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Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Jeroen Frijters
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jeroen Frijters
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using FormatterServices = System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices;
using IKVM.Attributes;
using IKVM.Reflection;
using Type = IKVM.Reflection.Type;
using System.Reflection;
namespace IKVM.Internal
class AssemblyClassLoader : ClassLoaderWrapper
private static readonly Dictionary<Assembly, AssemblyClassLoader> assemblyClassLoaders = new Dictionary<Assembly, AssemblyClassLoader>();
private AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader;
private string[] references;
private AssemblyClassLoader[] delegates;
private Thread initializerThread;
private int initializerRecursion;
private object protectionDomain;
private static Dictionary<string, string> customClassLoaderRedirects;
private bool hasCustomClassLoader;
private Dictionary<int, List<int>> exports;
private string[] exportedAssemblyNames;
private AssemblyLoader[] exportedAssemblies;
private Dictionary<Assembly, AssemblyLoader> exportedLoaders;
private sealed class AssemblyLoader
private readonly Assembly assembly;
private bool[] isJavaModule;
private Module[] modules;
private Dictionary<string, string> nameMap;
private bool hasDotNetModule;
private AssemblyName[] internalsVisibleTo;
private string[] jarList;
private sun.misc.URLClassPath urlClassPath;
internal AssemblyLoader(Assembly assembly)
this.assembly = assembly;
modules = assembly.GetModules(false);
isJavaModule = new bool[modules.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < modules.Length; i++)
object[] attr = AttributeHelper.GetJavaModuleAttributes(modules[i]);
if (attr.Length > 0)
isJavaModule[i] = true;
foreach (JavaModuleAttribute jma in attr)
string[] map = jma.GetClassMap();
if (map != null)
if (nameMap == null)
nameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int j = 0; j < map.Length; j += 2)
string key = map[j];
string val = map[j + 1];
// TODO if there is a name clash between modules, this will throw.
// Figure out how to handle that.
nameMap.Add(key, val);
string[] jars = jma.Jars;
if (jars != null)
if (jarList == null)
jarList = jars;
string[] newList = new string[jarList.Length + jars.Length];
Array.Copy(jarList, newList, jarList.Length);
Array.Copy(jars, 0, newList, jarList.Length, jars.Length);
jarList = newList;
hasDotNetModule = true;
internal bool HasJavaModule
for (int i = 0; i < isJavaModule.Length; i++)
if (isJavaModule[i])
return true;
return false;
internal Assembly Assembly
get { return assembly; }
private Type GetType(string name)
return assembly.GetType(name);
catch (FileLoadException x)
// this can only happen if the assembly was loaded in the ReflectionOnly
// context and the requested type references a type in another assembly
// that cannot be found in the ReflectionOnly context
// TODO figure out what other exceptions Assembly.GetType() can throw
Tracer.Info(Tracer.Runtime, x.Message);
return null;
private Type GetType(Module mod, string name)
return mod.GetType(name);
catch (FileLoadException x)
// this can only happen if the assembly was loaded in the ReflectionOnly
// context and the requested type references a type in another assembly
// that cannot be found in the ReflectionOnly context
// TODO figure out what other exceptions Assembly.GetType() can throw
Tracer.Info(Tracer.Runtime, x.Message);
return null;
private Type GetJavaType(Module mod, string name)
string n = null;
if (nameMap != null)
nameMap.TryGetValue(name, out n);
Type t = GetType(mod, n != null ? n : name);
if (t == null)
n = name.Replace('$', '+');
if (!ReferenceEquals(n, name))
t = GetType(n);
if (t != null
&& !AttributeHelper.IsHideFromJava(t)
&& !t.IsArray
&& !t.IsPointer
&& !t.IsByRef)
return t;
catch (ArgumentException x)
// we can end up here because we replace the $ with a plus sign
// (or client code did a Class.forName() on an invalid name)
Tracer.Info(Tracer.Runtime, x.Message);
return null;
internal TypeWrapper DoLoad(string name)
for (int i = 0; i < modules.Length; i++)
if (isJavaModule[i])
Type type = GetJavaType(modules[i], name);
if (type != null)
// check the name to make sure that the canonical name was used
if (CompiledTypeWrapper.GetName(type) == name)
return CompiledTypeWrapper.newInstance(name, type);
// TODO should we catch ArgumentException and prohibit array, pointer and byref here?
