// NOTE sourceType is optional and only used for interfaces,
// it is *not* used to automatically downcast
internal void EmitConvStackTypeToSignatureType(CodeEmitter ilgen, TypeWrapper sourceType)
LocalBuilder local1 = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TypeAsLocalOrStackType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, local1);
LocalBuilder local2 = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TypeAsSignatureType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, local2);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, local1);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, GhostRefField);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, local2);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldobj, TypeAsSignatureType);
// because of the way interface merging works, any reference is valid
// for any interface reference
else if(IsInterfaceOrInterfaceArray && (sourceType == null || sourceType.IsUnloadable || !sourceType.IsAssignableTo(this)))
else if(IsNonPrimitiveValueType)
else if(sourceType != null && sourceType.IsUnloadable)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, TypeAsSignatureType);
internal virtual void EmitCheckcast(TypeWrapper context, CodeEmitter ilgen)
// TODO make sure we get the right "Cast" method and cache it
// NOTE for dynamic ghosts we don't end up here because AotTypeWrapper overrides this method,
// so we're safe to call GetMethod on TypeAsTBD (because it has to be a compiled type, if we're here)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, TypeAsTBD.GetMethod("Cast"));
else if(IsGhostArray)
// TODO make sure we get the right "CastArray" method and cache it
// NOTE for dynamic ghosts we don't end up here because AotTypeWrapper overrides this method,
// so we're safe to call GetMethod on TypeAsTBD (because it has to be a compiled type, if we're here)
TypeWrapper tw = this;
int rank = 0;
tw = tw.ElementTypeWrapper;
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, rank);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, tw.TypeAsTBD.GetMethod("CastArray"));
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(Types.Object, rank));
internal virtual void EmitInstanceOf(TypeWrapper context, CodeEmitter ilgen)
// TODO make sure we get the right "IsInstance" method and cache it
// NOTE for dynamic ghosts we don't end up here because DynamicTypeWrapper overrides this method,
// so we're safe to call GetMethod on TypeAsTBD (because it has to be a compiled type, if we're here)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, TypeAsTBD.GetMethod("IsInstance"));
else if(IsGhostArray)
// TODO make sure we get the right "IsInstanceArray" method and cache it
// NOTE for dynamic ghosts we don't end up here because DynamicTypeWrapper overrides this method,
// so we're safe to call GetMethod on TypeAsTBD (because it has to be a compiled type, if we're here)
TypeWrapper tw = this;
int rank = 0;
tw = tw.ElementTypeWrapper;
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, rank);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, tw.TypeAsTBD.GetMethod("IsInstanceArray"));
// NOTE don't call this method, call MethodWrapper.Link instead
internal virtual MethodBase LinkMethod(MethodWrapper mw)
return mw.GetMethod();
// NOTE don't call this method, call FieldWrapper.Link instead
internal virtual FieldInfo LinkField(FieldWrapper fw)
return fw.GetField();
internal virtual void EmitRunClassConstructor(CodeEmitter ilgen)
internal virtual string GetGenericSignature()
return null;
internal virtual string GetGenericMethodSignature(MethodWrapper mw)
return null;
internal virtual string GetGenericFieldSignature(FieldWrapper fw)
return null;
internal virtual string[] GetEnclosingMethod()
return null;
internal virtual object[] GetDeclaredAnnotations()
return null;
internal virtual object[] GetMethodAnnotations(MethodWrapper mw)
return null;
internal virtual object[][] GetParameterAnnotations(MethodWrapper mw)
return null;
internal virtual object[] GetFieldAnnotations(FieldWrapper fw)
return null;
internal virtual string GetSourceFileName()
return null;
internal virtual int GetSourceLineNumber(MethodBase mb, int ilOffset)
return -1;
internal virtual object GetAnnotationDefault(MethodWrapper mw)
MethodBase mb = mw.GetMethod();
if(mb != null)
return null;
object[] attr = mb.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AnnotationDefaultAttribute), false);
if(attr.Length == 1)
return JVM.NewAnnotationElementValue(mw.DeclaringType.GetClassLoader().GetJavaClassLoader(), mw.ReturnType.ClassObject, ((AnnotationDefaultAttribute)attr[0]).Value);
return null;
internal virtual Annotation Annotation
return null;
internal virtual Type EnumType
return null;
protected static TypeWrapper[] GetImplementedInterfacesAsTypeWrappers(Type type)
Type[] interfaceTypes = type.GetInterfaces();
TypeWrapper[] interfaces = new TypeWrapper[interfaceTypes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceTypes.Length; i++)
Type decl = interfaceTypes[i].DeclaringType;
if (decl != null && AttributeHelper.IsGhostInterface(decl))
// we have to return the declaring type for ghost interfaces
interfaces[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(decl);
interfaces[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(interfaceTypes[i]);
return interfaces;
internal TypeWrapper GetPublicBaseTypeWrapper()
if (this.IsInterface)
return CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper;
