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Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Jeroen Frijters
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jeroen Frijters
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using IKVM.Attributes;
namespace IKVM.Internal
sealed class DotNetTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
private const string NamePrefix = "cli.";
internal const string DelegateInterfaceSuffix = "$Method";
internal const string AttributeAnnotationSuffix = "$Annotation";
internal const string AttributeAnnotationReturnValueSuffix = "$__ReturnValue";
internal const string AttributeAnnotationMultipleSuffix = "$__Multiple";
internal const string EnumEnumSuffix = "$__Enum";
internal const string GenericEnumEnumTypeName = "ikvm.internal.EnumEnum`1";
internal const string GenericDelegateInterfaceTypeName = "ikvm.internal.DelegateInterface`1";
internal const string GenericAttributeAnnotationTypeName = "ikvm.internal.AttributeAnnotation`1";
internal const string GenericAttributeAnnotationReturnValueTypeName = "ikvm.internal.AttributeAnnotationReturnValue`1";
internal const string GenericAttributeAnnotationMultipleTypeName = "ikvm.internal.AttributeAnnotationMultiple`1";
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, TypeWrapper> types = new Dictionary<Type, TypeWrapper>();
private readonly Type type;
private TypeWrapper[] innerClasses;
private TypeWrapper outerClass;
private TypeWrapper[] interfaces;
private static Modifiers GetModifiers(Type type)
Modifiers modifiers = 0;
if (type.IsPublic)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
else if (type.IsNestedPublic)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Static;
if (type.IsVisible)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Public;
else if (type.IsNestedPrivate)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Private | Modifiers.Static;
else if (type.IsNestedFamily || type.IsNestedFamORAssem)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Protected | Modifiers.Static;
else if (type.IsNestedAssembly || type.IsNestedFamANDAssem)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Static;
if (type.IsSealed)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Final;
else if (type.IsAbstract) // we can't be abstract if we're final
modifiers |= Modifiers.Abstract;
if (type.IsInterface)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Interface;
return modifiers;
// NOTE when this is called on a remapped type, the "warped" underlying type name is returned.
// E.g. GetName(typeof(object)) returns "cli.System.Object".
internal static string GetName(Type type)
Debug.Assert(!type.Name.EndsWith("[]") && !AttributeHelper.IsJavaModule(type.Module));
string name = type.FullName;
if (name == null)
// generic type parameters don't have a full name
return null;
if (type.IsGenericType && !type.ContainsGenericParameters)
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
string sep = "";
foreach (Type t1 in type.GetGenericArguments())
Type t = t1;
// NOTE we can't use ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType() here to get t's name,
// because we might be resolving a generic type that refers to a type that is in
// the process of being constructed.
// For example:
// class Base<T> { }
// class Derived : Base<Derived> { }
while (ClassLoaderWrapper.IsVector(t))
t = t.GetElementType();
if (PrimitiveTypeWrapper.IsPrimitiveType(t))
string s;
if (ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(t))
s = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(t).Name;
else if (AttributeHelper.IsJavaModule(t.Module))
s = CompiledTypeWrapper.GetName(t);
s = DotNetTypeWrapper.GetName(t);
// only do the mangling for non-generic types (because we don't want to convert
// the double underscores in two adjacent _$$$_ or _$$$$_ markers)
if (s.IndexOf("_$$$_") == -1)
s = s.Replace("__", "$$005F$$005F");
s = s.Replace(".", "__");
sep = "_$$_";
return sb.ToString();
if (AttributeHelper.IsNoPackagePrefix(type)
&& name.IndexOf('$') == -1)
return name.Replace('+', '$');
return MangleTypeName(name);
private static string MangleTypeName(string name)
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(NamePrefix, NamePrefix.Length + name.Length);
bool escape = false;
bool nested = false;
for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
char c = name[i];
if (c == '+' && !escape && (sb.Length == 0 || sb[sb.Length - 1] != '$'))
nested = true;
else if ("_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".IndexOf(c) != -1
|| (c == '.' && !escape && !nested))
sb.Append(string.Format("{0:X4}", (int)c));
if (c == '\\')
escape = !escape;
escape = false;
return sb.ToString();
// NOTE if the name is not a valid mangled type name, no demangling is done and the
// original string is returned
// NOTE we don't enforce canonical form, this is not required, because we cannot
// guarantee it for unprefixed names anyway, so the caller is responsible for
// ensuring that the original name was in fact the canonical name.
internal static string DemangleTypeName(string name)
if (!name.StartsWith(NamePrefix))
return name.Replace('$', '+');
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(name.Length - NamePrefix.Length);
for (int i = NamePrefix.Length; i < name.Length; i++)
char c = name[i];
if (c == '$')
if (i + 1 < name.Length && name[i + 1] != '$')
if (i + 5 > name.Length)
return name;
int digit0 = "0123456789ABCDEF".IndexOf(name[++i]);
int digit1 = "0123456789ABCDEF".IndexOf(name[++i]);
int digit2 = "0123456789ABCDEF".IndexOf(name[++i]);
int digit3 = "0123456789ABCDEF".IndexOf(name[++i]);
if (digit0 == -1 || digit1 == -1 || digit2 == -1 || digit3 == -1)
return name;
sb.Append((char)((digit0 << 12) + (digit1 << 8) + (digit2 << 4) + digit3));
return sb.ToString();
// TODO from a perf pov it may be better to allow creation of TypeWrappers,
// but to simply make sure they don't have ClassObject
internal static bool IsAllowedOutside(Type type)
// SECURITY we never expose types from IKVM.Runtime, because doing so would lead to a security hole,
// since the reflection implementation lives inside this assembly, all internal members would
// be accessible through Java reflection.
if (type.Assembly == typeof(DotNetTypeWrapper).Assembly)
return false;
if (type.Assembly == IKVM.NativeCode.java.lang.SecurityManager.jniAssembly)
return false;
return true;
// We allow open generic types to be visible to Java code as very limited classes (or interfaces).
// They are always package private and have the abstract and final modifiers set, this makes them
// inaccessible and invalid from a Java point of view. The intent is to avoid any usage of these
// classes. They exist solely for the purpose of stack walking, because the .NET runtime will report
// open generic types when walking the stack (as a performance optimization). We cannot (reliably) map
// these classes to their instantiations, so we report the open generic type class instead.
