[mono-android] Mono for Android 4.0.1 Available

Steven Pack steven_john_pack at yahoo.com.au
Tue Dec 13 15:56:41 EST 2011

Good news!

Does that GC stability include a fix for the empty stack traces when mono

On 14/12/11 6:56 AM, "Jonathan Pryor" <jonp at xamarin.com> wrote:

>Good News Everyone!
>We are happy to announce a new version of Mono for Android is available!
>Some changes included in 4.0.1:
> - GC stability and assert fixes
> - Android Callable Wrapper fixes
> - Array creation fixes (removing the need for the
>TypeManager.RegisterInstance() workaround).
>Full release notes:
>	http://android.xamarin.com/Releases/Mono_for_Android_4/Release_4.0.1
>MonoDevelop and Visual Studio users should be prompted to upgrade next
>time they open MonoDevelop or open a Mono for Android project within
>Visual Studio.
>MonoDevelop users can also use Help > Check for Updates.
>Visual Studio users can also use Tools > Options > Mono for Android >
>Check Manually.
>Visual Studio users can also download and install
> You do not need to uninstall the previous version before upgrading.
>Happy hacking! 
> - Jon

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