[Mono-osx] Monomac appkit.cs

Miguel de Icaza miguel at novell.com
Thu Apr 22 09:43:19 EDT 2010

Hello James,

Here is a build-able copy of the NSTableview with the associated  classes

Some feedback on the file:

[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
> interface NSTableColumn {
>  [Export ("initWithIdentifier:")]
> IntPtr InitWithIdentifier (NSObject identifier);

All constructors need to become "IntPtr Constructor", the name of the
constructor is erased, that will become:

public NSTableColumn (NSObject identifier)

[Export ("headerCell")]
> NSObject HeaderCell { get; set; }

This should be an NSCell.

>  [Export ("dataCell")]
> NSObject DataCell { get; set; }

So is this.

//[Export ("sortDescriptorPrototype")]
> //NSSortDescriptor SortDescriptorPrototype { get; set; }

Could you also send your NSSortDescriptor?

> [Export ("resizingMask")]
> uint ResizingMask { get; set; }

We tend not to expose uint or ints for masks.   In this case, notice that
the docs point to the possible values:


You need to edit AppKit/Enums.cs to add the following:

public enum NSTableResizingMask {
   // The actual values.

Then replace the int or uint value with this enum.

[Export ("tableColumns")]
>  NSArray TableColumns ();

You need to lookup the actual type  of tableColumns in the documentation,
and make this strongly typed.  I looked this up and the array contains
NSTableColumn elements, so you have to change that to:

NSTableColumn [] TableColumns

[Export ("numberOfColumns")]
>  int NumberOfColumns ();

Per the framework design guidelines, rename this to  ColumnCount and make it
a property:

int ColumnCount { get; }

[Export ("numberOfRows")]
>  int NumberOfRows ();

same here:

    int RowCount { get;  }

[Export ("addTableColumn:")]
> void AddTableColumn (NSTableColumn tableColumn);
> [Export ("removeTableColumn:")]
> void RemoveTableColumn (NSTableColumn tableColumn);
> [Export ("moveColumn:toColumn:")]
> void MoveColumntoColumn (int oldIndex, int newIndex);

The identifier is a bad choice from the FDG perspective, use instead:

void MoveColumn

> [Export ("columnWithIdentifier:")]
> int ColumnWithIdentifier (NSObject identifier);

Since C# supports method overloads there is no need to distinguish
functionality based on the method name, so we need to group this and the
next one into the same method, I suggest FindColumn.

> [Export ("tableColumnWithIdentifier:")]
> NSTableColumn TableColumnWithIdentifier (NSObject identifier);

Per above, rename FindColumn.

[Export ("reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes:")]
>  void ReloadDataForRowIndexescolumnIndexes (NSIndexSet rowIndexes,
> NSIndexSet columnIndexes );

Notice that the name generated by the parser here is terrible.   The name
contains the second part of the selector, but C# has no need for it.

So this method should be renamed "ReloadData", it is just an overload that
is more specific than the general one.

> [Export ("editedColumn")]
>  int EditedColumn ();
> [Export ("editedRow")]
> int EditedRow ();
> [Export ("clickedColumn")]
> int ClickedColumn ();

> [Export ("clickedRow")]
> int ClickedRow ();

All those four need to become read-only properties.

>  [Export ("setIndicatorImage:inTableColumn:")]
> void SetIndicatorImageinTableColumn (NSImage anImage, NSTableColumn
> tableColumn);

Again: ugly identifier caused by the selector.   It shoudl become:

SetIndicatorImage (NSImage anImage, NSTableColumn inTableColumn)

> [Export ("indicatorImageInTableColumn:")]
> NSImage IndicatorImageInTableColumn (NSTableColumn tableColumn);

This should become GetIndicatorImage (...)

> [Export ("canDragRowsWithIndexes:atPoint:")]
> bool CanDragRowsWithIndexesatPoint (NSIndexSet rowIndexes, PointF
> mouseDownPoint );

Same, should become CanDragRows, the indexes: and atPoint: are not relevant
to the method name.

