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Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Jeroen Frijters
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jeroen Frijters
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using IKVM.Reflection;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using Type = IKVM.Reflection.Type;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Instruction = IKVM.Internal.ClassFile.Method.Instruction;
using InstructionFlags = IKVM.Internal.ClassFile.Method.InstructionFlags;
namespace IKVM.Internal
sealed class EmitIntrinsicContext
internal readonly MethodWrapper Method;
internal readonly DynamicTypeWrapper.FinishContext Context;
internal readonly CodeEmitter Emitter;
private readonly CodeInfo ma;
internal readonly int OpcodeIndex;
internal readonly MethodWrapper Caller;
internal readonly ClassFile ClassFile;
internal readonly Instruction[] Code;
internal readonly InstructionFlags[] Flags;
internal EmitIntrinsicContext(MethodWrapper method, DynamicTypeWrapper.FinishContext context, CodeEmitter ilgen, CodeInfo ma, int opcodeIndex, MethodWrapper caller, ClassFile classFile, Instruction[] code, InstructionFlags[] flags)
this.Method = method;
this.Context = context;
this.Emitter = ilgen;
this.ma = ma;
this.OpcodeIndex = opcodeIndex;
this.Caller = caller;
this.ClassFile = classFile;
this.Code = code;
this.Flags = flags;
internal bool MatchRange(int offset, int length)
if (OpcodeIndex + offset < 0)
return false;
if (OpcodeIndex + offset + length > Code.Length)
return false;
// we check for branches *into* the range, the start of the range may be a branch target
for (int i = OpcodeIndex + offset + 1, end = OpcodeIndex + offset + length; i < end; i++)
if ((Flags[i] & InstructionFlags.BranchTarget) != 0)
return false;
return true;
internal bool Match(int offset, NormalizedByteCode opcode)
return Code[OpcodeIndex + offset].NormalizedOpCode == opcode;
internal bool Match(int offset, NormalizedByteCode opcode, int arg)
return Code[OpcodeIndex + offset].NormalizedOpCode == opcode && Code[OpcodeIndex + offset].Arg1 == arg;
internal TypeWrapper GetStackTypeWrapper(int offset, int pos)
return ma.GetStackTypeWrapper(OpcodeIndex + offset, pos);
internal ClassFile.ConstantPoolItemMI GetMethodref(int offset)
return ClassFile.GetMethodref(Code[OpcodeIndex + offset].Arg1);
internal TypeWrapper GetClassLiteral(int offset)
return ClassFile.GetConstantPoolClassType(Code[OpcodeIndex + offset].Arg1);
internal void PatchOpCode(int offset, NormalizedByteCode opc)
Code[OpcodeIndex + offset].PatchOpCode(opc);
static class Intrinsics
private delegate bool Emitter(EmitIntrinsicContext eic);
private struct IntrinsicKey : IEquatable<IntrinsicKey>
private readonly string className;
private readonly string methodName;
private readonly string methodSignature;
internal IntrinsicKey(string className, string methodName, string methodSignature)
this.className = string.Intern(className);
this.methodName = string.Intern(methodName);
this.methodSignature = string.Intern(methodSignature);
internal IntrinsicKey(MethodWrapper mw)
this.className = mw.DeclaringType.Name;
this.methodName = mw.Name;
this.methodSignature = mw.Signature;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals((IntrinsicKey)obj);
public bool Equals(IntrinsicKey other)
return ReferenceEquals(className, other.className) && ReferenceEquals(methodName, other.methodName) && ReferenceEquals(methodSignature, other.methodSignature);
public override int GetHashCode()
return methodName.GetHashCode();
private static readonly Dictionary<IntrinsicKey, Emitter> intrinsics = Register();
private static readonly Type typeofFloatConverter = StaticCompiler.GetRuntimeType("IKVM.Runtime.FloatConverter");
private static readonly Type typeofDoubleConverter = StaticCompiler.GetRuntimeType("IKVM.Runtime.DoubleConverter");
private static readonly Type typeofFloatConverter = typeof(IKVM.Runtime.FloatConverter);
private static readonly Type typeofDoubleConverter = typeof(IKVM.Runtime.DoubleConverter);
private static Dictionary<IntrinsicKey, Emitter> Register()
Dictionary<IntrinsicKey, Emitter> intrinsics = new Dictionary<IntrinsicKey, Emitter>();
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Object", "getClass", "()Ljava.lang.Class;"), Object_getClass);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Class", "desiredAssertionStatus", "()Z"), Class_desiredAssertionStatus);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Float", "floatToRawIntBits", "(F)I"), Float_floatToRawIntBits);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Float", "intBitsToFloat", "(I)F"), Float_intBitsToFloat);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Double", "doubleToRawLongBits", "(D)J"), Double_doubleToRawLongBits);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Double", "longBitsToDouble", "(J)D"), Double_longBitsToDouble);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.System", "arraycopy", "(Ljava.lang.Object;ILjava.lang.Object;II)V"), System_arraycopy);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater", "newUpdater", "(Ljava.lang.Class;Ljava.lang.Class;Ljava.lang.String;)Ljava.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;"), AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater_newUpdater);