// Note also that these classes can only be used as a "handle" to the type, they expose no members,
// don't implement any interfaces and the base class is always object.
private sealed class OpenGenericTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
private readonly Type type;
private static Modifiers GetModifiers(Type type)
Modifiers modifiers = Modifiers.Abstract | Modifiers.Final;
if (type.IsInterface)
modifiers |= Modifiers.Interface;
return modifiers;
internal OpenGenericTypeWrapper(Type type, string name)
: base(GetModifiers(type), name, type.IsInterface ? null : CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper)
this.type = type;
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
get { return null; }
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
get { return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray; }
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
get { return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray; }
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
get { return type; }
internal override void Finish()
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(type.Assembly);
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
private sealed class DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
private readonly Type fakeType;
internal DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper(string name, Type delegateType, ClassLoaderWrapper classLoader)
: base(Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Interface | Modifiers.Abstract, name, null)
this.fakeType = FakeTypes.GetDelegateType(delegateType);
this.fakeType = typeof(ikvm.@internal.DelegateInterface<>).MakeGenericType(delegateType);
MethodInfo invoke = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke");
ParameterInfo[] parameters = invoke.GetParameters();
TypeWrapper[] argTypeWrappers = new TypeWrapper[parameters.Length];
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder("(");
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
argTypeWrappers[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(parameters[i].ParameterType);
TypeWrapper returnType = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(invoke.ReturnType);
MethodWrapper invokeMethod = new DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper(this, "Invoke", sb.ToString(), returnType, argTypeWrappers);
SetMethods(new MethodWrapper[] { invokeMethod });
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(fakeType.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
internal override void Finish()
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return DeclaringTypeWrapper.GetClassLoader();
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return fakeType;
internal override bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
get { return true; }
private class DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper, ICustomInvoke
internal DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper declaringType, string name, string sig, TypeWrapper returnType, TypeWrapper[] parameterTypes)
: base(declaringType, name, sig, null, returnType, parameterTypes, Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Abstract, MemberFlags.None)
internal override bool IsDynamicOnly
return true;
object ICustomInvoke.Invoke(object obj, object[] args, ikvm.@internal.CallerID callerID)
// a DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper is an interface method, but now that we've been called on an actual object instance,
// we can resolve to a real method and call that instead
TypeWrapper tw = TypeWrapper.FromClass(NativeCode.ikvm.runtime.Util.getClassFromObject(obj));
MethodWrapper mw = tw.GetMethodWrapper(this.Name, this.Signature, true);
if (mw == null)
throw new java.lang.AbstractMethodError(tw.Name + "." + this.Name + this.Signature);
java.lang.reflect.Method m = (java.lang.reflect.Method)mw.ToMethodOrConstructor(true);
m.@override = true;
return m.invoke(obj, args, callerID);
private sealed class EnumEnumTypeWrapper : TypeWrapper
private readonly Type fakeType;
internal EnumEnumTypeWrapper(string name, Type enumType)
: base(Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Enum | Modifiers.Final, name, ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical("java.lang.Enum"))
this.fakeType = FakeTypes.GetEnumType(enumType);
if (enumType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
TypeWrapper decl = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(enumType);
TypeWrapperFactory factory = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader().GetTypeWrapperFactory();
string basename = "<ReflectionOnlyType>" + enumType.FullName;
name = basename;
int index = 0;
while (!factory.ReserveName(name))
name = basename + (++index);
enumType = factory.ModuleBuilder.DefineEnum(name, TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(int)).CreateType();
ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader().SetWrapperForType(enumType, decl);
this.fakeType = typeof(ikvm.@internal.EnumEnum<>).MakeGenericType(enumType);
internal object GetUnspecifiedValue()
return ((EnumFieldWrapper)GetFieldWrapper("__unspecified", this.SigName)).GetValue();
private class EnumFieldWrapper : FieldWrapper
private readonly int ordinal;
private object val;
internal EnumFieldWrapper(TypeWrapper tw, string name, int ordinal)
: base(tw, tw, name, tw.SigName, Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Static | Modifiers.Final | Modifiers.Enum, null, MemberFlags.None)
this.ordinal = ordinal;
internal object GetValue()
if (val == null)
System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref val, Activator.CreateInstance(this.DeclaringType.TypeAsTBD, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object[] { this.Name, ordinal }, null), null);
return val;
protected override void EmitGetImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
// TODO we should throw a NoSuchFieldError if at runtime we find out that the "field" doesn't exist
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, this.Name);
this.DeclaringType.BaseTypeWrapper.GetMethodWrapper("valueOf", "(Ljava.lang.Class;Ljava.lang.String;)Ljava.lang.Enum;", false).EmitCall(ilgen);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, this.DeclaringType.TypeAsTBD);
protected override void EmitSetImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
private class EnumValuesMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper, ICustomInvoke
internal EnumValuesMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper declaringType)
: base(declaringType, "values", "()[" + declaringType.SigName, null, declaringType.MakeArrayType(1), TypeWrapper.EmptyArray, Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Static, MemberFlags.None)
internal override bool IsDynamicOnly
return true;
object ICustomInvoke.Invoke(object obj, object[] args, ikvm.@internal.CallerID callerID)
FieldWrapper[] values = this.DeclaringType.GetFields();
object[] array = (object[])Array.CreateInstance(this.DeclaringType.TypeAsArrayType, values.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
array[i] = ((EnumFieldWrapper)values[i]).GetValue();
return array;
private class EnumValueOfMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper, ICustomInvoke
internal EnumValueOfMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper declaringType)
: base(declaringType, "valueOf", "(Ljava.lang.String;)" + declaringType.SigName, null, declaringType, new TypeWrapper[] { CoreClasses.java.lang.String.Wrapper }, Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Static, MemberFlags.None)
internal override bool IsDynamicOnly
return true;
object ICustomInvoke.Invoke(object obj, object[] args, ikvm.@internal.CallerID callerID)
FieldWrapper[] values = this.DeclaringType.GetFields();
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
if (values[i].Name.Equals(args[0]))
return ((EnumFieldWrapper)values[i]).GetValue();
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("" + args[0]);
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
List<FieldWrapper> fields = new List<FieldWrapper>();
int ordinal = 0;
foreach (FieldInfo field in this.DeclaringTypeWrapper.TypeAsTBD.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
if (field.IsLiteral)
fields.Add(new EnumFieldWrapper(this, field.Name, ordinal++));
// TODO if the enum already has an __unspecified value, rename this one
fields.Add(new EnumFieldWrapper(this, "__unspecified", ordinal++));
SetMethods(new MethodWrapper[] { new EnumValuesMethodWrapper(this), new EnumValueOfMethodWrapper(this) });
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(fakeType.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
internal override void Finish()
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return DeclaringTypeWrapper.GetClassLoader();
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return fakeType;
internal override bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
get { return true; }
private abstract class AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapperBase : TypeWrapper
internal AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapperBase(string name)
: base(Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Interface | Modifiers.Abstract | Modifiers.Annotation, name, null)
internal sealed override void Finish()
internal sealed override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
return DeclaringTypeWrapper.GetClassLoader();
internal sealed override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
return new TypeWrapper[] { ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedName("java.lang.annotation.Annotation") };
internal sealed override bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
get { return true; }
private sealed class AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper : AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapperBase
private readonly Type fakeType;
private readonly Type attributeType;
private TypeWrapper[] innerClasses;
internal AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper(string name, Type attributeType)
: base(name)
this.fakeType = FakeTypes.GetAttributeType(attributeType);
this.fakeType = typeof(ikvm.@internal.AttributeAnnotation<>).MakeGenericType(attributeType);
this.attributeType = attributeType;
private static bool IsSupportedType(Type type)
// Java annotations only support one-dimensional arrays
if (type.IsArray)
type = type.GetElementType();
return type == Types.String
|| type == Types.Boolean
|| type == Types.Byte
|| type == Types.Char
|| type == Types.Int16
|| type == Types.Int32
|| type == Types.Single
|| type == Types.Int64
|| type == Types.Double
|| type == Types.Type
|| type.IsEnum;
internal static void GetConstructors(Type type, out ConstructorInfo defCtor, out ConstructorInfo singleOneArgCtor)
defCtor = null;
int oneArgCtorCount = 0;
ConstructorInfo oneArgCtor = null;
ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
// HACK we have a special rule to make some additional custom attributes from mscorlib usable:
// Attributes that have two constructors, one an enum and another one taking a byte, short or int,
// we only expose the enum constructor.