[Export ("setDraggingSourceOperationMask:forLocal:")]
> void SetDraggingSourceOperationMaskforLocal (NSDragOperation mask, bool
> isLocal );

Same, should become SetDraggingSourceOperationMask

> [Export ("setDropRow:dropOperation:")]
> void SetDropRowdropOperation (int row, NSTableViewDropOperation
> dropOperation);

Same, should become SetDropRowDropOperation

[Export ("selectAll:")]
> void SelectAll (NSObject sender);
> [Export ("deselectAll:")]
> void DeselectAll (NSObject sender);
> [Export ("selectColumnIndexes:byExtendingSelection:")]
> void SelectColumnIndexesbyExtendingSelection (NSIndexSet indexes, bool
> extend );

Same, should become SelectColumns (NSIndexSet columnIndexes, bool

Notice that we can make our parameter names more meaningful in the cases
where we drop parts of the method name.

C# 4.0 will take allow developers to take advantage of this, like this:

SelectColumns (columnIndexes = x, extendSelection  = true)

> [Export ("selectRowIndexes:byExtendingSelection:")]
> void SelectRowIndexesbyExtendingSelection (NSIndexSet indexes, bool extend
> );

Same, now: SelectRows

[Export ("selectedColumnIndexes")]
> NSIndexSet SelectedColumnIndexes ();

Should become a read-only property.

> [Export ("selectedRowIndexes")]
> NSIndexSet SelectedRowIndexes ();

Should become a read-only property.

> [Export ("selectedColumn")]
> int SelectedColumn ();
> [Export ("selectedRow")]
> int SelectedRow ();

Should become read-only properties.

> [Export ("numberOfSelectedColumns")]
> int NumberOfSelectedColumns ();

-> SelectedColumnCount

> [Export ("numberOfSelectedRows")]
> int NumberOfSelectedRows ();

-> SelectedRowCount

> [Export ("rectOfColumn:")]
> RectangleF RectOfColumn (int column);

-> RectForColumn

> [Export ("rectOfRow:")]
> RectangleF RectOfRow (int row);

-> RectOfRow.

[Export ("columnIndexesInRect:")]
> NSIndexSet ColumnIndexesInRect (RectangleF rect);

-> GetColumnIndexesInRect

[Export ("columnAtPoint:")]
int ColumnAtPoint (PointF point);

-> GetColumn (PointF atPoint)

[Export ("rowAtPoint:")]
> int RowAtPoint (PointF point);

-> GetRow (PointF atPoint)

> [Export ("frameOfCellAtColumn:row:")]
> RectangleF FrameOfCellAtColumnrow (int column, int row);

->GetCellFrame (int column, int row)

> [Export ("preparedCellAtColumn:row:")]
> NSCell PreparedCellAtColumnrow (int column, int row );

->GetCell (int column, int row)

[Export ("shouldFocusCell:atColumn:row:")]
> bool ShouldFocusCellatColumnrow (NSCell cell, int column, int row );

-> ShouldFocusCell

> [Export ("performClickOnCellAtColumn:row:")]
> void PerformClickOnCellAtColumnrow (int column, int row );

-> PerformClick

> [Export ("editColumn:row:withEvent:select:")]
> void EditColumnrowwithEventselect (int column, int row, NSEvent theEvent,
> bool select);

-> EditColumn

> [Export ("drawRow:clipRect:")]
> void DrawRowclipRect (int row, RectangleF clipRect);

-> DrawRow

> [Export ("highlightSelectionInClipRect:")]
> void HighlightSelectionInClipRect (RectangleF clipRect);

-> HighlightSelection (RectangleF inCliprect)

> [Export ("drawGridInClipRect:")]
> void DrawGridInClipRect (RectangleF clipRect);

-> DrawGrid

> [Export ("drawBackgroundInClipRect:")]
> void DrawBackgroundInClipRect (RectangleF clipRect );

-> DrawBackground

> //Detected properties
> [Export ("dataSource")][NullAllowed]
>  NSTableViewDataSource DataSource { get; set; }
> [Export ("delegate")][NullAllowed]
>  NSTableViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }

Apply the standard delegate transformation, make the above weakly typed
(replace return value with NSObject) rename it to "WeakDelegate"
and add a new:

[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSTableViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }

This is necessary to allow developers to set delegates in the Objective-C
style, when they out out of the strongly typed version that we offer.

