[mono-android] How to Initialize text-to-speech for monodroid

Jonathan Pryor jonp at xamarin.com
Tue Dec 13 12:05:26 EST 2011

On Dec 13, 2011, at 11:01 AM, davthomas wrote:
> Thanks, care to explain. It may help in other java porting to monodroid to avoid similar problems

There was a bug in which parameters of collection types (ICollection, IList, IDictionary, ISet) would trigger a NullReferenceException if the parameter was null. For example, this fails:

	mTts.Speak(myText1, QueueMode.Add, null);

while this works:

	mTts.Speak(myText1, QueueMode.Add, new Dictionary<string, string>());

This will be fixed after the next release.

 - Jon

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