for (TypeWrapper tw = this; ; tw = tw.BaseTypeWrapper)
if (tw.IsPublic)
return tw;
sealed class UnloadableTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
internal UnloadableTypeWrapper(string name)
: base(TypeWrapper.UnloadableModifiersHack, name, null)
if(name != "<verifier>")
int skip = 1;
while(name[skip++] == '[');
name = name.Substring(skip, name.Length - skip - 1);
StaticCompiler.IssueMessage(Message.ClassNotFound, name);
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return null;
internal override TypeWrapper EnsureLoadable(ClassLoaderWrapper loader)
TypeWrapper tw = loader.LoadClassByDottedNameFast(this.Name);
if(tw == null)
throw new NoClassDefFoundError(this.Name);
return tw;
internal override string SigName
string name = Name;
return name;
return "L" + name + ";";
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
throw new InvalidOperationException("LazyPublishMembers called on UnloadableTypeWrapper: " + Name);
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
throw new InvalidOperationException("get_Type called on UnloadableTypeWrapper: " + Name);
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
throw new InvalidOperationException("get_Interfaces called on UnloadableTypeWrapper: " + Name);
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
throw new InvalidOperationException("get_InnerClasses called on UnloadableTypeWrapper: " + Name);
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
throw new InvalidOperationException("get_DeclaringTypeWrapper called on UnloadableTypeWrapper: " + Name);
internal override void Finish()
throw new InvalidOperationException("Finish called on UnloadableTypeWrapper: " + Name);
internal override void EmitCheckcast(TypeWrapper context, CodeEmitter ilgen)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, context.TypeAsTBD);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, Name);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.DynamicCast);
internal override void EmitInstanceOf(TypeWrapper context, CodeEmitter ilgen)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, context.TypeAsTBD);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, Name);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.DynamicInstanceOf);
sealed class PrimitiveTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper BYTE = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Byte, "B");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper CHAR = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Char, "C");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper DOUBLE = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Double, "D");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper FLOAT = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Single, "F");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper INT = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Int32, "I");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper LONG = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Int64, "J");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper SHORT = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Int16, "S");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper BOOLEAN = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Boolean, "Z");
internal static readonly PrimitiveTypeWrapper VOID = new PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Types.Void, "V");
private readonly Type type;
private readonly string sigName;
private PrimitiveTypeWrapper(Type type, string sigName)
: base(Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Abstract | Modifiers.Final, null, null)
this.type = type;
this.sigName = sigName;
internal static bool IsPrimitiveType(Type type)
return type == BYTE.type
|| type == CHAR.type
|| type == DOUBLE.type
|| type == FLOAT.type
|| type == INT.type
|| type == LONG.type
|| type == SHORT.type
|| type == BOOLEAN.type
|| type == VOID.type;
internal override string SigName
return sigName;
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader();
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return type;
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return null;
internal override void Finish()
public override string ToString()
return "PrimitiveTypeWrapper[" + sigName + "]";
class CompiledTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
private readonly Type type;
private TypeWrapper[] interfaces;
private MethodInfo clinitMethod;
private bool clinitMethodSet;
private Modifiers reflectiveModifiers;
internal static CompiledTypeWrapper newInstance(string name, Type type)
// TODO since ghost and remapped types can only exist in the core library assembly, we probably
// should be able to remove the Type.IsDefined() tests in most cases
if(type.IsValueType && AttributeHelper.IsGhostInterface(type))
return new CompiledGhostTypeWrapper(name, type);
else if(AttributeHelper.IsRemappedType(type))
return new CompiledRemappedTypeWrapper(name, type);
return new CompiledTypeWrapper(name, type);
private sealed class CompiledRemappedTypeWrapper : CompiledTypeWrapper
private readonly Type remappedType;
internal CompiledRemappedTypeWrapper(string name, Type type)
: base(name, type)
RemappedTypeAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetRemappedType(type);
if(attr == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
remappedType = attr.Type;
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return remappedType;
internal override bool IsRemapped