At this point, you will want to read how to turn the Objective-C delegate
into C# events, you will need to decorate the interface with the
Events/Delegates property for this.

[Export ("gridStyleMask")]
>  uint GridStyleMask { get; set; }

Needs to become strongly typed, with an enum.

[Export ("sortDescriptors")]
>  NSArray SortDescriptors { get; set; }

The NSArray needs to become strongly typed, what are the elements of this?

The NSTableViewDelegate will need plenty of updates by sprinkling the proper
EventArgs on each method:

[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
> [Model]
>  interface NSTableViewDelegate {
> [Export ("tableView:willDispayCell:forTableColumn:row:")]
>  void TableViewwillDisplayCellforTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSObject cell, NSTableColumn tableColumn, int

In delegates, the first parameter is usually the sender, so the first part
of the selector name is useless, so we need to extract the actual meaning of
this method, which is "WillDisplayCell"

So that needs to become "WillDisplayCell"

The following return values, so in addition to the EventArgs that you need
to sprinkle, you need to look in the docs what is the default return value
if these methods are not implemented, and then do:

[DefaultValue (...)]

When no docs are available, we need to make an educated guess:

[Export ("tableView:shouldEditTableColumn:row:")]
>  bool TableViewshouldEditTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row);

-> ShouldEditTableColumn

In this case, the docs say nothing about what happens if the user does not
implement the method, so we are going to assume that the default should be
"no", so we do: DefaultValoue (false)

> [Export ("selectionShouldChangeInTableView:")]
>  bool SelectionShouldChangeInTableView (NSTableView tableView);

-> ShouldSelectionChange

[Export ("tableView:shouldSelectRow:")]
>  bool TableViewshouldSelectRow (NSTableView tableView, int row);

-> ShouldSelectRow

> [Export ("tableView:selectionIndexesForProposedSelection:")]
>  NSIndexSet TableViewselectionIndexesForProposedSelection (NSTableView
> tableView, NSIndexSet proposedSelectionIndexes);

-> GetSelectionIndexes

> [Export ("tableView:shouldSelectTableColumn:")]
>  bool TableViewshouldSelectTableColumn (NSTableView tableView,
> NSTableColumn tableColumn);

-> ShouldSelectTableColumn

> [Export ("tableView:mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn:")]
>  void TableViewmouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn (NSTableView tableView,
> NSTableColumn tableColumn);

-> MouseDown

[Export ("tableView:didClickTableColumn:")]
>  void TableViewdidClickTableColumn (NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn
> tableColumn);

-> DidClickTableColumn

[Export ("tableView:didDragTableColumn:")]
>  void TableViewdidDragTableColumn (NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn
> tableColumn);


> [Export ("tableView:heightOfRow:")]
> float TableViewheightOfRow (NSTableView tableView, int row );

-> GetRowHeight

> [Export ("tableView:typeSelectStringForTableColumn:row:")]
> string TableViewtypeSelectStringForTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row );

-> GetSelectString

> [Export ("tableView:nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow:toRow:forString:")]
> int TableViewnextTypeSelectMatchFromRowtoRowforString (NSTableView
> tableView, int startRow, int endRow, string

-> GetNextTypeSelectMatch

[Export ("tableView:shouldTypeSelectForEvent:withCurrentSearchString:")]
> bool TableViewshouldTypeSelectForEventwithCurrentSearchString (NSTableView
> tableView, NSEvent theEvent, string searchString );

-> ShouldTypeSelect

> [Export ("tableView:shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn:row:")]
> bool TableViewshouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumnrow (NSTableView
> tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row );

-> ShouldShowCellExpansion

> [Export ("tableView:shouldTrackCell:forTableColumn:row:")]
> bool TableViewshouldTrackCellforTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSCell cell, NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row

