[Gtk-sharp-list] gtkhtml with mono 0.91

Jeremiah McElroy jeremiah@facility9.com
Wed, 05 May 2004 12:29:06 -0400

Yes, my PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set to 

At this stage, I need to find libgal-2.0.so.6 and libgal-ally-2.0.so.6 
for Fedora Core 1.  Those are, as far as I can tell, the only 
dependencies of libgtkhtml-3.0.10 and libgtkhtml-devel-3.0.10 (not 
including other applications which depend on libgtkhtml itself).


Alvaro A. Ramirez wrote:

>did you try:
>export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig
>before configure?
>On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 10:13, Jeremiah McElroy wrote:
>>I'm attempting to build Gtk-Sharp 0.91 and have gtkhtml-sharp 3.0 
>>installed on my machine.  When I run "find / -iname *.pc | grpe -i html" 
>>I see the following output:
>>However, when I run ./configure in the gtk-sharp sourcedir, I see
>>* gtkhtml-sharp.dll: no
>>Is there anything that I should be doing, or have possibly missed, that 
>>can take care of this?
>>Gtk-sharp-list maillist  -  Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com
>Gtk-sharp-list maillist  -  Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com