Type type = GetType(modules[i], DotNetTypeWrapper.DemangleTypeName(name));
if (type != null && DotNetTypeWrapper.IsAllowedOutside(type))
// check the name to make sure that the canonical name was used
if (DotNetTypeWrapper.GetName(type) == name)
return DotNetTypeWrapper.Create(type, name);
if (hasDotNetModule)
// for fake types, we load the declaring outer type (the real one) and
// let that generated the manufactured nested classes
// (note that for generic outer types, we need to duplicate this in ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadGenericClass)
TypeWrapper outer = null;
if (name.EndsWith(DotNetTypeWrapper.DelegateInterfaceSuffix))
outer = DoLoad(name.Substring(0, name.Length - DotNetTypeWrapper.DelegateInterfaceSuffix.Length));
else if (name.EndsWith(DotNetTypeWrapper.AttributeAnnotationSuffix))
outer = DoLoad(name.Substring(0, name.Length - DotNetTypeWrapper.AttributeAnnotationSuffix.Length));
else if (name.EndsWith(DotNetTypeWrapper.AttributeAnnotationReturnValueSuffix))
outer = DoLoad(name.Substring(0, name.Length - DotNetTypeWrapper.AttributeAnnotationReturnValueSuffix.Length));
else if (name.EndsWith(DotNetTypeWrapper.AttributeAnnotationMultipleSuffix))
outer = DoLoad(name.Substring(0, name.Length - DotNetTypeWrapper.AttributeAnnotationMultipleSuffix.Length));
else if (name.EndsWith(DotNetTypeWrapper.EnumEnumSuffix))
outer = DoLoad(name.Substring(0, name.Length - DotNetTypeWrapper.EnumEnumSuffix.Length));
if (outer != null && outer.IsFakeTypeContainer)
foreach (TypeWrapper tw in outer.InnerClasses)
if (tw.Name == name)
return tw;
return null;
internal string GetTypeNameAndType(Type type, out bool isJavaType)
Module mod = type.Module;
int moduleIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < modules.Length; i++)
if (modules[i] == mod)
moduleIndex = i;
if (isJavaModule[moduleIndex])
isJavaType = true;
if (AttributeHelper.IsHideFromJava(type))
return null;
return CompiledTypeWrapper.GetName(type);
isJavaType = false;
if (!DotNetTypeWrapper.IsAllowedOutside(type))
return null;
return DotNetTypeWrapper.GetName(type);
internal TypeWrapper CreateWrapperForAssemblyType(Type type)
bool isJavaType;
string name = GetTypeNameAndType(type, out isJavaType);
if (name == null)
return null;
if (isJavaType)
// since this type was compiled from Java source, we have to look for our
// attributes
return CompiledTypeWrapper.newInstance(name, type);
// since this type was not compiled from Java source, we don't need to
// look for our attributes, but we do need to filter unrepresentable
// stuff (and transform some other stuff)
return DotNetTypeWrapper.Create(type, name);
internal bool InternalsVisibleTo(AssemblyName otherName)
if (internalsVisibleTo == null)
internalsVisibleTo = AttributeHelper.GetInternalsVisibleToAttributes(assembly);
foreach (AssemblyName name in internalsVisibleTo)
// we match the simple name and PublicKeyToken (because the AssemblyName constructor used
// by GetInternalsVisibleToAttributes() only sets the PublicKeyToken, even if a PublicKey is specified)
if (ReflectUtil.MatchNameAndPublicKeyToken(name, otherName))
return true;
return false;
internal java.util.Enumeration FindResources(string name)
if (urlClassPath == null)
if (jarList == null)
return gnu.java.util.EmptyEnumeration.getInstance();
List<java.net.URL> urls = new List<java.net.URL>();
foreach (string jar in jarList)
urls.Add(MakeResourceURL(assembly, jar));
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref urlClassPath, new sun.misc.URLClassPath(urls.ToArray()), null);
return urlClassPath.findResources(name, true);
internal AssemblyClassLoader(Assembly assembly)
: this(assembly, null)
internal AssemblyClassLoader(Assembly assembly, string[] fixedReferences)
: base(CodeGenOptions.None, null)
this.assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(assembly);
this.references = fixedReferences;
if (assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo("ikvm.exports") != null)
using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ikvm.exports"))
BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(stream);
int assemblyCount = rdr.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < assemblyCount; i++)
string assemblyName = rdr.ReadString();
int typeCount = rdr.ReadInt32();
for (int j = 0; j < typeCount; j++)
if (typeCount != 0)
IkvmcCompiler.resolver.AddHintPath(assemblyName, Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location));
private void DoInitializeExports()
lock (this)
if (delegates == null)
if (!(ReflectUtil.IsDynamicAssembly(assemblyLoader.Assembly)) && assemblyLoader.Assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo("ikvm.exports") != null)