-> ShouldTrackCell

[Export ("tableView:dataCellForTableColumn:row:")]
> NSCell TableViewdataCellForTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row );

-> GetCell

> [Export ("tableView:isGroupRow:")]
> bool TableViewisGroupRow (NSTableView tableView, int row );

-> IsGroupRow

> [Export ("tableView:sizeToFitWidthOfColumn:")]
> float TableViewsizeToFitWidthOfColumn (NSTableView tableView, int column );

-> GetSizeToFitColumnWidth

> [Export ("tableView:shouldReorderColumn:toColumn:")]
> bool TableViewshouldReorderColumntoColumn (NSTableView tableView, int
> columnIndex, int newColumnIndex );

-> ShouldReorder

> [Export ("tableViewSelectionDidChange:")]
> void TableViewSelectionDidChange (NSNotification notification);

-> SelectionDidChange

> [Export ("tableViewColumnDidMove:")]
> void TableViewColumnDidMove (NSNotification notification);

-> ColumnDidMove

> [Export ("tableViewColumnDidResize:")]
> void TableViewColumnDidResize (NSNotification notification);

-> ColumnDidResize

[Export ("tableViewSelectionIsChanging:")]
> void TableViewSelectionIsChanging (NSNotification notification);

-> SelectionIsChanging

> [BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
> [Model]
>  interface NSTableViewDataSource {
> [Export ("numberOfRowsInTableView:")]
>  int NumberOfRowsInTableView (NSTableView tableView);

-> GetRowCount

> [Export ("tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:")]
>  NSObject TableViewobjectValueForTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row);

-> GetObjectValue

> [Export ("tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:")]
>  void TableViewsetObjectValueforTableColumnrow (NSTableView tableView,
> NSObject theObject, NSTableColumn tableColumn,

-> SetObjectValue

[Export ("tableView:sortDescriptorsDidChange:")]
>  void TableViewsortDescriptorsDidChange (NSTableView tableView, NSArray
> oldDescriptors );

-> SortDescriptorChanged

> [Export ("tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard:")]
>  bool TableViewwriteRowsWithIndexestoPasteboard (NSTableView tableView,
> NSIndexSet rowIndexes, NSPasteboard pboard );

-> WriteRows

[Export ("tableView:validateDrop:proposedRow:proposedDropOperation:")]
>  NSDragOperation TableViewvalidateDropproposedRowproposedDropOperation
> (NSTableView tableView, NSDraggingInfo info, int row,
> NSTableViewDropOperation dropOperation);

-> ValidateDrop

[Export ("tableView:acceptDrop:row:dropOperation:")]
> bool TableViewacceptDroprowdropOperation (NSTableView tableView,
> NSDraggingInfo info, int row, NSTableViewDropOperation dropOperation);

-> AcceptDrop

> [Export
> ("tableView:namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:forDraggedRowsWithIndexes:")]
> NSArray
> TableViewnamesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestinationforDraggedRowsWithIndexes
> (NSTableView tableView, NSUrl dropDestination, NSIndexSet indexSet );

-> FilesDropped

[BaseType (typeof (NSTextFieldCell))]
> interface NSTableHeaderCell {
>  [Export ("drawSortIndicatorWithFrame:inView:ascending:priority:")]
> void DrawSortIndicatorWithFrameinViewascendingpriority (RectangleF
> cellFrame, NSView controlView, bool ascending, int priority );

-> DrawSortIndicator

> [Export ("sortIndicatorRectForBounds:")]
> RectangleF SortIndicatorRectForBounds (RectangleF theRect );


[BaseType (typeof (NSView))]
> interface NSTableHeaderView {
> [Export ("draggedColumn")]
>  int DraggedColumn ();
> [Export ("draggedDistance")]
>  float DraggedDistance ();
> [Export ("resizedColumn")]
>  int ResizedColumn ();

Those three need to become read-only properties

> [Export ("headerRectOfColumn:")]
>  RectangleF HeaderRectOfColumn (int column);

-> GetHeaderRect

> [Export ("columnAtPoint:")]
>  int ColumnAtPoint (PointF point);

-> GetColumn

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