if (constructors.Length == 2 && type.Assembly == Types.Object.Assembly)
ParameterInfo[] p0 = constructors[0].GetParameters();
ParameterInfo[] p1 = constructors[1].GetParameters();
if (p0.Length == 1 && p1.Length == 1)
Type t0 = p0[0].ParameterType;
Type t1 = p1[0].ParameterType;
bool swapped = false;
if (t1.IsEnum)
Type tmp = t0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = tmp;
swapped = true;
if (t0.IsEnum && (t1 == Types.Byte || t1 == Types.Int16 || t1 == Types.Int32))
if (swapped)
singleOneArgCtor = constructors[1];
singleOneArgCtor = constructors[0];
foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in constructors)
ParameterInfo[] args = ci.GetParameters();
if (args.Length == 0)
defCtor = ci;
else if (args.Length == 1)
if (IsSupportedType(args[0].ParameterType))
oneArgCtor = ci;
// set to two to make sure we don't see the oneArgCtor as viable
oneArgCtorCount = 2;
singleOneArgCtor = oneArgCtorCount == 1 ? oneArgCtor : null;
private class AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper : DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper
private bool optional;
internal AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper(AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper tw, string name, Type type, bool optional)
: this(tw, name, MapType(type, false), optional)
private static TypeWrapper MapType(Type type, bool isArray)
if (type == Types.String)
return CoreClasses.java.lang.String.Wrapper;
else if (type == Types.Boolean)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN;
else if (type == Types.Byte)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE;
else if (type == Types.Char)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR;
else if (type == Types.Int16)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT;
else if (type == Types.Int32)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT;
else if (type == Types.Single)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT;
else if (type == Types.Int64)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG;
else if (type == Types.Double)
return PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE;
else if (type == Types.Type)
return CoreClasses.java.lang.Class.Wrapper;
else if (type.IsEnum)
foreach (TypeWrapper tw in ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type).InnerClasses)
if (tw is EnumEnumTypeWrapper)
if (!isArray && AttributeHelper.IsDefined(type, JVM.Import(typeof(FlagsAttribute))))
return tw.MakeArrayType(1);
return tw;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
else if (!isArray && type.IsArray)
return MapType(type.GetElementType(), true).MakeArrayType(1);
throw new NotImplementedException();
private AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper(AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper tw, string name, TypeWrapper returnType, bool optional)
: base(tw, name, "()" + returnType.SigName, returnType, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray)
this.optional = optional;
internal bool IsOptional
return optional;
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
List<MethodWrapper> methods = new List<MethodWrapper>();
ConstructorInfo defCtor;
ConstructorInfo singleOneArgCtor;
GetConstructors(attributeType, out defCtor, out singleOneArgCtor);
if (singleOneArgCtor != null)
methods.Add(new AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper(this, "value", singleOneArgCtor.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType, defCtor != null));
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in attributeType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
if (pi.CanRead && pi.CanWrite && IsSupportedType(pi.PropertyType))
methods.Add(new AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper(this, pi.Name, pi.PropertyType, true));
foreach (FieldInfo fi in attributeType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
// TODO add other field validations to make sure it is appropriate
if (!fi.IsInitOnly && IsSupportedType(fi.FieldType))
methods.Add(new AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper(this, fi.Name, fi.FieldType, true));
internal override object GetAnnotationDefault(MethodWrapper mw)
if (((AttributeAnnotationMethodWrapper)mw).IsOptional)
if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BOOLEAN)
return java.lang.Boolean.FALSE;
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.BYTE)
return java.lang.Byte.valueOf((byte)0);
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.CHAR)
return java.lang.Character.valueOf((char)0);
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.SHORT)
return java.lang.Short.valueOf((short)0);
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.INT)
return java.lang.Integer.valueOf(0);
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.FLOAT)
return java.lang.Float.valueOf(0F);
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.LONG)
return java.lang.Long.valueOf(0L);
else if (mw.ReturnType == PrimitiveTypeWrapper.DOUBLE)
return java.lang.Double.valueOf(0D);
else if (mw.ReturnType == CoreClasses.java.lang.String.Wrapper)
return "";
else if (mw.ReturnType == CoreClasses.java.lang.Class.Wrapper)
return (java.lang.Class)typeof(ikvm.@internal.__unspecified);
else if (mw.ReturnType is EnumEnumTypeWrapper)
EnumEnumTypeWrapper eetw = (EnumEnumTypeWrapper)mw.ReturnType;
return eetw.GetUnspecifiedValue();
else if (mw.ReturnType.IsArray)
return Array.CreateInstance(mw.ReturnType.TypeAsArrayType, 0);
return null;
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(attributeType);
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return fakeType;
private sealed class ReturnValueAnnotationTypeWrapper : AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapperBase
private readonly Type fakeType;
private readonly AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper declaringType;
internal ReturnValueAnnotationTypeWrapper(AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper declaringType)
: base(declaringType.Name + AttributeAnnotationReturnValueSuffix)
this.fakeType = FakeTypes.GetAttributeReturnValueType(declaringType.attributeType);
this.fakeType = typeof(ikvm.@internal.AttributeAnnotationReturnValue<>).MakeGenericType(declaringType.attributeType);
this.declaringType = declaringType;
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
TypeWrapper tw = declaringType;
if (declaringType.GetAttributeUsage().AllowMultiple)
tw = tw.MakeArrayType(1);
SetMethods(new MethodWrapper[] { new DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper(this, "value", "()" + tw.SigName, tw, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray) });
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return declaringType;
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return fakeType;
internal override object[] GetDeclaredAnnotations()
java.util.HashMap targetMap = new java.util.HashMap();
targetMap.put("value", new java.lang.annotation.ElementType[] { java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD });
java.util.HashMap retentionMap = new java.util.HashMap();
retentionMap.put("value", java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME);
return new object[] {
java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(null, new java.lang.Class[] { typeof(java.lang.annotation.Target) }, new sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler(typeof(java.lang.annotation.Target), targetMap)),
java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(null, new java.lang.Class[] { typeof(java.lang.annotation.Retention) }, new sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler(typeof(java.lang.annotation.Retention), retentionMap))
private class ReturnValueAnnotation : Annotation
private AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper type;
internal ReturnValueAnnotation(AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper type)
this.type = type;
internal override void ApplyReturnValue(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, ref ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation)
// TODO make sure the descriptor is correct
Annotation ann = type.Annotation;
object[] arr = (object[])annotation;
for (int i = 2; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
if ("value".Equals(arr[i]))
if (pb == null)
pb = mb.DefineParameter(0, ParameterAttributes.None, null);
object[] value = (object[])arr[i + 1];