return true;
protected override void LazyPublishMethods()
List<MethodWrapper> list = new List<MethodWrapper>();
const BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance;
foreach(ConstructorInfo ctor in type.GetConstructors(bindingFlags))
AddMethod(list, ctor);
foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods(bindingFlags))
AddMethod(list, method);
// if we're a remapped interface, we need to get the methods from the real interface
Type nestedHelper = type.GetNestedType("__Helper", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
foreach(RemappedInterfaceMethodAttribute m in AttributeHelper.GetRemappedInterfaceMethods(type))
MethodInfo method = remappedType.GetMethod(m.MappedTo);
MethodInfo mbHelper = method;
ExModifiers modifiers = AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(method, false);
string name;
string sig;
TypeWrapper retType;
TypeWrapper[] paramTypes;
MemberFlags flags = MemberFlags.None;
GetNameSigFromMethodBase(method, out name, out sig, out retType, out paramTypes, ref flags);
if(nestedHelper != null)
mbHelper = nestedHelper.GetMethod(m.Name);
if(mbHelper == null)
mbHelper = method;
list.Add(new CompiledRemappedMethodWrapper(this, m.Name, sig, method, retType, paramTypes, modifiers, false, mbHelper, null));
private void AddMethod(List<MethodWrapper> list, MethodBase method)
&& (remappedType.IsSealed || !method.Name.StartsWith("instancehelper_"))
&& (!remappedType.IsSealed || method.IsStatic))
protected override void LazyPublishFields()
List<FieldWrapper> list = new List<FieldWrapper>();
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach(FieldInfo field in fields)
private MethodWrapper CreateRemappedMethodWrapper(MethodBase mb)
ExModifiers modifiers = AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(mb, false);
string name;
string sig;
TypeWrapper retType;
TypeWrapper[] paramTypes;
MemberFlags flags = MemberFlags.None;
GetNameSigFromMethodBase(mb, out name, out sig, out retType, out paramTypes, ref flags);
MethodInfo mbHelper = mb as MethodInfo;
bool hideFromReflection = mbHelper != null && AttributeHelper.IsHideFromReflection(mbHelper);
MethodInfo mbNonvirtualHelper = null;
if(!mb.IsStatic && !mb.IsConstructor)
ParameterInfo[] parameters = mb.GetParameters();
Type[] argTypes = new Type[parameters.Length + 1];
argTypes[0] = remappedType;
for(int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
argTypes[i + 1] = parameters[i].ParameterType;
MethodInfo helper = type.GetMethod("instancehelper_" + mb.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, argTypes, null);
if(helper != null)
mbHelper = helper;
mbNonvirtualHelper = type.GetMethod("nonvirtualhelper/" + mb.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static, null, argTypes, null);
return new CompiledRemappedMethodWrapper(this, name, sig, mb, retType, paramTypes, modifiers, hideFromReflection, mbHelper, mbNonvirtualHelper);
private sealed class CompiledGhostTypeWrapper : CompiledTypeWrapper
private FieldInfo ghostRefField;
private Type typeAsBaseType;
internal CompiledGhostTypeWrapper(string name, Type type)
: base(name, type)
internal override Type TypeAsBaseType
if(typeAsBaseType == null)
typeAsBaseType = type.GetNestedType("__Interface");
return typeAsBaseType;
internal override FieldInfo GhostRefField
if(ghostRefField == null)
ghostRefField = type.GetField("__<ref>");
return ghostRefField;
internal override bool IsGhost
return true;
internal static string GetName(Type type)
// look for our custom attribute, that contains the real name of the type (for inner classes)
InnerClassAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetInnerClass(type);
if(attr != null)
string name = attr.InnerClassName;
if(name != null)
return name;
if(type.DeclaringType != null)
return GetName(type.DeclaringType) + "$" + type.Name;
return type.FullName;
// TODO consider resolving the baseType lazily
private static TypeWrapper GetBaseTypeWrapper(Type type)
if(type.IsInterface || AttributeHelper.IsGhostInterface(type))
return null;
else if(type.BaseType == null)
// System.Object must appear to be derived from java.lang.Object
return CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper;
RemappedTypeAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetRemappedType(type);
if(attr != null)
if(attr.Type == Types.Object)
return null;
return CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper;
TypeWrapper tw = null;
while(tw == null)
type = type.BaseType;
tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
return tw;
private CompiledTypeWrapper(ExModifiers exmod, string name, TypeWrapper baseTypeWrapper)
: base(exmod.Modifiers, name, baseTypeWrapper)
this.IsInternal = exmod.IsInternal;
private CompiledTypeWrapper(string name, Type type)
: this(GetModifiers(type), name, GetBaseTypeWrapper(type))
Debug.Assert(!(type is TypeBuilder));
this.type = type;
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(type.Assembly);
private static ExModifiers GetModifiers(Type type)
ModifiersAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetModifiersAttribute(type);
if(attr != null)
return new ExModifiers(attr.Modifiers, attr.IsInternal);
// only returns public, protected, private, final, static, abstract and interface (as per
// the documentation of Class.getModifiers())
Modifiers modifiers = 0;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
// TODO do we really need to look for nested attributes? I think all inner classes will have the ModifiersAttribute.