List<string> wildcardExports = new List<string>();
using (Stream stream = assemblyLoader.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ikvm.exports"))
BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(stream);
int assemblyCount = rdr.ReadInt32();
exports = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
exportedAssemblies = new AssemblyLoader[assemblyCount];
exportedAssemblyNames = new string[assemblyCount];
exportedLoaders = new Dictionary<Assembly, AssemblyLoader>();
for (int i = 0; i < assemblyCount; i++)
exportedAssemblyNames[i] = String.Intern(rdr.ReadString());
int typeCount = rdr.ReadInt32();
if (typeCount == 0 && references == null)
for (int j = 0; j < typeCount; j++)
int hash = rdr.ReadInt32();
List<int> assemblies;
if (!exports.TryGetValue(hash, out assemblies))
assemblies = new List<int>();
exports.Add(hash, assemblies);
if (references == null)
references = wildcardExports.ToArray();
AssemblyName[] refNames = assemblyLoader.Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies();
references = new string[refNames.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < references.Length; i++)
references[i] = refNames[i].FullName;
delegates = new AssemblyClassLoader[references.Length];
private void LazyInitExports()
if (delegates == null)
internal Assembly MainAssembly
return assemblyLoader.Assembly;
internal Assembly GetAssembly(TypeWrapper wrapper)
Debug.Assert(wrapper.GetClassLoader() == this);
while (wrapper.IsFakeNestedType)
wrapper = wrapper.DeclaringTypeWrapper;
return wrapper.TypeAsBaseType.Assembly;
internal override Type GetGenericTypeDefinition(string name)
// we only have to look in the main assembly, because only a .NET assembly can contain generic type definitions
// and it cannot be part of a multi assembly sharedclassloader group
Type type = assemblyLoader.Assembly.GetType(name);
if (type != null && type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
return type;
catch (FileLoadException x)
// this can only happen if the assembly was loaded in the ReflectionOnly
// context and the requested type references a type in another assembly
// that cannot be found in the ReflectionOnly context
// TODO figure out what other exceptions Assembly.GetType() can throw
Tracer.Info(Tracer.Runtime, x.Message);
return null;
private Assembly LoadAssemblyOrClearName(ref string name, bool exported)
if (name == null)
// previous load attemp failed
return null;
if (exported)
return StaticCompiler.LoadFile(this.MainAssembly.Location + "/../" + new AssemblyName(name).Name + ".dll");
return StaticCompiler.Load(name);
return Assembly.Load(name);
// cache failure by clearing out the name the caller uses
name = null;
// should we issue a warning error (in ikvmc)?
return null;
internal TypeWrapper DoLoad(string name)
TypeWrapper tw = assemblyLoader.DoLoad(name);
if (tw != null)
return RegisterInitiatingLoader(tw);
if (exports != null)
List<int> assemblies;
if (exports.TryGetValue(JVM.PersistableHash(name), out assemblies))
foreach (int index in assemblies)
AssemblyLoader loader = TryGetLoaderByIndex(index);
if (loader != null)
tw = loader.DoLoad(name);
if (tw != null)
return RegisterInitiatingLoader(tw);
return null;
internal string GetTypeNameAndType(Type type, out bool isJavaType)
return GetLoader(type.Assembly).GetTypeNameAndType(type, out isJavaType);
private AssemblyLoader TryGetLoaderByIndex(int index)
AssemblyLoader loader = exportedAssemblies[index];
if (loader == null)
Assembly asm = LoadAssemblyOrClearName(ref exportedAssemblyNames[index], true);
if (asm != null)
loader = exportedAssemblies[index] = GetLoaderForExportedAssembly(asm);
return loader;
internal List<Assembly> GetAllAvailableAssemblies()
List<Assembly> list = new List<Assembly>();
if (exportedAssemblies != null)
for (int i = 0; i < exportedAssemblies.Length; i++)
AssemblyLoader loader = TryGetLoaderByIndex(i);
if (loader != null && FromAssembly(loader.Assembly) == this)
return list;
private AssemblyLoader GetLoader(Assembly assembly)
if (assemblyLoader.Assembly == assembly)
return assemblyLoader;
return GetLoaderForExportedAssembly(assembly);
private AssemblyLoader GetLoaderForExportedAssembly(Assembly assembly)
AssemblyLoader loader;
lock (exportedLoaders)
exportedLoaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out loader);
if (loader == null)
loader = new AssemblyLoader(assembly);
lock (exportedLoaders)
AssemblyLoader existing;
if (exportedLoaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out existing))
// another thread beat us to it
loader = existing;
exportedLoaders.Add(assembly, loader);
return loader;
internal virtual TypeWrapper GetWrapperFromAssemblyType(Type type)