if (value[0].Equals(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.TAG_ANNOTATION))
ann.Apply(loader, pb, value);
for (int j = 1; j < value.Length; j++)
ann.Apply(loader, pb, value[j]);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, object annotation)
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, AssemblyBuilder ab, object annotation)
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ConstructorBuilder cb, object annotation)
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, FieldBuilder fb, object annotation)
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation)
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeBuilder tb, object annotation)
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, PropertyBuilder pb, object annotation)
internal override Annotation Annotation
return new ReturnValueAnnotation(declaringType);
private sealed class MultipleAnnotationTypeWrapper : AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapperBase
private readonly Type fakeType;
private readonly AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper declaringType;
internal MultipleAnnotationTypeWrapper(AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper declaringType)
: base(declaringType.Name + AttributeAnnotationMultipleSuffix)
this.fakeType = FakeTypes.GetAttributeMultipleType(declaringType.attributeType);
this.fakeType = typeof(ikvm.@internal.AttributeAnnotationMultiple<>).MakeGenericType(declaringType.attributeType);
this.declaringType = declaringType;
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
TypeWrapper tw = declaringType.MakeArrayType(1);
SetMethods(new MethodWrapper[] { new DynamicOnlyMethodWrapper(this, "value", "()" + tw.SigName, tw, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray) });
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
return declaringType;
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
return TypeWrapper.EmptyArray;
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return fakeType;
internal override object[] GetDeclaredAnnotations()
return declaringType.GetDeclaredAnnotations();
private class MultipleAnnotation : Annotation
private AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper type;
internal MultipleAnnotation(AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper type)
this.type = type;
private static object[] UnwrapArray(object annotation)
// TODO make sure the descriptor is correct
object[] arr = (object[])annotation;
for (int i = 2; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
if ("value".Equals(arr[i]))
object[] value = (object[])arr[i + 1];
object[] rc = new object[value.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(value, 1, rc, 0, rc.Length);
return rc;
return new object[0];
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, mb, ann);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, AssemblyBuilder ab, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, ab, ann);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ConstructorBuilder cb, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, cb, ann);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, FieldBuilder fb, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, fb, ann);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, pb, ann);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeBuilder tb, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, tb, ann);
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, PropertyBuilder pb, object annotation)
Annotation annot = type.Annotation;
foreach (object ann in UnwrapArray(annotation))
annot.Apply(loader, pb, ann);
internal override Annotation Annotation
return new MultipleAnnotation(declaringType);
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
lock (this)
if (innerClasses == null)
List<TypeWrapper> list = new List<TypeWrapper>();
AttributeUsageAttribute attr = GetAttributeUsage();
if ((attr.ValidOn & AttributeTargets.ReturnValue) != 0)
list.Add(GetClassLoader().RegisterInitiatingLoader(new ReturnValueAnnotationTypeWrapper(this)));
if (attr.AllowMultiple)
list.Add(GetClassLoader().RegisterInitiatingLoader(new MultipleAnnotationTypeWrapper(this)));
innerClasses = list.ToArray();
return innerClasses;
internal override bool IsFakeTypeContainer
return true;
private AttributeUsageAttribute GetAttributeUsage()
AttributeTargets validOn = AttributeTargets.All;
bool allowMultiple = false;
bool inherited = true;
foreach (CustomAttributeData cad in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType))
if (cad.Constructor.DeclaringType == JVM.Import(typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute)))
if (cad.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1 && cad.ConstructorArguments[0].ArgumentType == JVM.Import(typeof(AttributeTargets)))
validOn = (AttributeTargets)cad.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
foreach (CustomAttributeNamedArgument cana in cad.NamedArguments)
if (cana.MemberInfo.Name == "AllowMultiple")
allowMultiple = (bool)cana.TypedValue.Value;
else if (cana.MemberInfo.Name == "Inherited")
inherited = (bool)cana.TypedValue.Value;
AttributeUsageAttribute attr = new AttributeUsageAttribute(validOn);
attr.AllowMultiple = allowMultiple;
attr.Inherited = inherited;
return attr;
internal override object[] GetDeclaredAnnotations()
// note that AttributeUsageAttribute.Inherited does not map to java.lang.annotation.Inherited
AttributeTargets validOn = GetAttributeUsage().ValidOn;
List<java.lang.annotation.ElementType> targets = new List<java.lang.annotation.ElementType>();
if ((validOn & (AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.Assembly)) != 0)
if ((validOn & AttributeTargets.Constructor) != 0)
if ((validOn & AttributeTargets.Field) != 0)
if ((validOn & AttributeTargets.Method) != 0)
if ((validOn & AttributeTargets.Parameter) != 0)
java.util.HashMap targetMap = new java.util.HashMap();
targetMap.put("value", targets.ToArray());
java.util.HashMap retentionMap = new java.util.HashMap();
retentionMap.put("value", java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME);
return new object[] {
java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(null, new java.lang.Class[] { typeof(java.lang.annotation.Target) }, new sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler(typeof(java.lang.annotation.Target), targetMap)),
java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(null, new java.lang.Class[] { typeof(java.lang.annotation.Retention) }, new sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler(typeof(java.lang.annotation.Retention), retentionMap))
private class AttributeAnnotation : Annotation
private Type type;
internal AttributeAnnotation(Type type)
this.type = type;
private CustomAttributeBuilder MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, object annotation)
object[] arr = (object[])annotation;
ConstructorInfo defCtor;
ConstructorInfo singleOneArgCtor;
object ctorArg = null;
GetConstructors(type, out defCtor, out singleOneArgCtor);
List<PropertyInfo> properties = new List<PropertyInfo>();
List<object> propertyValues = new List<object>();
List<FieldInfo> fields = new List<FieldInfo>();
List<object> fieldValues = new List<object>();
for (int i = 2; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
string name = (string)arr[i];
if (name == "value" && singleOneArgCtor != null)
ctorArg = ConvertValue(loader, singleOneArgCtor.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType, arr[i + 1]);
PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (pi != null)
propertyValues.Add(ConvertValue(loader, pi.PropertyType, arr[i + 1]));
FieldInfo fi = type.GetField(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (fi != null)
fieldValues.Add(ConvertValue(loader, fi.FieldType, arr[i + 1]));
if (ctorArg == null && defCtor == null)
// TODO required argument is missing
return new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctorArg == null ? defCtor : singleOneArgCtor,
ctorArg == null ? new object[0] : new object[] { ctorArg },
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, TypeBuilder tb, object annotation)
if (type == JVM.Import(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute)) && tb.BaseType != Types.Object)
// we have to handle this explicitly, because if we apply an illegal StructLayoutAttribute,
// TypeBuilder.CreateType() will later on throw an exception.