else if(type.IsNestedPublic)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Static;
else if(type.IsNestedPrivate)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Private | Modifiers.Static;
else if(type.IsNestedFamily || type.IsNestedFamORAssem)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Protected | Modifiers.Static;
else if(type.IsNestedAssembly || type.IsNestedFamANDAssem)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Static;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Final;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Abstract;
modifiers |= Modifiers.Interface;
return new ExModifiers(modifiers, false);
internal override bool HasStaticInitializer
clinitMethod = type.GetMethod("__<clinit>", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
clinitMethodSet = true;
return clinitMethod != null;
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
if(interfaces == null)
interfaces = GetInterfaces();
return interfaces;
private TypeWrapper[] GetInterfaces()
// NOTE instead of getting the interfaces list from Type, we use a custom
// attribute to list the implemented interfaces, because Java reflection only
// reports the interfaces *directly* implemented by the type, not the inherited
// interfaces. This is significant for serialVersionUID calculation (for example).
ImplementsAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetImplements(type);
if (attr == null)
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
string[] interfaceNames = attr.Interfaces;
TypeWrapper[] interfaceWrappers = new TypeWrapper[interfaceNames.Length];
if (this.IsRemapped)
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceWrappers.Length; i++)
interfaceWrappers[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical(interfaceNames[i]);
TypeWrapper[] typeWrappers = GetImplementedInterfacesAsTypeWrappers(type);
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceWrappers.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < typeWrappers.Length; j++)
if (typeWrappers[j].Name == interfaceNames[i])
interfaceWrappers[i] = typeWrappers[j];
if (interfaceWrappers[i] == null)
JVM.CriticalFailure("Unable to resolve interface " + interfaceNames[i] + " on type " + this, null);
return interfaceWrappers;
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
Type[] nestedTypes = type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
List<TypeWrapper> wrappers = new List<TypeWrapper>();
for(int i = 0; i < nestedTypes.Length; i++)
if(!AttributeHelper.IsHideFromJava(nestedTypes[i]) && !nestedTypes[i].Name.StartsWith("__<"))
foreach(string s in AttributeHelper.GetNonNestedInnerClasses(type))
return wrappers.ToArray();
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
Type declaringType = type.DeclaringType;
if(declaringType != null)
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(declaringType);
string decl = AttributeHelper.GetNonNestedOuterClasses(type);
if(decl != null)
return GetClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedName(decl);
return null;
internal override Modifiers ReflectiveModifiers
if (reflectiveModifiers == 0)
InnerClassAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetInnerClass(type);
if (attr != null)
reflectiveModifiers = attr.Modifiers;
reflectiveModifiers = Modifiers;
return reflectiveModifiers;
internal override Type TypeAsBaseType
return type;
private void SigTypePatchUp(string sigtype, ref TypeWrapper type)
if(sigtype != type.SigName)
// if type is an array, we know that it is a ghost array, because arrays of unloadable are compiled
// as object (not as arrays of object)
type = GetClassLoader().FieldTypeWrapperFromSig(sigtype);
else if(type.IsPrimitive)
type = DotNetTypeWrapper.GetWrapperFromDotNetType(type.TypeAsTBD);
if(sigtype != type.SigName)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
else if(type.IsNonPrimitiveValueType)
// this can't happen and even if it does happen we cannot return
// UnloadableTypeWrapper because that would result in incorrect code
// being generated
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if(sigtype[0] == 'L')
sigtype = sigtype.Substring(1, sigtype.Length - 2);
TypeWrapper tw = GetClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedNameFast(sigtype);
if(tw != null && tw.IsRemapped)
type = tw;
type = new UnloadableTypeWrapper(sigtype);
private static void ParseSig(string sig, out string[] sigparam, out string sigret)
List<string> list = new List<string>();
int pos = 1;
case 'L':
int end = sig.IndexOf(';', pos) + 1;
list.Add(sig.Substring(pos, end - pos));
pos = end;
case '[':
int skip = 1;
while(sig[pos + skip] == '[') skip++;
if(sig[pos + skip] == 'L')
int end = sig.IndexOf(';', pos) + 1;
list.Add(sig.Substring(pos, end - pos));