//Tracer.Info(Tracer.Runtime, "GetWrapperFromAssemblyType: {0}", type.FullName);
Debug.Assert(!type.Name.EndsWith("[]"), "!type.IsArray", type.FullName);
Debug.Assert(AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(type.Assembly) == this);
TypeWrapper wrapper = GetLoader(type.Assembly).CreateWrapperForAssemblyType(type);
if (wrapper != null)
if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
// in the case of "magic" implementation generic type instances we'll end up here as well,
// but then wrapper.GetClassLoader() will return this anyway
wrapper = wrapper.GetClassLoader().RegisterInitiatingLoader(wrapper);
wrapper = RegisterInitiatingLoader(wrapper);
if (wrapper.TypeAsTBD != type && (!wrapper.IsRemapped || wrapper.TypeAsBaseType != type))
// this really shouldn't happen, it means that we have two different types in our assembly that both
// have the same Java name
throw new FatalCompilerErrorException(Message.AssemblyContainsDuplicateClassNames, type.FullName, wrapper.TypeAsTBD.FullName, wrapper.Name, type.Assembly.FullName);
string msg = String.Format("\nType \"{0}\" and \"{1}\" both map to the same name \"{2}\".\n", type.FullName, wrapper.TypeAsTBD.FullName, wrapper.Name);
JVM.CriticalFailure(msg, null);
return wrapper;
return null;
protected override TypeWrapper LoadClassImpl(string name, bool throwClassNotFoundException)
TypeWrapper tw = DoLoad(name);
if (tw != null)
return tw;
if (hasCustomClassLoader)
return base.LoadClassImpl(name, throwClassNotFoundException);
tw = LoadGenericClass(name);
if (tw != null)
return tw;
return LoadReferenced(name);
internal TypeWrapper LoadReferenced(string name)
for (int i = 0; i < delegates.Length; i++)
if (delegates[i] == null)
Assembly asm = LoadAssemblyOrClearName(ref references[i], false);
if (asm != null)
delegates[i] = AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(asm);
if (delegates[i] != null)
TypeWrapper tw = delegates[i].DoLoad(name);
if (tw != null)
return tw;
if (!assemblyLoader.HasJavaModule)
return GetBootstrapClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedNameFast(name);
return null;
private static java.net.URL MakeResourceURL(Assembly asm, string name)
return null;
return new java.io.File(VirtualFileSystem.GetAssemblyResourcesPath(asm) + name).toURI().toURL();
internal IEnumerable<java.net.URL> FindResources(string name)
return GetResourcesImpl(name, this is BootstrapClassLoader);
internal IEnumerable<java.net.URL> GetResources(string name)
return GetResourcesImpl(name, true);
private IEnumerable<java.net.URL> GetResourcesImpl(string unmangledName, bool getFromDelegates)
if (ReflectUtil.IsDynamicAssembly(assemblyLoader.Assembly))
yield break;
java.util.Enumeration urls = assemblyLoader.FindResources(unmangledName);
while (urls.hasMoreElements())
yield return (java.net.URL)urls.nextElement();
string name = JVM.MangleResourceName(unmangledName);
if (assemblyLoader.Assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(name) != null)
yield return MakeResourceURL(assemblyLoader.Assembly, name);
if (exports != null)
List<int> assemblies;
if (exports.TryGetValue(JVM.PersistableHash(unmangledName), out assemblies))
foreach (int index in assemblies)
AssemblyLoader loader = exportedAssemblies[index];
if (loader == null)
Assembly asm = LoadAssemblyOrClearName(ref exportedAssemblyNames[index], true);
if (asm == null)
loader = exportedAssemblies[index] = GetLoaderForExportedAssembly(asm);
urls = loader.FindResources(unmangledName);
while (urls.hasMoreElements())
yield return (java.net.URL)urls.nextElement();
if (loader.Assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(name) != null)
yield return MakeResourceURL(loader.Assembly, name);
if (!getFromDelegates)
yield break;
for (int i = 0; i < delegates.Length; i++)
if (delegates[i] == null)
Assembly asm = LoadAssemblyOrClearName(ref references[i], false);
if (asm != null)
delegates[i] = AssemblyClassLoader.FromAssembly(asm);
if (delegates[i] != null)
foreach (java.net.URL url in delegates[i].FindResources(unmangledName))
yield return url;
if (!assemblyLoader.HasJavaModule)
foreach (java.net.URL url in GetBootstrapClassLoader().FindResources(unmangledName))
yield return url;
private void WaitInitializeJavaClassLoader()
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref initializerThread, Thread.CurrentThread, null);
if (initializerThread != null)
if (initializerThread == Thread.CurrentThread)
// We only publish the class loader from the outer most invocation, otherwise
// an invocation of getClassLoader in the static initializer or constructor
// of the custom class loader would result in prematurely publishing it.