Tracer.Error(Tracer.Runtime, "StructLayoutAttribute cannot be applied to {0}, because it does not directly extend cli.System.Object", tb.FullName);
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
SecurityAction action;
PermissionSet permSet;
if (MakeDeclSecurity(type, annotation, out action, out permSet))
tb.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, permSet);
tb.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ConstructorBuilder cb, object annotation)
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
SecurityAction action;
PermissionSet permSet;
if (MakeDeclSecurity(type, annotation, out action, out permSet))
cb.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, permSet);
cb.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, MethodBuilder mb, object annotation)
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
SecurityAction action;
PermissionSet permSet;
if (MakeDeclSecurity(type, annotation, out action, out permSet))
mb.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, permSet);
if(JVM.classUnloading && type == typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute))
// TODO PInvoke is not supported in RunAndCollect assemblies,
// so we ignore the attribute.
// We could forward the PInvoke to a non RunAndCollect assembly, but for now we don't bother.
mb.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, FieldBuilder fb, object annotation)
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
// you can't add declarative security to a field
fb.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, ParameterBuilder pb, object annotation)
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
// you can't add declarative security to a parameter
pb.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, AssemblyBuilder ab, object annotation)
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
// you can only add declarative security to an assembly when defining the assembly
ab.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override void Apply(ClassLoaderWrapper loader, PropertyBuilder pb, object annotation)
if (type.IsSubclassOf(JVM.Import(typeof(SecurityAttribute))))
// you can't add declarative security to a property
pb.SetCustomAttribute(MakeCustomAttributeBuilder(loader, annotation));
internal override Annotation Annotation
return new AttributeAnnotation(attributeType);
internal static TypeWrapper GetWrapperFromDotNetType(Type type)
TypeWrapper tw;
lock (types)
types.TryGetValue(type, out tw);
if (tw == null)
tw = AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(type.Assembly).GetWrapperFromAssemblyType(type);
lock (types)
types[type] = tw;
return tw;
private static TypeWrapper GetBaseTypeWrapper(Type type)
if (type.IsInterface)
return null;
else if (ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(type))
// Remapped types extend their alter ego
// (e.g. cli.System.Object must appear to be derived from java.lang.Object)
// except when they're sealed, of course.
if (type.IsSealed)
return CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper;
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
else if (ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(type.BaseType))
return GetWrapperFromDotNetType(type.BaseType);
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type.BaseType);
internal static TypeWrapper Create(Type type, string name)
if (type.ContainsGenericParameters)
return new OpenGenericTypeWrapper(type, name);
return new DotNetTypeWrapper(type, name);
private DotNetTypeWrapper(Type type, string name)
: base(GetModifiers(type), name, GetBaseTypeWrapper(type))
Debug.Assert(!(type.IsByRef), type.FullName);
Debug.Assert(!(type.IsPointer), type.FullName);
Debug.Assert(!(type.Name.EndsWith("[]")), type.FullName);
Debug.Assert(!(type is TypeBuilder), type.FullName);
this.type = type;
internal override ClassLoaderWrapper GetClassLoader()
if (type.IsGenericType)
return ClassLoaderWrapper.GetGenericClassLoader(this);
return AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(type.Assembly);
private sealed class MulticastDelegateCtorMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
internal MulticastDelegateCtorMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper declaringType)
: base(declaringType, "<init>", "()V", null, PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray, Modifiers.Protected, MemberFlags.None)
private class DelegateMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
private ConstructorInfo delegateConstructor;
private DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper iface;
internal DelegateMethodWrapper(TypeWrapper declaringType, DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper iface)
: base(declaringType, "<init>", "(" + iface.SigName + ")V", null, PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID, new TypeWrapper[] { iface }, Modifiers.Public, MemberFlags.None)
this.delegateConstructor = declaringType.TypeAsTBD.GetConstructor(new Type[] { Types.Object, Types.IntPtr });
this.iface = iface;
internal override void EmitNewobj(CodeEmitter ilgen, MethodAnalyzer ma, int opcodeIndex)
TypeWrapper targetType = ma == null ? null : ma.GetStackTypeWrapper(opcodeIndex, 0);
if (targetType == null || targetType.IsInterface)
MethodInfo createDelegate = Types.Delegate.GetMethod("CreateDelegate", new Type[] { Types.Type, Types.Object, Types.String });
LocalBuilder targetObj = ilgen.DeclareLocal(Types.Object);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, targetObj);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, delegateConstructor.DeclaringType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Types.Type.GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle", new Type[] { Types.RuntimeTypeHandle }));
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, targetObj);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Invoke");
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createDelegate);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, delegateConstructor.DeclaringType);
// we know that a DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper has only one method
Debug.Assert(iface.GetMethods().Length == 1);
MethodWrapper mw = targetType.GetMethodWrapper("Invoke", iface.GetMethods()[0].Signature, true);
// TODO linking here is not safe
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldvirtftn, (MethodInfo)mw.GetMethod());
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, delegateConstructor);
private class ByRefMethodWrapper : SmartMethodWrapper
private bool[] byrefs;
private Type[] args;
internal ByRefMethodWrapper(Type[] args, bool[] byrefs, TypeWrapper declaringType, string name, string sig, MethodBase method, TypeWrapper returnType, TypeWrapper[] parameterTypes, Modifiers modifiers, bool hideFromReflection)
: base(declaringType, name, sig, method, returnType, parameterTypes, modifiers, hideFromReflection ? MemberFlags.HideFromReflection : MemberFlags.None)
this.args = args;
this.byrefs = byrefs;
protected override void CallImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
MethodBase mb = GetMethod();
MethodInfo mi = mb as MethodInfo;
if (mi != null)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mi);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, (ConstructorInfo)mb);
protected override void CallvirtImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, (MethodInfo)GetMethod());
protected override void NewobjImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, (ConstructorInfo)GetMethod());
protected override void PreEmit(CodeEmitter ilgen)
LocalBuilder[] locals = new LocalBuilder[args.Length];
for (int i = args.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Type type = args[i];
if (type.IsByRef)
type = ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(type.GetElementType(), 1);
locals[i] = ilgen.DeclareLocal(type);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, locals[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, locals[i]);
if (args[i].IsByRef)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelema, args[i].GetElementType());
private class EnumWrapMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
internal EnumWrapMethodWrapper(DotNetTypeWrapper tw, TypeWrapper fieldType)
: base(tw, "wrap", "(" + fieldType.SigName + ")" + tw.SigName, null, tw, new TypeWrapper[] { fieldType }, Modifiers.Static | Modifiers.Public, MemberFlags.None)
internal override void EmitCall(CodeEmitter ilgen)
// We don't actually need to do anything here!