pos = end;
list.Add(sig.Substring(pos, skip));
pos += skip;
case ')':
sigparam = list.ToArray();
sigret = sig.Substring(pos + 1);
list.Add(sig.Substring(pos, 1));
private void GetNameSigFromMethodBase(MethodBase method, out string name, out string sig, out TypeWrapper retType, out TypeWrapper[] paramTypes, ref MemberFlags flags)
retType = method is ConstructorInfo ? PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID : ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(((MethodInfo)method).ReturnType);
ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
int len = parameters.Length;
if(len > 0
&& parameters[len - 1].ParameterType == CoreClasses.ikvm.@internal.CallerID.Wrapper.TypeAsSignatureType
&& !method.DeclaringType.IsInterface
&& GetClassLoader() == ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader())
flags |= MemberFlags.CallerID;
paramTypes = new TypeWrapper[len];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
paramTypes[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(parameters[i].ParameterType);
NameSigAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetNameSig(method);
if(attr != null)
name = attr.Name;
sig = attr.Sig;
string[] sigparams;
string sigret;
ParseSig(sig, out sigparams, out sigret);
// HACK newhelper methods have a return type, but it should be void
if(name == "<init>")
retType = PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID;
SigTypePatchUp(sigret, ref retType);
// if we have a remapped method, the paramTypes array contains an additional entry for "this" so we have
// to remove that
if(paramTypes.Length == sigparams.Length + 1)
TypeWrapper[] temp = paramTypes;
paramTypes = new TypeWrapper[sigparams.Length];
Array.Copy(temp, 1, paramTypes, 0, paramTypes.Length);
Debug.Assert(sigparams.Length == paramTypes.Length);
for(int i = 0; i < sigparams.Length; i++)
SigTypePatchUp(sigparams[i], ref paramTypes[i]);
if(method is ConstructorInfo)
name = method.IsStatic ? "<clinit>" : "<init>";
name = method.Name;
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder("(");
foreach(TypeWrapper tw in paramTypes)
sig = sb.ToString();
private sealed class DelegateConstructorMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
private readonly ConstructorInfo constructor;
private MethodInfo invoke;
private DelegateConstructorMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper tw, TypeWrapper iface, ExModifiers mods)
: base(tw, StringConstants.INIT, "(" + iface.SigName + ")V", null, PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID, new TypeWrapper[] { iface }, mods.Modifiers, mods.IsInternal ? MemberFlags.InternalAccess : MemberFlags.None)
internal DelegateConstructorMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper tw, MethodBase method)
: this(tw, tw.GetClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedName(tw.Name + DotNetTypeWrapper.DelegateInterfaceSuffix), AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(method, false))
constructor = (ConstructorInfo)method;
protected override void DoLinkMethod()
MethodWrapper mw = GetParameters()[0].GetMethods()[0];
invoke = (MethodInfo)mw.GetMethod();
internal override void EmitNewobj(CodeEmitter ilgen, MethodAnalyzer ma, int opcodeIndex)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldvirtftn, invoke);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor);
protected override void LazyPublishMethods()
bool isDelegate = type.BaseType == Types.MulticastDelegate;
List<MethodWrapper> methods = new List<MethodWrapper>();
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance;
foreach(ConstructorInfo ctor in type.GetConstructors(flags))
if(isDelegate && !ctor.IsStatic && !AttributeHelper.IsHideFromJava(ctor))
methods.Add(new DelegateConstructorMethodWrapper(this, ctor));
AddMethodOrConstructor(ctor, methods);
foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods(flags))
AddMethodOrConstructor(method, methods);
private void AddMethodOrConstructor(MethodBase method, List<MethodWrapper> methods)
if(method.IsSpecialName && method.Name.StartsWith("__<"))
// skip
string name;
string sig;
TypeWrapper retType;
TypeWrapper[] paramTypes;
MethodInfo mi = method as MethodInfo;
bool hideFromReflection = mi != null ? AttributeHelper.IsHideFromReflection(mi) : false;
MemberFlags flags = hideFromReflection ? MemberFlags.HideFromReflection : MemberFlags.None;
GetNameSigFromMethodBase(method, out name, out sig, out retType, out paramTypes, ref flags);
ExModifiers mods = AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(method, false);
flags |= MemberFlags.InternalAccess;
methods.Add(MethodWrapper.Create(this, name, sig, method, retType, paramTypes, mods.Modifiers, flags));
protected override void LazyPublishFields()
