[mono-android] Packaging fails under Mono for Android 4.0

Andreia Gaita shana at xamarin.com
Tue Dec 6 10:29:40 EST 2011


Nevermind my previous email, the image was missing so I couldn't see it's
VS and the stacktrace


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Andreia Gaita <shana at xamarin.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is this VS or MD? The message might be showing up on the message log (MD)
> / build output (VS) windows, so you may be able to copy paste it. In any
> case, without an exception text it's hard to figure out what's wrong...
> andreia gaita
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Jens Boye Hansen <jbh at onlimited.dk> wrote:
>> Before upgrading to version 4.0 I was using 1.9.2, and that worked just
>> fine.
>> Anyhoo, the error and stacktrace I get is:
>> Packaging failed
>> Could not create the Android package. See exception for more details.
>> Yes, perhaps not nice adding a picture to an email, but I am not going to
>> write down all of that text..
>> Greetings,
>> Jens
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