// The compiler will insert a boxing operation after calling us and that will
// result in our argument being boxed (since that's still sitting on the stack).
internal class EnumValueFieldWrapper : FieldWrapper
private Type underlyingType;
internal EnumValueFieldWrapper(DotNetTypeWrapper tw, TypeWrapper fieldType)
: base(tw, fieldType, "Value", fieldType.SigName, new ExModifiers(Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Final, false), null)
underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(tw.type);
protected override void EmitGetImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
// NOTE if the reference on the stack is null, we *want* the NullReferenceException, so we don't use TypeWrapper.EmitUnbox
protected override void EmitSetImpl(CodeEmitter ilgen)
// NOTE even though the field is final, JNI reflection can still be used to set its value!
LocalBuilder temp = ilgen.AllocTempLocal(underlyingType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, temp);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, underlyingType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, temp);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stobj, underlyingType);
// this method takes a boxed Enum and returns its value as a boxed primitive
// of the subset of Java primitives (i.e. byte, short, int, long)
internal static object GetEnumPrimitiveValue(object obj)
return GetEnumPrimitiveValue(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(obj.GetType()), obj);
// this method can be used to convert an enum value or its underlying value to a Java primitive
internal static object GetEnumPrimitiveValue(Type underlyingType, object obj)
if (underlyingType == Types.SByte || underlyingType == Types.Byte)
return unchecked((byte)((IConvertible)obj).ToInt32(null));
else if (underlyingType == Types.Int16 || underlyingType == Types.UInt16)
return unchecked((short)((IConvertible)obj).ToInt32(null));
else if (underlyingType == Types.Int32)
return ((IConvertible)obj).ToInt32(null);
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt32)
return unchecked((int)((IConvertible)obj).ToUInt32(null));
else if (underlyingType == Types.Int64)
return ((IConvertible)obj).ToInt64(null);
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt64)
return unchecked((long)((IConvertible)obj).ToUInt64(null));
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private class ValueTypeDefaultCtor : MethodWrapper
internal ValueTypeDefaultCtor(DotNetTypeWrapper tw)
: base(tw, "<init>", "()V", null, PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray, Modifiers.Public, MemberFlags.None)
internal override void EmitNewobj(CodeEmitter ilgen, MethodAnalyzer ma, int opcodeIndex)
LocalBuilder local = ilgen.DeclareLocal(DeclaringType.TypeAsTBD);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, local);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, DeclaringType.TypeAsTBD);
private class FinalizeMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
internal FinalizeMethodWrapper(DotNetTypeWrapper tw)
: base(tw, "finalize", "()V", null, PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray, Modifiers.Protected | Modifiers.Final, MemberFlags.None)
internal override void EmitCall(CodeEmitter ilgen)
internal override void EmitCallvirt(CodeEmitter ilgen)
private class CloneMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
internal CloneMethodWrapper(DotNetTypeWrapper tw)
: base(tw, "clone", "()Ljava.lang.Object;", null, CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper, TypeWrapper.EmptyArray, Modifiers.Protected | Modifiers.Final, MemberFlags.None)
internal override void EmitCall(CodeEmitter ilgen)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical("java.lang.Cloneable").TypeAsBaseType);
CodeEmitterLabel label1 = ilgen.DefineLabel();
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, label1);
CodeEmitterLabel label2 = ilgen.DefineLabel();
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, label2);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Types.Object.GetMethod("MemberwiseClone", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null));
internal override void EmitCallvirt(CodeEmitter ilgen)
protected override void LazyPublishMembers()
// special support for enums
if (type.IsEnum)
Type underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type);
Type javaUnderlyingType;
if (underlyingType == Types.SByte)
javaUnderlyingType = Types.Byte;
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt16)
javaUnderlyingType = Types.Int16;
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt32)
javaUnderlyingType = Types.Int32;
else if (underlyingType == Types.UInt64)
javaUnderlyingType = Types.Int64;
javaUnderlyingType = underlyingType;
TypeWrapper fieldType = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(javaUnderlyingType);
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
List<FieldWrapper> fieldsList = new List<FieldWrapper>();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
if (fields[i].FieldType == type)
string name = fields[i].Name;
if (name == "Value")
name = "_Value";
else if (name.StartsWith("_") && name.EndsWith("Value"))
name = "_" + name;
object val = EnumValueFieldWrapper.GetEnumPrimitiveValue(underlyingType, fields[i].GetRawConstantValue());
fieldsList.Add(new ConstantFieldWrapper(this, fieldType, name, fieldType.SigName, Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Static | Modifiers.Final, fields[i], val, MemberFlags.None));
fieldsList.Add(new EnumValueFieldWrapper(this, fieldType));
SetMethods(new MethodWrapper[] { new EnumWrapMethodWrapper(this, fieldType) });
List<FieldWrapper> fieldsList = new List<FieldWrapper>();
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
// TODO for remapped types, instance fields need to be converted to static getter/setter methods
if (fields[i].FieldType.IsPointer)
// skip, pointer fields are not supported
// TODO handle name/signature clash
fieldsList.Add(CreateFieldWrapperDotNet(AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(fields[i], true).Modifiers, fields[i].Name, fields[i].FieldType, fields[i]));
Dictionary<string, MethodWrapper> methodsList = new Dictionary<string, MethodWrapper>();
// special case for delegate constructors!
if (IsDelegate(type))
TypeWrapper iface = InnerClasses[0];
DelegateMethodWrapper mw = new DelegateMethodWrapper(this, (DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper)iface);
methodsList.Add(mw.Name + mw.Signature, mw);
// add a protected default constructor to MulticastDelegate to make it easier to define a delegate in Java
if (type == Types.MulticastDelegate)
methodsList.Add("<init>()V", new MulticastDelegateCtorMethodWrapper(this));
ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
for (int i = 0; i < constructors.Length; i++)
string name;
string sig;
TypeWrapper[] args;
TypeWrapper ret;
if (MakeMethodDescriptor(constructors[i], out name, out sig, out args, out ret))
MethodWrapper mw = CreateMethodWrapper(name, sig, args, ret, constructors[i], false);
string key = mw.Name + mw.Signature;
if (!methodsList.ContainsKey(key))
methodsList.Add(key, mw);
if (type.IsValueType && !methodsList.ContainsKey("<init>()V"))
// Value types have an implicit default ctor
methodsList.Add("<init>()V", new ValueTypeDefaultCtor(this));
MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
if (methods[i].IsStatic && type.IsInterface)
// skip, Java cannot deal with static methods on interfaces
string name;
string sig;
TypeWrapper[] args;
TypeWrapper ret;
if (MakeMethodDescriptor(methods[i], out name, out sig, out args, out ret))
if (!methods[i].IsStatic && !methods[i].IsPrivate && BaseTypeWrapper != null)
MethodWrapper baseMethod = BaseTypeWrapper.GetMethodWrapper(name, sig, true);
if (baseMethod != null && baseMethod.IsFinal && !baseMethod.IsStatic && !baseMethod.IsPrivate)
MethodWrapper mw = CreateMethodWrapper(name, sig, args, ret, methods[i], false);
string key = mw.Name + mw.Signature;
MethodWrapper existing;
methodsList.TryGetValue(key, out existing);
if (existing == null || existing is ByRefMethodWrapper)
methodsList[key] = mw;
else if (methods[i].IsAbstract)
this.HasUnsupportedAbstractMethods = true;
// make sure that all the interface methods that we implement are available as public methods,
// otherwise javac won't like the class.