List<FieldWrapper> fields = new List<FieldWrapper>();
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance;
foreach(FieldInfo field in type.GetFields(flags))
if(field.IsSpecialName && field.Name.StartsWith("__<"))
// skip
foreach(PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties(flags))
// NOTE explictly defined properties (in map.xml) are decorated with HideFromJava,
// so we don't need to worry about them here
// Only AccessStub properties (marked by HideFromReflectionAttribute or NameSigAttribute)
// are considered here
FieldWrapper accessStub;
if(CompiledAccessStubFieldWrapper.TryGet(this, property, out accessStub))
// If the property has a ModifiersAttribute, we know that it is an explicit property
// (defined in Java source by an @ikvm.lang.Property annotation)
ModifiersAttribute mods = AttributeHelper.GetModifiersAttribute(property);
if(mods != null)
fields.Add(new CompiledPropertyFieldWrapper(this, property, new ExModifiers(mods.Modifiers, mods.IsInternal)));
private class CompiledRemappedMethodWrapper : SmartMethodWrapper
private MethodInfo mbHelper;
private MethodInfo mbNonvirtualHelper;
internal CompiledRemappedMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper declaringType, string name, string sig, MethodBase method, TypeWrapper returnType, TypeWrapper[] parameterTypes, ExModifiers modifiers, bool hideFromReflection, MethodInfo mbHelper, MethodInfo mbNonvirtualHelper)
: base(declaringType, name, sig, method, returnType, parameterTypes, modifiers.Modifiers,
(modifiers.IsInternal ? MemberFlags.InternalAccess : MemberFlags.None) | (hideFromReflection ? MemberFlags.HideFromReflection : MemberFlags.None))
this.mbHelper = mbHelper;
this.mbNonvirtualHelper = mbNonvirtualHelper;
protected override void CallImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
MethodBase mb = GetMethod();
MethodInfo mi = mb as MethodInfo;
if(mi != null)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mi);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, (ConstructorInfo)mb);
protected override void CallvirtImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
Debug.Assert(!mbHelper.IsStatic || mbHelper.Name.StartsWith("instancehelper_") || mbHelper.DeclaringType.Name == "__Helper");
ilgen.Emit(mbHelper.IsStatic ? OpCodes.Call : OpCodes.Callvirt, mbHelper);
// HACK the helper is not public, this means that we're dealing with finalize or clone
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, (MethodInfo)GetMethod());
protected override void NewobjImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
MethodBase mb = GetMethod();
MethodInfo mi = mb as MethodInfo;
if(mi != null)
Debug.Assert(mi.Name == "newhelper");
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mi);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, (ConstructorInfo)mb);
protected override object InvokeNonvirtualRemapped(object obj, object[] args)
Type[] p1 = GetParametersForDefineMethod();
Type[] argTypes = new Type[p1.Length + 1];
p1.CopyTo(argTypes, 1);
argTypes[0] = this.DeclaringType.TypeAsSignatureType;
MethodInfo mi = mbNonvirtualHelper;
if (mi == null)
mi = mbHelper;
object[] args1 = new object[args.Length + 1];
args1[0] = obj;
args.CopyTo(args1, 1);
return mi.Invoke(null, args1);
internal override void EmitCallvirtReflect(CodeEmitter ilgen)
MethodBase mb = mbHelper != null ? mbHelper : GetMethod();
ilgen.Emit(mb.IsStatic ? OpCodes.Call : OpCodes.Callvirt, (MethodInfo)mb);
internal string GetGenericSignature()
SignatureAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetSignature(mbHelper != null ? mbHelper : GetMethod());
if(attr != null)
return attr.Signature;
return null;
private FieldWrapper CreateFieldWrapper(PropertyInfo prop)
MethodInfo getter = prop.GetGetMethod(true);
ExModifiers modifiers = AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(getter, false);
// for static methods AttributeHelper.GetModifiers won't set the Final flag
modifiers = new ExModifiers(modifiers.Modifiers | Modifiers.Final, modifiers.IsInternal);
string name = prop.Name;
TypeWrapper type = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(prop.PropertyType);
NameSigAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetNameSig(getter);
if(attr != null)
name = attr.Name;
SigTypePatchUp(attr.Sig, ref type);
return new GetterFieldWrapper(this, type, null, name, type.SigName, modifiers, getter, prop);
private FieldWrapper CreateFieldWrapper(FieldInfo field)
ExModifiers modifiers = AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(field, false);
string name = field.Name;
TypeWrapper type = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(field.FieldType);
NameSigAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetNameSig(field);
if(attr != null)