if (--initializerRecursion == 0)
lock (this)
initializerThread = null;
lock (this)
while (initializerThread != null)
internal override object GetJavaClassLoader()
if (javaClassLoader == null)
return javaClassLoader;
internal virtual object GetProtectionDomain()
return null;
if (protectionDomain == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref protectionDomain, new java.security.ProtectionDomain(assemblyLoader.Assembly), null);
return protectionDomain;
protected override void CheckDefineClassAllowed(string className)
if (DoLoad(className) != null)
throw new LinkageError("duplicate class definition: " + className);
internal override TypeWrapper GetLoadedClass(string name)
TypeWrapper tw = base.GetLoadedClass(name);
return tw != null ? tw : DoLoad(name);
internal override bool InternalsVisibleToImpl(TypeWrapper wrapper, TypeWrapper friend)
ClassLoaderWrapper other = friend.GetClassLoader();
if (this == other)
return true;
AssemblyName otherName;
CompilerClassLoader ccl = other as CompilerClassLoader;
if (ccl == null)
return false;
otherName = ccl.GetAssemblyName();
AssemblyClassLoader acl = other as AssemblyClassLoader;
if (acl == null)
return false;
otherName = acl.GetAssembly(friend).GetName();
return GetLoader(GetAssembly(wrapper)).InternalsVisibleTo(otherName);
// this method should not be used with dynamic Java assemblies
internal static AssemblyClassLoader FromAssembly(Assembly assembly)
AssemblyClassLoader loader;
lock (assemblyClassLoaders)
assemblyClassLoaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out loader);
if (loader == null)
loader = Create(assembly);
lock (assemblyClassLoaders)
AssemblyClassLoader existing;
if (assemblyClassLoaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out existing))
// another thread won the race to create the class loader
loader = existing;
assemblyClassLoaders.Add(assembly, loader);
return loader;
private static AssemblyClassLoader Create(Assembly assembly)
// If the assembly is a part of a multi-assembly shared class loader,
// it will export the __<MainAssembly> type from the main assembly in the group.
Type forwarder = assembly.GetType("__<MainAssembly>");
if (forwarder != null)
Assembly mainAssembly = forwarder.Assembly;
if (mainAssembly != assembly)
return FromAssembly(mainAssembly);
if (JVM.CoreAssembly == null && CompilerClassLoader.IsCoreAssembly(assembly))
JVM.CoreAssembly = assembly;
if (assembly == JVM.CoreAssembly)
// This cast is necessary for ikvmc and a no-op for the runtime.
// Note that the cast cannot fail, because ikvmc will only return a non AssemblyClassLoader
// from GetBootstrapClassLoader() when compiling the core assembly and in that case JVM.CoreAssembly
// will be null.
return (AssemblyClassLoader)GetBootstrapClassLoader();
return new AssemblyClassLoader(assembly);
internal void AddDelegate(AssemblyClassLoader acl)
Array.Resize(ref delegates, delegates.Length + 1);
delegates[delegates.Length - 1] = acl;
private void InitializeJavaClassLoader()
Assembly assembly = assemblyLoader.Assembly;
Type customClassLoaderClass = null;
string assemblyName = assembly.FullName;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in customClassLoaderRedirects)
string asm = kv.Key;
// We only support matching on the assembly's simple name,
// because there appears to be no viable alternative.