// String_toCharArray relies on globals, which aren't usable in dynamic mode
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.String", "toCharArray", "()[C"), String_toCharArray);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("sun.reflect.Reflection", "getCallerClass", "(I)Ljava.lang.Class;"), Reflection_getCallerClass);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.ClassLoader", "getCallerClassLoader", "()Ljava.lang.ClassLoader;"), ClassLoader_getCallerClassLoader);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("ikvm.internal.CallerID", "getCallerID", "()Likvm.internal.CallerID;"), CallerID_getCallerID);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("ikvm.runtime.Util", "getInstanceTypeFromClass", "(Ljava.lang.Class;)Lcli.System.Type;"), Util_getInstanceTypeFromClass);
// this only applies to the core class library, so makes no sense in dynamic mode
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.Class", "getPrimitiveClass", "(Ljava.lang.String;)Ljava.lang.Class;"), Class_getPrimitiveClass);
intrinsics.Add(new IntrinsicKey("java.lang.ThreadLocal", "<init>", "()V"), ThreadLocal_new);
return intrinsics;
internal static bool IsIntrinsic(MethodWrapper mw)
return intrinsics.ContainsKey(new IntrinsicKey(mw)) && mw.DeclaringType.GetClassLoader() == CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper.GetClassLoader();
internal static bool Emit(EmitIntrinsicContext context)
// note that intrinsics can always refuse to emit code and the code generator will fall back to a normal method call
return intrinsics[new IntrinsicKey(context.Method)](context);
private static bool Object_getClass(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
// this is the null-check idiom that javac uses (both in its own source and in the code it generates)
if (eic.MatchRange(0, 2)
&& eic.Match(1, NormalizedByteCode.__pop))
return true;
// this optimizes obj1.getClass() ==/!= obj2.getClass()
else if (eic.MatchRange(0, 4)
&& eic.Match(1, NormalizedByteCode.__aload)
&& eic.Match(2, NormalizedByteCode.__invokevirtual)
&& (eic.Match(3, NormalizedByteCode.__if_acmpeq) || eic.Match(3, NormalizedByteCode.__if_acmpne))
&& (IsSafeForGetClassOptimization(eic.GetStackTypeWrapper(0, 0)) || IsSafeForGetClassOptimization(eic.GetStackTypeWrapper(2, 0))))
ClassFile.ConstantPoolItemMI cpi = eic.GetMethodref(2);
if (cpi.Class == "java.lang.Object" && cpi.Name == "getClass" && cpi.Signature == "()Ljava.lang.Class;")
// we can't patch the current opcode, so we have to emit the first call to GetTypeHandle here
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, Compiler.getTypeMethod);
eic.PatchOpCode(2, NormalizedByteCode.__intrinsic_gettype);
return true;
return false;
private static bool Class_desiredAssertionStatus(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
if (eic.MatchRange(-1, 2)
&& eic.Match(-1, NormalizedByteCode.__ldc))
TypeWrapper classLiteral = eic.GetClassLiteral(-1);
if (!classLiteral.IsUnloadable && classLiteral.GetClassLoader().RemoveAsserts)
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsSafeForGetClassOptimization(TypeWrapper tw)
// because of ghost arrays, we don't optimize if both types are either java.lang.Object or an array
return tw != CoreClasses.java.lang.Object.Wrapper && !tw.IsArray;
private static bool Float_floatToRawIntBits(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
EmitConversion(eic.Emitter, typeofFloatConverter, "ToInt");
return true;
private static bool Float_intBitsToFloat(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
EmitConversion(eic.Emitter, typeofFloatConverter, "ToFloat");
return true;
private static bool Double_doubleToRawLongBits(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
EmitConversion(eic.Emitter, typeofDoubleConverter, "ToLong");
return true;
private static bool Double_longBitsToDouble(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
EmitConversion(eic.Emitter, typeofDoubleConverter, "ToDouble");
return true;
private static void EmitConversion(CodeEmitter ilgen, Type converterType, string method)
CodeEmitterLocal converter = ilgen.UnsafeAllocTempLocal(converterType);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, converter);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, converterType.GetMethod(method));
private static bool System_arraycopy(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
// if the array arguments on the stack are of a known array type, we can redirect to an optimized version of arraycopy.