if (!type.IsInterface)
Type[] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
// we only handle public (or nested public) types, because we're potentially adding a
// method that should be callable by anyone through the interface
if (interfaces[i].IsVisible)
InterfaceMapping map = type.GetInterfaceMap(interfaces[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < map.InterfaceMethods.Length; j++)
if ((!map.TargetMethods[j].IsPublic || map.TargetMethods[j].Name != map.InterfaceMethods[j].Name)
&& map.TargetMethods[j].DeclaringType == type)
string name;
string sig;
TypeWrapper[] args;
TypeWrapper ret;
if (MakeMethodDescriptor(map.InterfaceMethods[j], out name, out sig, out args, out ret))
string key = name + sig;
MethodWrapper existing;
methodsList.TryGetValue(key, out existing);
if (existing == null && BaseTypeWrapper != null)
MethodWrapper baseMethod = BaseTypeWrapper.GetMethodWrapper(name, sig, true);
if (baseMethod != null && !baseMethod.IsStatic && baseMethod.IsPublic)
if (existing == null || existing is ByRefMethodWrapper || existing.IsStatic || !existing.IsPublic)
// TODO if existing != null, we need to rename the existing method (but this is complicated because
// it also affects subclasses). This is especially required is the existing method is abstract,
// because otherwise we won't be able to create any subclasses in Java.
methodsList[key] = CreateMethodWrapper(name, sig, args, ret, map.InterfaceMethods[j], true);
// for non-final remapped types, we need to add all the virtual methods in our alter ego (which
// appears as our base class) and make them final (to prevent Java code from overriding these
// methods, which don't really exist).
if (ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(type) && !type.IsSealed && !type.IsInterface)
// Finish the type, to make sure the methods are populated
TypeWrapper baseTypeWrapper = this.BaseTypeWrapper;
while (baseTypeWrapper != null)
foreach (MethodWrapper m in baseTypeWrapper.GetMethods())
if (!m.IsStatic && !m.IsFinal && (m.IsPublic || m.IsProtected) && m.Name != "<init>")
string key = m.Name + m.Signature;
if (!methodsList.ContainsKey(key))
if (m.IsProtected)
if (m.Name == "finalize" && m.Signature == "()V")
methodsList.Add(key, new FinalizeMethodWrapper(this));
else if (m.Name == "clone" && m.Signature == "()Ljava.lang.Object;")
methodsList.Add(key, new CloneMethodWrapper(this));
// there should be a special MethodWrapper for this method
throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing protected method support for " + baseTypeWrapper.Name + "::" + m.Name + m.Signature);
methodsList.Add(key, new BaseFinalMethodWrapper(this, m));
baseTypeWrapper = baseTypeWrapper.BaseTypeWrapper;
MethodWrapper[] methodArray = new MethodWrapper[methodsList.Count];
methodsList.Values.CopyTo(methodArray, 0);
private class BaseFinalMethodWrapper : MethodWrapper
private MethodWrapper m;
internal BaseFinalMethodWrapper(DotNetTypeWrapper tw, MethodWrapper m)
: base(tw, m.Name, m.Signature, m.GetMethod(), m.ReturnType, m.GetParameters(), m.Modifiers | Modifiers.Final, MemberFlags.None)
this.m = m;
internal override void EmitCall(CodeEmitter ilgen)
// we direct EmitCall to EmitCallvirt, because we always want to end up at the instancehelper method
// (EmitCall would go to our alter ego .NET type and that wouldn't be legal)
internal override void EmitCallvirt(CodeEmitter ilgen)
internal static bool IsUnsupportedAbstractMethod(MethodBase mb)
if (mb.IsAbstract)
MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo)mb;
if (mi.ReturnType.IsByRef || IsPointerType(mi.ReturnType))
return true;
foreach (ParameterInfo p in mi.GetParameters())
if (p.ParameterType.IsByRef || IsPointerType(p.ParameterType))
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsPointerType(Type type)
while (type.HasElementType)
if (type.IsPointer)
return true;
type = type.GetElementType();
return false;
private bool MakeMethodDescriptor(MethodBase mb, out string name, out string sig, out TypeWrapper[] args, out TypeWrapper ret)
if (mb.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
name = null;
sig = null;
args = null;
ret = null;
return false;
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
ParameterInfo[] parameters = mb.GetParameters();
args = new TypeWrapper[parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
Type type = parameters[i].ParameterType;
if (IsPointerType(type))
name = null;
sig = null;
args = null;
ret = null;
return false;
if (type.IsByRef)
type = ArrayTypeWrapper.MakeArrayType(type.GetElementType(), 1);
if (mb.IsAbstract)
// Since we cannot override methods with byref arguments, we don't report abstract
// methods with byref args.
name = null;
sig = null;
args = null;
ret = null;
return false;
TypeWrapper tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
args[i] = tw;
if (mb is ConstructorInfo)
ret = PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID;
if (mb.IsStatic)
name = "<clinit>";
name = "<init>";
sig = sb.ToString();
return true;
Type type = ((MethodInfo)mb).ReturnType;
if (IsPointerType(type) || type.IsByRef)
name = null;
sig = null;
ret = null;
return false;
ret = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
name = mb.Name;
sig = sb.ToString();
return true;
internal override TypeWrapper[] Interfaces
lock (this)
if (interfaces == null)
Type[] interfaceTypes = type.GetInterfaces();
interfaces = new TypeWrapper[interfaceTypes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceTypes.Length; i++)
if (interfaceTypes[i].DeclaringType != null &&
AttributeHelper.IsHideFromJava(interfaceTypes[i]) &&
interfaceTypes[i].Name == "__Interface")
// we have to return the declaring type for ghost interfaces
interfaces[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(interfaceTypes[i].DeclaringType);
interfaces[i] = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(interfaceTypes[i]);
return interfaces;
private static bool IsAttribute(Type type)
if (!type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(Types.Attribute) && type.IsVisible)
// Based on the number of constructors and their arguments, we distinguish several types
// of attributes:
// | def ctor | single 1-arg ctor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// complex only (i.e. Annotation{N}) | |
// all optional fields/properties | X |
// required "value" | | X
// optional "value" | X | X
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO currently we don't support "complex only" attributes.