// There is AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition()
// but it is completely broken.
if (assemblyName.StartsWith(asm + ","))
customClassLoaderClass = Type.GetType(kv.Value, true);
catch (Exception x)
Tracer.Error(Tracer.Runtime, "Unable to load custom class loader {0} specified in app.config for assembly {1}: {2}", kv.Value, assembly, x);
if (customClassLoaderClass == null)
object[] attribs = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomAssemblyClassLoaderAttribute), false);
if (attribs.Length == 1)
customClassLoaderClass = ((CustomAssemblyClassLoaderAttribute)attribs[0]).Type;
if (customClassLoaderClass != null)
if (!customClassLoaderClass.IsPublic && !customClassLoaderClass.Assembly.Equals(assembly))
throw new Exception("Type not accessible");
ConstructorInfo customClassLoaderCtor = customClassLoaderClass.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(Assembly) }, null);
if (customClassLoaderCtor == null)
throw new Exception("No constructor");
if (!customClassLoaderCtor.IsPublic && !customClassLoaderClass.Assembly.Equals(assembly))
customClassLoaderCtor = null;
throw new Exception("Constructor not accessible");
hasCustomClassLoader = true;
// NOTE we're creating an uninitialized instance of the custom class loader here, so that getClassLoader will return the proper object
// when it is called during the construction of the custom class loader later on. This still doesn't make it safe to use the custom
// class loader before it is constructed, but at least the object instance is available and should anyone cache it, they will get the
// right object to use later on.
// Note that creating the unitialized instance will (unfortunately) trigger the static initializer. The static initializer can
// trigger a call to getClassLoader(), which means we can end up here recursively.
java.lang.ClassLoader newJavaClassLoader = (java.lang.ClassLoader)GetUninitializedObject(customClassLoaderClass);
if (javaClassLoader == null) // check if we weren't invoked recursively and the nested invocation already did the work
javaClassLoader = newJavaClassLoader;
SetWrapperForClassLoader(javaClassLoader, this);
DoPrivileged(new CustomClassLoaderCtorCaller(customClassLoaderCtor, javaClassLoader, assembly));
Tracer.Info(Tracer.Runtime, "Created custom assembly class loader {0} for assembly {1}", customClassLoaderClass.FullName, assembly);
// we didn't initialize the object, so there is no need to finalize it
catch (Exception x)
Tracer.Error(Tracer.Runtime, "Unable to create custom assembly class loader {0} for {1}: {2}", customClassLoaderClass.FullName, assembly, x);
if (javaClassLoader == null)
javaClassLoader = (java.lang.ClassLoader)DoPrivileged(new CreateAssemblyClassLoader(assembly));
SetWrapperForClassLoader(javaClassLoader, this);
// separate method to avoid LinkDemand killing the caller
// and to bridge transparent -> critical boundary
private static object GetUninitializedObject(Type type)
return FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type);
private static void LoadCustomClassLoaderRedirects()
if (customClassLoaderRedirects == null)
Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string key in System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys)
const string prefix = "ikvm-classloader:";
if (key.StartsWith(prefix))
dict[key.Substring(prefix.Length)] = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(key);
catch (Exception x)
Tracer.Error(Tracer.Runtime, "Error while reading custom class loader redirects: {0}", x);
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref customClassLoaderRedirects, dict, null);
internal sealed class CreateAssemblyClassLoader : java.security.PrivilegedAction
private Assembly assembly;
internal CreateAssemblyClassLoader(Assembly assembly)
this.assembly = assembly;
public object run()
return new ikvm.runtime.AssemblyClassLoader(assembly, null);
private sealed class CustomClassLoaderCtorCaller : java.security.PrivilegedAction
private ConstructorInfo ctor;
private object classLoader;
private Assembly assembly;
internal CustomClassLoaderCtorCaller(ConstructorInfo ctor, object classLoader, Assembly assembly)
this.ctor = ctor;
this.classLoader = classLoader;
this.assembly = assembly;
public object run()
ctor.Invoke(classLoader, new object[] { assembly });
return null;
sealed class BootstrapClassLoader : AssemblyClassLoader
internal BootstrapClassLoader()
: base(JVM.CoreAssembly, new string[] {
typeof(object).Assembly.FullName, // mscorlib
typeof(System.Uri).Assembly.FullName // System
internal override TypeWrapper GetWrapperFromAssemblyType(Type type)
// we have to special case the fake types here
if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
TypeWrapper outer = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetWrapperFromType(type.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
foreach (TypeWrapper inner in outer.InnerClasses)
if (inner.TypeAsTBD == type)
return inner;
foreach (TypeWrapper inner2 in inner.InnerClasses)
if (inner2.TypeAsTBD == type)
return inner2;
return null;
return base.GetWrapperFromAssemblyType(type);
internal override object GetJavaClassLoader()
return null;
internal override object GetProtectionDomain()
return null;