// Note that we also have to handle VMSystem.arraycopy, because on GNU Classpath StringBuffer directly calls
// this method to avoid prematurely initialising System.
TypeWrapper dst_type = eic.GetStackTypeWrapper(0, 2);
TypeWrapper src_type = eic.GetStackTypeWrapper(0, 4);
if (!dst_type.IsUnloadable && dst_type.IsArray && dst_type == src_type)
switch (dst_type.Name[1])
case 'J':
case 'D':
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.arraycopy_primitive_8);
case 'I':
case 'F':
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.arraycopy_primitive_4);
case 'S':
case 'C':
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.arraycopy_primitive_2);
case 'B':
case 'Z':
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.arraycopy_primitive_1);
// TODO once the verifier tracks actual types (i.e. it knows that
// a particular reference is the result of a "new" opcode) we can
// use the fast version if the exact destination type is known
// (in that case the "dst_type == src_type" above should
// be changed to "src_type.IsAssignableTo(dst_type)".
TypeWrapper elemtw = dst_type.ElementTypeWrapper;
// note that IsFinal returns true for array types, so we have to be careful!
if (!elemtw.IsArray && elemtw.IsFinal)
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.arraycopy_fast);
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.arraycopy);
return true;
return false;
private static bool AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater_newUpdater(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
return AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterEmitter.Emit(eic.Context, eic.Caller.DeclaringType, eic.Emitter, eic.ClassFile, eic.OpcodeIndex, eic.Code, eic.Flags);
private static bool String_toCharArray(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
if (eic.MatchRange(-1, 2)
&& eic.Match(-1, NormalizedByteCode.__ldc))
string str = eic.ClassFile.GetConstantPoolConstantString(eic.Code[eic.OpcodeIndex - 1].Arg1);
// arbitrary length for "big" strings
if (str.Length > 128)
EmitLoadCharArrayLiteral(eic.Emitter, str, eic.Caller.DeclaringType);
return true;
return false;
private static void EmitLoadCharArrayLiteral(CodeEmitter ilgen, string str, TypeWrapper tw)
ModuleBuilder mod = tw.GetClassLoader().GetTypeWrapperFactory().ModuleBuilder;
// FXBUG on .NET 1.1 & 2.0 the value type that Ref.Emit automatically generates is public,
// so we pre-create a non-public type with the right name here and it will "magically" use
// that instead.
// If we're running on Mono this isn't necessary, but for simplicitly we'll simply create
// the type as well (it is useless, but all it does is waste a little space).
int length = str.Length * 2;
string typename = "$ArrayType$" + length;
Type type = mod.GetType(typename, false, false);
if (type == null)
if (tw.GetClassLoader().GetTypeWrapperFactory().ReserveName(typename))
TypeBuilder tb = mod.DefineType(typename, TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout | TypeAttributes.NotPublic, Types.ValueType, PackingSize.Size1, length);
type = tb.CreateType();
if (type == null
|| !type.IsValueType
|| type.StructLayoutAttribute.Pack != 1 || type.StructLayoutAttribute.Size != length)
// the type that we found doesn't match (must mean we've compiled a Java type with that name),
// so we fall back to the string approach
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, str);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Types.String.GetMethod("ToCharArray", Type.EmptyTypes));
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, str.Length);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Types.Char);
byte[] data = new byte[length];
for (int j = 0; j < str.Length; j++)
data[j * 2 + 0] = (byte)(str[j] >> 0);
data[j * 2 + 1] = (byte)(str[j] >> 8);
// NOTE we define a module field, because type fields on Mono don't use the global $ArrayType$<n> type.
// NOTE this also means that this will only work during static compilation, because ModuleBuilder.CreateGlobalFunctions() must
// be called before the field can be used.