ConstructorInfo defCtor;
ConstructorInfo singleOneArgCtor;
AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper.GetConstructors(type, out defCtor, out singleOneArgCtor);
return defCtor != null || singleOneArgCtor != null;
return false;
private static bool IsDelegate(Type type)
// HACK non-public delegates do not get the special treatment (because they are likely to refer to
// non-public types in the arg list and they're not really useful anyway)
// NOTE we don't have to check in what assembly the type lives, because this is a DotNetTypeWrapper,
// we know that it is a different assembly.
if (!type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(Types.MulticastDelegate) && type.IsVisible)
MethodInfo invoke = type.GetMethod("Invoke");
if (invoke != null)
foreach (ParameterInfo p in invoke.GetParameters())
// TODO at the moment we don't support delegates with pointer or byref parameters
if (p.ParameterType.IsPointer || p.ParameterType.IsByRef)
return false;
return true;
return false;
internal override TypeWrapper[] InnerClasses
lock (this)
if (innerClasses == null)
Type[] nestedTypes = type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
List<TypeWrapper> list = new List<TypeWrapper>(nestedTypes.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < nestedTypes.Length; i++)
if (!nestedTypes[i].IsGenericTypeDefinition)
if (IsDelegate(type))
ClassLoaderWrapper classLoader = GetClassLoader();
list.Add(classLoader.RegisterInitiatingLoader(new DelegateInnerClassTypeWrapper(Name + DelegateInterfaceSuffix, type, classLoader)));
if (IsAttribute(type))
list.Add(GetClassLoader().RegisterInitiatingLoader(new AttributeAnnotationTypeWrapper(Name + AttributeAnnotationSuffix, type)));
if (type.IsEnum && type.IsVisible)
list.Add(GetClassLoader().RegisterInitiatingLoader(new EnumEnumTypeWrapper(Name + EnumEnumSuffix, type)));
innerClasses = list.ToArray();
return innerClasses;
internal override bool IsFakeTypeContainer
return IsDelegate(type) || IsAttribute(type) || (type.IsEnum && type.IsVisible);
internal override TypeWrapper DeclaringTypeWrapper
if (outerClass == null)
Type outer = type.DeclaringType;
if (outer != null && !type.IsGenericType)
outerClass = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(outer);
return outerClass;
internal override Modifiers ReflectiveModifiers
if (DeclaringTypeWrapper != null)
return Modifiers | Modifiers.Static;
return Modifiers;
private FieldWrapper CreateFieldWrapperDotNet(Modifiers modifiers, string name, Type fieldType, FieldInfo field)
TypeWrapper type = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(fieldType);
if (field.IsLiteral)
return new ConstantFieldWrapper(this, type, name, type.SigName, modifiers, field, null, MemberFlags.None);
return FieldWrapper.Create(this, type, field, name, type.SigName, new ExModifiers(modifiers, false));
private MethodWrapper CreateMethodWrapper(string name, string sig, TypeWrapper[] argTypeWrappers, TypeWrapper retTypeWrapper, MethodBase mb, bool privateInterfaceImplHack)
ExModifiers exmods = AttributeHelper.GetModifiers(mb, true);
Modifiers mods = exmods.Modifiers;
if (name == "Finalize" && sig == "()V" && !mb.IsStatic &&
// TODO if the .NET also has a "finalize" method, we need to hide that one (or rename it, or whatever)
MethodWrapper mw = new SimpleCallMethodWrapper(this, "finalize", "()V", (MethodInfo)mb, null, null, mods, MemberFlags.None, SimpleOpCode.Call, SimpleOpCode.Callvirt);
mw.SetDeclaredExceptions(new string[] { "java.lang.Throwable" });
return mw;
ParameterInfo[] parameters = mb.GetParameters();
Type[] args = new Type[parameters.Length];
bool hasByRefArgs = false;
bool[] byrefs = null;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
args[i] = parameters[i].ParameterType;
if (parameters[i].ParameterType.IsByRef)
if (byrefs == null)
byrefs = new bool[args.Length];
byrefs[i] = true;
hasByRefArgs = true;
if (privateInterfaceImplHack)
mods &= ~Modifiers.Abstract;
mods |= Modifiers.Final;
if (hasByRefArgs)
if (!(mb is ConstructorInfo) && !mb.IsStatic)
mods |= Modifiers.Final;
return new ByRefMethodWrapper(args, byrefs, this, name, sig, mb, retTypeWrapper, argTypeWrappers, mods, false);
if (mb is ConstructorInfo)
return new SmartConstructorMethodWrapper(this, name, sig, (ConstructorInfo)mb, argTypeWrappers, mods, MemberFlags.None);
return new SmartCallMethodWrapper(this, name, sig, (MethodInfo)mb, retTypeWrapper, argTypeWrappers, mods, MemberFlags.None, SimpleOpCode.Call, SimpleOpCode.Callvirt);
internal override Type TypeAsTBD
return type;
internal override bool IsRemapped
return ClassLoaderWrapper.IsRemappedType(type);
internal override void EmitInstanceOf(TypeWrapper context, CodeEmitter ilgen)
if (IsRemapped)
TypeWrapper shadow = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
MethodInfo method = shadow.TypeAsBaseType.GetMethod("__<instanceof>");
if (method != null)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, method);
internal override void EmitCheckcast(TypeWrapper context, CodeEmitter ilgen)
if (IsRemapped)
TypeWrapper shadow = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type);
MethodInfo method = shadow.TypeAsBaseType.GetMethod("__<checkcast>");
if (method != null)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, method);
internal override void Finish()
if (BaseTypeWrapper != null)
foreach (TypeWrapper tw in this.Interfaces)
internal override object[] GetDeclaredAnnotations()
if (type.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return type.GetCustomAttributes(false);
internal override object[] GetFieldAnnotations(FieldWrapper fw)
FieldInfo fi = fw.GetField();
if (fi == null)
return null;
if (fi.DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return fi.GetCustomAttributes(false);
internal override object[] GetMethodAnnotations(MethodWrapper mw)
MethodBase mb = mw.GetMethod();
if (mb == null)
return null;
if (mb.DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
return mb.GetCustomAttributes(false);
internal override object[][] GetParameterAnnotations(MethodWrapper mw)
MethodBase mb = mw.GetMethod();
if (mb == null)
return null;
if (mb.DeclaringType.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
// TODO on Whidbey this must be implemented
return null;
ParameterInfo[] parameters = mb.GetParameters();
object[][] attribs = new object[parameters.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
attribs[i] = parameters[i].GetCustomAttributes(false);
return attribs;
internal override bool IsFastClassLiteralSafe
get { return true; }