name = attr.Name;
SigTypePatchUp(attr.Sig, ref type);
MemberFlags flags = MemberFlags.None;
flags |= MemberFlags.HideFromReflection;
flags |= MemberFlags.InternalAccess;
return new ConstantFieldWrapper(this, type, name, type.SigName, modifiers.Modifiers, field, null, flags);
return FieldWrapper.Create(this, type, field, name, type.SigName, modifiers);
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return type;
internal override bool IsMapUnsafeException
return AttributeHelper.IsExceptionIsUnsafeForMapping(type);
internal override void Finish()
if(BaseTypeWrapper != null)
foreach(TypeWrapper tw in this.Interfaces)
internal override void EmitRunClassConstructor(CodeEmitter ilgen)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, clinitMethod);
internal override string GetGenericSignature()
SignatureAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetSignature(type);
if(attr != null)
return attr.Signature;
return null;
internal override string GetGenericMethodSignature(MethodWrapper mw)
if(mw is CompiledRemappedMethodWrapper)
return ((CompiledRemappedMethodWrapper)mw).GetGenericSignature();
MethodBase mb = mw.GetMethod();
if(mb != null)
SignatureAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetSignature(mb);
if(attr != null)
return attr.Signature;
return null;
internal override string GetGenericFieldSignature(FieldWrapper fw)
FieldInfo fi = fw.GetField();
if(fi != null)
SignatureAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetSignature(fi);
if(attr != null)
return attr.Signature;
GetterFieldWrapper getter = fw as GetterFieldWrapper;
if(getter != null)
SignatureAttribute attr = AttributeHelper.GetSignature(getter.GetGetter());
if(attr != null)
return attr.Signature;
return null;
internal override string[] GetEnclosingMethod()
EnclosingMethodAttribute enc = AttributeHelper.GetEnclosingMethodAttribute(type);
if (enc != null)
return new string[] { enc.ClassName, enc.MethodName, enc.MethodSignature };
return null;
internal override object[] GetDeclaredAnnotations()
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return type.GetCustomAttributes(false);
internal override object[] GetMethodAnnotations(MethodWrapper mw)
MethodBase mb = mw.GetMethod();
if(mb == null)
// delegate constructor
return null;
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return mb.GetCustomAttributes(false);
internal override object[][] GetParameterAnnotations(MethodWrapper mw)
MethodBase mb = mw.GetMethod();
if(mb == null)
// delegate constructor
return null;
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
ParameterInfo[] parameters = mb.GetParameters();
int skip = 0;
if(mb.IsStatic && !mw.IsStatic && mw.Name != "<init>")
skip = 1;
int skipEnd = 0;
skipEnd = 1;
object[][] attribs = new object[parameters.Length - skip - skipEnd][];
for(int i = skip; i < parameters.Length - skipEnd; i++)
attribs[i - skip] = parameters[i].GetCustomAttributes(false);
return attribs;
internal override object[] GetFieldAnnotations(FieldWrapper fw)
FieldInfo field = fw.GetField();
if(field != null)
if (field.DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return field.GetCustomAttributes(false);
GetterFieldWrapper getter = fw as GetterFieldWrapper;
if(getter != null)
if (getter.GetGetter().DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return getter.GetGetter().GetCustomAttributes(false);
CompiledPropertyFieldWrapper prop = fw as CompiledPropertyFieldWrapper;
if(prop != null)
if (prop.GetProperty().DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return prop.GetProperty().GetCustomAttributes(false);
return new object[0];
private class CompiledAnnotation : Annotation
private Type type;
internal CompiledAnnotation(Type type)
this.type = type;
private CustomAttributeBuilder MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(object annotation)
return new CustomAttributeBuilder(type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { JVM.Import(typeof(object[])) }), new object[] { annotation });
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeBuilder tb, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ConstructorBuilder cb, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, FieldBuilder fb, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, AssemblyBuilder ab, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, PropertyBuilder pb, object annotation)
annotation = QualifyClassNames(loader, annotation);
internal override Annotation Annotation
string annotationAttribute = AttributeHelper.GetAnnotationAttributeType(type);
if(annotationAttribute != null)
return new CompiledAnnotation(type.Assembly.GetType(annotationAttribute, true));
return null;
internal override Type EnumType
if((this.Modifiers & Modifiers.Enum) != 0)