FieldBuilder fb = mod.DefineInitializedData("__<str>", data, FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.PrivateScope);
// MONOBUG Type.Equals(Type) is broken on Mono. We have to use the virtual method that ends up in our implementation
if (!fb.FieldType.Equals((object)type))
// this is actually relatively harmless, but I would like to know about it, so we abort and hope that users report this when they encounter it
JVM.CriticalFailure("Unsupported runtime: ModuleBuilder.DefineInitializedData() field type mispredicted", null);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, fb);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, JVM.Import(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers)).GetMethod("InitializeArray", new Type[] { Types.Array, JVM.Import(typeof(RuntimeFieldHandle)) }));
private static bool Reflection_getCallerClass(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
if (eic.Caller.HasCallerID
&& eic.MatchRange(-1, 2)
&& eic.Match(-1, NormalizedByteCode.__iconst, 2))
int arg = eic.Caller.GetParametersForDefineMethod().Length - 1;
if (!eic.Caller.IsStatic)
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (short)arg);
MethodWrapper mw = CoreClasses.ikvm.@internal.CallerID.Wrapper.GetMethodWrapper("getCallerClass", "()Ljava.lang.Class;", false);
return true;
return false;
private static bool ClassLoader_getCallerClassLoader(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
if (eic.Caller.HasCallerID)
int arg = eic.Caller.GetParametersForDefineMethod().Length - 1;
if (!eic.Caller.IsStatic)
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (short)arg);
MethodWrapper mw = CoreClasses.ikvm.@internal.CallerID.Wrapper.GetMethodWrapper("getCallerClassLoader", "()Ljava.lang.ClassLoader;", false);
return true;
return false;
private static bool CallerID_getCallerID(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
if (eic.Caller.HasCallerID)
int arg = eic.Caller.GetParametersForDefineMethod().Length - 1;
if (!eic.Caller.IsStatic)
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (short)arg);
return true;
JVM.CriticalFailure("CallerID.getCallerID() requires a HasCallerID annotation", null);
return false;
private static bool Util_getInstanceTypeFromClass(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
if (eic.MatchRange(-1, 2)
&& eic.Match(-1, NormalizedByteCode.__ldc))
TypeWrapper tw = eic.GetClassLiteral(-1);
if (!tw.IsUnloadable)
if (tw.IsRemapped && tw.IsFinal)
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, tw.TypeAsTBD);
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, tw.TypeAsBaseType);
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Compiler.getTypeFromHandleMethod);
return true;
return false;
private static bool Class_getPrimitiveClass(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
MethodWrapper mw = CoreClasses.java.lang.Class.Wrapper.GetMethodWrapper("<init>", "(Lcli.System.Type;)V", false);
return true;
private static bool ThreadLocal_new(EmitIntrinsicContext eic)
// it is only valid to replace a ThreadLocal instantiation by our ThreadStatic based version, if we can prove that the instantiation only happens once
// (which is the case when we're in <clinit> and there aren't any branches that lead to the current position)
if (eic.Caller.Name != StringConstants.CLINIT)
return false;
if (JVM.classUnloading)
// RunAndCollect assemblies do not support ThreadStaticAttribute
return false;
for (int i = 0; i <= eic.OpcodeIndex; i++)
if ((eic.Flags[i] & InstructionFlags.BranchTarget) != 0)
return false;
eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, DefineThreadLocalType(eic.Context, eic.OpcodeIndex, eic.Caller));
return true;
private static ConstructorBuilder DefineThreadLocalType(DynamicTypeWrapper.FinishContext context, int opcodeIndex, MethodWrapper caller)
TypeWrapper threadLocal = ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical("ikvm.internal.IntrinsicThreadLocal");
TypeBuilder tb = caller.DeclaringType.TypeAsBuilder.DefineNestedType("__<tls>_" + opcodeIndex, TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate | TypeAttributes.Sealed, threadLocal.TypeAsBaseType);
FieldBuilder fb = tb.DefineField("field", Types.Object, FieldAttributes.Private | FieldAttributes.Static);
fb.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder(JVM.Import(typeof(ThreadStaticAttribute)).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), new object[0]));
MethodBuilder mbGet = tb.DefineMethod("get", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final, Types.Object, Type.EmptyTypes);
ILGenerator ilgen = mbGet.GetILGenerator();
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, fb);
MethodBuilder mbSet = tb.DefineMethod("set", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final, null, new Type[] { Types.Object });
ilgen = mbSet.GetILGenerator();
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, fb);
ConstructorBuilder cb = tb.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Assembly, CallingConventions.Standard, Type.EmptyTypes);
CodeEmitter ctorilgen = CodeEmitter.Create(cb);
MethodWrapper basector = threadLocal.GetMethodWrapper("<init>", "()V", false);
return cb;