return type.GetNestedType("__Enum");
return null;
internal override string GetSourceFileName()
object[] attr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SourceFileAttribute), false);
if(attr.Length == 1)
return ((SourceFileAttribute)attr[0]).SourceFile;
if(type.Module.IsDefined(typeof(SourceFileAttribute), false))
return type.Name + ".java";
return null;
internal override int GetSourceLineNumber(MethodBase mb, int ilOffset)
object[] attr = mb.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LineNumberTableAttribute), false);
if(attr.Length == 1)
return ((LineNumberTableAttribute)attr[0]).GetLineNumber(ilOffset);
return -1;
internal override bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
get { return true; }
sealed class ArrayTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
private static TypeWrapper[] interfaces;
private static MethodInfo clone;
private readonly TypeWrapper ultimateElementTypeWrapper;
private Type arrayType;
private bool finished;
internal ArrayTypeWrapper(TypeWrapper ultimateElementTypeWrapper, string name)
: base(Modifiers.Final | Modifiers.Abstract | (ultimateElementTypeWrapper.Modifiers & Modifiers.Public), name, CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper)
this.ultimateElementTypeWrapper = ultimateElementTypeWrapper;
this.IsInternal = ultimateElementTypeWrapper.IsInternal;
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return ultimateElementTypeWrapper.GetClassLoader();
internal static MethodInfo CloneMethod
if(clone == null)
clone = Types.Array.GetMethod("Clone", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);
return clone;
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
MethodWrapper mw = new SimpleCallMethodWrapper(this, "clone", "()Ljava.lang.Object;", CloneMethod, CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray, Modifiers.Public, MemberFlags.HideFromReflection, SimpleOpCode.Callvirt, SimpleOpCode.Callvirt);
SetMethods(new MethodWrapper[] { mw });
internal override Modifiers ReflectiveModifiers
return Modifiers.Final | Modifiers.Abstract | (ultimateElementTypeWrapper.ReflectiveModifiers & Modifiers.AccessMask);
internal override string SigName
// for arrays the signature name is the same as the normal name
return Name;
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
if(interfaces == null)
TypeWrapper[] tw = new TypeWrapper[2];
tw[0] = ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical("java.lang.Cloneable");
tw[1] = ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical("java.io.Serializable");
interfaces = tw;
return interfaces;
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return null;
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
while (arrayType == null)
bool prevFinished = finished;
Type type = MakeArrayType(ultimateElementTypeWrapper.TypeAsArrayType, this.ArrayRank);
if (prevFinished)
// We were already finished prior to the call to MakeArrayType, so we can safely
// set arrayType to the finished type.
// Note that this takes advantage of the fact that once we've been finished,
// we can never become unfinished.
arrayType = type;
lock (this)
// To prevent a race with Finish, we can only set arrayType in this case
// (inside the locked region) if we've not already finished. If we have
// finished, we need to rerun MakeArrayType on the now finished element type.
// Note that there is a benign race left, because it is possible that another
// thread finishes right after we've set arrayType and exited the locked
// region. This is not problem, because TypeAsTBD is only guaranteed to
// return a finished type *after* Finish has been called.
if (!finished)
arrayType = type;
return arrayType;
internal override void Finish()
if (!finished)
lock (this)
// Now that we've finished the element type, we must clear arrayType,
// because it may still refer to a TypeBuilder. Note that we have to
// do this atomically with setting "finished", to prevent a race
// with TypeAsTBD.
finished = true;
arrayType = null;
internal override bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
// here we have to deal with the somewhat strange fact that in Java you cannot represent primitive type class literals,
// but you can represent arrays of primitive types as a class literal
get { return ultimateElementTypeWrapper.IsFastClassLiteralSafe || ultimateElementTypeWrapper.IsPrimitive; }
internal static Type MakeArrayType(Type type, int dims)
// NOTE this is not just an optimization, but it is also required to
// make sure that ReflectionOnly types stay ReflectionOnly types
// (in particular instantiations of generic types from mscorlib that
// have ReflectionOnly type parameters).
for(int i = 0; i < dims; i++)
type = type.MakeArrayType();
return type;